#nutrition care process
mission-to-dietitian · 11 months
STATE OF SHOCK AND INJURY: A release of the catecholamine epinephrine suppresses response to insulin.
Basal metabolic rate increases 7% for every degree rise in fever.
OBESITY: Obesity starts at a BMI of 30kg/m^2 (3 classes of obesity. BMI of 40kg/m^2 or > is Class III obesity). There are 3,500 calories per pound of body fat, so start with a deficit of 500cal/day for weight loss of 1 pound per week.
Initial rapid weight loss is water weight, due to glycogen stores pulled out from the liver (for every gram of carbohydrate stored, 3g of H2O are stored w/it)
You cannot spot lose fat. Plateau (can't continue to lose weight) occurs because BMR has dropped in order to match loss of weight.
DEFICIENCIES: stomatitis due to riboflavin (B2) deficiency
PREGNANCY: Pregnancy-induced hypertension begins at 20th week. But sodium restriction NOT recommended as the intervention.
TUBE FEEDS: Deadly to feed into an ileus. Elemental formulas = more expensive.
4-hour hang time for open systems (concern for pathogenic activity/growth). 24-48 hours for closed systems.
Nasogastric tube for short-term enteral access (for those with NORMAL GI function who require nutrition support for 3-4 weeks). Bolus, intermittent, or continuous infusions.
Naso-duodenal OR naso-jejunal feeds for those unable to tolerate gastric tube feed (recall it is best to do gastric if possible to mimic body's natural eating functions).
Give 1cc of H2O per calorie ingested. Formulas that are 1 calorie per cc are 80-86% water.
Peripheral parenteral nutrition (AKA total parenteral nutrition/TPN -- LAST resort due to the fact that it is like foie gras to the body, with implications of liver issues developing) is via small surface veins, which is short-term nutrition support. Includes protein and fat (a 10% solution of intravenous fat provides 1.1 calories per cc. A 20% solution provides 2.0 calories per cc. Think about propofol, delivered in a fat medium).
Solutions have dextrose, which provides 3.4 cal/g.
# of calories from a volume of dextrose = mL provided × % dextrose × 3.4
PPN/TPN is used to achieve anabolism when patients cannot eat by mouth and you cannot do an enteral tube feed.
Long-term central access occurs via cephalic, subclavian, or internal jugular vein and feed ls into superior vena cava.
PPN/TPN concerns: Bacterial translocation because you are bypassing the gut, which would normally kill bacteria that is ingested per os. Bacteria can travel through bloodstream and lead to SEPSIS.
In TPN, protein is provided for anabolism at 1g of nitrogen for every 150 calories ingested. The percent concentration tells you # of grams of protein per in 100mL of TPN solution (a 3% solution provides 3g of protein in 100mL of TPN solution).
Glucose infusion rate for dextrose in TPN should not exceed 4-5mg/kg/min for hyperglycemia prevention.
Fat is added to prevent essential fatty acid deficiency.
Begin tapering TPN for EN slowly, when enteral feeds provide 1/3 to 1/2 of nutrient requirements. When 60% of needs can be tolerated enterally, discontinue TPN.
BEWARE OF REFEEDING SYNDROME (starved cells take up nutrients, shifting K+, phos, and magnesium into the cell, causing HYPOKALEMIA, HYPOPHOSPHATEMIA, and HYPOMAGNESEMIA).
Overfeeding dextrose can lead to hyperglycemia
Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) reflects current population needs.
Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) is goals for healthy individuals.
Estimated Average Requiremenr (EAR) assesses group nutritional adequacy.
Upper Limit (UL) offers guidance on safe upper limits for nutrients such as vitamins.
Dietary Guidelines made to prevent chronic disease. DG written by USDA and HHS. Community nutrition programs use Dietary Guidelines to develop their plans (variety in eating, nutrient density, serving sizes, limit calories from saturated fats and added sugars, reduce sodium intake.
Healthy Eating Index (by USDA) is a measure of overall diet quality. Measures how well we follow the recommendations.
My Plate (USDA) shows essential food groups. Recommendations: balancing calories, foods to increase in the diet, foods to reduce.
Healthy People Program (HHS) identifies broad goals and specific objectives for improving health of the public. Focuses on disease prevention by changing behaviours.
The three steps in planning programs:
1) Mission Statement - describes the philosophy of the program. Need/Problem Statement describes the current situation, who says it's a problem, and what will occur if nothing is done.
2) Goals - goals are statements of broad direction and general purpose. Determine which health problems have nutritional implications. Determine what the high risk groups are. Determine what the most critical needs are.
3) Objectives - must be measurable. Objectives are more specific and defined than goals. Include specific target dates for completing specific projects. Evaluate alternative strategies available using cost effectiveness analysis.
Budget controls and coordinates activities. Indicates how and at what rate money should be expended.
Public health departments derive a portion of their income from general revenue taxes. Federal, local, and foundation grants are other sources of income.
Intervention via community nutrition programs relates to the 3 domains of learning: Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor.
Enabling makes it easier for people to act. Use the 4 Ps of marketing: Product, Price, Place, Promotion.
A strategy which involves psychomotor learning is helping people develop the skills needed to make and sustain new habits (e.g. how to budget, how to find the services they need.
Monitoring and Evaluation = the 4th step in the Nutrition Care Process (NCP)
Nutrition care outcomes represent results that the practitioner and nutrition care impacted individually. They can be linked to nutrition intervention goals. They're measurable and occur in a reasonable time period. They are attributed to the nutrition care provided. They're logical stepping stones to other health care outcomes.
Nutrition care outcomes are distinct from other health care outcomes b/c they represent the nutrition practitioner's specific contribution to care. They are grouped into 4 categories:
1) Food and Nutrition Related History
2) Lab Data and Medical Tests
3) Anthropometrics
4) Nutrition-Focused Physical Findings
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vitalnourish · 3 months
What’s really in our food?
Recently, many people have been checking the ingredient lists of our food to determine if it is ultra-processed. We are able to see strange sounding ingredients on the back, but what exactly do they do to our food?
Let’s examine a proclaimed ‘healthy’ food, a gluten free KIND bar. Its ingredients include;
tapioca syrup, produced from tapioca starch that is used as a thickener, sweetener, and stabiliser. It has been linked to causing fatty liver disease.
vegetable glycerin, a sugar alcohol that is a byproduct of the soap and biodiesel industry. It can lead to nausea and diarrhoea.
palm kernel oil, made by the bleaching, deodorising and neutralising of crude palm oil. It increases levels of bad cholesterol.
Keep in mind that these effects are shown when the ingredients are eaten in excess, however 60%-90% of the average American diet are full of these foods (that are ultra processed). Learn your ingredients!
Dr. Chris van Tulleken
Learn - the whole truth. (n.d.). The Whole Truth Foods. https://thewholetruthfoods.com/learn
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hopeful-engineer · 6 months
People will talk about 'diet culture', 'diet industry' and how we need to 'stop giving food a moral value' and 'stop demonizing food', and while it's true, that food has no 'moral value', it's also true, that some kinds of food are bad for your health in long term. Eating a burger or pizza doesn't make you a bad person (honestly, idk why someone would even think it does?), but if you eat it too often, it will make your body feel worse. And don't forget, that 'processed food industry' also exists, and doesn't care about your health and wellbeing. It's goal is (obviously) to sell you as many of it's products as possible, so this 'eat whatever you want, whenever you want' narrative actually works to it's advantage. Food doesn't have a moral value, but it has a nutritional value and consuming huge amounts of sugar, carbohydrates and artificial flavors can make you feel better emotionally for a moment, but definetely won't make you feel better, both physically and emotionally, in the future.
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bebeautifulusa · 1 year
Tonic greens reviews (2023) - Is It Scam or Legit?
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What is TonicGreens ?
A ready-made greens shake called Tonic Greens is meant to assist both mental and overall physical wellbeing. It contains more than 50 unique vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other natural substances that support different facets of your health.
Use one scoop of Tonic Greens in a smoothie or add it to a bottle of water and shake to reap the many advantages of the healthiest fruits and vegetables.
Want to read more about Tonic Greens
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noor-family · 3 months
Rebuilding Live: A Mother's Plea for Hope and Safety in Gaza🙏♥️
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I'm Nour Alanqar, and reaching out to you during a time of unimaginable hardship. I am 26 years old, married to Ashraf Ismail, who is 32, and together we have three beautiful children: Hussein, 6, Rajaa, 5, and Youssef, just 10 months old. Our lives have been turned upside down by the devastating war in Gaza, and we desperately need your help.
• My daughter Rajaa is a radiant beam of sunshine, bringing boundless joy, warmth, and love to everyone she meets.
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On a dark night at the beginning of the war, our area was subjected to massive bombing. The explosions reached our home, forcing us to flee into the night, running amidst periodic explosions and searching for survival. We made our way to southern Gaza by morning, seeking refuge in Rafah.
•This is our home, filled with our memories and moments of joy and happiness, now reduced to rubble. Its destruction shattered our hearts.
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In Rafah, we found shelter in a crowded warehouse filled with strangers, all of us struggling to find basic necessities like food, water, safety, and cleanliness. Despite these challenges, we were again hit by direct bombardment. My husband was injured in the shoulder, and the scene around us was filled with blood and corpses. The cries of my children in those moments still echo in my head.
•A fragment of what it once was, and now, what it has become.
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We moved several times to places described as safe, only to face new tragedies. During this period, my precious daughter Raja contracted hepatitis, adding to our suffering.
It was incredibly difficult for me to endure these disasters, especially as I was in the process of giving birth. Youssef was deprived of proper breastfeeding and the necessary nutrition for his age. Hussein's right to education and a safe childhood have been cruelly taken from him.
•My baby Youssef, whom I clung to throughout the war, running with him through the rubble of shattered homes to escape.
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•At an age when Hussein should have been enjoying his childhood, all his rights were taken away from him.
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Our situation is dire, and we need your support to rebuild our lives and provide a future for our children. Your kindness and generosity can make a profound difference. Your contributions will help us secure safe shelter, access to medical care, and the basic necessities of life.
Please, consider helping us during this critical time. Every donation, no matter the size, brings us one step closer to safety, stability, and a chance to rebuild our lives.♥️🙏
Thank you
For vetted ♥️🙏🌷. @90-ghost 🌷🙏♥️
Vetted link 🖇️
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indopelita · 1 year
An In-Depth Guide to Assisting and Nurturing Your Family Members During Their Recovery
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When a relative becomes ill, it's only natural to want to give them the best possible care and support. Although hospitals and healthcare centers provide professional care, many people choose to recuperate in the familiar environment of their homes. In this in-depth guide, we'll discuss how to offer care and comfort for unwell relatives at home, addressing various aspects of home care, from establishing a comfortable setting to guaranteeing proper nutrition and cleanliness.
Evaluating the Circumstances
Before delving into home care specifics, it's crucial to evaluate the circumstances and determine the necessary care level. Take into account factors such as the illness's severity, the patient's age, and any pre-existing medical issues. Seek advice from a healthcare professional on whether home care is suitable and to create an appropriate care strategy.
Establishing a Cozy Environment
The first step in offering care and comfort for unwell relatives at home is to establish a cozy environment. Designate a specific area or room in the house for the patient to rest and recover. This space should be well-ventilated, clean, and free of distractions. Make sure the room is equipped with essential supplies like tissues, hand sanitizer, and a thermometer.
As you transition to bedding and furniture, choose comfortable, supportive items such as a high-quality mattress, pillows, and blankets. The patient should be able to rest comfortably without experiencing any discomfort or pain due to their bedding.
Managing Medications and Monitoring
Indopelita,. - Appropriate medication management is vital for the patient's recovery. Maintain a detailed record of all prescribed medications, including dosage instructions and potential side effects. Administer the medications as recommended by the healthcare provider and monitor the patient's response.
Additionally, it's essential to keep track of the patient's symptoms and overall progress. Check their temperature, blood pressure, and other vital signs regularly, and maintain a record of these readings. This information can be invaluable when discussing the patient's condition with healthcare professionals.
Emotional Support and Communication
Offering emotional support is a crucial aspect of caring for unwell relatives at home. Foster open communication, allowing the patient to express their feelings and concerns. Provide reassurance and empathy, and engage in soothing activities like watching movies, reading books, or playing games.
Furthermore, exercise patience and understanding. The recovery process can be emotionally challenging for both the patient and their caregivers. By remaining supportive and positive, you can help create a nurturing environment conducive to healing.
Providing Proper Nutrition and Hydration
A balanced diet and sufficient hydration play a crucial role in the recovery process. Prepare nutritious meals, focusing on easily digestible foods rich in essential nutrients. Incorporate a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats in the patient's diet.
In addition to proper nutrition, make sure the patient stays hydrated. Encourage them to drink plenty of water, herbal teas, and other hydrating fluids. Adequate hydration can help prevent complications such as dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.
Maintaining Good Hygiene
Preserving good hygiene is critical in preventing the spread of infections and promoting a healthy recovery. Frequently wash your hands, particularly before and after providing care for the patient. Wear gloves and a mask if necessary, and disinfect commonly touched surfaces in the patient's room regularly.
Additionally, encourage the patient to practice good personal hygiene. Assist them with activities such as bathing, brushing their teeth, and changing their clothes as needed. Keeping the patient clean and comfortable can significantly improve their overall well-being.
Encouraging Physical Activity and Mobility
Depending on the patient's condition, promoting light physical activity and mobility can contribute to their recovery process. Consult with the healthcare professional about the appropriate level of activity for the patient and develop a suitable plan. This may involve short walks, stretching exercises, or basic range-of-motion exercises.
Support the patient with their mobility needs, ensuring their safety and comfort. Use assistive equipment like canes, walkers, or wheelchairs if necessary. Regular, appropriate physical activity can help maintain muscle strength, enhance circulation, and elevate the patient's mood.
Addressing Symptoms and Discomfort
During the recovery process, the patient may experience various symptoms and discomforts, such as pain, nausea, or difficulty sleeping. Collaborate closely with the healthcare professional to devise strategies for managing these issues. This may include administering over-the-counter medications, using hot or cold packs, or implementing relaxation techniques.
Incorporate complementary therapies like massage, aromatherapy, or guided imagery if desired and approved by the healthcare provider. These approaches can help alleviate discomfort, promote relaxation, and improve the patient's overall well-being.
Seeking Assistance and Support
Caring for an unwell relative at home can be demanding and emotionally taxing. To prevent caregiver burnout, enlist the help of other family members, friends, or professional caregivers. Share responsibilities, such as preparing meals, administering medication, or providing emotional support. Having a support network can ease the burden on the primary caregiver and ensure that the patient receives the best possible care.
Identifying When to Seek Professional Help
It's crucial to recognize when the patient's condition necessitates professional medical attention. Closely monitor their symptoms and consult with the healthcare provider if their condition worsens or fails to improve. Be aware of warning signs that indicate the need for immediate medical intervention, such as difficulty breathing, severe pain, or significant changes in mental status.
In conclusion, offering care and comfort for unwell relatives at home involves a comprehensive approach, addressing various aspects of home care, from establishing a comfortable setting to ensuring proper nutrition and cleanliness. By following the guidelines outlined in this guide, you can support your loved ones during their recovery process, creating a nurturing, compassionate atmosphere in which they can heal. Remember to communicate openly, maintain a positive attitude, and seek professional help when necessary. With dedication and patience, you can make a significant difference in your loved one's recovery journey. Comfort and Care at Home, Unwell Relatives, In-Depth Guide, Recovery Process, Cozy Environment, Medication Management, Emotional Support, Proper Nutrition, Hydration, Good Hygiene, Physical Activity, Mobility, Addressing Symptoms, Discomfort, Assistance, Support, Professional Help.
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agirlwithglam · 4 months
🎀 The It Girl Lifestyle Guide 🎀
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hi girlies! this guide is a part of the big series: The Ultimate It-Girlism Guide. in this mini guide i'll be including all things health, morning/nighttime routines, and more!
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How to create your ideal morning / night / any other routine:
Here’s a mini step by step guide to curating a routine that works specifically for YOU, tailored to your own needs and wants. This can be for any routine u wanna create: morning, night, after school, after work, before school/ work, etc etc.
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Apps / things needed:
ChatGPT (or an AI like that- it’s not completely necessary but it’s useful)
Notes app / docs app. (Or a pen and paper- this will be to write down the routine!)
Calendar app (optional tbh)
Ok so first off: decide what you want in your routine. Make a list in no particular order of what you need/ want in the routine.
Some examples:
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Once you’ve created this list, you’re pretty much half way done. In this next part you can use chat GPT to make it easier, or use your own mind.
The next thing to do is: ask chatGPT to make a routine with the steps u wanted.
Make sure to mention what time your routine starts and ends. And if there’s anything you want to change, you can just ask the AI or make those changes yourself!
The last step is to write it down!
You can either write it down on the notes app, docs, on a journal/ piece of paper, anything that’s easily accessible to you. I heavily recommend writing it down somewhere, but if you dont want to you can…
Put it into your calander. This can help you be a bit more organised, but it’s not completely needed. As long as it’s written down somewhere- so you dont need to always remember it- you’re good.
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Health and wellness
In this section, i will be talking about fitness, mental health and physical health. I will mention some useful tips to finally start, how to overcome procrastination, and how to take care of that area of your body.
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Numero uno: fitness! I’m not going to go yapping on about how fitness is so important- im assuming you all know that by now. But let me just remind you that staying fit is not only exercising or going to the gym everyday. It can be: running, going for a walk, playing a sport, yoga, pilates, dancing, cycling, and THE LIST GOES ON. DO anything that moves your body and gets you fit!
Here are some tips to help you get started:
Start small. Set small goals first. Set SMART goals
Choose the activities you enjoy. Like i mentioned earlier, there’s tons of ways to stay fit- cycling, running, swimming, yoga, dance, sports, etc. etc. (if you like, joining a class or working out with friends can help you stay motivated!)
Stay consistent. I know i know, this is said everywhere. But there is no progress without consistency. Even if you can’t do a whole workout one day, try and do 10 jumping jacks, or 5 pushups. Do whatever you can. Remember: 1% is better than 0.
Create a vision board. You can create one yourself, or find tons of them off Pinterest. Vision boards will make the process so much more fun and will certainly motivate you.
Set a reward system. Tell yourself: if you do this high intensity workout now, you can go to the spa later or watch tv.
Find a why. This goes for like everything tbh. If your why is big enough, you are capable of doing anything (even finding that lost book that you owe the library!) basically, are you doing this to get ripped? With tons of abs, or to get strong and impress people? Or are you doing this to boost your self esteem and improve your health?
Balanced diet: eat the rainbow! Meaning- eat meals with a variety of different colours. Fruits, vegetables, proteins, carbohydrates, etc. it’s completely alright to eat a chocolate, but remember: EVERYTHING IN MODERATION.
Hydration: aim for at least 8 glasses of water a day. Trust me, drinking the magical potion that is water will help you SO much! It can help you clear your skin, have pink uncrusty lips, keep you fit and soooo much more.
Mindful eating: in the book IKIGAI it is said that you should only eat until you’re 80% full. Not 100%. Why? Because the time it takes for you to digest the food will have already made you extremely full. You may even have a stomachache. Studies also show that cutting back on calories can lead to better heart health, longevity, and weight loss.
Here are some tips to manage cravings:
Find healthier alternatives. If you are craving something sweet like chocolate, have something like a sweet fruit. If you crave something salty, try nuts. If you can’t think of any, search up some healthier alternatives to it!
Create more friction for junk, and less friction for healthy. This concept was said in the book Atomic Habits by James Clear. What does it mean? Make sure that it takes a lot of energy to get the unhealthy junk food. Maybe keep them high up in a cupboard so whenever you want it you have to go get a ladder, climb up, and then get it. And keep the healthy food in easy reach. Like some fruits open on a table, etc. (also remember to keep some actually yummy healthy food like Greek yogurt or protein bars.)
Distract yourself. Go do a workout or engage your mind in a hobby that you enjoy. Basically take your mind off food.
Yummy water. Make some lemonade for yourself. Or perhaps add slices of lemon, cucumber, mint or strawberries to it for some flavours. I’d do some research on this cus i know that some combos can rly help for things like clearing your skin, boosting energy, etc.
Taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health. It affects how we think, feel and act and also determines how we handle stress, relate to others, relationships, etc.
Of course there will be ups and downs for our mental health. It’s not something that you can just fix once and it’ll be good forever. No, it’s a rollercoaster. But having a “good” mental health is really important for a successful lifestyle.
Here are some tips to help you improve your mental health:
Meditation / deep breathing. I can’t emphasise how important this is. Even 1-2 minutes a day is good. Start small. You dont even need to be sitting crossed legged for this. Whether you’re in class, on a vehicle or in a stressful situation; just breathe. Take a deep breath, and out. Do it right now.
Journalling. Write. It. Out. Writing your problems and worries out is SOO therapeutic, especially when you want to calm down. There are SO MANY benefits to journalling. But remember that once you’ve ranted on the paper, tear it, rip it, and watch it burn. (Don’t keep a journal for this unless you KNOW 150% that no ones ever gonna read it. Trust me, it’s terrifying knowing that someone’s read that.) other things you can do is create a gratitude journal, so whenever you’re feeling low you can just go to it or write in it.
Self careee!! Create time for self care in your week. Because if you do that, it’s gonna be that one thing which you’ll be looking forward to each week, which will make life SO much more fun and bearable. For me, my forms of self care are watching thewizardliz or tam Kaur, reading, watching a movie at night, etc.
POSITIVE. SELF. TALK. Need i say more? What you say to yourself, is what you believe. And what you believe reflects in your external life.
Sing your heart out to Olivia Rodrigo. I swear this is actually so calming and therapeutic. Basically: express your feelings. If you’re angry at someone, feeling grief or really hurt by someone, screaming to Olivia Rodrigo songs in my bedroom is my go-to (i just make sure not to do it when others can here hehe). You can punch your pillow, scream, cry, etc.
Remember honey: this too will pass. Repeat that over in your head. This will pass. This will pass. This will pass. I know you may be going through the toughest time ever, but this too will pass. Nothing is forever. You’ve gotten through so much worse. You’ve got this.
!! Girls, please remember that these are just some tips. I am NOT a professional. If you really feel horrible every single day, go to therapy or counselling. Also contact mental health hotlines or emergency numbers if needed.
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Mkay thats it! I hope this was of some value to you, and stay tuned for the next guide in the it girl series!
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theambitiouswoman · 3 months
We have three brains: The head brain, the gut and the heart.
🧠 Head (Brain): This is where our logic, intellect, and conscious thought processes are centered. Despite its importance, 90% of our behavior is influenced by our unconscious mind.
How to take care:
🧠 Do activities that stimulate your brain, such as puzzles, reading, learning new skills, or practicing mindfulness meditation. These activities can help improve cognitive function and maintain brain health.
🧠 Healthy nutrition, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and managing stress are crucial for brain health. Physical health directly impacts your cognitive abilities and mental clarity.
🧠 Keep your brain active by learning new things regularly. This could involve hobbies, courses, or activities that challenge and stimulate your intellect.
🍽️  Gut: Often referred to as our "second brain," the gut produces a significant amount of serotonin, which plays a crucial role in mood regulation and overall emotional management.
How to take care:
🍽️  Eat a diet rich in fiber, fruits, vegetables, and probiotics (like yogurt or kefir) to promote a healthy gut microbiome. Avoid excessive sugar and processed foods.
🍽️  Drink plenty of water throughout the day to support digestion and overall gut function.
🍽️  Stress can negatively impact your gut health. Practice stress reduction techniques like deep breathing, yoga, or meditation to maintain a healthy gut-brain axis.
❤️ Heart: The heart has neural pathways that communicate with the brain, suggesting a bidirectional flow of information. This connection emphasizes the role of emotions, intuition, and feelings in our decision making and overall cognitive processes.
How to take care:
❤️ Maintain positive relationships, express your emotions constructively, and engage in activities that bring you happiness and fulfillment.
❤️ Regular exercise not only benefits the heart but also helps manage your emotions by releasing endorphins and reducing stress.
❤️ Take time for your self care activities that nurture your emotional and psychological health.
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organize your week like this to be closer to the best version of yourself
i interpret the process of becoming our best version as climbing a ladder, on each step, we learn something new that serves us, and the next we complement it with something new, and so on until we reach the end and after many small habits we have become that version we wanted to be. little by little we are learning and although sometimes it is complicated to climb because of the adversities that may arise we can always take up the path again and put into practice what we have learned. that said, today i want to share a method that i have created to organize our habits and thus fulfill them more effectively and feel motivated. in this post i will only present some examples, you have to apply it to your own situation and my recommendation is to start now even with small habits that will be the ones that will lead you to success. i recommend that you try it for this week and write down your results, if it has worked for you keep using this "organization method" and adding new habits or increasing its time.
organize by categories.
create groups to categorize the habits you want to implement in your life, for example like this (the habits are examples, use your own)
🌿 health (body and nutrition)
10 minutes of exercise every day
30 minutes of walking every day
drink a lot more water
start eating consciously
one self-care day a week, for example on friday. we can take this day more relaxed and take more care of ourselves, dedicate more time to our personal and mental care.
do massage with the quartz roller and gua sha
make an appointment for nails, hairdresser, spa, eyelashes or even go to a coffee shop with yourself.
use a face mask and hair mask
🌿 personal growth
read 10 pages a day
listen to personal growth podcasts or audiobooks (choose one and listen to it all week long)
choose an affirmation and write it down every day
record in a diary or an app your mood and what you did during the day.
create a to-do list of what you will do for the day (the night before)
choose a video of affirmations and listen to it every day at a time that suits you best
🌿 studies
study about what you are studying or training for.
dedicate e.g. 20-30 minutes each day to study or review.
study a new language, 15 minutes a day, 5 days a week.
🌿 hobbies
1 - 2 hours to what you enjoy doing (depends on the day and your schedule)
you can write down in a notebook the groups you want to choose for yourself and then the habits you are going to implement, even if they are very small, for example 5 minutes of daily exercise, that is a good start.
to stay focused and not fall into old habits we can also replace the old habits with new ones that we want to implement in this way.
old habit: too much time on instagram new habit: reading or listening to an audiobook while i take a walk. or even just 15 minutes of social media a day.
other examples:
drinking soda or alcoholic beverages > drinking a lot more water and starting to drink natural juices.
watch a lot of series on netflix (or any streaming platform) > read or listen to podcasts/audiobooks that nourish my mind.
overthinking, worrying > meditating for about 5 minutes
lying in bed without doing anything > organizing my room
think in negative > think about the things you would like to happen to you
other tips to connect with your best version
write in your diary how you would act, be and what habits your best version would have. this will give you clarity about what you want and you will feel closer to that because you will know how to act.
establish small habits to start with and take it as a kind of game or test during this week. don't push yourself too hard.
at times when you don't know how to act or react, think about how your best version would act and what it would do.
write down things you are proud of or would like to be proud of.
if you are easily distracted or do not know what to do at any given moment, set alarms to know what to do at that moment.
if you use social media a lot, set a limit of use.
choose habits that you know you will be able to do easily, that will make you gain confidence and little by little establish those habits in which you have procrastinated or which are more difficult for you.
think big, open yourself to the possibilities that life offers you every day and keep a positive attitude towards any situation.
apps i recommend: habit: it serves to keep track of your habits and also get organized, it's a kind of to-do list. daylio: you can record your mood, what you did during the day and your habits, it also allows you to write and add photos. it is very complete, it can be used as a digital diary. notion: to get organized.
duolingo: if you want to learn a language a few minutes a day will be enough. i learned a lot of grammar in english thanks to this, which works if you practice daily.
and as always my blog is about this and there will be many more related posts in addition to the existing ones, all to be our best version 🤍 in fact if you try it i would love to know your results.
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wanologic · 2 months
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Danny wakes up. It feels different now that he’s older. Now that he’s both more and less than he was. He starts mornings out floaty, his edges indistinct, bleeding into his surroundings. He’s hyper-aware of the tentative strings connecting him to life, the blood pumping sluggishly through his veins, the breath expanding the lungs within his chest. 
He yawns. A stretch.
His brain feels like an old computer booting up, each process coming online in a slow, methodical order. Neurons firing, electric pulses traveling up and down the webbed network of sinew tangled through his skeleton. He feels the pressure of atmosphere on his skin, the floor under his feet.
It’s weird. Not uncomfortable, just strange. It’s been years, but it’s never been easy to come to terms with the new awareness of his physicality, the control he could exert over its expression and shape. What once was instinctual, settled, now flows through his fingers like water, rising and falling with the rhythm of his chest. He would say that he’s just tired, that he’s never been a morning person, but the simmer of dawn and the infinite thrumming energy beneath his skin beg to differ.
He makes his way to the bathroom. He might have walked, but probably not, he can’t be sure. It doesn’t matter. There are only friends here. He’s safe. Home.
The routine of the morning is grounding. Always the same. Jazz says it should help. That it can all become instinctual again, through enough repetition. Danny isn’t so sure.
He takes his time putting together his outfit, picking accessories and being mindful of the way it all fits against him. His body might be a projection, something just to the left of real, but clothes are normal, socks, rings, a watch. He can feel normal like this. 
Another stretch. 
He wants to scream.
He makes his way down to the shared living space. He’s grateful that he’s not crammed into a tiny apartment with strangers, that he’s allowed both the time and space to be what he is. Sam’s parents may not be the most accommodating, but this is worth every glare and snide, underhanded comment he’s had to put up with for the better part of the past decade.
He knows what comes next, but his stomach rolls in his gut. He should have something solid, go through the remaining motions of self-care, even if it’s a bowl of cereal and a piece of fruit. 
He grimaces and grabs a less-than-pleasant nutritional shake from the fridge. They’re supposed to be back up, an addition-to rather than in-replacement-of, but it’s early and he can’t bring himself to care. He finds himself on the roof, with the chilled bite of the morning and the chalky pseudo-chocolate flavor of his breakfast on his tongue.
He longs to shed this husk, to leave the weight of his flesh behind and see what the sunrise looks like from ten thousand feet. But it’s a Tuesday and he has an 8am. He wants equally to be the college student he is, to sit with his peers and bring numbers to their algorithmic conclusions—to describe the world around him in a way that makes sense, in a way that’s objectively true. One day he might even be able to describe what happened to him in a neat little equation. 
He breathes in and out, feeling heavy in his body. This is nice too, he supposes. He shuts his eyes and feels the brunt of the morning sun peek over the neighboring apartment complex. When he hears his friends shuffling about in their own morning fugue states, he sinks back inside. 
Tucker just about jumps out of his skin when he turns around, eyes half closed, to see Danny dressed and ready, silent, and much too close behind him.
Laughter peels through the house as Danny is chased through the halls and somehow he feels human.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Top "Glow Up" Tips & Habits To Become The Best Version of Yourself
Prioritize the Holy Trinity: Nutrition, Movement, & Sleep. Following a whole-foods, plant-based diet with vegetables and/or fruit at every meal and limiting processed foods is one of the simplest ways to improve your overall health. Drink plenty of water, have any necessary supplements (like vitamin B12, vitamin D, omega 3s, etc.), and reduce your consumption of sugary, alcoholic, or caffeine-loaded beverages. Try to incorporate at least 30 minutes of walking and/or a simple 15-20 workout into your everyday routine. Make getting a full night's rest (usually 7-9 hours for most people) a non-negotiable in your life.
Practice Radical Self-Acceptance. Fully embrace your personal values. Get comfortable with your authentic desires. Define and set goals for yourself in every area of your life.
Nourish Your Body, Mind, and Spirit Consistently. Eat a healthful diet (enough food without overstuffing yourself), sleep and move enough throughout the day, and continue learning and educating yourself on current events, your industry/career field, art, culture, history, world languages, etc. Practice mindfulness and self-care activities. Honoring your sexual needs. Giving yourself at least one rest/reset day per week.
Cultivate Sustainable (and Personally-Fulfilling) Routines. Your sleep schedule, work/school schedule, workout schedule throughout the week, social and self-care time, date nights, time for your hobbies, errands, cleaning, and relaxation. Make appointments with yourself to empower you to fulfill all your daily tasks and activities to ensure you can work and play without burning yourself out in the process.
Set Boundaries. With your friends, family, work-life/professional network, romantic and sexual partners, and yourself. Understand your emotional, physical, and energetic limitations. Communicate them clearly, compassionately, and unapologetically. Cut toxic people out of your life. Avoid codependency like the plague. Nurture your healthy and supportive interdependent relationships regularly.
Learn What You Enjoy. Ensure To Incorporate These Products, Routines, and Relationships Into Your Day. It can be a piece of dark chocolate and a favorite T.V. show, a long evening phone call with a loved one, a hot bubble bath, or any other small luxury that gives you genuine pleasure and adds some necessary joy to your day.
Check In With Yourself Regularly. Pivot When Necessary. Self-improvement, goal setting, relationship building, and cultivating unshakeable self-love/life satisfaction takes time, experimentation, trial and error, and tons of self-reflection before you get it right in any area of your life. Be honest with yourself on what's work, what's not, where to remain consistent, and what areas of your life would benefit from a change.
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cannabiscomrade · 8 months
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I’m a chronically ill educator and I will be transitioning to long-term disability through the ASRS. While my application is processing, I will have to pay at least a month of COBRA benefits before I can get on Medicaid and ASRS retirement insurance.
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My COBRA benefits are $672/month. I rely on IV hydration, enteral nutrition, and thousands of dollars monthly in prescriptions costs to stay alive without insurance and cannot have a lapse in care. We will be scraping by to get the costs together until my disability application is processed, which could take a few weeks.
Cashapp: $forcewielder (message for PayPal or Venmo)
If you can’t donate, please boost, and consider following me on TikTok and Instagram @ paralyzedguts so I can hopefully work to monetize my content on those platforms. I post about disability activism and other forms of social justice, similar to this blog!
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sunflower-lilac42 · 2 months
𝟲𝟬𝟯 ; 𝘭𝘩43 ୨୧
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➪ summary: luke's main goal is to make sure y/n is taken care of, however it's hard for him to do it 603 miles away
➪ warnings: reader overworks herself, school, stress
➪ word count: 2.5k
➪ file type: fic - reupload
➪ sunny's notes: i’ve been in a like mood so i decided to get this one out tonight!! ill post a connor blurb tomorrow morning/afternoon and a nico fic tomorrow. more of a schedule release tomorrow probably for the next two weeks
© sunflower-lilac42 ; do not copy, repost, or translate my work and designs on any other website or here
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She expected this to happen, the pounding in her head, the 20 tabs open on her computer, the dozens of resource articles and research strewn about in her room, the five packets of review guides sitting in a stack on her desk, the half drank cup of coffee, and the tears springing in her eyes. The white noise coming from her earbuds was starting to bother her causing her to rip them out of her ears and throw them somewhere where she probably wouldn’t be able to find them again.
She could hear voices in the living room, just outside her closed bedroom door. They were laughing about something, what it was she had no idea. Her three roommates all had presentations tomorrow and that was it, no more studying, no more writing, they were done. She, however, still had three papers to write and two exams to take. She had regretted her decision to take this many classes this semester but she was preparing herself for her future.
She had gone to stand up, feeling dizzy immediately as her feet planted flat on the floor. She held a hand to the wall, bracing herself from toppling over. She blinked a few times, trying to clear the blurry sight of tears, dehydration, and lack of nutrition. She knew people would be worried about her if they were to see her like this, her hair matted and pulled into a bun as best as she could, and mascara dried on her face that highlighted the dark circles and bags under her eyes. She was wearing Luke’s sweatshirt, the Devils logo plastered over it in the center, mocking her, reminding her that her boyfriend was 603 miles away from her.
At the thought, she allowed herself to tear up more, letting tear after tear fall. There wasn’t much she could do, he was in the middle of a game right now. When she realized he had a game, she turned it on and watched with a soft smile whenever he would show up on the TV. Despite knowing the fact that he would not answer his phone, she called him, hoping to just hear his voice through his voicemail. 
When his voice reached her ears, she could feel some of the tension release from her body. However, the feeling was short-lived as the beep from the end of his voicemail was heard. She didn’t leave a message, she just hung up and watched the remainder of the second period. When the horn blarred in the arena and through the tv speakers, she shut off the screen and returned to work, making her head hurt more. 
She didn’t notice the multiple attempts Luke had made to call her, her phone having died 20 minutes prior when she was writing her essay. Her headphones laid atop her earbuds, trying to create a total noise blocker from her apartment’s noises. She had been ripping off post-it notes after post-it notes, scrambling to write down as many ideas as her brain could process. 
Meanwhile, Luke had been minorly, no majorly, freaking out. She would never call him if he was at a game, not even if it was super important. He could feel himself start to sweat again as he rushed to put his suit jacket on, wiggling his feet into his shoes. He had gone home by himself, not feeling the need to celebrate when his girl could be suffocating 603 miles away from him. 
Ever since they’ve known each other, Luke has known about y/n’s tendencies to throw herself into her school work. He remembers the first time he saw her during exam season. It was the end of their freshman fall term, they had been dating for four months at the time. They had just gotten back from their games in Ohio, he was exhausted from the trip and their 6-1 loss following their win the previous day. All he had wanted to do was go over to her dorm and lay in bed with her. 
ू ₒ ु ୨୧ ू ₒ ु
He knocked on the door, waiting for an answer but nothing came. He felt saddened and knocked again. He received the same answer, none. He turned around and slid down the wood door, hitting the ground with a thud. He put his hands on his head as he waited, kicking his bag to the side. It was only then he heard the footsteps come rushing down the hallway and looked up to see her. She had her backpack that looked as if it weighed 10 pounds, she was clutching five books in her arms and a coffee cup rested on top of them. She had been mumbling when she noticed him and her eyes lit up, “Hi!”
“Hi pretty girl, whatcha doing?”
He looked at the way her eyes were hidden by the circles underneath them and frowned. He reached out to grab the books from her grasp and she gratefully accepted the offer, going straight to dig the keys out of her bag, “How were the games? Did you guys win?”
He felt heartbroken and confused, she always watched his games when they went away. She would always be the one to point out his goal or an assist that he got, sometimes she even pointed out if Dylan, Mackie, Ethan, or even Owen got a goal. He watched as she pushed the door open, removing her hand from her side to run it through her hair, “You didn’t watch?”
She turned to him, dropping her bag on the ground and reaching out for her books, “No, I was studying. Sorry, Lu.”
Studying? At that time? He did nothing but let her take the books, watching as she started to clean up her dorm. It was only then that he had noticed the state her dorm was in. There were empty boxes scattering the floor, paper plates and bowls on any surface possible, and some of her clothes were mixed in with her roommate’s, it was a mess, to say the least. He made no effort to say anything about it, though. 
She cleaned as much as she could in a matter of five minutes, looking at him with a small smile on her face, “I’m sorry I didn’t watch. I was going to watch the highlights when I got back tonight.”
“Back from?”
“Library. I think I’m starting to become a regular for everyone who works there.”
The thought of her being a regular was somewhat concerning to him, “How often have you been going?”
His voice was a mixture of stern and worried, his eyes somewhat squinted in a glare. She looked as if she had committed a crime at the tone of his voice, “Every day… from the time class was over until they closed.”
His eyes widened, “Jesus y/n.”
“I’m sorry, I just wanted to study. I need to do well.”
“I understand that but you can’t work yourself to the brink of death.” He grabbed the coffee out of her hand and emptied it into the sink, getting rid of the cup afterward.
She whined at the motion, watching him in horror as if he just hit a bird with his car. He walked back over to her and placed his hands on her shoulders, “Tomorrow you are not going to touch a single book, I won’t even let you touch your computer.”
“Nuh-uh, nope. No computer, no books, no papers, no anything school-related. We are going to stay in your bed and watch movies all day and eat properly.”
“I eat properly!” She exclaimed in offense.
He gave her a look that said all the different, “Sure. Now I can only hope you still have some of my clothes here somewhere because I do not want to talk to my dorm right now.”
She pointed in embarrassment to one of her drawers, “In there.”
He kissed her forehead and grabbed the clothes before heading for the bathroom, “I’ll be back and I better not see you do any work when I get back.”
She nodded but as soon as he left she ran to her backpack and grabbed her computer. She rushed to finish the last two paragraphs of her essay before he got back but luck was not on her side as she was halfway through her last paragraph and the doorknob turned. She had been so focused on writing that she didn’t care that he entered, “Just let me finish my last paragraph.”
He sighed, dropping his clothes into her laundry basket. He walked back to her bed and looked at her, “Last paragraph?”
“Mhm.” She nodded and scooted over so Luke could sit next to her, “Fine. I don’t want you to lose your train of thought.”
She beamed up at him and kissed his cheek before returning to her work.
ू ₒ ु ୨୧ ू ₒ ु
Ever since then, he had been careful with how much he left her alone in exam season. He always called on road trips, always went to the library with her to make sure she didn’t overwork herself, always made sure she was eating properly, and always made sure that she was okay. But now being 603 miles it was hard to do that for her. 
Luke was packing a bag as fast as he could, looking at his laptop for the earliest flight out of there which wasn’t until early the next morning, leaving at 7 and not arriving until 9. Then he would have to wait to get a car and do a 30-minute drive to Ann Arbor. He groaned at the time and went to throw something, at that point he could drive there and be there before getting a plane but he was in no state to drive. 
He continued to try and call her for 30 minutes, on the brink of giving up at that point. Her phone was still dead and she had yet to realize it. She had music playing through her earbuds attached to her computer, typing about something that she considered stupid and unnecessary. She only took breaks to take a sip of coffee or to groan and throw her head back in exhaustion and frustration. 
Luke threw his phone on the bed, running his hands down his face, falling asleep not even five minutes later. Y/n was the same way, she closed her laptop as she finished her last sentence, finally allowing herself to take a break. She got up to go make a burrito in the kitchen, waving to her friends who were also still awake at the time. 
She went to turn her phone on and that was when she realized the lack of battery it had. She shrugged it off and put it down on her nightstand before walking back out to eat and finish watching the movie with her roommates.
She didn’t go to bed until almost three in the morning despite finishing the movie four hours ago. Once they finished, she looked at the piles of paper and study guides she still had to do and sighed. Deciding that her first class wasn’t until noon, she could easily get done with one or two study guides or an essay in three. 
She curled up on her bed when she was done and wrapped the blankets around her tightly. When she woke up and went to look at her phone and saw a tweet from Amanda from an hour ago, “Luke is not at morning practice due to personal reasons. Should expect him back for Saturday’s game in Columbus.”
She immediately woke up at the fact, looking back at her other notifications. There must’ve been at least a dozen missed calls from Luke and 15 text messages. She could only think about the worst, if he had gotten hurt but just didn’t want to tell someone, if he had been so drunk that he couldn’t think straight, if he had a panic attack last night. Her thoughts raced but halted when there was a knock on the door.
She went out to the living room, still clad in her sweats from the previous night. Her friends must’ve either already left or were still sleeping. She walked to the door, peeking through the peephole and gasping. She all but ripped the door open, “Lukey?”
He smiled when he saw her, immediately feeling better. Her eyes were still the same from the first time he had experienced her like this and he knew there would probably be a coffee pot brewing in the next few minutes, but he was here now and that was a wave of relief, “What are you doing here?”
“You weren’t answering my calls and I know you were studying last night so you probably wouldn’t have answered them anyway. But when I saw you called during the game I got worried because you never call. And I just wanted to make sure you were okay and that you weren’t overworking yourself but I can tell that you are.”
She frowned at his words but also felt butterflies in her stomach at the thought of him flying out just because he wanted to ensure she was okay. She stepped aside to let him in and then led him to her bedroom. It was cleaner than what he had witnessed in the past years.
“You can’t just fly out every time you think I’m overworking myself, Luke.”
“I know but I wasn’t thinking. I was worried, really worried.” He held her hand, playing with her fingers as a form of comfort, “How long were you up to last night?”
She hesitated before responding, “3…”
He only sighed and tugged her closer to the bed so they could lay down, “Luke I have class in two hours.”
“I know but just for a little bit, and then I’ll take you to class.”
“You still know you’re way around campus?”
“Did I ever know my way around campus?”
She shook her head and laughed, “No.”
He smiled at her laugh, “You do realize I’m only going to be allowing you to rest while I’m here right?”
“But I have one more essay to finish.”
He glared at her, “Fine, but after that, you are going to be right here, in my arms, and not thinking about school at all.”
“Deal.”He kissed her before allowing her to get up and get ready for class. They both walked on campus to her class with the same thought, grateful that Luke had come to see her. Even with being 603 miles away from each other, they would do anything to be there for one another.
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© sunflower-lilac42 ; do not copy, repost, or translate my work and designs on any other website or here
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h2llish · 4 months
Your requests say semi open and I don’t know if this would count as a headcanon or not so I’m just gonna go for it,, but I read a Vil fic from you and you mentioned how he knows his dorm mates appetites and makes them a meal plan or something similar. I don’t know if that’s canon or not cause I haven’t played that far into the game yet but what if the reader is new to their dorm so Vil tries to figure out their appetite and likes just to realize he’s never actually seen you eat before, even in the cafeteria (maybe just drinks or smoothies from time to time). Not that the reader has a disorder, just that they forgot to eat, is too lazy to, just doesn’t want to eat at that time, mainly eats at night or can just go long hours before feeling hungry. Now I have read your rules but I don’t know if this would count as any mental illness/disorder, so if it does then you can just ignore this and go on with your day. But if this doesn’t then could Vil lowkey observe (or ig just ask) the reader to figure them out or maybe even gain feelings while doing so? Again you can just ignore this if you’re uncomfortable with it but thank you anyways
notes ─── hello dear! it is actually canon that he creates routines and diets for his dormmates, it’s so sweet. anyways, sorry if this took too long but here you go! hope this is to your approval <3
VIL SCHOENHEIT ─── he does his best for all his dormmates, but you make it difficult. ♡ fluff mostly, gender neutral, mentions of not eating, lowercase intended, reader was in heartslabyul before they transferred, hints at feelings during the end
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vil liked to pride himself in his ability to help his dormmates become the best version of themselves. he was careful and observant ─ meticulous in how he created diets and routines that worked best for every person in his dorm. everyone had their own diet, their own skincare routine, it was different for everyone. vil would spend nights in his room or the commons, noting down what certain students could and couldn’t eat, adding in allergies and current medical status. he wanted everyone to be their best self and that started with a routine.
but not many knew about his late planning, how much effort he put into making sure his dormmates felt confident in who they were and were healthy while doing so. pomefiore dorm residents complained. vil didn’t often hear them but he knew, but he couldn’t be upset about it, they followed his advice either way ─ he didn’t care if they hated him in the process. 
everyone in his dorm had a routine, a diet, even the freshmen he had spent a few late nights working hard to create a fitting diet for. ─ well, everyone did, that is, until you, a junior recently transferred from heartslabyul, came to his dorm. vil did what he always did when it came to creating a diet for his dormmates. but after many nights of a lack of development in his notes about you, creating a diet for you proved, simply put, difficult. 
if vil hadn’t seen you bite into the occasional apple slices or drink a small smoothie every once in a while, he would almost be under the impression you didn’t eat at all ─ which is ridiculous, but one can’t blame him when he hardly sees you pick up food, even as you sit in the cafeteria, scrolling through your phone and sitting with trey and cater as they ate their own lunch. neither of them seemed fazed by your lack of lunch, hardly batting an eye when you joined them and began a conversation. even when you denied an apple from trey, they didn’t seem all that concerned.
vil can admit he was starting to grow concerned the longer he watched this lack of routine in your diet. this was not good for your health ─ not eating. although you didn't look to be lacking nutrition, that didn't do much to sway vil’s concern for one of pomefiore’s residents.
vil was not one to dwell, if he had a question then he would simply ask.
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that moment came after he had not seen you at dinner once more, despite you being one of the four in charge of dinner duty that night. ─ he asked the three dorm residents who were on cooking duty with you, and they shrugged, commenting that you said you “just weren’t all that hungry”. a repeating response you often give around breakfast and dinner time. ─ and vil thought it to be a good time to voice his concern with your lack of eating, so he began his way to your room.
“housewarden?” you asked with a bit of surprise, blinking at the actor who had just knocked on your door. you narrowed your eyes with confusion, and a little bit of concern, wondering if you had done something wrong, or if you had forgotten something. “is everything alright?”
vil nodded, quickly cutting to the chase of his visit before you could ask any more questions, “i have a concern, so if you could answer me truthfully, it would be appreciated.”
you blinked at him again, confusion visible in your expression as you repeated his words, “a concern?” you scratched your cheek awkwardly, releasing the hold you had on your bedroom door after opening it to his knocking before. “okay, sure.”
“[name],” he said your name rather sternly, “have you been eating properly?”
you let out a noise that sounded almost like a huh. you half expected this concern to be about your grades or school conduct (not that either were a cause for concern. you think). but to hear him ask about eating habits ─ wait, did he learn about the late nights you would sneak into the kitchen to make you food? you thought you were being careful! did rook find out? that hat wearing vice housewarden did always seem to know everything but would he snitch on you if he discovered your secret? trey was always more lenient back in heartslabyul, even when he would stumble upon you casually cooking a grilled cheese in the dark. perhaps you shouldn't have assumed rook would be the same (but trey also said he'd probably stay quiet if he did find you.)
“what do you mean?” you asked, hoping you weren't about to get in trouble for your late night snacking (snacking would really be an understatement, sometimes you'd cook yourself a complete meal).
“you’ve only been here for two weeks and yet you've skipped every breakfast and dinner, always with the same excuse.” he explained, to which you pursed your lips. “you also don't eat lunch, to my knowledge, even when you sit with your old dormmates. so, i ask again, are you eating properly?”
you were surprised, effectively caught off guard by your new housewardens confrontation. ─ “ah, shit.” you gasped, covering your mouth after the slip of the tongue, “i’m so sorry, housewarden.”
but vil didn't seem to bat an eye at your words, “if you struggle with food─.”
“it’s not like that!” you quickly interrupted him, before scrambling to apologize for doing so, “i’m sorry, but that's not it all.” 
your words gained you a look from vil that clearly held the question “then what is it?”. you sighed and your shoulders slumped ─ you never quite liked explaining your odd eating habits (or lack-there-of), because no one ever understood and always told you, you needed to stop. but it's not your fault!
but vil showed a concern, and you didn't want your eating habits to be mistaken for something more. ─ so you broke into a ramble of an explanation. 
“i do eat! swear., i actually think i eat pretty well!” you looked at your housewarden with an almost awkward grin, hoping that would be the end of it. but when that didn't seem to be a satisfactory answer for vil, you sighed and crossed your arms, and found yourself continuing into a familiar explanation.
"i don’t have a problem with eating. I’m just not usually hungry in the mornings so i just don't eat. but i do make myself food to have between my classes. but then i’m not hungry by lunch so i don't eat. and about dinner, i know i skip it, but i eat, just well, when everyone is asleep.” you scratched your cheek again, almost smiling embarrassingly as you added, “and uhm, well, sometimes, y’know, i forget.”
vil was silent for a moment, nodding slowly, “i see. i’m relieved to know you do eat.” you nodded and smiled at your new housewarden, but that smile faded when he looked back at you with a stern glare, “but, we do need to talk about this. it isn't very healthy.”
you frowned, “we do?”
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vil was relieved to know you did eat ─ although you lacked a routine, you at least weren't unhealthy by going without food. but he certainly didn't enjoy finding out that there were moments eating simply crossed your mind, and you went without doing so. nor was he happy when he learned you would spend nights sneaking around the dorm to cook yourself something to eat or take something from the fridge to quickly snack on.
with the news of your rather not-so-ideal eating habits, he brought up helping you create a proper routine (and with it, a healthy, more steady diet), offering to create a process that would help you build one slowly, to your own rhythm. 
and you did agree, although, maybe with some hesitance. ─ you have tried giving yourself a routine, knowing that your habits weren't so ideal (especially forgetting to eat until the clock struck two and you were hit by the empty grumble of your stomach). but you ultimately, always failed. 
and so that's how you found yourself with a written schedule, one that explained your choice breakfast. a choice to eat between classes so that you will at least have energy to eat lunch, as well as dinner choices if you don't eat what was made. none of them were extreme, you noticed ─ vil had truly taken into account everything you told him. ─ your lack of appetite in the morning being one.
“good morning, [name].” you were greeted by the actor upon entering the dining room of pomefiore, many of your fellow dorm residents already sitting at the table. “will you be joining us? there's apples and other fruits on the table.” ─ and on the table there was a bowl of selections between fruits, something small but food nonetheless. 
“oh, sure!” you smiled, following your housewarden as he led you to the others. ─ a first small step to the beginning of a routine.
it was not easy to get used to a new routine, one that changed with your progress. ─ two weeks in, you did sit with your dormmates at breakfast, but always chose to eat a fruit or something else that was small (and vil approved). you still lack an appetite in the morning, and you doubted that would change. and then there was lunch ─ there were times you didn't eat, simply forgetting to grab a lunch as you greeted your friends. and then come dinner time, it was similar to lunch, forgetting and moving on to your room to study or entertain yourself until vil came to get you with a sigh.
but vil seemed to understand, even offering to remind you if it ever seemed like you were going to forget to eat again. 
this all inevitably led to more time spent with your housewarden ─ more than you had ever spent with riddle back in heartslabyul. and you learned about vil much like he learned about you.
vil schoenheit was a man who enjoyed routine in terms of skin and diets ─ he wanted the best for those around them. he was concerned for you and your eating habits (or perhaps rather, lack of), so he did his best to help you ─ to help you make a healthier, less worrying habit of diet. 
vil paused, turning away from rook, who he was just conversing with to face the familiar voice. you waved and smiled at vil and and pomefiore’s vice housewarden as you approached, just before stopping in front of them. 
“hello, [name].” vil greeted.
“are you guys going to the cafeteria?” a nod from vil only kept your grin on your face, “mind if i join you guys?” 
vil looked back at his friend, who obviously held no objections to the new addition to their duo, smiling an all too familiar smile. he turned back to you with another nod, “not at all.”
“great!” you almost skipped alongside him as the three of you set out for the cafeteria, with you and rook breaking into easy conversation.
you eventually turned away from the hat wearing eccentric and towards your housewarden, humming, “say, have you heard what the ghosts will be be having today?” 
“a most favored sandwhich is on the menu!” rook answered for vil, and you turned to him, blinking. “but i fear we may be too late to get one of our own.”
“awe,” you sighed, “that’s too bad, i kinda wanted a sandwich for lunch today. maybe they'll have other choices.” 
vil looked at you after your comment, and smiled, “you’ll be eating lunch today, [name]?”
“yeah! a sandwich, probably. what do you think?” you looked at vil with a smile that didn't hide your own pride in yourself. you were happy to have found an appetite for lunch, (and remembered too!).
“that's good. i’m sure they'll have good choices to choose from. they often do.” vil nodded, and you lit up at the praise in his words ─ and vil was proud, glad you were finally going to eat something that wasn't just a smoothie and an apple. ─ you were making progress.
perhaps he'll have a sandwich as well.
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this was fun and relatable. i forget to eat or just don't eat at a time one would think you should. or just lack an appetite. i need vil </3
sorry if there's any mistakes. i proofread this late at night.
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do not repost, translate, copy or run my writing through an ai
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chiharuuu22 · 9 months
During the healing process, Whumpee needed many things, both for physical and mental healing. What are they?
Rest. Of course. There is no need to explain anymore. A good rest would restore Whumpee's body and mind after all his stress and suffering.
Calmness. From the environment and the people around Whumpee. Apart from the hospital, an isolation house far from the hustle and bustle of the chaotic city would be a good place to support Whumpee's recovery. Maybe a Caretaker's house would be better.
Medical. Medication is consumed to support healing (antibiotics, vitamins, painkillers, etc.). Medical equipment was used during the treatment and healing period. Professional medical personnel will care for Whumpee until he is completely healed.
Foods high in nutrition. Of course, it's easy to digest. Healthy food usually doesn't taste good, but it's the Caretaker's job to make the food able to whet Whumpee's appetite.
Water. There is no need to ask. Hydration is very important for Whumpee's body as it recovers.
Snack. Taking medicine every day definitely makes Whumpee bored. A little snack will help. The cookies, candy, or chocolate that Whumpee eats after swallowing the bitter medicine will make him smile.
Fresh air and morning sunshine. Many people say that fresh air and morning sunlight are also good medicine for recovery. Taking a breath and basking in the cool of the morning would be great for Whumpee.
Clean clothes. Replace every two times a day.
Bathe. Bathing in the morning and evening makes the body fresh and clean. Maybe at first, Caretaker won't immediately pour water but will wipe Whumpee's body with soapy water.
Straighten hair. Maybe cut it when Whumpee starts to get better. Apart from making it look fresher, Whumpee will also feel comfortable.
Comfort items. Plusies, stuffed animals, pillows, blankets, photos, scent, or anything else that can keep Whumpee calm and comfortable during the recovery period.
A change of scenery during recovery will also be helpful. Occasionally moving Whumpee to the living room, sitting him in the dining room, accompanying him on the terrace, or taking him to sit on the grass in the garden will make Whumpee feel better.
Light and pleasant conversation. Don't expect to be able to interrogate Whumpee during the recovery period if you don't want to be shouted at by Caretaker.
Touch. Whumpee is definitely touch-starved. A holding hand, a caress on the cheek, a stroking of the hair, a light kiss on the forehead, a hug, or a backrest when sitting will be what Whumpee really needs.
Calming sentences. Simple sentences that make Whumpee feel safe, such as "It's okay, you're safe", "I'm here", "no one will hurt you anymore", "I will take care of you", "it was just a dream, it's all over", "just rest, don't think about anything", "go to sleep, I'll be here when you wake up", "you did a good job", "I'm proud of you", "thank you for coming back to me," "I'm happy you are here," "I love you," and others.
Caretaker. There is no need to ask. Caretaker is the "medicine" that Whumpee needs most for his healing.
Anything you want to add?
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discountscholar · 1 month
simple ways to take care of your mental health as a student-
1. make a realistic schedule for yourself. it’s okay if you can’t follow it every day. even if you’re able to go through with it for some days a week, that’s progress!
2. journal. if you’re someone who struggles with an almost uncontrollable stream of racing thoughts, journaling can help you slow down and sit with them. it also gives you a chance to reflect on all the feelings that these thoughts give rise to and provides cathartic value.
3. nature time! if you have access to safe, open, green spaces, it can help boost your mental health if you spend time there. in a world where we invest a lot of our time behind screens, it gives us respite from the artificial surroundings and helps ground us.
4. hydration. our physical health is very heavily related to our mental health. you need to take care of your body in order to feel mentally okay as well. stay on top of your hydration game because being dehydrated impacts your moods and cognitive processes negatively.
5. nutritious food. try having as many nutritious meals as you can. a lot of times poor mental health outcomes are linked to nutritional deficiencies. (i’ve linked a cool study for you to check out).
6. sleeping an adequate number of hours. we all have different bodies and consequently, the number of sleep hours we need per night differs from person to person. but on an average, we need 6-8 hours of sleep in one go at night. please try to figure out how many hours of sleep during the night allows you to function well and have a pleasant mood. then try getting it on as many nights as possible! also, try establishing a good sleep hygiene for improved sleep quality.
7. appropriate socialisation. i know, some of us may be scared or overwhelmed when we socialise with others, but we need it in certain amounts. being isolated can make you grow lonely. if you socialise a little bit regularly- text/call a friend/family member, meet up with them occasionally, etc. it positively impacts your daily moods.
8. seeking professional help when you need it. there’s nothing wrong in reaching out to a mental health professional (psychologist, psychiatrist, counselor, etc.) in case you feel that you require support beyond what those around you can provide or if nothing is working out for you.
i hope these help! please take very good care of yourself. nothing is worth your mental health 🩷
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