#little pied bat
loveisinthebat · 7 months
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i adore your art!! have you drawn the humble chalinolobus picatus??
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Hi anon! Sorry it took me two months to draw this, thank you for the kindness, enjoy this Little pied bat!
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stsgooo · 10 months
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✩࿐ summary: maomao notices that the eunuch's behavior is odd recently. she's set on discovering the root of the cause.
warning(s): idiots in love, slight angst, mentions of bullying, fluffy, maomao pov. wc; 3.1k
pairing(s): jinshi/fem!reader
a/n: binge watched all of tad last night and wanted to write smth for jinshi just because i have my weaknesses. i don't know exactly what this is except random rambles. anywayyy, i haven't read the manga yet so please no spoilers :3
m.list ao3
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THERE'S VARIOUS THINGS THAT MAOMAO SIMPLY DOESN'T CARE FOR. The uncomfortable mornings where it's too chilly, the work she catches after one of the servants loves her ideas, and idle chatter that comes with silence. However, the thing she doesn't care for the most is when Eunuch Jinshi decides to make his random and surprise appearances.
It usually brought trouble and a headache for her. His smiles and violet eyes staring into her very soul. She never looked forward to them as it always accompanied some random job in another part of the palace she simple didn't like. Or he would ask of her some impossible task that not even the gods could grant him. Maomao could do without Jinshi's behavior.
However, she could easily recognize when he wasn't acting himself. On this day particularly, she was especially aware of Jinshi's lack of excitement.
She was called and pulled aside from her duty's in the Jade Pavilion to report to Jinshi's quarters. She was quick and made little pause in her stride over. A simple routine that they both silently agreed to. He would call and she would make her way over as quickly as possible.
It was when she arrived, she realized things were not to routine.
Jinshi was laying face flat against his desk, unmoving except for his breathing. Usually, he'd be sat up, smirk on his lips, and his legs crossed as he regarded her smugly. But now, it was like she wasn't even in the room as he made small groaning sounds of disdain, his fingers tangled into his tresses as he gripped his scalp.
He was definitely not acting like himself from the bat.
"Xiaomao, thank you for coming on such short notice." Gaoshun greeted her with a small bow, offering her a sympathetic glance as he turned his attention to Jinshi. "Jinshi-sama had a matter he'd like you to take care of."
Maomao raised her eyebrows, eyes cutting back to Jinshi who remained unmoved. Is he going to present the matter himself? She thought, watching as Gaoshun inched closer, nudging the younger man's shoulder with his elbow. He seems quite the mess.
"Apothecary," Jinshi's voice was muffled as he spoke, his head still tucked into his arms. Maomao looked to Gaoshun who just sighed heavily, ducking his head. "A servant from the Garnet Pavilion has fallen ill, I'd like for you to help her feel better."
"What's her symptoms?" Maomao asked, eyes watching the pathetic man flatly.
He tensed, his head moving to peek at her from between his arms. "I fear this is more a matter of the mind."
She frowned. "I can't cure the mind, Jinshi-sama."
He finally pushed himself to sit up, an indignant pout on his lips. "I thought you could do anything." He retorted smartly.
"I never said that."
Honestly, this man asked too much of her too quickly. It was enough that he asked her to solve murders of high ranking military officials, but it felt a little much to ask her to cure some girl's mental ailments. A random girl who had probably contributed to the near death of Lady Lihua at that. Maomao already felt a vague frustration fill her at the thought. Maybe it was one of the girls she had the pleasure intimidating.
She was going to decline when she spotted the look in his eyes. Not the flirtatious or rather perverted glint it usually had, but a desperate one.
"Can you at least try?" He almost sounded defeated, his shoulders hunched and eye bags heavy.
Maomao still felt the overwhelming urge to give him a hard time. "Try what, exactly?"
He released a frustrated grumble, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. "Maybe lend an ear, or offer some type of comfort? Anything that will possibly ease her nerves." He waved a flippant hand around, eyebrows knitted together. "It's making me wo... it's making Lady Lihua unsettled."
Maomao couldn't help the interest that came with his unspoken words. He was worried? It wasn't uncommon, nor did it seem that he would hide his concern for others. But the mere fact that he had corrected himself and tried to cover it up, piqued her curiosity and interest.
Either way, she had no choice.
Maomao tucked her hands into her sleeves, bowing. "I can make an attempt. Now, if you'll excuse me." She turned away, barely missing Jinshi's hopeful and beaming expression. She was about to exit when she happened to glance towards the sitting area, where a tea set sat, broken and contents seeping into the floor. Her eyebrows raised. "You'll carpet is going to stain."
She paid no mind to the loud groan and thud of Jinshi's head as she exited.
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It took Maomao a while to find the girl that had Jinshi worried and she had learned quite a bit about the worrisome girl while on her search.
She had been in the palace for a long time, since she was a young child. Her work had mostly consisted of cleaning clothes and mending. Until she had caught the attention of Lady Lihua a few months ago while she was in recovery. Supposedly, she had started to bring an arrangement of flowers whenever she brought clothes. The kindness hadn't gone unnoticed. She had supposedly been accepted into Lady Lihua's personal servants. Much to the chagrin of the other servants.
It didn't take a genius to detect the disdain and disgust in the servants voices when Maomao had inquired about her.
She talks to herself more than anyone else, stated one with an eyeroll.
Her routine is more important than Lady Lihua's wishes. Our poor lady. Mourned another.
She's so on edge, it's really easy to get her worked up. It's not our fault if she breaks something. Snapped another.
General consensus, this servant was a problem.
However, it was what Lady Lihua said herself that caught Maomao's attention.
She had stumbled across the concubine during her search, the woman flanked by two of her servants. She looked to enjoying a pleasant day and appeared slightly happy to see Maomao, going as far to inquire what she was doing over in her pavilion. When Maomao informed her of her task, she was interested to see the small pinch between her brow.
Ah, Y/N, I haven't seen her much today. I sent her to help with mending clothes. She's kind, just... I hope.... Well, I hope you can find her and bring her back. Lady Lihua offered little else to guide Maomao, but she could see the vague concern, the worry in the woman's eyes. She also saw that disgust in her companions eyes.
Who exactly was this servant?
Maomao found herself in the washing area. It was mostly silent, most of the girls either having dinner, or in bed. She made her way to the back where one of the few stragglers sat alone, sniffling as she scrubbed away at a stained robe...
A robe that looked oddly similar to Jinshi's.
In all honesty, she wasn't sure how to approach this. As she spotted the red shamed cheeks and the tears that silently and boldly made their way down the woman's cheeks, Maomao usually had something psychical to cure. An aliment that weighed heavily on their health, that was life or death. She could make a medicine for that. A drink, a food, a cream-- something that would satisfy the monster resting in someone's body.
The mind, though, the mind simply was a territory that Maomao never touched. Much too difficult, much too complicated, it was unknown territory. She couldn't see things from their point of view.
Just try lending an ear.
Maomao cleared her throat, feeling a speck of sympathy as she watched the girl tense, head snapping over to stare back with wide eyes. "Hi, are you the servant from the Garnet Pavilion?"
If possible, her eyes widened more, her hands clutching the robe to her chest. "Y-Yes..." she uttered, watching Maomao closely. "You're that apothecary everyone's been talking about..."
Not a question, but an observation.
Said apothecary nodded in return, "Yes."
The girl shook her head, "I'm not injured! I swear, I-I was foolish and if I was injured, then I would surely deserve it!" Her face was a deep crimson, her lips trembling, and eyes watering. It was obvious she was attempting desperately to push down the tears, but failing miserably. "I-I'm quite alright!"
"You don't look it." Maomao responded back flatly. "Jinshi-sama sent me."
The girl looked appalled, her back straightening and the tears falling freely now. "J-Jinshi?!" She exclaimed, clutching the stained robe against her chest, aghast and sickly looking as she panted. "O-Oh, I've done it now. I've humiliated myself! I'm going to be punished! Jinshi didn't deserve that! I'm so sorry."
Maomao blinked at her, eyebrows raised high at the reaction. She didn't entirely blame the girl for reacting so brashly at the mention of Jinshi. She would probably do the same if she was having a horrible day and he'd been brought up. Possibly the only person she wouldn't want to hear about as she's actively in the throes of a breakdown of some sort.
She walked forward, sitting down beside her as the girl seemed to continue her one sided conversation with herself. Her eyes wide and unrelenting as she stared at the ground below. Maomao watched her with a dent between her brow, vaguely fascinated by the panic and mostly disturbed by the anger towards herself. The mini glare not directed to anyone except herself.
She'd seen women be harsh on themselves. Seen what it could do to a person. Maomao could see it in the girl beside her now. The edge of a line that she wasn't sure if she should cross.
"I-I just...." The poor girl trailed off, her hands falling back to her lap as she stared at the robe. "I'm so clumsy.... and terribly embarrassing.... and I-I was just trying to pour some tea, then...oh, how pathetic."
"It was an accident, wasn't it?" Maomao asked softly, watching the girl's reaction closely.
She seemed to remember Maomao was with her, blinking, her face growing a shade darker. "What?"
"Whatever you did, it was an accident, wasn't it?" She repeated.
The girl clenched her jaw, looking away once again. "It's always an accident. I never do anything right. The Emperor is bound to notice and then I'll be punished because I'm so--"
"Jinshi-sama didn't send me to punish you or to check if you should be." The girl blinked, staring at her with wide eyes now. Maomao could see the barely concealed shock in her eyes, the way she seemed to relax slightly. The apothecary sighed heavily, turning her attention elsewhere. "He doesn't seem the type to punish anyone for a little mistake. Especially, when he's the same..."
The last part was uttered to herself and the girl didn't seem to pick it up as she pressed her lips together. A contemplative look on her expression. "I-I know, but.... still, I feel so guilty. I've put such a heavy burden onto Jinshi, convincing Lihua-sama to take me in... to not complain too harshly... I never wanted this..."
Maomao wouldn't even try to understand the broken speech, instead her mind was focused on that little slip. Jinshi convinced Lady Lihua to take this girl in? A extreme kindness. A extreme kindness that would allow this girl to make mistakes, to try her hardest and fail, and not suffer extreme consequences. Maomao couldn't help the suspicious kick in her chest. As she stared at the rambling girl. Why would Jinshi do that for her as an eunuch? How did he have that type of pull? Or, more correctly, what did he have over Lady Lihua to pull something like this off?
Her attention diverted to the robe and she huffed-- it's was Jinshi's. She was the cause of the tea mess. The cause of Jinshi's red face, his low mood, and the worry on his face.
Could he, perhaps..... Oh, what a development for a eunuch.
"Are they cruel to you?" Maomao cut into her rambles once again.
"The other servants. They can be cruel."
There was a prolonged silence. Maomao didn't dare interfere or break with the concentration. Her thoughts were wild and she was trying to grasp one that would benefit exactly what the apothecary was searching for. A string of thought that was sensical and helpful.
"Yes... so cruel," her lips wobbled again, she sniffled and tried to push the emotions away. "I didn't even do anything and they were so cruel. I tried telling Jinshi, but he's done... done so much for me, I can't throw that away. I can't take advantage of his kindness."
"Even if it was kindness now, how is feeling like this any type of comfort? Or kindness?" Maomao stood up, waving a hand. "You don't have to feel like this. Like you have to suffer for his feelings. If you're close, tell him that you liked your prior job, or ask for another."
The girl blinked slowly, lazily, a new exhaustion in her eyes as she regarded the other. "W-What's your name?"
She straightened. "Maomao." She bowed.
The girl stood, her hands tucked into her sleeves, she bowed in return. "Thank you, Maomao. It's been my pleasure to meet you."
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Things seemed to return to normal, the routine was back in place, and Maomao hadn't been tasked with taking care of crying servants. Her conversation with Jinshi afterwards had been short and straight to the point.
Did you speak with her? Jinshi had been sitting at his desk pleasantly, ignoring the overwrought expression on Gaoshun's face.
Yes. Maomao had answered, eyeing Gaoshun oddly as he shook his head.
Jinshi perked up, And? What did she say?
I believe she's going to speak to you directly when she has the chance, Jinshi-sama. She informed him instantly.
Jinshi had beamed in a way that made Maomao weary, watching as he happily threw himself from his chair and up, already walking towards the door. Well, I'll just find her myself! Thank you, Apothecary!
She didn't get to say anything in return as he vanished around the door. Gaoshun offered his sympathies before running to follow the man out.
Maomao was just glad to have things back to normal. That's what she thought about as she approached Jinshi's quarters. Normalcy was welcomed and her heart was happy to return to things she knew. Medicine and the frolicking in the mini patches of growth she could take herbs from. Things were normal.
As Maomao approached, she was skeptical to enter as she heard a crash.
Okay, maybe not entirely normal.
She knocked on the door, hoping to hear that Jinshi was busy, but the door was opened and Gaoshun stood there with a thin smile.
"Xiaomao, thank you for coming." He bowed and stepped aside to let her inside.
When Maomao entered, she was half tempted to turn back around and leave.
Jinshi's face was stuck in a frozen state of shock, a crimson shade and his jaw dropped. He was sitting on the couch and his hands were up. In front of him, on her knees, was Y/N, frantically rubbing at his robe while apologizing profusely. She didn't sound like she was crying, but still sounded extremely embarrassed.
"I'm so sorry, Jinshi! My shoes are a tad big-- No, I'm not making an excuse!" She frantically tried to explain, pulling back to stare up at Jinshi with wide eyes. He remained unmoved, just making small noises of distress. "Jinshi, are you alright...?"
"I-I..I..." Jinshi just blinked at the wall across from him.
Maomao turned to Gaoshun, expression flat, "Can I come back later?"
Gaoshun looked ready to respond when Y/N spun around, her expression pulled up with delight and a beaming smile on her face. "Maomao!" She left Jinshi to his shock to wrap her arms around the younger girl (by one year). A tight hug that was unrelenting and conveying her exact emotions of pure elation. "My savior!"
Savior? Maomao thought as she blinked, arms stuck at her side. What is she even doing here?
She pulled back, placing her hands on her shoulder's, squeezing. "Thank you so much, Maomao! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be blessed!" She continued on with her delight.
"Blessed?" Maomao audibly questioned, eyebrows furrowed and raised.
She nodded in response, smiling happily as she clutched onto Maomao's hands. "Yes! You gave me the confidence to tell Jinshi about my unhappiness! He's allowing me to work at his attending maid." She informed gracefully, sounding more happy and carefree than she had in the washing area the weeks prior.
Maomao wouldn't admit it, but it made her lips twitch upwards.
Y/N suddenly paled, turning back around. "Oh, Jinshi, I'll get something to clean up with!" And she darted out the room before Jinshi could give any type of response.
Maomao turned her attention to Jinshi with a tilted head, finding great amusement in his embarrassment. "You must be really fond of her if you gave her a job here." She observed.
If possible, Jinshi's complexion darkened further, his posture straightening. "Pardon?" He squawked, eyes wide as they stared at the younger girl.
She didn't understand why he was acting like she had said something scandalous. It wasn't uncommon for someone to grow fond of another's presence. Even if they were stripped of their manhood and promised to the Emperor for life. Y/N was kind enough and Maomao assumed they were friends of some kind to have Jinshi calling in favors of some kind.
Still... his reaction...
"You two seem like good friends." Maomao clarified.
A weight seemed to lift of his shoulders as he leaned back into the couch. "Yes, I suppose we are." His voice was a mere utter, soft and distant. It appeared that he was contemplating something forgotten or something that he often thought about but pushed into the back of his mind.
Y/N reentered with a cloth and small basin of water. She returned to Jinshi's side who stared at her with a blush and wide eyes. The attention he gave her was close and unwavering. No type of falter and no distraction that could possibly take away his attention. She appeared completely oblivious as she scrubbed away at the stain on his robe resting on his thigh.
Maomao narrowed her eyes on the glitter in Jinshi's eye, ready to make a comment, when Gaoshun placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'll inform you of the favor, Xiaomao." And he tugged her away.
However, Maomao thought endlessly about the expression on Jinshi's face. The kindness he exhibited for the girl much too clumsy for her own good. The tenderness he regarded her with. It was almost as if... Well, that couldn't be right.
It was almost as if Jinshi liked Y/N. In a more than friendly way.
Maomao scoffed at the thought, laying down in her bed. Her pa always said she was too speculative. Much too whimsical.
The man was an eunuch after all.
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incorrectbatfam · 10 months
Do the batfamily members ever get too into their undercover work? (Undercover in an office and theyre worried about spreadsheets, working in a warehouse and coming home complaining about missing parts)
Bruce: Status updates on your undercover missions. Dick, you first. What have you got down at the docks?
Dick: I haven't confirmed the Killer Croc sightings yet, but more importantly, our catch hasn't been measuring up to last year's. Tuna we're doing okay on, but the salmon population seems to be on the low end. I've contacted the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries but it'll be another 3-5 business days before they can come down and check it out.
Bruce: At least you're doing something to help. Jason?
Jason: Class was okay. I think the kids are warming up to me as their substitute while Mrs. Maloney is out on maternity leave. The average on the last vocabulary quiz was 83.53% so either I'm doing my job right or they need to be challenged. I'm worried about Tristan Lancy, though. He's normally a good student but his grades have been dropping recently and his parents don't seem like safe people to tell. I'll talk to him tomorrow and try to pair him up with a peer tutor if he needs it.
Bruce: Also see if he has any alternate contacts besides his parents. Tim, any updates at the chemical plant?
Tim: If by updates you mean OSHA violations, I could go on all week. We got a batch of new recruits today and they were just thrown into the work—no PPE, no safety training, nothing. This is what happens when you place production over employee well-being. I'm gonna file a complaint after this meeting. Also, I think the union will have something to say about the manager cutting people's lunch breaks short.
Bruce: I see. Damian? Please tell me you found something volunteering at the zoo.
Damian: Depends on how you define "found." While I have not obtained evidence of a mutant larvae black market, I did help some of the animals at the sanctuary make progress with their recovery. Bobo the monkey is healing from his broken arms and we're gradually getting him re-acclimated to climbing higher surfaces. Suzie the black bear was born a little prematurely but seems to be catching up to her peers in terms of growth. Lastly, we got a grant for additional wildcat research and enrichment. As an aside, we are having an educational seminar on European mountain goats this Friday at 3:30 and I expect all of you to be there.
Bruce: I'll put that on our calendars. Steph?
Steph: It's not really undercover work for me, just work. Anyway, yes the newest Batburger location is being used for money laundering. But I really need to vent about the customers for a sec. We don't open until 10 and at 9:30 this morning some moron was banging on our door demanding Jokerized cheese fries. Then right in the middle of the lunch rush, Janie got sick so I had to fill in as the cashier and it was hell. After that, I had to step in between a fight at the drive-thru because the customer claimed we only gave him nine pieces of his ten-piece Robin nuggets and tried to beat up the kid who took his order. And to top it all off, an entire high school hockey team came in five minutes before closing.
Bruce: Cass?
Cass, blowing balloons: Can't talk. Arranging bat mitzvah.
Bruce: Duke, you're my last hope.
Duke: Margie's bringing a peanut butter chocolate cake to the bake sale. I swiped her recipe and we can easily beat her. Her ganache is way too watery and just runs off the top of the cake, which isn't even leveled. She's also trying to do something with a raspberry filling that isn't working at all. It's like she couldn't decide on what to bring. The bake sale committee also asked if we can bring some apple pies because the original baker has to go out of town for a family emergency. I think we'll win if we bring them with some ice cream and a touch of caramel, even though this isn't a contest.
Bruce: Thank you. At least our most critical case has been taken care of.
Barbara: ...I'll save my book launch for later.
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rottin6 · 5 months
mdni. 18+ | pornstar jegulus.
“m’gonna make you a star.”
james adjusts the lens of his camera, zooming in on the new boy’s lips, catching the way he darts his tongue out to taste the gloss. the younger boy nervously giggles underneath him, resting back on the bed on his elbows, batting his eyelashes. james’ eyes are wide above him, a wide grin on his face. “gonna make you a real fuckin’ star.” he repeats, his knee lowering down on the bed as he positions the camera right, grabbing the other boy by his jaw. “look here, sweets, ‘n’ tell us your name and age, hm?”
regulus bites down on his lower lip, his eyes low as he looks into the camera, taking a sneaking glance at the man behind the camera. he runs his hands over his body, his fingers rubbing at his nipples, “well, uh, you can call me baby.” he licks his lips once more, relishing under the camera and the eyes of the man behind. “and i’m nineteen.” he seals with a little kiss at the camera, gulping nervously.
“nineteen, is that right?” james mutters with a light shake of his head. “just a fuckin’ baby, aren’t you?” he kneels further down on the bed, his hand coming into the view of the camera as his fingers reach out for regulus’ throat, wrapping around and pushing him down off his elbows. the camera zooms in on his nipples, following his fingers that play with the piercings then move to the silver pendant that hangs off a chain around his neck. “so goddamn pretty.” james comments, not knowing if it’s for the camera or himself. 
the camera’s back on his face soon enough, james removing the grip he has on regulus’ throat and reaching up to stroke his cheek softly. he plunges his thumb into his mouth then, no warning given, and regulus takes it in. he sucks on it, his tongue licking all around for the camera but his eyes are on james. “good boy.” james murmurs before pulling his thumb out and lightly hitting the side of his face. “bend over f’me, yeah? show everyone what you’re hiding under these little shorts.”
regulus brings his finger to his mouth, wiping off the saliva with a slow nod. he turns over on the bed, hands reaching behind him to pull the thin fabric higher up his ass. he shows off the curve, his head buried in the pillow below him as he lets out a slight giggle. he hears a tut from behind him and james sucks in a breath, his hand slapping down on the flesh. “look how pretty he is.” he murmurs, his rough hand stroking over regulus’ shorts before pushing the fabric aside. “y’doing so good, baby, just gonna open you up, yeah?”
james angles the camera lens down at himself, his hand reaching into the waistband of his jeans while he balances the camera on his shoulder. he pulls out his thick cock and it makes a sloppy sound when it springs out. regulus releases a shaky breath, his back arching, preparing himself. “this your first time getting fucked on camera, pretty?” james murmurs, his hand slicking over his cock, pumping it a few times as he aligns it with regulus’ dripping hole. the younger boy nods, his nails digging into the bedsheets. “fuck—just, hold on, baby.” 
james holds the camera up, the only sound being the shitty air conditioning of the casting room and his heavy breathing. he bends slightly, spreading regulus’ asscheeks before grazing the tip of his thumb over the hole, not yet shoving it inside. instead, he circles over the area, rubbing it softly and then some more. he curses when the cloth of his shorts falls back and gets in the way so he pulls them off, prepping his cock now. he rubs over it a couple times, a coy smile on his lips when he sees regulus wiggle his hips for the camera. he lifts his cock, resting it on regulus’ back almost like a measurement to see how deep he’ll fit inside and he lets out a throaty chuckle. he holds the tip of his dick, watching through the lens, skimming over the boy’s dripping hole before forcing it inside. he lets out a low grunt when he hears regulus moan softly, watching the way his head falls further into the pillow, muffling his noises. 
“gonna make you a fuckin’ star, baby.” james huffs out, his thrusts increasing in pace as he lifts the camera when regulus looks behind, lips stretching into a teasing smile with his eyes all glossy.
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adayumantium · 16 days
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Logan Howlett x Reader in Fall HCs! 🍂🧡
[a/n: gender neutral! reader; divider by thecutestgrotto :) ]
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Logan loves autumn. He loves the cool weather, warm pies, and how liquor tastes better by a fireplace.
He also loves seeing you in his clothes, which always happens more when the season changes; he'd always offer his outer layers, and he could smell you on them for days after you wore them. He likes to joke you always wear his denim better than he does.
Carving pumpkins with you was always fun; Logan would watch you fumble with the tiny little knife, smiling at you until you'd roll your eyes and hand it over.
SNIKT. A roughly carved design of a wobbly bat in your pumpkin, although he'd get better at carving with his claws as years went on
You love apple picking with Logan; the way he holds the small of your back as he leans over you, his muscles flexing as he reaches upwards and plucks them off of branches.
Logan makes his own apple pie moonshine, which the two of you like to give as gifts during the season.
"Y'know, Halloween used t'be super different. Slashed tires and soapy windows," he'd ramble, sitting on your porch. "But you do look damn good in those costumes"
Every few years, one of the kids goes as Logan for Halloween: a tank, a chunky belt, some boots, some kitchen knives or chopsticks they've painted, and a poor recreation of the signature haircut. He always laughs no matter how old it gets, and has the pictures you forced him to take in a shoebox on the shelf.
The two of you snuggle up on the beat-up sofa, under a big blanket while you watch seasonal movies. With all the shit he's seen, Logan doesn't find scary movies even a little bit frightening, but he'll smile at you while you cringe into his chest, a casual arm wrapped around your shoulder and the other throwing caramel corn into his mouth.
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thehaberdasheress · 2 days
New Embroidery/Visible Mending Patches for Sale!
There's a nip in the air and the leaves are turning here. Summer's ended. So I felt like updating my autumnal mending patch collection.
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I've kept the most popular patches from last year, optimized them a little, and added five new ones! I have to admit the pies are my favourite (but please don't tell the bats).
The patches are $10 CAD each, or $40 for a full set of 5.
But wait! There's more! My assistant had the galaxy brain idea of making a $10 patch that would let you try a little bit of everything, so now there are affordable sampler patches:
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Also, they're 30% off until the end of September!
Check them out at thehaberdasheress.etsy.com
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sweetyyhippyy · 2 years
Full. Eddie Munson x Fem! Reader. *SMUT*
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(No my pictures. My header.)
Summary: Eddie’s girlfriend has an insatiable appetite for something in particular tonight.
TW: There is no plot. This is just porn. So much breeding kink. So many cream pies. Begging. Talk about pregnancy. Eddie dirty talking. Little bit of praise. Taking pictures post sex.
Word Count: 1K
Her whole body was vibrating against his, her nails digging into his shoulder blade as she felt her tight hole get filled to the brim for the third time in less than an hour.
Eddie’s head comes up from being buried in her neck, his curly bangs stuck to his forehead with sweat. He looked way more fucked out than she did. “Fuck, baby.” He whispers against her lips, barely audible to her. He shuts his eyes, groaning as he shifts slightly. “Gotta pull out.”
“No no no.” She whines, gripping onto him harder. “Again.” She bats her eyes up at him, sliding her hand from behind his neck to hold one side of his face. “Please, I want more.”
“Baby, you’re overflowing with cum. It’s leaking out of you.”
“Eddie,” She whines pathetically, wrapping her legs around his waist to keep him inside her. “Just one more, please? I want your cum so bad.” She reaches up to kiss him, slipping her tongue into his mouth.
Eddie’s own fingers dig into her outer thigh as he gives her a few shallow thrusts, really just pushing all of his cum deeper inside her. He feels her whole body go limp under him, making him pull back from the kiss to look down at her.
Her eyes roll in the back of her head, her head following and rolling back on the pillow below her. “Yes.” She gasps.
Eddie couldn’t hold the cynical smile on his face back as he looked down at her. “What has you so cum hungry?” The head of his cock nudges her sore cervix, still making her ache for him.
“I want you to fill me up more.” Her eyes were round, heart shapes practically in her irises as she looked up at him.
Eddie let’s out a little laugh. “You want me to fill this pretty pussy up? What if I put a baby in you?”
Her cunt squeezes around his cock at his words, butterflies going from her pussy up to her stomach followed by a low whimper as she wraps her legs around his waist.
“Oh, you want that don’t you? To put a baby inside you? That why you’re cum hungry?”
“Yes! Yes I want you to get me pregnant. Put a baby in me.” She moans out loud, slamming her hips down to meet his movements.
Eddie rolls his head back, grunting loudly. “Keep going, princess. Just like that.” He halts all his thrusts and let’s her fuck herself against him. “That’s a good girl, drain all my cum out of me.”
She holds on tight to Eddie with both her legs and her arms wrapped around his back. Her lips press kisses to the side of his neck, racking the top of her teeth against his pale skin. It wasn’t until she felt her orgasm build up that she starts to suck a hickey into neck.
“Fuck, I’m going to cum. Keep going, my sweet girl.”
She squeezes her legs tighter around his waist, pushing his lower half deeper against her. “Please, I wanna cum too, wanna cum too Eddie.”
Eddie’s face was buried back between her head and her shoulder, grumbly groans and throaty moans being sung in her ear. “Fuck!” Eddie gripes loudly, his body stiffening while he shoots his white ropes inside her again for the fourth time tonight. “Fucking take it, fuck.” Eddie growls in her ear.
She could feel all of the cum leak down to her ass, more than likely pooling down on the sheets below her. Eddie didn’t even have to move anymore for her to reach her orgasm, her muscles clenching around him as she grasps him in desperation of closeness. All she could manage was loud, screaming moans in his ear before she sunk into the mattress, fluttering her eyes closed.
The sound of her heartbeat was filling her eardrums, drowning out the other sounds in the room.
Eddie kisses across her chest and collarbone, letting her calm down. “You with me?” His voice sounding miles away as his finger wipes a bead of sweat from her forehead.
All she manages to do is whimper in response and wrap her arms around his sweaty body, burying her face deep into his chest.
“Baby, I have to pull out, it’s starting to hurt.”
She slowly unwraps her legs from his waist, letting them fall onto the mattress still open.
Eddie grips the base of his softening cock and slowly starts to pull out, making both of them wince out loud.
“Eddie.” She cries, trying to pull him back towards her, the emptiness and ache making her start to cry.  
“I know, baby, I know. Shhh.” He coos at her, kissing her cheek as he finally leaves her hole empty for the first time in hours. “Can I look and see how pretty your pussy looks with all my cum?”
She nods her head, cowering behind her hands as she watches him lean back on his knees and spread her pussy lips apart.
“Fuck, you are so cute. Stay just like that for me?” Eddie asks with an excited look on his face as he reaches for the Polaroid camera on his bedside table. He once again spreads her lips apart and snaps a picture of his cum leaking out of her. “Oh fuck, just seeing this is making me hard again.”
She can’t help but giggle at him. “I think my pussy needs a small break.”
Eddie takes the picture and places it on top of the table along with the camera, wanting to get under the sheets with his girl. Once he’s settled on his back, he pulls her toward him, letting her head rest on his chest while he presses endless kisses to her head. “There’s no way I didn’t put a baby in you.”
His statement pulls her back to earth, making her up at him with heavy hooded eyes. “Kinda hope so if I’m being honest.” She says in a quiet voice, turning onto her belly, feeling the cum shift slightly inside her which makes her scrunch her face up in slight discomfort.
“And if I didn’t,” Eddie starts, grabbing her as soft as possible by her neck and bringing his face closer to hers, their lips touching softly. “We just gotta do that again.” He whispers into her gaped mouth before kissing her hungrily, having every intention of having more rounds tonight.
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reysdriver · 1 year
In Public | J.P.
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Day 5 of Kinktober: Public Sex — james x gn!reader smut
warnings: 18+, Minors DNI - smut, semi-public sex, shower sex, mentions of getting caught, oral (male-receiving), a little bit of gagging/choking, cum facial, probably lowkey uncomfortable sex
words: 1.3k
a/n: IT'S FINALLY HERE! I'm sorry I'm late but I promise I'm catching up on the missing kinktober days, do not fret
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Every time Gryffindor won a game of Quidditch, you wanted to give James some kind of reward. Usually, you gave him some sweets or a handmade gift right after the game, then you waited until that night to give him the other half of his reward for winning. 
And today, Gryffindor won again—half just because of James. You wanted to make him feel extra good after that game, and you were feeling far more impatient than usual. 
James had already started walking towards the school with a pep in his step, excited to meet you in the Gryffindor common room just like you did every game. He knew he would be getting something as a treat for winning his match. Both of you sometimes wondered if he was just playing for a daily kiss on the cheek at this point. 
But when he saw you in the middle of the crowded room celebrating Gryffindor’s victory, your hands were empty. No bag of jelly slugs, no miniature pies you had snuck into the kitchens to make, not even a little animal you folded out of paper. It was just you. And even though he wasn’t sad to see you, he had gotten his hopes up beforehand. 
You didn’t seem fazed at all when you locked eyes with him, despite your empty hands. You ran up to your boyfriend excitedly.
“Jamie! You did so well out there!” You told him, then wrapped your arms around him and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
He pouted. “You don’t have a gift for me, love?”
“Who said that?” You pulled off of him and smirked slightly. “Of course I have something for you.”
“So what is it?”
You feigned a shocked look, like he had suggested something so lewd. “I can’t give it to you here, James. We’d get detention for the rest of our lives.” You leaned forward and whispered into his ear in your best bedroom voice. “But I’ll be able to give it to you if you take me up to your dorm.”
He finally clued in to what you meant and you could feel his whole body stiffen. “Oh, well, I should shower first. I don’t want to stink while you give me whatever it is you have up in my room.” He tried to speak like you were still talking about a handwritten note so the people around you wouldn’t know what you meant. 
“How about I come with you?” You suggested while batting your eyelashes at him. “It’s just as good as your dorm, plus you could have a shower and your reward at the same time.”
“I think that’s a fantastic idea, love.” He smiled. “The kind of thing that reminds me of how much I love you.”
And with that, you took his hand and you walked—more like a giddy jog, honestly—down the hall to the boys’ bathroom. As soon as you two chose a stall, you started stripping down out of your clothes. 
“If anyone catches us, we’re still getting that detention, though.” James commented 
“It’s way more private here.” You pointed out. “But even if we do get caught, I think it’s worth it.”
You slung yours over the stall door, just caring about them not getting wet, while James took care to fold his uniform nicely and place them beside your stuff. Noticing the look you were giving him, James rushed to his own defence. 
“It’s the star player’s kit, it’s an important piece of fabric! Even worth waiting a few extra seconds for this.”
 “Are your clothes safe and sound now, Jamie?” You mocked him. 
“As safe as I can make them.” He replied, even though he knew you were making fun of him. 
You reached behind your boyfriend’s back and turned on the water to the temperature you normally liked, but was far too hot for James to ever shower with unless he was with you. 
He flinched slightly once it hit his bare back, but you soothed him by cupping his strong jaw and crashing your lips against his. It was obvious James trusted you to take the lead, meaning he wasn’t entirely sure what to do right then, especially with his hands. He opted to subtly reach behind him and turn the water temperature down, which you noticed immediately. 
You stopped kissing him, and just looked at him with a raised eyebrow for a second. 
“I’m sorry, love, just tell me what to do from now on.”
“Just relax. Put your hands on my head if your heart desires, but you don’t need to do anything.”
After that, you lowered yourself onto the ground, kneeling just a few inches away from James’ massive cock. It certainly wasn’t the first time you’ve seen it, but the size managed to take you by surprise every time. You brought a hand up to the erection that had already started growing, then gave him a few pumps to ensure he was hard for you. 
James was looking down and watching what you were doing to him, but you didn’t feel nervous at all. Maybe that’s what love is. In fact, you actually enjoyed him watching you, and you looked up to make eye contact with him. 
“Are you ready?” You asked softly. 
“Of course. It’s the reason I won the Quidditch game.” Even though he absolutely had not known that this was your plan before he got on the pitch, you didn’t say anything about it. 
You just leaned forward, bringing James’ cock to your mouth and swiping the tip a few times with your tongue before filling your mouth with as much as him as you could fit. James let out a heavy breath, right at the same time as you gagged around him. 
“Are you okay?” He asked, not wanting to ruin the mood but still worried after you choked on his length. 
You nodded, then sucked on what you could fit in your mouth, and just stroked the part of James’ dick that you couldn’t. 
You kept going, knowing you were doing well because of the noises that came out of your boyfriend as you worked on him. It was honestly getting to a point where your whole face was getting numb, but his moans were masking all of that going on with you. 
“I’m gonna cum, love.” James said, interrupting his own chorus of groans. ”Where do you want it?” 
You pulled off of him just for a moment to answer him. “Wherever you want it, Jamie. This is your present, right?”
James was surprised he didn’t finish right there, hearing your raspy, seductive voice while you stroked him like you didn’t even have to think about it. 
“I wanna cum on your face.” 
You smiled, and took him out of your mouth, but continued to jerk him off so he could end how he wanted. 
With a moan that echoed throughout the whole bathroom, James reached his climax, painting your face with thick spurts of his cum and making you even more of a masterpiece than you were in his eyes. 
You kept going until it was all out of him and on you instead, then you stood up and looked at James; you were both grinning at each other. 
“I feel like that was way too good of a gift for one little Quidditch game, but I loved it.”
“I thought you would.” You said. “So, I should probably stick to this as the present after a really important game then?”James brought his hands to your face, wiping away the mess he had just made after taking a minute to admire how you looked covered in him. “I don’t care how important the game is, now that I know this is a possibility, Gryffindor will never lose again.”
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saltnsugarbear · 4 days
you're the only one who makes me- every time we- (18+)
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summary: just some foundational building for this au (headcanons)
title from: "Wildflower" by 5 Seconds of Summer
word count: 1.4k
content warnings: MDNI!!! talks of cam work, allusions to a break-in, casual affection between friends, allusions to sexual fantasies
side note: everyone go kiss aw-live for giving me more filthy ideas on this au <3
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- I think we've decided Lip hosts his cam streams in the top floor of the Alibi Room (we being me and Olive)
- it's simply the place where he would have the most privacy and Veronica would probably be chill about it and be like get your bag (she ran cam shows??? so she's like fuck yeah okay king)
- I've just remembered she did cam shows, hell yeah actually she's like get your bag king here are some tips and shit.
- V probably helps set him up with a nice camera, gives him a set of keys to get into the bar and upstairs, helps him spruce the place up, make it look nice for the streams
- this takes place during when he works at Patsy's, and is 100% diverging from canon
- I don't think he's entirely obnoxious about how attractive he is but he has some sort of inkling? like he's the smallest bit cocky about his appearance around his partners just because they're kind of like,,,, they short circuit sometimes
- so he has the idea that he's attractive enough so he's like fuck it why not try?
- and I mean he's got a mouth on him so he can definitely say some shit that'll get people hot and bothered
- so he figures doing cam shows is worth a shot and will help bring in some money on the side
- you work at Patsy's Pies as a waiter, dressed in the white tank top and shorts that have become your uniforms
- you're one of Fiona's most trusted and therefore are very close with her
- one day Fi asks you to go out but day of she asks if you can swing by her place, asking you to bring an item of clothing with you because she has the perfect outfit planned
- so you take the L to the nearest station to her and make it to her house in no time
- you're a little surprised the Gallaghers have an unlocked door policy given they live in Southside Chicago but oh well, Fiona assures you they're prepped for anything (she even shows you The Bat)
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"It's unlocked!!" You hear from behind the door. The voice sounds much farther than just a door between the both of you. True to the statement, the door gives way when you turn the doorknob.
The mudroom your greeted with is cramped, boots and shoes littering the floor and coats crammed onto different hooks.
"Kitchen!" You can hear Fiona's voice clearer now. You duck out of the mudroom, taking in the cluttered living room that leads to the dining room.
Fiona pops her head out from the doorframe and gives you a bright smile. "You made it!"
"I said I would, didn't I?" You adjust the strap of your bag on your shoulder. Fiona shrugs as you walk into the kitchen. Her hair is up, and she's got a steaming mug in her hands.
"You brought it, right?" Her eyes are bright as she looks at you. You nod, opening the bag to pull out the corseted top she asked you to bring. It was something you had been gifted and never planned on wearing yourself, so you offered it to Fiona happily.
Her eyes light up when she sees it. Fiona sets her mug down before she walks over to you, taking the top out of your hands. You watch as she fingers the material, taking it in.
"Thank you," Fiona is quick to wrap her arms around your shoulders, bringing you into a fierce hug.
"'S no problem." You tell her, squeezing her tight before she let's go.
"Gonna go change, and then we can get ready together!" Fiona gives you a soft kiss to your cheek as she departs. You've become used to Fiona's casual affections, watching how she gave the same affection to her siblings in the restaurant. "Help yourself to some coffee."
You watch as Fiona goes up the stairs, disappearing behind the wall. You listen to her walking upstairs before you set your bag on the counter and search for a mug.
The sound of footsteps on the stairs comes sooner than you anticipated Fiona would be.
"Hey Fi," You call over your shoulder. "Where uh- where do you keep the clean mugs?"
The footsteps stop short, and you turn around to look at Fiona. "Left cabinet."
It is not Fiona who speaks, and you think you might break your neck with how quickly you finish your turn. Lip stands on the third step.
The sight makes your brain pause. Your eyes widen slightly, taking in every detail you can process. What jumps out at you the most is the outline of a triangle on his left pec.
"I- Um-" You're struggling to find any words.
"Sorry, didn't think anyone else would be here other than Fiona." Lip takes the last few steps down and walks to the laundry basket on top of the washing machine. Your eyes follow him as he crosses the room and grabs the first shirt he can get his hands on.
You watch silently as his muscles move when he lifts the shirt over his head. You quickly avert your gaze when he tugs it over his chest.
"Which, uh- which cabinet did you say?" The image of the ink triangle has thoroughly derailed any thoughts you might have had.
"Far left." Lip's voice is curt.
You make your way to the counter, leaning against it to open the far left cabinet door. True to his word, there sit mix-matched coffee mugs.
"Pass me one?" Lip's voice is closer and you can feel his shoulder against yours as you grab the first mug. You softly place the first mug on the counter, exchanging it to your other hand to pass it to Lip. His fingers are warm where they graze over yours when he takes the cup. You're quick to grab your own, turning to push yourself against the counter behind you.
After he's filled the first mug, he passes it to you on the counter and holds his hand out for the empty when you've got grasped between both your hands. You're almost too quick to pass him the mug, nearly pushing it into his hands.
You take the first one, bringing it close to your chest. Being this close to Lip makes your brain go blank like an etch-a-sketch.
"Cream, sugar?" Lip asks as he places the pot back against the machine.
"Uh, both." You say, setting your cup on the counter.
Lip nods as he opens the fridge, grabbing the gallon of milk from the fridge.
"Sugar's behind you.." Lip mutters coming up beside you and reaching around you. You can't help but freeze, holding your breath until Lip is out of your space.
He grabs two spoons from the drying rack on one side of the sink, offering you one of them.
You take it from his hand, your fingertips brushing against his knuckles
You can feel his eyes on you as you start taking spoonfuls out of the container. The huff he lets out through his nose makes you glance at him, watching as he rubs softly at the knick on his cheek.
"Make your coffee.." You mutter, bumping your shoulder into his.
Lip huffs, turning back to his cup. He takes the sugar from your hand, trading you the milk for it.
As you mix the milk and sugar into your coffee, you can't help but zone out.
The inked triangle you saw on Lip's chest makes an appearance in you fantasies that night. And the few nights after that, when you try to get yourself off.
Of course, such a simple thing was to haunt your mind.
It was Lip Gallagher, after all.
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- Lip is not the soft and sweet camboy no no
- he is the mean, condescending camboy
- the camboy who talks you through it, degrades you while fucking himself into his own fleshlight in his hand
- the camboy who teases you and coaxes you and says if you cum before he tells you to he won't let you cum again for a week
- safe to say he builds quite the desperate fan base. men, women, and people alike clock in to watch his streams, showering him in tips easily, giving him enough money in one stream to pay rent
- sometimes he's an extra tease on stream, using his third one for the week to just talk you through it, not even thinking about his own pleasure as he coaxes you through your own release
- that's all for now
- gotta wait for the big show for more thoughts!!!
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bl00d-bunny · 2 years
wakeup call - lip gallagher
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-pairing- lip gallagher x fem!reader
-summary- after you're late for a shift at patsy's pies, lip swings by your apartment to check on you
-warnings- smut minors dni!!, smoking (w33d), shameless activities lol, general smuttiness, unprotected p in v (be smart, wrap it!),
-word count- 2k
-additional notes- not proofread or edited,
18+ minors do not interact!
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the southside wasn’t the best place to live and you knew that, between the near-constant construction and the fights on the streets it was a miracle that you ever got a lay in. you hadn’t been able to sleep until at least 3 am since your neighbours decided to blast crappy songs in an attempt to hide the fact they were fucking all night long (it didn’t work, obviously). And it sounded like they just started up again, great.
you sigh as you glance at the clock, 9.34 am, there goes your lie-in. you roll over and pull a pillow over your head, but the pounding against the wall only gets louder. eventually, you decide you can’t take it anymore, full of rage and lack of sleep, you throw yourself out of your warm bed, tugging your robe on tight. as you make your way to the front door you realise the banging was not your neighbours going for round 5, it was someone knocking on your door, aggressively.
you grab the wooden baseball bat you keep by the front door just in case and make your way to the door. on your tip toes, bat raised, you squint to look through the peephole. you roll your eyes and lower the bat. what was lip gallagher doing pounding on your door on a sunday morning?
“what do you want?” you swing the door open.
juxtapose to his knocking, he didn’t seem angry.
“fi sent me, you didn’t show up for your shift,” he said plainly.
fiona really helped you out when you were in a bad place, she gave you a job at patsy’s and let you rent one of her apartments. she got you off the streets and gave you stability and for that, you were forever grateful but you knew you didn’t have a shift today, you never had a shift on a sunday, and in the rare case you worked a sunday shift you wouldn’t start til 11. you told lip that much.
“it’s saturday and…” he pulled out his phone to check the time, “it’s quarter past 12,”
“what? no, my clock said…” you trailed off rushing back to your bedroom
9.34 am still flashed on your alarm clock, the power must have gone out. you grabbed your phone from where it was charging but it didn’t turn on. it died last night on your shift, but you plugged it in. and it was still plugged in you pushed the cord and your phone lit up letting you know it was finally charging.
“fuck!” you flopped back onto your bed, dragging your hands down your face.
“i’ll call fiona,” you jumped not realising he had followed you, standing in the doorway of your bedroom.
“thank you, i’ll literally be 5 minutes,” you pushed past him making your way to the bathroom.
you brushed your teeth in record time, turning the faucet off you overheard him on the phone.
“…she can’t stop throwing up, fi. there’s no way she can come in.”
you poked your head out of the bathroom “what the fuck are you doing?!?” you mouthed to him.
“relax, trust me” he turned his attention back to his phone, “i think i’m gonna stay here a little while and make sure she’s okay,”
you looked at him with wide eyes, what was he doing? you were practically ready for work and he just told fiona you’re not going in.
“what was that all about?” you started as soon as his phone was back in his pocket.
“well now neither of us has to go to work” he shrugged with a smug smile.
“and what if fiona decides to come to check up on us?” you questioned. when you are actually sick, sometimes fiona will stop by and check on you, maybe bring you some soup and a box of tissues. what if she came to check up on you and saw you were fine and lip was nowhere to be seen?
“guess we will have to hang out here, ya know just in case,” he settled himself on the sofa.
“whatever, i’m gonna try and get some sleep,” lack of sleep finally caught up to you as you shuffled to your bed that had long lost its warmth.
after what felt like an eternity you gave up on going back to sleep. tired of tossing and turning you moved to the living room. plopping yourself on the opposite side of the couch from where lip was scrolling on his phone, as whatever daytime show played on your tv. you reached under your coffee table, pulled out your rolling tray, and began rolling a joint. you saw lip watching you out of the corner of your eye but chose to ignore him until you brought the joint to your lips. you locked eyes with him as you slowly slide your tongue out to lick the gum strip before rolling the joint closed. you only broke eye contact to find a lighter, which of course you couldn’t find. lip shifted his body weight as he pulled a lighter out of his pocket, he moved closer to you and sparked it. you leaned in, joint held between your lips, looking down as the end glowed red in the orange flame.
you brought your fingers up to remove the blunt from your lips, closing your eyes and leaning back as you inhale, feeling the warmth of the weed spread throughout your whole body, instantly relaxing you. exhaling, you sit up again taking another puff before holding the spliff towards lip, instead of taking it he pulled you closer to him with your outstretched arm. you’re confused until you finally exhale your last puff and he inhales it keeping his eyes on yours. you bring the joint to your lips once more, inhaling deeper this time, moving your lips inches away from his as you exhaled.
you watch as the milky smoke moves from your lips to his. your entire being is warm, maybe its the weed, maybe its lips hands resting on your legs, or simply the close proximity, but you feel lightheaded. finally breaking eye contact with him you place the joint in the ashtray- but don’t you move from your cross-legged position and he doesn’t move his hands from your legs.
you watched his eyes fall from yours to your lips and back again. you knew what was coming next, it was only a matter of time. you and lip have had this predicament going on for a while now. you’d flirt with each other, tease each other, until the tension hung in the air like smoke, and just when one of you was about to make a move, there was always an interruption. sometimes it was a phone call, or someone walking in, no matter what it was the interruption was always there. maybe it was a sign that you shouldn’t, but neither of you cared enough to pay it any mind.
but here, in your apartment, alone, together, with nowhere to be, there was no interruption this time. he knew that you knew that, still neither made the move to close the gap. maybe a little more weed would help speed things along, you reached towards the half-smoked joint still in the ashtray, but he stopped you, his hand on your jaw, forcing you to look at him. before you could say anything, do anything, his lips were on yours, hungry as if he was starved and only you could satisfy his hunger.
his hands on your face pulling you impossibly close, you pulled yourself to be on his lap, your arms around his neck fingers tangling in his hair. no distractions, no interruptions, just you two on the couch smoke hanging in clouds around, keeping the world out.
you feel him grow hard beneath you, grinding against him, searching for friction in any form, he growled in your mouth so you continued.
he pinned you between himself and your worn-down couch, his tongue moving against your own. you bucked your hips, still chasing any kind of touch or friction. his large hands came to pin your hips against the tattered couch, you whined missing the movement.
“be patient,” he kissed your jaw. you turned your head to allow him more access as he left sloppy kisses down your neck, nipping here and there. you bit down on your lip to not give him the satisfaction.
he soon found out how worked up he’d got you when he shoved his hand down your pants. his slender fingers teasing your clit with large, slow circles. you reach between you to start unbuttoning his pants but he uses his opposite hand to pin your wrists above your head.
“really?” you huff out
“i told you to be patient,” he smirked applying pressure to your clit that caused you to squirm beneath him, his teeth at your neck.
eventually, he removed his hand from your wrists in favour of your boobs, pulling your neckline down to expose your chest. one hand pinching at your nipple, the other keeping up the slow circles on your clit, as if he couldn’t be doing anymore he brought his lips to your free nipple, sucking and nipping leaving you a mess. the room was spinning, your head clouded, heart beating wildly underneath your ribcage.
he removed himself from you, much to your displeasure. with his legs on either side of you, he unbuttoned your pants, pulling them and your underwear down in one swift motion, leaving you breathless. with him above you now you could see his cock struggling against his jeans, almost instinctively you reach up to unbutton them. he stands up to remove them further as you kick yours from around your ankles.
he kneels over you once more, one hand next to your head the other pumping his cock between you. you look down to watch, subconsciously biting your lip. he readies himself between your legs, and you wrap your arms around his neck. in one agonisingly slow thrust he bottomed out. you squeezed your eyes shut mentally adjusting your self.
he places a hand on your hip as he pulls out almost completely, he looks down where the two of you connect. you can’t help but buck your hips desperate to feel him inside of you again. he brings both his hands to you hips to press you into the couch, all you can do is whine, showing him just how desperate you are.
before you knew it his hips snapped against yours in a ruthless thrust causing your eyes to roll into the back of your head, a mix of a moan and a scream climb from your throat.
his lips against your ear now “ i warned you to be paitent,” his voice darker than before
“guess i’ll just have to teach. you. a lesson.” each word punctuated with a thrust deeper than the last. you felt yourself coming undone, he knew it too, between the moans you let out and your nails in his back, lip knew exactly what he was doing to you.
he released you hips from his grasp but didn’t let up on the speed, he brought his thumb to your clit drawing slow steady circles, a mind-numbing contrast to his thrusts now growing sloppy.
his breath hot across your face, he was close, you were too, it was a matter of time before one of you came tipping the other over the edge. he picked up the circles on your clit hoping to make you come first, you attacked his neck with your tongue, trying not to give him the satisfaction. but it was to little to late, he had you a mess beneath him, you wrapped a leg around his hip, allowing him to hit just the right spot.
in a matter of seconds, you came, closing your eyes you allowed yourself to be swallowed by the sensations, lip following closely behind, collapsing on top of you.
eyes still closed, trying to catch your breath, you feel lip get up and move to the other side of the couch, then you hear the lighter click and his steady inhale. without opening your eyes you stick you hand out in his direction awaiting the joint, instead you only hear him inhale again. you sit up giving him a death glare.
“did that lesson really teach you nothing?” he smirks before blowing the smoke in your direction.
you stand up, taking the joint from him before sitting on his lap, taking a long inhale.
“i guess i’ll be needing more lessons then”
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loveisinthebat · 11 months
Fluff Lump
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Bumble, the Little Pied Bat, via Bat.Conservation.Rescue.qld
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fairlyang · 9 months
Obsessed: I’m Yours 🕷️
in another dimension where possessive!miguel deals with jealousy differently
pairing: possessive!miguel x f!reader
tags: 18+ smut. jealousy, possessiveness, grinding, groping, slight exhibitionism, voyeurism, almost instant (unprotected) sex
notes: had the artic monkeys cover of “I’m yours” around the time I wrote this and it’s so goodddd
part one — part two — part four
In your universe you ended up with a possessive and jealous boyfriend almost as crazy as you.
But in another universe, another version of you also ended up with her own Miguel O'Hara. Except hers wasn't so open about his jealousy.
He was more subtle about it, shy in a way.
Well only shy when communicating about it.
Otherwise he was very loud about it in other aspects...
One specific time when you went out clubbing together, a good six months into your relationship. You wore a skintight dress that Miguel couldn't help but just admire your figure and curves whenever he could.
Unfortunately for him he wasn't the only one soon as you set foot into the club.
That was the first time he physically saw when men were looking at you the same way he did. It infuriated him.
So he only pulled you closer to him, his wrapped around your waist making sure you were as close to him as possible.
You were completely clueless and just thinking that he wanted to make sure you were safe with him.
Which was a part of it but obviously for him it was deeper than that.
He couldn't bare the idea that men have been checking you out the whole time you've been together. Right in front of him too?
And there was only so much he could take.
So as soon as he took two shots and you led him towards the dance floor he didn't even bat an eye.
And right as you both made it to the middle of the dance floor, the dj made a smooth transition from a song you didn't recognize to "Yo Perreo Sola" by bad bunny.
Which immediately got all the girls gathering around each other but you just stayed with Miguel not caring that it's the opposite of what the song was saying.
With his hands on your hips helping you, you started grinding against him to the rhythm of the song, never missing a beat. You slowly brought your hands up your body, from your thighs, stomach then cleavage as Miguel looked down watching you in awe.
Until he caught eye of another man looking at you while he had a girl grinding on him. He licked his lips and it only fueled Miguel's jealousy but he didn't wanna fuck the night up for you.
Especially since you loved dancing with him.
So slyly he moved one of his hands going up your side and up your body slowly before groping one of your tits through your dress making you let out a little moan.
He only smirked as you laid your head against his chest as he squeezed gently while you continued grinding on him, or at least trying to. You were mostly trying to ignore that growing ache in your core.
He the brought his head down and kissed your neck gently making your heart flutter. Miguel wasn't one to stray away from showing his affection to you in public which made you feel so happy. Wanted.
But this time was a little different in his eyes. This time it was like he had something to silently prove to that dude who was most definitely staring at you too.
So Miguel figured he'd give him a show so he knows that he can look but he can never touch.
He sucked on your skin then left a kiss on your new love bite. You turned your head and looked at him with a new profound love for him.
He just made you feel so loved and wanted. It's all you've ever wanted and you got it with him.
He leaned in and kissed you softly, you reciprocating it back and melting into his touch. Probably the most sensual thing you've ever done in public but you didn't care. And who would be watching anyway?
Miguel knew who.
And he caught a glimpse of him still staring after he pulled away from the kiss and you kept on grinding on him. The guy only gave him a wink which only pissed him off more so he grabbed your hand and let you to the exit.
You were confused but didn't question it. He felt kinda bad that his jealousy got the best of him and he felt the need to leave.
Until he thought of a way to make it up to you.
He led you to his car and first opening the door for you, and helping you get in them he went over to his side. He drove out of the parking lot with haste, he needed you so desperately.
He kept a hand on your thigh, tracing circles on your soft skin as he drove while you mumbled the lyrics to whatever song was on the radio. He then slipped his hand under your dress, still only tracing circles on your skin but now to your inner thigh.
He did that the whole drive back to his place which had you more confused but you didn't mind spending more time with him.
That was until as soon as you entered his apartment and he pushed you back against his door and his mouth immediately latched onto your neck, did you finally realize why he was acting this way.
You truly didn't mind especially with the way his hand was already slipping beneath your dress and made its way between your thighs.
You gasped as he began rubbing circles against your clit and still leaving more love bites on your neck as well as your cleavage for good measure.
"You're just so pretty baby." He murmured into your skin sending shivers all throughout your body.
You moaned as his fingers rubbed your bundle of nerves faster and you closed your eyes, leaning your head against the door.
It didn't take long for his impatience to get the best of him especially when you noticed how hard he was and that was when he grabbed your hand and let you to the kitchen.
He kissed you like a mad man and touched every inch of you before pulling away and undoing his pants as fast he could.
You bite your lip to refrain from laughing so you just rode your skirt up and over your ass, showing off the pretty thong Miguel chose for you.
As expected he didn't have any patience for foreplay but he'd make it up to you at a later date. He slid his pants off and just spat on his hard cock when you brought your hand down to stroke it for him.
You were just so thoughtful and sweet.
And all his.
He groaned as you looked down and spit on it some more, making sure he was nice and wet for you. He then moved you so you were directly facing him then grabbed the back of your thighs and lifted you up.
You wrapped your arms around his neck as he held onto you with one hand and then began rubbing your tip onto your drenched folds. You whimpered and looked at him with those big pleading eyes but he didn't care.
He rubbed his tip up to your clit making you whimper some more, pure music to his ears.
He then positioned his tip to your entrance and you moved your hips, needing that friction but he wasn't having it yet.
He looked into your pleading eyes, your beautiful eyes that showed just how desperate you were.
But that wasn't enough.
"Tell me you're mine." He murmurs and you feel your eyes fluttering at his cruel teasing.
"I'm yours?" You said uncertain if that was what he wanted but your question being answered by him slipping inside you.
He only got halfway before he stopped and let out a shaky breath, "Tell me again. Please."
You bite you lip, looking into his face and noticing just how bad he wanted to hear it. His eyes were sparkling, his lips were quivering, cheeks rosy.
"I'm yours. Baby I'm yours." You say softly and bring a hand to cup his cheek when he plunges himself into you making you cry out in pleasure.
"That's fucking right." He moans and secures his arms on the back of your thighs as he fucks into you.
You no longer felt the air in your lungs for a solid few seconds as you just held your mouth wide open in pure shock he was able to take you like this. Until you let out those sweet whimpers from your mouth as he pounded into you harder with every dirty sound that escaped your lips.
"Oh baby you're all fucking mine." He grunts as he fucks all his previous jealousy into you.
Being so fucking grateful that you, all of you, is all his.
"Mine and no one else's." He moans out making you tighten around him which left you both being sappy messes for each other.
"Oh fuck!! Yes baby all yours- only yours." You cry out when you feel him twitch inside you.
He already felt his orgasm appear in his abdomen and without warning he came hard, deep inside you. You tried to catch your breath as he stayed inside you, still holding you tightly to ensure you won't fall.
He then sighed and started walking you towards his bedroom. You laid your head on his chest as he opened his closet door and got something before laying you down on his bed gently, then finally slips out.
All his cum leaking out of you and down onto the towel he grabbed, which only made you chuckle, "so got a little jealous?" You asked letting out a little giggle to which he shrugged.
"Just had to make sure you never forget." He says giving you a cheesy grin as he walks off to the bathroom with another towel.
You rolled your eyes at his response when he came back with the towel damp, and he went down to his knees and started to clean you up gently. "Ya know a little jealousy is okay...." You keep going and he only gives you a look but you ignore it.
"Long as you fuck me like that every time." You coo and making a slight smirk tug on his lips before he shrugged again.
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redbleedingrose · 11 months
What do the batboys do for hobbies in your opinion
Hobbies for Bat Boys!
Okay so to be honest, I feel like Rhys is constantly stressed out being high lord and having to make all these heavy decisions, so his hobby would be something super relaxing and something you wouldn't expect.
First off, Rhysie is such a fashionista, just like his mother. He is absolutely going out with you to pick out all your outfits for the season. You are probably the best dressed female in Pyrthian and it is all because of him. He goes out of his way to custom design outfits for you, often playing a role in hand tailoring dresses that don't fit you perfectly so that it fits you like a sleeve. He knows different styles that look amazing on you, even when you don't think so. All the ladies of Valeris follow your fashion sense, not knowing that it is actually Rhys who is the trend setter for the night court.
Okay, this is kinda out there, but!!! I feel like Rhys would also just love flipping homes. He didn't realize this until after the attack on Valeris, but when he began to help with rebuilding the homes that were destroyed, he realized how much he enjoys the intricacies of designing a home, and surprisingly, he loves the handiwork of it too. Maybe it is the Illyrian in him that finds satisfaction in building something from the ground up. Once the homes of Valeris are rebuilt, he is really bored and can't figure out why until he decides to create a vacation home for just the two of you, and then he realizes what he has been missing out on. Now, he likes to build vacation homes for you and your future children and grandchildren from the ground up.
For our daddy Cassian, I think he would pull a fast one on you and be really good at baking. You would think for a big, burly, hunk of a male he would be into wrestling or training as a hobby, but I think he sees it as more-so a job than a hobby. It comes to him when its nearing your birthday, and he is tearing the house apart to find the old recipe book his mother used to create birthday cakes for him when he was just a babe. Finally, he finds it with all these recipes that have tiny handwritten changes inked into the pages, and he realizes that his mum poured her love into her cooking and baking. So he tries to do that for you. Because he loves you more than he can possibly describe. So he bakes a five tiered black forrest cherry cake, with marachino cherries he hand picked from Summer Court (which he had to sneak into and out of with the help of a certain spymaster) and fudge imported from the Autumn Court. It turns out to be the best cake you and he have ever eaten, and thus begins his journey as a home baker. Cass becomes extremely good at making pies, cakes, and macrons. He never shows up to a family dinner without some form of dessert. At this point, even Elain can't complain because the sweets he brings are just too good.
Another hobby that I think Cass would have would be going to nursing homes or daycares where he can interact with the elderly and little babes. He always brings a dessert in tow that has the children literally climbing on top of him. He listens to the stories that the elderly have for him, taking note of all the lessons that he learns from them about love and life, sometimes sharing the stories with you in the deep of night like the little gossip he is. And he likes to play games with all the little babes, encouraging them to join him outside so they can play hide and seek in the woods behind the daycare. Sometimes you tag along because the babes love story time with you, complaining that Cass doesn't show the drawings for long enough like you do.
The shadowsinger is indeed a singer.
He spends a lot of time in his private office with you lounging on the couch nearby reading, taking the time to develop different song lyrics and hymns for you. It is the one thing that he inherited from his father that he is willing to accept, is his musical creativity. He likes to collect different musical instruments and uses them to create different toons that he will only ever play for you. Sometimes he puts on one male shows just for you, playing the piano while softly singing you a song that he wrote with you in mind. He could spend hours trying to figure out the different keys and notes that he can achieve just to formulate something that might put into words how he feels about you.
I think Az is also the kind of male who is really interested in learning dead languages. He would find this ancient book in the libraries beneath the the House of Wind, and could spend days if you let him, trying to decode the meaning of the books. He likes the phenotics and analyzing different poetry and trying to make sense of what fae in the past felt and thought.
To expand on the last point, Azzie is def the history buff of the bat boys. He loves learning about the history wars and times of depression in the past, and how the world came together to make something better. You think that he thinks it brings him hope, and teaches him lessons that he can't get from anywhere else. He tries to apply them as spymaster of the night court.
Plus his reading glasses make him look incredibly sexy so you aren't complaining.
What do we think the hobbies are for the Vanserra bros?
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twstgarden · 11 months
❀ ❝ 𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗴𝗼 ❞
━ general lilia vanrouge x human! reincarnated! gn! reader (reader is not yuu.) ━ having a relatively shorter lifespan than the man you deem as your soulmate can be quite disheartening. meeting him once again in another lifetime gave you a sense of comfort and familiarity as if you knew who this man was. (f/n means first name)
cw: (including, but not limited to) death/graphic mentions of death, war themes, blood
requested by: anonymous <3 request type: oneshot requester's message: *slams doors open* requests are open?!? Waaaahhhhhhhahsjjssj I really enjoy your diasomnia works. Can I request a one shot with general lilia and human reader? Maybe a reunion or reincarnation trope? They fell in love and then meet again. Something fluffy or sweet? florist's note: hi there! i'm glad you enjoyed my diasomnia works <3 i'm not sure if this is fluff enough, but thank you for the request, little one.
this work contains spoilers for chapter 7, diasomnia’s arc.
do not steal or translate without my permission.
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less than 100 years, more or less. that is the average lifespan of a human being. general lilia knew that all too well, and he knew what he was getting into when he saw this innocent maiden living by herself in the woods, or did he?
he had no intentions of falling in love. he finds it a waste of time. he has his duties to focus on, and being in the palace makes him feel as if he is in greater danger than when he is on the battlefield, due to a certain princess he grew up with.
you, on the other hand, completely minded your own business in your own little cottage, making pies and other baked goods every now and then, taking care of your flowers and vegetable garden, singing songs as you do your chores, and so on. you were living a simple life and you loved it.
never in your wildest dreams did you ever think you'd cross paths with the well-known fae general of briar valley. your first interaction was not exactly all that great, considering his icy cold glares and stern voice as he thought you were part of the silver owls.
of course, he did not believe you at first, until he saw your cottage and all your belongings - just a bunch of basic daily use materials and no sign of weapons that can be used for war. the general continued investigating, wanting to find even one sign that you were a part of the other side so he could eradicate you.
meanwhile, his comrades were feasting on the blueberry pie you offered to them. he was in utter disbelief, how could the soldiers he trained be so careless as to eat whatever was offered to them? what if it was a trap?
you merely smiled at the dark faerie soldiers as you sliced the pie and handed it to the others. you had enough to feed a small group, so you hoped they could share it with one another. you then turned to look at the general, "would you like some?"
how absurd. how could you offer him food with that sweet smile on his face when he clearly hated your kind? he did not know if you were deceiving him or you were actually being genuine.
he had never encountered a human so... pure and humble.
and since then, he occasionally paid you a visit to 'make sure you aren't plotting anything', but you knew he just wanted to check on you.
"how is it that you're so nice?"
that question made you look up at him while you were watering your plants. you paused a little, thinking about how you would respond to him without sounding awkward before smiling, "i... guess i was raised to be this way?"
"hm... where are your parents?" asked the general as he raised a brow at you, his gaze shifting from the delicate tulips being watered to your face as your eyelashes batted with every blink, how your lips were in a small smile, and your cheeks dusted pink.
you let out a soft sigh through your lips before responding, "they've long passed away from an illness, so i've been alone for a long time now." your sweet smile still remained as you spoke to him, and it was starting to make him feel comfortable around you.
everything was going smoothly between you and the general. you could even say your relationship was flourishing, from strangers to friends, at least you think so.
of course, all good things come to an end. unfortunately, one of the silver owls' soldiers stumbled upon you and the general having a nice chat by your garden, and thinking you were an ally and betrayed humankind, you became their target.
the first few days of spending your time in the cottage with the feeling of being watched was tolerable so far. the general had noticed it as well during one of his visits, and out of concern, he sternly said, "you should not stay here any longer. it's dangerous."
"i'll be fine, general. i've lived here for years," you replied in a gentle tone, wanting to reassure him that everything would be fine. he stayed silent for a moment as he scanned the surroundings, "traces of humans are evident around here. you could be in danger. don't be stubborn and listen to me."
"...i know, but... if i leave, how will we see each other again?" you asked softly, making him stay silent for a moment as he did not realise he was the reason why you were so adamant about staying in your home.
"i like your presence, general. i look forward to seeing you every day, to see you visit me alone or with your soldiers, saying that you are merely passing by when i know you really are checking on me..." you added, "and every day, we just get closer to one another... it's hard for me not to want you around me..."
he let out a sigh as he crossed his arms, "i don't want you to put yourself in danger because of me." you frowned at his words and he saw how it made you sad, making him step closer towards you as he placed a hand on your cheek, "wherever you go, i'll find you... so please, stay elsewhere and be safe..."
you noticed he took out his gloves when he touched your cheek. his rough yet gentle hand caressed your face as he said those words, looking at you with those usual cold eyes that now had a tinge of worry and affection. you gave him a small sad smile before deciding to embrace him.
your arms wrapped around his figure as you buried your head on his chest, feeling the cold armour, and yet the warmth of his body still managed to comfort you. he held you in an embrace as well, his hands situated on your lower back and your hair.
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an eerie silence engulfed your living room, a contrast to all the noise that occurred earlier during the ambush of the silver owls in your area. suddenly, rushing footsteps could be heard approaching your cottage before your door was slammed open.
the general stood there in shock before rushing to your weakened body on the floor lying in a pool of blood. you were still a little conscious, but you started to feel it slipping away as you looked up at him
as he knelt down on the floor, your blood staining his armour and clothing, he pulled you up to his lap before calling for the other soldiers to make sure your wounds were patched up, but before he could do so, you placed your bloody hand on his cheek.
"it's too late, lilia..."
hearing his name on your lips, rather than addressing him as general, made him look at you once more as he placed his hand on top of yours that rested on his cheek. "too late? no, we can still stop the bleeding..."
you gave him a weak smile. how is it that even on the verge of dying, that beautiful twinkle in your eyes that he grew to love and that sweet smile he found comfort in still remained? it was tearing him apart on the inside at the thought of losing you so quickly.
"i love you."
you said those words in a whisper as you still held his cheek, tears brimming your eyes as you smiled at him and caressed his lips with your thumb, "please don't do anything rash for my sake... i only want you to live in peace..."
the light in your eyes then went dim as you fell limp in his arms. that was the same day he lost all his hopes and dreams as he held you close to his chest and embraced your lifeless figure.
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it has been a few years since you were gone - honestly, it was about 20 years and normally, such time would be very short to long-lived species like faeries. however, to lilia, it felt like you were gone for far too long already.
"general, what will we do about the kids?" asked baul, his comrade, as he eyed the three students - four if you count the cat-like creature with them - before him.
lilia eyed the people before him. one addressed him as his father, and the other addressed him like he was his mentor. the other seemed panicked to be in the situation, while the cat-like creature was addressing him as if they were best buds.
just where did these people come from?
the general was about to speak when silver's eyes went to a cloaked figure nearby. lilia raised a brow at his distraction and turned to look at what he was looking at.
hidden in one of the trees is a figure cloaked in black with their face covered in a mask. they immediately realised they were spotted, and they were about to leave until lilia beat them to it. he immediately landed on the tree branch before them as he tried to get them down for a battle.
unsheathing their sword, they immediately landed on the ground and fought with him until his blade knocked off their mask and he managed to pin them down to the ground. his famed lithic blade pointed at their throat as he spoke, "are you spying on us?"
he then froze as he took a good look at their face. they looked exactly like the person he cherished. the same eyes, the same lips, the same cheeks, everything.
they looked exactly like you, the person he loved.
"who are you...?" asked lilia. there was no way this was you, you died that day and he was there when the light left your eyes. still, the possibility of you being a reincarnation crossed his mind.
surely, there was no such thing? but at the same time, he had a small inkling of hope that it might be that way.
"no one important," replied the unknown assailant as they used this distraction to land a blow on lilia, making him dodge the attack immediately as he got off them. "i am only tasked to spy on you," replied the assailant as they glared at the general.
however, deep down, they had a lingering thought, 'why does he feel so... familiar? almost as if i don't want to attack him...'
"so you're one of them," spoke the general with venom laced in his tone. he was about to land an attack on them until silver got in between them both, making lilia look at him as if he was about to scold the guy.
'that can't be... but they told me they work as a director... am i seeing their past life before the current one in nrc, then?' wondered silver as he was surprised to see their human parental figure in this lifetime that they jumped into.
that parental name made the assailant and lilia freeze. silver addressed lilia as his father, and now they are addressing this assailant as if they were his parent too?
"what?" questioned the assailant, "i don't have a kid... why are you calling me that?"
silver's eyes were wide. he could not believe that he saw his father in his younger days, now he gets to see his other parental figure too, and this could be how he witnesses their love story. well, at least for the previous lifetime.
"r-right, sorry, um..." trailed silver as he tried not to take the second rejection to heart. sebek, the other student with him, seemed to have recognised them too, but he knew they would have not known who they were, just like lilia and his grandfather.
"just who are you, anyway?" questioned the general as he pointed his blade at the assailant. they let out a sigh and placed a hand on their hip as they replied, "i'm f/n l/n... why do you look familiar...? have i seen you before?"
lilia stayed silent for a moment. could it be? did his special person really reincarnate and reunite with him? what are the odds that they end up being a member of the silver owls this time?
"you..." trailed lilia, making f/n tilt their head a little as they wondered what he had to say. while waiting for his reply, their eyes wandered to his lips, almost as if they knew exactly how it felt to have them on theirs.
no way. there is no way they are entertaining such thoughts.
there was one more thing lilia could do to confirm that it really was you. however, he had doubts about whether it was effective or not. they may have been a reincarnation, but it's not like they retain all of their memories from the past life, right?
of course, not, but the feeling of comfort and familiarity is always there. the memories may not have been there, but the emotions were.
and right now, lilia is being haunted by the same feelings he felt towards you when you were alive. the same sense of love, peace, affection, and comfort resurfaced the more he stayed in this assailant's presence.
he tried to push them away. he really did, but it always resurfaced the more he spent his expedition with the assailant by his side. they had a change of heart, deciding to aid him instead and ultimately betraying the people they worked for.
hearing the truth from lilia's lips made them realise they were on the wrong side of the story. the land of briar's people were the victims here and not the people f/n is currently working for. the land of briar's resources belongs to them - the natives of the land, the fae folk - and they knew just as well that no human has the right to steal and claim the land or resources as theirs.
when f/n accepted to aid them in their expedition, lilia felt as if he was witnessing the same kindness you showed when you were alive. the more time he spends with them, the more he sees similarities between the past 'you' and the current 'you' that he is seeing.
currently, he was seated beside f/n on the campsite that they chose for tonight. the fire crackled in the centre as he sat on the log, toasting a lizard he caught nearby. it was silent for a moment until they looked at the general, "...i know i said this before, but you really feel familiar... as if i met you or i've known you before..."
lilia stayed silent for a moment before twirling the lizard on the stick a little bit, toasting it on the fireplace as silver, sebek, yuu, and grim were thinking of making the meals instead.
and so they did. they offered to cook, leaving lilia with f/n for a while. that was when he looked at the spitting image of his past beloved, "...you remind me of someone i knew back then."
f/n tilted their head a little, "hm? who is it? where are they now?" lilia did not know how to answer that as he realised he was coping with the grief that he set aside the entire time, "...someone i loved. they're gone now, for the past 20 years."
"20...? that's a coincidence. i'm that old too," spoke f/n as they looked at lilia with a curious gaze. lilia stayed silent for a bit, thoughts swirling in his head as he wondered if it was a coincidence. you died twenty years ago, and this person before him is 20 years old. were you reborn?
this is purely just a coincidence, right?
setting that thought aside, he proceeds to have a conversation with f/n. a few days have passed and they are getting closer to the silver owls headquarters. once they were just a few more miles away, night has come, setting them up a camp to rest before continuing the expedition.
everything was like usual. silver and sebek offered to make dinner once more, while yuu and grim helped around. the other soldiers were patching up wounds and resting by the fireplace as they chatted with their other comrades. baul and lilia were having a conversation, perhaps discussing the course of action while waiting for the meal.
and f/n, on the other hand, remained seated on a log near their tent. their gaze never peeled away from lilia as they desperately tried to think about certain thoughts, such as...
how did they know what his favourite meal was? he never told them about it nor did they have a conversation regarding those topics once.
how did they know which pie flavour he liked? never once did f/n attempt to make pies in this lifetime, and yet they knew so much about lilia's preference.
why did they have thoughts about missing the way he looks when he smiles fondly? it's not like they have seen him smile throughout the expedition, and fondly at that.
but one thought that bothered them the most was... why did they feel as if they were falling in love all over again?
all that thinking led to lilia approaching them after his conversation with baul ended. he wondered why f/n looked so deep in thought while staring at him earlier, seeing as the gaze was obvious. he then knelt down and looked at them, "what's wrong?"
f/n immediately snapped out of their thoughts before shaking their head, "no, it's nothing... i was just thinking about a few things..."
lilia hummed in response, but he did not believe them when they said it was nothing. he then sat beside them, staying silent for a bit before letting out a tired sigh.
"...don't die again, okay?"
f/n raised a brow at his words. again? what did he mean by again? they looked at lilia once more and spoke, "what do you mean by 'again'...?"
the general then eyed f/n as he replied, "wherever you go, i'll find you... remember?" and just like magic, those words hit f/n like a truck. vague memories started flooding their mind as they pictured scenes of being in a cottage and holding lilia's hand, baking pies and handing them out to the soldiers that were currently accompanying them, or how lilia would always drop by for a visit to check in on them.
lilia saw how f/n seemed spooked, and he was about to speak until they pulled him in for a tight hug, wrapping their arms around him as they held him close. no words were exchanged for a moment, but lilia felt the warmth he felt back then.
silver and sebek were watching them while waiting for the pot to boil, and though they had not said anything, they smiled at one another before looking back at the younger versions of f/n and lilia.
after the hug, lilia cupped f/n's cheeks with a small yet gentle smile, "you're still as beautiful as i remember." they let out a soft chuckle as they remained their arms around his torso, "i missed you..."
his gentle smile grew a little more as he placed a kiss on their forehead, "don't leave me this time..."
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© twstgarden 2023 || please do not steal, translate without my permission, or use this to train a.i.
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