#Superman of metropolis
takahashi-edits · 2 years
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Future State: Superman of Metropolis - Icons
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yancystreetpodcast · 2 years
Someone catch me up with the Lazarus Planet stuff they’ve been setting up at DC
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bats-and-the-birds · 2 months
Situation where Clark has formed a tentative working relationship with Batman, but somewhere in that time, Batman acquired Robin and, naturally, didn't tell him.
Clark finds out about Robin's existence when a ten year old Dick Grayson in full Robin gear breaks into his apartment at two in the morning and shakes him awake because Batman's missing and Alfred's away and Bruce taught him that, in the case of emergency, Superman was one of the only people he could trust. Bruce just didn't think to tell Clark that he was, by all means, his son's emergency contact.
Clark: -wakes up to a small boy that he's never seen or heard of before in a cape and a mask with lenses that reflect light like a cat's perched on the edge of his bed in a pitch black room-
Dick, calmly: Hey, Batman's -- stop screaming -- Batman's missing. I need help.
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ev-arrested · 9 months
Imagining clicking on a Snapmap hotspot in a superhero city and it’s just shit like this lmao
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Inspired by this thread
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emo-batboy · 11 months
A Wild SuperGuy? (Social Media AU)
Part 44 (Masterlist)
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(Part 45)
Istg I made this entire chapter in two hours. It's like I was smacked upside the head with the opposite of writer's block. (Also shoutout to the two people in part 43's notes that immediately predicted what this update would be about.)
@bruciemilf how’s it hangin’
Drink water, enjoy the weather, and have a great day :D
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ghostbsuter · 5 months
He'd moved to metropolis on a whim.
The city was big, he's earning good money via commissioned things (most people come to him for cosplay actually, who knew that knowing how to build a sci-fi gun that doesn't even work would be this wanted??) and he's got a nice apartment!
Superman and Supergirl were the active heroes, he didn't need to involve himself anymore with the world of heroes, he would continue as a civilian. It was better this way.
So how come LexLuthor, of all people, what is his luck?, sends him an invitation to LexCorp AND once declined, seemed to have created some sort of energy absorbing weapon that directly zoomed in on his immediate whenever around?
Civilian life is one thing.
Being rescued via Super for the 9th time is another.
"Hey Danny." Supergirl grins, they're floating to the side as Superman deals with Lex.
"Hey, Supergirl." Danny replies with a sigh, holding his bag.
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incorrectbatfam · 10 months
If you could live in one DC city, which one would you choose? Star City? Central City? Metropolis? Gotham? Or a different one?
All of them have their pros and cons
Star City
- Pros: the Arrowfam
- Cons: Ollie's chili
Central City/Keystone
- Pros: more mentally stable Rogues gallery
- Cons: the Midwest
- Pros: not Gotham
- Cons: gotta buy a new car every week the way they get thrown through your office
- Pros: Kon
- Cons: corn
- Pros: grunge vibes
- Cons: Gotham
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tiny-space-platypus · 2 months
Half baked idea time!!
DC/dp au where it's like late teens/warily twenties punk Danny being tired as shit. Like this man just wants to sit on a roof top, patch himself up, maybe smoke then go back to having to do inner dimensional politics or another fight. But Danny can't have that instead every time he tries a hero either thinks he's going to kill himself and tries to intervene or some sort of fight breaks out and his stupid core makes him have a mighty need to assist. Also, where the hell did all these heroes come from, ancients knew they weren't there when he needed help. He's just a tad bit bitter about the only time he's getting attention from heroes is the only time he doesn't want it. He goes everywhere just trying to catch a break.
Danny tries to find some peace and fucking quiet only to end up freak out the league because dear god this kid is going through it and they need to get him before he becomes a supervillain or something.
Chills for 5 minutes seeing Superman nopes the hell out of there cursing in kryptonian. He deals with his kind enough in the realms he doesn't want to deal with the living either. "Nope! Not today! Not dealing with you today!"
Superman is freaking out because there's a kid that was sitting on top of the daily planet only to disappear speaking his language??? He also had a really slow heart beat? Was that child alright??
Coast city
Danny's on a large skyscape sitting on the edge watching the streets below as he patches himself up and lights a smoke only to have it glow green and ripped from him.
"You know, this stuff isn't exactly good for you. Especially on skyscrapers. Besides you seem a little young to be smoking."
Danny who looks like he wants to tackle Hal pit of the god damn sky for interrupting his break. "I feel like I'm too young for a lot of things but here we are"
Hal starts some sort of space cop speech and Danny decides fuck this and jumps off the building mouthing "Acab" with a salute and disappear giving the green Lantern a heart attack. Since he thinks he's about to save a kid from falling to his death only for the kid to not be there.
Central City
Danny is yet again trying to relax on a skyscraper only to be interrupted by the flash. At least this time the hero doesn't take his smokes instead just sits next to him. It's nice actually, the quiet white noise of the city below shining how stars would in the sky. Eventually Danny would finish his smoke and put it out before shoving the bud in his pocket. (He won't litter) as soon as Danny stood up the flash grabbed him forcing him back to sitting.
"Look kid, I don't know what's going on but there's gotta be a better way than this. I'll help you if you need help just-"
Danny now staring at him. A little dumbfounded then laughed.
"I'm not trying to kill myself. Just wanted to smoke in peace." Danny looks down at the ground from 150 meters up "besides I've fallen from worse"
"Great! Wait what?" The Flash looked relieved for a second then proceeded the second part of what Danny just said. The flash only looked away for less then a second which gave Danny just enough time to disappear scaring the shit out of the hero.
Danny after having a rather rough fight as phantom with his parents. Bleeding and mumbling curses as he patches himself up on another skyscraper. "Stupid ecto-gun, stupid laws, stupid, stupid"
Just as Danny started to patch a literal hole in his side Nightwing would make his appearance. "Back away-"
Danny snapped at the hero. "You've got to be fucking- I'm trying to kill myself, Yes I'm injured, no I do not want help, yes I'm fine. Will you be going now?"
Nightwing paused then sat next to the kid a little disturbed. As he watches this kid doing stitches on himself. "Bad day?"
Danny snorted as he finished stitching himself up with fishing wire. "Bad life" He then started smoking again making the vigilante frown. This kid was nowhere near old enough to smoke but the kid was also giving himself stitches on a roof so not the worst thing this kid has done so far. "Wanna tell me what happened?"
Danny shrugged. "My parents shot me again"
"I'm sorry what? Again?!"
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nitewrighter · 8 months
I don't think that the civilians in the DC universe are picky with regards to who's saving the day, per se, but they are very attached to their respective local superheroes and are extremely sensitive and scrutinizing if someone unfamiliar shows up. Like there is a general understanding that superheroes aren't tied to their respective cities 100% of the time, but there's also a very intense Local Civilian Vibe Check if you're superheroing on someone else's turf.
POV: You have just stopped a rampaging supervillain in downtown Metropolis (You are Booster Gold):
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satoshy12 · 10 months
Fenton the Danger Alarm
It didn't take long for Amity Park to notice; if there was danger coming, then mist would come out of Danny Fenton's mouth. So if Mist comes out of Danny's mouth, danger will come in a few minutes, and the more mist, the more dangerous the danger. ++ So while his group was in a student swap in a other City, a huge mist came out of Danny's mouth, and the whole Casper High class did go into chaos. The last time this happened, they had hurricanes(Vortex)! The first thing the class did was use a Fenton shield, so the classroom is saved. As long as the shield is open, not even a nuke could destroy it. A few minutes later, there was an alarm about a Rouge attack on the school. Which brought much destruction to the whole school just not that Classroom. + From that day on, the Outside class with Danny learned to be ready when mist came out. If mist comes out, danger will happen. This is the most useful metapower they ever saw for civilians. + They are very jealous of the Casper High school, someone like Danny would be very good for people where villains attack so often! Never before was their school so safe for such a long time! All were able to go safe place in time with this much more effective Alarm.
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When Danny enters the Fenton portal for the very first time, he still trips and shocks himself but at the same time damages the inside of the portal enough that it can’t sustain itself past the point of changing Danny’s molecules.
The electricity and damage done to both Danny and the portal isn’t something Danny, Sam, and Tucker can cover up and his parents find out immediately. They’re more concerned about their son then the portal (they have the blueprints for the portal and can rebuild it later but can’t replace their son if something happened to him) and go through a lot of things emotions regarding the existence of ghost human hybrids.
Danny’s new biology could easily be passed as meta human traits. Unfortunately President Lex Luther had just recently passed laws against meta humans. Meaning they can’t risk people find out about Danny’s new powers, at all. The Fentons decide that Danny should live with one of Maddie or Jacks relatives off grid until he can control his new abilities better.
luckily Jacks sister, Martha, and her husband have experience with a super powered child and after their son moved to the city could probably use a hand on their farm. All Jack needed to do was call.
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I can't believe some people say that autism was only a thing recently. This is from the DC's letters to the editor segment from 1966.
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Dash Baxter as the Overly Competent Metropolis Cop
We all know the "Dash becomes a Police Officer" trope, but I can never remember what Coty he is placed in.
Now, Imagine if Dash is placed in Metropolis? He starts out on the force and keeps telling everybody that this City is "Nowhere near as exciting as I thoight it would be" and "There aren't even any Supervillains that I can arrest"
And everybody else is just thinking that he is just overconfident in his own skills than that he is just a glory seeker.
And then one day, Lex Luthor breaks out of Prison and gets one of his Giant Mechs. Superman arrived on scene to try and stop him only to discover Dash handcuffing a peefectly fine Lex on the hood of his Car while Lex's Mech Suit is laying 10 meters away totally unscathed.
This random cop somehow managed to defeat Lex Luthor's Mech Suit (Which was designed to battle SUPERMAN) without needing to hurt Lex OR damage the suit in any way.
Well, at the very least that must have been a difficult feat to pull of-
"That was easily the worst Power Armor I have ever had to fight dude, are you sure you're a Super Genius?"
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r3ynah · 8 months
Danny is mothering
Mothering two kids was not easy Danny said based from experience, especially if one is a super-villain, and one is a hero. maybe this was fate coming to stab him in the back for becoming a vigilante, Oh well he'll just support and love them, afterall that was his only goal for his children.
he didn't care if Dan hurt people, as long as he's not killing them, he was glad and delighted if ever Dan asks his help, for his plans or weapon making, Dan always had his big pride so it rarely comes when he came asking for help on something.
he didn't care if Dani used/borrowed his powers all she likes, afterall she needs her support, no one can become a great hero without help from others and Dani was a stubborn one, that's for sure.
In short Danny liked bonding with his kids.
He only ever puts his foot down whenever Dan and Dani fights, he was not happy with this afterall, he didn't want his babies to fight and destroy everything in their paths.
They mostly fight privately but this fight was somewhat serious that they both needed to throw hands right here right now. in the middle of Metropolis for all the city's they can fight at.
Danny watched his kids strangle and punch eachother while also crashing into buildings damn that's going to be expensive, sighing in disappointment, he floated down towards them and when he was close enough grabbed their shoulders then pushed them apart, making them stumble and pause in the air.
"No. no fighting" was all Danny said before going invisible, patted his children's heads and teleported away, leaving a now crying Dani who was clinging and apologizing to Dan, who had no choice and awkwardly patted his older sister's back, while also apologizing.
No batman, you didn't need to shoot them with kryptonite, their not even kryptonians, put that away. and comfort superman who's hyperventilating in the corner.
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emo-batboy · 7 months
Me: I hate fans that insist Gotham’s in New York when DC says it’s in New Jersey! Why won’t they just accept that?? It’s been canon for YEARS—
DC: Metropolis is in Delaware.
Me: Shut the entire fuck up.
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theshadowrealmitself · 2 months
Thinking about the fact that everyone thinks Superman doesn’t have a secret identity and just hangs out in his fortress of solitude when he’s not superheroing
And now I’m just thinking about metropolis citizens being convinced that Superman just broods in there about how his planet is gone and stuff
I want it all to lead to the citizens somehow being convinced that Batman is the sociable one who gets Superman out of his fortress to just hang and do non-superhero stuff with him
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