#character!thomas is mentioned
shyjusticewarrior · 6 months
[Jason and Tim training after Jason got his fear failsafe]
Jason: You're holding back.
Tim: That's what sparring is, Jason.
Jason: When I sparred with Signal he pointed my gun at me.
Duke: It's true.
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frownyalfred · 1 month
I came across a post where someone mentioned that Martha Wayne’s pearls were actually her teeth, but Bruce misremembered or blocked it out…
This has to be one of the most heartbreaking and gut-wrenching headcanons I’ve ever encountered about Martha and Bruce. Just imagine the scene—her teeth falling out instead of the pearls, either from the impact of the bullet or from the way she fell and hit her mouth.
The imagery is so disturbing and visceral. It adds a whole new layer of trauma to Bruce’s memory, making his recollection of that night even more tragic.
Also— I feel like we don’t talk enough about what the Waynes’ deaths must have really been like…
The thought that Bruce might have been splattered with his parents’ blood, or even brain matter, from the impact. .. I feel like the writers never really specified where exactly they were shot or what kind of gun was used, which could have made the injuries even more horrifying depending on the weapon. The unease in his father’s voice—something foreign that Bruce had probably never heard before—from a man who was usually so optimistic and confident, might have been the first time Bruce saw his father truly scared. And then there’s his mother’s screams. In Christopher Nolan’s movies, Martha’s screams still haunt me to this day. The actress did an incredible job capturing that raw terror.
But what really gets me is the time. How long did Bruce stand there, in the pool of his parents’ blood, waiting for someone to come and help him? Did he try to pick up his mother’s pearls, or maybe try to stop the blood from pouring out of their wounds? That time must have felt like an eternity for him—standing there, powerless, with his parents’ blood on his hands, the smell of rot from the nearby trash, the powder of the gunshot lingering in the air, the city’s humidity, and the iron tang of blood.
And another chilling thought: what if his parents died with their eyes open? The idea of Thomas Wayne’s lifeless eyes staring up at his now-traumatized, orphaned son is just devastating.
Anyways, sorry for the ramble… I would love to hear your thoughts !!!
oh my god. yeah…..I mean, yeah. I’m getting smacked speechless by some of these anons today.
I actually saw someone knock all their teeth out once like you’re describing and it is gruesome. seeing teeth where they aren’t supposed to be is horrifying.
I think comics and movie adaptations letting the Waynes get shot somewhere in center mass, away from their faces, by low caliber bullets so they bleed out with last words is a mercy, in some ways.
modern guns could make that scene could look very, very different. I won’t go into them here but…yeah. there’s a reason they die with their faces intact in the comics and most movies, in my opinion. and with a few words or screams, maybe, before they fully die.
but yeah. there’s a world where they both get hit point blank in the head, brain and blood go everywhere, and Bruce has to sit there caked in for a while. until the cops show up, and even then, he probably doesn’t get clean for a while, since he’s covered in the decade’s most haunting crime scene.
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randomnerd737 · 6 months
I was thinking about the 5 year anniversary video and
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it is interesting to me how Patton kind of decided for Logan what his role in the "family" would be. all the other sides chose it themselves, but he didn't get to.
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even when he actively objects it's played for laughs and never addressed. this happened too when Patton revealed his name for him, and I just think it's interesting to note that after all these years, Logan still never gets to decide anything when it comes to Thomas, or even himself, to an extent. it's just kind of decided for him and he is expected to just go along with it, similar to how it was when Thomas dyed his hair.
ik it's mainly a "haha wine mom" moment, but that doesn't take away from how angsty it gets when you think about it.
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incorrectbatfam · 6 months
EDIT: no I'm not gonna ask them, I want it to be a surprise
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hazelcongestion · 4 months
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is it okay to confess about the actors... because i need to say something very virgin-esque about thomas' actor (andrew bryniarski)
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rubydubydoo122 · 8 months
Yall, I love the BatFamily so much, and I want to write them all being happy, but sometimes there are too many of them to write in a scene together. Like AAAAUUUGGGHHH, trying to fit them all in the same scene is so HARRRDDDD
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flamingpudding · 1 year
DPxDC Family Week June 23 (Day 6)
Prompt: Grandparents | Lost
A/N: I felt like writing something with some Angst I guess, tho I don't know what all I need to TW so if I forgot something please tell me.
TW: Grieving Danny, mentions of accidental mass Genocide, Mentions of Character Death
AO3 Link: DPxDC Family Week Contributions
Danny sat on the roof of Wayne Manor staring longingly at the smog and light polluted sky. Trying to get at least the smallest glimpse of the stars above him and ignoring the two ghostly presences that he knew were watching him worriedly. He didn't want to feel like this anymore but at this very moment he resented Gotham. Despite Lady Gotham being welcoming to him and despite the warm welcome the Wayne's were attempting to give him Danny couldn't help but feel like he just wanted everything to end.
Amity had gone up in an ectoplasm powered explosion. The entire town was gone. And so were his parents, Jazz, Sam, Tucker, Valery, Wes, and everyone else he had ever known. Even Ellie had gotten caught up in it just when she had gotten officially adopted by his parents. All because he told his parents about Phantom. They accepted him, Ancients, they were even starting to change their ways. Their research was no longer biased and rather filled with the truth Danny was able to provide them. His parents had turned from Ghost Hunters to Ghost Defenders. Helping him and Ellie in sending them back to the Ghost Zone as well as rescuing them from the GIW. It was so nice not having to worry about them hunting him or injuring him any longer.
But of course everything couldn't have stayed like that. His life was doomed to not let him have good and peaceful things. Because the moment his parents changed they also stopped providing their weaponry to the GIW. Apparently that was the only thing that stopped these people from attempting to develop their own stuff. Which resulted in them creating their own highly dangerous arsenal.
Danny drew in his knees and buried his face in them, eyes stinging. Everything has gone to shit then. He knew that Jazz and probably everyone else too, would tell him that it wasn't his fault. But he couldn't help it. If he had never told his parents the truth, they wouldn't have stopped their deal with the GIW, then they wouldn't have started developing their own stuff. And then they wouldn't have come up with a nuclear level kind of ecto-bomb that was supposed to clean out Amity of all the ghosts but ended up destroying and killing everyone in town while leaving Danny as the only survivor just because he had been called by Clockwork for some stupid royal duties.
He remembered screaming, yelling and cursing once he returned and realized that his entire home town was gone. Accusing Clockwork of everything and nothing, demanding for him to send him back at least a couple of hours so he could prevent it from happening, but the other only shook his head telling Danny that even he didn't expect that change to the timeline and that it would be useless to try and prevent it from happening. Danny hadn't believed him at all as he broke down in the rumble place that used to be his home.
Of course that level of an explosion would also finally gain the Justice Leagues attention after all the failed calls he and his friends had made. He had wanted to scream at them too, blame them for so many things when they never offered their help before, but he didn't. His screaming at clockwork already had trained him of all the energy he had left. Besides one of the people coming by to check what happened was Batman and of course when they found him Batman would arrange for Danny to probably get taken care of which meant Bruce Wayne showing up and taking him in.
He guessed Bruce Wayne taking him in was still better than Vlad at this point, if that other halfa had survived that was.
Danny only went with the man because Clockwork had told him too, despite the anger still bubbling in his core whenever the ancient ghost contacted him, he listened albeit reluctantly. Because Clockwork told him that he could still avoid a Dan Timeline by going with that man but the ghostly teenager didn't know how. He had lost everything and right now he felt like he understood Dan better than he had ever before. His core hurt so much and he wasn't sure how long he could hold onto his sanity.
Sure he mimed the good kid for the Waynes, yet it had all been an act at the beginning. He got along with Jason just fine, probably because he could feel something familiar from him. Something he hadn't really paid enough attention to figure it out. Damien was nice company and he liked how the boy reminded him of Sam. Sure the kid had been a bit stabby but that was nothing compared to the time his parents spent hunting him when they hadn't known. Tim also reminded him of Tucker in a way, brilliant and adept to technology like no one else but the guy needed a better sleep schedule. Though Danny could relate to the coffee addiction they both appear to have. He kept his distance from Dick though. The eldest Wayne kid reminded him way too much of Jazz with the oldest sibling energy that came from him. Cass on the other hand was a nice and calming presence, she didn't talk much and sometimes that was all that Danny needed, just a silent presence next to him that didn't try to do something or talk about anything with him. Duke also was nice to be around though the other boy had kept his distance at first he now appeared more curious about him than before, Duke also had subtitly asked if Danny was a Meta, but luckily for the halfa, he had been able to redirect that question without answering it.
Still no matter how nice they were or how much he got along with them. It felt wrong, wrong to be here, wrong to accept their kindness, wrong, wrong, wrong. He could feel how his core fell into the chaos of is emotions as ice slowly spread around him.
"There you are, little Danny." He tensed but didn't look up. A cold wisp left passed his lips as he breathed out and he felt a ghostly presence 'sit' next to him on the roof; one was still watching him from a distance. His ice receded not wanting to end up making that other presence an ice block despite his need of wanting to be alone.
"You know, my son and his kids are pretty worried down there. I am sure that little Jason is currently tearing through every hidden nog and cranny he used to use. And little Damien is just seconds away from stabbing someone in his ire, he gave Titus one of your shirts Alfred hasn't washed yet in an attempt to find you and I believe little Tim is speed watching every video from all the cameras my son has installed. Sweet little Cass and little Duke are slinking along and using the shadows to look for you and little Dick appears to have become a headless chicken while simultaneously trying to calm down my son."
Danny didn't answer nor did he acknowledge Thomas Wayne's presence next to him. This was another thing he would have to get used to. Thomas and Martha Wayne, two of the ghosts that stuck to the Manor had taken to him the same way Lady Gotham had. But for some reasons the two were rather protective of Danny, referring to him as their newest grandchild. Something he just couldn't understand.
He was sure that if Jazz was here she could explain it to him. Ancients, he missed his sister.
"They are postponing their patrol until you're found, you know."
"I didn't ask them to." The halfa muttered lowly, still not looking up. The ghost next to him chuckled. Danny had figured out pretty quickly that the entire Wayne Family were vigilantes. In fact they were the Bat-Clan. If he hadn't figured it out by going around invisible and intangible during his first night here because he was suspicious of Bruce being another fruitloop then Danny was pretty sure that either Martha or Thomas would have spilled the truth to him sooner or later.
They had gushed so much about how proud they were of their child and grandchildren and how Danny would perfectly fit in with them. How they would give him the support he needed and the protection he deserved. He didn't want it, he was not going to replace the support he had before.
"They mean well. I know that my son can be…" Danny peaked up from his knees to see Thomas hand waving in a way that he couldn't interpret but had seen Jazz do too whenever their parents were being difficult. "... but he tries to be a good Dad."
"I don't need them trying to replace Mom and Dad." Was his grief, frustration and resentment leaking through his voice? Because if Thomas was going to give him the 'My son is a good Dad talk' he would not hesitate to change and fly away for good. He had played with the thought of running away before but Martha, bless her ghost, had convinced him to stay longer. How she had done it Danny didn't know but that woman could be very persuasive when she wanted to be or at least that was what Thomas told him.
"No one is trying to replace anyone." He felt Thomas' ghostly hand motion over his head like he was stroking Danny's hair. It took Danny a moment until he actually felt the motion, allowing the others ghostly touch to reach him and ignoring how his core painfully hummed at that action.
"Really, cause it sure feels like it with how they 'care'." Maybe that had been a low blow but the halfa was getting fessed up and bitter with the Waynes. It wasn't like they were mistreating him. No, in fact they were treating him very well despite Danny always drawing a line. Never getting too personal with any of them despite how well he could get along with them. Martha and Thomas kept encouraging him, assuring him that they were all honest with him even when he didn't want to hear that.
Because even if he denied it with his mind, his core knew, he had already stopped pretending to like them after the first week with them. Martha and Thomas constantly sought him out, claiming it as their duty as his grandparents. Checking in on him and how he was settling in, asking how he was feeling. And when Danny would refuse to acknowledge them, the two ghostly resistances would just laugh and start telling him about their family, trying to help him understand. About their son and their grandchildren. About random things the two had seen happening that the rest of the family didn't, like Alfred the cat and Batcow taking a walk around the Manor unnoticed by everyone.
Unwillingly he had learned a lot of embarrassing stories like that about the Waynes all during his first week. Dicks escapades with chandeliers, Jason's special book collection no one knew about, Tim sleep deprived action he thought no one knew about, Cass little pranks she liked to pull and no one ever traced back to her, Duke's hero speech practices and Damian's constant attempts to smuggle new animals into the Manor. His core had ached, lamenting the fact that he would never be able to share stories like that with his sisters or his best friends anymore. Rationally thinking he knew these ghostly grandparents only meant well but it only made him miss Amity more.
He curled up again, once more burying his face in his knees.
Would his core ever stop hurting? He had failed his entire hometown? What was his obsession worth now? He hadn't been able to protect anyone. Would… would his core stop hurting if he let insanity take him? If he became like Dan after all? Was that how Dan came to be? It made sense, didn't it? Dan did come from a timeline where he had lost everything.
"Oh little Danny." The pressure on his eyes became too much and the halfa could feel how wet tears soaked the fabric of jeans as he pressed his eyes against his knees. A cold touch lay across his shoulder and he was sure that Thomas was giving him a hug, he could feel his core calling out to his self proclaimed ghostly grandparents but he ignored it. "Let it out, there is no fault in grieving. Ancients know how nearly everyone in this family had gone and dealt with grief. There is no need to rush, we all will be there for you."
A sob escaped him as his shoulders started shaking.
He didn't know how much time passed as he didn't even register how the cold touch on his shoulders changed to a warm one. How it became more grounding as someone rubbed his back. The ghostly presence that had been next to him had disappeared but instead there were six other warm presences around him and a seventh one not too far away.
Danny didn't look up but he knew, he knew that the Wayne's had joined him on the roof and he was pretty sure that the arm around his shoulder probably belonged to Dick and that the one rubbing his back was Duke. The one sitting close to his legs was most likely Damien as it was the smallest and Tim was probably the presence to his right. There was another silent presence behind him, Cass most likely as well as Jason's sort of ghostly but not presence. He could even sense Bruce close by.
No one said anything and the halfa was fine with that. His core didn't warm at their silent actions but it did hurt just a little bit less. For a brief moment Danny thought that maybe he wouldn't have to become like Dan after all for it to stop hurting. Maybe Thomas and Martha were right that staying here would help him heal.
Thomas watched all his grandchildren silently giving their support and help when his newest grandchild was lost in his grief. He was still worried about the little guy, he wasn't the youngest among them but he was carrying a lot on his shoulders. His trauma and grief are so different yet so similar to the rest of their family and his core ached with that knowledge. Couldn't the children just be happy without any difficulties throwing rocks in their paths?
At the moment Lady Gotham was making sure that no other ghosts would come to bother his grandchild. Apparently little Danny already had his own little group of rogues that were eagerly awaiting to check on him. Thanks to the city's spirit though, he and his wife could make sure that the little halfa was settling in well with his new family without them trying to fight his newest grandchild.
"Don't worry dear." His wife floated over to him, laying her head on his shoulder as they watched the children. "They will help him with his grief and once they have he will fit right in with the lot of them."
A chuckle escaped him as he watched the eldest helping up the grieving boy who was doing his best to bury himself in his oversized hoodie. The second oldest ruffled the halfa's hair when they passed him on their way back into the manor, the youngest hot on their heels, sticking close to the grieving teen. His granddaughter taking the chance to hug the boy and not looking like she would let go anytime soon while the third oldest boy followed rambling about an observatory he would like to take Danny too.
"I know they will. I am just wondering how our son will deal with our grandchild's special status as well as counting as a royal family once little Danny opens up."
His wife giggled. "Well that is a problem for another day, dear. I am sure our Brucie will know how to deal with it and if not Alfred is still with him to support."
Thomas nodded. "And if everything fails, we will be here to help guide them?"
"Of course my dear."
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autumn0689 · 10 months
“Beyond this temple of shadow and mist, there is a window on the floor, and a door on the ceiling, there is no knowing am I standing still, or running, or kneeling.” ZANE ZANE BUDDY PLEASE WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS WHY ARE YOU JUST SO HOT JUST THE WAY HE SAYS ‘Kneeling’ LIKE DUDE YOU ARE JUST SO HOT WHY IS MY TASTE IN MEN SO FUCKED!!!!!
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hey, I heard you liked assassin AUs? this ask turned out long as eff, whoops.
tw: mentions of death, murder, gore, dismemberment, mutilation, poison, and probably more. General assassin stuff. (not described, just mentioned)(murder, death, and poison are mentioned throughout, but the rest is just in the first paragraph)
Everyone has heard of the Duke, he’s a terror. He kills for anyone who pays him, and he does it gruesomely. If you want hearts ripped out of chests, people ground into sausage meat, one body part sent to each of the corpse’s loved ones, you go to the Duke. I heard he lives in the forest near… I know someone who knows someone… he’s easy to find, just go north. The Duke is the kind of story older kids tell to their younger siblings. He’ll find you, he’ll rip you in half… Other, less well-known assassins have said that he won’t last long. They’ve seen killers with his style before, they get careless. They get caught. It hasn’t happened yet though, so who knows? One of those assassins is found impaled the next day, DUKE carved into his chest as a warning to the others. 
Very few have heard of Anxiety. 
Good, Virgil thinks, as he slips ricin powder into a teabag. (He works as a castor oil salesman, he has to use the byproduct for something.) He mails the teabag to the address written on the discreet envelope he had received, and another corrupt politician is dead within the month. Technically, Virgil’s never killed anyone. It’s none of his business what his clients do with his products, after all. 
One day, Virgil is collecting the mail from the false address he uses as Anxiety, and he notices a letter. The stationery is too fancy, the handwriting would be easily identified—either this client is very stupid or they don’t care about being found out, which amounts to the same thing regardless. He carefully opens the letter.
It contains a hundred worth of marks, and instructions.
The instructions say to travel to the royal court. To get a job as a servant in the palace kitchens. To administer his product to the king and four others, whose names Virgil only vaguely recognizes. They must be important, though, for this much money.
He doesn’t usually travel, and this job seems dangerous... Clearly, more factors are at play here than a hired killer is permitted to know. But the letter promises four hundred more when the murder is done, and, well, that’s a lot of money. Virgil would be set for life. And who knows the consequences if he declines? 
He starts a mental packing list, and is on the road to the court within the week. 
idk yet what happens next—my current idea is that Remus is also hired to kill the same people, and only the person who completes the job gets paid for it. That’s not great though… I kinda feel like one of them (probably Virgil) would just give up on the job if there was competition. It’d be pretty easy to contrive a reason for them to Not Do That—maybe if they don’t complete the job, they get killed? Virgil’s mysterious employer is already planning to kill him when the job is done, though—can’t have anyone knowing that you were (indirectly) the one to kill the previous king. Virgil isn’t fully aware of his employer’s plans, but he suspects. Virgil suspects everything. Paranoia keeps him alive. 
WAIT ACTUALLY IDEA (you are watching me brainstorm this au in real time)(ooh, how would a brainstorm work in the Mindscape? anyways)
I stopped typing for a sec and my brain wandered over to thinking about where the other sides could come into this au. (bear with me. also, this idea isn’t necessarily better than the last one. you have been warned.) 
So. Virgil’s employer (who I will call M. Evil or probably Mevil from now on) is probably killing the four people who are ahead of them for the throne, right? 
And Roman is a prince, right? 
So: Remus is Roman’s brother… c!Thomas is their dad… Logan and Janus are also ahead of Mevil for the throne (maybe one or both of them is engaged to Roman)… See where I’m going with this? (Maybe? Yes? No?)
(and Patton is the royal baker, Virgil’s boss while he works at the palace. Nobody is trying to kill him, but he might be accidentally endangered anyways)
okay, so Remus is the black sheep of the family, as he is wont to be in basically every AU I write. Being the Duke is sort of his side hobby? (Legally, he is a duke. Being a serial killer is the side hobby) He travels a lot, which is fairly normal for nobility. And wherever he goes, bloodshed follows.
There are theories among the kingdom that the Duke is following Remus, disturbingly obsessed with him. No one suspects that Remus might be the Duke, because Remus is a public figure and is ostensibly under too much scrutiny to get away with literal murder. Interestingly enough, it’s usually the crown’s political opponents who are murdered? Who knows why that could be. 
Somehow (brainstorm first, details later) Remus hears of a plot to murder himself, his twin, his father, and a few of his favourite court members. He travels back to the court to protect them, because who can defend from an assassin better than an assassin? He immediately clocks Virgil as the would-be-killer, they mutually attempt to kill each other a few times, then they fall in gay love and kill Mevil. The end. 
hmm. not the best, but probably better than my first idea. 
I fucking L O V E both ideas S O fucking much oml P L E A S E!!! I absolutely adore the cleverness of their assassin names and Ree being the most creatively gruesome towards his targets is so badass and fitting!!! Character!Thomas being the Creativitwins' dads is such an underrated concept that I L O V E and I am L O O K I N G at that Roloceit implication 👀👀👀👀👀👀 I seriously find the concept that no one suspects Ree to be a known assassin because of his title and that he'd "easily be caught" is D E L I C I O U S like he's just doing his royal duties nothing to see here he's definitely not causing murders or anything XD Also I L O V E that the beloveds are out for each other at first because Ree needs to protect himself and his people but they end up in love and killing Vee's employer instead that's just beautiful <3
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shyjusticewarrior · 7 months
Wayne Family Adventures Incorrect Quotes Pt 5
Tim: Your mind is scattered, Jason.
Jason: Your mind is gonna be scattered! Damian, hand me the gun!
Duke: Hey, do you think I can fit fifteen marshmallows in my mouth?
Damian: You're a hazard to society.
Damian: ... And a coward. Do twenty.
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lefaystrent · 5 days
One Man's Boon is Another Man's Bummer
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Pairings: none despite God's best efforts
Summary: "So because I lived a boring ass life and never had a long time boyfriend or got married or whatever sentimental crap, I'm being subjected to...romance? In an alternate universe? After dying?"
"Yeah, that pretty much sums it up."
In other words, Virgil gets isikaed.
The weirdest part of Virgil's day is not waking up in a fantasy universe where he's apparently the son of a very prominent lord.
The weirdest part is not even the fact that he remembers vividly dying in the most horrifically embarrassing way before waking up in said universe. He slipped in the shower and banged his head. Naked. People were going to find his dead body and it was naked. He thinks he could die a second time just picturing it.
The weirdest part is also not that the sky is green here and the grass is blue. Or that dragons grow no bigger than miniature ponies and aristocrats keep them as symbolic pets to stroke their elitist egos. Or that normal fucking water tastes like peppermint. Virgil hates peppermint.
No, the weirdest thing?
That would be the tiny fairy named Thomas who flies around him, unable to be seen by everyone else, and proudly declared himself as Virgil's guide to finding true love.
Virgil sits on a California sized king bed propped up by a dozen pillows. He wears pajamas made from like, fancy imported spider silk material. Except Virgil asked why the hell someone had dressed him in silk pajamas while he'd been sleeping and a maid looked at him and asked, "What's silk, sir?"
They call it tissle. Virgil isn't sure why, but just the sound of the word pisses him off. He's wearing tissle pajamas, how silly of him.
Of course, the anger came way after the panic. The kind of screeching panic that catapulted him from the ridiculous bed and had him screaming in fright at all of the servants that dared to approach him. And there were quite a few servants too. And they called him "young lord" and tried to calm him down and explained that he had not been kidnapped by rich people but lived here. This was his home. He had fainted in the garden, didn't he remember?
No the fuck he doesn't remember.
"It's to be expected," Thomas the fairy tells him sympathetically. He flits about, trailing glitter out of his butt or whatever. He's got butterfly wings and wears a sparkly tunic getup, and Virgil has tried numerous times to clap his hands at him like he's an annoying mosquito but he keeps getting away.
"What, my life becoming an isikae anime?" Virgil asks petulantly. He's allowed to be a little petulant, given the situation.
Thomas giggles, "No, of course not! That part's a once in a chance lifetime! You're very lucky."
"Look into my eyes and say that again."
"Er, what I meant was that a little memory loss is to be expected from the experience."
"I died. I woke up in a stupid fantasy universe. I've been kidnapped by rich people. What am I not remembering here?"
"Other than all the memories from this alternate reality? Nothing much, you pretty much got it!"
If looks alone could sear the flesh from bones...
Thomas waves his hands and wisely flutters back a foot. "Hey, don't give me that look. I'm just your guide. I didn't select you for soul reassignment."
Virgil honestly growls, "Then who's the bastard responsible for this so I can shove my foot up their ass?"
"Are you always this violent?"
No, not really. Virgil lived a pretty boring, mediocre life before he died. Most days, he'd rather fall down an open manhole than subject himself to confrontation.
He doesn't exactly feel like himself at the moment. The only saving grace is that his body is unchanged. He's got the same terrible pale skin, lanky limbs, and dark bangs that hang in his eyes. Had he woken up as a completely different person... That would have thrust him into madness.
"So what did I do to be so lucky?" Virgil asks, deadpanned.
They're alone in this massive bedroom that could fit his old apartment. It took awhile, but he'd managed to push the servants out the door and barricade it. Now he can talk freely with the buzzing insect and not be seen as crazy. Crazier. Crazier than before, at least
Thomas twirls in the air, and there are tiny golden bells tied around his ankles that chime with the movement. He's brimming with cheer as he explains, "Very few souls receive the honor of soul reassignment. This occurs at the time of passing, when the body can no longer contain the soul. Normally, the person would pass on into the afterlife, but the powers that be decided to give you a second chance!"
"So I need to kick God's ass is what you're saying."
"The powers that be, and no. There will be no kicking of deity booties. This is meant to be a precious boon for those who experienced purpose unfulfilled."
"So because I lived a boring ass life and never had a long time boyfriend or got married or whatever sentimental crap, I'm being subjected to...romance? In an alternate universe? After dying?"
"Yeah, that pretty much sums it up."
Virgil lays down on the bed and cover his head with the blankets. "I'm going to sleep and never waking up."
"Wha– but Virgil! I haven't even told you about your five prospective love interests! They were specifically chosen for you!"
Virgil can hear and feel the fairy thrumming above him. Itty bitty hands tug at his hair to no effect.
"Young lord?" a voice calls beyond the barricadded door. "We sent for a physician and your parents are on their way as well. We're worried for you. Please let us help."
"Fat chance," Virgil seethes and stays in bed out of spite.
A/N: Yes the five love interests are the other sides. No I have no current plans to continue this AU. I just wanted to make Virgil suffer. But I can tell you that the story would revolve around Virgil meeting all of the sides, finding himself in cliche romantic situations, and vehemently refusing to fall in love with any of them. The powers that be watch on from above very tiredly. Thomas tries his best to be a literal wingman. Virgil's more interested in finding new things to despise about the fantasy world he now lives in.
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this doesn’t even have anything to do with the actual text but it’s fucking hilarious. that “pardon” wasn’t in the original! they inserted it in the translation mid-sentence! some british translator in the 1930s translated this entire bisexual-ass book and the thing he clutched his pearls about was the mention of stomachs
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wolfprincesszola · 1 month
Echoes of 50 Masterlist
Hello everyone! This is a work that's been in the making for a little over 5 months now! I really hope you guys enjoy this, as it is only one of the amazing fics of this year's Big Bang Event hosted at @tss-storytime! As with every big bang event, there's always an artist and I'm so lucky to have worked with @thebestworstidea. The art she did for my story is absolutely phenomenal, so go check her out! ------------ Summary: Logan Sanders had spent his entire life hearing thoughts from everyone around him: strangers, family, friends, and more. He had learned more about people than he ever wanted to hear, but it became very useful when it came to gaining useful information.
His one goal in life? Find out what the government filled to the brim with powerless people has in store for him and the rest of the population with powers and stop it from happening.
Which was why it was even weirder when he had run into the prettiest man he had ever seen who just so happened to have the answers he might have been searching for. Unfortunately for him and for some frustratingly unknown reason, Patton Morris was immune to his telepathy.
The worst part? This cute guy seemed to be completely opposed against the government just as much as he was. Now it was up to him to decide if Patton was telling the truth and if Logan was to trust him in his crazy plans to try and overthrow the government. ------------
Characters: Logan, Patton, Roman, Remus, Janus, Virgil, Thomas, Emilie, Remy, Unsympathetic!Joan, Unsympathetic!Talyn, Unsympathetic!Orange Side, Unsympathetic!Friends_of_Thomas
Pairings: Logan/Patton (Logicality), Background Roman/Virgil (Prinxiety), Background Remus/Janus (Dukeceit), Hidden Remy/Emilie (Remilie)
Word Count: 55,210
Trigger Warnings: Major Character Death, Medical Trauma, Experimentation, Panic Attacks, Emotional Trauma, Abuse, Manipulation, Neglect
Content Warnings: Food, Swearing, Fighting
Art by @thebestworstidea
Read it at archiveofourown (click the underlined)!
<Chapter 1>
<Chapter 2>
<Chapter 3>
<Chapter 4>
<Chapter 5>
<Chapter 6>
<Chapter 7>
<Chapter 8>
<Chapter 9>
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<Chapter 11>
<Chapter 12>
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ahkeb · 20 days
My new OC that I made up entirely from nothing, his name is Invisalign ambassador zoro
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helenofblackthorns · 2 years
also I was bored last night so here are a bunch of other height charts I did
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