#〘 headcanon 〙oliver queen
bats-and-the-birds · 2 months
Justice League scenario where they meet little tiny Dick Grayson as Robin and immediately start taking bets on what on earth he is because the answer is obviously not human.
Green Lantern: I think Bats made a genetic clone of himself. One of his contingency plans, you know? If something happens to him, he has a well trained double to take his place eventually.
Green Arrow: No way! I refuse to believe anything that shares genetics with Batman could smile. I bet he's an alien that Batman found and ran tests on. I mean, have you seen the kid? I don't think he has bones.
Flash: Alien is a possibily, but have you seen the stuff the comes out of Gotham? I bet he just materialized out of the shadows one day. His smile scares me, I think he has to be a demon of some sort.
Dick Grayson, hanging upside down from a hanging light above them, where he has been silently eavesdropping the entire time: I am a normal human boy.
Lantern, Arrow, and Flash: -extended screaming-
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dc-comics-enjoyer · 6 months
Random things I like to hc (part 1)
- Constantine calling Batman "love" anytime.
"Good plan, love. Now, if I may add..."
- Diana constantly fighting the urge to add multiple times in the footnotes of her research papers : "*I know that because I was there."
- Clark feeling some type of way whenever anyone from the Batfam calls him Uncle Clark (he does tear up a little the first few times).
- Anytime Booster would get cancelled for a tweet, he'd go back in time just far enough to prevent from tweeting it. He did that way too many times.
- Barry and Hal being that one best friend duo that are big on PDA. Most of the time during JL meetings, Hal's leg would be intertwined with Barry's.
- Given that the way they usually interact correlates with what he learned about married couples, J'onn assumed for the longest time that Bruce and Clark were spouses.
- Much like how Clark switches off his kansan accent when he's being Superman, Bruce switches off his "posh" accent when he's being Batman.
- On the contrary, Oliver always sounds filthy rich.
- Everytime someone mentions (any) Robin, Hal's mind still can't fathom that Batman's sidekick is a literal child.
- Dick is a bisexual flirt in and out of costume.
- Regular occurence : Batman enters the meeting room, sees Booster's stupid expression that's a clear sign he's going to share very stupid ideas, and Batman exits the room without a word. He doesn't come back for the rest of the meeting. After it happened more than once, some of the members get the clue and walk out as well.
- Superman can recite entire movies by heart. Not surprising in and of itself, but surprising that Bruce silently lets him do it over his shoulder when he's working in the batcave. Lets Clark unwind and gives Bruce background noise.
- After multiple complaints, Batman had to soundproof Dinah and Oliver's room in the watchtower.
(Part 2 here )
(Good dad Bruce hc here)
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incorrectbatfam · 3 months
let's start asking the real questions: does the Batcave follow OSHA regulations? does the Watchtower?
Barry: So why are we in Bruce Wayne's living room? Is he okay?
Clark: He's fine. The Watchtower is just being fumigated so he's letting us use this space.
Hal: Fumigated? What, did Ollie break the plumbing again?
Oliver: That was ONE time!
Diana: It is not Green Arrow's fault for once.
Barry: So what happened?
OSHA inspector: Everything's looking great. I'll just sign you off and you'll be all good to go.
Clark: Thank you so much, we really appreciate it.
OSHA inspector: Not a problem. Now—
OSHA inspector: *sniffs*
OSHA inspector: What's that smell?
Clark: *sniffs and recoils*
Clark: I have no idea.
Bruce: ...I'm warming my lunch.
OSHA inspector: That's your lunch?
Bruce: I made it myself.
OSHA inspector: I see. SHUT 'EM DOWN, BOYS!
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violent138 · 5 months
The League's Property damage video nights are an insane ritual on the Watchtower, where their largest screen is hijacked so that dragged footage from CCTV cameras, government databases, and social media of the most hilarious, costly disasters can be played.
Some notable mentions:
Superman got confused/distracted trying to save a building cut in half during a fight and accidentally permanently fused it onto a totally different building (they decided to merge companies)
Aquaman flooding a small space to fight someone and the resulting wave lifts all the cars on the street and sends them sailing
One of Oliver's explosive arrows blows up fireworks in warehouse district (leading to several flights getting grounded or rerouted)
Diana lassoed something flying and it yanked her so hard that she took out a traffic light and dragged it fifteen blocks with her
Barry tripped over something while running and was too shocked to phase through anything, going crashing (and bouncing) off multiple cars, a fire hydrant, taking out a post box before finally faceplanting to a halt
Hal used the classified schematics from a next-gen fighter jet to make his own construct, causing the Pentagon to lose all the money they'd invested in it
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Bruce Wayne flips through the pages of a sherlock holmes novel, enjoying the story when his phone rings. He answers, bringing the phone to his ear. AUTOMATED VOICE (via phone) This is Gotham City Jail. You have a collect call from— JASON TODD (via phone) Um, Jason. BRUCE Not again. AUTOMATED VOICE (via phone) Do you accept the charges? BRUCE I... guess so. Talk Jason. JASON Roy and I are in jail, can you come down here with bail money again? BRUCE God damnit... What did you do? JASON It's not important. BRUCE What did you do? I won't be... that mad. JASON (groaning) We were at the gun shop, have to buy new bullets, you know and we walked past this car that... had a child in it. The child was covered in sweat, exhausted. So I, being a good citizen, smashed the other side of the window and helped the little angel out. BRUCE That's actually sweet, an overreaction, but sweet. Why is Roy with you? JASON Him? He beat the father's ass when they left the grocery store that's next to the gun shop. Roy, what did you say when the guy left the store with a cart full of Crona beer? ROY (in the background) It's on site for child abusers, especially when they double down on doing it! BRUCE Oh... honestly father of the year, not gonna lie. Why didn't he call Oliver? JASON The asshole hung up on him when he heard the automated message. Bruce nods, understanding how much a prick Oliver can be. BRUCE Okay, I'll be there in a few minutes and don't worry I'll cover this, you don't have to pay me back. JASON Aww thanks.
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superbat-love · 10 months
Oliver: You know, if you squint really hard, he looks pretty hot.
Bruce: Who are you talking about?
Oliver: That reporter right there. From the Daily Market. Clock Bent.
Bruce: You mean Clark Kent.
Oliver: Yeah, that’s what I said. He’s tall and has good, strong shoulders. Nice butt. I can soooo tap that. Shame he hides that hot bod under that ugly suit.
Bruce: …Hey Ollie, be a dear and hand me that glass of wine, will you?
Oliver steps forward to grab a glass of wine off the tray carried by a passing waiter. Unfortunately, he trips and crashes into the waiter, spilling wine all over himself. People around him quickly scramble to help him up. Clark wanders over.
Clark: I saw what you did, Bruce. You shouldn’t have done that, Ollie was drunk.
Bruce: [sulkily] Well he deserved it.
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Headcannon that Batman's lenses in his cowl can actually move and portray emotion and change shape and close when he closes his eyes/etc (don't ask me how, figure it out) like all those Spider-Man cartoons but the entire justice league thinks that they're unmovable shows nothing cause Bruce verryyy rarely shows emotion on his face . So imagine one evening he's just comforting a toddler, don't worry, I'm here, you're safe, let's find your mom, look there she is, be safe sweetheart, go on now.
And a voice behind him goes 'batman??' he realises that the jl is behind him and saw everything. E v e r y t h i n g. And then it happens. His lenses just. Expand, then go comically big, he looks like a wet cat, and he just-freezes for a minute a bolts tf Outta there
And then the Justice league is just standing behind there in absolute shock, a mosquito just flew into hal's mouth when he dropped his jaw and now he's choking on it, Martian manhunter is so surprised he had to grow eyebrows to show how up they went cause of suprise, Superman is floating away and trying to figure out of this is the same batman listen to his body, wonder women is holding Superman so he doesn't fly away and looks like she just won a 200 dollar bet, that's cause she did and Oliver just lost the bet and turned into a statue, flash is vibrating as fast a light but is still trying to help hal from choking, it doesn't help, Aquaman is trying to figure out when he got hit by a hallucination spell and how long was it on him.
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bitter-hibiscus · 6 months
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I can make any male fictional character transfem
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cobbleztone · 7 months
I got a dc Headcanon:
Lex Luthor makes a nasty remark about Tim Dating Bernard on twitter, so all the bats show up to a Gala that Lex will be at, but they all brought a gay partner/friend as a plus one
Dick brings his gay best friend/male lover Wally West (he is dating Kori and Wally, he has two hands) and makes certain to flirt with him whenever Lex is in earshot
Jason brings his husband Roy and their daughter Lian and makes certain to kiss Roy whenever Lex is near
Tim brings Bernard and Kon for obvious reasons
Damien brings his best friend Jon, and they both wear pride flag ties
Cass and Stephanie go as a couple and are holding hands all night
Bruce invites Oliver Queen, and both wear pride flag capes to the event
Reporters Clark Kent and Lois Lane attend and wear Bisexual flag ties
Lex shortly after makes a statement that his Twitter account was hacked and that he is very pro lgbtq and he changes his Twitter icon to a rainbow for a year
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jupiter-letters · 8 months
Dating Oliver Queen would include:
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Fem!Reader or GN!Reader TW: Suggestive content
A/N: There is not enough oliver queen fics on the internet like this man is so fine. 😩😩😩 You guys need to wake up and appreciate him I'm so serious. This is gonna be based off comic/jlu oliver since I don't rock with the live action one. We don't like live action counter parts in these parts.
In the beginning it doesn't take much for him to work up the courage to ask you out. You weren't having it at first given his reputation, all the girls and boys couldn't get enough of Oliver Queen. This inital skepticism in his motives leads to him trying to win you over, aka impressing you. This results in a cute little back and forth with you two. Him going bigger and bigger with his gestures and you shaking your head amused at his antics. You do cave eventually seeing how far he'll go to get your attention.
You can't go on missions with him at all. At first he's taking everything as seriously as he's supposed to but, the last half he's fooling around.
God forbid it's a stakeout, yeah you both need to keep a look out but he just wants to kiss you for 5 minutes that's all. He teases you about it too he's so annoying. He'll get real close when you're looking out your binoculars and whisper in your ear, "Come on honey you know you wanna kiss me." wink wink nudge nudge. Of course you end up making out on a rooftop only stopping when an explosion goes off in the distance.
He loves taking you on trips, spoiling you in general. Even if you insist you don't need anything he just likes giving you stuff. You need new headphones? Got it. You need a new car, say no more he's got it.
When things get difficult he likes to try to joke just to see you smile, or elevate some tension. Oliver isn't the type of guy to do nothing when his partner is feeling down. He at his core is very proactive, if the jokes don't work he'll make your favorite drink or take you for a drive.
If you are a superhero/vigilante, he makes sure he gets paired up with you so he can have your back. Powers or no powers he doesn't want you to go alone. If you're a civilian, he checks in on you during missions. He could be mid-fight and call you about how your day was. "So....What are you wearing?" SMASH! CRASH! SHATTER! "Hang on one sec honey!" When he does get injured he tries to play it off like it's not as bad as it actually is. He'll melt when you take of his injuries, he'll never be quieter than when you do that.
He really doesn't like to sleep without you, some nights he gets nightmares about being back on the island. You're always there to comfort him after, being able to hold you when you both sleep is very grounding for him. Being able to wake up next to you is best part of his day, he likes to sneak off while you're sleeping and make pancakes.
Having to go with him undercover to gather intel, he going to have a very hard time concentrating when you get dressed up. He's having a conversation with Bruce and Dick when you walk in. As soon as you come into his view his mind goes blank for a moment. Dick has to snap his fingers in front of Oliver's face to bring him back to Earth. He CANNOT be away from you all night after that, of course you get the info you need but he won't stop complimenting you.
"Yeah I agree with you gorgeous." "Of course beautiful, duly noted." "Creeps like that aren't coming anywhere near you pretty." "You might be too smart for me good-looking." "I can't wait to get out of here you look stunning tonight."
He is your biggest fan, when he wants to make a decision he asks for your input. In the watchtower and the hall of justice, during mission briefings he makes sure you can voice your opinion uninterrupted. He'll even buy merch of your superhero logo, you might walk into his mansion and see him wearing a shirt with your logo on it. Oliver may even get you a green arrow shirt and look at you like this 🥺🥺 to get you to wear it.
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Thanks for reading! Lemme know what you think. Please like or reblog if you like my stuff.
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thequeert0fear · 2 years
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i refuse to give context
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bats-and-the-birds · 2 months
Batfam meets the Justice League fic idea where it's actually just Oliver Queen in Star City attempting to hunt down Red Hood (who isn't even there doing crimes actually, he's just visiting Roy, but Ollie doesn't know this) except every time he tracks him down, he finds another costumed vigilante (Read: Batfam) attempting to get his help for something.
And like, Ollie recognizes them, of course. Because isn't that Nightwing? Nightwing who is actively on the Justice League? Why is he asking an infamous crime lord to come home for dinner?
And then, a week later, he's tracking down another Red Hood sighting and.... that's Red Robin. He's in charge of Young Justice, isn't he? And he just fought Red Hood in an alley and then stood up like nothing happened and bugged him for intelligence on a case he's working, and Red Hood gave it to him?
And it just keeps going down the list until Ollie's at his wits end and partially convinced that a handful of vigilantes on various teams, who he can't for the life of him think of a way they might be connected, might actually be corrupt and working with the mob, then he (begrudgingly) follows reports of another sighting of Red Hood and... that's Batman, arguing with Red Hood but not actually fighting or detaining him, so Ollie sneaks closer and listens to the conversation and... it's the dinner thing again. Family dinner, he hears a few seconds later, and someone named Agent A would really like it if Hood came home for a few hours.
Ollie leaves that situation somehow far more confused than when he started, and he was already extremely confused.
Roy is fully aware that this is happening the entire time and is having the time of his life.
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dc-comics-enjoyer · 18 days
One night, Jason and Roy, who have been married for two years, pull into the Batcave in their car. Bruce looks up, intrigued because 1) They’ve come over which is odd in and of itself, 2) They’re in a car instead of on their bikes, and 3)... Bruce blinks. Jason is getting a stroller out of the trunk? 4) Roy steps out, cradling a small baby in his arms??
Turns out they’ve finally brought home the baby they’ve been secretly trying to adopt for months. When Bruce holds his grandchild for the first time, he stares down at the little bundle, eyes misting over, and for a moment, the world feels brighter. Bruce’s voice cracks as he whispers, “She’s perfect.”
Then it hits him—he’ll have to compete with Oliver to be the best grandpa. No way I’m letting Queen win this one, he thinks. Roy notices the terrifying smile stretching across Bruce’s lips and raises an eyebrow, slightly concerned.
When Ollie meets her, he thinks the exact same thing.
Bonus : Lian is over the moon at the prospect of getting a little sister.
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random headcanons/scenarios that i think are funky fun
Lex tried to copyright the word "lexicon" after releasing a book called "The Lexicon" (the capitialization is often debated; nobody agrees on anything or confirms it, especially not Lex) that details his vocabulary, phrases he often uses and quotes he claims are his, including but not limited to "you miss 100% of the shots you don't take," "all the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players," and the entirety of the bible.
bro didn't even make it into court with that one
Kara was once supposed to write a memoir about krypton or something but ended up sending the publisher her K/S genderbend femslash fanfic instead :/
they published it without a word. she stayed on the nyt bestseller's list for like two years. lesbian Spirk is canon now.
Dick was a stripper for a few months. mostly just for funsies, but also because Bruce dies inside whenever he brings it up and he thinks that's the funniest shit in the world
also Bruce got sent to jail one time for reasons he refuses to elaborate on, and he was cellmates with Lex. he acted like Brucie the WHOLE TIME.
buddy did not drop the act. not even in his sleep. he is an actor committed to his craft.
on that note, Bruce has been in at least twenty-five romcoms, four horrors movies ("i can't do those anymore! they're just so terrifying," Brucie had told the press when speaking about his latest film, Movie That Is Not Scary That Nobody Knows The Name Of), ten movies about dogs, twelve animated films james corden style, one very emotional family-focused western considered a cult classic by hardcore fans, and three buddy cop films in the past month
Dick, Jason and Cass drag the rest of the family to see Hamilton on broadway during opening week. none of them initially want to be there, but they're all ugly crying at any character's slightest inconvenience and they somehow know all the lyrics within ten minutes because they're homosexuals like that.
Bart Allen bites people. he is an animal and humans are his chew toys.
Damian played Assassin's Creed 2 once, and it was on thin fucking ice purely because it wasn't realistic enough
"i am not caught up on my italian and vatican history, father, but i don't think the pope had a mind control staff. why does he need it? is he stupid?"
Oliver once sang Four Jews in a Room Bitching in front of Bruce, the resident bitching jew who has not seen Falsettos, and he got served the batglare of a lifetime
also, Oliver's favourite musical is Falsettos because i said so.
"the big grey block isn't real, Oliver. the big grey block can't hurt you," Dinah lied mere moments before the big grey block hurt him.
anyway give me YOUR headcanons and scenarios!!!!! give them to me and let me eat them :D
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aangelinakii · 3 months
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characters written about in this piece : clark kent, diana prince, barry allen, oliver queen, dinah lance
not proofread !
note : i was gonna include hal and arthur curry but i decided it would kindaa be a lot, so i narrowed it down to my favs 😙 if you're looking for bruce, bc he's quite obviously missing, you can find his here with the rest of the batfam :)))
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CLARK KENT — acts of service
clark is just a big ol lover boy who wants to make sure his significant other is happy at all times, and he wants to show his adoration by helping them out here and there, and making sure they feel more than loved. he will be more than happy to do something for you if you ask, but he prefers surprising you with little things instead, because part of the reason this is his love language is seeing your reaction. but a fundamental part to being in a relationship with clark, is that these acts also need to be reciprocated. i feel like he may have a slightly lower self esteem than expected, so if he doesn't receive kind acts, then he may become insecure.
ways he likes to show his love : delivering your favourite lunch while you're at work , walking your dog , brewing you a warm cup of your choice in the morning , cleans your shared apartment for when you return from work or a weekend away
ways of showing love that he appreciates : cooking his favourite meals , shoot him a call or text when going grocery shopping to ask if he wants anything , caring for him when he's sick , opening his car door (even though he will tell you not to, but will secretly be loving it the whole time)
DIANA PRINCE — quality time
she came from a community that wasn't explicitly affectionate in a sappy way, so i think she has partly internalised that. that isn't to say that she can never ever be sweet, because of course she can, but i think she's more comfortable having her own space, whilst still being with you. like, i don't think she's big on physical affection. i don't think anything traumatic happened, i think it's just a preference, and partly because she knows she's a killing machine, so she wants to be careful, treat you with fragility. after a long day, she feels as though there is nothing better than to wind down beside her lover.
favourite ways to spend quality time : you tending to her wounds , going for walks or exercising together , museum trips where she tells you the truth about all the ancient artefacts , going on grocery runs together , laying in bed and talking about your days
BARRY ALLEN — physical affection
i think barry is similar to how i described wally in the young justice one, but like more mature. like he is better at understanding boundaries than wally, and certainly more romantic. despite being the flash, barry's a slow guy. he loves slow, lives slow. he doesn't rush romance, or force anything. his touches are soft and deliberate. barry's a sweet guy, and an especially sweet lover. he sees a warm hug as the perfect way to end a long, harsh, dirty day, and to keep his work as the flash separate from his home life.
favourite forms of physical affection : fixing hair or brushing it behind ears , bathing together and washing one another , wrapping his arms around your waist whilst you cook , pressing soft kisses to temples
OLIVER QUEEN — physical affection && words of affirmation
ollie is an all-rounder when it comes to his love languages and ways of showing love; he's great in all aspects. but i'd say his favourite ways of showing his affection would be through both touch, and telling you how he feels about you through words. he's great at reassuring you as he always sounds genuine. never a tinge of sarcasm or condescend. and his touch alone is reassuring. when he holds you, he holds you tight and long – forever, if he could. i think he invests a lot into a relationship, although it may not be inherently obvious. by this i mean, within himself he finds the relationship incredibly important, but doesn't exactly let you know how much he has going for it. he thinks about the future all the time, but doesn't talk about his dreams in fear of scaring you away, so stays silent. are you with me?
favourite forms of physical affection : laying in bed or on the couch, looping an arm around you as you lay on his chest , piggybacks when you're tired , taking your hand while he drives , kissing your knuckles
words he means : " i don't think you realise how much you mean to me. and you really mean so much " , " for you, i would do anything " , " i'm always so in awe of you " , " you're just so amazing "
DINAH LANCE — words of affirmation && acts of service
anybody would be lucky to have dinah as a lover. she's passionate and deliberate, and can read your needs like a book. she's incredibly attentive, and always makes sure your needs are tended to. although i wouldn't say she's incredibly romantic, per se, through her words, they are comforting. like she's not the type to drown you in compliments, but the fact she waits for the right time makes them more meaningful when she does so. but when i say that she's a passionate lover, i truly mean that she takes her love for you in stride, and makes it her drive to live and survive each day.
words she means : " i am here for you " , " i'm so lucky to know you " , " you're my best friend, i hope you know that " , " i can't imagine my life without you "
ways she likes to show love : noticing when you're feeling down, and suggesting a way to cheer you up , brushing, combing, picking your hair, or just playing with it , buys extra of your favourite things to have in the house , not to brag but she would totally kill someone for you, or even build you a palace if you asked
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Clark Kent and Diana Prince are out to lunch with Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen. Bruce Wayne enters, calm and composed.
Bruce Wayne: Sorry I’m late... I was... doing things.
Sounds of running footsteps progressively getting louder. Oliver Queen enters the room, catching his breath.
Diana burst into laughter.
Clark, unsympathetic: We told you not to mess with his cousin.
Oliver: Fucking... People.
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