#be ace do arson
i-give-u--art · 9 months
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come-down-that-tree · 3 months
Prologue Previous
Warnings in the tags to not spoil
Come Down That Tree! (An aftermare story)
Chapter 22: Does it really matter how many times we fall down if we can count on someone to help us up?
A horrible feeling was swirling inside him as Geno hurried to the village. What if something happened again? What if he hadn’t arrived in time last time?
What if he didn’t arrive this time ?
If something happened, it could be nothing, his mind supplied to him as a way to quench his anxiety.
It wasn’t as successful as he would have liked…
Because what if something did happen ?!!
The first houses came into view and he didn’t slow down one bit, cursing the fact he didn’t know the place enough to blip around easily. It would have cut down time. And he doubted he’d find Nightmare in the same small alley as last time.
Running through the dark was hard and he kept tripping over unidentified stuff, rubbish probably.
Geno hesitated for a second, weighing the pros and cons of summoning a blaster to act as a light. Slightly overkill but, again, what if something happened ?
A hand touched his shoulder on his blind side and he twirled violently, ready to stab whoever it was with a sharp tipped fast-summoned bone in his hand.
"Sorry for the scare, follow me, I know around."
No jump, no startled shout, the guardian stayed unmoved and started walking, quickly fading back into the night.
Geno lowered his weapon and took a step forward, vaguely guessing the direction the other must have gone.
He must have guessed wrong because Dream soon reappeared on his left with a furrowed expression.
"I apologize, I forgot you probably can’t see much right now. We’re in the market street, almost only shops and public spaces. That’s why it’s so dark, everything is closed at this hour. No street lights on either on market days..."
The guardian finished his little ramble by putting two fingers in his mouth, as if to whistle, he blew hard, eyes-closed, without making a sound and soon some light started to filter through his clothes and between his bones. Opening his eyes revealed two fiery pits in the guise of eye lights. A warm colored storm with discreet accents of purplish blue swirling in the mix.
"Follow the light !"
And the fireflight took off again. This time followed closely by his darkened shape, chasing the warmth along turns and dashes through unknown paths and detours.
Was the way their erratic trip wiggled and grew made any sense to him ?
Not really.
But he was willing to trust the other’s knowledge on this matter more than his own, not finding the energy and will to debate and potentially slow down the quest.
Better focus on that shooting star guiding him somewhere he hoped Nightmare would be.
Hopefully unarmed.
Soon the chase came to an end in some back alley, far from the few lighted houses they came across in their mad run.
Dream stopped.
The candle was blown out and Geno turned confused at the other.
A gut-wrenching cry tore open the blanket of the night, making his sliver of a soul sending waves of panicked magic through his limbs.
Not a word was shared as they ran, again, to a scene that will join the specters haunting his dreams for many years.
Under the faint light of a summoned light ball laid a scene reminiscent of a past not so far in an uncanny way.
A group in an alley.
Some laughing.
One holding Nightmare.
One getting ready to deal a heavy blow.
One major difference was that the blow was clearly aiming to kill. A foot on the skull, pressing more and more. Nightmare’s face drenched in tears and pain and fear.
Body shaking.
A purple sleeve far too flat.
And dust.
One was blown away in a whiny blast of power, falling to dust before even hitting the wall.
The giant maw of his blaster bit down on another hard, their blood indistinguishable from the usual determination’s red drip along the fangs.
Two were impaled, pinned down like the bugs they were, feeding the stone of a vile mix of dust and blood.
One fled, without a sound, the eyes filled with death and the legs full of terror.
Geno didn’t care, not batting his only eye at the massacre he just caused and walked toward the now curled up shape on the ground.
The monster carefully picked up Nightmare who seemed barely aware anymore and folded the now-empty right sleeve on his lap.
His fingers brushed a damp cheek for a second before Geno turned to Dream who despite looking accordingly distressed by the- by everything, was still here.
« We need to leave, they’ll come back armed. And no doubt they’ll pin it down on Nightmare too. I’m not scared of dying but would you be able to protect your brother if push came to shove ? »
Dream’s eyes wandered to the wall and the ground, to the bits and rest, then fell back to Nightmare and ended up searching for something in Geno’s gaze.
"Dream, I killed these people. They were going to kill your brother. They will do it again. I am not saying I was justified. I’m telling you Nightmare needs to leave right now and I will, as well. What is your decision ?"
The other’s eyes shone with something hard as stone and he took a step towards him.
“We need to go back to the tree before anything.”
Geno couldn’t help but grin despite the grim situation and extended a hand while keeping a strong hold on his precious baggage.
“Thankfully, I know a shortcut!”
And while Dream looked confused, he took his hand and Geno turned a corner, letting the familiar magic wash over him. Next step, they were at the tree.
To his credit, the guardian only stood shocked for a short moment, opening his mouth and closing it several times before glancing at Nightmare and getting back his bearings.
"Put him under the tree and stay on the lookout, I just need some minutes..."
The monster delicately laid down Nightmare in the grass, making sure his head was supported by a thick root. He let his forehead touched the other’s briefly and whispered :
"Hang in there, I still have to say sorry for all the crap I did and said to you."
Once that out of the way, Geno took a few steps away to survey the area and focused on the few lights decorating the village, counting each again and again to make sure no new ones were lit.
He glanced a few times at Dream who was sitting on his knees, eyes closed, hands joined as if praying, the skull barely brushing the bark. He remained perfectly still, assuredly focused on whatever he was doing.
One light, two, three, four, five, six.
How had the day managed to slip away so atrociously between his fingers ? His eye fluttered on the ring still sitting innocently on his pinkie.
One light, two, three, four, five, six.
Why did he get so mad at Nightmare being hurt badly ? He could still feel his soul’s fragment squeeze and shake as if it still needed to pump more magic his way right now.
One light, two, three, four, five, six. 
Will Nightmare be okay ? He was down an arm but would he recover alright ? Why did he care that much, he thought he’d be less sensitive to people he cared about getting hurt after everything…
One light, two, three, four, five, six.
He cared ? Did he get that attached to the guardian ? Eye on the ring, again. He fidgeted with his scarf, comparing Nightmare to his former family.
One light, two, three, four, five, six.
No, it was not the same. Strangely, it didn’t feel any less deep or important than his love for them. Different however.
One light, two, three, four, five, six.
...Love ? Geno almost forgot that word had another meaning than « level of violence » and, a bit deliriously, the thought his LV increased earlier wormed its way in his mind.
One light, two, three, four, five, six.
Throwing that thought away, locking it with a key and making it melt, quelling the shaking and leaving that new burden on top of his problems for future late nights where sleep would evade him. Going back to the last thought right now !
One light, two, three, four, five, six.
This spectacular backtracking that left him swaying and unsteady landed him right back on Nightmare and… not violent love.
One light, two, three, four, five, six.
The word twirled in his mind for a minute before one sudden realization made him halt his counting, desperately trying to get the sudden warmth that rushed through him to lower before it boiled him or something.
He loved him !
And wasn’t that awkward to realize that now, when the other was unconscious and in pain ! Geno curled down under the kick of feelings, burying his face in the scarf and putting some of the fabric above his head in a makeshift hood (not even trying to untangle his real hood from under his scarf).
Well, that was plain stupid in his opinion. Realizing you like someone after he was put in mortal peril, wasn’t that corny and straight up something he could have found in thousands of cliche romantic novels ???
Could someone come kill his idiot self and let him stay dead this time..?
He did not want to deal with that. Not right now, maybe never if that was an option.
Geno stood back up, slapping lightly his cheeks with both hands, mindlessly noticing how his left  arm didn’t conjure as much strength as the other. Stupid lightning.
One light, two, three, four, five, six...seven, eight, nine, TEN and more and-
Geno wired back towards the tree, ready to shout at Dream that the situation was potentially escalating very fast when he stopped at the sight.
The guardian was crying, leaning on the bark, a bag swung on his shoulder and a hand holding onto Nightmare’s sleeve, trembling and desperate-looking.
Geno ran at Nightmare’s side and frantically checked what he could. Nothing changed except that some fresh tears had once again wet the drying bone of his cheeks. He was still out but he somehow had cried again. The relief that washed over him made him lean and plant a fast kiss on the salted surface and he declared softly, with the sheer hope he really was still out :
"My guy, you can’t die when I just realized I got a stupid crush on you. Do you wanna turn me into a ridiculous tragedy hero ? I love you, ok. Even if you will have all the rights to hate me for what I’ve done at your wakes… Better not have heard that though."
Once out of his chest, he turned towards Dream to at least tear him a new one verbally for making him fear the worst.
He stopped, again, because the other looked like a downright awful agonizing weepy mess.
"I… I know what to do… But it would-will leave us vulnerable and you might have to, » a breath and a sniffle, « like support me and carry Night’ ?"
A muffled clamor resonated its way up there and then, they both knew there was little room left to argue and plan.
As much as he hated those pesky villagers, he was not going to attempt murdering them all…
So Geno nodded and Dream started to prep whatever he needed for his plan.
He watched the other climb the tree, a yellow blanket in his arm, and reached for a dark fruit, carefully putting in the fabric, never touching it directly. He picked a golden one with far less ceremony, hastily burying it in his bag as if it burned his fingers to do so.
The guardian hopped down swiftly and put the bundle of fabric against the injured’s chest as the noise kept growing not so far away.
"Keep the apple there, try your best not to touch it but it should be more or less fine for you. It must absolutely not touch me however, that’s vital."
He hummed his agreement, he was out of his depth, better leave the lead to the expert.
"Pick him up and get back a few steps."
He did.
Dream picked up a lone branch and asked him with half-words getting loose in the wind.
"Could you put that on fire with your weird floating puppy heads ?"
What was he planning… ?
"I could, but that’d put a target on us, they might not have figured out yet we went back here ? Why ?"
He didn’t get any explanation or anything much else but what he got was a simple:
 "I trust you."
And how could he ? A gross killer like him that proved he was truly capable of the worst. With how often Dream was downtown, he might even have known these guys by name. So, how could he ?
But those weren’t eyes that lie. He recognized hurt and fear in there but it was hard to argue that it wasn't genuine trust binding the thing together.
The thin stick was held closer by an unsteady hand and a please hung in the air between them.
The blaster he summoned was as small as he could, half an arm of length at best,  and its maw opened and prepped a blast, the whine reverberating loud and clear in the not-so-still night. He soundlessly ordered it to hold and as he tried to take the branch to light it up Dream all but plundged it without hesitation in the heat himself.
He didn’t have the time to express his dismay before twig became torch and at that point, things started to accelerate.
He will remember it as a chaotic blur, clashing feelings and noises.
Feet pounding up the hill, loud and numerous.
Shouts of anger and hate, illuminated by torches and reflected on the glistening metal of hastily-found weapons.
The rush of wind dampening words that felt too heavy for something said so softly.
"I’m sorry, mom. Thank you."
Dream seemed as ablaze by his light than the now-burning tree behind him.
And then, everything crumpled.
Dream fell as his light dimmed, Geno’s blaster catching him.
The shouts turned to incredulous silence and everything seemed eerie and wrong.
For a single second, nothing felt more important than this burning tree with its fruits turning to slop and dripping on the ground. 
The world was falling at its seams and everything was ringing, again and again.
He couldn’t have been long but that instant was forever, the balance shifted and stood, fragile.
Dream howled a soul-tearing cry, Nightmare cried again in his arms and Geno stood there, lost and alien.
Dream asked him to run soon after.
He did.
Nightmare secured against his chest by his good arm, the weight barely registering as he dashed through the forest, jumping over roots and dunking under low branches.
Dream hurried not so far behind them, supported by the blaster. 
Geno didn’t trust his left arm to support anybody while running with its still lacking strength.
They ran.
They ran.
They ran.
Until dawn’s blood spilled into the black canvas, until the forest stopped and started again, until they couldn’t run anymore.
And they ran again some more to be sure.
They stopped at a spot near a river and collapsed on rocks.
The place seemed so peaceful it made Geno reel.
The calm noise of water flowing between the trees and the soft whispers of nearby animals just seemed out of place, foreign, displaced when all he could hear and see was this brazier they fled from.
Geno stayed there for long, just haphazardly trying to process the day.
It wasn’t a very fruitful attempt and he sat for long, Nightmare on his lap, his head against his shoulder, limp.
And later they’d trudge around and find a circle of grass void of trees, with an old wooden house someone must have lived in once but now stood empty and full of spider webs.
And later they would pick themselves up and the twins would bury the last two apples and from it would grow two plants who’d braid themselves into one new tree of feelings. It would be void of spirit but it would exist.
And later, after they recovered some, they would live and laugh again.
But right now, they sat there. Dream a puppet without strings, Geno a stone statue and Nightmare struggling to wake up to the aching world.
Whispers tickled Geno’s mind, close. 
Barely opened eyes looked at him without any trace of confusion, pained but true.
He held him closer and the now treasure-less guardian buried himself into his chest.
"I love you too."
And while they all sat there, broken and lost, that one tiny thing would allow them the will to continue.
Someone may call it naive or mushy but what better thing than some love to ignite hope anew in one’s soul when everything fell apart already?
One story may have ended but, from the ashes, another will find space to grow.
The end.
(go to epilogue?)
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@dragon-tamer-1 @shinechermont
Geno!Sans belongs to @/loverofpiggies Nightmare, Dream and dreamtale belong to @/jokublog
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Every hypersexual queer need their asexual partner in crime
If i see an asexual alone outside I’ll help them look for their lost assigned hypersexual before they break down crying
If I see a hypersexual alone outside I’ll speed to find their assigned asexual before they get arrested for arson
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evilweasel-cosplay · 1 year
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Happy pride from Sherbert! 🖤🩶🤍💜
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carzugus099 · 4 months
Put your damn rainbow clothes on and torture homophobes with your gayness!
Even if you are straight, disturbing idiot is available for ya too, you can have the honor to be an ALLY!
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bannananeedssleep · 1 year
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Normal day at the Wright Anything Agency
Apollo is so done with Trucys shit lmao
Ace Attorney shitpost that has to much effort put into it to be a shitpost but not enough to be good art
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black & white my dude
you deserve one good bite w them demon teeth just one
FUCK YES thank u Meg u get me. Deep down I truly do desire to bite someone. And be bitten. I would love to bite someone with my fucked up demon teeth thank you
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ldknightshade · 6 months
morality: a character creation guide
creating and understanding your oc’s personal moral code! no, i cannot tell you whether they’re gonna come out good or bad or grey; that part is up to you.
anyway, let’s rock.
i. politics
politics are a good way to indicate things your character values, especially when it comes to large-scale concepts such as government, community, and humanity as a whole.
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say what you will about either image; i’d argue for the unintiated, the right image is a good introduction to some lesser discussed ideologies… some of which your oc may or may not fall under.
either way, taking a good look at your character’s values on the economic + social side of things is a good place to start, as politics are something that, well… we all have ‘em, you can’t avoid ‘em.
clearly, this will have to be adjusted for settings that utilize other schools of thought (such as fantasy + historical fiction and the divine right of kings), but again, economic/social scale plotting will be a good start for most.
ii. religion + philosophy
is your oc religious? do they believe in a form of higher power? do they follow some sort of philosophy?
are they devout? yes, this applies to non-religious theist and atheist characters as well; in the former’s case… is their belief in a higher power something that guides many of their actions or is their belief in a higher power something that only informs a few of their actions? for the atheists; do they militant anti-theists who believe atheism is the only way and that religion is harmful? or do they not care about religion, so long as it’s thrust upon them?
for the religious: what is your oc’s relationship with the higher power in question? are they very progressive by their religion’s standards or more orthodox? how well informed of their own religion are they?
does your oc follow a particular school of philosophical thought? how does that interact with their religious identification?
iii. values
by taking their political stance and their religious + philosophical stance, you have a fairly good grasp on the things your character values.
is there anything they value - due to backstory, or what they do, or what they love - that isn’t explained by political stance and religious and/or philosophical identification? some big players here will likely be your oc’s culture and past.
of everything you’ve determined they value, what do they value the most?
iv. “the line”
everyone draws it somewhere. we all have a line we won’t cross, no matter the lengths we go for what we believe is a noble cause. where does your character draw it? how far will they go for something they truly believe is a noble cause? as discussed in part iii of my tips for morally grey characters,
would they lie? cheat? steal? manipulate? maim? what about commit acts of vandalism? arson? would they kill?
but even when we have a line, sometimes we make exceptions for a variety of reasons. additionally, there are limits to some of the lengths we’d go to.
find your character’s line, their limits and their exceptions.
v. objectivism/relativism
objectivism, as defined by the merriam-webster dictionary, is “an ethical theory that moral good is objectively real or that moral precepts are objectively valid.”
relativism, as defined by the merriam-webster dictionary, is “a view that ethical truths depend on the individuals and groups holding them.”
what take on morality, as a concept, does your character have? is morality objective? is morality subjective?
we could really delve deep into this one, but this post is long enough that i don’t think we need to get into philosophical rambling… so this is a good starting point.
either way, exploring morality as a concept and how your character views it will allow for better application of their personal moral code.
vi. application
so, now you know what they believe and have a deep understanding of your character’s moral code, all that’s left is to apply it and understand how it informs their actions while taking their personality into account.
and interesting thing to note is that we are all hypocrites; you don’t have to do this, but it might be fun to play around with the concept of their moral code and add a little bit of hypocrisy to their actions as a treat.
either way, how do your character’s various beliefs interact? how does it make them interact with the world? with others? with their friends, family, and community? with their government? with their employment? with their studies? with the earth and environment itself?
in conclusion:
there’s a lot of things that inform one’s moral compass and i will never be able to touch on them all; however, this should hopefully serve as at least a basic guide.
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otaku553 · 10 months
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Ok so I have been stewing this crossover au in my brain nonstop for the past few days and. I am nothing if not committed to the bit, so. Volume cover redraws :)
Here are the originals:
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If you want to read more about my one piece spy x family crossover, keep reading!
So the idea is simple! Crossover reincarnation au where ASL is reborn in Spy x Family. They’re each born separately and none of them are born with the same names as their previous lives, and with no way of finding each other, they each find their own thing to do in the world.
Sabo, too used to the dangers of being a spy, eventually finds a cause to devote himself to again, in preventing war from engulfing the country he was reborn in. Ace, drawn to fire as he was in his previous life, used arson as a means to rob rich people for sustenance and survival, and is eventually scouted and hired by Garden as a fire specialist and assassin. And Luffy, though born in perhaps the poorest condition, grows up happily and takes whatever part time jobs he wants to do.
The thing about Sabo is that, as much as he seems like a young man of good repute and high standing within society, everyone in WISE knows that he is a massive nuisance. Nobody knew in the beginning how a child less than half the age of most of their veteran agents could have the same skills and knowledge in their profession. Sabo was— and still is— hyper competent, and by the time WISE figured out just how much of a menace to society he was, it was too late.
Ace forgot for the first few years of his new life that he wasn’t made of fire, and consequently, received multiple accidental burns. This did not deter him, however, from growing up to be a very skilled arsonist, well-practiced in every which way to start a dumpster fire or house fire. As a teenage he would use this often to draw attention as he robbed rich people blind. When he was caught, he was given an ultimatum by Garden: join them and receive payment for starting fires and causing problems under contract, or face the government and authorities for his crimes. Begrudgingly, he joined Garden, but eventually comes to appreciate that he can make substantial money in his element.
Luffy is Luffy. No telepathy or experimentation, no fancy schools, no gimmicks or secret identities. But he has still lived an extremely colorful life in this world, full of fascinating and kind individuals who have helped him grow up healthy and relatively happy. He goes where he is free, and he takes whatever part time jobs he wants in order to make the minimum he needs to survive.
Ace and Sabo find each other first, in their late teens, and neither of them realize that the other remembers their previous life, but both refuse to separate. (Sabo thinks Ace doesn’t remember, because Ace didn’t recognize him. Ace never saw Sabo grow up past 10, however, so he doesn’t recognize older Sabo immediately. By the time he does realize who exactly Sabo is, Sabo has backtracked and pretends to know Ace from a dream, or from somewhere else.)
Sabo’s attachment to Ace, predictably, causes problems between Sabo and WISE, but by then, Sabo is indispensable to the organization, and they make an exception for Sabo to be able to remain with Ace, so long as Ace never finds out what Sabo’s actual job is. Ace, on the other hand, hides his job because he doesn’t want his brother, who he has just found and who does not know Ace well enough yet, to know that he makes a living from killing people.
And they find Luffy sometime afterwards, prior to the beginning of the Spy x Family canon. Luffy figures out, not long after moving in with his brothers, both of his brothers’ secret occupations and the fact that both of them remember their past memories. He thinks it is common knowledge, however, and so he never brings it up.
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Hello! Could you please write full headcanons on the M6 getting home one day to find MC dead? They're not actually dead, their body is just vacant after a spell went horribly wrong, but M6 have no way of knowing that.
Thank you!
The Arcana HCs: When M6 think MC is dead
~ @arson-the-ace oh, this. this is going to hurt, isn't it. ~
CW for descriptions of panic attacks, bodies that seem dead, references to past trauma, and your beloved in lots of pain
-- to set the scene --
It was supposed to be an experiment, to see if it was possible to put your body in a preserved or frozen state when you left it behind to visit the magical realms. You did not expect the result to be your body looking and acting like a fresh corpse, or for the spell to have a three hour cooldown time before you could reinhabit it. Your incorporeal self sighs and sits next to your body, resigned to the boredom of waiting it out.
Until, minutes later, the door opens and your beloved walks in, and you have no way of telling them what happened.
Already fears the worst as soon as he sees you sprawled on the floor - his plague doctor experience with visiting the sick has his instincts fine-tuned for recognizing an unrecoverable patient
Trips over himself in his scramble to get to you and gets a nasty bump on his knee, but doesn't register a thing because he's finally reached for you and he's looking for a sign of life
A pulse. An exhale. The twitch of your eyes moving below your eyelids, anything, anything to tell him that you can be saved
He rolls you onto your back and tries to give you CPR, but he's breaking down too much already for any of it to be effective
Chest compressions turn into him ripping his gloves off, trying to find any of the warmth you've shared with him
Mouth-to-mouth turns into a choked sob against your cold cheek
He can't bring himself to keep going. Each failed attempt at reviving you gets his hopes up only to rip them to shreds again
He doesn't want to move forward. He doesn't want to go ahead with laying you to rest. He doesn't want to leave this drafty wooden floor, without a blanket or a pillow to keep you comfortable
And he can't stand up
He sits cross-legged on the floor, lifting your head onto his lap and laying his coat over you in lieu of a quilt
You watch him droop over your body, shivering in the drafty room without his layers, voice catching and breaking on quiet sobs as he sings you the lullaby his parents sang him before the shipwreck
By the time your eyes flutter open, his voice is gone
He's happy to see you - he's so, so happy to see you, but he keeps hovering over you like he never knows if you're about to collapse for good next time
If you love him, you'll wait a long, long time to do any more magic
They thought you were playing some kind of game, at first
He walked into the upstairs apartment to see you sprawled on the floor and teasingly called out your name, playfully asking what new mischief you were up to as he hung up his coat
And then you didn't answer them
As soon as he felt that old dread seize his stomach, he was hurrying across the room and asking you what was wrong
They can feel their own body growing cold as they touch your frozen one, pressing a trembling hand to your chest in search of the heartbeat they moved heaven and hell to give you
He's panicking, breaths coming quick and short. The motions of his arms trying to pull you closer to him are far too similar to his frantic digging in the ash filled sands of the Lazaret
They don't know what's worse - the images flashing across their eyes of your charred bone fragments splintering in their bleeding fingers, or your lifeless face lying heavy against their knees
His heart can't take it. The tears give way to an ongoing numb tremor. He places a preservation spell on your body as his last conscious thought before he lies down next to you on the floor
They put their arm under your limp neck and cuddle up to you like it's just another day's end, just another snuggle before sleep while they lay their head down on your icy, silent chest
You watch him hold your body in shock. He seems like he's caught between worlds, alternating between staring at your unmoving stomach while his shaky tears land and pool on your shirt
And reflexively whispering apologies as they mop up their tears with their sleeve, asking if they're squeezing you too tightly
He's quick to check your memories when you wake up, but no matter how healthy you are, he can't leave your side for a week
Her intuition is telling her something is wrong as soon as she's approaching her chambers. Seeing you on the ground is her worst nightmare coming true
You're cold to the touch. You don't respond to her voice. You don't respond ... at all. She needs help, you need help, you need help now, she's going to get you everything you need, just hang on
She lifts you into her bed, and the chilly deadweight of your body is more than she can take. When she throws open the door and yells for a doctor, every servant in earshot hears her panicked sobs
She hasn't had a panic attack like this in years
Servants rush in and out in a blur, hurried murmurs and muffled exclamations fading into the background. She feels like she's been plunged underwater, unable to scream as her lungs fill with salt
She sits by your side with your hand in both of hers, clinging to the only part of you she's allowed to touch while the closest physician pokes and prods at your lifeless body. She can't see you anymore
And everyone else? They can't see their Countess at all
They see a broken-hearted woman holding steadfast to her lover's limp hand, breaths jagged and unpredictable as she wails through her teeth. Mercifully, her hair comes undone and hides her wrenched face and streaming tears behind a curtain of purple
You woke her, first from her dreams, then from her apathy, and finally from her loneliness. Watching you succumb to a sleep far stronger than the one that trapped her is wretched beyond words
When you finally stir awake, she refuses to leave your side as the doctors work to ensure that your vitals are stable and to try to figure out what happened and if there are any repercussions
She's glad you're back, but she can't stop herself from waking you in the middle of the night to make sure you're just sleeping
He's already convinced of the worst before he can prove it
He knows what a body collapsed in sudden death looks like. He's seen them countless times on the sand of the Coliseum floor, slaughtered at his own shackled hands, but now it's you
Now it's the only person he trusted to never leave his side
He can't register Inanna beginning to whine and pace, he can't register the sounds of the forest outside, he can't register the fire slowly burning down and out in the back of the hut
A lifetime of trained alertness, muted, because his subconscious has decided it can't take paying attention to a world that doesn't have you in it any more
He's finally able to move again when he takes his first shuddering breath in minutes, and he begins to walk and reach towards you in the vague hope that all is not as it seems
But that's when some small, sick part of his brain starts up its tiny chant that he deserves this, that this is the effect of giving in to your misguided desire for his touch, that this is somehow his doing
But the larger part of him, the part of him that loves you and aches for you and is dedicated to you, leans past the furious pain and lifts your head and shoulders off of the floor, enough so he can lower his head and listen for a heartbeat, feel for breath on his cheek
And there isn't any. Your body is as still and lifeless as his hope for something better, and he can't breathe. He can't breathe, and he's curled up in a ball with you in his arms, and he can't breathe
It takes a few hours before he can master his thoughts enough to think. This has happened before, and it was possible for you to come back. Asra, he has to bring you to Asra, he'll give anything
You wake up as he's carrying you through the woods, and it's the first time you've seen his body go so completely weak with relief
At first, she thinks you're feeling a little silly and sleeping on the floor just to mess with Pepi. Though the way you're lying, you almost look like you've collapsed. That can't be comfortable
It's when she crouches down to wake you up that she can tell something's wrong. Your shoulder is cold - way too cold
She's already got tears running down her face, but never in her life has she let her sadness stop her from caring for those she loves. She shakes you, back and forth, calling your name over and over
At some point she realizes that it's too late, there's nothing she can do, and that's when she starts wracking her brain for someone who can do something. Anything. She's not giving up on you
She's small, but she's strong and she's in pain. She lifts your body and begins to stumble through the Palace garden with you. She leans into the volume of her wails, using them to call for help
First through the gardens, then through the Palace halls, unable to recognize the blurry faces through her tears, but determinedly blubbering out what's happened and how she needs help for you
When someone who might have been the Countess informs her that the physician is out, she walks out the front gates of the Palace. Her ears are deaf to the offer of a carriage into town
Vesuvia still remembers its plague. It has never before heard cries as anguished as the ones Portia sent echoing down the canals as she ran and stumbled with your body to Mazelinka's house
Mazlinka will be there. Ilya will be there. They both know plenty about medicine, they should be able to help, just hang on. Hang on, she tells your cold body, hang on for me
You stir awake just as she crosses the threshold into the basement dwelling, and the emotions she feels are so overwhelming that she almost punches you for scaring her. She can't stop crying
When he walks into the room in the inn after his trip to the outhouse, he avoids the sinking feeling in his gut by telling himself you're just napping. On the floor. Without moving
And then he can't take the way his conscience is nagging at him, so he snaps and (not unkindly, but brashly) tells you to get up and get moving already, we're wasting daylight!
But you don't move. You don't give him a disapproving look. You don't grumble when he shakes your shoulder, or open your eyes when he pats your cheek, or smile when you hear your name
He doesn't understand. You're brave, you're strong, you're loving, you're good, you're full of goodness and you're better than anything he ever deserved after what you suffered because of him
Because of ... him
This must be his fault. This must be his actions catching up with him. This must be the fallout of all those rash deals, some forgotten deity must have run out of patience and come to collect
Of course this would happen. It would take a hundred lifetimes to sift through the pile of selfish bargains, of course he missed one, of course he failed to make up for his past deeds, of course ...
Of course an oversight like that would cost him you
But he's not going to let this go. You deserve better. He hauls you into his arms, ignoring the way he chokes at your dangling limbs, and rushes out of the inn and into the deep, deep woods beyond
He screams and cries and yells and threatens and pleads and begs until his voice falls silent and he can taste blood in his throat
He calls out to any angry being listening to tell him, tell him what this is in payment for, tell him what he can put on the bargaining table that would pay back the debt that demanded your soul
You wake up before he can do anything rash, but he squeezes you in his sleep now, as if to challenge any more soul thieves
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i-give-u--art · 9 months
this is the last time I am changing my pfp
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incorrectbatfam · 6 months
What tricks do the pets know?
Operate the Batcomputer
Alert Bruce to possible threats
Microwave his own kibble
Speak multiple canine languages
Drag Bruce to bed
Do a headcount of the batfam before they go out
Use Bruce's credit card to buy chew toys
Greet Damian
Secret handshake with Damian
Pose for Damian's drawings
Hug Damian
Comfort Damian
Retrieve lost batarangs for Damian
Put Robin costume in laundry for Damian
Guard Damian from the people in the TV
Reach tall shelves for Damian
Love Damian unconditionally
Alfred the cat:
Curl up around a tennis ball
Admire his reflection
Walk all over the dinner table
Sit like a French girl
Do her 10-step skincare routine
Order a 4-course meal from Moober Eats
Unlatch the barn door
Book the private jet
Have a hot girl summer at the Running of the Bulls
Get caught in a love triangle between a bison and a buffalo
Spark an international conflict
Retreat to a Himalayan yak sanctuary on a journey of self-discovery
Meet a dashing steer only to realize they could never work out
Return home and put the plane back before anyone notices
Ghostwrite the next Nicholas Sparks novel
Sleep 20 hours a day
Breathe manually
Bite rocks
Be gay
Fall in love with plastic lawn flamingos
Attack the same flamingos
Peck people indiscriminately
Evade baths
Ignore commands
Shed all over the furniture
Run away from the vacuum
Weaponize puppy dog eyes
Convince Ace and Titus to share their treats
Clean out an entire jar of peanut butter in the time Dick takes to answer a phone call
Bring rare birds to Selina
Leave scathing comments on dog videos
Cough up hairballs on demand
Blair Witch it in the corner of the room
Be bisexual
Eat hot chips
Bark at nothing
Eat dirt
Play hide-and-seek with Jason's guns
Run into glass doors
Occasionally poop outside
Refuse to respond to her name
Chew her own tail
Meow for some reason
Help scientists discover new species of fungi
Induce vivid hallucinations
Cultivate an industrial society
BONUS – Krypto:
Chase airplanes
Aim for a fire hydrant from 50 feet up
Mark typos in Clark and Lois's drafts
Babysit Jon
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kaerumi · 1 year
Hello dear, I was wondering if you can do some yandere for the very infamous OP men shanks, mihawk,ace,and sabo with normal y/n who's younger than them in separate senariors..
Y/N traits : innocent, sweetheart, warm personality, enchanted beauty with extremely cutie pie face and amazing warm and calm voice that melts the snow from its sweetness it's make anyone feel at ease only by hearing it , it's one of the most reasons why those men had gone insane over her ,why they want to possess her at any cost .
TY and have a good day ☺️.
TW/CW: Yandere, Age gap is up to 3 years, obsession, implied murder, implied poisoning, mention of murder & arson, manipulation (for Sabo)
Notes: I'll be honest I have no clue how to do an innocent reader. And it's gonna be GN Sorry I don't particularly do Female readers Also sorry for not writing in so long :^
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Shanks was a popular Model, he can flirt with anyone without hesitation.
Then there was you, you weren't popular at all. When he saw you he felt the urge to just... Take you.
He felt jealous of the guys around you that soaked in your attention, in your voice and innocence and especially your beauty.
He just needed it. Needed you.
Eventually he started obsessing over you trying to find every photo there was of you, eventually it got worse
Just hope for both your innocence and sanity you don't meet him.
Until you did.
And suddenly you started to notice people around you get killed, you somehow trusted the red bloody haired man with your safety.
"You'll be fine I'm here after all! All you need is me sweetheart."
After all what did you know?
You're innocent after all
And that's what made Shanks' job of getting you to be his more easier.
Mihawk was a famous swordsman and you were always interested in swords so naturally you took interest in Mihawk.
Unfortunately he took a interest in you as well.
You ended always staying behind the classes because of how much trouble you had with sword, you'd have small conversations with Mihawk.
Slowly Mihawk started to know everything about you and wrote of it down in a notebook that was always locked in a case.
When someone annoyed you too much or confessed to you they suddenly would fall ill and be unable to attend.
Due to Mihawk naturally being cold people didn't notice anything different about him and you didn't know better.
Though you slowly started to blame yourself because people around you would get ill and naturally they ended up dying to the illness.
"My dear... It's not your fault, they naturally fell ill. It is not your fault and anyone who is saying such things is a horrible person who is just jealous. It is unfortunate they fell ill yes but there was nothing you could do. My dear..."
You never knew why they fell ill, and you may never know.
Maybe it's better if you never did anyways.
Ace was Ace, he's a popular play boy in the town but all he did was flirt and play with hearts.
That was before you came along.
He knew he needed you once first meeting your eyes.
You were most certainly more cuter than anyone else's hearts he's played with.
He wasn't gonna break your heart, no. He could never, he was gonna make sure he was the only one in your heart not matter what he had to do.
He would do whatever you wanted to do or needed.
He'd gladly kill with no hesitation.
Want him to stab that guy who catcalled you? Done.
Want him to burn down a place that has bad memories? Done before you could mention it.
No one went near Ace when the missing people news started getting known, knowing how cold he got when it came to that, they tried to warn you how cold he could be.
You always laugh it off and hang out with him anyways.
He'd act like nothing was happening.
Why read the news when you already know it before anyone else?
You wake up from your nap when you started hearing the news "Mmmh?" Ace turns off the Tv "Don't worry about it my love just go back to sleep."
Sabo was the second in command of a powerful business.
Once you joined everything changed.
However unlike the other three Sabo wouldn't kill, no. Sabo wouldn't want his hand or gloves dirty and blood stains too.
Sabo would figure out your favorite things to do and food and everything and give it all to you.
He'd spoil you with everything you'd ever wanted.
He'd help you with a lot of things
He sublely manipulates you into being dependent on him and him alone.
No one would dare go near you if they cared for their job or reputation.
No one went near Sabo either, Sabo didn't mind this, it just meant he could give all his attention to you.
He tested it once day by hiding on purpose.
When you realized Sabo wasn't there you got really nervous and got a bit upset, until Sabo popped
 up and helped you again which you immediately calmed down when he did.
Sabo smiled at you, he was glad that his plan was working and working well.
"Please don't leave me alone..." "I promise I won't ever again my angel..." "Thank you Sabo." "Anything for you. My sweet Angel."
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demon-lover-669 · 2 years
Ace: do you want to see y/n’s snap story?
Riddle: sure if you leave after!
Ace: deal!
On y/n’s story
Y/n: *recording grimm* it’s Tuesday! So grimm gets to commit his favorite crime!
Grimm: *gasps looking up at them* really?
Y/n: that’s right! Arson!
Grimm: FUCK YEAH!!!
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nyancrimew · 8 months
maia arson crimew what do you think of maya fey ace attorney
she's probably my like fav character low key at least from the ones i know/can remember, also please rt(game) give us more 2h long ace attorney videos i watch that shit like it's an anime
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pomefioredove · 3 months
My brain is kinda sluggish plus I'm indecisive but also i did like several of these (also if i need to divide up this post let me know)
I have no clue which i like best so i simply made a list but let me know if i need to chunk it up
For Riddle Rosehearts
"If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun." Or "I'm putting you on my to-do list."
For Vil Schoenheit
"Don't bite your lip, I want to do that."
For Ruggie
"You like me because I'm a scoundrel."
vil done here!
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summary: "if you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun." type of post: short fic characters: riddle additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is yuu, maybe ooc, post book 1
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You think it's a pretty pathetic sight, but you make no mention of it. Their egos are bruised enough as it is.
"How long?" you ask, sitting across from the shackled duo.
Ace knocks against the solid collar around his neck. "Not long... But we can't present like this,"
You were hoping he wouldn't say that.
And just a day after you told them not to do anything stupid this week, too...
Deuce says nothing; he's been sulking at the end of the table like a puppy with its tail between its legs for the entire lunch period.
"Have you tried reasoning?" you ask. "Maybe he can take them off for the presentation, then put them back on?"
Ace scoffs. "Reason? With Riddle?"
"I thought he was trying to be more lenient?"
"He is," Deuce mutters, hanging his head. "But that just means he only dishes out punishments when someone really deserves it..."
"It was just a stupid painting!" Ace says.
"That we set on fire!"
You look between the two as they bicker over the accident, bewildered by their lack of concern about where this puts you.
Ace and Deuce were supposed to perform the magical component of your defense project, while you and Grim presented. Now...?
You stand. "I'll talk to Riddle,"
Your friends share a pitiful look, but do nothing to stop you as you hurry out of the room.
Surely, Riddle will understand. He wouldn't let you suffer from Ace and Deuce's mistake!
"No," he says.
Riddle beheads the wilting flower of a rose with a sharp snap of his shears. It tumbles into the underbrush.
"They destroyed a priceless piece of art. It was hundreds of years old!" he snaps, leaving no room for disagreement. "They should be thankful it's only a week."
He moves on to the next browning rose, inspecting its petals before decapitating it, too.
"But I didn't do anything. I told them not to do anything dumb, I tried to reason with them,"
"Reason? With Ace and Deuce?" he scoffs.
"I would recommend asking for an extension on your assignment until they've carried out their sentence,"
It's too late to ask for another week; he must know that. And you're not giving up so easily.
There must be something you can say...
"But it was an accident,"
Riddle scoffs. "Of course it was. And the rules clearly state that accidental arson of a painting more than three hundred years old must be punished by losing their heads,"
Rules. Great. This is quickly becoming a lost cause.
"There has to be some other way they can be punished," you say. "You said you weren't going to lose your head about these things anymore."
He sighs, rolling his eyes as if frustrated with you. "The rules-"
"Come on, Riddle- If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun!"
Riddle stops. For a moment, it's almost like... he's actually considering your offer.
"...What exactly did you have in mind?"
"This is what you call a compromise?!"
Ace's head of fiery hair pops up, the color a striking contrast against the green of the hedge maze.
You shrug. Riddle, sitting across from you as you watch the two tend to the shrubbery, almost giggles.
"The Prefect has been more than fair. If anything, you should be thanking them for the opportunity to end your punishment early," he says, pouring you another cup of tea.
Ace grumbles, scratching his neck under his collar.
Deuce nudges him, and the two get back to work on trimming the hedges, a puny pair of shears in each hand.
Riddle smiles. "I must say, I'm rather impressed by your persuasion skills. It's not often that I change the terms of a punishment after it's dealt,"
"Well, I didn't want to fail on their account,"
"I heard that!" Ace yells. Riddle grins again.
"Perhaps your ingenuity will inspire them, then," he hums, cupping his tea in his palms.
"In the meantime, I believe another tea party is in order for tomorrow afternoon- they have a lot of ground to cover. Care to join?"
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