#green bean to bar chocolate
islandsharkschocolate · 5 months
Island Sharks Chocolate
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Website: https://www.islandsharkschocolate.com
Address: Hilo, Hawaii, USA
Island Sharks Chocolate, a unique Hawaii-based craft chocolate maker, specializes in vegan, solar-powered, and eco-friendly chocolate products. They offer a diverse range of single-origin craft chocolates, including a subscription service and a Chocolate Sommelier School for chocolate enthusiasts and professionals. Emphasizing sustainability and quality, their products are made with locally sourced ingredients and are available for online purchase.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/islandsharkschocolate/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/island_sharks_chocolate/
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foodandbeverages012 · 5 months
Island Sharks Chocolate
Website: https://www.islandsharkschocolate.com
Address: Hilo, Hawaii, USA
Island Sharks Chocolate, a unique Hawaii-based craft chocolate maker, specializes in vegan, solar-powered, and eco-friendly chocolate products. They offer a diverse range of single-origin craft chocolates, including a subscription service and a Chocolate Sommelier School for chocolate enthusiasts and professionals. Emphasizing sustainability and quality, their products are made with locally sourced ingredients and are available for online purchase.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/islandsharkschocolate/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/island_sharks_chocolate/
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bluemoonrabbit · 2 years
At a fancy hotel which I got at a huge discount, having just gorged on chocolate bars and Whole Foods hot bar food (a nostalgic treat from my chocolate company days), feeling very pleased with myself.
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HOW I’VE BEEN SUCESSFULLY LOSING WEIGHT: Notes from a former binge eater ♥️
*this guide is to show how ~I~ do things and offer advice on how to do it MY way. I am in no way encouraging anyone to do themselves harm. First off,
That being said.. this is literally the longest I’ve ever gone without bingeing. It’s just,,, easy this time. Once you get a feel of what it’s like to be skinny you just don’t crave junk as much anymore bc you KNOW it’s not worth it. The trick is to eat clean 90% of the time and allow your favorite treats 10% do the time. Fit them into your calorie limit!!! Here’s some personal favorites that have helped me lose like 20lbs in the past 2 months.
I tend to do one higher- calorie drink during the day (protein shake, Starbucks, etc) and one healthy filling but low cal meal and a sweet snack at the end of the night.
Mediterranean salad (~150): mixed greens, chopped bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, red onion. Little bit of feta cheese. Balsamic vinegar (not dressing or vinegarette!!!!) I don’t add meat but you could totally add chicken for low cal high protein choice. You could also add olives but I don’t fw them.
Chocolate Protein shakes from the gas station (loll). They’re 220 cal on average and a great treat. Strawberry one is good too.
SEAWEED SNACKS they’re literally 30-60 calories for a pack and kill my urge to eat chips!!! Please give them a try!
Soups. Soups that are already portioned and have the calorie amount posted. I add extra seasonings and spice to boost metabolism.
Coffee!! With almond milk and a little coffee creamer. It’s worth the calories if you want a coffee just make one it’s better than going to Starbucks.
Sushi: I’m vegetarian so I get an avocado and cucumber roll. It’s so good with fresh ginger and a little soy sauce. Sometimes I will be craving it allllllll day and have it as my OMAD so rewarding 🥹
Miso soup>>>>>> add tofu and seaweed and onions!! And mushrooms if you like them.
Monster Ultra energy drinks,,,, yeah I know they’re bad for you but I love them.
Fruits!!! I especially love strawberries, watermelon, cherries, blackberries, pineapple and mangoes.
Trail mix: dried cherries, pecans, walnuts, pistachios, cashews. High in calories but perfect for killing hunger. High protein keeps you full and muscles strong, high healthy fats will keep your hair and skin and nails beautiful.
Chocolates: SMALL PORTIONS. if you can’t eat just eat a piece without bingeing, do NOT buy a big bag. what I do is I buy a bar of whatever chocolate I’m craving for my bf and we share it piece by piece. Dark chocolate, milk chocolate, white, hazelnut, with coffee beans, with toffee, fruits, chocolate is the best thing ever 🍫
Starbucks! My fav drinks are matcha lattes (hot/iced), iced white chocolate mocha, caramel macchiato, and occasionally a pumpkin spice latte. Peppermint mochas on the holidays. Oat milk always
Baked goods. Same deal as the chocolate, ONLY BUY THE PORTION YOURE GOING TO EAT. If you have been craving a croissant, go get one. One. Don’t buy a whole dozen of them. You will end up bingeing trust me. My favs are cinnamon rolls <3
I’m going to the gym!!! Consistently for the first time in my life. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy. Spend 30 min on the treadmill alternating between incline walking and easy paced jogging. Put on a YouTube video. Wear pink and bring a cute water bottle. You have to make an experience out of it! I stick to cardio and full body stretches plus ocasional (light) strength workouts w my bf.
I don’t drink anymore. Just 🍃. Alc is so high in sugar and carbs and it’s literally poison bro. I know it’s hard to stop but once you do you’ll feel so much better.
I rarely weigh myself. I’m at my bfs house all the time so I only step on my scale maybe 3 times a month. It’s been a game changer!!!
I practice mindfulness and speak kindly to myself. Basically sweetspo + affirmations to myself all the time.
Taking more pride in your appearance will also help motivate you. You think you’ll still want to binge after you took a full body shower, clean PJ’s or outfit, painted your nails, skincare and makeup done, whitened your teeth and lit a candle? No thanks.
Limit stupid, negative, useless media consumption. Watch things that have to do with your hobbies/ interests and your social media algorithms begin to kinda clean themselves up over time. My pages are all about exercise, study blogs, beauty tips and sciencey stuff. No more drama or celebrity nonsense. Cut down your following!!
Remember you only have one life on earth. You’re young and hot once. Don’t you want to grab this chance while you have it? Unfortunately your beauty is your currency especially as a woman, so if there’s anything I can do to give myself a better life I will. Losing just a few pounds of fat will make the craziest difference in ways you’d never expect. Free and discounted stuff. More people smile at you and listen to what you have to say. Both literal and figurative doors will be opened for you.Clothes fit better bc they’re more flattering when your body is fit and healthy. While it feels good to get validation from other people, the best part of it is looking in the mirror and feeling proud instead of ashamed. The inner confidence that comes from successful transformation………….there’s no other feeling that compares. If you know, you know. I’m just saying,, the choice is yours 🤷🏼‍♀️
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plastic-rainbows · 15 days
AgeRe/Agedre Food Ideas!
Main courses:
- Grilled cheese
- Wildberry muffins
- Chicken nuggets
- Toaster waffles
- Macaroni & cheese
- Breaded Tofu
- Flavored oatmeal
- Veggie burger
- Hot dogs
- Microwave pancakes
- Pizza bagels
- Fish sticks
- PB&J sandwich
- Noodle cup
- Mini tacos
Sides, snacks, and sweets:
- Apple slices
- Pretzel twists
- Cheddar crackers
- Yogurt cups
- Carrot sticks
- French fries
- Scrambled eggs
- Dry cereal
- Granola bars
- Baby corn
- Mashed potatoes
- Gummy bears
- Pudding cups
- Tater tots
- String cheese
- Green beans
- Frosted cookies
- Mixed berries
- Graham crackers
- Raw broccoli
- Cheese puffs
- Fruit pouches
- Chocolate milk
- Orange juice
- Flavored water
- Homemade lemonade
- Kool aid
- Veggie smoothie
- Apple juice
- Sports drink
- Fruit punch
- Strawberry milk
- Protein shake
- Grape juice
Feel free to customize anything due to allergies, dietary restrictions, or preference. Bonus points if you cut your food up into cute shapes and use little dish sets for toddlers/kids!
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
Could you please do some headcanons about Batmans cooking disasters over the years?
Age 5: Bruce puts tinfoil in the microwave. Alfred shakes his head and laughs
Age 6: He decorates a cookie so badly another kid cries until they throw up
Age 7: He tries to make a PB&J and the countertop is sticky for a week
Age 8: He tries to make Martha's chicken noodle soup but ends up crying on the kitchen floor surrounded by half-chopped vegetables
Age 9: He tries to impress a houseguest by recreating Thomas's mixology tricks (sans alcohol). There's still a stain on the ceiling to this day
Age 10: He makes green eggs. It's not on purpose. He's never even read the book
Age 11: He makes lava in the school cafeteria
Age 12: He tries to make cheese bread by drilling holes into a baguette and filling it with melted nacho cheese
Age 13: He melts a cutting board in the oven
Age 14: He folds a Pop Tart
Age 15: The chocolate-covered bananas he makes for the school bake sale come out looking very very wrong
Age 16: He's asked to drop a home economics class after mistaking refried beans for pumpkin puree in a pie
Age 17: He boils eggs in the carton
Age 18: He makes his entire freshman dorm evacuate after burning his ramen to ash
Age 19: He sculpts a severed hand out of meatloaf and is sent to the university psychologist
Age 20: He tries to bake a cake but doesn't have a cake pan, so he pours the batter right in the oven
Age 21: He tries Thomas's mixology tricks again, this time with alcohol. One of the tricks is flipping it over his head. He ends up losing part of his vision for 3 days
Age 22: He burns water. Harley Quinn is there. She still holds it over his head
Age 23: He packs his first patrol snack as Batman. It's a chocolate bar wrapped in a tortilla. The chocolate melts onto his gloves and he drops the tortilla down a sewer grate
Age 24: He makes an ice cream cookie sandwich to eat while he and Batgirl work on a case, but he's so engrossed in the work that he doesn't notice it melt until Babs points it out
Age 25: He enters the first annual Justice League cook-off and immediately gets banned from ever entering again
Age 26: He tries to comfort little Dickie Grayson by making fried cornbread from a book of Roma comfort recipes. It turns out about as well as you'd expect when you give Bruce Wayne hot oil. Bruce is genuinely bummed out, but Dick says it's the thought that counts
Age 27: Clark delivers a huge hunk of beef from the farm. Instead of waiting for Alfred to come back, Bruce and Dick try to break it down with a power saw
Age 28: Bruce and Dick's latkes are burned so badly they can play floor hockey with them
Age 29: He makes stuffed mushrooms. Badly. Like imagine the worst way you can fuck up a mushroom. It still won't compare to what Bruce did. And it's for a potluck with the West-Allens that Barry won't let him live down
Age 30: Bruce sees Dick struggling to make ravioli and he's like "Let me show you how it's done" before proceeding to make it infinitely worse
Age 31: Bruce sees a hungry Jason Todd and the first thing he does when they return to the manor is make a double-decker bread sandwich. That's bread with two more slices of bread in between
Age 32: Bruce packs Dick and Jason's lunchboxes when Alfred is out of town. They're supposed to include a salad. Instead, Dick gets a whole head of lettuce and Jason's is just a bottle of ranch
Age 33: He makes hot chocolate after patrol... but forgets the chocolate
Age 34: The Manor is too cold, so Bruce tries to warm it up by making Jason's favorite soup. His hands shake the whole time. Suddenly, he's eight years old again, sitting on the kitchen floor surrounded by scraps reminding him of his failure
Age 35: Jack and Janet Drake are out of the country again, leaving young Timmy by himself. Bruce decides to bring some dinner over. It's baked perfectly, but it's full of things that shouldn't be anywhere near a casserole dish. They end up ordering takeout and watching old detective movies together
Age 36: Steph walks through how to make waffles. Bruce is standing there, watching closely and taking notes. They still come out looking radioactive
Age 37: Cass asks if they can get smoothies. Bruce says he can make them at home. She gives him a warning look but that's not enough to stop him. Cue Bruce forgetting to put the lid on the blender
Age 38: Jason's first night back at home, Bruce tries to make that soup. It shoots out like a geyser and hits the lights. He's panicking until he hears Jason laugh, and then the soup doesn't matter
Age 39: Damian screws up hummus and he desperately tries to hide it so people won't see him as inadequate at something so basic. Instead of getting upset, Bruce assures him it's okay and offers to fix it. (He doesn't fix it, he just makes it worse)
Age 40: Bruce's birthday happens while he's fake-dead and away from home. He grabs a convenience store cupcake and sticks a single candle on it. Then he closes his eyes, pretends his family is around him, and makes a wish. (The candle droops and sets the hotel sheets on fire)
Age 41: Back at the Manor, he attempts to make lemonade on a particularly hot day. Selina offers to help, but Bruce declines, saying, "How hard can it be?" (Spoiler alert: it's not supposed to be full of seeds)
Age 42: Kate shows him a video of Canadians pouring maple syrup into the snow to make candy, so he gets her to boil the syrup so they can do it together. The problem comes when they can't control the pour and end up with a glob the size of Damian
Age 43: As part of a school project, Bruce and Duke try to deduce the Coca-Cola secret formula. Duke's teacher takes a point off because at the beginning he told her he'd taste the results, but there's no way he's doing that now
Age 44: The family gets together to make a full English breakfast Alfred's birthday. Each person takes a part—Dick has eggs, Jason has the grilled tomatoes, Tim has mushrooms, Duke has the bacon, Steph and Cass are tag-teaming the sausages, Damian just has to open a can of beans, and Bruce needs to put bread in the toaster. It goes South immediately when Damian reaches for his katana instead of the can opener
Age 45: Bruce puts tinfoil in the microwave. Alfred shakes his head and laughs
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sk-4-nk · 1 year
♡My Safe Foods♡
sweet potato
spinach + feta omelet
low cal pancakes (should I post the recipe?)
low fat yogurt (vanilla is my fav)
low fat cottage cheese
rice + beans
boiled egg + white rice
pb&j oatmeal
steak + eggs
8 pc chick fil a nuggs
cucumber sushi + miso soup
low fat choc milk + ovaltine (pls don't judge)
strawberry + almond milk smoothie
green tea
0 sugar cranberry juice
stevia + lemon water (tastes like lemonade)
diet coke/dr pepper
black iced coffee
sugar free vitamin water
strawberry popsicle (outshine)
low sugar strawberry jam
konjac jelly
sugar free jello
zero sugar twizzlers
fiber one brownie
quest birthday cake bar (it's 200 cal which is kinda high but it's so good and soo filling with lots of protein)
rice cakes
zero sugar chocolate syrup (this can also be added to milk but ovaltine has more vitamines)
*note: feel free to come back to this list bc I'll probably add more. I have some recipes and more tips if u want.
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snowy-vee · 3 months
밤양갱 (Bam Yang Gang) Ellie W.
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n/a: I wrote this today, 1.7K words, I have zero idea why but since my inspiration is not going towards my published on going stories, I decided to be writing things and posting them, to not lose the fun. ENJOY!
warnings: emotional eating(? mostly like binge behaviour but not like BED.
You were running behind her trying to catch up to her but her steps were firm, and by the way she walked, you knew she was truly angry. You had messed up this time.
All your friends stayed in the bar after the scene you caused ¿Was it truly all you though? That girl was too close to Ellie, giggling, touching her arm, whispering things in her ear and you had to watch that from the other side of the table, having to endure the occasional glances from your friends. They were seeing it too but there was no way they were going to say anything, they just wanted to know if you were okay with what was happening.
How could you be? Why was Ellie letting that happen? Why was she smiling too? Her face was slightly red, you wanted to assume that it was the alcohol and not the words that were mutter in her ear by the girl, a pretty one… No, you couldn’t stay calm, not when it felt as if you were the one who didn’t belong. So when you stood up and your drink was emptied on the girls’s head, everyone gasped.
She screamed calling you ‘crazy bitch’, Jesse had to hold you to not jump over the table and show her how crazy you could be. Ellie grabbed your arm, dragging you outside of the bar, you were still screaming harmful things to her.
The cold breeze of the winter hit your hot face but you were fuming and you would’ve have kept screaming if it wasn’t for the demanding tone on Ellie’s voice telling you that it was enough, that’s how you were now running towards her. She stopped her walk and turn around, making you stop to and catch your breath.
There was a big gap between you two in that alley that you two end up with only some lamppost with low lights, she scoffed “You always want way too much. If I even look away for a sec, It’s like my brain’s on fire, you are way too intense, but you did there was just embarrassing, not only for me but for you, I hope you are aware of that”
You bit your lip, nodding slowly, trying to hold your tears while she was looking down at you. You had words stuck on your throat waiting to be thrown up, all your feelings, your mind was sending them as if it was keyboard smashing but when you opened your mouth only three words came out “Yes, I’m sorry”
“I bet you are” She simply said turning around and start to walk away again, leaving you there, cold hugging your bones making you shiver as you saw her vanished in the shadows of the night. The lights started flickering which made you come back from your little trance, swiping the drops that escaped your eyes.
You started walking opposite direction of her, not back to your friends, you couldn’t bear the humiliation that you brought by ‘‘overreacting’’ and if you saw that girl again you would not hesitate to break all her bones even if the rage had left your body after the glacial words of Ellie. The green neon lights of some 24h store made you enter it without saying hello, straight to grab a basket and fill it with a lot of sweets, not even caring about the price.
It look tasty? In. It had chocolate? In. Was it sweet chestnut red bean jelly? One of Ellie’s favourites, you had to have it in your stomach, maybe it would reach your heart and it would feel complete since Ellie liked the candy. You’ve watched her devour them throughout your relationship, maybe this would devour your heart the same way she was doing and make it explode because of all the sugar.
The walk to you house was entertaining as you chew slowly the fifth chocolate bar, this one had prunes in it, which made you gag a little bit, but you still ate it. It was gross but sweet at the same time, like a toxic relationship, like yours with Ellie ¿Right? Your relationship was addictive like chocolate but prudes came along and made it gross.
¿What were you doing? Comparing your relationship with food was stupid but as you enter your home, kicking off your shoes and sitting on the floor with your back resting on the couch, your thighs touching your chest and your mouth wide open while throwing half bag of acid candy inside of it. Your eye twitched, your mouth got out of your mouth involuntary and instant regret filled your facial expression but you laughed it off watching your reflect in the TV.
The memories when Ellie and you made stupid mistakes that later on would become in little stories that made you laugh when in the moment of the heat, it made you both cry, be mad, storm off the room but the moment your eyes met again it was all hugs, kisses and little ‘I’m sorry, I love you’. Thinking about that while you opened the cream buns and started munching one by one.
You bought two packs that came with three buns each, so you end up eating six buns. Your stomach was starting to feel weird and it made you feel nauseous but your mind was pushing you to keep eating, there was a void to fill and nothing you were eating seemed to satisfy the need, you were getting more desperate as the salty taste of your tears mix with the sweetness of the strawberry puffs.
Maybe if you weren’t so afraid of speaking your mind when the confrontation comes, things would be different but you were so scared that your words would drive her away that you just kept silent and apologized seconds later after your mistake, even if it wasn’t your fault, even if it irritated Ellie that you never spoke your mind, you just bottled up and exploded later on overdoing it. The thing was, that she knew what stuff made you act up and she still do them to get any reaction from you.
Tonight was not the first interaction Ellie had with the girl, all those other hangouts she clung on her as if she was the girlfriend and not you, pushing you away or sitting besides Ellie before you could, etc. You kept silent, swallowing all your thoughts, creating a pot of full venom on your stomach that you blurred out this night.
¿Why Ellie wanted to push you to show that she was yours? She should’ve created space between them two too. You sighed, you should’ve told her that, you needed to start communicating much better, stop eating your feeling and making you sick for days.
You look at the deflated plastic bag, anxiety running through your body ¿There was nothing left? ¿You ate everything? That was impossible, you needed to replace what was missing in your heart. You grabbed the bag upside down, shaking it until a red plastic envelope fall… the sweet chestnut red bean jelly, the last candy.
You wanted to eat it slowly, you were chewing and swallowing, barely feeling what was entering your belly, but this one? You had to. You took a small bite and started chewing slowly, feeling the soft jellied texture of it with the right level of sweetness letting the red bean flavour shine with its earthy taste and a hint of nuttiness.
Ellie’s face while eating it appeared in your head, a big smile, her cheeks full of it and begging you to try it, which you’ve never did, always thinking that it was a weird combination of flavours. The shine in her green eyes whenever she could find them in any store, buying at least three pack, the time she wanted to dye her auburn hair the same red as the bean jelly but you talked her out of it, the day she tried to bake it and almost got intoxicated…
The candy was halfway done. You looked at your phone, it’s been hours since you two went different directions ¿Did she arrived okay at home? Did she turn around and try to come back at you? ¿Did she go back to the bar? It did not matter, you missed her, you wanted to talk to her, you both needed that to go to sleep, you knew it. She was not going to call first, she was stubborn, so it was in your sweaty hands as you dialled her number.
She picked up, you could hear her breath, no words. You wanted to be firmed, not cold but neutral, one ‘We have to talk, be matured about this, communication’ and that was it, but maybe because of how sticky the jelly was around your tongue, your next words were completely different:
“So, I have half a red bean jelly and I know how much you liked them, I was thinking that maybe I could save it for later but It would go bad, Can I go to your house and give it to you?”
You facepalmed yourself mentally, closing your eyes and letting your head rest in the couch seat, looking at the ceiling, repeating the word ‘stupid’ all over without making a sound. Ellie clicked her tongue and you heard the zip of something and the sound of some keys.
“I’m on my way” She said ending the call, your eyes almost popped looking at your phone’s screen. Your tired body suddenly was hit with an energy boost, you stood up and looked at the floor full of packages of sweets, you looked at yourself in the mirror, you looked like a disaster.
The way you cleaned everything and still had time to cleaned up yourself a little bit made you think that maybe you acquired a new power, you were sure it had a name…
Knock, Knock. There she was, you don’t needed to check, you knew it because of the way your heart jumped pushing you towards the door, opening it and letting her in.
As she walked in, her eyes not even checking you, your body felt weak but excited at the same time. You were more than ready to speak your mind, you were so ready that the word you were searching before came through your mind.
Sugar Rush.
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ravencincaide · 8 months
Summary: You had two pregnancy cravings, neither of which were all that good for you, your weight or the baby. Chuuya was all about giving you whatever you wanted- while Dazai tried to be more rational. Key word- tried. OR you’d get whatever you wanted out of Dazai and Chuuya- you just needed to work a little for it. 
Pairing Preg! Fem reader x Dazai x Chuuya
Requested by Anon –> Dazai and Chuuya during readers' pregnancy. 
Warnings: Hint at intimacy and inappropriate behavior including sensual licking of fingers.  Cursing, Pregnancy cravings, fluff 
Enjoy ~
You swore Chuuya was psychic. 
In fact you were ready to stop calling him ‘the most fearsome mafia executive and gravity manipulator’ and start calling him’ the most fearsome mafia executive, gravity manipulator and future predictor Chuuya’. 
He was that good, and it annoyed you.
When he and Dazai found out you were pregnant, he had modified the affectionate term of endearment from ‘Sweetheart’ into ‘Sweets’. At the time, you thought he was being cute and loving towards you- exciting at the prospect of becoming a father. Now you were certain he was giving you a heads-up about what was to come. And you swore neither your figure, nor your teeth appreciated it.  Unlike all the other normal women with just weird pregnancy cravings and combinations that seemed odd at best, you craved only two things in excessive amounts. Sweets- which you normally didn’t enjoy and coffee. Sweet and bitter. Just like the combination of Dazai, Chuuya and You. 
At times inherently sweet, other times obsessively bitter. 
“ Okay we have sugar, water, ice cream, half a bar of chocolate. So slug we need glutinous rice flour, red bean paste, green tea powder” Dazai called into the speaker phone as he continued to search through the kitchen cabinets in a half- desperate attempt to satisfy your current cravings. “ Strawberries and some more chocolate… and then a packet of condoms and a–”  
“ Oj you horny dog that wasn't on the ingredient list” Chuuya’s voice growled over the speakerphone from the store half way across Yokohama. The only place in this god forsaken city that was not only opened, but was large enough to sell everything needed to make mochi. 
Stupid tourists and goddamned golden week. 
You moved over from sitting by the counter and walked over to stand next to Dazai. Placing a hand on his shoulder you stole a kiss before you helped him hold up the broken-to-be-fixed cupboard door while he searched for the pan to make said homemade mochi in. “ And don’t forget the coffee for us, love” you called over the phone. 
You could practically hear the irritation in Chuuya’s voice do a 180 and turn into a smile the moment your voice echoed over the speaker. No doubt he had that love-struck adoring look on his face again, the one he now got whenever you or the unborn child wanted anything. He was ready to buy the world for you, or carve it up with the use of his entire mafia faction. Whichever got it to you quicker “ Whatever you and the baby want” 
“ Heey Belladonna you know it’s not good for you and especially not for the baby” Dazai stated finding the pan and then snatching the phone back and holding it far away from you. He danced away towards the other side of the kitchen, taking out a batch of brownies that had been put in the fridge to coo, ready to be topped with the glossy chocolatey smooth layer. If you were really good, he might even add a little coffee into the mix to satisfy your addiction. 
“ I’m allowed one cup a day” You argued back, arms crossed over your chest “ And we’re almost out.” 
Dazai chuckled a little before pointing towards the half empty jar of coffee standing innocently on the counter. With the limit of one cup a day that would be plenty to last you a month. Rather than continue provoking you however, he cut a small piece of brownie before holding it up to you- a feeble attempt to pacify you. You managed to resist the craving all of two seconds before you flickered your eyes back to the sweet treat. Rather than take it with your hands like he intended for you to, you leaned forward and wrapped your lips around the sweet treat- and his fingers. 
You watched him swallow as you used your tongue to roll the still slightly warm brownie bit over his two fingers before taking it in your mouth.
You watched the hunger in his eyes grow as you swallowed the brownie before taking more of his fingers into your mouth. You flickered your tongue over the digits, a naughty reminder of the things you could do with your tongue. Then you pulled back as if nothing happened, his now clean fingers popping out of your mouth with a quiet ‘pop’. 
“ it’s good, could use some coffee though” You flashed him a flirty smile. 
Dazai stared at you for a moment seemingly in a daze before he turned away from you, his hands moving in double speed as he whipped up the chocolate frosting to cover the brownie in. While the mixer was running, you watched with careful eyes as he brewed a cup of weak coffee. 
The smell of roasting beans tempting you even more. And they made you feel alive all the same- like an addict about to get their fix.
 Your attention was hundred percent on him; like a hawk you watched as he added a tiny amount of coffee into the batter. Then he dipped his finger into the frosting and brought it to your lips. This time you didn’t wrap your lips around his fingers, rather you stuck your tongue out and licked the sweetness of his fingers. 
This earned you a groan “ You sweet sadist, my Belladonna” he muttered, eyes half lid. It was as if you were literally living up that nickname. Belladonna. A sweet, torturous poison. 
The moment his fingers were clean you pulled back and carefully wiped your mouth as if you hadn’t just licked at them like a dog seconds earlier “ Could use a touch more coffee” 
The process repeated itself until the entire cup that Dazai had brewed was in the frosting. 
By then your cravings were less desperate. You would still not say no to coffee but you didn’t think you’d go insane without it. Dazai on the other hand looked a bit worse for wear, his back was against the kitchen counter, and one bandaged hand was on his face while the other hand, which you had been licking and kissing for god-knows how long was gripping the counter. He was desperately trying to keep in control. 
Suddenly you heard the roar of a motorcycle approaching. Then moments later, you both looked over as the door opened, a slightly disheveled Chuuya entering the apartment with a ridiculous amount of bags. He set them on the counter before reaching up to put the escaped hair back into its ponytail. 
“ Yaay Chuuya you’re back” You skipped away from Dazai, quick to give your returned lover a peck on the lips. He smiled into the kiss, as if the affection gave him newfound energy, ready to unpack the excessive shopping. It made you grin as you wrapped your arms around his waist, watching with eager eyes as he pulled out dozens of coffee and coffee based treats out of the bags. 
It was like Christmas, birthday and new year all in one!
“ Oj why haven’t you prepared anything for making mochi you slacking mackerel?” Chuuya glared at Dazai over your shoulder, as he began to produce other, more practical things from the remainder of the bags.  
“ oh it’s Chuuya” Dazai’s voice dripped with annoyance and perhaps a bit of sexual frustration as well “ If you weren’t such an idiot you’d know I need the rice flour to start making mochi, idiot” 
“ Oj who are you calling an idiot- you idiot ?” 
You ignored their bickering as something in one of the yet-to-be-unpacked bags caught your attention.Reaching forward you grabbed the small black box with golden letters which read ‘Kamasutra 12 packet of coffee flavored condoms’  You brought the box to your lips, showing off only a glimpse of the seductive smile as you turned to the bickering pair. 
“ hmm I wonder if they actually taste like coffee” You winked before moving to head up the stairs towards the bedroom. You barely held back your laughter as you saw the bickering stop and then the two turned to each other, shaking a look. They turned back to you processing what you said before they scrambled to follow you, practically tripping over their own feet. 
Mochi could wait- after all you might have found a safe way to satisfy your coffee cravings. And that was much more important than any sweets in the world..
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slasherhoe87 · 1 year
🥧Slashers' Favourite Dish their S/0 Makes for Them🍲
Short and sweet. Just a little idea that popped into my head while watching Masterchef Australia
Feat. Brahms Heelshire, Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers (OG / Peepaw / RZ), The Sinclairs, Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Harry Warden, Thomas Hewitt
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English Sunday Roast: pork roast with crackling, peas, yorkshire puddings, golden roast potatoes, roasted carrots, green beans and a boatload of brown gravy
Dessert? sticky toffee pudding
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Cheesy Tuna Noodle Casserole - his mom made this dish for him all the time and he loved it
Dessert? lemon bars - another favourite of his that bring up the precious few good memories he has of his childhood
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Ground Beef Lasagna with extra white sauce
Dessert? pumpkin pie with a big dollop of vanilla cream
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Meatloaf with a side of creamy garlic mashed potatoes and roasted mix veg (its all easy on the teeth 😁😂)
Dessert? strawberry & rhubarb pie
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Full Thanksgiving Dinner: roast turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn on the cob, dinner rolls, mix veg and lots of brown gravy and cranberry sauce (he remembers his mom when you make this and is flooded with good memories of her and him together)
Dessert? pecan pie
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T-Bone Steak with a Loaded Baked Potato and Corn on the Cob as a side
Dessert? banana split
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Rump Steak with a Mixed Mushroom Sauce and a side of Sweet Potato Fries
Dessert? dark chocolate brownie with a scoop of mint ice cream
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One-Pot Smoky Beans and Roadkill Meatball Stew
Dessert? ice cream sundae
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Spaghetti Bolognaise with lots of Red Sauce
Dessert? chocolate lava cake - he likes watching the chocolate sauce spill out of from its middle
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Pepperoni Pizza
Dessert? birthday cake flavoured ice cream in a sugared cone with tons of sprinkles on top
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Fillet Steak with a Red Wine Sauce, Garlic Parsnip Mash and Roasted Green Asparagus as a side
Dessert? black forest cake
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Chili Con Carne - likes it with ground beef you purchased from the butcher or with more... questionable ground "beef" - as long as you make it, he loves it
Dessert? peach cobbler
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 5 months
Jaune and the boys at 2AM looking for beans
Jaune: You got the Stuff?
Roman: Yeah I got the stuff, you got the Lien?
Jaune: Sun?
Sun: *Slides Suitcase to Roman* Right Here.
Roman: *Opens case, Nodding* Great. Neo, Take this back. If you gents don't mind I'll be joining you.
Jaune: Hmm. Okay. Come on then. Ren's Already got some of it going.
Blake: Darkside Reporting. Target spotted. Gold Bar and Solar Beam, have been joined by the Candle, Over.
Ruby: Copy that Darkside. Snowscreen, Wildfire, what's going on at your end? Over.
Yang: Wildfire Here. Frogger and Aerogel are making food at a campsite, two clicks south-by-southeast of Nathaniel's Stop-n-Shop convenience store, Over.
Weiss: We've got more incoming, get your head low!
Ozpin: Ah! This smells like the place to be!
Yang: Status Update! The Man in Green is there as well, joined by Sherry, Black-Jay, and ... I forget what we're calling Doctor Oobleck! Over!
Ruby: Copy that Wildfire, you and Snowscreen keep stay still and quiet, report in if anything new happens. We'll figure out what the guys have been up to. I still bet it's a werewolf cult. Over.
Jaune: Ren. Here's what you called for.
Ren: *inspecting product, tastes it* Hm! Perfect~ Menagerian Pure Cocoa Powder, freshly ground! Immensely bitter, with the barest of sweetness!
Neptune: Doctor Oobleck has brought the Mistrali Coffee, We've just started roasting it. You are using Milk for the Hot chocol-
Ren: Do I look like a damn fool, or someone with a dairy allergy Neptune? Have faith.
Jaune: Great! You've been stirring my chili, yes?
Neptune: I've kept on that! it smells great!
Jaune: Thanks! It my personal recipe. Been working on it for years.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 11 months
Photograph of A World on Fire (4) - Andy Herrera x DeLuca!Sister!Reader - Station 19/Grey's Anatomy
Summary: The world might be on fire with a pandemic happening, and you and Andy face loss after loss, but the two of you stick together and become even closer through it all.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Request: hey 💓 could you write a deluca!sister x amelia fic where r is a cheeky italian which puts amelia in gay panic mode x
A/n: this diverts from canon like a curly wurly chocolate bar, also mentions a one night stand, there's no smut but it's alluded to, so, read at your own risk, and don't ask me where this happens in canon, because that will give me another headache:) (i gave myself that headache and followed canon slightly... ooof, warning, canon character death incoming)
A/n: to whoever reads this, you are important.
Andy found out her mother was alive, and then three weeks later, a pandemic set the world on fire.
Andy's mother left, and her father told her that her mother had died, rather than her mother had abandoned her due to mental illness.
Your brother and sister were determined to quarantine away from you, and with Andy in a bubble at the firehouse, you were isolated from everyone.
Andy had enlisted herself in distracting herself about her mother by going to an art store, masked up with a list of supplies for you so you could keep making your art from home. Andy didn't know you had gotten out of the car, sitting on the bonnet with your camera, photographing the empty streets.
You didn't know it was the start of one of two projects during the pandemic that would make your career flourish, as you sat in your black attire, watching the funeral of Pruitt Herrera, that due to the pandemic had to be done online. Watching as Andy spoke, you couldn't hide the love in your eyes for this woman. This woman of fire. Your fiamma.
Your brother sat on your porch as you sat in the hallway, talking to each other through an open door.
"I found inspiration, for two big projects."
"Two big projects? Wow, that's amazing, angioletta. I hope I get to see them before Carina." Andrew smiled, the pride in his eyes obvious.
"Oh she'd be so mad!" You laughed, remembering the last time Andrew had seen your artwork before Carina did, and how jealous she got despite trying to hide it.
"How's your girlfriend?" Andrew threw you off, almost dropping your snack on the carpet in surprise at his question, but you took a moment before replying.
"She is at a family picnic for the first time in twenty years, and I didn't want to impose y'know. Plus, everyone is so determined to quarantine, I'm isolated from everyone and everything, but my art." You admitted, spotting the sad look on your big brother's face at your confession. You were feeling lonely.
"It probably won't help if I tell them that I have a girlfriend too." Andy admitted to her cousin Michelle, whose eyes lit up at Andy's admittance.
"You do? Tell me everything!"
"She's an artist, with two older siblings, who are both doctors, but she is my saving grace in this, this cruel world." Andy confessed, getting her phone out to show her cousin a photo of you, and some photos of your art.
Your phone buzzed as Vic sent you a video, getting your brother's attention as you gasped.
"There, there was a tiger, in the firehouse... a tiger... that's not totally terrifying!" forwarding the video to your brother, who checked his phone.
Fiamma: you don't have any vagina art, do you?
Cariño: that's more my sister's interior design style...
Cariño: good luck to Maya
"You know, on the nights we don't have dinner together. I eat canned green beans for dinner, out of the can." Andy confessed as she watched you stand over the hob, stirring your wooden spoon into something that smelt amazing.
"Fiamma, that's disgusting."
Andrew's text sent horror through your body as you read it. He and Carina were following a human trafficker. And nobody was answering their phone. Not Andrew, not Carina, not Andy, and not even Maya. Miranda and Ben weren't answering either, so you ran out of your house, tracking your big sister's phone as you got in your car.
Your brother was good, he was stable, taking his meds, getting sleep. Your sister had moved in with Maya, she was happy as she could be without missing Italy and stressing over your father.
Warren and Maya began to call you as Ben read your message, realising you were going after your big siblings.
"Announcement! Uh, Carina and her brother Andrew are... well... they're following one of the kidnappers, and uh, Y/n is going after her siblings apparently so..." Maya nervously explained, about to tell Andy off for hurriedly getting her phone but Warren shook his head.
"Probably going to call Y/n. They're, they're friends."
"Carina, Andrew, there's something you should know. Y/n is on her way to you, I'm guessing nobody's kept your little sister in the loop."
"Angioletta? No, she could get hurt. How does she know where we are?" Carina began to panic, hearing what Maya said.
"She's probably tracking our phones." Andrew deadpanned, knowing it was too late to stop you.
You knew they were at the Seattle Transit Station, running as you spotted Carina heading through the doors of the station. Speed-walking after your siblings, you barely made it onto the train before the doors shut, quickly making your way up the carriage until you landed in the seat next to Andrew, sandwiching him in the middle of you and Carina.
"What are you doing-"
"You both scared me. Plus nobody knows who I am so..." you trailed off, whispering in Italian to obscure your words to any non-Italian speakers.
The three of you watched as another passenger stood up and moved away from the three of you.
"My first time being profiled as an Italian."
"Stay back, angioletta." Carina whispered, as your siblings stood up to follow the human trafficker off of the train.
"Go find Ben and the police, I'm not losing her again." Andrew instructed, leaving Carina to nod and get out her phone. That was Carina's mistake as she took her eyes off of you, who ran after her big brother like she did when she was a toddler.
But Carina lost sight of you both, stuck rallying the first responders. She didn't see what you saw. The man barge into your big brother, and stab him.
"NO! Help! Help! Call 911!" You screamed loud enough that Carina heard you, hurrying over to see you putting pressure on a stab wound. A stab wound in your big brother's chest.
"We're here, we're here!" you sobbed, as Warren got your brother on a gurney, Maya holding back Carina as you curled up on the floor, hands covered in your brother's blood.
Carina cleaned your hands as you sat numbly in the back of the aid car, Maya and Ben treating your brother, and Carina recalling songs from your childhoods to soothe your brother's pain.
Sitting in the Grey Sloan outdoor waiting room, you were numb as you saw the look in the approaching doctor's eyes.
Your brother was dead.
In grieving, Carina shut down, but you threw yourself into your art projects. Carina had Maya to keep an eye on her, but you...
Andy was there for you. Andy was there when you didn't sleep at night, staring at a blank canvas until you started to paint, she sat and watched you. You didn't want to talk, your big brother was your lifeline.
"Okay, I know your French toast is better, and so is Carina's, but it's the only thing I know how to make for breakfast." Andy explained, bringing a tray into your spare room aka your art room at this point.
"Looks delicious." You managed to smile, but Andy was taken off guard as you pulled her into a hug, burying your face in her neck and not letting go.
"I'm acting captain today... are you sure you'll be okay alone?" Andy asked, her fingernails running gently over your scalp as she cradled your head.
"I have food and water. I just want to paint my grief, because I don't know how else to express it. Talking doesn't work, talking makes me miss him, even if he's with our mama now." You replied, but Andy saw the look on your face when you spotted the red paint on the palette. She didn't see how it reminded you of your brother's blood on your hands as you sat in the aid car, numb and hoping it wasn't his time.
Your siblings may have called you angioletta, little angel, but your brother was the angel among you now.
Your mother called Andrew and Carina two halves of a whole, but you needed both of them. You were away from Carina for so long growing up, all you had was your brother.
Now he was gone, Carina was stuck with the paperwork, and you buried yourself in your art. Minus any red paint, which Andy had removed after seeing the far away look on your face at the sight of it.
Carina called you hours later, asking if you had spoken to your father at all. You hadn't, but somehow he had heard two days ago that your brother died, and he didn't call either of you.
Andy found you sitting on your porch on her return home, in the spot where your brother had once sat, with a portfolio she hadn't seen before in your hands.
"Andrew was supposed to be the first person to see my projects, but he's..." you trailed off, opening the first page to reveal the photographs you had taken of empty Seattle streets.
"I've never seen Seattle so empty."
"Exactly." You let out a wet chuckle, holding back your tears until Andy met your gaze with a faltering smile at your crying.
Maya Bishop: A Doctor Gabriella Aurora just turned up here
Y/n DeLuca: you'll be okay, it's been a long time since medical school, trust me.
Maya Bishop: Come over and help me?
Y/n DeLuca: i'm having dinner with my girlfriend tonight. i'm cooking too.
Maya Bishop: Girlfriend?
*left on read 4:21pm*
"You know your sister has a girlfriend?" Maya enquired as she walked through the Grey Sloan car park with Carina, hand in hand.
"I assumed she had someone living with her. She had two mugs out when I surprised her one morning, and someone gave her a neck bruise."
"A hickey?" Maya raised an eyebrow, wondering how long you and whoever it was had been dating.
"Yes, a hickey. My sister is not a fan of double dates though." Carina added before Maya could get any ideas.
"I still haven't met your girlfriend. I even met your ex-roommate before I met her." Andy's cousin Michelle pointed out, after pointing out how Andy had gone to every barbecue and not brought you with her.
"My girlfriend lost her brother and her sister is very protective and doesn't want her getting the virus... and we still haven't told her sister we're dating, or that I moved in so..." Andy trailed off as Michelle's eyes widened.
"Oh so it's serious?"
"She's my saving grace."
"My visa expires next month." Carina explained to you, making you flinch. You and Andrew had citizenship, but Carina was here on a visa for her study.
"You have to go back to Italy? They shut down the immigration offices... Carina..."
"Angioletta..." Carina whispered, letting out a squeak as you pulled her into a tight hug, fear setting in that you would lose the only family you had left in America.
Carina and Maya were unaware of how well you really knew Andy, until it came to your brother's memorial in the Grey Sloan car park.
Amelia wasn't there, even if she had mentored your brother for a time. You hadn't thought of the neurosurgeon in a long time, having removed all traces of her from your portfolio, your life and your memory.
Whilst Maya held Carina in the car park, you sat on the ground, holding your knees to your chest until arms wrapped around you, and Andy was almost cooing in Spanish, calming you as you clung to her, mask soaked with tears.
Neither of them had any time to judge, but both were unaware you and Andy really knew each other as more than friends. Any assumption they had was wrong. Andy and yourself were well acquainted.
You didn't hide your relationship with Andy. She was at the firehouse a lot, not wanting to bring covid home back to you, since Maya and Carina were further along in their relationship and when Andy had moved in with you, she tried her best to keep you safe.
Everyone wanted to protect you, but they were isolating themselves from you to try keep you safe.
One of your art projects had been inspired by frontline workers, gaining attention online as people wanted to buy the works, the money going to charities to support people during the pandemic... you were flourishing, and your big brother couldn't see it from anywhere but above, whilst your sister and your girlfriend could see it, and you, but chose not to as often.
Your second project reflected another side to the pandemic, photography of the empty streets, void of all life. Almost apocalyptic in a sense.
Andy spent more time with you than Carina did, but you and your sister handled grief differently.
The fire between you and Andy burned brighter than anything else. An eternal flame.
"What are you painting this time? Is that a heart on fire?" Andy peeked over your shoulder, her chin resting on it as her hands hovered over your waist, hesitant to touch in case she messed up your brushstrokes.
"It was supposed to be symbolic, fires of love? Eternal flame? I think I'm better at realism... the portraits reflect that." You shrugged, gesturing to the paintings on the other side of the room.
"You are the sweetest but your sister and Maya should be here in an hour, and you are wearing more paint than clothes." Andy pointed out, her eyes widening as you smirked, walking backwards to guide her to the shower.
"Maybe you should join me, to make sure I get all the paint off."
"I would like that very much, but we need to-" Andy began to point out the lack of time, but you shushed her as you leaned in, waiting until she met you halfway, the hour countdown until Maya and Carina's arrival forgotten about...
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igohungryforlove · 3 months
WIEIAD: 2/12/2024
Total: 713
Atkins chocolate mousee bar- 100
Lunch- 200
Pizza- 200
Dinner- 200
Green beans- 50
Mashed potatoes- 150
Snacks- 103
Chocolate oreo- 103
Drinks: 110
Grape Ramune- 100
Cucumber water- 10
Diet coke- 0
Total steps: 9,037
I was at a school event today, im just happy it isnt worse
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auckie · 3 months
Ok no actually I wanna hear your Trader Joe’s opinions I’m really into the orange strawberry banana juice, the bruschetta sauce, the cranberry lime juice sparkling water and cinnamon schoolbook cookies
You and I agree on the CLSW (cranlime sparkling), haven’t tried the others but I’ll look into them. The normal lime one is also amazing on its own, as well as a mixer for both alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks. Summer must!
There’s so much shit I’m obsessed with, I’ll try and list the most important ones
English crumpets
Mango kefir
Brown sugar oat creamer
Chocolate oat milk
Simpler wines brand sparkling white canned wine
Chocolate babka
Brioche sliced bread
Danish Kringle
Pinks and whites shortbread cookies
Joe Joe’s gluten free classic Oreo knock off cookie
Madras lentils (boxed kind is good too)
Canned giant baked beans in tomato sauce
The non joes brand oat milk coffee and kombucha but you can get those anywhere
Their candles, two in one grapefruit mint hair wash (I despise two in one products but this one doesn’t foam and is more of a cleansing conditioner I use in between shampoo and regular conditionings), and many other non food items. I’ve bought their towels, seasonal decor (usually those felt garlands), face lotions and oils. Loved all of them. Usually I only restock on the lotion, hand soap, and lavender laundry bags. Their detergent is nice tho, and I’ve also gotten their wool laundry balls but you really only ever gotta buy them like once. They also usually have pretty cute cards at the checkout! I like their cheaper flowers too, but there’s also a lot of very cute seasonal items they carry that I just can’t justify buying bc of price (have you seen their felt sunflowers? So adorable)
Simpler times potato chips
Crispy Crunchy Champignon Mushroom Snack
Fruit leather bars
Dried orange rings
Lox (labeled as smoked salmon iirc)
Both their Tunisian and kalamata olive oil
Vodka sauce
Roasted red pepper and tomato canned soup
Canned vegetable soup
Gone bananas chocolate covered frozen bananas (gone berry crazy strawberries are good too but like a dollar or two more expensive)
Jasmine rice in the frozen isle
Lime popsicles
Steak and stout meat pie
Pastry Bites Feta Cheese & Caramelized Onions
Canned tuna*
*especially with the gluten free microwaveable mac n cheese (I’m not gluten free if you’ve noticed, I literally just prefer some of their gluten free products. Same with the oat milk. I’m not lactose free but I just really like it)
Most of the frozen wontons I’ve tried
Chimichurri rice (goes great with the aforementioned roasted red pepper box soup, and chopped onions, green peppers, and spinach cooked in a wok)
Chicken sausage
Butternut squash gnocchi, iirc the potato gnocchi is good too
Most of their dried pastas
Almond and chocolate filled frozen croissants
The bars of chocolate you find at the check out that come in packs of threes
The weird meat sticks at the checkout too
Frozen hashbrowns
For whatever reason, their frozen green beans and asparagus is so much better than other generic brands I’ve tried
Any of the canned olives but esp the kalamata
Sun dried tomatoes
The produce is okay, a little pricey but they had brown Mexican tomatoes once that fucked hard. The herbs trustworthy too but really where is it not
Any of their chocolate covered nuts
Their fucked up chocolate covered chips, sometimes found in their snack mixes
Peanut butter pretzel snacks
Their dried seaweed isn’t my fav, but it’s not bad. I think it’s overpriced tho but tbf I usually get huuuge, less flavored packs from Costco
Pine nuts but good Gd are they expensive
They have cute, weird heirloom hybrid squashes during the fall a lot too that are pretty tasty
Things I’ve gotten from there that I hated? I didn’t like their orange chicken, ANY of the cereals I’ve gotten from there oddly enough, their pecorino Romano only comes grated and mixed iirc and I didn’t care for it. Some of their beers have made me scowl but also those are all random brands. But their wine (yes, even SHAW. But shoutout to coco bon red blend and blue fin moscato RIP!) has never does me wrong…except for any other flavor of the simpler wines canned ones. I can only do the sparkling white and literally no else I've forced to drink it has liked it! some of their salads have done me wrong. the canned chickpeas and dolmas were off. and some of their pricy juice mixes left me a bit disappointed.
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plastic-rainbows · 1 year
Age Regression Food Idea List:
Main courses:
- Grilled cheese
- Blueberry muffins
- Chicken nuggets
- Toaster waffles
- Macaroni & cheese
- Pb&J sandwich
- Flavored oatmeal
- Veggie burger
- Hot dogs
- Mini pancakes
- Pizza bagels
Snacks, sweets, & sides:
- Goldfish crackers
- Apple slices
- Pretzel twists
- Yogurt cups
- Carrot sticks
- String cheese
- Dry cereal
- Granola bars
- Mashed potatoes
- Gummy bears
- Pudding cups
- Tater tots
- Green beans
- Frosted cookies
- Mixed berries
- Graham crackers
- Cheese puffs
- Apple juice
- Fruit punch
- Chocolate milk
- Fruit smoothie
- Grape juice
- Flavored water
- Orange juice
- Strawberry milk
Feel free to customize anything due to allergies, dietary restrictions, or preference. Bonus points if you cut your food up into cute shapes and use baby/toddler dish sets!
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thinkinginfiguresof8 · 5 months
Planned eating - January and fourth
- never skip it !
- don’t drink coffee first thing !
start with big glass of water and lemon
choose between:
1. grapefruit, berries, banana, apple
2. cottage cheese, greek yoghurt, kvarg, rye bread, crackers
3. cream cheese, cheese, fried egg, peanut butter, avocado, granola
finish off with a glass of coffee/iced coffee during spring and summer
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- bowls !
- emphasis on greens !
- don’t forget water !
choose between:
1. brown rice, couscous, bean/lentil-pasta, sweet potato, lentils
2. chicken, fish, beans, egg, shrimp
add whatever of tomatoes, burrata, mozzarella, cucumber, broccoli, bell peppers, spinach, avocado, corn, olives, sun dried tomatoes, guacamole, tomato-sauce, vinegar, salt & pepper (add on)…
(If I have to eat at uni, bring coffee and have a protein bar and an apple)
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- oatmeal always ! (when at home)
1. oatmeal as base
2. choose between: homemade jam, apple sauce, berries, banana, apple
add whatever of peanut butter, oat/almond-milk, raisins, honey/agave syrup, cinnamon, seeds
3. finish off with green tea, vitamins and if I want to, an apple or a piece of dark chocolate
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- in between meals if necessary !
choose between: fruits, hard boiled egg, nuts, vegetables with hummus
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(this is for weekdays, on weekends I eat with family/friends and then I can’t be a n a l about this stuff)
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