#if you're confused by the ghost cookie one
victorluvsalice · 11 months
Valicer Not-Incorrect Quotes, Halloween Editon
[Context: Alice auditioned for a scare house and was hired on the spot to replace someone who'd quit suddenly; as a result, she was only able to send a quick text to Victor and Smiler saying she got the job and would tell them about it later]
Alice: [jumps out of a corner in the scare house, covered in fake blood and waving a knife] ARRRGH!
Pair Of Sisters: [scream and run on to the next performer]
Alice: [hides again and jumps out at the next passersby] ARRRGH!
Frat Bro: [screams surprisingly high-pitched and flees]
Alice: [hides again and jumps out at the next couple] ARRRGH!
Victor & Smiler, out on a date: [yelp -- then stop dead as they recognize Alice]
Alice: [also freezes as she recognizes them] ...
Victor: So this is where you were hired!
Smiler: [grins and waves] Hi bestie!
Alice: [trying not to laugh] Don't call me that, I'm trying to murder you.
Smiler: [entering the house fresh off a shift at Sunny Brews] Hey, I'm home!
Victor: [getting off the couch to greet them] Welcome back! I hope you had a --
Victor: [pauses, then leans in and sniffs Smiler] Goodness, you smell -- really good.
Alice: [getting up as well] They what? [goes in for a sniff too] Huh. You do smell good. Very -- fall?
Smiler: Yeah, that'll be the fifty million pumpkin spice lattes I made today.
Victoria: [showing the trio and Emily a new treat recipe she wanted to try out] And now you pipe your meringue on top of the cookie base in a swirl, like so.
Smiler: [looking at the resultant swirl with a raised eyebrow]
Victor: [guessing at what they're thinking] No.
Alice: [also guessing] Besides, it's white.
Smiler: ...that just sent my mind off in a different direction.
Victor: NO.
[Context: Victor, Alice, and Smiler are watching The Nightmare Before Christmas with Smiler's other coaster friends]
Thirteen: [glancing over at Victor and jerking her head toward the TV and Halloweentown] So, is that what your hometown looks like?
Victor: Har har. I'll have you know it's not nearly that colorful.
Rita: So more like the town in Frankenweenie, gotcha.
Oblivion: Does Jack come to your family reunions?
Victor: Come on, I don't look that much like a Tim Burton character.
Alice: You really do.
Smiler: You're one oddball corpse-revival away from starring in one of his movies.
Victor: [fake pouts] You're all mean.
Smiler: [winks] And we already know you like spirals.
Victor: [deep blush] Can we go back to watching the movie?
Alice: [sidles up to Victor drawing something and leans over him, grinning and showing off fake vampire fangs] Hi darling.
Victor: [glances up at her with a smile -- then does a double take when he notices the teeth] Oh! Ah, hello.
Alice: [still grinning, running a finger along Victor's neck] Like them? I got them just for you.
Victor: [visibly swallows] Ah -- they're -- they're very nice.
Smiler: [abruptly appears at the door in a lab coat and yellow spiral-pattern goggles, lounging against the frame in a way that's meant to be sexy] I understand someone in here needs some serious brainwashing?
Victor & Alice:
Victor: [snorts and turns away to try and hide his laughter]
Alice: [shakes her head, snickering] Way to kill the mood.
Smiler: This is the sexiest outfit in the world and you know it.
[after hours at the scare house]
Coworker: Hey, Alice? I saw you kissing some guy behind the attraction on our break --
Alice: Oh, that was my boyfriend, I wasn't making out with a random guest.
Coworker: [fidgeting] Yeah, but -- I saw him come in with some other guy, and kiss him too.
Alice: Oh, that was my boyfriend's themfriend.
Coworker: ???
Alice: We're complicated.
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flamingpudding · 8 months
I love your writing so much but I'm here with a crack idea just imagine deage Dan is Klarion.
Dan was able to find out who he is outside of Danny then he was able to change his name Klarion Jackson Fenton/Nightingale he is still a little villain boy also now a mom boy.
Ghost King Danny is his mom young justice was so confused when Klarion you're the best gifts get your mom after not talking to him for a while to also begging them to pretend to be his friend . Justice League dark is panicking in the background about the electric being that just shows up.
Danny in full ghost king attire standing there with a plate of cookies ready to meet his son's new friends.
Thanks so much! I am glad you enjoy my writing!
Also thanks because I absolutely love this Idea/Prompt! Sooooo please enjoy this piece inspired by it! Also I haven't consumed a lot of DC material lately so i am basing this all on my memories. In other words.... I went with Tim's little team here.
Hope that's okay and that this won't disappoint.
Dan, who was going by Klarion for some years now, had a massive problem. It was the huge kind of problem build on small bubbles of lies that then turned into this one giant bubble that was about to pop just because of one little question asked by his mom when his sister decided to throw him under the bus to deflect from herself and the fact that she was dating a demon. Don't get him wrong he still loves her, but man did he want to strangle Danielle right now.
"So Klarion, Ellie is right. When will I get to meet your friends you told me so much about?"
It was such an innocent question from his mom. And while his moms titles don't scare him, cause at some point in time they could have been his too, the happy dopey smile like nothing was wrong in the dimensions with little expectations directed at him was the scariest thing his mom could ever direct at him when he had asked THAT question.
So now Klarion was in need of a quick solution. When his mom had asked he had mumbled out a quick: "Next week maybe. We won't be busy with hero stuff then." He had started to form a plan. First of all, he needed to remember what all he had told his mom about his new and redeemed life on Earth 43 he had build for himself with the name Klarion Jackson Fenton-Nightingale.
Which fuck. There was a lot he had told his mom just so he wouldn't worry.
Cause now he also remembers that whenever he had gone out to cause some chaos he had made it seem to his mom like he was going out to bond with his new friend or help them with their hero duty. Well, in a way maybe his chaos causing could be seen as bonding. The ghostly kind, that is. And as for helping with the hero duty... he did give them work, something to do with their hero status. Anyway Klarion tried to remember all possible names he had dropped. Shit why did he also mention to his mom that he was working with heroes to make her proud? He should have name dropped some villains instead but nearly all of them were adults. He knew his mom would have frowned if he had only adult friends and no one around his age.
He was pacing his room in their castle. He need a plan, a good one at that. He knows he name dropped Robin, now Red Robin, Superboy and Impulse on a whim once. Superboy more so cause his mom had been interested in the Alien Heros of the Earth of the dimension he was partially living on now. He had mentioned Robin for the joke of knowing that there is a Dinner in an other Dimension with the same name. And because his Grandfather didn't like the Flash-clan which meant his mom didn't like them too much because of their messing with timelines either, he had mentioned being friends with Impulse on pure spite because of a punishment one day and to see their reactions. So he had to get these three on board anyway, and because for the heck of it he would get Wonder Girl involved too. It was never bad to have a girl in a friends group.
Klarion stopped his pacing. Turning towards his demonic ghost cat companion, kind of what Cujo was to his mom now. "Teekl, I think I have a plan. I will convince these Idiots, that shouldn't be a huge problem. Most of them are normale little flesh sacks." Teekl and him stared for some time at each other and after a moment Klarion huffed turning away with crossed arms. "It's a good plan don't be so sceptical, they are heroes right? They will not refuse my request!"
Well maybe Klarion should have planned this a bit better.
The next day Red Robin blinked at the witch boy up from the ground in the living room of what looked like to be an normal apartment. He had just been in Gotham, working on a case and now he was here? Looking to the left he also noticed that Superboy (the older), Impulse and Wonder Girl were also with him. They all looked stunned he observed and partially disoriented. Additionally they hadn't heard from Klarion since the last time they had foiled his plans on raging chaos upon the earth, that had been weeks ago.
"I have summoned you heroes here. For the moment it is fruitless to try to leave because of the magic barrier." Okay rude to be cut of but that explained why he suddenly wasn't where he remembered to be last anymore. It was now Superboy who opened his mouth first but before he could even make a sound Klarion decided to speak over them again. "I have presents."
Four young heroes collectively blinked, confused, stunned and weirded out. As the which boy before them waved over to wards a table filled with boxes and packages. "I come in peace today, to proof that I brought these are presents, filled with various goods from different dimensions that should be to the liking of you all. Technologie, accessories, snacks, weapons, as well as clothing styles."
Red Robin shared a glance with his friends, a silent communication but before he once again could say anything Impulse was already by the table going through the stuff. They could here his 'oh's and 'ah's, which inevitably made them curious and they wandered over too. Klarion was not acting hostile at all yet but Red Robin did not trust that so he kept the which boy in clear view the entire time.
"Rob! You gotta see this! That actual futuristic Tech!"
"Look at these snacks."
"These accessories don't look to bad..."
His eye twitched when he noticed Klarion was sporting a smug look. Red Robin had to ask now, because this was not normal for the other. "Okay usually you would have started some big shot chaos plan by now. I don't buy this peace offering act and your way to formal talking. So what is going on?"
The other three, thankfully in Red Robins opinion, finally looked away from the tempting gifts and also turned their attention fully on Klarion. Who's smug smile falter as he let out a sigh and stared at them with what they could only describe as a frustrated look.
"My mom is planning to visit me."
"And?" Impulse asked between munching on three different bags of chips that where on the table.
"And he believes I am friends with you idiots."
They stared slack jawed. Impulse was pinching himself like he couldn't believe what they had just heard. Did one of their Villains, just informed them that their mom believes they were friends? Red Robin was starting to think he might be in a sleep deprived Hallucination.
"Why would she?" Wonder Girl questioned next to which Klarion glared at her with fire in his eyes.
"First of, my mom uses the pronouns he/Him. Be rude to my mom and I will find a way to make your life a permanent hell on earth." Wonder Girl blinked lifting her hands as in a sign of peace. "Second, my mom is under the believe that i work with heroes not against them. I do not have the heart to disappoint him after everything that happened in the past. So I embellished the truth a little."
"A little?" Superboy retorted sarcastically, to which they caught a light blush dusting the which boy's cheeks.
"Look my sister threw me under the bus and my mom wants to meet my friends now! So I need you idiots to play nice with me for when he visits!"
"And we will do that because?" Red Robin crossed his arms, watching their villain sceptically still not really buying this entire act. This was to strange of an behaviour change. Something was up, and he was going to get behind it.
Klarion on the other hand was starting to panic internally. His plan was not as he had hoped. The presents he had specifically gotten from other dimensions with what he believed was their interests did not work to make them simply accept his request. This was the last time he would listen to old man Vlad on how to bribe humans, he wasted his entire week on getting all that stuff. His mom was going to show up soon enough he need to have them act as his friends by then so he could remove the magic barrier. Or else his mom would notices he faked everything.
They left him no choice. He would have to throw his pride away for the sole reason to not disappoint his mom.
All four Young Justice Heroes blinked as Klarion suddenly threw himself on the ground before them into a pleading position.
"Please! I beg you, just for the time my mom is here. Please act like my friends!"
"I didn't think Klarion was a mama's boy...." Impulse whispered to the rest of them in pure disbelief as they stared stunned at the kneeling witch boy.
Cut to the heroes that noticed their teens were missing.....
"Where is he?" Batman growled at the Constantine who was sighing tiredly.
"Look mate, the way you and the other Spandex wearing friends explained it, made it sound like they got summoned by a being of the Infinit Realms." The blond man sighed lighting another cigarette eying the four heroes, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and Flash. Zatanna was behind him pouring over a book about the realms and trying to find a tracking spell to trace it back and to where they could have been summoned.
"Don't you have something like a tracker on your boy?" Batman only growled something under his breath to which the Brite couldn't help to arch and eyebrow. Constantine was going to say something sarcasting as Deadman suddenly appeared a panicked look on him. "The Ghost King has chosen to come to our dimension."
"Say bloody what now?" All attention that had been on the heroes and their problem of missing teenage heroes turned now to Deadman and the news he brought with him. "The ghost, shades and spirits talked, for the king has decided to visit our Dimension. They are in an uproar, no one knows of why our King is on his way."
"Bloody fucking hell!" Constantine cursed. "We are fucking screwed! Isn't that guy a fucking tyrannical eldrich war maniac?!"
Deadman nodded solemnly and Constantine uttered another hearty and colourful 'fuck'. While the heroes present exchanged worried glances, not only were their kids missing but now a, by the sounds of it, highly dangerous being decided to appear in their dimension? Batman couldn't help but think that there had to be a connection to the missing teens and this.
Meanwhile in the Infinite Realms the Ghost King Castle...
Danny smoothed out his fur trimmed cape and adjusted his crown so it was floating nicely and evenly on his head. Today was the day he would get to meet his sons friends. He needed to make a good first impression. That was why he had chosen to take on his Ghost King form for this. With the wave of his hand he made an ice mirror appear before him, checking how he was looking once again. Once satisfied he nodded to himself looking over towards Fright Knight who was holding the plate of cookies he had baked himself. It was the fifth batch, and the only one that didn't turn out burned. He had needed Jazz help for this one to turn out well. It was only proper if he brought some cookies for the kids. Also he would have loved to bring his families fudge but... the last time he had tried making them had turned into a disaster.
"Thanks Frighty. Do you think Klarion's friends will like these? Wait don't answer! If they don't like them I will just get something else to thank them for taking care of my boy." Danny rambled on as he glanced at the plate of cookies in his hands. Why was he so nervous? He was just going to get to meet his little boy's friends. Sure his boy had dropped some stories about them and his adventures with them here and there. But hearing stories and meeting the kids were two different things.
Shaking his head Danny put on his best smile as he summoned a portal to Klarions apartment in the 43th Dimension of Earth. It was time to visit his boy in the place he had made his second home and thank the people that looked after his kid.
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yawnderu · 9 months
Lorelei — Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader | Part V
1 2 3 4 5 6
Synopsis: Aware of the way his lifestyle doesn't align with your dream life and unwilling to quit his life as a soldier, Simon breaks things off with you. It isn't until a year later that he sees you again, a tiny carbon copy of him held in your arms.
This chapter can be read as a one-shot without having to read the whole story! :)
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"Are you staying for Christmas?" You ask casually, decorating the cookies you baked with Simon's help. Your daughter is sleeping peacefully in her crib, a small Santa Claus onesie on her, preparing her for the celebration even when there's still a few hours left.
"You want me to?" He asks with a raised eyebrow, brown eyes fully focused on decorating the head of one of the cookie figures, steady hand drawing a skull pattern with ease.
"It's her first Christmas, I think she'd like having her father around." I want you around as well. He's lucky you're focused on decorating your cookies, missing the way his face lights up with a proud smile. It's a lot of progress.
''Right. I got you both some presents in the car.'' He washes his hands on the sink, giving his daughter one last look before leaving the house, trying to gather as many of the gifts he bought as possible. ''Some presents'' was clearly an understatement— he has been building a pile of gifts for months, his car full of boxes and bags for both you and your little girl.
''Jesus Christ.'' You wash your hands and go help him as you see him struggling to carry the pile, taking some from him and putting them under the Christmas tree.
''There's more in the car.'' He seems almost sheepish as he confesses, giving him a small pat on the arm as you go outside to help him. You almost laugh as you look inside, the entire backseat full of presents. It's almost ridiculous, yet so charming how much he wants to make both of you happy, knowing how much it the holidays mean to you, especially now that you have a daughter.
''Isn't this... a bit overkill?'' You joke, earning you a playful pat on the ass now that your arms are busy. You miss the kick thrown his way, jogging after him with a smile when he playfully gets on the other side of the couch to avoid you getting revenge.
''I still got one more present coming, but that's for later.'' He walks back to the kitchen once he made sure you weren't going to kill him for patting your ass.
''I swear to God, Simon, if it's another d—'' He interrupts you by smearing frosting on your cheek, shooting you a cheeky smile that gets erased the moment you do it back— smearing way more than you should have all over his cheek.
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Your baby was up by the time it was midnight, excited to see her mum and dad opening up presents and even joining in, tiny hands clearly struggling with the wrapping paper, yet somehow managing without help.
''Strong girl, like her mum.'' You smile softly at his words, looking at the way your daughter stares curiously at one of her last presents; a cactus activated by sound.
''Say 'hello'.'' Simon says, getting closer to the toy until it activates, dancing around and lighting up. Astrid looks confused as she looks at it, brown eyes looking up at you before looking back at the toy.
''Hello.'' He repeats, a warm smile on his lips when the toy starts dancing again, much to your daughter's confusion. She babbles at it, tiny hands reaching out to touch it once it starts moving and playing back her sounds, giggles escaping her lips as the toy imitates her laugh.
Simon's phone vibrates in his pocket, getting up from the couch before looking down at his phone with twinkling eyes.
''My mate's here, I'll be right back.'' He doesn't wait for you to reply, already out of the house before you can even say anything. Your focus is back to your daughter, happy that she enjoys playing with the toy rather than being scared of it like you've seen in videos online. Brave girl she is, not a single lick of fear in her.
Simon comes back a minute later, holding a big German Shepherd that can definitely walk on its own. You give him a questioning look as he sets it on the floor, holding his collar just in case.
''Absolutely not.'' You try to protest, yet your gaze softens when you see Astrid crawl to the dog.
''Wa-wa!'' She points out, tiny hands reaching up to pet the dog the same way you've taught her, gentle. The dog doesn't react much besides laying down on the floor for your daughter to pet it, making it much easier for her.
''His name's Riley, he's a retired K-9. Look, I'll pay for his food and even for someone to come take care of him when I'm not here, I just... want you to be safe.'' There's hints of pleading on his tone, eyebrows slightly furrowed as he looks at you.
''... I'll take care of him.'' You say with a small sigh, knowing Simon wants nothing else than for both of his girls to be safe, especially when he's deployed.
''We gave him extra training to deal with kids and emergencies. Big geezer's patient and good.'' He keeps trying to sell it as if you didn't say yes already, a small giggle escaping your lips before giving him a reassuring smile.
''We'll keep him, don't worry.'' You crouch down to pet the dog, who is clearly enjoying the attention from your daughter, allowing her to rest on his side while petting his head.
There's a smile on his face as he looks down at his family, hands fumbling with the small box in his pocket.
taglist: @skulfan1 @survivalshxt @ghostslittlegf @yaebaal @thecubanator2 @juliediets @shescabob @kenz-ee @lothiriel9 @dragonstoneshortcake @lunamoonbby @alfie2401 @perfectus-in-morte @mxtokko @cloufie @killergoddess97 @imaracoon @thepurpleaccount @silas-222 @actuallyhiswife @havoc973 @catkatchuck @preeyansha
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kettlefire · 1 year
Booo-merang Trouble DP x DC Idea
Okay but leeching off the idea that Jason gives off an ecto-signature, and I probably saw a post about this somewhere. I just for the love of me can't find it. If anyone knows it, please link it so I can credit!:
Jason isn't even on patrol, he's visiting the manor. His chilling, eating away at lunch. He doesn't come to the manor often, but he always needs a dose of his crazy family every once in a while. There's no way he'd stay away from Alred's cookies for long.
Then boom, something shatters the window behind him. On instinct, Jason moves. Taking cover and trying to get a sight of the situation. Of the perceived attack. However, before Jason could do much a heavy object rams into his chest before landing on the ground before him. It doesn't really hurt, nothing compared to his prior injuries.
A boomerang. A glowing green and silver boomerang laid on the ground before him. Jason's a million and one ways confused as he stared at the device. His hands carefully picking it up, and looking over the softly beeping device.
Jason thinks maybe it's a bomb, but something in his gut says otherwise. He can think of a million different things it could be. Maybe one of the rogues got a hold of their DNA, and it tracked them. Maybe it's going to expel a gas any moment, an attack on the Waynes rather than their vigilante personas.
Except it's none of that. The beeping stops and suddenly a robotic voice sounds from the boomerang.
"Ghost located, prepare for your end ghoul."
Jason tenses once again at the clear threat in those words. His gaze scans around the kitchen, still crouched behind the kitchen counter. Except nothing happens.
Except for a voice ringing out from the boomerang once again. This time, this time it's not a robot. It's a clear record of a young woman speaking. Her voice filled with fear, concern, and urgency.
"Okay, this should work right? You know what, that doesn't matter. No one but you should have a signature. Beside's Tucker thinks he set this up to go to you only. So Danny, you should be hearing this..."
Jason only finds himself more confused. The urgency in this girl's voice was enough to keep his nerves on edge. It sounded important, but Jason had no clue who these people are. Who these names could be refering to.
"Danny... Things here aren't doing to good. Look, I know why you left. You have every reason to. What mom and dad did... It's unforgivable and I don't expect you to come back. But, thing is..."
There's a lull in the recording. The distant sound of soft chatting. If Jason strained his ears, he could somewhat pick of the sound of another woman and man.
"Everyone thinks Phantom is dead. Which I would think is a good thing, but it's not. Danny, the GIW is on a rampage now that you aren't here. Mom and dad are on their side..."
Jason made the conclusion that the speaker was this Danny's sister. The message was intended for him, yet it somehow landed in Jason's lap.
"They have everyone locked up in the school... Radars to see if anyone has a signature, and if they do... They separate them from everyone else."
Jason's brows furrowed, finally pulling himself to a stand. He placed the boomerang on the kitchen counter. Leaning forward as he took in the words.
"We don't know what they are doing. Sam, Tucker, and Valerie... We're all hiding. We'll have the highest signatures, and... Listen Danny..."
Jason had a growing pit in his gut. He knew something wasn't right. These people were in danger. It didn't matter he didn't know about what, or who the GIW was, but these people needed help.
"... We need you. We need Phantom, baby bro. I'm sorry, I know you're still recovering. We can handle things here, but please. Please tell me you're still alive, you're in Gotham right? Tell me you're safe, and you're healing and still kicking Danny."
Jason swallowed, placing his hands flat on the kitchen counter. He needed to get this down to the cave. Have the computer tracked where it came from. But Jason couldn't move, not at the sound of pure desperation in this woman's voice.
"I just need to know you at least made it out of this nightmare. I don't care how you do it, just please let me know things are okay... They have... They have Vlad, Danny. Things are complicated, and I hate to put this on you... But Amity needs Phantom..."
The recorded suddenly broke into static, but Jason thinks he got enough of what he needed. Amity. The place these people were was called Amity. It gave him a lead, something for them to work with.
"Da... We... Help... They..."
Jason could hear the woman's voice breaking through the static. He gripped the boomerang, turning on his heels and heading towards the cave.
"Sam... Mom... Tech... I..."
Every broken word only fueled Jason's own urgency. Jason felt a strange urge, a connection. Something that told him he had to help. They needed to help. The boomerang found him, and that had to mean something.
"... I love you, Danny..."
Those four words were the clearest compared to rhe rest of it. It made Jason's heart seize, and he took a breath. He was going to help.
It didn't matter if Jason didn't know these people. If they weren't from Gotham. This was important, and something told Jason he needed to find this Danny.
Danny would be the only one that would know that to do. If Jason manages to rewind the recording, he was certain Bruce would be equally on board.
That voice, the emotions that dripped from it. It gave the sense that this wasn't just life or death. This was a world ending problem.
And Jason would be damned if he ignored it.
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artemismoorea03 · 11 months
DP x DC: If You Take A Ghost Dog to The Dog Park
Cujo was what Sam called a 'Hound of Hell' and she meant it literally. After Danny became the King of Ghosts at the mature age of 15 and 2 days old, Cujo - his "dog" - became a listed Ghost Zone Hound which had multiple other names which included 'Hell Hound'. With Cujo's new found ability he was able to find Danny wherever he went and get him out of any potentially dangerous situation he found himself, as well as carry out orders given to him by Frostbite, Clockwork, Sam, Tucker, Jazz, Elle, Valerie and of course - Danny.
But Cujo was still a dog.
A very excited dog who dragged him all the way to a corner of the Ghost Zone and through a natural portal into an city Danny hadn't visited in person before. Gotham City. Specifically Cujo took him to the Gotham City dog park where he proceeded to try to play with the other dogs in the park.
Most of the dogs seemed hesitant at first until a great dane puppy jogged over and the two started to play together. It was nice to watch considering how little Hell Hounds there were in the Ghost Zone, but on the other hand Danny was in his human form and having a glowing green dog was quickly gaining attention, specifically from the owner of the great dane, a 9-year-old kid with black hair and green eyes.
"What kind of dog is that?" The kid asked.
"Honestly? No idea, he's a rescue." Danny said, shoving his hands in his pockets. "His names Cujo. What's your dogs name?"
"Like the Roman Emperor?" Danny questioned, seeing the surprise on the boys face.
"Exactly. Cujo is the name of a horror movie dog, correct?"
Danny nodded, "Yeah."
"Why is he green?"
Danny shrugged, "Dunno, he came that way." Danny said, then facepalmed when Cujo suddenly took on his huge form and began running through the park with Titus right on his heels.
It wasn't just Titus anymore either.
Suddenly more and more dogs were chasing Cujo through the dogpark as Cujo howled, barked, then turned and bowed occasionally at the other dogs before he finally turned and made a mad dash at Danny.
The kid took a step back as Danny just sighed, bracing himself as Cujo got closer and closer. Then, when he was close enough Danny held out his hand.
"Cujo, stop!"
Cujo slid to a stop, ending up less than three feet from Danny, his tail swishing excitedly.
"Cujo, sit."
Cujo sat down, his tail now thumping on the ground.
"Good. Now, Cujo, shrink."
Cujo popped into his small figure and jumped into Danny's arms as he pet him then looked at the kid and other very concerned and confused people.
"Uh... bye." He said, walking away leaving everybody concerned and confused.
Damian sat at the Bat-Computer curled up slightly as he tried to find information on what he'd seen when Drake walked in. Drake approached, looking at the computer with a tilt of his head.
"Is that a giant green dog?"
"Indeed. It was able to shift size, was glowing, and is seemingly well trained."
"So.. what you're doing research so you can get one of your own?"
"Don't be ridiculous. I'm trying to find the boy was who had it."
"Because the boy whom was with the dog had rings of glowing green around his eyes. Lazarus green specifically. I suspect a Lazarus pit has opened up within the Gotham Limits and that this boy and his dog are playing in it. If a Lazarus Pit has opened within Gotham we must get the boy into custody and get both he and his dog some help, then we must seal the pit."
"What if you can't find them?"
"Then they'll find us. That green dog and Titus enjoyed playing together and dogs thrive on patterns. The dog - Cujo - had fun at the park so it's only a matter of time before they return to it."
"Huh... if you take a dog to the dog park, he'll want to play again."
Damian looked at Drake with a raised brow.
"I was referencing a childrens book about a mouse and a cookie."
"Leave such things for Todd." Damian said simply, looking at the computer again.
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gremlingottoosilly · 8 months
Monster!141 with a fox!reader that thinks she's so smart and strong before meeting 141 of course!! All she wanted was to hunt in new land but now she's been captured by some monsters:(((
Awwww! She is such a smart cookie, she knows how to use all of her assets - from her pretty appearance to her enhanced athletics and ability to squeeze into the tightest spots so she could steal precious supplies from some group of dumb, burly hybrids who think they can pick on someone smaller...fox hybrids are in better position than the most - they are not used as a breeding stock, at least, being predators that are known for their cunning strategies and ability to steal everything both from each other and other hybrids. This is exactly what doomed you in the end. You see, when you're dealing with dumb, burly male monster hybrids and constantly steal their supplies - mostly food, but also clothes and some weapons to sell - they get to track your scent better and better each time, especially when you deal with other canine hybrids...and Soap would be the one to catch you first. It's either him or Ghost - and trust me, you don't want the undead guy to be the one to catch you. At least Soap would be so excited that he finally catches pretty little thief, that you could kinda convince him to go easy on you - that you could pretend to be sorry for stealing from them, and he'd just fuck you, a fat knot in your pussy and you squirm and try to convince him not to breed you. He would drag you to the base after this, of course - or share you with his lieutenant immediately, forcing the shadow tendrils to squeeze your warm body, playing with it no matter how much you resist. You hate them both so much, especially since Ghost is so insisting on calling you a dumb girl who is getting her holes pounded because a stupid fox thought she could deal with the real hybrids... Price would drag you over his knee and make you yelp and cry as he spanks you for each item you stole from them. No matter how much you scratch and yell, no matter how you try to scramble off him, he would not let you go - poor, pathetic, dumb girl, you really thought they will let you to in peace? He will have Kyle stroke your clit and pinch your tits in the middle of spanking session, making this dumb fox hybrid so confused and teary from them...you will yell at him, of course, you have a wile mouth that you use to curse them - but in the end of the day, you're the one who is getting her butt spanked and her holes used by four hybrids who you thought to be too stupid to notice your antics anyway. Well...who is laughing now, right?
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azure-cherie · 7 months
20 things I've learned as i turn 20
My birthday is in a few days though i like to keep it private I'd like to share some of my thoughts 😁 the things I've learned are mostly based off my experiences
Individuality: one can be a loner in life but that doesn't guarantee a thing about individuality, to learn it one has to be in uncomfortable places and do uncomfortable things only to realise oh that is my thing and i must pursue , though we keep acquiring things from here and there all our lives but it's our zest that makes it ours .
Don't be afraid to move alone, stay alone or do things alone , I'm still working on it and the most important part is people are so busy they don't even care what you are doing, only a pathetic person jokes about you being lonely and doing things on your own
You are watching self help but are you applying it ?? With so much information available one can often get lost in comparison and be confused about thing , to try things is a better way to decide whether we should listen to someone , most of the times people don't even know what they're saying always ask yourself before following someone's advice .
Only give someone something when you are genuinely having an excess in your life , give from what you have extra , or else you'll end up feeling empty and sad because you gave them from your part, for example : there's a friends birthday and you don't have excess to give them a gift just skip the party or give them something hand made like cards , gifts or bake cookies , if they really love you they will appreciate you and only such people are worth having around , same with your time , only make time for others when you have done everything for yourself.
Don't fall into the trap , boundaries are tangible, don't be like " oh I had such a good day my best friend is crying but my boundary is to not care i live my good life" shut up this girl right here was there for you when you needed someone we often lose our way then the people around us need to bring us to the right path , you need people around you remember. Please do this only if the other person does the same for you .
It's okay to not like anyone around you : Darwin said survival of the fittest and we mostly stay in competition with people , so it's okay to not like everyone don't ghost them because you find one thing annoying, they have good things you can look out for , focus on the good .
Give yourself and others the space : don't seem needy or desperate because you had a fight with someone or just a problem with yourself, perspectives come with time , you and they need it if it's meant to be things will be alright
It's okay to lose things , we get tired of things and people and situations and it's fine if it's worth you can fight for it but if you are staying only because of attachment it doesn't take long till it wears off , get ready for the new chapter of your life
It's okay to win , personally I realised I have been afraid of winning and that's why I don't. when you are young you can be programmed to feel like a loser but know that life keeps changing you can win if you believe it .
You don't need to fix everything about you : ahh please please don't give up on good things just because you thing you are yet to heal , no you're good go for it if you feel like it , moreover something's are just not worth it to fix or heal , simple changes can accomodate.
People who love you will accommodate for you and it goes both ways , you have to belive in the power of you and everyone around you and sometimes bend when you need to
What is not worth bending is your values , when you know something is right do what is right regardless , be the right person to yourself by doing what is right to you .
Don't worry about being a good or bad person , it doesn't matter in the long run , a narcissist thinks they're the best and an anxious person thinks they're the worst but we know what's the truth , sometimes in life you have to do bad things but that doesn't make you a bad person , you need to survive in this world things aren't cheap we suffer from capitalism and mind games , do what you need to get a good life for you and your closed ones , we'll talk about the bad deeds in hell and even god will see what you have done and why you have done it , intentions matter .
Keep a balance of experiences and consequences, don't lose out of an experience because you worried about the consequences too much and don't do something that you will regret because you didn't think about the consequences of your actions.
Never tell one person everything, don't vent to everyone , the more you vent the more possibility you have of your personal information getting leaked as a gossip, if you tell different people about different issues you can know when they betray you and dismiss the rumour and cut them off and know that some people are just better at advice in different sectors like you wouldn't ask a logical person who's invested in financial topics about your emotional turmoil it will only disappoint.
Keep your spiritual practices private , don't do something because everyone is , people like to mock , put bad energy or evil eye on perfectly fine things , it's only protection to keep your practices private or anonymous on the internet . Do some spiritual practice because you feel connected to it not because everyone is , don't follow the crowd look within yourself. This applies to deity work , magic or manifestation.
Learn about money and finances and investment, Acquire skills it's only right when you know enough about these things as they create the foundation of your life here, learn about it young so you don't suffer when older . learn everything that you can don't be afraid to be a first timer one day you'll be a pro at it and you'll thank yourself that you were a first timer , try everything you can .
Don't worry about defining yourself, you're constantly changing and that's the beauty of you , you can know who you are and you have to relearn who you are in every era of life .
Be happy for what your parents have done and forgive for what they didn't, this can be hard but don't let them be another obstacle for you to not reach your highest self it's best to forgive and move on , it's also their First time as a person learning about living.
Love yourself unconditionally, last but not the least the most important, forgive yourself, accept the ways you have changed , do things for yourself, practice all 5 love languages on yourself, give yourself the love .
I have learnt so much more and hope you do too , love you so much 🤍
Thanks for reading<33
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loveindefinitely · 10 months
༊*·˚ OUR HEARTS BEAT TOGETHER — how they react to seeing your self harm scars
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featuring. simon 'ghost' riley + johnny 'soap' mactavish + kyle 'gaz' garrick
warnings. sfw, fem!reader, self harm (on thighs), mental health issues, pre-established relationships
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⤷ simon 'ghost' riley
you're lying in bed, your body draped over his and his hand idly tracing patterns on the back of your thigh. it's a lazy saturday night in, and you're both content to just lay down and enjoy each other's company.
turning, trying to dig yourself even closer to simon and get comfier, your sleep shorts ride up without you realising.
when simon's hand moves up to continue his patterns, he pauses when he runs his fingers over raised skin. thin, scarred skin -- the kind that would be extremely hard for an enemy to cause.
"princess?" his voice rumbles, a sleepy lilt to his tone as a crease forms between his eyebrows.
your eyes go wide, and anxiety grips your throat like a merc's hand. mouth falling open to say something, anything, you find yourself mute.
his other hand comes up to rest at the back of your head, a comforting weight as his hand continues to trace over the newly found scars.
"tell me," he says, imploring. not quite a demand, but not a request, either.
with a tremble, you move to wrap your smaller hand over his much larger one, stilling his movements. working your mouth over the syllables, you manage out a weak, "i haven't done it since i joined the 141."
his stiffened muscles ease, if only slightly. his breath comes out in a deep, unsteady exhale as he slowly nods.
"you didn't tell me," he murmurs. just a statement, not a judgement, or an accusation. just the truth.
"didn't want to scare you off," you admit, and the truth is poisonous on your tongue. "didn't know how to bring it up."
his hand starts playing with your hair, gently urging you to rest your head back against his neck. he runs warm, and the contact gives you some much needed relief.
"'m not sure what to say," he says, slowly, carefully. he weighs the words in his mouth before he continues, his voice unusually hesitant. "jus' know i love you, princess. no matter what."
a gentle smile creeps up onto your face as you press a light kiss on the skin behind his ear. "love you, simon."
he gently pulls your sleep shorts down, and those words ring undeniably true.
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⤷ johnny 'soap' mactavish
with a huff of annoyance, you plant your hand on the counter in front of you and rise to the tips of your toes, reaching with your right hand for the jar of cookies on top of the shelf in front of you. it's a pointless effort, considering your height, and how tall johnny's put the cookies.
bastard. he did this on purpose, you knew it.
"johnny!" you yell out, annoyance evident in his tone. if it were any other situation, you'd find it hilarious how he rushes into the kitchen, eyes wide. he knew he was in deep shit from your voice alone.
"baby...?" he asks, a nervous grin plastered on his face. somehow, he makes even that look charming.
it just serves to piss you off more.
you turn around, and repeat the actions you were doing before, emphasising your point. "look what you've done! now i can't even eat cookies in peace," you huff out, reaching for them yet again to no avail.
he's silent behind you, and you get back down to your feet with an eyeroll as you turn around, ready to chew him out.
however, you stop yourself, when you meet his blue eyes.
they're filled to the brim with sadness, and confusion, and worry. your mouth runs before you can stop it. "look, i'm not actually mad, it's honest cute but--"
he cuts you off as he pulls you into a soft, gentle kiss. it's the kind of kiss he gives you before a mission, or after an argument, or after something's made you cry. so what...
he pulls away, eyes searching your face for what, you weren't sure.
"i love you," he says, voice steady but weak in a way johnny's never was. "i wish you'd told me, i'd never've cared, baby, yer still stunnin'."
your mouth drops open, eyes becoming glassy. you were an idiot, really, wearing those shorts and reaching up like that. hadn't thought, hadn't used your brain.
"i..." you start, but find yourself not being able to finish the sentence. his hands come up to wipe underneath your eyes, face distressed but so caring. so loving.
"i'm sorry," you mumble, unsure.
he shakes his head immediately. "no. never be sorry, baby, 'm not mad, jus' worried."
and that hurts. it truly, really hurts, but he presses his lips against your shut eyes, presses his lips underneath them, too. he pulls you in, his head resting on your shoulder and arms wrapped tight around you.
"'m never lettin' you go. never. the day i do, i'll be in the ground."
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⤷ kyle 'gaz' garrick
you're laying on the couch sideways, your feet in kyle's lap as he gently paints your toenails. you'd won a bet earlier that day about price, and you were ringing in your payment happily.
although he pretended to be annoyed, it was fairly obvious that he was enjoying giving you princess treatment.
his tongue sticks out a little bit from the corner of his mouth, eyes focused on applying the nail polish as carefully and nicely as possible. you can't help but think about how lucky you were, having him as your partner. having him to love.
your eyes flutter closed, your knees straightening out from where they had been bent, to fully relax and enjoy the comforting position and moment.
they snap back open, however, when you realise that he's stopped painting them.
"done?" you ask, cheerful and grinning like the idiot in love you were.
you watch as kyle swallows, adam's apple bobbing. he shakes his head, brows furrowed and mouth pulled into a tight, grim line.
"what... what happened?" he asks, voice cracking slightly.
you tilt your head to the side, before it hits you.
looking down, you can see the scars under the living room light, and it makes your heart skip a beat. you'd been so careful, so cautious of him not seeing them.
he takes your silence as the answer it is, and his large hand grips both of your ankles in it, a comforting yet possessive presence.
"can we talk about it?" he asks, searching your eyes and expression for permission. it breaks your heart, shattering it on the surface like an ice rink in november.
you nod, a sharp movement of your head, and he exhales quietly, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment.
when he meets your eyes yet again, it's with a warm determination.
"if you ever feel like you need to do it again, or you're struggling, talk to me, my love. please. i'm here for a reason. cut me if you need to, or cry on my shoulder if it helps. just please, don't hurt yourself."
the earnestness, the cautious and adoring tone, it has your face crumpling and tears falling down your cheeks.
in one moment, you're falling apart, and in the next, you're seated in his lap, and he's putting you back together again.
with scarred hands and tender touches.
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a/n. veryyy self indulgent. might add more characters later, was gonna do price but was struggling with the scenario. if any of you guys have any ideas pls comment or send in an ask!! thank you for the reception of the other fics, especially considering they were my first cod pieces ever!!! love you all x
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finding out it's your birthday
task force 141 x reader
synopsis: It's your birthday, but you don't know how to tell your teammates about it
notes: don't really know how to properly describe this, but it's based on this request and my personal experience of having to spend my birthday at work (no, I did not bring them baked goods, just sweets from the shop). Really short, not proofread, no plot.
comments and reblogs are always appreciated🙈
warnings: none
find it on ao3 masterlist
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"and now I am dreaming and you're singing at my birthday// and I've never seen you smile so big" - moon song
There were a lot of potential ways you could have spent your birthday, but running through the narrow hallways of the base with a heavy backpack slung over a shoulder definitely hadn't been one of them
You almost crashed into other three operators, including König from KorTac who had the common sense to place his heavy hands on your shoulders in an attempt to steady you before you ran him over in your rush to get to the meeting room
Laswell had advanced the hour the post-mission debriefing was supposed to take place and it ended up clashing with your own schedule, the one day you decided to organise your actions into one and now you were late by almost 5 minutes. Which wouldn't seem like much to some, but being a member of Task Force 141 meant you needed to uphold a certain standard.
But it was your birthday and even if you were 99% sure no one was actually aware of it, you'd spent the morning baking oat cookies and muffins, and carefully packing them into casseroles. You also tried to bring them to the destination with minimal damage, but now you could only hope there was something edible left of the baked goods.
"I'm sorry I'm late!", you meekly excused yourself, taking a seat between Ghost and Soap and blushing slightly when feeling Price's judging glare.
"Anyway, as I was saying when you tried to infiltrate through this crack in the perimeter…"
Slightly tapping your left foot against the floor, you couldn't focus on Laswell's words. What if they didn't like the cookies - you were never able to make them both soft and chewy - or what if the muffins stuck to the muffin liners? Did you put too many chocolate chips in them?
"Y/N? What's your take on this?"
You looked at Price with an alarmed expression, panic bubbling up in your chest upon seeing the questioning looks of the others. You didn't catch the last part of the question - were they asking about your birthday? Laswell must have known, she was the one responsible for all the intelligence after all.
So you did what seemed the most logical thing to do. You opened the backpack and placed the plastic casseroles on the table, unaware that everyone else in the room was literally frozen in place.
"So yeah, it's my birthday today and I made some cookies and muffins and thought it would be nice to share them with you and… that's not what you were talking about, is it?"
Your words trailed as you realised that the timing wasn't as ideal as you planned. At least, now you were sure they hadn't known: Price's eyes were widened comically, and Gaz was repeatedly blinking at you in confusion and disbelief. Soap let out a thunderous laugh as he instantly pulled you into a bear hug and Ghost… you couldn't tell his expression under the mask, but the blank look in his eyes meant he was probably still wrapping his head around it
"How about we forget any of this happened and I do it again after the debrief is over?" A blush spread on your cheeks as you tried to put the casseroles back into the backpack, but you were stopped by Gaz's firm grip.
"Are you kidding? It's your birthday, we should celebrate - go out for drinks and do karaoke and-"
Price and Kate shared a knowing look between themselves and shook their heads in defeat. Before being able to ask them what was the matter, Kate closed the laptop and began to stuff the files back into the manilla folders
"Happy birthday, Y/N! We will resume this tomorrow. And now tell me, what kind of oats did you use for the cookies, plain or instant? My wife's been trying to make them this chewy, but she never seems to get the recipe right."
It was your turn to open your mouth in disbelief when you saw Price joining Kate at the table, securing a casserole of oat cookies just for themselves
"Why didn't you tell us sooner?", he asked in a gentle tone, fishing breadcrumbs from his moustache.
"I… It's not that important, I mean…"
You couldn't help but flinch when someone placed a hand on your shoulder, squeezing it slightly, as if in reassurance. You turned your look to Ghost, who was holding a pink muffin in his gloved hand. His mask was lifted up to his nose, revealing his tight-lipped smile:
"Don't ever say that again, ok? That is all the more reason to celebrate it. You were the one who got us out safe from the bunker after all…"
And you could swear you saw his lips twitching into a smile, a playful glimmer dancing in his eyes as he bit into the cupcake
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ghostheartfelt · 1 year
Hiiii! First of all I hope you're doing well <333 and second omg!! I loved your ghost smut 😭😭 I'm here to request smt if you don't mind, I've requested this before but nobody wanted to write it but feel free to not wrote it too if you don't like the plot but here we go:
Ghost breaks up with reader NOT because he hates her but because his next mission is really hard and dangerous and there was a really slim chance that he'd survive it. So he tries to push reader away to not hurt her feelings but things escalated and they break up but when he comes back from the mission they have make-up sex? 🤭 Thank you for reading all of this and if you can't write it then I understand, thank you for your time and effort 💗
*:・。☆ a/n: hi anon~ thank you so much for being my first req!!!! And thank u so much for  the support. I’m so sorry i took forever to get to this! but you bet ur sweet ass i’ll write this for you?! I hope you enjoy this regardless of how long it took me to get to it. mwah! -ur bbg cure 
〔☆〕 desc: ghost is deployed on a mission in bangladesh that price explains as risky and complicated--ghost immediately thinks of you as the possibilities of survival are described as slim. him, gaz, and soap set out back to manchester, and no amount of talk is able to change his mind. he ends things off between the two of you, which arises a depressive state in you before he arrives and makes it up to you completely. (possibly takes place before ten minutes past?…. 👀)
*:・。☆ tags: p in v, unprotected intercourse, whiny ghost if you squint, hand job if you squint, oral (f receiving), fingering, reader orgasms twice, cock warming, he sleeps with the tip inside<3, this hurt my breeding kink heart, pet names, possessive ghost, breast worship if you squint, break up and make up sex, porn with feelings. SMUTTY SMUT SMUT!!! not too bad, sadly.
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word count — 4.3k
☆ (peep the song that inspires this writing...) ☆
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Your hands are setting two plates on the dinner table; one for you, one for your boyfriend.
He was coming home from deployment—it’d been months since you’d last seen him, you’d lost track.
Silverware wrapped in cloth napkins are set beside the plates before you flick the cog of a lighter and ignite the candles in the middle of the table.
You turn yourself around to grab the cookie sheet of ribeye off of the counter after pushing on mittens, holding it in your palm as you place two steaks down onto one of the plates, then one onto another. 
Then you take the tray back to the counter and set it back on top of the table cloth so it didn’t damage the marble.
Regardless of the fancy dinner setup, you were still in a black satin night dress and fuzzy socks. You knew Simon would just dress down himself the moment he got home.
You scooped steamed vegetables onto both plates, then potatoes and gravy with a sprinkle of chives. 
When you place down the spineless wine glasses, you hear a heavy door slam causing a smile to crease your face.
Simon was home, he was going to come inside and he was going to hold you again for the first time in months. Run his hands through your hair for the first time in months. Kiss you for the first time in months.
You seat yourself gently on the dinner table, ankle crossed over the other with your elbows bent and palms pressed neatly on the wood as you wait for him to come inside.
You hear the door open, then shut, heavy padded footsteps approaching the threshold of the dining room.
Ghost is the one who comes through the archway—fully geared with the skull mask and helmet, the only thing he lacks is a rifle.
“Simon…?” You push yourself off your palms, confusion whisked on your face.
It was one of your rules, the mask stays off inside your home.
His eyes land on the neatly set table before they reach yours. 
You approach him slowly and he tenses, your eyebrows stitching together in concern.
His stomach twists inside of him.
Gorgeous minx.
Absolutely breathtaking.
Beautiful perfection.
He couldn’t say anything he wanted to—and god he had so much to say.
Your eyes flicker to the windows alongside the front door seeing two other bodies.
Armed bodies.
He wasn’t staying.
“Can you all stay for dinner atleast? I made enough for everyone…” you smile softly while fumbling with the straps of his vest. 
Stop touching me, you’re making this harder on me. Ghost swallows the knot in his throat. 
There’s a pause before Ghost backs up.
“There’s someone else.” 
It’s a lie, it’s a lie. It’s such a lie. Ghost 
Something inside your chest tightens and you swear that it’s your heart. 
“What?…” You scoff lightly, your eyebrows pinching together in disbelief.
Don’t make me say it again. Ghost inhales sharply.
“Simon…” you tilt your head slightly, extending your hand to touch him.
“Please, let me try to be better for you, give me a chance…” your lips quiver. 
You don’t need to try and be better for me. Ghost thinks.
He knew you’d been reading articles on how to be in a relationship with someone in the special forces—he’d found out and closed the lid, sat you in his lap and kissed you so softly, telling you that you were perfect for him and you didn’t need an article to tell you how to love him.
But you know it’s real when Ghost jerks his shoulder away.
You know it’s real when you bite your lip hard enough to draw blood as tears start welling in your eyes. 
You know it’s real when Ghost’s eyes evade yours. 
You know it’s real when Simon turns around and he doesn’t spare you a goodbye.  
You especially know it’s real when the door slams shut and rattles the walls around you.
It’s surreal, but you expected this. 
He must’ve found someone on base, you thought.
You feel your knees give in beneath you, and you’re met with the floor.
A hysterical sobbed scream leaves your throat as your trembling hand lifts to drag down at your lips.
Ghost stands for a moment on the doormat outside of your home. 
Gaz’s hand finds a place on his back, the other holding his vest as he guides the larger male towards the truck they’d arrived in.
“Didn’t have to do that, Ghost.” He says, followed by a sigh.
“Did.” Ghost replies back as he seats himself in the back. “Wasn’t lettin’ her get my dog tags—she’s been through enough bein’ with me.”
Soap turns his head over his shoulder after sitting in the front passenger seat. 
“Ay, L.T, we all know y’ll make it back t’ya pretty lass.” He says. “Y’r one of we bes’ fighters, ain’t that righ’, Kyle?” Soap’s elbow bumped into Gaz’s ribs.
Gaz utters a strained noise before nodding, hands wrapping around the wheel.
“‘M not takin’ that risk, now shu’up ‘n drive. Cap’s gon’ ‘b pissy enough.” 
His head turns to look out the window as he feels the wheels of the truck roll down the driveway.
It’s been seven months. Two-hundred-thirteen days. 
All you do is work, eat, and sleep. 
Eating, not as much as you should.
You couldn’t cook, couldn’t get yourself up from your bed the second you got home from work to start the stove.
You either sleep all day or not at all, there wasn’t a balance.
God, your living room was disgusting. Snot tissues were littered across the entire coffee table, empty champagne glasses, crusted food plates and crushed soda cans.
You’d resorted to hiring a maid just to clean your living room—which was the only room you stayed in for five months straight while your depression started getting progressively worse.
You lay on your side with a weighted blanket draped over you, holding you down comfortably. 
Simon stayed in your head, even after half of a year. He invaded your head. It drove you insane.
At the same time, you were scared of the day that he wouldn’t be your first and last thought each and every day anymore.
You bunch the blanket closer to your chin, your wet eyes have drenched the little area to hell. 
Things just have never been the same since Simon left the house–-you still happened to feel his presence next to you, hovering over you. 
“There’s someone else.”  His words settled an uneasy weight on your shoulders that you still were unable to shake off. 
A splutter of sobs escapes you once again, tears blurring your vision as they fall and your nose starts to clog. 
You try to breathe in, but you feel as though there’s not enough air around you. You breaking into a coughing fit is enough for you to push the weighted blanket off of your body and heave yourself up. 
Spit and drool creates several small strings between your lips–you’re practically foaming at the mouth from how hard you’re crying.
Tears flutter off your eyelashes and further blur your vision, so you try and rub at your eyes with the heels of your palms desperately. 
You stand up wobbly and start towards the bathroom, you didn’t have the energy to walk the extra couple of steps into your bedroom to use your own bathroom, so the guest bathroom would have to do for now. 
You turn the shower knob and pull it out towards you after undressing, then step into the warmth and sink onto the shower floor, hugging your knees to your bare chest and letting the water run over your face. 
Sobs cause your body to twitch and jerk, the heat in your eyes making your eyes burn as your breathing grows unsteady over the stream of water above you. 
You just wanted him home. 
But, he wasn’t yours to want home anymore. 
He wasn’t yours to crave anymore or to love. 
A door slams so hard air causes the fabric of his shirt to flail in the wind. 
Ghost had spent months struggling with the actions of his decision, where he had hoped that the choice would break you free of your shackles of worries when it came to the blonde when he was away. 
He spent every night and every rising morning worrying someone would take his place. It would’ve been his fault, he knew that, and it made him want to scream at the top of his lungs until they felt raw in his chest. 
He presses the lock button on his keys, hearing the locks inside the jeep click, then he jumbles with his keychain looking for the house key.
Ghost’s hands are shaking as he pinches the specific key and jabs it into the door lock, turning it.
When he hears the all-familiar click, he immediately pulls off his balaclava and pushes himself through the front door. 
There’s silence–pure silence throughout the house except for the sound of running water. 
She’s showering. 
A short amount of relief washes over him as he bends to untie the laces of his boots, placing them aside. 
When he stands, his eyes scan over to the living room and he feels his heart sink in him at the sight of the absolute mess made of the living room.
An overflowing laundry basket and take-out boxes that made the room stink of old fried rice. 
He throws his bag behind him against the wall before he walks himself towards the pile of laundry and begins pulling out shirts and pairs of pants to fold against his knee. 
You took a two hour shower, most of it being of you shredding any form of emotion from your body that you could.
Now you were sitting on the fur-covered toilet seat, running your lotion-coated hands along your freshly shaven legs. 
You told yourself you would try going to a club to replenish your sex deprivation. 
Steam finally clears from the mirror allowing you to look at yourself in the mirror. Your hands pull the towel off your head, wet hairs sticking to your shoulders.
The bathroom smelt of your coconut milk shampoo and body wash–it smelt divine. 
You thumb up your white laced bra and panties, plug in the blow dryer and scrunch your mop in your hands as you wave the blow dryer over your hair.
It seems like hours, being only nearly ten minutes until your hair is somewhat dry, but your arms are tired, so you unplug the dryer and wrap the cord around it.
You leave the bathroom and walk back into the living room, pausing in motion at the sight of it being clean–your laundry being neatly folded on the coffee table. 
“Kris? Is that you?” You call, not too loudly. 
She had a key to your home, but she had stated she wouldn’t be available this week due to some personal reasons she wasn’t required to go over with you.
You walk over towards the couch and drag your hand along the cotton material.
There was no reply to your call, which concerned you. You hadn't contacted any of your family members to come visit.
You slowly turn yourself around and the breath is practically stolen from your lungs. 
Simon’s standing across the room from you, clad in a black t-shirt and jeans, a belt secured in the front.
You watch his eyes drag up and down your exposed body, watching as he inhales sharply while his eyes narrow.
“Love,” He mumbles. 
Your eyebrows furrow and you lift your neck up. “Why–why are you here?” “Will y’let me explain?” He sighs. 
“Does she know?” You reply quickly with a shaky voice. 
“Does wh–” 
“Does she know you are here, Simon.” 
There's silence, then he licks his dry lips.
“There is no she.” He says flatly.
“No,” you scoff, running a hand down your face, eyes darting to the side as you listen to him walk closer toward you. “No…no. No–I remember specifically…” your angry, now.
Simon catches your lips in a firm kiss, but you push him away, and the look in his eyes makes your chest ache.
“Please,” Simon’s eyebrows pinch together. 
“Stop, just stop.” You seethe, pressing your finger into the midsection of his chest making him back up some. “You said there was someone else, you said–”
“I was lyin’, there wasn’t.” He pauses, frowning.
“Bullshit,” you shake your head. “Fucking bullshit, Simon Riley!”
“Let m’talk.” Simon says gruffly, his tone stern. 
You swallow thickly and lower your head in defeat after nodding, finger lifting so you can chew on your cuticle bed. 
“I…I let a debriefing get t’me. Said there wasn’t much’a chance of survival–can’t say much, y’know that…but I didn’t want y’to have to go through that.” He explains. 
His hand reaches down to lift your chin, thumbing at any stray tears making their way down your cheeks. “Forgive me, lovie.” Simon leans down to close the gap between you both again, this time you submit and his hand cradles the back of your head. 
The kiss is slow and passionate–gentle with its hints of dominance. 
“Missed you…” He mumbles over your lips, hands finding your ass to knead the supple skin.
You gasp slightly, but cave in to his touch instantly. “And I missed you…” 
“Please…never do that again.” 
His forehead rests on yours a moment, fingers toying in your hair by rolling pieces between his fingers.
“‘M sorry.” He murmurs. 
He wasn’t the type to apologize, you knew that. His apologies were sincere and meaningful.
Your hands grip his shirt.
“Over half a year, Simon…” Your voice is so low, you couldn’t even call it a whisper. “This whole time…”
“I know…I know…” He mutters into your hair, taking in your scent. 
“Will y’let me make it up to ya, love?” Hot breath rakes over the side column of your neck.
You simply nod, and that’s all enough for him to pick you up by your thighs and for you to wrap your legs around his waist and rut against him.
He guides you both into your bedroom, seating you on the edge of the bed.
“So fuckin’ sexy when y’r half-naked ‘n angry…” Simon chuckles dryly as he drags a finger up your clothed cunt. 
“Simon…please…” you mumble into his shoulder.
“I’ve got’ya, gorgeous.” He says cooly while laying you flat on the bed. 
Simon slips his fingers past your panties, his cock twitching in his pants at the feeling of your wetness spreading along his fingers.
“Ffff..uck, babe, you're so wet for me ‘lready…” he whispers.
You gasp as his finger slips up and down between your folds, making you twitch as he passes your throbbing clit.
“So fuckin’ divine…” he purrs above you, eyes full of love and lust. His other hand finds a place on your thigh, squeezing the flesh as he works at your warmth.
You whine, watching as his teeth bite at the lace lining of your panties, pulling them down as his eyes don’t stray from yours.
“Oh…fuck…” you bite your lip gently, the action making you fanny flutter to the point of aching.
“Jesus…” he breathes against your thigh, pressing his lips along the skin and sucking it until he’s satisfied with the markings.
Simon scoops up both of your legs by the crooks of your knees, spreading them apart as he shifts down to rest his knees on the ottoman spread across the end of the bed.
A shuddered moan releases from you as his tongue prods at the hole in your cunt, then drags up to swirl around your sensitive bud. 
Your hand grabs a tight hold in his hair, making him groan against your core and increase the pressure and sensation in your stomach.
A whimper leaves your throat as he sucks and laps at your pussy, making you buck into his jaw.
“Jus’ like that, baby,” he growls onto you, pressing a wet kiss onto your clit. “Y’gon cum all over m’face like a good girl?” 
You mewl and cry out as Simon slips a finger inside, your back arching and thighs jerking.
“Simon!” You gasp loudly as your fingers dig into his back over his shirt.
His tongue drags flatly up your cunt, collecting all your juices—he’s practically drinking you. 
Another finger pushes inside gently, curling inside that same spot he’s able to find so effortlessly each time that makes you go wild.
“Gon’ c…cum…” you stutter meekly.
“C’mon then,” he urges. “Cum f’r me.”
Simon quickened his pace and the pressure, pumping his fingers in and out, in and out.
Like he was starved, his face presses closer into you, tongue toying at your clit making you twitch against him.
There’s an unbearable heat between your legs as you feel a knot tie in your abdomen when Simon levered his fingers deeper into you. 
“Good…” he groans, pressing his tongue inside with his fingers as your walls clamp around him desperately, a strained moan leaving you as your orgasm snaps.
You cum, hard, and grip his shoulders with both hands as his fingers fuck your orgasm back into you before he finally pulls his fingers out to coat your thighs in your climax.
Simon sucks out his work, then spits it back out onto your heat, slapping your pussy and releasing a deep groan.
He licks his fingers clean, his tongue sliding between each finger. 
You lift yourself up by gripping his belt, slightly wobbling before his hand finds a spot to rest on your back.
“Fuckin’ hell…cum drunk ‘lready, sweets?” Simon bends down to take your mouth onto his, taking the chance to slip his tongue between your lips when you moan into his.
Gently, you palm his hard cock over his pants, eyes squeezing shut then opening to find your place on his belt and fumble with the buckle.
“Mm—y’find what you were lookin’ f’r?” He pants heavily before his lips trail down your jawline to lick and suck at your neck. 
“Oh..fuck…” he murmurs, lips brushing against your skin. 
“Want you so bad, Si…” you moan, lifting your head to grant him better access. “Want to feel you inside of me.” 
He pulls his shirt over his head, tossing it somewhere across the room while he kicks off his pants that you helped pull down Simon’s hips, lips then coming back down to tease at your collarbones and neck.
“Ooh..ho…you will, don’t y’worry, sweet girl.” His cock sprung free out of the restraints of his boxers, making him groan hoarsely.
Simon’s fingers tap on the outerside of your thigh. “Turn over,” he demands.
You babble out nonsense that is incoherent as you flip on your stomach and one of his hands gather both of your wrists. 
He’s on the bed now, between your legs with one hand holding you up by your stomach. 
The head of his cock teases at your entrance, lips trailing up your spine.
“Y’want it?” He growls. “Huh?”
He inhales sharply, nudging the tip into your greedy hole. “God…you do…” 
“J’s suckin’ me in like th’needy little pet y’are.”
You moan out a chant of pleases, cheek pressing into the comforter of the bed as he arches and positions you to his liking.
“Y’want this thick cock in y’r empty pussy.” 
“Yes…” you mumble, backing into him 
softly until you take in his entire tip which causes the larger man to apply more pressure into your stomach. “Fuck me, please…please…”
“Oh…Mmm…Such a good girl beggin’ f’r my cock.” Simon praises, letting you bounce on his tip for a few moments.
“Tha’s right baby…jus’ like that…I own this pretty little cunt, don’t I?” He snarls. “Nobody else’s to fuck.” 
“Only yours, just yours,” you nod helplessly, earning a positive noise from the man behind you.
He takes in a sharp breath before slowly he inches himself into you farther, stretching you. 
Filling you.
You moan loudly, your walls closing around his length making him push out the same noise.
When he bottoms out in you, his tip kissing your cervix, he retracts and ruts back into you, the sound of skin slapping filling the room as he hisses and breathes harsher at every thrust.
“Oh…” he sighs in ecstasy, releasing your wrists so he can grab the fat on your waist.
“Yes…” he moans, every contact with your hips causing the breath in his mouth to jump and fall.
“Tight little pussy just swallowing me,” Simon hisses through clenched teeth as he painfully yet deliciously stretches you open to his size. “So—fuckin’ sexy.” 
“Want y’to cum in me, please…” You gasp, clawing at the comforter as he bucks himself deep into you, filling you up and emptying you, repeating that motion over and over.
“Want me to fill y’with my seed?” He chuckles, a moan interrupting him. “Tha’s what my slutty pet wants?”
“Fucking yes! My god, yes…” you pant, muttering and whining unintelligibly as he slams back into you and makes your ass slap against his thighs. 
“Too bad,” he croons.
“Simon…pl..ease..” you moan.
“No…no, I can’t…cum in ya, love. We—we ain’t thinkin’ straight…” Simon’s cock twitches inside of you as he continues ramming his hips into yours, a guttural groan tearing out of him. 
“I can feel y’tightenin’ around me, j’s beggin’ to cum around my fat cock…” 
“There y’go…Bounce that gorgeous ass on me, j’s how I like it, babe.” Simon strains, hand roughly smacking the skin on your hind. 
You squirm against him, making the blonde growl and grab your hips with a bruising grip. “Y’feel me stretchin’ y’r tiny pussy?” 
“Mhm? Y’do?” He grunts, heaving above you as he thrusts himself into you. “Fuckin’ take it, filthy fuckin’ minx.”
“Look at you, such a pretty pet, bent to my content…Pussy out on display.” 
“Gonna cum, gorgeous, all over your perfect belly.” He mumbles and flips you onto your back.
You moan shamelessly and loudly, whining as he pulls out of you and starts stroking himself while playing with your pussy.
“Fu…u…ck…” his head leans back as you massage his balls and replace his hand. “J’s likeee…that, perfect girl…”
He rubs his middle and pointer finger over your clit at an inhuman pace, making your body jolt and try to push away if it weren’t for his hand holding you roughly in place.
You roll your wrist up and down, pumping his cock in your hand until he takes control again and smacks his tip against your lower abdomen, spilling out his cum onto your stomach with a choke of your name.
Simon’s body twitches, pants and swears rolling off his tongue in a pleading voice as he covers you in his warmth.
“C...C’mon lovie, cum all over my fingers again, let me sss…see y’come undone f’r me again…N…Need to see it…” He stumbles over his words as he comes off his high, an undertone of a whimper in his voice.
It makes you pool, your ego skyrocketing at the fact that you can do that to someone. To him.
Simon’s fingers hit every perfect nerve inside your pulsating cunt, curling and plummeting into the same spot of overwhelming pressure that brought you over the edge. 
A tightness coils in your stomach again, and he absolutely fucking loves the strained noises that spill out from you at every rut of his fingers inside of you.
He loves the way he can get you wrung out at every pet name and gentle touch, the way you clamp your thighs together at the smallest motions.
Simon knew your body better than you did, and he fucking loved it. He knew every spot that drove you absolutely mad and every crevice that had the ability to make you beg just how he wanted. 
Your eyes shoot open from their half-lidded proportion as Simon finds a certain spot that sends electricity throughout your entire body, making you cry out and dig your nails into his scar-ridden flesh.
“Righ’ there, huh, princess? Righ’ there?” He hisses which drawls out to a throaty growl, hammering that same spot with more pressure. “Couldn’t stand bein’ away fr’m this pussy f’r so long…” 
You chant ‘yes’ over and over again until your gasping and panting his name, your breath catching in your throat as you let out a loud cry through your climax, thighs trembling as they slowly close around his forearms in reflex.
He lifts your thighs up again and sits you on his lap as he pulls the covers over the both of you.
“Did s’good for me, lovie. Mmm…S’proud of you, baby.” Simon whispers, catching your lips in a ravenous kiss as he presses his cock inside of your warmth, pushing your climax back into you in a tranquil motion. 
“‘M gonna be right back, okay?” You coo against his lips as you swing your legs over the bed, he gives you a small ‘mhm’.
You quickly give yourself time to use the bathroom, then wash your hands before you walk yourself back into the room, crawling back into his lap before he turns the both of you to the side.
Simon unclips your brassiere and drops it onto the floor, cups both of your breasts in his palms and moans as you slide yourself back down onto his cock.
“Mmh…So warm…” he whispers huskily while kissing the nape of your neck down to your collarbones.
He spoons you, lulling you into a state of drowsiness as he gently massages your tits. Simon’s breath is a gentle pattern over your neck, gentle snores leaving the barriers of his lips after his hands go still.
You don’t take long to catch sleep right behind him, turning your head a moment to peck his wet lips before you’re able to finally shut your eyes.  
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icycoldninja · 3 months
I thought of one! Could you do the Sparda men with a female s/o who loves Halloween and all things spooky?(Maybe add that she loves fall too, the colors and coziness of it) And maybe even looks like Morticia Addams? 🕷🕸
Sure, sure, enjoy!
Sparda boys + V x Halloween-loving!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Being a seasoned demon hunter, Dante is not at all bothered by ridiculous Halloween decorations and thinks they're little more than goofy plastic props.
-He does get confused when he sees fake spiderweb though, wondering if those are just for decoration or if your house needs to be cleaned.
-He likes fall colors, though. They're warm and oddly cozy.
-He finds himself accompanying you to the store to buy decorations and other fall-themed furniture for your home.
-Is always down to make monster-shapes cookies and carve pumpkins with you, even if it isn't Halloween.
-If you happen to be an elegant goth girl like Morticia AAdam's, Dante will attempt to dress goth to match. It....doesn't suit him.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil claims he doesn't like Halloween because it's all so "foolish", with the exaggerated costumes and unnecessary practices.
-However, you'll still find him stealing candy from the big bowl in the kitchen when he thinks you're not looking.
-Honestly hates most Halloween decorations as they "hurt his eyes". He'll let you decorate the house, as long as you don't go overboard with the plastic nonsense.
-Fall colors are mostly boring to him, except red, maybe. You won't catch him in the decor section of your local supermarket, but you might find him in the produce aisle looking at pumpkins.
-Somehow, Vergil has grown to love pumpkin pie; it might be the only part of fall that he actually enjoys.
-While your attire is "spooky" to others, Vergil thinks you look very beautiful, like a dark queen--his dark queen.
□ Nero □
-Nero loved Halloween as a kid because it meant free candy. To this day, he still likes going out for Trick O Treating with the orphanage kids because he knows he will get free candy.
-Will help you decorate your house if you need it and likes to jumpscare you with fake spiders.
-Accompanies you to the store to look for whatever you need and ends up sneaking big bags of Halloween candy into your cart like a "stealthy" child.
-Likes fall colors, surprisingly, but he's not crazy enough to get your whole living room to match this one aesthetic.
-Really enjoys having scented candles for some reason; nearly every room in your house has at least one now.
-Thinks your fashion sense suits your personality perfectly. You're elegant and spooky, and Nero loves that.
● V ●
-V, being the goth poetry need that he is, enjoys Halloween as much as you are.
-Really enjoys those realistic ghost decorations that you can hang on your wall. Though they don't scare him, he finds them fascinating.
-Enjoys watching horror movies with you, even if neither of you are frightened by them.
-Fall colors are alright in his book, but you won't catch him donning an auburn sweater anytime soon.
-Will go with you to the store to pick out decorations but always gets lost whenever he ventures too far from you. You can usually find him in the outdoor furniture section, reading his book.
-Thinks that you look like the world's prettiest witch, and he uses that word in the best way possible.
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monicahar · 2 years
halloween scenarios with genshin characters!
characters; cyno, tighnari, scaramouche, hu tao, nilou, shenhe
; gn!reader, fluff, mentions of ghosts and scaramouche's real name (spoiler?)
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"what is that?" he bluntly asks, confusing settling within his features as he sits himself beside you. "that doesn't look like a face."
"shut up...!" a cry of embarrassment escapes you, "you know i'm bad at carving pumpkins!" feeling a bit too festive, you had decided to do something for the upcoming day of halloween. though it seems like your choice of activity wasn't exactly best suited for you.
a comical tear slides down your face as you turn to your deformed and questionable-looking pumpkin once more. i'm sorry, little guy.
he gently takes your kitchen knife into his own, letting a small snort leave his lips when your tearful expression quickly morphs into one of hopefulness. "you can carve, cyno?" you lean towards him, watching as he stabs into a new pumpkin nearby.
"no, i just want to try it out. don't expect too much."
a small smile falls on his face as he side eyes your curious expression, earning a raised brow from you. "what? something wrong?"
"if my pumpkin turns out ugly, let's name it alhaitham."
you gasp.
it's obvious from his stare that he's not amused a single bit. his eyebrow twitches when he hears you snicker beneath the blanket covering your form, arms outstretched to mimic a ghost.
"your reaction's priceless!" your laugh resounds throughout your shared home as you turn on the lights, not bothering to remove the blanket over your form as you double over. pissing tighnari off is a favourite pastime of yours.
"that jumpscare, if you could even call it that, was utterly lame." he sighs, your laughter ceasing to little giggles.
"what's so funny, hm?" oh, he's starting to get irked.
your laughter abruptly pauses when you feel his hands through the blanket over your body, gliding from your shoulders down to your hips, him seemingly trying to feel up your body to avoid accidentally hurting you.
"you're getting warm, dear." he mischievously whispers from behind you, "where'd all that laughter go?"
his head buries into the crook of your neck, your breath hitching when he suddenly starts tickling you. you shriek at the contact.
"kuni, look! it's you!" he glances at you up from his paperwork, your hands holding a gingerbread man with a rather familiar dark-colored bowl cut, along with its grumpy face.
"do you want me to kill you?" he scoffs in annoyance, attempting to take it before you pulled it away from his reach.
you hold up a finger, "no thanks, my love." you smile innocently as he scowls at you, "aren't you just proving my gingerbread version of you is accurate when you act like that?"
"it won't be accurate anymore after i destroy it."
"aw." you feign a false expression of sadness. "but i love this little guy." pressing a chaste kiss atop the cookie you're holding, you giggle at how his scowl deepens.
he stands up from his seat, eyes darkened in silent rage as you fumble for words.
you panic when he starts approaching you, flailing your hands as you try to calm him down, "w-wait! it's just a joke—hpmh!"
it takes you a second to register that he's kissing you, lips molding against yours as he grips your hips close to him.
he parts away from you for a moment, glaring at you with a slight offended pout on his lips as you try catch the breath that was abruptly taken from you.
"why kiss that stupid cookie when the real deal is right here in front of you?"
"trick or treat!" she yells from atop her lungs, continuously pressing on the doorbell out of pure excitement.
you sigh tiredly. "we might get kicked out if you continue screaming like that—" your words are cut off when an old woman emerges and opens the door.
"hello, dearies." her wrinkly eyes scan both of you, a small gasp escaping her lips as she exclaims, "oh! matching costumes, i see. how adorable!"
hu tao is smiling as the old lady places candies onto her pumpkin bucket, "mhm! they're my lover, and i totally didn't force them to wear that for tonight. :D"
the lady laughs as you bow in respect, "sorry, she's a bit hyper because she loves halloween."
"oh no, no. it's quite alright. just make sure your little girlfriend doesn't run off, hm?" you snicker at the lady's words.
"i heard that!" hu tao pouts next to you.
pressing a kiss to her cheek, you abruptly pinch it afterwards, causing her to whine out in pain.
"you're supposed to hear it, dear."
"eek! why did she just leave her boyfriend in there alone!" you hug her arm, worry and panic on her face as she immerses herself into the movie.
"why are they both in their underwear?" she curiously asks, not quite getting the fact that they were secretly doing the frickle frackle up until the serial killer broke inside their home.
"AAH!" you scream in fear, hiding behind nilou as she stiffens when blood is splattered all over the screen.
"they got killed...! oh no!" she covers her mouth in shock as you turn away in fear and disgust, hiding away at the nook of her neck.
"s-scary...!" you tremble behind nilou, her hand subconsciously reaching up to pat your head soothingly as she pulls your body to her chest.
"this movie is quite interesting...though i don't understand the plot..."
she's utterly confused at why 10 rifles from the police all managed to miss one man holding a mere sickle whilst you're crying like a baby in her hold.
normal day for you guys, i guess?
you thought you were a genius for inviting shenhe to a haunted walkthrough, finally seeing an opportunity to see your girlfriend scared for once.
"what is this?" she stares at the spooky entrance.
"a haunted house, well, a fake one. but it's gonna be fun, i swear!"
"if you say so." she lets herself get dragged by you, noticing you're more cheerful than usual.
"why are there so much cobwebs yet no real spiders?" she asks curiously, seeming fascinated by the amount of 'spooky' stuff there is inside the house. isn't it supposed to be habitable?
"you see, that's part of the attraction—AH!"
the poor employee behind the ghost costume is knocked out as your girlfriend punches him, the man falling to the floor as stars fly over his head.
"s-shenhe! why did you—?!"
"the evil man tried to attack you, [name]." she coldly glares at the ghost cosplayer beneath her feet. "i will bring you justice." she grabs his head harshly.
"shenhe, no!"
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l0v3tast3 · 2 years
141 x young! Reader that can do the rock face and does it to them when they're in an argument.
Like shes on the counter, trying to reach for the cookies on the top shelf and someone walks in and sees her.
They tell her to get down and all they're met with is:
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Sorry if this is a weird rq
✎ this is weird but in a wonderful way
✎ tags: gender neutral reader, young military reader, fluff, not proofread im too cool for that as usual
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♡ the first time you do it is when you hear kyle say he just discovered a show or movie that you also like. you drawl an excited, "oh really?" and raise your eyebrow with a slight turn of your head.
♡ he starts laughing because he recognizes the meme, and you two go on further about your new shared interest. the other three men are left confused and a tiny bit disturbed.
♡ price, soap, and ghost break off into their own conversation, not really acknowledging it, brushing it off as another one of the little "things" you do. they had known you long enough at this point to know not to question you too much.
♡ you start doing it a lot more. price asks you what you think of the hat when soap is once again trying to get him to take it off, and you make the face. ghost actually lets you borrow one of his books, and you make the face (out of disbelief, he took the book back). soap says he wants to watch something you don't really want to watch on the tv when you two are hanging out on your off hours, and you make the face.
♡ when it's just the four men together and you're off doing something else, they ask kyle just what the hell is the deal with that face you make. kyle asks what they mean and soap tries to demonstrate (not very well). kyle shows them the video of the rock doing it. soap thinks it's hilarious while simon and price are just sitting there like "what... the fuck?"
♡ one day it culminates in the form of you climbing on the counters. simon had moved your hoard of snacks to the highest shelf, of course, and the nearest chair was way too far away (there was one close enough to turn around and grab without taking a step).
♡ in walks ghost and price while you're just about to go from kneeling on the counters to standing on them. ghost grunts out "i put 'em up there for a reason!" and you whip your head around, eyebrow already raised.
♡ your expression turns into one of anger as he picks you up under your arms and hauls you off of the counter. you're like a cat, practically bristling as you squirm around. he plops you down and very gently cuffs the back of your head. "you're fuckin' weird, kid," is all you get while he grabs one of your snacks and walks out. price snickers and follows him out.
♡ you make sure to only do it to simon from then on.
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levia-chan · 5 months
It's so awful. You thought you'd never experience it again.
Goosebumps run down your back, your stomach turns inside out, your tongue and muscles go numb. Your vision is getting hazy, and your hearing is getting worse by the second. You're barely conscious.
And why is that? Because a gray-haired sorcerer decided to treat you and brothers with his signature cookies. And you couldn't come up with an excuse to leave, and now you're here.
Solomon was talking animatedly about something, but you couldn't concentrate. Well, you couldn't make out what he was saying at all. At some point, the last forces that kept you conscious went away, and you were plunged into darkness.
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You don't know how much time has passed, but it seems like you're starting to wake up. It looks like you're still alive! It's a happy thought, of course, but your body still remembers these terrible sensations, and you feel a little queasy.
When your vision and mind finally cleared, you decided to look back. How strange, you are not in the House of Lamentation but in some other place. It looks like you're in.. Wait, is this a Celestial Palace!? What the hell?!
You immediately jumped to your feet and became alert. This situation gives you a strong sense of deja vu.
If you get caught, you obviously won't get off easy. You needed to go somewhere private and fast. And just when you were thinking about it, you heard someone's footsteps.
Great, luck is definitely NOT on your side today.
You turned around and saw some kind of angel. He was looking right at you and approaching you, and you were already preparing to explain the situation, but nothing happened. He just walked on as if you weren't there at all. It was like you were a ghost. It's a strange feeling.
Nevertheless, you're glad you didn't have to fight. But now we have to deal with this whole situation.
While your brain was frantically searching for a way out of this situation, your gaze involuntarily lingered on that angel. He and several others approached the portraits of the brothers and began to take them off the wall. All this was watched by an angel standing at a distance from them.
He was definitely a seraph, as he had six pairs of wings. His long blond hair covered his face slightly, but it didn't seem to stop him from watching them closely.
Everyone present looked sad, regretted something, including him. It was immediately clear to you that he was trying to be strong for others.
After all the portraits were taken to a safe place, he said that he needed to be alone and went somewhere. No one dared to stop him, and after seeing him off with a knowing look, they went to different sides.
For some reason, you followed that seraphim. You felt you had to go after him.
You left the Palace and headed in the other direction. After a while, you started noticing an amazingly beautiful garden. The angel went in there and turned aside. You came to a large tree, the foliage of which cast a large shadow.
He sat down, leaning his back against the trunk of a tree, and finally gave free rein to his real feelings. You were a little confused by this and therefore stood in a stupor for a while.
"Lucifer... I'm so sorry...", his whisper reached you, accompanied by sharp breaths and exhalations.
"Michael..." you subconsciously said his name. You've never seen each other in your life, but for some reason you realized that it was him and exactly how he felt.
You couldn't bear to look at him like that, so you decided to comfort him somehow, even if he couldn't see you. You felt in your gut that he needed it.
You carefully sat down next to him and gently hugged him, burying your face in his neck. He was trembling, but under your embrace he really began to calm down. You sat in this position for a while before you pulled away. But when you did, you realized that he could see you. He looked at you with wide-open eyes, with some wariness and gratitude. You definitely didn't expect this.
"You..." he wanted to say something, but was interrupted when you started to disappear. He watched you leave and expressed his gratitude to you with barely noticeable movements of his lips.
You nodded back and smiled slightly before plunging back into darkness.
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You woke up to the window in your room slamming slightly. You opened your eyes and realized that you were finally home. There was no one in the room, which is surprising in itself, but it looks like the others are also lying in their rooms and suffering from Solomon's cookies, judging by the unusual silence.
You would have written off everything that happened as a dream if you hadn't noticed a bird in your room. It was a white pigeon holding an incredibly beautiful flower with a ribbon in its beak. He left the flower on the table when he noticed that you were awake, and immediately flew away.
You got out of bed and walked over to the table. Taking the flower in your hands, you unfolded the ribbon and saw a single word "Thank you" on it.
Well, then it really happened.
You put a flower in a vase and began to admire it. The brothers don't have to know where you got it from or why.
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some-rotten-nest · 2 years
Okay, this is fully inspired by: The Ghost of Wayne Manor
But I'm going to write it anyway becuase I'm low-key in love with my interpretation of it.
When Dick was little and recovering from his trauma of seeing his parents be killed and becoming Robin shortly after he would always try to convince Bruce and Alfred that there was a Ghost in the house. And there was!
His name was Danny Phantom and he liked to haunt the study the most, then the library for the astrology books in there, and he played the piano! Well, he played badly, but it was funny to child Dick how he messed up the keys when he tried to play something.
He and Dick would talk during the night when they could, Danny showing himself, and Dick quickly learned of Danny Phantom as the world's first superhero! But when he tried to tell Alfred or Bruce, Danny never showed any sign on him, no flickering lights, to creaking steps, nothing!
Alfred and Bruce began thinking of this 'Danny Phantom' character as Dick's imaginary friend, no matter how much Dick said he wasn't imaginary.
One day Danny just left, and according to Dick he had 'to go rule his realm, which is a sister realm of ours, and it's called the Ghost Zone!'
Either way, years passed and now Danny Phantom was only brought up as a way to tease Dick while Dick would just roll his eyes and say he is real, he was sure of it
Then during one random day while the family had gathered, all of a sudden, the piano started playing badly enough to make Alfred frown.
Damian instantly ran to the study, assuming it was an intruder, sword in hand as Dick followed him, filled with nostalgia and childish joy. Bruce and Alfred followed out of concern.
There was nothing in the study except for the sound of the piano.
Everyone grew confused except Dick, who grinned ear-to-ear, and happily said, "Hey Danny, been a while."
The lights flickered and the curtains moved.
"oh so now you show yourself?" Dick complained, the piano stopped playing off-key songs.
"Dick, explain." Bruce demanded sternly.
Dick gave him a smug look, "what? Oh, don't worry about that, I'm just talking with my imaginary friend. Aren't I?"
Dick was tackled onto the floor shortly after as he laughed.
"Danny!" He called out, "okay, okay, I'm sorry! You're real!"
Or, alternatively, everyone had some kind of story about the ghost in Wayne manor.
Jason said the ghost helped him hide from Bruce and Alfred when the stole the last cookie.
Tim said the ghost would freeze his coffee solid if he worked late.
Steph said the ghost would help her find stuff she'd lost.
Barbara said the ghost would hand her stuff she couldn't reach.
Damian, no matter how much he refused to use the word ghost, said the ghost would grab him some new paint when he was running low.
If anyone does anything like this please tag me want to see!
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rascal-xo · 1 year
Hear me out ghost walking in into the reader holding soap in a leg head lock while laying on their stomach and taking selfies 😭😭😭😭😭😭
War and Cookies | Soap MacTavish x Reader |
Summary: Johnny is tonight’s big loser…
Warnings: Incredibly cheesy 😭 not proofread
Tags: @glitteryeggalmondherring @fiveshelmet @madamemelancholysstuff @myguiltypleasures21 @pukbadger @emmaadlerrichtofen1
A/N: I wrote this after taking the most delectable nap so I hope you enjoy 😤
Gif Credits: @shadow0-1
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"MacTavish, you son of a bitch!" You gasped, unable to believe the atrocity that just unfolded. Johnny had just stolen the last chocolate chip cookie from out of your hand, as you sat at the break room island minding your business.
The audacity! Fuelled by a mixture of shock and a quite frankly hunger, you sprung into action, determined to reclaim what was rightfully yours.
You weren't about to let him get away with this. Determination fueled your movements as you leaped forward, reaching out for the tantalizing treat. But Soap was quick, darting to the side and leaving you grasping at thin air. “You’re gonna have to be quicker than that, Lass!” He called out.
Finally, you saw your opening. Soap made a swift turn into the open training room, his attention momentarily diverted as he checked over his shoulder. Seizing the opportunity, you lunged forward, tackling him to the ground with a mighty grunt.
You both crashed onto the padded floor, limbs flailing in a whirlwind of chaos. Laughter erupted from both of you as you wrestled for the precious cookie. “Just give me the cookie Johnny and no one has to get hurt here.” You coo, holding his arms over his head. Oh so close to the precious cookie.
Johnny, pinned beneath you, laughed heartily, his chest rising and falling with each chuckle. "Oh, Y/N, you're not getting it that easily!" he exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
With a sly grin on your face, you swiftly maneuvered your body, using all your might to put him into a headlock.
Soap's eyes widened in surprise as your arm wrapped around his neck, and he sputtered, "Hey, wait a minute! No fair!"
"Fair? This is war, MacTavish!" you exclaimed, trying to keep a straight face while asserting your dominance. "The cookie will be mine!"
As you neared the cookie, your fingers trembled with anticipation. It was so close, yet still out of reach. Soap, determined not to let go but instead do the unthinkable.
You stared at Soap in disbelief as he took a large bite out of the cookie you had just fought so hard to reclaim. Your jaw dropped, and your eyes widened in shock. "Johnny! You... you ate the cookie?"
Soap grinned mischievously, crumbs sprinkling down his chin and chocolate smeared onto his face. "Oh, I guess I did," he said, his voice laced with amusement. "Couldn't resist, you know?"
You couldn't help but burst into laughter, realizing the absurdity of the situation. “What? something on my face?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I have got to get a picture of this.” You spoke in between laughter.
Still chuckling, you kept Soap in a gentle headlock, restraining his movements while you fumbled for your phone in your pocket. With determination in your eyes, you managed to retrieve it, ready to capture the hilarious moment.
"Hold still, Johnny," you said through your giggles, angling the camera on your phone. "This chocolate-covered face of yours deserves to be immortalized."
Soap, his face a comical mixture of confusion and resignation, tried to wipe the chocolate off his face with his free hand. But you held him firmly, ensuring that the evidence of his mischievous cookie indulgence remained intact.
"Just a little more, and... got it!" you exclaimed triumphantly, snapping the selfie with Soap in your headlock, his face adorned with chocolate smears. Both of you burst into another fit of laughter, the joy of the moment echoing through the room.
But just as you were about to review the picture, a familiar voice boomed from the doorway, interrupting the mirthful scene. You both sprung your necks up in shock seeing your Lieutenant in such a manner.
He stared down at both of his soldiers on the ground with zero emotion, one in a headlock and the other straddling the others neck with a phone to their face.
“L.T!” You exclaimed. Soap tried to contain his laughter, miserably failing.
Ghost held up a hand, stopping either of you from speaking any further and turned around, walking right back out of the room.
“He looks like he’s seen a Ghost.” Johnny laughed, doubling over as soon as you released him.
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