#ra cassandra
iwanttobepersephone · 5 months
I just redrew a conversation between me and my brother as a Cassyss meme is this anything
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vodrae · 8 months
AU where Jason, Cass and Damian meet in the League and cause so much chaos that a burnt out Ra's just dropped them with a note
"Two of them are yours the third one is free"
And Bruce rolls with it
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hehether · 5 months
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AU where Jason comes back to Gotham and begins his plan to confront Batman and all that. Except after only like a week the Joker gets hit by a bus and then shot by a little old lady with a shotgun and dies.
Jason’s plan is now in shambles because the dramatic climax of his plan is no longer possible. But that’s fine. He’ll think of some other suitable alternative. Granted, it’s not quite the same if he uses some other villain. Making Batman choose doesn’t mean nearly as much when it’s not about the person who killed him.
And really, is he going to try and get Batman to kill Black Mask or something? Scarecrow? Red Hood is competent; he could do it himself so why bother.
So Jason lays low continues to build his criminal empire with astounding speed and efficiency. If only he could think of a good way to announce his return. Nothing he can think of is dramatic enough.
Meanwhile, the Bats are freaking out because who is this guy that’s taken over half of the Gotham underworld in like a month? He’s obviously trained, but they just can’t seem to get any information on who he is or where he came from. It is beyond frustrating.
After a few months Jason is frustrated that he just can’t seem to find any dramatic good way of making Batman prove himself. It has to be something big! Something magnificent!
During his weekly chat with Talia he complains about his problems and she suggests he come back for a visit. He argues that he can’t just leave, but she says if he has competent enough lieutenants it’d be fine. He spends the next three weeks making sure that everything will be fine if he leaves for a week. He will not have all of his hard work falling apart and going to waste due to incompetence. Absolutely not.
So then once his lieutenants are sufficiently prepared (and the rest of Gotham’s criminal element sufficiently cowed), he heads to Nanda Parbat, only to find Ra’s on the phone with Bruce, who is demanding to know if the Red Hood has any affiliation with the league.
Oh. Oh. He can give them affiliation.
A new plan begins to form.
He’s going to be the most affiliated he can be. Jason immediately goes to Talia with his newest plan: Overthrow Ra’s and takeover the league. Talia whips out her forty step outline for overthrowing Ra’s and tells Jason she’s so proud of him.
Jason has a new goal now, so he gets to work. He checks on things in Gotham, but everything seems to be fine and there haven’t been any unplanned explosions so it should be fine if he stays here for a bit.
Taking over Gotham really was good practice, as it turns out. Thanks to Talia’s plans and previous foundational efforts the takeover happens in no time.
Meanwhile the bats are still freaking out. Red Hood hasn’t been seen in three weeks, he may or may not have league of assassins connections, and even in his absence his goons seem to be managing things competently.
Back in Nanda Parbat, Jason and Talia finish their takeover. And now, finally, he’s ready to confront Batman.
He arrives in Gotham as the new head of the league. His arrival is loud, elaborate, and dramatic enough to fulfill his inner theater kid’s dreams.
Batman is speechless. And not his usual grunts instead of words, but actual surprised speechless. Jason is alive?!?!?!?
Jason was not expecting all the tears. And hugs. And mother henning. Goodness gracious, this was not part of the plan.
Bruce is obviously struggling with Jason’s revelation that he took over the league, but the newest little birdie seems almost relieved at that(?) and Dick and Alfred both seem strangely proud. Whatever. Even Bruce seems to be at least mostly ignoring that for now.
Then someone asks him if he knows Red Hood. Jason blinks. Says that yeah, he knows Red Hood. Everyone seems to ease at that. One mystery solved. Jason quickly realizes that most of them have no idea he is Red Hood. Cass seems to be the only exception but also appears amused and willing enough to not mention it.
Dramatic appearance complete, Jason now has a new goal: see how long he can keep the bats (minus Cass and potentially Alfred) in the dark about his crime boss identity.
He will bribe Cass as much as it takes to keep her on board with the causing chaos plan, but she seems eager enough. Favorite sibling status definitely unlocked. (The whole killing thing is fought over at great length and a truce of sorts is eventually made)
David Cain is never heard from again.
Damian shows up at some point.
At least one league member has suddenly found themselves as an HR rep for Gotham criminals? They’re still not quite sure how that happened.
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theredcuyo · 2 months
Damian discovers there's more days to celebrate family members than mother's day and father's day
At first, it was a joke that Todd told him when he was being annoying "Seriously, on brother's day? Shame on you"
He had to check that. It was not brother's day then, but the day did exist, and so did one for sisters, and graparents, and cousins, and uncles, and aunts-
And even for best friends?
He was well aware that you did something for your parents on their days, to show your gratitude towards them, he spent the day with mother, training, he spent the day with father, going to things like museums
He could not be a shame to his name by ignoring the days that were made for the rest of his family, as foolish as they were
He had more work to do for this, because his father decided that any orphan he came in contact with became his, thus, he had currently, four brother's, taking even Drake and Thomas into account
He also had two sisters, Cassandra and Brown even if she wasn't legally one
He had two grandparents, and finding time to do something about his mother's side of the family was going to be troublesome, but Pennyworth seemed to appreciate anything they gave him
He had an aunt. Kane
And, according to Richard, Gordon could be counted as an uncle, making Barbara his cousin on technicallity too, or also a sister, whatever she wanted to be
Jon proclamed himself as his best friend, so Damian will be expecting a thoughtfull gift.
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empire-of-the-words · 1 month
AU where Bruce and Talia get married and Ra'd just... hangs around
He finds Wayne Manor’s version of the mother-in-law suite and refuses to leave
He had LoA meetings there for a while, but Bruce kept spying on them ("It’s my house!") so confidential information isn't discussed there, but everything else is fair game
Alfred's cookies means the League book club is suddenly very popular
None of the kids can bring friends home without having to explain "Yeah that's my (step)grandpa wearing the dramatic robes cursing my dad for stopping him from killing the mayor. Yeah the ninjas are his too. Same with the endangered animals wandering around the house. No it's actually pretty calm today"
Alfred starts cooking larger amounts of food because there’s always a ninja or two (or ten) hanging around, and he’s determined to be a good host ("Why is there a cake tonight?" "It’s Bob's birthday, Master Bruce " "Ninja Bob? Damn I forgot to get him a gift.")
Ra's always spoils his grandkids rotten, of course, but in the weirdest ways possible. Mainly pets. Bruce does not appreciate this.
When Cass shows up, she and Ra's have a staring contest for an hour straight. No one's quite sure what happened, and no one really wants to know
And his shenanigans aren't confined to private either! If there's a gala, he's there, and he does not care about social etiquette. That man makes headlines way more often than not ("'Wayne FIL Has Bodyguards Attack Socialite For Wearing Fur'." "That fur comes from an endangered fox; how else was I supposed to react?")
Ra's likes to match gala outfits with Talia, Talia likes to match with Bruce and Damian (and whatever kids consider her their mom), and the other kids like to join in on the joke, meaning the entire family is matching except for Dick, who refuses out of spite (a picture of them all together quickly becomes a meme format)
The Halloween gala is filled with people in ninja "costumes"
The Court of Owls tries to assassinate Ra's once, not because of the League of Assassins thing, just because he got on the nerves of one too many members. Taking them down is one of the few times Ra's and Dick get along, and it freaks everyone out so much they're determined to never let it happen again
The family is divided on whether they find him and his shenanigans amusing or not. Talia, Jason and Duke do. Bruce and Dick don't. No one's quite sure about Cass, and Damian won't say either way. Tim starts a mini war with Ra's, with the casualties ending up as 2 chandeliers, 5 computers, 4 antique vases, at least 7 League plots, the microwave and Tim’s spleen
He does manage to find the Lazarus Pit infecting Gotham’s water supply and isolate it. So. That's nice.
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You know if Jason did become Talia's son I have the idea that he would be someone very famous among assassins and mercenaries, but in the hero community He is an anti-hero who must be captured and nothing more and is also a popular gossip item when it comes to hero failures (along side Roy of course).
As for the heroes he is just a red hood, Crime lord and anti-hero who has a special and complicated relationship with Batman, But for assassins and mercenaries who know enough about the world he is
An Al Ghul, the first child of Talia Al Ghul, the eldest grandson of Ra's Al Ghul, one of the princes of the League of Assassins and Shadows, someone you really have to watch out for because of his skills and position. And they realized that Talia would do anything for her child, even going against her father
Without his helmet he is one of the most feared people in the underworld, he knows many assassins and mercenaries thanks to all the missions he has undertaken and is friends with most of them.
So imagine.........
Dick: You know it's a rare month that Slade isn't trying to recruit me
Jason: Oh, that's because I asked him to look for something a few weeks ago
Dick: you ask deathstroke, ask ?
Jason: Yeah he owes me something
Dick: how ?
Tim: Sometimes I still miss my spleen you know
Jason: want me to ask someone to get it for you
Tim: who you gonna ask,It's literally in ra's
Jason: I can ask so many people like deathstroke,lady Shiva, mother of soul,deadshot, Talia, Constantine drakon, Dusan, nyssa, Ben Turner, merlyn. And more that I can ask, which one do you prefer
Jason: what
Cass: I really want to know what happen to my dad
Jason: I can call someone to check on him, do you want
Cass: yes
Damian: this can be done if I can call my teacher akhi, but
Jason: which one do you mean Habibi I Will call them don't worry
Damian: how you gonna call him
Jason: I just call their phone number in my phone
Damian: you have their number
Jason: why not
Roy: you seem to be liked by all the assassin we just met huh
Jason: yeah they are my old friend
Roy: what
Jason: they just happen to be in the same misson with me
Bruce: Jay where did you find all of your trained goon
Jason: oh they are either fired form the league and join me, or just like me and follow me
Bruce: I'm not ready for that actually
Jason: good to hear
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incorrectbatfam · 4 months
How does each family member find out about Jason's all-blades?
Jason: *slicing bread*
Damian: Todd, what is that?
Jason: A sandwich.
Selina: *opens the dishwasher*
Selina: Whoever left their wet sword in here, it's dripping all over the dry dishes.
Dick: Thanks for coming. I told my landlord that my lock was busted but he still wouldn't fix it. I've been out here for half an hour.
Jason: Yeah yeah, just quit yapping.
[at a restaurant]
Steph: *drops her knife*
Jason: *offers her a blade*
Steph: Thanks.
Alfred: Master Jason, what is this?
Jason: A sword.
Alfred: Well next time, take it out of your costume before you put it in the laundry.
Kate: I found this rusted metal box in my storage. Wonder what's inside.
Jason: Allow me.
Cass and Jason: *hanging out*
Jason: *sees a bug*
Jason: *swats it with the blades*
Tim: Can I borrow your shower?
Jason: Whatever. Just so you know, the towel rack broke so I replaced it with something else.
Harper: I need a chisel.
Jason: *hands her the blades*
Harper: Eh, close enough.
Duke: My King Arthur cosplay is almost done. I just need the right sword.
Jason: I got you.
Barbara: When you leave, can you prop the door open to let some air in?
Jason: Sure.
Bruce: This is my second son, Jason. Jason, this is... *grits teeth* Margie.
The All-Blades: *automatically summons in the presence of evil.
Ra's: You may have the All-Blades, but I have the ultimate upper hand.
Jason: Hold up, I have WHAT?!?
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tiger-grace · 7 days
Dick: oh no, is that a gray hair?
Steph, shaking her head sadly: twink death
Dick: nevermind, must be from the dog!
Cass, raising an eyebrow: twink immortality?
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yyzh0u · 1 month
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do people read that one oneshot with the nonbinary chinese kid who fights spirits for a living with constantine nd cassandra cain um yeah heres fanart of that bcos i rly like her outfit
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hehether · 9 months
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Child custody war on Christmas day: Waynes vs Al Ghul
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1very1fancy1doilies1 · 5 months
lesbian posting for lesbian week :)
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quotidian-oblivion · 5 months
Picture this: Ra's clears out the chessboard and brings out a deck of Cards Against Humanity.
"They say this game is only for the boldest, Detective. Think yourself brave?"
He pulls out the box.
Tim starts laughing so hard he cries and vomits.
Inspired by a conversation with @sardonic-sprite
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garpen · 25 days
Gotham Tarot Cards
Will be linking explanations as I make them.
The Fool: Harley Quinn
The Magician: Duke Thomas
The High Priestess: Barbara Gordon. 
The Empress: Poison Ivy
The Emperor: Bruce Wayne
The Hierophant: Lucius Fox
The Lovers: Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn
The Chariot: Damian  Wayne
Strength: Cassandra Cain
The Hermit: Alfred Pennyworth
The Wheel of Fortune: Gotham City
Justice: Jim Gordon
The Hanged Man: Jason Todd 
Death: Jason Todd
Temperance: Barbara Gordon
The Devil: Ra’s Al Ghul
The Tower: Bane re: Knightfall
The Star: Dick Grayson
The Moon: Scarecrow and Arkham Asylum 
The Sun: Duke Thomas
Judgement: Harvey Dent
The World: The Batfamily
Stephanie Brown: Six of Swords, Page of Wands, and The Two of Pentacles (was a contender for the Fool and the Star cards, but ultimately the characters who were chosen were better fits)
Tim Drake:  Two of Pentacles, Page of Swords, and Seven of Wands. (Was considered for The Magician, The Fool, and the Hierophant cards, but ultimately the characters who were chosen were better fits)
Kate Kane: Queen of Swords, Queen of Wands, and Nine of Wands (Was a contender for the strength and high priestess card, but ultimately the characters who were chosen were better fits)
Luke Fox: Page of Pentacles, Knight of Swords, and Ten of Wands (was considered for the emperor, and the chariot cards, but ultimately the characters who were chosen were better fits)
I do plan to eventually get to the explanations of the minor arcana as well. Though it’s slow coming, as I debate the characters, do some research on them, and deep dive into the meanings of the cards. 
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martelldragon · 10 months
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I really want to see Jason becoming the grandchild that ra's most hate, but also can't say no or punish. Cause he talia favorite of course, but Jason just think he is the favorite lmao
Tim : why you always like Jason more than us, we already try demon Brat I swear
Damian : cause he always protect me since I'm 2 year old, take my punishment if I'm fail, being best brother ever, give me pet, kill for me cause he don't want my hand being dirty, even fight gradfather if he want to hurt me
Tim and dick and Steph : so that why ra's hate him so much
Cass and damian : no
Tim, dick, and Steph : .......
Damian : why he hate akhi for that
Damian : grandfather hate him cause he is mom favorite, set firework every night, play DJ music at 2 am, poison his food in every family dinner, disobey his teacher every day, help me turn the house into zoo, being every new assassin favorite, and take the prince name altough they not blood related
Cass : and do whatever he want without permision to I think , shortly he is the ultimate anoying child in the league
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