#stone drake
wormycomic · 7 months
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bbqhooligan · 5 months
big day for annoying people (me)
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theerurishipper · 1 month
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First <- Part 18 <- Part 19 -> Part 20
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deadsetobsessions · 5 months
Woo! I’ve finally got time to write! Had to go to a wedding, suffered through eight whole hours of pure disorganized mess, and got mad about it. Emphasis on the disorganized part. So, I bring you: party planner!Danny Phantom.
If anyone was to see him now, they’d definitely think that it was odd that Danny was the one in the party planning field. They wouldn’t be surprised if it was Jazz, but Danny ‘wing it’ Fenton planning things? Never.
But here he was, clipboard in hand and checking off hors d’œuvres from the list.
“Anton, could you do a check of the sound system? Make sure everything’s working?”
“Got it.”
Danny lifted the buffet table, laden with heavy food, and used a bit of his ghostly strength to move it over.
He double checked the seating chart, and readjusted the miniature ice sculpture centerpieces he made for the party.
Wayne Manor was all lit up and perfectly dusted. Danny ran through his mental checklist. Tabled? Check. Dance floor clean and scuff free? Check. DJ booth and open bar running without issues? Check. Live band setting up with back up instruments and strings? Check. Decorations on point? Oh, he’ll have to get the team to readjust those.
Time to check-
“Danny! How’s it going?” Bruce Wayne beamed and slung an arm around his shoulder.
Danny smiled politely. “Mr. Wayne. Everything is going smoothly. Would you like to check the food the chefs have made?”
“Sure, sure! I definitely need to eat before I drink, haha!”
“That’s a good idea! Good thing you’re about to try a bunch of food.” Danny matched the billionaire’s energy. He’s going to get paid so good.
“So, Danny, are you going to college?”
Danny passed him a small sampler. “Ah, I can’t. Some stuff happened in high school and I don’t really have the grades or the money to.”
Plus, his credentials were in another plane of existence and he hadn’t figured out how to transfer those records yet.
“You could still attend college, I’m sure! Your parents might be able to help pay?” Bruce nommed on the food. He gave a thumbs up.
Danny sighed. “It’s not always an option. Plus, my parents are dead.”
In this universe. His own? Alive and kicking GIW ass.
“Oh, I see-”
“Woah!” Danny blinked, looking down at the baby Wayne the popped up next to his father’s elbow.
“Damian! What’s wrong, kiddo?”
Damian shot his father a flat glare and dragged the laughing billionaire away.
Danny snorted and returned to his tasks. He has to check the speeches and the lighting. Hm… he doesn’t have time to adjust everything how he wants it.
Good thing he knew a guy that could stop time.
“Hey, Clockwork?”
“Father, I understand your inclination towards adopting poor black haired and blue eyed orphans, but I would like to remind you that I have far too many siblings to be adding yet another bumbling buffoon.”
“I was not considering that, Damian.”
Damian let go of his wrist with a grimace. “Denial is not becoming of a Wayne, Father.”
“Yeah, B. I could see you grab the adoption papers from all the way over here.” Tim adjusted his tie. “Anyways, Dick is on his way. He’s running a little late because of some stuff in Blüdhaven.”
“Thank you, Tim.”
“Look at the footage of Wayne manor.” Oracle pulled up the video surveillance scattered through out the manor. Specifically, the ones of the west ballroom. Daniel Fenton stood in his spot, looking down at his clipboard but a second later, he's moved three inches to the left and the decorations had subtly been moved more aesthetic spots. "I think Danny might be a meta. We'll have to look into him."
Batman stood up, allowing the fondness he had for Danny as Bruce Wayne drain away. This is a potential threat, and Batman will treat him like one. (Danny will remember this.)
"Contact Flash. I need him to scan for any temporal disturbance."
"Brucie!" A socialite squealed as she came to bestow hugs upon a long suffering Bruce. "My god, this place is gorgeous! You must give me your planner's number. I could absolutely use some fresh eyes for the Annual Spring Party."
"Awe, Janine! I gotta keep some of the good things to myself!" Bruce whined, inwardly smirking as he saw his kids mock-gagging behind the lady's back. "What if your party's cooler than mine? What should I do then? You're already so gorgeous! Why, is that a Birkin?"
Janine lit up and all but forgot about getting Danny's contact information. Bruce patted his own back for a job well done, even if he had to listen to Janine's itemized list of random luxury goods she had to buy before being offered a bag.
He's a Wayne. The Gotham Hermes wished they could partner with the Waynes. Plus, he's pretty sure he's got at least three of those bags somewhere in the manor to bait out Selina.
Catching Danny sliding in between the servers and going towards the kitchen, Bruce quickly excused himself with a disarming himbo grin.
Time to subtly grill the kid.
"Hey, Timmy?"
"Hello, Dick," Tim smiled elegantly at the couple who's companies he was about to bring six feet underground and excused himself. "What's up?"
"Have you noticed that the ice sculptures haven't melted at all?"
Tim blinked, eyes sliding over to a harried Danny being followed by Bruce on a mission. Oof.
"Freeze?" He asked mildly, face innocent of any nefarious thoughts.
"That's what I'm thinking." Dick smiled sunnily, throwing an arm around Tim's shoulders.
"Heard the guy's living out near Crime Alley. We should get Jay to check it out." Tim pretended to laugh, grinning as his brains made plans for a stakeout.
"Heard, my ass. You totally stalked him, didn't you?"
"Got proof?"
Dick snorted, removing his arm. "Nope. I'll let Jay know. You should probably help Danny out, though, he looks like he's about to lose his temper."
"Bruce is at it again." Tim sighed. "Yeah, okay."
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flamingpudding · 9 months
Substitute City Ghost
Clockwork had a plan. Their young king needed to learn how to take care of people without the kind of hero like fighting he did in Amity Park. There was a lot to learn for the young halfa and his king classes could only cover so much. Thus he had found a plan that would give his king the perfect learning expirence while also helping out his recently new friend. Well not that new since his friend was quite an old ghost of their own. But he had only recently made direct contact with her.
Lady Gotham was an old and powerful ghost. Born from the beliefs of her city and strengthened by the once living and protecting it. But she was stretching herself thin. Managing her city, helping the dead find their way, looking out for the shades, and protecting the weaker entities, was already a lot of responsibilities for a city ghost. But Lady Gotham has added more to her plate, supporting those that protect her city. Mortals that she called her knights. Aiding them by controlling the shadows, guiding those that need help toward them, or the other way around, guiding her knights to those that needed help. She was strong, but even a ghost like her could grow exhausted. His friend needed rest and recharge. Surely Lady Gotham wouldn't say no if he invited her to a vacation to the Realms, and in that same invitation, he would direct his king to his new hands on training.
The bats and birds knew something was different about Gotham lately. It was strange and slightly unsettling. The change felt like it had just happened overnight. They were suspicious, wondering if they were sensing one of their rogues planning something big. Jason and Duke appeared to sense it the most.
At first, it didn't appear to be too big of a problem, but then strange things started to happen. Their rogues started tripping over, seemingly nothing. And if that wasn't enough it appeared like their rogues were a whole lot more inattentive to their surroundings. Now the Bats and birds were good at sneaking, but they had human limits. Yet there were times they snuck up on them like they weren't even seen.
Dick swore that one of the goons had stared at him and didn't see him, even though he had tried to pull the tap their shoulder and greet them before punching them act. The guy had turned around and stared at him before looking around like no one was even there until he punched the guy anyway.
And that wasn't even the weirdest part. Bullets, throwing knives or anything aimed and thrown at them never hit their marks. Not for the lag of them dodging but for the things they were sure they shouldn't have been able to react in time for. Tim espacially had pointed out that a bullet should have hit him once but it never even graced him. Yet when he checked the place after the arrest. There had been a clear bullet hole in the wall where he had been.
They weren't sure if it was a blessing or a curse. They had even tried to get a member of the Justice League Dark to look into it. But strangely enough Constantine had refused to even set foot into Gotham for once, and even insisted that the other do not either.
To say that Batman was not amused would have been a very big understatement. The man was brooding. And of course Dick had to jinx them too. The eldest bat kid had to mention that it at least wasn't getting worse.
And don't you know it. It got worse. Like weirdly alarming strangely worse.
Because, how else would you define it when you're in the middle of a briefing with your patrol partner for the night when suddenly a Lazarus Pit look alike portal opens below your feed swallowed you up and the freaking drops you into the middle of a crime scene or mugging.
It was only thanks to their training that they were able to react quickly enough after a bound of disorientation. But fuck did that gave them all a good damn heart attacks when that happened the first time to Damian of all people.
Something was definitely wrong with their city. Thankfully they had some sort of hint, because the first time the Pit portal happened to Duke, he claimed that he saw a white haired figure right before it had swallowed him hole and spit him out at a bank robbery.
Danny was honestly believing he was doing a good job as substitute city spirit while Lady Gotham was enjoying her vacation. Sure , he still had trouble with some things, but he was sure he was getting the hang of the whole supporting the cities vigilantes gig Lady Gotham had going on. The whole managing the shades and the dead spirits was still up in the air, though. But at least he had figured out a way easier way to guide the vigilantes towards the once that needed help.
Now he just needed to figure out what was wrong with that one guy in the red helmet and he was sure that both Clockwork and Lady Gotham would be proud of him and how he had managed her city during her vacation.
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mysterycitrus · 1 year
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bobinses robinses
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pokeberry5 · 1 year
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inspired by those textposts about dick rocking up to the rest of titans with tim for the first time and kori et al. being like: is that the stalker kid???
warm ups:
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charbon-et-eau · 4 months
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It's tough being both a champion and an easily embarrassed teenager.
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dc-comics-enjoyer · 6 months
More random hcs please, they are amazing
Thank you !! There you go ✨ (here's : part 1)
More random things I like to hc :
- When she's training, Diana listens to binaural beats claiming that it gives her the opportunity to train and meditate simultaneously. "It's an incredible time saving.", she'd say. Bruce would roll his eyes.
- Oliver and Hal would beg Batman to install a confessional in the Watchtower, like in reality shows. Because he obviously refuses, they'd stand in front of any security camera and use them as one, rambling on and on about the other members.
- Dick is a total extrovert. When he has some time to recharge in between day work and night vigilantism, he lets off steam in nightclubs. He took Tim (who-recharges-when-alone™) once : he hated it.
- Most of the time Dinah would show up at meetings with sunglasses to look "mysteriously cool". Actually, she can't sleep at night.
- Booster would definitely refer to himself in the third person.
- Clark being Bruce's personal masseur is one of their rituals. Whenever his super senses notice a specific tenseness in Batman's body, Clark would end up joining him in the batcave and giving him a massage session. Bruce would just accept it without a word (wrote a fic for this one : https://archiveofourown.org/works/56392753).
- When he's not the one leading the meeting, Batman is usually snacking on a bag of nuts.
- Alfred has a workshop in the manor where he makes pottery. He makes bat-shaped objects that everyone in the Batfam loves. He made mugs, plates, jars, etc.
- Booster would use Skeets as a soundboard to accompany his every actions and illustrate his jokes. Shayera lost her temper once and broke Skeets in half. No worries, Victor helped repair him, although it was still a traumatizing experience for Booster.
- Hal has a collection of Top Gun goodies. At some point, Bruce brought him the original G-1 jacket from Tom Cruise for his birthday.
- Batman is absolutely excellent at everything he puts his mind to, except the absolute purge that is the game Sekiro. It started when Tim was raging while playing the game. Bruce passed behind him and let out a fatherly "You should learn how to control your emotions better, Tim.". Cue Tim challenging him to play. Then, there remained Batman cursing at a screen, desperately replaying a boss fight for the nth time.
- Booster and Ted have this promise that if neither one of them gets married at a certain age, they'd marry each other. Although, Ted is still looking for love, Booster is satisfied with the idea he'd end up marrying Ted.
- Oliver's neck is very often covered in hickeys.
- Constantine and Alfred are actually good buddies. They facetime a lot when Alfred is busy in the kitchen and John has some free time. That's how John knows so much about Bruce.
- The batfam plays a game where they make up elaborate life stories for strangers they encounter in public. Using their detective skills, they later discover the real stories and the winner is the one whose made-up backstory comes closest to the truth.
- Sometimes, Victor and Clark play football together. They both loved it in the past and they both lost the opportunity to commit and progress in the field. It's just the two of them, but it still helps heal their inner teen.
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farshootergotme · 11 days
I cannot believe I'm saying this but I just argued with someone who was insisting that Dick is abusive and cruel to his family and friends while excusing Jason's actions as "the pit did it". Please give me sweet/cute moments between Dick and his friends/family, whether that's just him listening (like the time he dropped everything so Tim could vent to him) or helping out etc
You ask and I'll deliver!
Dick, Bruce & Alfred
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Alfred expressing his gratitude to Dick for being there after Bruce died: Batman #689
Dick and Alfred with an arm wrapped around each other: Detective Comics #838
Dick and Alfred grieving Bruce together: Nightwing (1996) #153
Alfred welcomes Dick: Nightwing (1996) #101
Dick tells Alfred he misses him: Missing (1996) #126
Alfred and Dick hugging: Gotham Knights #25
Dick hugs Alfred: Titans Hunt #2
Dick tells Bruce that if he wants him to wear the cowl again, he will: Batman and Robin (2011) #34
Dick helps Bruce save Damian in the simulation: Batman and Robin (2011) #23
Dick saves Bruce and they hug: Robin and Batman #3
Dick hugging Bruce after he and the league are saved: JLA (1997) #75
Dick calls Bruce “dad”: Nightwing (2016) #100
Dick tells Bruce he'd die for him: Robin (1993) #13
Dick asking Bruce if he wants to talk: Year One: Batman/Scarecrow #1
Jason & Dick
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Dick gives Jason his old costume and his phone number in case he needs to talk: Batman #416
Dick catches Jason before he falls off a train: Nightwing (1996) #106
Dick calls Jason “little wing” while they work together: Nightwing (1996) #106
Dick tells Jason about Bruce firing him and apologizes for Bruce about him using Dick to make Jason feel small: Nightwing v4 annual #1
Dick hanging out with Robin!Jason: Nightwing v4 annual #1
Dick tells Jason they're brothers: Nightwing v4 annual #1
Dick tells Jason he's proud he's put the guns away: Nightwing v4 annual #1
Nightwing calls Red Hood “Robin” to calm him down: Nightwing v4 annual #1
Parallel to the past: Nightwing v4 annual #1
Dick promises Jason he'll talk with Bruce so Jason doesn't get in trouble after helping the Teen Titans in a mission: The New Teen Titans v2 #31
Dick offers Jason help: Batman and Robin (2009) #6
Cass & Dick
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Dick offering Cass to talk: Batman: Family v2 #7
Dick and Cass apologize to each other: Batman and the Outsiders v2 #14
Dick and Cass cooking together: Nightwing (2016) #106
Dick and Cass working together to find the truth about Bruce murderer’s allegations: Batman: Bruce Wayne – Fugitive
Dick and Cass race each other: Batman – Legends of the Dark Knight #184
Cass describes in her journal how Dick told her about Cinderella and made her laugh: Batgirl (2000) #58
Dick stops Jason from attacking Cass: Batman & Robin Eternal #3
Tim & Dick
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Blindfolded bonding: Nightwing (1996) #25
Dick hugging Tim and kissing the top of his head: Nightwing (1996) #139
Dick inviting Tim on a mission: Nightwing (1996) #142
Dick makes Tim laugh: Robin (1993) #71
Dick cooking for Tim: Batman #512
Dick complimenting Tim's skills: Robin 80 Years of the Boy Wonder The Deluxe Edition
Dick complimenting Tim's skills 2.0: Nightwing (1996) #6
Tim tells Dick that he will always be there for him: Red Robin (2009) #12
Dick changes his plans to stay and listen to what Tim needs to talk about: Robin (1993) #156
Dick and Tim hanging out: Secret Origins 80 Page Giant
Dick calls Tim his little brother: Secret Origins 80 Page Giant
Damian & Dick
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Dick and Damian hugging when they find out the other is alive: Grayson #12
Dick hugs Damian relieved that he's okay: Nightwing (2016) #20
Dick assures Damian they'll find Bruce: Nightwing (2016) #29
Damian admits to have missed Dick: Nightwing (2016) #20
“We are still the greatest”: Nightwing (2016) #20
Dick comforting Damian as he cries: Batman v3 #33
Damian thanking Dick for being there: Batman v3 #34
Batman!Dick saves Damian's life and praises his work: Batman and Robin (2009) #3
Damian tells Dick he is his favorite partner: Batman Incorporated v2 #8
Dick and Alfred acknowledge Damian's efforts to be better: Batman and Robin (2009) #22
Damian throws up and Batman!Dick comforts him: Batman - Streets of Gotham #7
Dick calls Damian his Robin: Robin (2021) #5
Damian says he doesn't need the Titans because he already has a friend in Gotham (Dick): Teen Titans v3 #92
The (Teen) Titans & Dick
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Wally and Dick hugging: Nightwing 1996 #141
Wally asks Dick for help to find Linda: The Flash v2 #214
Donna and Dick hugging: Titans Secret Files #2
Dick listens to Garth's problems: Titans v2 #15
Dick tells Donna that he's there if there's anything she wants to talk about: The New Teen Titans #14
Dick helps Roy find Lian and bring her home with him: Action Comics #618
Dick kissing Donna’s forehead: The Titans (1999) #28
Titans pillow fight: The New Teen Titans v2 #32
Dick and Gar talk about Vic: The New Teen Titans v2 #48
Steel and Gar talking about Dick: Titans (2016) #27
Nightwing argues with Batman to save Cyborg: JLA/Titans #2
Roy opens up to Dick and Dick tells Roy he'd trust him with his life: Outsiders (2003) #11
“Who wouldn't fall in love with that wouldn't fall in love with that strength and that smile?” – Donna Troy: DC special - The Return of Donna Troy #2
Dick calls the Titans his ‘safety net’: Nightwing Secret Files and Origins
Wally tries to distance himself from his loved ones but goes see Dick when his statue won't stay turned away: The Flash v6 #9
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Dick comforts Jon: Nightwing (2016) #89
Kara thanks Dick for being a friend and brother to her: Justice League of America v2 #60
Superman calls Dick the multiversal constant for being confident, kind and cool in every universe he's been: Nightwing (2016) #9
Friends: Nightwing (2016) #9
Some heroes help Dick move out and Dick thanks them for their assistance: Nightwing #153
Dick Grayson, the most trusted man next to Superman: The Brave and the Bold v3 #15
Dick's neighbors talking about him: Nightwing (1996) #87
Dick gets powers for two hours and spends time with Superman: Nightwing (2016) #104
Jim tells Dick his cops prefer him to Bruce: Batman and Robin (2009) #13
Nightwing leading the Titans: Teen Titans (2003) #23
Dick relates to Conner and tells him he has to start trusting himself as Dick trusts him: Teen Titans (2003) #33
“You know, everyone's right about you. You totally rule.”: Teen Titans (2003) #33
Kyle's first impression of Dick: Green Lantern (1990) #81
Oh man! This is awful! How can Dick be this abusive? Oh, wait! he isn't.
Well, sorry it took me a bit, but I hope this helps!
There's more characters' moments I wanted to add but it was taking me too long so I decided to leave it as it is.
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horsegirlmetaverse · 5 months
The Kidz Bop covers of this Kendrick & Drake beef are gonna be UNREAL
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wormycomic · 6 months
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dailydccomics · 3 months
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welcome to Titans summer camp Green Arrow vol 3 #46
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notyournightsky · 11 months
Tim: so yeah, I’m bi
Dick: thank you for telling me, Timmy
Dick: who else knows?
Tim: that’s actually something I wanted to ask you about
Tim: how did you come out as bi to Bruce?
Dick: …what
Tim: I want to come out to Bruce next and I was just wondering how you told him
Dick: Tim, I’m not bi
Tim: …what?! Then how do you explain your feelings for Roy, Joey, Wally, and Vic?
Dick: they’re my friends. My feelings towards them are ones of friendship
Tim: you’ve told Vic multiple times that you could kiss him
Dick: yeah, like how friends do
Tim: …
Tim: what about-
Dick: every interaction can be explained with friendship
Tim: …
Tim: I don’t think you know how feelings of friendship work, Dick
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sea-talk · 1 year
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photographed by Terry Richardson for Rolling Stone 2013
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