#young harper
x3no9 · 10 months
Animated GIF (sketches) for my latest Harper x Hackett fic. I am really enjoying this fic, so fun to write.
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I know it's fluffy.
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arttuff · 2 months
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young justice vs the titans is a very "bullying your younger siblings" vibe
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eternalmoonlight19 · 9 months
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All of Dc comics is actually a sitcom.
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incorrectbatfam · 1 month
The Wayne Olympics. But instead of an Olympics style event, it’s the Wayne kids plus their friends partaking in one unhinged event after another.
Barbara puts together the opening ceremony with Cass as the Assassin's Creed torchbearer someone please draw this
Damian and Jon are the judges, rating them on Fabulousness, Memeability, and How Many Heart Attacks Will Bruce Have
Bruce is in the audience will 15 cups of coffee because no way he's falling asleep now (the Justice League is mildly concerned)
Kate and Selina team up against Harley and Ivy in the Queer Women's Volleyball Escape Room
Dick and Wally win the Synchronized Time Travel Gymnastics medal by performing their routine with dinosaurs
Luke easily wins in Chess Boxing even though he overslept and showed up late
Harper scales the Wayne Enterprises tower instead of rock climbing and Cullen is her cheerleader
Tim, Kon, Bart, and Cassie win the Intercontinental Quadathalon, starting from Argentina and ending in South Africa (the four events are running, swimming, biking, and skateboarding)
Bette enters the Laser Rollerblading Table Tennis event using batarangs instead of paddles
Duke and his friends get the gold in Arctic Tandem Mountain Biking
Steph and Lois go head-to-head in the Taekwondo Cooking competition and both get silver to Alfred
Helena finishes first in Underwater Soccer and when Italy asks if they can have the medal she refuses
Jason and Roy enter the shooting contest. Somehow that Turkish guy shows up and beats them both
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montic0 · 5 months
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The regulars at the explosives store
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batfamgalore · 1 year
Oliver: I knew you two couldn’t stay mad at each other.
Dick: Oh yeah. We’re closer than ever.
*Dick and Roy hold up their hands and they are both handcuffed together*
Bruce: You wanna tell me how this happened?
Roy: Well, Wally thought-
Bruce: Oh man, I wish that boy would stop doing that.
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sreppub · 6 months
yj dick, on my mind again (what’s new)
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this started out serious and then the rest happened
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feelingtheaster99 · 4 months
I’m rewatching Young Justice again and in “Independence Day” I am just STRUCK by how well they introduce all four of the “sidekicks” and their respective mentors.
Like Robin is so at home fighting against villains. He cackles and he almost seems bored because he’s rather dismissive of Mr. Freeze and of the fight. He’s also fairly at ease with Batman, because I imagine not many other people, can tell Batman, “yeah, yeah” in that tone.
Speedy, on the other hand, is very serious. He’s the only one of the four who questions the villains’ motives and he is the one getting annoyed with Green Arrow for joking around.
Aqualad is also serious but in a much calm and less aggressive way. He absolutely oozes respect for Aquaman, even when his mentor teases him about being excited for the day ahead.
And Kid Flash? He’s going full-on impatient, excited puppy mode. He’s so impatient to get there that he allows himself to get slightly frozen in order to stop the fight as soon as possible. And his wide, excited grin is so telling of his generally positive personality
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wondersinwaynemanor · 6 months
some Wayne gala shenanigans
Damian: Some people have no shame.
Jon, a plate of brûlée on his hand: What do you mean?
Damian: Tt. Those so called classy, but actually pretentious women are embarrassing themselves for not understanding the memo.
Jon: What memo?
Damian turns his eyes away from the sight of some women, trying their best to get his brothers' attention and to the said memo.
As said memo are two redheads, and a half kryptonian and half human eating by the food area.
more women approach his brothers.
Damian, frowns: We need to save Richard, Todd and Drake.
Jon: They do look uncomfortable.
Damian, sighs: I have to enter the battlefield.
Jon, pats Damian's shoulder: You will be remembered by your bravery, Dames.
Damian breathes and walks towards the inner circle.
before Damian can even say anything else, the women have started cooing at him.
Damian internally cringes and he hopes this would be worth it.
thankfully, Damian don't have to suffer long as Wally, Roy and Conner join the commotion.
Roy: Sorry, Jaybaby. *he has that crooked smile, that Jason personally adores, as he wraps an arm around his waist* I was caught up at the food buffet. Want something to eat?
Jason, internally thanks the heavens for Roy and leans close to him: Starved. Excuses, everyone.
Todd is saved. Check.
Wally: Come on, honey. *holds Dick's hand and leads him away* I deserve a dance.
Dick, smiles like an idiot and holds Wally's hand: I better go, ladies. He gets a temper. Have a good night.
Richard is saved. Check.
Conner, touches Tim's shoulder then his cheek: Want something to drink? You seem tired, babe.
Tim, finally feeling awake for the first time since this happened and touches Conner's hand that's on his face: Yes, please, babe. Ladies, will you excuse me?
Drake is saved. Check.
the ladies are left speechless. some are jealous. some are frustrated they can't get the Wayne fortune. but, some are in awe.
Damian, lightly smirks: It's never gonna happen, ladies. Now, enjoy your night. Excuse me.
he finds Jon by the sweets section.
Damian, nudges Jon's arm: Thank you for that, Jon.
Jon, smiles: It's nothing. I needed to save you too.
they give each other a high five then proceed to challenge the other on who can eat the most chocolate covered strawberries.
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graytodd · 19 days
DickJay comics: the one with the Titans' night out (𝓶)
Jaybin wants to hang out with big brother and friends (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
(an updated version of a previous art that was supposed to be a single panel but turned out as three comic pages...)
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terrywho-cartoons · 2 years
Dick was a normal name in the 1950’s, but it’s 2022 now, so here’s how I immagine all of the batkids (+ some extras) reacting to Dick introducing himself.
BABS (10 years old)
Dick: My name’s dick
Babs: That’s a bad word.
Dick: No? It’s my name?
Babs: Daddy says it’s naughty to say bad words.
Dick: But it’s my name?
Babs: I’m gonna go ask daddy *runs up to commissioner Gordon* daddy, that kid says his name is Dick, can I say it when I’m talking about him?
Dick: *the son of immigrant parents, grown up speaking an amalgamation of Easter European dialects and was names after Dick Tracy still confused as to why his name is a bad word*
Dick: Hey buddy, I know this is all very new but my name is Dick and I—
Jason: hold up, hold up. Dick?
Dick: yeah, I know, I know but —
Jason: Damn and I thought my parents were assholes.
This little stalker already knew Dick’s entire biography, so there wasn’t a reaction, bless him.
He was brought up by assassins, also no particular reaction.
Dick: nice to meet you Stephanie, my name’s Dick.
Steph: you said Dick?
Dick: short for Richard, yes.
Steph: Nice. *nods*
Cass (Cass uses sign language because I said so)
Dick: *finger spells D I C K*
Cass: *there’s a sign for that*
Dick: yeah but we ain’t gonna use it, kiddo.
Wally (13 years old)
Dick: it’s so cool to meet other sidekicks! I’m Dick.
Wally: as in your name is Dick?
Dick: Yes *blushing because now he knows why everyone is reacting like it’s strange*
Wally: Ok from now on I’m gonna be the one to introduce you to anyone we meet, deal? Oh you’ll see man it’ll be so much fun *proceeds to list out all of the ways they could sneak dick jokes into conversations*
Wally: Roy, I have the pressure to introduce you to my Dick.
Roy: what the fuck do you mean now!?
Dick: *quadruple flips over Wally and lands in between them* ta-da!!!
Roy: who’s the kid?
Wally *placing an hand on Dick’s shoulder*: this, is my Dick
Roy: that’s your actual name?
Dick: it is.
Roy *looking between the other two*: ok I want in on your plans to introduce him to the others
This is all I could come up with but feel free to add more!!
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If there's a problem with shapeshifters, brainwashing, copycats, or whatever. I like to think the batfam would say the most embarrassing things to others to prove they were the real one
Dick: tell something we only know
Jason: You hid the Batmobile from B because we accidentally used it to go to your school farewell party and ended up crashing into a lamp post because you were so drunk
Bruce: dick you what
Dick: I can explain
Jason: And you accidentally broke Alfred's favorite pan and then tried to replace it
Bruce: you know I change my mind, you alone in this son
Dick: wait, no don't left me
Tim: prove you real
Steph: You accidentally spilled an energy drink in agent A soup a few days ago, and begged me not to tell anyone
Tim: okay you real, And our agreement is still valid ok
Yj: you what tim
Jason: say something that can prove you not Copycat
Damian: The big wound on your chest was the result of you running and falling down the stairs in the league, not because you died
Dick: Jay why you lie to me
Steph: really I initially believed it was because Joker killed him
Tim: How could you fall down the stairs and get that big of an injury
Damian: It was a league ladder on a mountain, he didn't see the road at night because he was tired and slipped
Duke: Now I know I'm not the only one who gets injured because of silly things
Jason: *dies again
Harper: say it Copycat
Cullen: Before I become more suspicious, I want to say that Harper once peed her pants while riding a roller coaster
Harper: You bitch
Duke: Really I thought you were the I'm-not-afraid-of-anything-girl
Cullen: she just joking
Damian: Just admit you're a shapeshifter
Tim: No. And I have to remind you that you were the one who put those rat into the manor because you thought they were cute
Jon: what, is that true dami
Damian: No but ironically he is real
Bruce: you should
Dick: B Do I really have to tell you about the time you wanted to ask Talia out on a date but instead gave the wrong location,Or when you were scolded by Alfred for setting fire to the kitchen, or when you admitted that you were-
Bruce: enough you're my son
Jl: what
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jinxs-gf · 1 month
snack thief
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the team x spider!reader
summary: someone is stealing your snacks and you’re going to figure out who.
content, warnings: kind of a crack fic, spider cusses a lot? not proofread
word count: 1.8k
a.n. Aunt May mentioned! who cheered?
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It was peaceful in the confines of Mount Justice. So peaceful it was almost suspicious to the team. They barely get downtime nowadays, something they used to practically beg for. Now all they want is a break.
It's perfect and quiet and peaceful.
Until they hear their friend scream bloody murder.
Everyone jumps up, alarmed and ready to fight.
You're in the kitchen holding an empty container, the refrigerator wide open, and looking more stressed out than they've ever seen you. But there was no threat?
The team is still worried but confused. There was no one else in the kitchen with you so...? Why were you screaming? And there was seemingly no spider on the container you were holding, the only creature that could scare you bad enough for you to freak out like this. (You denied this claim again and again, unfortunately they didn't believe you. How embarrassing was that? Spider had arachnophobia? How damaging to your reputation.)
You continue to stare at the container, and your friends have concluded their near heart attack at your cry for help was all for not.
Their shoulders all sag simultaneously, breaths of relief leaving their mouths.
Kaldur is the first to speak, "What has gotten into you, Spider? You scared us all." He does not sound happy.
And if you took the time to look at the rest of your teammates, the annoyance would be evident.
But no. You continued to stare at your stupid container.
"Hello!" - Artemis
"Earth to Spider!" - Robin
"We're not getting any younger over here." - Wally
Roy only sighs, shaking his head, Conner raising a brow beside him, amused for the most part.
M'gann just stands quietly, wondering if she should read your mind without your permission to figure out the problem or not.
"Which one of your imbeciles did this?" Your voice was eerily calm...it was disturbing.
They all shared the same sentiment. What?
You glare in their direction, eyeing each one of your supposed friends carefully.
"One of you is the cause of this," you hold up your empty container. "Someone ate my cookies. I've had the worst day of my life and the only thing that could help was having my precious cookies. Only I get here and they're gone!" Ah. They get it now.
"I'm going to find out which one of you is responsible. And it won't be pretty."
"Uhh why was it in the fridge anyways?"
"Shut it Robin. They’re leftovers. And you’re at the top of my suspect list. You and your little buddy there," you eye Wally.
He squirms in his spot.
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You were grocery shopping for your aunt when you spotted them.
Spider-Person gummies.
You wince, the name Spider-Person did not roll off the tongue correctly. You prefer Spider like the team calls you. Or maybe Arachnid would be cool? Oh well, it's too late now. The name Spider-Person was plastered onto kid's snacks for Pete's sake! There was no coming back from that.
Whatever. You threw it in your basket and immediately opened the box when you got home. Showing off to Aunt May, she was very proud, just like you thought she’d be. Except for when—
"I always thought you'd be known for curing diseases or something, but children’s snacks? This'll do!"
"Hey!" She was joking of course (right?).
And later that day you brought it to the team's kitchen, wanting to show off to them. You didn't want them to eat it of course, it was going to be your post-mission snack. A little pick-me-up.
No one but Red Tornado was there, which was a little weird but it was a rare day off. You'll just come back when everyone is here.
You made sure to stick a post-it on the box of gummies, effectively claiming them yours that shall not be touched.
You hadn't left your snacks alone in the kitchen of Mount Justice since your cookies disappeared a mere week ago.
You still hadn't figured out who the culprit was.
You will. One of these days.
You leave and don't come back until the next day, everyone is there.
"Oh goodie! I have something to show you guys!"
Only you get to the kitchen cabinet, open the box, and...no.
The box of "Spider-Person Gummies" was completely empty.
The box that clearly had your name written with the words "DO NOT EAT!" on the post-it!
You scream like the first time.
"Who did it?!"
The team is a little slower this time around, not trusting your panicked screams after the first incident.
Robin face palms, "Come on spider, it's not that serious."
You gape at him, "Not that serious?! Are you crazy?!" You eye him suspiciously, "it was you, wasn't it?"
"What?! No! I'm just being reasonable here. You can always buy more,” he shrugs, clearly not seeing the bigger picture. Someone is eating your snacks without permission. Deliberately ignoring your name that was written in bold on the post-it stuck to the front. You try a different approach though.
"First of all, I don't exactly come from a background of money. I can't just waste valuable green for some fruit snacks! And second, it was the last box in that section. How do I know they'll be restocked by the time I get back? What if they were there for limited time?!" The thought terrifies you, "oh no."
The team watches you nearly have a breakdown over your gummies "...those snacks are usually less that 10 dollars, Spider."
"And that's too much!"
"You can't be that poor."
"Eh, you'd be surprised."
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It’s a full two weeks of the snack thief’s attacks.
Your spidey senses go off at the two week mark and they lead you to the kitchen.
You gasp.
Wally is caught mid slice into the chocolate cake you made for the team, he looks petrified at being caught.
His voice cracks, "what?"
"It's been you! I knew it was you!"
"What! No! You made this for the team, right? That's not fair to pin the blame on me when I have permission to eat this!"
Okay, he's got a point.
"Whatever. You're still at the top of my list."
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You’re in stealth mode with the rest of the team, waiting for your cue to attack.
You communicate through the mind link to keep yourself from boredom, this is gonna take a while.
You decide to bring up the most recent snack attack.
‘I still need to figure out who this snack thief is. They took my leftover brownies this time! The ones May made for me. Do you know how upsetting it was to see the brownies made by my very precious, hardworking Aunt all gone?’
You hoped to weed the rat out through sympathy.
‘Oh...that was yours?’
‘I'm sorry! I didn't know!’
Just then, Kaldur makes your cue to attack. And before you know it, you’re in battle. However, your mind is elsewhere.
The distraction earns you a kick to the face, your spidey senses were screaming but you couldn't be bothered to really care at the moment, too focused on the fact that M'gann admitted to eating your brownies.
She's the snack thief?! But she was at the bottom of your list...
You regret ignoring your senses immediately, that kick was more powerful that you thought it’d be. Definitely going to bruise later.
‘I'm not the snack thief! I just thought Red Tornado left them! Remember? He said he wanted to be more involved with us outside of missions? I swear I know better! You forgot a post-it with your name this time. I'm really sorry, I should've known.’
You sigh, she sounds too sincere for it to truly be her.
‘It's alright, I forgive you. This time. It was my bad anyways.’
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There’s many instances of coincidences as your friends would call it.
Robin caught digging into your chips;
“But you said I could have some!”
“No not those ones! My other chips!”
“Wow, thanks for specifying that.”
Conner caught…eating your candy?!
Conner doesn’t even eat sweets like that, so what changed? Or was that all a ploy? Pretending to not be fond of sweets only to eat yours behind your back…
But his eyes pleaded forgiveness, truth. Damn him.
Roy, Kaldur, and Artemis also had their moments of suspicion.
So who was it?
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You only had one more course of action. You beg May to let her borrow your phone.
“It’s an emergency!”
“An emergency that could last all day? Or more?” She lifts a brow, don’t let her intimidate you, Spider.
“Pleeeaaaase,” you bat your lashes at her.
She can’t resist you. The child she’s come to see as her own. You are hers, no one could tell her otherwise. She sighs, “Don’t know why I even try with you.”
“Thanks May!” You plant a kiss on her cheek, “love you!”
“Whatever kid,” trying not to show disappointment in herself for allowing you to get to her.
Set your phone up in the kitchen cabinet of Mount Justice with your snack. Hit FaceTime with Aunt May’s phone and accept on yours.
There’s no way you don’t catch your thief now.
You wait a good 20 minutes before you’re already tired of your plan.
You groan in annoyance, can they hurry up and attempt to take your snack already?!
It takes another three hours before something happens.
Your spidey senses blare, making you jump from your place on the couch with Artemis and Roy. They look at you like you���re crazy, yeah you were getting used to that.
There’s shuffling on the other end of the call.
Whoever is in the kitchen is toast. You look down at May’s phone.
“Uh oh.”
“I knew it! I knew it I knew it I knew it! From the beginning! How could I be so stupid and not listen to my gut?!”
Wally states back at you through the phone screen, eyes wide.
“You lying son of a-”
“Listen, we can talk this out-”
“Put my cookies down! You know damn well my name is written on the box!”
He surrenders, placing the cookies back in its place.
The rest of your team came out to witness this very amusing and long awaited moment.
It was funny, the living room you were in was right next to the kitchen, meaning speaking through the phones was pretty useless. They won’t say anything, lest they catch your attention and get yelled at.
“I’m going to ruin you for what you did, Speedy Bitch.”
Roy hears his code name and it’s enough for him to scare. He holds his hands up, “whoa! What did I do?”
“Not you! Obviously not you!”
You get up from the couch, bolting to your “friend.”
Wally panics, “Someone call Superman! Spider’s gone crazy!” And he books it.
It’s okay. He may be the fastest man alive, but no one messes with a Spider’s food.
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so who’s attending Wally’s funeral? definitely not spider.
this is based off a video I saw, someone’s sibling was on FaceTime w a phone in the cabinet to catch who was eating their snacks 💀 I just HAD to use it
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yourlocal-edgelord · 5 months
We have the justice league playing fuck marry kill without knowing batmans bruce
what about their children
all the teens and young adults in one room drinking and playing F.M.K as a party game
Beast boy: Lets play fuck marry kill
A bunch of drunk kids agreeing
Wally: Lets go famous, i say we start with Tim drake, Jason todd and Dick grayson
Sounds of three people choking on their drinks (we all know who it is)
Roy: The wayne kids?
Once more mutual agreement to play these three
Then each time a kid lists which brother they would fuck or marry that brother grows an alarming shade of red, everyone assumes its the alcohol.
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incorrectbatfam · 10 months
Something happens and now the batkids'partner needs to babysit Damian Wayne - idk maybe Ras is in town, or the babybat is injured, whatever the motive - how Wally, Roy and Kon/Bernard take care of the situation? (This can be made separately or all of them together, this will be your choice)
(I said Kon or Bernard because this can be your choice too, but also both if you want, Tim Drake has two hands anyway)
Also I love your blog 💖💖💖💖💖
Roy: Soup's up! Where's Damian?
Wally: Um... about that.
Roy: What's it this time, assassins?
Wally: Not exactly. Long story short, he wanted to see dinosaurs so I took him to the Jurassic period but I sorta dropped him on our way back.
Roy: You WHAT?!?
Kon: Hey guys, what's going on?
Roy: Wally lost Damian in the timestream.
Bernard: That's a new one.
Kon: Do you remember where you dropped him?
Wally: Somewhere between the Cretaceous Period and Mesopotamia.
Izzy: You do realize that's a long time, right?
Roy: Who are you and when did you get here?
Izzy: Isabela Ortiz. I've been here the past ten minutes.
Everyone: ...
Izzy: I'm Duke's girlfriend, and unlike most of you I'm canon.
Roy: Whatever, can you help us?
Izzy: Nope, I just left my charger. See ya!
Kon: We're dead.
Bernard, sighing: I'll get the kiddie pool and Lazarus hose.
Damian, petting a wooly mammoth: I shall name you Father for your size. Except you're not as hairy.
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fairygothmotherisgay · 6 months
DC Social Media AU Part 8
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