#the missing party member being ace
oathofoaksart · 6 months
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didn’t think i’d see the day a gacha game would sweep me away but here we are…with a god damned oc and a ship with...anime boy flotsam— why are we here— actually no i dont gotta explain nothin’ to you—
like my art? consider commissioning me!
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sosa2imagines · 2 months
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Warnings- None, mention of scar, angst, Steve being angry. -----------------------------------------------------
Your last mission took a toll on you. Getting stabbed nastily just below your tummy. Leading you to an urgent surgery and blood transfusion, cause of sever blood loss. Leaving you in the hospital for one month ten days.
Guess being a highly trained assassin, with good fighting skills does not guarantee 100% safe results. Only Tony, Nat and Bruce knew about your whereabouts. As for the rest? They just knew you had been seriously injured. Steve wanted to know about your whereabouts but for his own safety, no one told him anything, driving him crazy.
“So, all set to finally leave this place?” Rose one of the sweet nurse asks, her sweet nature made you, be friends with her. “Yes, finally out of your hair.” you chuckle. “I'll miss you Y/n” she hugs getting emotional and you hug her back with a smile. “I'll miss you too, now remember I'm just a phone call away.”
“I know!” she rolls her eyes playfully “So who's gonna pick you up?” “Hopefully Nat” as soon as those words left your mouth, AC/DC Highway to hell ringtone was blasting in the hallways. “On a second thought” “Tony” Rose answered and you gave her an apologetic smile.
“I heard my name” Tony's sarcastic voice roars in the room. “Tony you should keep your phone on silence” you explain to him. “Now when have I ever listened to anyone?” he smirks. “Umm Caps?” “Of course! you will take his name ‘boyfriend ass kisser’” “As if you won't ‘Pepper's loyal child’”
This is what you miss the most. Calling each other, with weird made up names. Tony smirks, hugging you in a tight brotherly embrace.
“I missed you kid, don't you dare do that again” “I missed you too Tons”.
Tony and you became best friends instantly, shortly after you both were introduced by Fury, after the battle of New York. You both have same kind of sense of humor, your being a bit sophisticated. You are one of the few females, Pepper trusts Tony with. And it was Tony, who made you join the Avengers.
As you both said bye to Rose and rest of the staff members, you were now on your way to Stark Towers in Tony's high-tech SUV.
“So, how's everyone?” “You mean all or Steve specifically?”
Hearing his name, a smile forms on your face. Steve Rogers aka Captain America your co-worker, best friend, lover, boyfriend. Unlike Tony and rest of the gang, Steve was professional in the very beginning, calling you mam.
It took you months for him to call you with your first name. Soon you became friends, bonding over music and art. Slowly Steve started to like you more than a friend, but at that time you were in a relationship with someone else.
But after the nasty breakup, Steve took proper care of you and you began to fall for him. It was only a matter of time; you both shared your feelings for each other. Making you both the prettiest couple.
“Umm all of them and yes Steve specifically...” “All are good and excited for you. Nat and Wanda have gone crazy, Steve and Metal man are out on a mission with our mutant friends, they'll be back later today.”
“You are the one in an Iron suit, yet still you call Bucky metal man?” “I can call him many names” Tony smirks. "Tony” you warn him. “Yeah yeah alright” he sighed.
“Wait you said Nat and Wanda have gone crazy?” “Yeah about that” “What did you do Tony?” “Why do you think I did something?” 
You just give him a death glare, he looks outside the window before finally caving in.
“Alright stop glaring it's scary, don't freak out I have planned a small party for you.” Tony is now smiling being hopeful, giving you the best puppy dog face. “Thank god you are cute Tons”  Tony acts shocked putting a hand on his heart “I'm hot, but I'll take cute” he winks at you, making you laugh.
As soon as you both enter the tower, inside the lounge everyone jumps to scream surprise. Hugging you gently, being extra cautious of your injury.
“Guys I missed you all too, but I'm not fragile, I can still kick asses. Nat you know me” “Guys she's right, come here sexy” Nat engulfs you in a big tight hug. It is special, you both are like sisters inseparable.
“Nat I missed you so much!!!” “How’s the wound?” “All healed left with a scar, just like you bye bye bikinis” “Oh to hell with them we'll own the bikini look with our scars”
You both laughed as Wanda, squeezed between you two, making it a cute group hug between the three.
“Y/N” Thor calls you loudly, pulling you away from everyone, hugging you in a bone breaking hold. “I love you too Thor!!” your voice was muffled being buried in his hold. As he lets go, your eyes begin to search for Steve. 
“Looking for someone?” Nat asks “I know whom she is looking for” Clint smiles. “Sir Captain Rogers and Barnes have arrived” FRIDAY'S voice was like a music to your ears. Everyone gather in front of you, to hide you from Steve. Thor was holding your hand to keep you steady. You just wanted to break loose and run into Steve's arms.
“Guys I want to see him”, “NO” all said in unison. “But why?” “Surprise” Nat said.
When Bucky and Steve entered the lounge, everyone shouted together “SURPRISE”. Steve and Bucky gave each other confuse look.
Everyone parted ways and Thor let’s goes of your hand. Steve was shocked to see you. He removed his mask still not able to believe, that you are standing in front of him. Bucky quickly hugs you, asking about your health “I'm fine Buck, we can spar together soon...”
Even though you were answering Bucky, you kept looking at Steve. Something felt odd. As you finally went to hug Steve, something felt off. Steve did hug you back, but didn't say anything. He just looked at you, touching your cheek, before leaving for your shared bedroom. Everyone tried to call him back, but you knew he won't listen to anyone.
“What's wrong with him?” Tony asked, “I'll go see him, he must be tired.” you replied.
On your way to your shared bedroom, Bucky pulled you in the corner. “Y/n, doll he’s been going crazy. No one told him about your whereabouts and he was scared about losing you...” You know Steve was scared, not knowing about you and hearing about it from Bucky pained your heart even more. You wanted to run to Steve and shower all the love you have for him. 
“I know Buck, I hate not telling him. But it was for his own safety!” “His safety?” “Yes, the hydra agents wanted to kidnap him. We got a lead, that they wanted to take him away from us and I could not risk that. We didn't know if someone was watching us.” “God he's an idiot, go get that punk and if he acts stubborn let me know I'll kick his ass” “Language!” you both laughed.
As you enter the room, you saw Steve had taken a quick shower and was shirtless just in his sweats lying on the bed.
“Steve?” “Umm” “Please talk to me” “How are you?” “I'm good...I'm...” “Ok” He cut's you mid-sentence. “Steve I know you are angry, but please let’s talk...let me...” “Talk? About what? The fact I have been kept in the dark about my girlfriend's location? Steve yells, making you flinch slightly.
 “Steve please let me explain it was for your own safety. We got...” “My safety?” He shouts, not letting you finish what you want to say.
Steve grabs your shoulders and yells, “I can take care of myself Y/n. I'm fucking Captain America! God dammit do you have any idea what I have been through?” 
Your eyes well up, as you try your best not to cry but his hold was tight. Even though you could see his pain, his anger was hurting you.
“Steve please...let me explain” “Y/n I'm tired, we'll talk later, you need to rest too!”
You just nod, not able to form any words. You decided to shower first, as you took your top off, Steve saw your scar, he kept looking at it. In his mind, he was screaming at himself for shouting at you, but little did you know that. Instead you thought he is disgusted by it. You took fresh clothes and ran inside the bathroom, turning on the hot water, crying your heart out with silent sobs.
Steve could hear you crying, because of his enhanced hearing. But his stupid anger was coming between the both of you. After an hour you came out. Steve saw you, even though he wanted to apologize, his anger made him say something else.
“I'm heading down for a bit” “Where...are you going?” “Just heading out, unlike you, I won't go anywhere without telling you!”
That jab, was like a knife going deep in your heart. You choked your tears...trying your best not to cry. Somewhere you felt you deserved that. You just nod, not looking at him.
“Ok, don't be late for the party...” “Party?” “Yes Tony…he umm has thrown a party for my return…” You didn’t look at him, eyes fixed on the floor. You knew, if you look at him, you won’t be able to control your emotions.
“Okay I'll be back soon; you should rest in the meantime.”
Steve didn’t even looked at you, leaving you alone with dreadful thoughts, as he went out to cool down his own anger.
Part 2
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(I wrote this, because I was bored and this was stuck in my head. Comments and feedbacks are appreciated.)
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It's pride month so.... have my gay Bad Batch thoughts I suppose (based on vibes and vibes alone.)
Popular opinion that I agree with? Dude is FTM trans, and has the worst time with it bcus all his T-Shots were externally bought so the Empire cut his ass OFF. also. hes a little gay. A mini bisexual, if you would. prefers women by a long shot. (He/him all the way- he wont correct, but Wrecker will.)
gay. gay. dude is a MAN kisser. hes scared of women. never seen a boob in his life and he intends to stay that way. he's The Homo of the group. yes, they do make fun of him for being a boy kisser. yes, they also make fun of him for pulling NO BITCHES EVER. (He/him too and he CARES. he will correct you meanly.)
pansexual icon who will love anyone. He's also pulled more than Hunter, so, take THAT. He's a hopeless romantic who falls in love with at least ONE natborn per mission. He confesses this each and every time and has maybe kissed two people. He's always encouraged. (He/him mostly but he won't mind he/they, he'll just gently correct sometimes)
oh. He's a true bisexual. A real man and woman kisser. Perchance at once if he's drunk enough. Phee and him look at hot people and go "Oh, wow, woa". He's the bi-wife. However, his acknowledgement of attraction only works for him. He'll acknowledge you're attractive, but good look with convincing him YOU find him attractive. As far as he knows, no one looks twice at him. (Also, his gender isn't real. Sometimes he's a man, sometimes she's a woman. Sometimes they're neither. It's easier to just say that Tech is Tech. Because how come Tech gets boobs AND a dick? Unfair. They/he/her)
originally it was assumed that he was the token straight. Until they discovered actually there's no romantic attraction there at all so, Echo's our resident aro. He's dabbled in 18+ acts of course, but the attraction never went beyond that, so he vibes. He's down for platonic and brotherly affections, but don't you dare make a romantic gesture, gross. (He/him but... he did enjoy when people thought he a she when he was undercover once, so she?)
We found our token straight, lads. He's never seen a boob either, though. He'll get there, eventually. Very dense, very silly. He's too tired and busy for such things. (He/him only because he doesn't know of any other option)
Now. I know what you're gonna think. Gay. But might I throw out a suggestion? Dude is just a mean bisexual. Heavy preference for men, but he CAN pick up a woman or two. (He/him, regs are borning/j)
This guy. This guy gets uncomfortable when anyone who isn't his brothers holds his hand. THIS MAN is the true aroace of the GAR. he watches his brothers and he shudders. (though he Wonders. sometimes) he'll huff and puff his way through a romcom for the Wolfpack on movie night, I guess. (He/they only because he likes being an extension of the Wolfpack)
Pan-romantic asexual. Dude is down to date anyone, but the armour Stays On. He finds himself much more fulfilled with simple park dates and cooking at 2am, you know?? (ALSO they/he as per his identity crisis. He's a CLONE??? HUH???? wild)
Another "token straight" but he'll never escape the bisexual allegations 😔 (because its true and him and his wife have so had a third party member before) but he's also rather curious. So. Bi-curious. (He/him)
Oh lord. This man. Gay. He's gay but no one knows because he passes well. Also, ace. He's done his fair share of people, he doesn't understand the appeal. Down to make out messy in a closet though, he understands THAT. but nothing more. (He/him called "it" by the Senate and he doesn't care. But his brothers do.)
That's all you get. Happy gay month. If I missed someone you can ask and I'll give you their Vibes. ✨️
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dailydemonspotlight · 2 months
Day 15
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Race: Oh god
Alignment: Oh fuck
April 9th, 2024
After a few hours of rigorous training, I think I’m ready. Day 15 is a special day, after all. Welcome to the all-for-one Jack Frost special! 
1. Lucifrost 
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Race: Herald
Alignment: Light-Law 
Lucifrost is a very strange Frost with a surprisingly intricate design, a demon that only appears in the Demikids and Devil Survivor games, typically as a mid-late game boss. Unlike what one might expect, he isn’t a frostified version of Lucifer- no, his backstory is far more fun. 
Lucifrost once was a Jack Frost, but he was exiled from the Frost family due to betraying them, much like Lucifer did to the Angels. Jealous, he wandered down to hell, eventually finding himself in the final layer, wherein he saw the frozen Lucifer in a lake of tears. Rather than feel pity, though, Lucifrost saw an opportunity… for profit. Frozen Lucifer was a perfect idol for the ice-obsessed fiend, who began to try and impersonate the fallen angel, eventually returning to hell after achieving a perfectly angelic form… only to see that Lucifer had long since departed. Likely despondent, he wandered aimlessly to find the king of demons for all of eternity, ending up crossing paths with the DemiKids and Devil Survivors protagonists along the way. 
While his backstory is silly, his design is fantastic, an interpretation of an angelic Jack Frost that makes him far more adorable than the Morning Star could ever be.
2. Frost Ace
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Race: Genma
Alignment: Light-Neutral
The legendary hero of the Frost Lineage, Frost Ace makes himself known as a mid-game demon who exists as a parody of superhero media and, more specifically, tokusatsu sentai shows like Super Sentai.
Frost Ace mostly works as a 'good side' equivalent to Black Frost, being a heroic transformation that any Jack Frost is implied to be able to take to grow in power. I personally like to see Frost Ace, on top of that, also serving as a general in King Frost's army, as it adds on a bit to the whole 'Frost Kingdom' theme.
You getting tired yet? I'm nowhere near done!
3. The Frost Five!
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Race: Frost
Alignment: Five
These bozos are each based on separate frozen deserts, save one, which is a cocktail. In order, Blue Hawaii Frost is based on the Blue Hawaii cocktail, Lemon Frost is based on lemon-flavored shaved ice, Melon Frost is based on melon-flavored shaved ice, Strawberry Frost is based on strawberry-flavored shaved ice, and lastly, Milky Frost is just ice cream.
4. Hee-ho-Kun
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Race: Student
Alignment: Broke due to Student Loans
Less of a specific demon and more of a recurring character, Hee-ho-Kun is a demon who originates from SMT if... serving a minor role as a friendly Jack Frost who can become an optional party member, apparently enjoying going to school.
Unfortunately, in order to pay his college bills, he had to open a shop! In SMT 3: Nocturne, Hee-ho-Kun makes his grand return as a shop owner in Shibuya, though later finds his calling as a Black Frost, becoming an optional boss of the Kabukicho Prison area after being cleared, then becoming a recruitable party member once defeated, appearing in the Labyrinth of Amala.
Lastly, Hee-ho-Kun manages to get a girlfriend! In Megami Ibunroku: Persona, aka Revelations Persona, he appears at St. Hermelin HS as a student after it is frozen over as a result of the Snow Queen quest. Let's hope he got the education he hoped for, especially given his acquisition of a girlfriend!
Finally. The Jack Protags.
Ah, they truly are great. Let us bask in their brilliance lest we forget the greatest frosts of them all. Raiho is a personal favorite of mine.
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Also, Jack Frost somehow got a Demonica? Enter Demon-hee-ho, a recurring boss in the Strange Journey games. Admittedly, I don't know much about SJ, but I find his inclusion to be really silly, so he gets a special shoutout among his protag contemporaries.
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...And that's that! I hope you enjoyed the Jack Frost miniseries. I'm missing a few Jack's, such as the Petite Frosts, but I'm honestly just tired of doing Jack Bros. stuff. Let me have this break. Either way, though, the Frost blockade has been cleared. We'll be back to our regularly scheduled programming once our snowplows come by.
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cupids-chamber · 2 years
❝ 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 ❤ .ᐟ ❞ The dorm Celebrates your birthday, which somehow ends with an unexpected confession..
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The workers at Monstro lounge paced back and forth, preparing for the event they had planned a month prior. It was obvious to the others, just how much the tweels and Azul cared for y/n.
As they set up the last of the decorations, they heard people making their way to the door.
Azul carefully opened the door, to reveal a perfect set-up, the entire Monstro Lounge was decorated, with all your favorite foods on display, the door opened to cheers from fellow Octavinelle members, and your friends.
You were shocked and taken aback, you didn't expect the trio to prepare a party for you but the surprise was appreciated.
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AZUL prepared for this event ages ago, predicting all the ways everything could go wrong. However he had not predicted and or prepared for you, being dragged off by your friends. He couldn't find time talking to you!!
Azul checked his watch, realizing he only had an hour to finish up with his plans, Azul made his way towards you and it took all his courage to stay composed. "Y/n, mind sparing me a few."
Azul and you sat beside each other, now outside.. Azul coughed a few times, most likely trying to regain his posture and courage from before. "Hey.. um, I got you this" the flustered man said, handing you something. "O-open it!"
Azul hadn't got a single hint of what you may have liked for your birthday, he kept putting off holding full on conversations with you, simply small talk here and there, yet somehow managed to become friends with you.
However, when shopping for a gift, Azul came across a beautiful pair of Octopus earrings, the colour matched his eyes, and embarrassingly enough. A small sense of possession came over him.
Y/n was about to leave, when Azul blurted out his feelings, sure it wasn't the fairytale confession he planned, but the clock struck 12 as he partially yelled the words "I love you" to the perfect.
The flustered man stood they're as he awaited a response, the perfect didn't miss a chance, a small chuckle escaped them "Could you say that again?"
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Y/n was talking to Ace, when someone patted them on the back.. It was JADE, the eel asked them if they had some time, before casually dragging them out of the main area.
The perfect was taken aback by the action, it was uncommon for Jade to be so.. err... forceful? When they had reached an appropriate area, Jade apologized for his rude and abrupt actions. Only then did you notice the light blush on his face. You were about to make a comment on it but Jade stopped you in your tracks.
"I.." he paused, trying to recollect his composure, and for a second you could see the hesitation in his eye’s, this was new to him, he had never confessed to someone about his feelings before, this was surprising to him.
"You..?" the perfect teased, making it worse for the man to get his feelings across. "I like you" his voice was a bit above a whisper, and for a man as feared as he was, the sight was adorable. You'd be an idiot not to accept.
The new couple sat down on the bench, it was the last few minutes before your birthday ends, "Oh, I forgot to give this to you." He hands you a beautifully decorated box, inside was a handmade handkerchief. The needlework displayed an eel, wrapping itself around a hand. Presumably your hand...
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FLOYD didn't bother asking permission for his little shrimpy, he just grabbed your hand and dragged you out. Floyd did make sure his grip was loose and that he wasn't forcing you to move, but you were used to this now. Following him to where he led, he probably had something to tell you, small or big.
After dragging you to god knows where Floyd handed you something, it was wrapped up in a cute blue cloth, opening it you found a collection of decorative shells!! "I collected them for ya..."
Before you could reply Floyd abruptly and very casually says "Cuz I like ya"
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© cupids-chamber, do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work without prior permission and or confirmation from me.
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blues824 · 1 year
I have seen the lack of trey clover request and I shall request some.
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🍀Imagen him baking something and being to focused on the baking and mc just want some love and they just pull on his suspenders and take away his hat giving him a kiss and running away.
Or if you write this for the female zenitsu
🍀Her running to trey pulling him by his suspenders crying she is going to die and want him to marry her to let her live with him (what happend she saw a spider ace killed it and the cursed thing gave birth to 1000 mini spiders )rip ramshackle 💀
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For those who don’t know, this is a reference to this post of mine. Also, I’m a huge Trey simp.
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Trey Clover
You were just relaxing at Ramshackle, finishing up some assignments for the day when you received a text from your boyfriend. You, being you, immediately smiled and read it. It read as follows: I need some assistance with a particular treat. Would you like to come over and help me, my love?
Now, you were not one to pass up an opportunity such as this, so you told Grim that you would be leaving and that you left a can of tuna for him. You all but ran to Heartslabyul, and anyone who got in your way was promptly kicked, shoved, or punched out of the way. Poor Epel, he was just standing there and listening to a fellow classmate. Now he has a black eye and a personal vendetta against you.
Once you got there, you were let in by your beloved, and you clung to his arm immediately. The baker was used to you doing this, and even grew to like how openly affectionate you are. So, when he greeted you at the door, he held his arm out for you to wrap yours around it. He then led you to the kitchen, where the ingredients were waiting for the two of you.
The truth was, he didn’t actually need your help. He just knows that he hasn’t been able to spend too much time with you and he feels guilty about it. So, this is his solution. You would sit on the counter as he mixes the ingredients together, and you would tell him about your world and what you missed about it. This allowed him to know you and your background better.
When the treat was in the oven, and before you went to go greet the other dorm members, you quickly pulled Trey by the suspenders into a kiss. This surprised him, but he wasn’t opposed and quickly wrapped his arms around your torso to pull you closer and reciprocate the affection. However, it was all a ploy to really steal his hat and run.
For once in your life, your demon slayer abilities allowed you to make a quick escape with the fedora. Your boyfriend could not even try to get you back, so he just waited for your inevitable return to him. However, what he did not expect was for the oven to be done before you had come back with his hat.
Then, he received a text from you saying: Sorry, baby! Ace, Deuce, and I had to go get Grim for the Unbirthday Party! I’ll be back!!! He shrugged his shoulders and went to take the cake out of the oven. As he was waiting for it to cool before decorating, he heard someone screaming his name from outside. He rushed out only to be nearly tackled to the ground by you.
“TREY THERE WAS A SPIDER AT RAMSHACKLE. ACE SQUISHED IT AND IT HAD A MILLION BABIES!!!” You exclaimed as you jumped into his arms. He turned and looked to see Deuce a bit shaken up and Ace grabbing all of the bug spray that the dorm had before making his way back to your dorm.
Said baker put you down and wiped your tears before placing a kiss on your forehead, chuckling a bit at this silly situation. However, you noticed that he wasn’t taking this seriously and pulled him by the suspenders once again. Then, you exclaimed how you were going to die and that Ramshackle was unfit for habitation and you asked if you could stay at Heartslabyul with him.
As much as the idea sounds lovely (cuddling with you at night, being the last thing the other sees before they fall asleep and the first thing the other sees when they wake up, etc.), he knows that it is against the rules. But, you did stay the night for the week once Trey explained the situation to Riddle. The latter was a bit hesitant, but he realized that you have helped him out in his moment of need, so it only makes sense that he does the same.
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
A bit weird but hear me out- yandere Otto with Princess Targaryen, who is the younger sister of Viserys and Daemon. Either she’s the surviving twin of Aemon or replaced him. She never married because Baelon , Viserys and Aemma wanted her close. But she can read Otto like a open book and has no interest in the man who basically sold his daughter for the crown.
I didn't think it was weird, I think it's a cool and interesting concept to do if you want to! For now, I'll answer as a concept (bc do I think it is a concept? but feel free to ask as a hc or oneshot).
Let's assume that Y/N (you, me, us?) is Aemon's twin sister, the only one who survived her brother's death. Everyone would be extremely attached to her for being Aemon's only living thing left of him and besides, she's the only female child. It may be old-fashioned, but that just makes them even more fiercely protective of their sister/daughter.
They feel they have to protect you and they will.
Baelon is your father and the death of his son hurt him a lot and you helped him deal with that pain. He spoils you and acts more affectionate towards you, either because you are his daughter or because you are his baby, regardless of the reason, you are who he looks for everything and he is totally against the idea of ​​you getting married.
Viserys misses his brother very much, and because you are Aemon's twin, he becomes very attached and clingy to you. He cares about you a lot and just wants your best and he feels he can give you that (even more so after he becomes king). Daemon, at first, acted indifferent towards you, but as time went on he developed an obsession towards you and he became more and more possessive of you.
Aemma became very close to you after meeting Viserys, and while she may have found it weird on how the male members of your family acted around you, she soon became your friend and she can understand why. She liked you, maybe even loved you and your company was very much appreciated by her, Aemma loved to spend hours talking about random things and she adores you. And, afraid of you being taken away from her, she doesn't want you to marry either.
You didn't have to get married. Your brother is the King and your best friend the Queen.
Otto met Y/N during The Great Council of 101 AC, you were standing next to Viserys and a pregnant Aemma, clearly supporting Viserys' choice to become king. At first he didn't think much of you, but he couldn't help but stare at you. He didn't understand it very well, he was confused, Otto was already married once and he loved his wife deeply, but now he has strange feelings for you. And the whole time, he couldn't take his eyes off the princess.
He approached you many times and you two, oddly enough, got along well. Otto discovered how much he loved talking to you and spending his free time with the princess. He felt he could be himself by her side. And maybe then he'll have that chance to make you fall in love with him.
Now, he's not dumb, Otto knows you could hardly marry him. Though he was a widower and came from a noble house from Westeros, he was well aware of your family members' obsession with you. Viserys and Aemma would never support the two of you, let alone Daemon. You couldn't become his wife. At least for now.
He thought that with Aemma's death and Alicent and Viserys's marriage, the way for you would be open, but he was wrong. The opposition came from the most unexpected party: you. You were disgusted by the way Otto used his own daughter, how he manipulated her to get closer to your brother and become the Queen, you were enraged by his behavior and walked away. Although you enjoyed Otto's company, these events would make you uneasy with him and so he let whatever was going on between you be over with.
Otto was not at all happy about this. Did you really think you could leave him? He is the King's Hand and the Queen's father, by the Seven! There is no way you can leave him. But that's fine, he would respect your distance for now, but make no mistake, he's got his eyes on you. He is always watching you. And you, most likely, know this. After all, you can read it like a book.
And Otto will be lying if he says he doesn't like it. Enjoy it while you can, Princess, because soon you won't be able to.
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(Otto watching you talk to your brother, Daemon)
~ Lady L
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equestriagirl16 · 1 year
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Under the mistletoe~🎄
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Here’s a lil something for those who are curious as to how twst bois would share a smooch with their favorite prefect in a familiar tradition.~
Notes: I guess this also counts as my 1k followers special, thank y’all so much!!! Pls reply/reblog. !Ortho is platonic!
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Riddle is in an interesting case. Somewhat stuck between being all too willing to participate yet stubborn in his embarrassment. He was probably pushed towards the thought by his fellow dorm members, eventually cooking up an idea after collaring them. He decided to simply coerce you to join him in this activity, enforcing it as another silly rule during Heartslabyul’s Holiday tea party. When you arrived, you stood chatting with your friends. That’s when he sauntered over in an authoritative manner as always.
“MC if I could have a moment with you. Would you mind standing here.”
“Sure Riddle but what’s-ooooh.” You go along with him standing across from the strangely stiff ruler under a lit and well decorated shrub arch. Curious about what he needed you for, until you saw that familiar green bundle hanging above you two.
“A-According to Rule #259 all holiday traditions must be carried out in full. So of course this is no exception-”
You swiftly hush his rambling with quick peck on the lips leaving him speechless, with his face adorably flushing redder than the colored lights.
“Well who am I to break the queen’s rules. Merry Christmas riddle”
“M-Merry Christmas MC.”
Ace would try his best to play it cool, being the suave playboy he desperately tries to be. Perhaps he did it as a dare or on a whim, either way he knew this could be a perfect opportunity to fluster you. That site would be sweeter than any of the food set out and rest to eat at the party. He’d attempt to distract you during your conversation after you arrived. You both slowly make you’re way over to the same arch, as you try not to notice his blatantly shifting eyes the whole time.
“Hey MC, bet you didn’t notice where we’re standing.”
“No clue, unless you’re referring to the mistletoe conveniently placed right above us.”
“Ah-way to ruin the surprise! I was trying to be romantic here.”
You hum apologetically and seal it with a kiss on his warming cheek. When you step away you’re quickly pulled back into his chest.
“Hey, you missed a spot.” He says planting a nice smooch right on your lips, just as planned.
Deuce being the sweet boy he is would most likely just ask, admittedly a bit nervously. The gesture is always something that’s been on his mind during this time of year. Seeing school peers participate, and even hearing his mom go on about her younger days, made him quite curious about the act. Now that he has someone to try it with he was more enthusiastic than he’d like to show, hoping his sweaty hands wouldn’t give it away. When you stepped into the lit up garden, he unleashed every ounce of confidence to grab your hand and drag you over to a familiar designated spot.
“Ok ok Deuce slow down, your gonna rip my arm off here.” You say between giggles as he abruptly stops you two under the same arch.
“Sorry it’s that I-uh. I really wanted to do this with you before I chicken out.”
“And what’s that-oh!” Without another word he silently points above you as you direct your attention to the dangling plant.
“Awe Deuce.” Before he knew it your lips were on his, and despite his protest they moved to both his cheeks right after.
“Merry Christmas Deuce.”
“Hm, Merry Christmas MC.”
Trey absolutely adored the idea for a long time, knowing it was a romantic moment shared between lovers. He just thought it was cute, and what better way to spend the holidays than doing something cute with you. He would plan his attempt during either the cleanup or prep for the festivities, but either way you’d be in the kitchen helping him out. Perhaps while you’re distracted he’ll make his way to you with a little surprise behind his back.
“Thanks again for the help MC, you really are a lifesaver.”
“Its no problem Trey you know I love helping you out.”
“Yeah I do. By the way what’s that?”
“What’s wha-”
You see him lift his arm and immediately notice the quite little piece of holly he held above you.
“Hmm, I’m not sure. Maybe this will answer.” You lay sweet yet deep kiss onto unsurprising sweet lips. When you break you’re greeted with a familiar wide smile.
“Was that what you were looking for?”
“Hahaha, always.”
Ok, Cater knew kissing under the mistletoe is like THE thing to do if you have a partner during this time of year. All across his magicam page were couples in their winter attire all snuggled up and lovey. He wanted to do that too, especially with you, not only would it be magical but his followers would go crazy over the content! He would honestly just go for it, but with a cute amount of misdirection. Simply asking for a photo op under the same decorated arch for his magicam page.
“Alright MC, just stand right there I’m gonna set up the camera.”
“Cmon Cater you pulled me away before dinner started. I’m starving!”
“Ok here I come!”
He jogs over to you embracing you in a back hug as you both pose waiting for the flash of the phone. However, when Cater knew there was only a second left he swept in for sweet and loving kiss right on your cheek much to your surprise. When the camera went off he instantly went back over to retrieve his device.
“Omg MC! You look so cute, everyone’s gonna go gaga over our special mistletoe pic!”
“Mistletoe?” Curiously you looked up to spot the dangling plant in question.
“Whaaaat, you don’t like my gift MC?”
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Leona wouldn’t care at first, at least not in the sense that he’s running to you thirsting for a holiday smooch. He’d probably raise an ear to it once he heard about it from another source, or maybe even straight up from you. Not to mention the thought of being the one and only to sweep you off your feet would stroke his ego. You can thank a certain hyena friend of yours for the push. So he thought if it’d satisfy you too, he might as well put in a little effort.
“Hey Herbivore over here.” You heard Leona call you from his comfy spot in the Savanaclaw lounge. They were having a little holiday celebration, that he casually invited you to. You trotted over and plopped down right next to him, getting comfortable yourself.
“What’s up?”
“Hmm probably that.” You look up as he pointed to the mistletoe dangling within the canopy you two were under. Before you could say anything, he tugged you by the waist and smothered you in a heavy kiss. When you pulled up for air he then dragged you to lay down with him in one swift motion.
“The holidays are always so tiring, stay here for a while and don’t move alright.”
“Alright, ya big kitty.”
Ruggie honestly thinks it’s a little cliche but it did seem like a good way to get a laugh out of you. He’s only ever seen in some of those movies, or seen people do it as he passed them by on the streets. He thought it was sweet enough, a bit mushy, but that’s how he feels when it comes to you anyway. Plus if there was anything he could do to make you happy he would. Not too keen on anything that involves expenses, but a free act of service is always his go to. So he came up with something on the fly when you came to their holiday party.
“Hey MC, you got something right there.”
“Oh what is it-WAHAHAHA RUGGIE!” As he pretended to reach for the mysterious something on your body, he began to tickle you within an inch of your life. You eventually fell over dragging him down with you. He stops after that as you catch your breath.
“R-Ruggie what was that for?!”
“Shishishi, found it.”
He holds up the little bundle of holly above your head, smooshing a kiss against your cheek before rapidly pecking your lips earning more giggles from you.
“Hope you enjoyed gift number 1. Sorry there’s not many after that.”
“I’d say you're off to a great start, but don’t worry about all that. I’m already plenty happy.”
Jack wouldn’t really know how to go about it when he eventually decided on doing it. Mostly egged on by his first year friends to try being more romantic with you. He may not be too gung-ho, but it’s a nice opportunity to share something sweet with you. I think he’d be very straightforward about it, he’s not the suavest guy but the genuineness is more than enough.
“MC, would you like to join me for something for a second?”
“Yeah sure, you need anything?”
“Well I heard about this whole mistletoe tradition and was just wondering…” You notice him start to trail off as his face turns a slightly darker shade. It’s cute you think, usually such a big brave wolf trying to ask for something like this. How could you not oblige.
“I’d love to. Cmere big guy.” You quickly drag him over to the nearest mistletoe you see hanging and without hesitation pull him down into a kiss. It lasted a bit longer than you expected, but it was well worth it to see a flustered Jack with a fast wagging tail behind him.
“Thanks MC, Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas Jack.”
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Kalim is also extremely forward, just the absolute most excitable and sweetest boy when it comes to the romantics. The holiday ones were no exception either. He’s seen so many films, and plays, and even relatives indulge in this tradition. So how could he possibly resist setting up something special for you, ya know aside from the million other things he got you this year. That way he has another excuse to throw a huge party at his dorm and make you a guest of honor. Specifically requesting an entire hut be reserved for the occasion.
“MC! I’m so happy you could make it! Come with me quick.”
“Ok ok, just slow down for a sec.” You both merrily jog throughout the lounge and make it to said hut. When Kalim pulls back the curtains you witness a beautifully decorated little hideout made for two. Like a holiday oasis, complete with a mistletoe hanging in the center. You could swear you saw jewels in that thing.
“MC, I’m so happy I get to spend this time with you. Do you think I could have the honor of sharing a holiday kiss?” He asks grabbing both your hands tenderly and leading you under the dangling plant.
“Awe Kalim, the honors all mine.” You both sweetly lean in for a picture perfect kiss. It was soft but made you feel so light, smiling sweetly at eachother when you separated.
“Merry Christmas MC, now let’s head back to the party!”
“Right behind you!”
Jamil would be extremely hesitant, mostly because he’s not one for the mushy stuff. He’s also witnessed this activity from friends and family, but never would he have thought he’d get the same chance. He wants it in his own right, but if he does do it has to be private and personal. Something he can share with you alone and feel the pride well up inside him when he hopefully gets to see your flustered face in the night.
“MC, can I borrow you for a second.”
“Huh? Oh yeah sure.” You break away from your conversation with Kalim and follow Jamil throughout the hallways of the Scarabia dorm. Stopping to sit on a window bay while you both peeked out the frosted glass.
“So what can I do for you Jamil?”
“I don’t need anything. Though Kalim’s parties are so extravagant I can barely think.”
“Yeah I needed a bit of a breather too.”
“Luckily I know a great way to distract us.” Opening your mouth to ask what that may be all that came out was a gasp seeing Jamil be mere inches away from your face. The pull at that point was undeniable as your lips collided with his in a strong kiss.
“You gave in so easily I didn’t even need the mistletoe did I?”
You raise your head to see the plant in question secured to the window above your head. Chuckling you lean onto him smirking when he looks down at you with a bit of deep red on his cheeks that he tried to hide.
“I guess not.”
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Vil is slick with it, an extremely proficient charmer. He would also know very well about this sweet holiday tradition. Unfortunately, throughout the years he’d be constantly pestered by fans and others alike to indulge in the deed with them. Of course he never gave them the time of day, he may love having the world in his hands but somethings were special. A sacred activity he would only share with someone he deemed to be his only beloved. Naturally, sweeping you off your feet comes with ease so he really didn’t have to plan too far ahead with this one. Mistletoe was practically a huge part of Pomefiore’s decorations this time of year. All he had to do was invite you over to their holiday ball, clad in the most beautiful Yule tide attire of course.
“Sooo how do I look?” You ask confidently yet still seeking his esteemed approval.
“Hmm, you clean up quite well. You just need some final touches.” Carefully he reaches for the collar of your clothing, folding and fiddling with it absentmindedly. He notices how you look at him with nothing but adoration and patience unlike any other. Standing straight and elegantly just like he always taught you. His face softened as both his hands settled on the sides of your face, squishing it a bit.
“You really are an adorable little potato aren’t you?”
“Hehe I try, but you’re always so gorgeous Vil. Thanks for inviting me.”
You beamed so brightly in your gratitude and Vil could actually feel himself become restless. He needed something, and intended on getting it right this moment. Hands still firmly planted on your face he pulled you forward delicately kissing your lips as you enjoyed the soft feel of his own. The moment was brief and gentle, yet you looked beyond breathless when it was over.
“What was that for?”
“Well I have to give credit where it’s due. Like I said, you look quite elegant tonight my dear. It would also be a shame to miss such a picture perfect opportunity.”
He gestured to one of many branches of holly that decorated the walls over your head.
“I suppose it would. Merry Christmas Vil.”
“Merry Christmas MC.”
Now Rook would be one of the few to deviously plot how he would ensnare his little prey into such a compelling trap. What a beautiful way to celebrate ones love for another during one of the prettiest seasons as well. He’s always been unashamed in his flirtations, so what reason would their be for him to hesitate when it comes to swooning you. Of course he’d watch throughout the night to strategically plot where you would end up halfway through the party. Making his entrance when your guard was down.
“Hello Mon Amour.”
“GAAAAAH-Rook! Where are you even hanging from?!”
“Apologies, but there is something I must share with you. It’s very important you see.”
“This better be worth the heart attack.”
“Of course, if you could turn your attention to your left.” Swiftly you turn your head in that direction seeing a delicately put together mistletoe Rook had hanging right in front of your face. You attempt to question him, but when you turn your head back the right side of your cheek was met with a chaste kiss from a smirking pair of lips. You pull back in surprise much to his amument.
“Hahaha what an adorable face your making! Mignonne/Mignone~.
With a pout an idea quickly popped into your head. You pull the upside down man towards you planting a huge kiss on his lips. Now it was his turn to be flustered.
“How’s that for cute.”
“Hmm, my point still stands!”
Epel obviously knew about the classic tradition, things like those are pretty common back on the farm you know. It was also something he knew he had to accomplish as soon as he had a partner. Because Epel is a man, a manly man. Manly men swoon their partners, they make the first move. They sweep them off their feet, and they definitely don't get cold feet seeing them in the flesh that night. No, he can do this, he has to, he’s gotta prove he can step up and be the one to steal that sweet holiday kiss from you. It’d be perfect, just like all those Christmas romcoms his grandma watches every year. So with a deep breath he stomps over to you.
“MC, you look great tonight. Well not just tonight, I mean you always look nice.”
“Why thank you Epel, you look quite handsome yourself.” You say reaching over to adjust his lopsided bow tie, although you did like it that way. The action made his breath get caught in his throat so without a second thought he took that same hand and dragged you away to somewhere private.
“C-Come with me!”
He led you to a more secluded hallway, somewhere he knew he could drop the formalities.
“Listen MC, Imma be honest with ya. You know nobody gets my heart beatin like you do so I-I wanted to have one of those special holiday kisses. Do somethin all romantic ya know?”
“Well isn’t that uncharacteristically sweet of you.”
“Uh-” Before you let him say more you bring his face to yours in a swift smooch. Squeaking when you feel him bring you in closer by your waist almost hungrily. You both separate flushed and panting.
“Damn, you sure are somethin else.”
“You’re not too bad yourself. Merry Christams Epel.”
“Merry Christmas darlin.”
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Like no lie I can’t get the thought out of my head of Azul purposely covering the entirety of the Mostro Lounge head to toe in the little Christmas bundles. He’s a smart man, he knew all the ins and outs of what lovers participate in. So what better way to win you over once again, with a little planing of course. When the preparations were done, he’d claim it as being a part of their special winter event theme to reel in customers. Although the one he mainly wanted to reel in, however, was you in what he thought to be a master plan.
“Happy Holidays MC, you have my gratitude for volunteering in the Lounge tonight.”
“Well from what I gathered at first I was just invited, but somehow you roped me into kitchen duty.”
“More hands on deck are always needed, and worry not you will be compensated. In fact if you’ll join me this way for a second.” Offering a hand to you, the suited gentlemen led you away towards the aquarium displays. You took a moment to bask in the beauty of the sea creatures gracefully swimming about. As Azul looked at you with a smile ghosting on his own face.
“I see you’ve once again taken an interest in our display, but I think you’d enjoy it even more if you take a further look towards the top.” Following his advice you adjust your gaze upwards, seeing a string of mistletoe adorned along the top edges of the tank. You feel a presence close to your side as you slowly look back down, your eyes meeting pair hidden behind glasses.
“Well now, it seems we’ve come under traditional holiday obligation. You wouldn’t mind indulging in me would you?”
“It seems I have no choice, I am under oath after all.” You say with fake dramatics, pulling a chuckle out of him. Within a moment's notice, he delicately grabbed your face bringing it closer to his at an agonizingly slow pace. Although the wait was worth it, feeling his lips delicately press against yours. It was swift and sweet yet you don't think he was breathing the entire time.
“I hope that was to your liking.”
“Considering you went through all this effort to dress up the Lounge I’d say it would suffice.” A wave of red and a pair of fogged glasses stared blankly at you. Another quick peck on the cheek would make things better right?
“You’re adorable, Happy holidays Azul.”
“A-And to you as well MC.”
Jade is probably the most forward out of anyone here, yet also quite unique. He’s also someone that appreciates the romantics, especially the aesthetic of it all. The season set up quite the perfect mood for such a sweet moment. The thought of being able to share that with you brought him a good deal of joy, perhaps he could prepare something special. He had different plans and they didn’t start with the Lounge rather the gardens. He humbly requested that you take a break from your duties and accompany him on a nice stroll. See the frost decorate the glass walls of the building maybe.
“Woah the windows look so cool.”
“I agree, although I would like to show you something before you’re too far gone.” You playfully try to nudge his arm but he evades and grabs your hand, guiding you further into the gardens.
“Since this is a special time of year I decided to experiment a bit with a certain plant that seems to be customary during the winter.”
“You mean like some poinsettia-woooooah!” You gaze up at a humongous tree with spindly green leaves. Each small branch being decorated with shiny pearls and ribbon.
“Did you really grow this whole thing yourself?!”
“Of course, a little magic and dedication go a long way. Although it was still hard work, I think some compensation for my efforts is in order.”
“Hehe, alright maybe you’ve earned a little something.”
No further words were shared as you both crept towards one another, and embraced almost seamlessly. His kiss was graceful with a slight hunger behind it, causing you to be lost in a daze when you broke off.
“I’m glad you enjoyed my little gift. Perhaps you’d like to take some home as a momento?”
“If you can manage to hack off anything from that monster I’d be happy to.”
Floyd is also bold, very bold, scarily bold. Bravery to the point where decorum is no longer an option as he tried to weasel you out of the Lounge. You see, any opportunity he has at all to tease you in the slightest he’ll take it in a heartbeat. Especially this one, being able to share a Christmas kiss with his shrimpy? Ah, he could just eat you up! Your talk through the night was tame enough, but he seemed to have some extra anticipation running through his veins. Acting on instinct he began to tickle and tease until you both broke into an all out chase. Speeding down the hallways loudly and without a care in the world.
“Shrimpy come back! You know you can’t outrun me!”
“No! You play too rough!”
“That’s only because I LOVE you!” He emphasizes finally on your heels and tackling you to the ground. He resumed his onslaught of tickling, finding pleasure in your giggle filled begs. Eventually he let up knowing he had you right where he wanted you.
“Alright Shrimpy I’m done, no more tickles. I do have one more gift for you though.”
“Floyd please, I don’t think I can handle any more surprise-” The mischievous eel quickly stole your breath away, smashing his mouth against yours. You whined as you felt the collision of teeth, but the pain was soothed as he let up a bit. Kissing you passionately, coming up only to plant more kisses all across your face and neck making you laugh and squirm again.
“Floyd! You promised!”
“No, I don't think I did actually. Besides, how can I resist giving my cute Shrimpy all these kisses when we’re under the mistletoe.”
Realizing what he said you look up to see a bundle of the delicate plant hanging above the windowsill you two crashed under.
“Sneaky eel.”
“Cute Shrimpy.”
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Ortho is an adorable case to say the least. He hadn’t even had anything planned in the first place. The young robotic friend of yours just wanted to invite his bestie to Ignihyde’s Holiday dorm celebration. He arranged most of it himself, with surprisingly a lot of help from his brother. Idia knew deep down the gesture would make his little sibling happy. So despite his lack of presence, he did what he could. So when you walked through the door, he was just over the moon already.
“MC! I’m so glad you could make it.”
“Of course, anything for you bud.” He squished you in a hug, that took a bit of the wind out of you due to his unconscious strength.
“I assume your brother’s still cooped up in his room?”
“He’s actually just taking a break for now. Big brother’s been really helpful so far, he promised to try if it’ll make me happy!”
“That’s great Ortho! Do you think we could see him before everything gets started? I don’t want to pressure him to come out too much tonight, so let’s just visit him in private for now.“
“Great idea MC, follow me.”
You trotted behind the flame headed boy as he soared off towards Idia’s room. When you both were walking down the hallway you noticed a little something hanging above his bedroom door.
“I see your brother could only manage a bit of mistletoe for his decor huh?”
“Oh! That was actually my idea. I have a surprise planned for big brother and you're going to be the one to help me finish it.”
“Am I now? Well before I give your brother this gift, how about a little something for the party planner?”
You swoop him into a strong hug as he reciprocates, enjoying the warmth you both bring to each other. Giving him a quick and obnoxiously loud kiss on the cheek, bringing a laugh out of the adorable cyborg.
“Awe thank you MC! I’m glad we get to spend Christmas with you.”
“Me too little buddy.”
Idia was taking a much needed breather after helping his brother out with this party. All that direction took a lot out of the poor man and he needed just a little time to himself. Relaxing in his solitude enjoying the Holiday events in his favorite games. Undisturbed and thriving, only for that all to come crashing down as he heard a knock on his door. He practically jumped out of his skin so hard he fell over in his chair. Embarrassed despite no one being able to see him, he quickly rushed over to see who could be possibly bothering him right now!
“Who’s there!”
“Big brother it’s me, and I brought MC too!”
“Hi Idia, think you could open the door?”
With ridiculously shaky hands he forced himself to at least crack it open. He wanted to see you tonight but not so soon! It’s a good thing he didn’t start that quest yet.
“Cmon big brother it’s just us, you can come out.”
“I know that! Just hang on.” He finally steps all the way out his bedroom, closing the door behind him so you don't see the mess he always leaves in his wake.
“So Idia, your brother says you helped plan the party. That’s so nice of you.”
“Y-Yeah of course. I had nothing else to do so I thought I might as well.”
“And as a thank you for doing such a great job, we set up a little surprise. Somewhere up there.” Confused Idia looked up to where you were pointing, all the color left his face when he did. A mistletoe…A MISTLETOE!! Like the same mistletoe people kiss under in all those cringey normie holiday movies?! The exact same mistletoe he always sees be used in those otomes so the main lead can swoon their love interest?! No way, WAS HE THE LOVE INTEREST??! That can’t be right, you’re YOU and he’s HIM! You can’t honestly be saying that you want to kiss him! Or have him kiss you?! Well he can’t say he hasn’t dreamed of it before, but he’s not ready. He does want this, he wants you, but it’s just too much. Too sudden, his heart is pounding, his head is spinning. This is finally it for him isn’t it??
“Big brother, your heart rate is dangerously high! Do you need assistance?”
“NO-I mean, I’m fine I just-! MC, do you really wanna..?”
“Well, yeah, only if you do though. I would never make you do anything you don’t want to Idia. If this is too much, just say the word ok?” Of course it’s too much, but to turn you down right now just makes him feel even worse! If this feeling really is mutual then what’s stopping him? His dumb heart, and sweaty hands, he can’t let his own head ruin this moment. He can’t let you slip away because he’s scared, not this time. Just this once, he has to do something! ANYTHING! If his body would just MOVE!
So it did, almost automatically his stiff and shaky frame moved so fast you could barely tell what happened. All you could feel were clammy hands clutching into your arms, and a pair of quivering lips laying against yours. You return the favor and lean closer into him, something that elicited a squeak of surprise from the fiery man. You both backed away and dazed at one another not really sure as to what just happened.
“Big brother you did it!”
“I DID IT?!”
“Heh, you did.” You say hugging the Idia warmly.
“And I couldn’t ask for a better gift.”
“Aaaaah, this is the best Christmas ever!”
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Malleus, our sweet dragon prince, is a romantic at heart. All the stories he’s been told, and the relationships he’s seen through tinted windows would only encourage his love for the theatrics of it all. Although he is still blissfully ignorant to a good deal of customary ways humans indulge in one another. So when he heard that there was a special plant people share a kiss under during the Winter session, he just had to seize the opportunity. He learned all he could from books, and even asked Lilia if this plant had any magical properties. Maybe it has a love spell to seduce your partner, or it binds souls for eternity perhaps? Luckily, the vampiric caretaker assured Malleus that this is just a simple tradition amongst humans. But the ones that require no spells or tricks tend to be the most significant don’t they?
Diasomnia isn’t very well known for their Christmas celebrations, but an attempt was made regardless. Mostly as an excuse to invite you to their humble ball. Malleus waited for your arrival with bated breaths, the only quell being seeing you happily greet his dorm members as you walked through the ballroom.
“MC, I’m so happy you could make it. I’m sure everyone will be glad that the guest of honor has finally arrived.”
“I don’t need all that spotlight Mal. I'm just happy to be here, and to see you.”
“And for that I am forever grateful.” He swiftly takes one of your hands and brings it up to his lips in a chaste kiss. Grinning mischievously at your awestruck face.
“Would it be alright if I borrowed you before the festivities begin?”
“This isn’t another kidnapping attempt is it?”
“Haha! For tonight only, you have my word.”
You squint at him suspiciously, yet he leads you out of the ballroom regardless. You both end up around the back of the dorms where bushels and plant life grew. Festering with dark thorns, now covered in a thin blanket of frost and snow. It was almost ethereal in a way, such a dangerous plant that held such beauty.
“I can see you’re enjoying the view as well. The beauty of nature at its finest, wouldn't you agree?”
“Indeed I would Draconia.”
“Speaking of plant life, I learned a very interesting human custom recently. Apparently around this time of year couples usually engage in a romantic kiss under a particular bundle of branches, do they not? I believe it’s called..”
“Mistletoe?” You interject, looking up to see a piece of the ribbon wrapped plant tied to an arching branch of thorns. Delicate yet dangerous, how poetic, and how familiar. You looked back down at the man in question who gazed at you expectantly and wanting.
“Awe Malleus.” You leaned in closer to the gleeful dragon. His eyes glowing in the night yet only staring at you while you advance. He embraced you yet as the distance closes between you two, the mistletoe slipped loose of its tie and blew away in the winter wind.
“Oh no!” Malleus noticed as well and without a second thought, he flew up to capture the bundle with you in tow. You gasped in surprise but were secure in his hold. As you two floated high up, the moment was almost incredibly dream-like. Being swept into the air by your charming fae as he held the plant above you. To his shock you took the initiative to grab his neck and pull him down into a kiss. It was sweet and intoxicating, as Malleus held you impossibly closer. You could tell he didn’t want to separate but unfortunately you needed air.
“I can see why this is such a prominent tradition among your kind. That was..”
“Yet somehow so much more. Happy Holidays to you my love.”
“Happy Holidays, Malleus.”
Lilia with all his years of wisdom in and out of the castle walls, he would be quite knowledgeable of this quant holiday tradition. He thought it was cute, and what a lovely way to celebrate the love between hearts on such an occasion. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to participate this year and snag the opportunity to see his favorite human become so adorably flush again. So without hesitation when you arrived at their little holiday gathering, he set his plan into motion.
“Well if it isn't our lovely MC, it’s good to see you tonight.”
“And you as well Lilia.” You say playfully bowing. He mimicked your gesture with a chuckle, and then grabbed your hand and led you towards the center of the ballroom. Gliding you around the marbled floor so gracefully you almost felt as if you were floating.
“You sure are lively tonight.”
“What can I say, this time of year puts just about anyone in a good mood.” The bat fae says spinning you one last time before dipping you down. Inching his face closer to yours with a fanged smile.
“And I suppose it helps that I have you in my arms as well.” His voice was almost a whisper as he firmly pecked your lips. A kiss so sudden you couldn’t help the muffled gasp that left you, yet you took time to enjoy it for as long as it lasted. He pulled away, staring down at your cutely dazed face.
“Forgive me if I was too forward, I just wanted to indulge in a classic holiday tradition.” He looked towards the ceiling of the ballroom and you followed. Spotting the mistletoe that was loosely hanging above right where he conveniently halted your dance.
“I guess it’s nice that you’re still intrigued by human festivities.”
“Well I’d say more than that has piqued my interest. Happy Holidays MC.”
“Happy Holidays Lilia.”
Sebek is…Sebek, he would not know what to with himself. Let alone feel as if it was appropriate to participate in such a thing, especially not in a public setting where Malleus could see him! The thought makes him want to die of shame, yet he’s still not fully opposed to the idea. He supposes it would be nice to be intimate with you. Only once though, and only in private! So that’s the reason as to why he so suddenly pulled you away from any watching eyes at the ball. Firmly placing you across from him to sit down in a secluded study of sorts.
“Now that I’ve made sure my arm is still attached to my body, you wanna tell me why we’re here.”
“Of course! Simply put I wanted to share something..intimate! With you! And I couldn’t rightly do that in front of my master's eyes! Or anyone else for that matter!”
“With me?” Curious yet flustered, you avert your eyes to start scanning around the room. Your question was quickly answered seeing the hastily put together red and green bundle hanging from the ceiling.
“Ah, I see you’ve caught on. Well then *ahem* would you do me the honor…MC?” The green haired man, despite standing upright and proper, had a nervous shake about him. Trying his best to offer a fidgeting hand towards you. The gesture was adorable so without a second thought you placed your hands on his and gave him a quick kiss on the lips, followed by another on the cheek.
“You’re always so sweet in your own way, I appreciate the effort Sebek.”
“Thank you MC! I suppose..”
Silver is extremely casual about the whole thing, he strikes me as someone who has an abundance of confidence despite his demeanor. Also thanks to being raised by you know who of course. The sleepy guy is very knowledgeable about all those Christmas time activities so he just figures, why not. If he got to share a sweet moment with you, then it’s something worth trying. Plus he may or may not have been heavily encouraged by a certain bat fae.
“Good evening MC, you look very nice tonight.”
“Well look who’s wide awake, thank you Silver.”
“Barely, I was prepping for tonight by napping as much as I could. I didn’t want to miss you after all.” He explains letting out a small yawn.
“I also wanted to ask you something. Think you could meet me outside?” You follow suit as he leads the way to outside of the dorm. From there he guides you to sit down next to him under a familiar tree he seems to comfortably lean against.
“It’s cold out here.”
“You can take my jacket for a second, we won’t be long.” His hands remain on your shoulders after he places the jacket around you.
“I remembered how when I was younger my father would tell me stories about lovers who shared a kiss under the mistletoe around this time of year. I would like to do the same with you, only if you’ll have me.”
That’s when you heard the small squeaks and scampering of woodland creatures approaching you two. The cutest little squirrel descends from the tree holding the same festive plant from his mouth over both your heads. The moment was so fairytale like, you figured Silver took those stories more literally than you thought. You couldn’t deny the expectant glint in his eyes however, while you two snuggled closer
“Hm, of course.”
He gently placed a hand on your jaw carefully pulling in until your lips met in a sweet kiss. It was delicate yet deep, and you both melted into it until the need to breath took over.
“Thank you MC, I’m glad that worked out so well.” He yawned, leaning his head on your shoulder.
“Hey, a kiss is supposed to wake you up, not make you fall back to sleep!”
“Well you’re always full of surprises, and very comfortable. Merry Christmas MC.”
“Merry Christmas Silver.”
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lynnie-ee · 2 years
White lies and study dates.
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╰┈➤"Having a crush on the busiest man of the entire school wasn't easy. Desesperate times call for desesperate measures, they say; and the prefect now understands why.”
╰►Gender neutral reader, oneshot, 2,2k words.
╰►Note: English is not my first language, so feel free to tell me if there's any grammatical mistake!
╰►Masterlist. (requests open)
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"Ah, I didn't understand a single thing professor Trein said in class."
  (Y/n), prefect of Ramshackle, sighed tiredly as they walked out of their classroom, with Grim next to them, while Deuce and Ace walked behind with a similar expression of sorrow. Their eyes carefully gazing the Pop Music Club members that were near them.
"Maaan, I swear he does it on purpose, it's impossible not to fall asleep during his lessons." He groaned, waiting a few seconds until he tried to hit discreetly Deuce's arm.
"O-oh right! Crewel classes are so difficult-"
"We're talking about Trein, dumbass!" Murmured annoyed Ace.
"Yeah, of course...! Trein's class is the most difficult that we have, so confusing..." The blue-haired boy tried to fix his mistake.
"It's so sad that (Y/n) gets the worst grades out of us, my pooooor henchman..." Grim sniffed with a dramatic demeanor.
The prefect looked at their group of friends, disappointment written all over their face, thanks to their performance. But it was soon replaced by shock, as they suddenly felt someone sneaking an arm to their shoulders.
"Ah~ Are you feeling distressed by Trein's class, (Y/n)? I'd help you, but I wasn't the best at the subject in my first year, haha..." Cater said, trying to come up with something that might help the prefect, or at least cheer them up.
"Fufu~I did great at History of Magic, but I don't think my method of telling stories would work with others humans. I tried it once and they didn't believe what I said! A pity, really." Lilia barged into the conversation, and even when he tried to look saddened, a tint of mischievous could be recognized in his voice.
"I'm so sorry I can't help you either, prefect! Last year I couldn't understand anything by myself in that class..." Kalim apologized, genuine worry in his voice, as the first-years glared at him with interest. “If it wasn't for Jamil, I don't know what could have happened to me. He's the only reason I approved my assignments."
"Oh, but what if they hold back a year because of this? We'll miss you, prefect..." Ace mumbled with melancholy.
Everyone stood there, dissimulated looks being placed at Kalim's figure.
"Oh! I know what we can do!" The Scarabia housewarden abruptly said, a cheerful smile brightening his face.
"Really? Can you help our unfortunate magicless little friend here?" The red-haired first year continued, placing one of his hands on the prefect's shoulder.
"Yeah! I've got the perfect plan!"
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Jamil hated Kalim's plans with all his heart.
Every time he came up with a new idea, HE ended up being responsible for them.
Every. Single. Time.
Kalim wanted to throw a party? Jamil was the one in charge of the preparations. Kalim wanted to study something new? He was at his side to tutor him. Kalim wanted to go shopping in the city? He had to join him to make sure that he stayed safe.
  And boy, he was tired.
He already had so many chores to do even without those extra tasks, it was almost a miracle that he was able to manage his duties as vicehousewarden and his own school work, as time wasn't something abundant for him.
And he didn't need to add anything else to his already long list of things to do.
"I don't have time." He shut down Kalim as soon as he approached him.
"Pleaseee, you're the best at tutoring and they reeeeeally need help!"
"There are freshmen with good grades, they can ask their classmates."
"But they probably won't be as easy to understand as youuu..." The dorm leader said, a new idea going through his mind. "Besides, do you really want someone else spending so much time with them? It wouldn't be good for you."
Jamil suddenly looked at Kalim with urgency, an alarmed expression on his face.
"Kalim! We said you would make no comments about that!”
"And I won't say anything! But it could be a good opportunity for you."
The vicehousewarden remained silent.
"It would make you look cool."
"I don't care."
"You do."
“Maybe if you use the time you spend tutoring me?”
“And you think you’ll do fine with no help?”
“Of course.”
“No.” He sighed again. “I’ve got enough with school duties and preparations for parades, I don’t need-”
“Then I won’t make more parties!”
Jamil gazed at the dorm leader; a suspicious look being directed at him.
“You literally threw a party when Grim scored a 30 instead of 20 on a test, and you’re telling me you’ll stop with all of them?”
Kalim thought about the situation for a few seconds, he really enjoyed being able to celebrate and eat delicious food with all of his friends, but he had to sacrifice those moments for Jamil to have more free time to spend with the prefect.
“Of course.” He nodded, his usual cheerful smile on his face. “If it's for you to be with your crush, it’ll be alright!”
“…Please stop referring to (Y/n) as my crush.” The vicehousewarden asked plainly. “But if I don’t have to cook so much, I could help them to improve their grades, I guess.”
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“Uh? Jamil said he could tutor me?” A confused prefect stared at the housewarden of Scarabia, his natural enthusiastic demeanor being even more noticeable as he smiled at the Ramshackle student.
“Yep! It would be very bad if you failed Trein’s class, so Jamil’s help will be enough for you to score 100 on every test from now on!”
“I don’t doubt it! Thank you very much, Kalim.”
“No worries~ Just make sure to stop by at Scarabia today, after class. See you later!” The second-year student smiled once again, as he started to walk to his next class.
“So, you actually got Jamil to help you? Very nice, prefect. Now, how do you plan on acting dumb for as long he tutors you?” Ace questioned, after he got out of his hiding place, inside of a nearby classroom.
“I’ve got no idea…”
After the classes of the day were finished, a nervous first-year student walked through the mirror of Scarabia, a small bag filled with their notes and books for the class.
"Hey, come in. Let's go to my room." Jamil pointed as soon as they arrived at the lounge of the dorm.
"Oh? Really? I thought we'd study here."
"That's an option, if you want to be interrupted every two seconds and have distractions left and right."
"But I wouldn't like to intrude on you; we can go to the library if it’s better for you.”
“Don’t worry, I’d rather stay here in case Kalim or any other students needs my help."
After 30 minutes of studying, (Y/n) felt their head was going to explode. It was rather difficult to pretend to listen to Jamil when all they had on their mind were the elegant and subtle moves he made as he flipped the pages of his books, the concentration on his gaze as he explained a rather complicated subject, and not to mention the way his lips moved graciously as he spoke the right words to explain things easily.
What kind of skincare routine did he have? What about his hair? It shouldn’t be possible that he naturally had such beauty, but then again, he looked so perfect even when he did the most mundane actions, the prefect keep wondering if-
“(Y/n)? Are you even listening to what I’m saying?” He suddenly interrupted their thoughts, an annoyed expression on his face that didn’t seem genuine at all. “For you to come asking for help and then ignore what I tell you, quite bothersome you are sometimes…” The vicehousewarden sighed.
“Ah, sorry, I got lost. Could you repeat the last point of the lesson? I remember I couldn’t hear professor Trein that day because Grim kept demanding me to buy pastries after class, he wouldn’t leave me alone until I got him some candies from Sam’s store.”
“Fine, but pay attention. You’ve got an exam about this in a week, don’t you?”
“Yeah, but I don’t think we’ll have enough time to cover all the contents, maybe we should focus on-”
“We’ll study everything, don’t worry. Let’s continue, then.”
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It was obvious to some students that the prefect of Ramshackle and the vicehousewarden of Scarabia had a special way of treating each other, even more for the members of his dorm.
However, after two weeks of studying together, everyone knew the kind of relationship they had.
After all, Jamil wasn’t someone recognized for a cheerful attitude or being especially nice to others, yet he looked so unusually delighted every time (Y/n) was in the room, it was clear for other students to understand the situation.
Yet, none of them seemed to be brave enough to take the next step, until that day.
  “So your classes with Jamil actually helped you? Share your tips with us prefect, don’t be shy to tell us.” Ace teased the prefect, as they observed with a pleased face the result of their test. 
A beautiful score of 100 was written on the top of the paper. 
They only let out a satisfied chuckle, as they put the exam inside the folder they had for History of Magic, filled with their notes and previous exams.
“Now that I remember, maybe we should get ready for P.E class, Vargas said we’re gonna have a practice with other classes today, and you know what that means...” Deuce interrupted the conversation, an alarmed expression on the first-years’ faces, who already knew how difficult was going to be the class that day.
“We better hurry up before he makes us run extra laps, let’s go.”
They made their way to the gym, but as soon as they reached the door of the room, a sudden agitated look could be seen on the prefect’s face.
“I forgot my folder at the cafeteria, I’ll go get it in a second, wait.”
They ran through the hallways until they arrived at the cafeteria, feeling confused as their folder was nowhere to be seen.
“Were you looking for this?”
(Y/n) knew that voice.
Great Seven, please tell me this is a joke…
They slowly turned around, only for them to see an angered look from the vicehousewarden of Scarabia. They could easily notice the tension on his body, and the frown that occupied his expression.
He still looks kind of cute, though…
Although it could have been better if he hadn’t been holding their previous exams in his hand, of course.
“So you’re telling you asked to tutor you, saying that you were almost failing Trein’s class, and made me put effort and time on something that WASN’T EVEN NECESSARY? Your lowest score was an 85, (Y/n)! Most of your exams are between 90 and 95!”
The prefect could only smile awkwardly at him, as they slowly reached Jamil to take the exams and folder from his hands.
“In my defense, I never scored 100 points before our study sessions, though…”
“Sorry, sorry! I just didn’t have any other option!”
“Option for what?” He questioned, still with an irritated scowl on his features.
“To spend time with you-! Ah, I know it might sound dumb to you now, but you were so busy all the time, I didn't know how to get to be with you without anyone else interrupting... I'm aware that I made you waste your time by teaching me, I'm sorry for that."
Jamil didn't answer immediately.
He stared at (Y/n), wondering why would they make an excuse like that just to spend time with him, maybe...? No, probably it wasn't that.
Although a small voice in his head was hoping that it was because they felt the same as him.
"Why? You're welcome to Scarabia all the time, you know that."
"It's not the same." They answered, a faint blush on their cheeks. "When I get invited by Kalim, there's always a lot of people in the room...And I'd rather be only with you."
Soon enough, Jamil's face felt suddenly warm because of his bashful state, along with a surprised look as he stared back at the prefect.
“You are so dumb sometimes.” He mumbled, the frown coming back to his expression. “If you want to spend time with me, just tell me. It’s not that complicated…”
“…Yeah.” Jamil mentally sighed, reminding himself that he should feel more annoyed at the prefect’s antics. But he didn’t.
“Perhaps you’d like to go outside the school this weekend, then? We can go watch a movie or visit a cafeteria, whatever you’d like to do.” (Y/n) quickly suggested in their sudden rush of confidence.
“Well, considering that now I don’t have to tutor anyone, I guess I have time.”
“Is that a yes?”
The Ramshackle student smiled widely, briefly kissing the cheek of the vicehousewarden as they bid him goodbye, running to their next class.
Jamil stood in the middle of the hallway, still feeling embarrassed as he lightly touched the spot they kissed a few seconds ago.
Maybe he was the one who actually learned something from the prefect.
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monsieurboyardee · 2 years
2ha legally blonde au where mo ran goes to harvard to chase after the love of his life shi mei, but ends up falling in love with his uptight law professor after he gets chosen as a student intern for a huge murder case.
Listen okay frat president mo ran who barely got into a state school. He falls head over heels for shi mei, the head of his uni's nhs and a pre-med major to boot. After shi mei rejects mo ran bc mo ran isn't "serious enough" mo ran decides to buckle down and get into harvard to convince shi mei otherwise.
Once he gets there though he's constantly looked down upon for being stupid and low class, but seeing shi mei's shocked expression in the hallway made it all worth it. That is, until mo ran walks into his first class with the absolutely gorgeous but notoriously uptight professor chu wanning, who promptly throws mo ran out of class for not having the assignment completed.
Mo ran is FURIOUS, and immediately resolves to ace chu wanning's class just to spite his uptight professor, who looks at mo ran and only sees him as this stupid, shallow frat boy, just like the rest of his classmates.
Mo ran tears into his schoolwork like mad, only taking breaks to head to the small, local gym to box with his trainer turned friend, ye wangxi. Ye wangxi has been in love with her childhood friend nangong Si, who owns the small gym. Unfortunately, nangong si is too blockheaded to see her feelings, and ye wangxi is too afraid of messing things up between them. So mo ran teaches her some tricks to seduce nangong si (insert the bend and snap here).
One night, mo ran gets an invite to a costume party. he shows up in a pair of bunny ears and dark blue booty shorts, his chest bare and member bulging through the fabric. When he shows up though, nobody else is in costume. He storms into the party and ignores the resounding laughter, managing to find shi mei in the corner with his glass of merlot. They get onto the topic of prof chu wanning's fall internship program, which is notoriously hard to get into.
"I was thinking of applying for it, actually,” mo ran says, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. Shi mei smiles at him, and tilts his head to the side slightly.
"Are you sure, A-Ran?" He asks, his eyes wide and his expression innocent. "It's just that...it's a super competitive internship, and well, I wouldn’t want you to feel hurt in the event that you don’t get in.”
Mo ran blinks. "Um, I mean, I got into harvard, didn't I? Got a 179 on my lsats, got into all of your classes too. That's gotta mean something, right?"
Shi mei sighs, genuinely looking sorry for mo ran. "Well, yes, but...you know what you're like, mo ran."
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Mo Ran growls. Shi Mei looks to the side, swirling his merlot. Mo Ran’s stomach sinks to the ground.
"Shi Mei...I'll never be enough for you, will I?"
He doesnt want to know the answer. But when shi mei bites his lips and sighs out a weary, "A-ran..." He already knows.
He leaves. Fighting back tears as the rain starts to pour down, mo ran stands under the rain in his stupid little shorts and his waterlogged bunny ears, wishing he'd never come to harvard.
Then, from behind him, a startled call of, "Mo Ran?!"
Mo ran turns. Professor Chu Wanning stands a lil ways behind him, holding a yellow, floral umbrella while he gapes at Mo ran.
"Don't ask." Mo ran growls, wiping a hand over his face. He misses the way his professor's eyes cling to the VERY prominent bulge in his rain-soaked shorts.
"I wasn't going to." Chu wanning snaps back.
Mo ran grits his teeth. He is having an awful day, he's soaked to the bone, and he does not want to stand here with his most hated professor staring down his nose at him. It surprises him then, when a yellow, floral-printed umbrella is shoved into his hands. "You're going to catch a cold in that shameless attire," Chu wanning snaps at him, sliding his coat off to wrap it around his briefcase.
Mo ran's eyes dart to his professor's ill-fitting white button down, now partly translucent as the rain begins to soak it through. He's never noticed how...tiny his professor's waist is. Like so tiny, mo ran's hands could probably almost wrap around it entirely.
He's an erotic sight in his now entirely see-through shirt, clinging to his body and leaving very little to the imagination.
"If you have time to party, then you have time to check the forecast." Chu wanning looks at mo ran once more, standing completely still under the yellow umbrella chu wanning had handed him, before hurriedly looking away. "Now get back to your dorm before I write you up for public indecency."
Then he's gone, tearing off with nothing but his briefcase, wrapped in his own coat for protection.
Mo ran stands there is shocked silence, watching chu wanning's figure disappear in the downpour.
Mo ran slowly climbs to the top of his classes, and the people around campus start to respect him. Mo ran's habit of jogging shirtless has certainly helped his reputation with the ladies. Shi mei has hardly looked his way, but now the spell he's had over mo ran has been absolutely shattered, so mo ran focuses on pouring himself into his studies instead.
When he comes into class, chu wanning makes no indication that he even remembers that rainy night, let alone wishes to discuss it. He pushes mo ran harder than before, but the memory of that night dilutes mo ran's hatred for the man.
It's still a surprise to him however, when the list of people handpicked by the prof himself for chu wanning's internship program come out and mo ran's name is on the list.
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zestrya · 1 year
daydreams by your side, forever
he made you feel as if you were crazy, even when you knew the way he acted was unnatural he made it seem so natural. you knew all of his claims of love for you weren't true, still, you remained by his side, always letting his nurture this sick obsession with a frail hope for a blooming love.
pairing:: riddle rosehearts x gn!reader
cw:: yandere; unhealthy relationship dynamic; obsession; mention of physical/psychological abuse; stockholm syndrome. if i missed something, tell me, don't wanna trigger anyone.
notes:: may be quite ooc, especially since i got too lost daydreaming about him midway through.
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it wasn't that bad, you thought to yourself. his touches were gentle, most of the time at least, as long as you were good for him, as long as you reciprocated his words of love, as long as you accepted being his living doll.
he wasn't that bad, you thought. he gave you everything you could ever wish for, only if you paid the measly price of your freedom.
you were scared at first and you'd be lying if you said felt nothing about it even today, still you were aware such feelings would do nothing but bring you sadness.
especially when the rosehearts was so observant of your every action, when even flinching away from his touch once would offer you an endless string of punishments, eyes raging in a freezing anger whenever he so much as deemed you actions as unfit of his partner.
how could you, a future member of the rosehearts family, port yourself in such an unsightly way?
the worst part was when he sighed with that depreciative look he sent your way whenever you missed any of his rules, his tone was as if he was scolding a dog and not his own partner, though at this point, you guessed you were even lower than any pet to him.
“[name], you know i hate to go over this all over again as much as you do, but i can't let you go any longer disrespecting the Queen of Roses rules.” he lied. you could see the way his eyes shone whenever it came to punishment.
it wasn't always like that, when you first became partners he was a gentle soul, not the most lenient, but still willing to teach you and follow your pace, but with time his state seemed to worsen, patience running thin with even the most subtle etiquette error, as the shadow beneath his feet grew darker with each passing day.
the days after the punishments were far better, he'd embrace you all day long if you so wished, he'd even ignore your existence if that's what would put you more at ease.
he was a good lover after all. one that could offer all you ever wanted and more, if only it wasn't a pure, underwhelming love, after all, how could he, when all of his thoughts were plagued by your existence?
there were times where he couldn't even sleep while thinking of you, face unusually serene as he hugged you to sleep, but he couldn't even notice how his arms were wrapped far too tightly for you to find any comfort under his touches, but even if you didn't have any sleep he'd smile, lovestruck, just to have some pillowtalk with his most precious person.
otherwise, on days you followed the rules perfectly you could expect the best treatment possible, he wouldn't be above a loyal servant at that point, letting you even use his lap as a pillow or having him act as your own hands and feet, his praises soaring as high as the skies, he just wasn't one to let good feats go unnoticed after all, all good job should be rewarded, after all, that way you'd be even more motivated to continue, right?
though, the rosehearts wasn't as just as he liked to paint himself, most of your problems arose from his petty jealousy, his mind getting muddled with obsessive thoughts if you so much as offered to pour tea to some of his guest at the unbirthday party, things being even worse if some headless fool such as ace appeared, touching you freely under the watch of the Ruler himself.
he learned to control himself, he said, at least under the guests watch, you thought.
when all the eyes turned around it was time for your hell to start, his hands gripping so tightly at your wrist that at times you were scared it would break, his body so close to yours that it seemed he would eat you whole if it meant he could keep you away from others, after all, he knew his many flaws better than anyone else, he never talked about it, but he was so insecure that you would leave him, that at times he even considered getting a contract from the ashengrotto so you would be forever tied to him.
what he didn't know, though, was that his love was like a serpent, one that wrapped around you so tightly that you didn't have any strength to get it away anymore, that even if his love wasn't just like it used to, he was still the riddle that you once fell in love.
love came in many ways, and even if his wasn't as safe as you liked to think, it was still the love that you choose to pursue.
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lighthouseofstories · 9 months
Wanted to drop in and say how much I'm absolutely adoring your writing! The cat post had me absolutely dying and your angst is just... so wonderful! The Ace fic hit me so hard and your portrayal of Zoro and his social obliviousness yet still meaning well enough was so spot on it hurts 😭
Was also curious if you might write something where the reader (trans masc or gender neutral if you're not comfortable with that ) is a new member of the crew (Whitebeard, Red Force, Strawhats, and Hearts separately) and they're really wanting to prove their worth on the crew because they're scared they'll be ditched and left behind. But in doing so, they go overboard and end up getting hurt or messing up the plan that had been laid out for everyone. How would the different captains/cremates react in the moment and afterwards when they find out reader maybe has some past trauma involving people making them feel like they weren't worth keeping around if they weren't useful in some way? And they aren't sure how to help most of the time when everyone around them is alreadyso capable and stronger without them. All the crews have such different vibes and dynamics, makes me curious how everyone would try to help the reader overcome these insecurities and realize that their worth isn't based on how strong they are/aren't and they were asked to join because they're a friend, not a tool to be used.
I hope that makes sense? Totally understand if you don't feel comfortable doing this request and want to say thank you again for your awesome writing!! Hope you have a wonderful day 💓
The Crew's Rookie
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Platonic Red Hair Pirates x Rookie Reader (Trans Male)
TW: *Mentions of injury and blood. *The feeling of not being good enough and being desperate to prove yourself.
OOf, I ended up going in some random direction here, I hope it touches on the idea of the crew interacting with an uncertain reader. There was tons to unpack here so I condensed it into a one-shot. Also, sorry this is so late! I haven' felt too good under the heat we've been having!
Finishing re-tying some ropes on the ship, you wipe the sweat from your brow with the bottom of your shirt. The temperatures in this summer climate are so high that everyone is sweating buckets for the past few days. Not much that can be done about that except to keep showering and staying hydrated. 
Yassop closely inspects your work to check it won’t pose a safety hazard and you anxiously hold your breath in wait for the verdict. 
He then grins and pats you on the back. “Good job rookie! You’re learning quickly! Can't believe you've only been here three months! Man, it feels like you've been one of us for longer!” 
You sigh in relief and give a small smile as thanks. It’s only been about three months since you joined the crew and it’s been hard work to learn everything you can about being on a ship and even harder trying to find your place on one. You've also affectionately gained the nickname rookie or rookie y/n and you can't say you minded.
You’re beyond grateful for the opportunity that Shanks has given you that day, an opportunity to get away from your monochrome-filled world. 
You were working as a waiter in an almost-dead town and a half-dead tavern when Shanks and his crew strolled in laughing and chatting in a boisterous way. You felt trepidation at first, knowing that some pirates aren’t to be trusted, but seeing the charismatic captain politely inquire whether they’d be able to take over the tavern for the night you felt your fear slowly ease out of you.
You enjoyed serving them that night, their friendly behaviour and wild stories of the sea entertaining you throughout the night. When they left you felt sadness and emptiness fill you, missing the life they brought with them.
When they returned the next night for more partying you felt a grin spread across your face. You spent another night weaving between tables or just sitting with them and listening to their stories.
At one point the captain intently stared at you and you just furrowed your brows in confusion. “Hey, hey, why don’t you come and join my crew?” 
The crew around him laughed and someone shouted “Drunk recruiting again captain?” 
You felt your heart skip a beat at the proposal, but seeing how Shanks was so drunk he could barely sit up on his own, you forcefully shoved that feeling of hope deep down again. 
But the next day Shanks returned to your tavern alone. If it was anyone else you would have told them the tavern is closed and politely sent them on their way. But this was Shanks who you’ve grown a respect and admiration for upon seeing how he treats and interacts with his crew. 
“You never gave me a response to my question last night. There’s potential in you and it would be a shame to waste it by rotting away here. We’ll be setting sail tonight, so if you wish to come with us be at the dock by sunfall.” 
After Shanks left, you spent the whole day rapidly packing whatever essentials you deemed you’d need and a few mementos. You then scrawled a hasty note to the tavern owner saying you’re quitting in lieu of finding a better work opportunity and that you pushed the keys through the letter flap, he has spares after all. You then took a deep breath and saw the sky starting to change.
After you pushed the keys through the postbox and Slinged your backpack over your shoulders you take a deep breath and begin to sprint towards the docks. 
When you arrive at the dock you’re panting and out of breath, but feel the excitement buzz in your veins. 
Some nearby men spot you and grin, before shouting for the Captain to come and see who it is. 
When Shanks appears and looks down from the ship he grins wide and asks, “What are you waiting for rookie? Get on board before we sail without you.” 
“Yoohoo earth to Rookie y/n. A return to the ship would be great.” You return to the present to see Yassop waving a hand in front of your face. 
You blink and smile sheepishly. “Sorry, Yassop. Lost in thought.” 
He just lightly shakes his head and flicks your forehead. “You’re working too hard, no wonder you're so spacy. Go take a break and do something, anything, non-work related.”
You tried to protest but Yassop was having none of it and even gently pushed you in the direction of some crew members just relaxing around the ship, so you reluctantly went to wander around in search of something to do. 
“Rookie, come sit with us!” An older member of the crew cheerfully waves at you from his place at a table full of cards. Coming over you recognise some of the officers like Lime Juice and Howling Gab. 
You grin when you approach and see the scowls on some of the pirates’ faces. “Who’s winning?” You teasingly ask.
“Heh, for a change I am.” Lime Juice responds and places a winning hand of cards now with a grin that irritates those around him.
“I’m still not convinced that you aren’t cheating.” grumbles someone else at the table.
Lime Juice chooses to ignore them and turns to look at you as he passes you a hand of cards for a new game, his shades ever present on his face. “How are you settling in Rookie?”
You sit down at a nearby barrel and shrug as you accept the cards. “Alright, I think. I managed to remember everyone’s names and I’m no longer getting lost on a ship.”
“You’re faring better than some previous newbies, they spent most of their first weeks or months throwing up and falling over in search of their sea legs.” Another pirate at the table laughs.
“Yeah, I suppose this is better then.” You quietly say to yourself. Before you can say anymore a loud rumble of thunder and a flash of lightning spread across the sky. Following it immediately was a strong downpour accompanied by hale. The Grand Line weather really was unpredictable.
Curses erupt all around you and shouts to get the ship prepared for a storm are heard all around. 
“Oi rookie! You’re a pretty good climber! Climb up the rigging and roll up the sails!”
“On it!” You shout with determination happy to be put to use. 
Once you are up on the rigging, carefully helping to roll up the sails so they won’t be damaged in a storm a new shout spreads across the ship. “Hostile ship approaching at four o'clock! Captain they’re trying to pick a fight with us!” 
Barely a few moments after the warning, the sound of cannonballs shooting through the air is heard and the ship violently rocks with the combined attack of the strong storm and the cannonballs hitting water. 
You just about manage to grab onto a nearby rope to stop yourself from falling down, but it is proving to be difficult with the violent swaying of the ship. 
With the enemy ship not swayed by your captain’s Haki (which you miraculously just about managed to get used to) they are now next to the Red Force and a battle begins to commence. 
“Oi Rookie get down! It’s far too dangerous up there right now! Go and support from the back!” Someone, you didn’t see who yells at you from below. 
You grit your teeth and are about to descend before you have another idea. If you manage to help in this battle you can prove your worth, that you deserve to remain here as much as anyone else. 
With that thought made up, you carefully move to the end of the rigging and take out your gun. You carefully scan the enemy pirates and watch for an opportunity. Your eyes widen as you see one of them aim a gun at a fellow red-haired pirate. Without thinking you take aim and shoot. 
You grin victoriously when you see the pirate fall down dead, the surprise clear on his face. The nearby pirate of your crew turns in your direction. His eyes widen and he screams a watch out, but it comes too late as you feel a sudden pain at the back of your head, and the next thing you know you’re falling until the cold sea envelopes you, afterward, your vision turns black.
“Man overboard! Rookie fell in!” Comes the shout and Shank’s eyes widen from where he is fighting the captain of the crew stupid enough to attack them. 
“Beck!” Shanks shouts for his first mate, scanning for him through the crowds.
“I’m on it!” Beckman shouts back to his captain and then after tying himself up with a rope to the ship immediately dives down to the stormy sea. 
It takes him a moment of desperately searching around but he soon notices your unconscious form, blood flowing from your head. It’s a miracle it hasn’t attracted any sea kings yet. 
He firmly wraps a strong hand around you and swims to the surface. “Come on Rookie, you better hang in there.” He tells you as he tugs on the rope to be pulled towards the ship as in these stormy waters even a seasoned sailor will struggle to swim, let alone whilst holding an unconscious body.
Once Beckmann is safely back on board with your unconscious form, the fight is already coming to an end and so you are immediately brought to Hongo to be looked over. 
Shanks listens to Hongo carefully, all the while looking at the bed where your feverish body is currently resting. He has to admit the stunt you pulled was incredibly stupid and reckless and could have killed you, but it was also impressive. Shanks can’t be too mad at you because he’s also done his share of incredibly stupid stuff in his younger years on the seas. 
“The fever isn’t serious and should be gone by tomorrow. The knock to the head doesn’t look too bad either, Head wounds always just bleed like crazy and if I’m right about everything, he should wake up at the latest tomorrow. Once he wakes up I’ll give him some painkillers, for now just rest.” Hongo finishes as he writes down the incident in your patient file. 
Shanks nods in understanding and then turns to Beck. “Quite the troublesome rookie we have on our hands Beck.” he grins at the older man.
Beckman just bites on the unlit cigarette in his mouth, respecting Hongo’s no smoking in the infirmary rule. Eventually, he sighs as he responds, “No worse than you Cap’tn. At least he didn’t leave a blood trail around the ship like you and others have a tendency to do.” 
Hongo snickers at this comment and Shanks just sulks at his crew’s teasing of him. 
With nothing else to do Hongo excuses himself leaving Shanks and Beck alone with you. 
“You stayin to watch over him or should I?” Beck asks 
Shanks sighs and sits down on the chair next to the bed. “You happy managing the crew?” 
Beckman nods in response and leaves to see how the ship and crew are faring post-storm and battle.
Waking up, you attempt to sit up, but a sharp pain in your head makes you cry out. Rough hands come to your shoulders and gently push you back down. 
“Woah Woah y/n, I wouldn’t get up so fast. Quite a nasty bump you’ve got there on your head.” 
You blink a few times to clear the blackness from your vision and you raise a hand to your head and feel the bandages wrapped tightly around it. Then you slowly turn your head to see the owner of the familiar voice. Your eyes widen when you come face to face with the concerned face of your captain. 
“Captain! I-” He raises a hand to silence you and you look down at your bed sheets in guilt. 
Let’s get Hongo to look you over now that you’re awake and also get some food into you. Afterward, we can talk about what happened.” 
You lightly nod your head and let your thoughts run wild as you wait for Shanks to come back.
Once Hongo has checked you over again and declared that with rest you will recover, Shanks and Beckmann sit down and you sigh knowing now is the time for an explanation. 
Shanks looks at you seriously and you hang your head in shame and worry. “Would you like to tell us what prompted you to ignore orders to return and make you continue acting on your own?” He asks seriously. 
Your hands clench around the bed covers as you try to arrange your thoughts. “I’m sorry. I understand that by not listening I put the crew in danger, even more so as I had to be rescued, further endangering everyone. It’s just that, I wanted to be useful like everyone else! I don’t want to freeload on this ship and become a burden. If I keep going like this, being a burden, not improving, not contributing in any significant way, there will be no point for you guys to keep me around. You will probably decide the crew is better off without me dragging everyone down. I don’t want that to happen, I grew fond of the crew and being free, I don't want to go back to that mind-numbing life I used to have!”
After you say everything that is weighing on your mind, you realise your outburst and feel guilty for snapping at your captain and vice-captain. “I’m sorry.”
It’s deadly silent for a while, you being too terrified to look up, but then a small sigh can be heard in the silence. 
“Do you think so little of your captain? I wouldn’t dream of throwing someone who’s working so hard to learn off the ship. I told you I see potential in you and I wasn’t lying. But this potential won’t be realised overnight. You’re slowly learning from each member of the crew and improving by the day. But if you act rashly by jumping into the fray, you very quickly won’t live to see this potential realised.” Shanks says with a serious voice. 
You bow your head even lower and tightly close your eyes. “I acted out of line and for that, I will accept whatever punishment you see fit Captain.”
Shanks leans back in his chair with s thoughtful look on his face. “Any punishment huh? First, I order you to rest until you are fully recovered. Secondly, the crew will give you some chores and jobs to do. Thirdly, the crew is worried about you, so if you’re feeling up to it they’ll want to come and see you.”
This last line made your head shoot up and your eyes widen. 
All Shanks has to do is open the door and shout, “The rookie is awake.” and loud enthusiastic voices can be heard gathering outside of the door. 
You just stared at the door in shock as Yassop was the first to push in and bring you into an enthusiastic side hug. “Rookie! We thought we lost you when we first laid sight on you when Beck brought ya back! Should of seen the blood coming out of your head!”
“If you smother him like this he’ll open up his wound again and then you can deal with a pissed-off Hongo.” Lime Juice tells Yassop seriously as he pulls him off you so you can breathe. 
Lime Juice then looks at you and grins. “Glad to see you’re still sticking around in the land of living Rookie.” 
You smile at them, feeling touched by their concern. Your eyes then move back to your captain who just nods at you.
 Maybe you made a place for yourself on this crew after all. You thought to yourself with a small smile under everyone’s fussing.
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lynnlovesthestars · 2 months
Congrats on the 400 followers!!💖 I've been working up the courage to ask for a match up for my Tav haha, sfw/nsfw is all good!
My Tav is a tiefling in her mid 20s named Ace - a Mephistopheles Tiefling with short cropped copper hair and blue eyes that dart around any room she's in. Chewed nails, bad posture, permanent eye bags. She worked in Baldurs Gate in a secretarial/bookeeper role for a library and is a bard - just a more storyteller focused one than a musician/performer! Contrary to the stereotypical bard, she has crippling anxiety and zero rizz, though she tries her best to mask this.
Ace's experience with the general public meant she's been thrust into her leadership role in the group - a position she was not prepared for. Having no experience as a fighter, she is forced to learn on the go, hiding her inexperience behind a facade. Cries often in her tent when she thinks the party is asleep and blames herself for not being competent enough if a party member is hurt or something goes wrong on their journey.
As her job suggests, Ace is a massive bookworm, preferring mythology, fables etc than non fiction work. Her bardic abilities come from her storytelling ability, a skill she used to entertain children back at the library. She has a sweet tooth, and misses the treats she bought daily on her way to work. In addition, she loves animals (Scratch and the cub are doted on), boardgames, writing and collecting soft toys.
Thank you so much for this!
First of all sorry for being so late, i got sick and getting back at my routine after getting better was a challenge xD.. anyways i think Ace, as the rizzless queen, would pair well with our favourite rizzless king, Astarion. Let's be honest here, our lovely vampire does his best, but sometimes the rizz doesnt rizz as it should.. we might say it rizzn't.
Anyways after my small comedic corner, talking about the rizzlessness (istg someone should stop me), i think that's exactlt how the two end up together.
Ace reads through Astarion's acting as soon as they get closer, she can tell his flirting skills are just a result of years of trial and error- and a lot of reused lines, and not only because, in her way, she puts up a mask to hide her anxiety. She can tell cause once he opens up about his life under Cazador, she can spot those moments where his façade cracks.
Astarion falls for the same exact reason why Ace is skeptic in the beginning: the cracks through the façade. There's only so much a good storytelling can hide, and despite her proficiency he falls for the way she stumbles ever so slightly on her words, or how she reuses that same cheeky line he has used as well, before he knows he even allows his mask to drop more often, revealing more and more of his actual personality, and that's when Ace fully ends up trusting him.
"Roses are red, violets are blue, the honey is sweet, and so are you"
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Last Christmas you took my heart and I won't let you get away
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Yandere protective dorm heads x Jada Christmas special!!
The dorm heads won't let their belove it princess leave after they get rid of her suitors which are in their dorms.
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He fell madly in love with her and won't let her go. He stalks her and follow her everywhere she goes and he loves seeing her beautiful face.
If how sees her talking with another guy he'll immediately get pissed and will probably kill him..he did kill him.
His dead body along with other guys from the dorm who had feelings for her were at the table missing body parts and Trey and the others weren't phased at all. Ace and Deuce were setting the table as she was being dragged in by Trey she was unconscious and he sat her at the table.
Cater took pictures of her and tied her up. Later she woke up with a Christmas 🎄 decorated it was red by the blood of the rivals she scream causing everyone to smile cater was recording.
"Hehe hello princess marry Christmas!" Said cater as Trey places food on the table "Ah my love your awake." Said Riddle wearing a red suit like what he wore on ghost marriage event. "Riddle? What is this?! What happened?!" "Oh my love it's alright I simply took the liberty of taking care of the guys who tried to steal you from me and after that I invited them."
Their corpses were sitting with food and tea in front of them "Ahhh! Oh God! This is madness!" "Of course 😊 it's normal for us we're all mad here my pretty rabbit."
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Jada wakes up in a dress that looked like sleeping beauty's dress but black she was in a chair at a table with the Diasomnia dorm members getting Christmas dinner ready and Sebek and silver were guarding her she looked around confused "What the -?"
"Your awake my Lady the young master will come soon." Said sebek she got up feeling dizzy Silver caught her as she fell "Are you alright my lady?" "Yes silver I have to leave I'm not supposed to be here."
"Nonsense dear Malleus said that he wants you our special guest and the future queen of Thorns to feast with us." "Queen?!" She said before getting up in shock she then ran away "Get her!" Said Sebek as he and the others chased her "I have to hide!"
She said running and hid before feeling dizzy again before fainting she was caught by someone Sebek and Silver and Lilia stopped seeing Malleus holding her "She's beautiful Lilia." "Yes now it's dinner time." They tied her up and had a engagement dinner for her and Malleus he held her hand as she was up then remembered everything then cried "Mal.. please let me go."
"I'm sorry my love but I can't I love you so much once we're married everything will be easy for you and your be safe and protected."
She saw the dead bodies for the boys who confess their feelings for her "Sebek and Silver paid them a visit and so now no more drama and men trying to take you away from Malleus."
She was forever trapped within the kingdom thorns.
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Leona takes Jada home with him and she was scared to leave because she she knows Ruggie and Jack hunts her and bring her back and he locks her away. "Leona my brother your home!" Said his older brother and sister in law hugged him and Jada she smiled as Cheka ran to them "Uncle! Auntie!"
She picked him up and hugged him "Just in time for dinner!" "So why come home so early?" Said his brother
Leona wrapped his arm around her and smiled at them "We're engaged and we wanted to take a break to prepare for the wedding."
"Oh my gosh! I'm so happy for you guys we must prepare for the party a Christmas and engagement dinner party begins!" Said his brother as Cheka smiled "Yay!" She wanted to leave so much but she remembers what happened to the students of Savanhaclaw dorm were killed and it traumatized her and seeing him in blood as she was tied up in a chair mouth covered as he smiles as he kisses her "You'll be my queen and by my side we'll rule our kingdom before you bare my cubs."
She was trapped within a lion's din and she'll never leave.
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Idia has his darling locked up in a room and heavily guarded and protected by robots he sees her on the bed with a collar on her neck that was a tracker "Hello my beautiful goddess it's Christmas time." "Big sis it's Christmas! Our family has a dinner party tonight let's get you ready!" Said Ortho as he got a beautiful black and blue dress .
"My love we must have you dress and looking amazing you'll take the breath away like the final boss."
She couldn't escape no matter how many times she's tried and failed he has the guards kill anyone who he sees as a threat to his relationship with his goddess. "Darling I know your tired of this game of escape but you must know that I can't let you go I simply took care of those annoying lvl 1 underlings trying to take you from me but like a final boss a crush them, I destroy them, I killed them and then boom! Game over for them."
She tries to leave and escape but with Ortho around her monitoring her moods, behavior, and everything watches her and following her around 24/7 she failed at every attempt but if she does manage to leave Ortho sends a alert and a alarm 🚨 goes off.
And she goes back into her room. She knows she'll never leave this hell but she'll keep going to try.
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Vil has has his darling in a room locked away so no other can see her beauty and steal her from him which is why he watches everything and everyone by simply having Rook spy on her and report back to him.
After getting information he decided to poison some rivals and kill them by pushing them off cliffs in the woods near the dorm or simply out of a window. He loves seeing her beautiful face when she's sleeping and won't let anyone take her away from him he's willing to have his reputation ruined just to keep her all to himself.
She escaped once and Rook found her and brought her back and boy oh boy did he punish her and after that she didn't try to run away again. With Christmas day here he spoiled her and there was more to come he even gave her a engagement ring she said yes because she knew he'd probably blackmail her or do something awful to make her say Yes.
While his family visit went well he still spoiled her even after Christmas was over "My beautiful apple blossom you've been so well behaved there for you will sleep with me without your chains." She smiled hugging him but she just wanted to run..run away from him but she knew it'll be pointless "If you ever leave me again darling things can get worse for my fair maiden."
She spent a lot of time with his family and friends and he kept her away from his rival Neige and that he loved doing because he proved every one wrong by getting a wife before him which people said Vil could never find a wife but he did and so it was victory as well as keeping his princess beside him forever.
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Azul knew how to charm people and he knew how to keep what was his safe and protected. By doing that he killed and got rid of rivals who dares to try and steal his pearl.
Jada was the sweet girl who caught his eye and he couldn't help but watch her everywhere and even though she rejected him it didn't go well as he had the twins kidnap her and now she's trapped. He forced her to be his lover and she signed a contract "Now your bond to me forever my love."
She couldn't escape he gave her a postion that turned her into a mermaid and now she definitely can't leave him now "My beautiful mermaid princess it's Christmas time and now we shall celebrate together as a couple!" He said as she was chained to the bed he let her go and held her hand. When it was time to visit he took he to meet his mom and dad and brother vert "My beloved family I'd love for you to meet Jada my soon to be bride."
His mother loved her like his dad did his brother was amazed at how his brother got a girlfriend and is almost out of school "So once I graduate we'll get married and Vert My little brother will take over." "Great brother but she's..a mermaid how do you think your children will look?" "Not sure but I'll love them forever just how I love their mother."
He killed other guys who tried to ask her out but failed no one has heard or seen from them and poor Jada was constantly being followed the twins making sure she didn't escape or someone bothering her.
"My darling pearl no one has a chance to take you from me your mine now." She wanted to cry and scream but knew it wouldn't do anything for her but she hope he'll come to his senses one day.
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Kalim was clueless to some but in reality he was smart, clever, and crazy especially when it came to his jewel.
Jada was trapped in chains of gold as Kalim came in with Jamil "My jewel it's Christmas time it's time to start the party!" She tries to run away but nothing works, students who have tried to help met a gruesome end and that is what kept her from running away again out of fear of being killed or someone else dying because of her.
She knew kalim was killing them because she seen blood on him and Jamil so he's done that killings for him and he watches or does it himself.
Kalim will try anything and everything to keep his diamond safe and secure so he's had plenty of students suffer and that is why everyone is in fear. He dances with her as the dead bodies were in cages and some sitting she was scared "Kalim this is insane!" "Your crazy what did you do to them?"
"My darling jewel I simply took care of them that's all with Jamil helping me and look some lived." He pointed to the ones who were missing limbs she cried as he wrapped his arms around her "And yes I am crazy.. for you my jewel!" "Now it's time to open gifts I got you my jewel 💎!"
(Marry Christmas 🎄 to all! @sanyu-thewitch05 for you)
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romance-club-daily · 1 year
Previously on the last update…
~A summary of what happened in the stories: Translated from the Telegram channel: SpoilerAreWithUs
Fleeing from the enraged Vlad, the heroine and Sandra follow Erzsi, but fall into a trap. The unusual guests turn out to have their own plans for Dracula's power, and suddenly a creepy party breaks into… Yustin. Barely escaping from Erzsebet, the heroine becomes the target of the distraught Vlad, who miraculously comes to his senses and voluntarily surrenders to Aquil and Tetra.
The morning on the airship is hectic, with Gray trying to refuse to go in Glashtyn's company for the next artifact needed to defeat Domnu. Despite this, the heroine's team with Lee, Gray, and Glashtyn sets out to retrieve the ashes of the first king. At the Abbey, they find the wounded Counselor and the right urn, but the Ruler and a mob of undead block their exit.
Upon her return to the throne, the heroine passes judgment and witnesses the death of her uncle Osmont - he takes with him to his grave the secret of the death of the queen's parents and the truth of his plan. The heroine gradually comes to her senses and finds a former royal knight who reveals the secrets of her dead uncle. In search of answers, the heroes make their way to the Xaelian fortress.
The heroine agrees to join the cult and moves out of the Chauhan on the same day. Together with a British group, she decides to return to Clifagrami, where she encounters a terrible truth and almost gets killed. Ratan intervenes and saves the company, but they still have to look for Gabriel and Kiran. Upon her return to the city, the heroine and her brother discover a ransacked apartment.
Not without Niall's help, the heroine comes to her senses, the search for a healing fern and a farewell to Ethan and Leahy are replaced by the need to set out. The deteriorating condition of the crack in the sky forces the team to fly to Tiamat without an army, the uneasy road brings first an encounter with winged Anunnaki and then, after a halt, they find themselves in the lands of humans.
The interview takes an unexpected turn when John, who has lost his memory, comes out of the shadows. Theodora escapes and meets Darius, a descendant of the Guardians, makes friends with the demonologist Marcel, and meets Jamie, her only friend and an island of calm. Later, after receiving an invitation to a charity event, the heroine meets John again to help him remember everything.
The main character makes her first voyage on her new boat and immediately finds herself in a jam - Gitana is attacked by a huge orca, but thanks to her personal qualities, her crew and help from an old acquaintance everything ends safely. However, on Aquila the heroes will be tested again - this time they will have to confront a gang of marauders, but they will be able to cope with it as well.
🌀 🧬 PSI
Having sworn an oath before the Church, Lou becomes a full-fledged member of the AC, and uses her position to free the detained Jonas the very same day. A missing bomb forces the heroine and her partner to search for criminals on their own, following their success, a new job awaits them - in the protection of the Prior himself. Their first assignment is to escort Monsieur Martin to the village near the Perimeter.
Despite the heroine's dramatic reveal, the festivities at Versailles continue. The next day brings a new amusement - a balloon - and a sudden tragedy on its next rise. Having come to her senses after the fall, the heroine finds a clue in the greenhouse, but it is impossible to identify the shooter. The sermon and the deer hunt end with Louise being sent away from the palace.
Despite her long-awaited meeting with Jack, the heroine doesn't manage to talk to him right away, but she manages to convince her father to let her help the group of scientists at the hospital along with Mustafa. The situation with the virus worsens, tensions rise in the city and the number of sick people, along with the approaching unwanted wedding. Overhearing Zain's conversation, the heroine learns of Adil's arrest.
Ten years after the war, the world of angels and demons is once again threatened. The mysterious Plague releases the war dead from Nonexistence and attacks the Citadel. After three months of imprisonment, the heroine finally sees what Heaven has become under the control of the Horsewoman. Plague takes away the heroine's power and brings Malbonte back, and then everyone goes to the school of angels and demons.
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star-vessel1237 · 1 year
Digimon Partners for the TWST Cast | Pt. Heartslabyul
( Summary: Basically how they met and more. )
(Warning: This is a LONG post.)
Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, Octavinelle, Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, Diasomnia
(A/N: Sorry if any of these characters seem out of character.)
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( Black and White PawnChessmon )
Pronouns for both: He/They
(Takes place a little after Chapter 1)
It started when some of the Hearslabyul students started going missing, most notably the ones that broke the rules frequently
Ace and Deuce were obvious targets and were taken back to dorm and tied up in the courtroom
The other Heartslabyul members, Baal!Yuu, and Grimm followed them as the attack was out in the open
There they met with two KnightChessmon, one white and black, starting some sort of trial where the rule-breakers were going to be executed
Both of them seemed to have been corrupted by some sort of virus, making them act on the queen of hearts rules relentlessly
While both proved troublesome together, they were able to distract one of them when they were questioned about the rules
Both then devolved into PawnChessmon, seemingly calming down after the fight
Both have been transported to Twisted Wonderland after they were wandering the digital world, while being transported they seemed to have been corrupted by some kind of virus that made them devoted to the Queen of Heart’s rules
Since they can’t go back home, they decided to stay in Heartslabyul
They ended up taking a liking to it, the rules were odd but they don’t seem to mind them
Both PawnChessmon also have formed a bond with Riddle after the incident, seeing him as their king and calling him such
Riddle had grown close to the two digimon, he does find it a bit embarassing when they call him their ‘king’
White PawnChessmon is more energetic while Black PawnChessmon is a mon of few words, both are orderly and loyal
Also, both have temper that comes out when riled up
If you need proof, just ask Ms. Rosehearts when she got scolded by the two for the way she treats Riddle
Evolution Line
White: Pawn Chessmon > Knight Chessmon > Bishop Chessmon > King Chessmon
Black: Pawn Chessmon > Knight Chessmon > Rook Chessmon > Queen Chessmon
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 ( Agumon )
Pronouns: He/Him
Ace met his partner a few weeks after the events of Chapter 1
He and Deuce were buying stuff from the Mystery Shop for an Unbirthday party and were caught off guard when running into two digimon, Agumon and Gaomon
Both of them didn’t know what to do with the two, so Ace decided that maybe Baal!Yuu could let them stay at Ramshackle 
It didn’t go so well as both of the digimon were just as knuckle-headed as the Braincell Duo and thought Grim and the ghosts were enemey digimon
Even after clearing up the misunderstanding, there wasn’t enough room at Ramshackle because most of the rooms still needed cleaning up, also because the ghosts and Grim were still mad, so they ended up staying at Heartslabyul
Ace ended up becoming friends with Agumon, the reptile digimon is a little naive but really friendly and gets along with Ace’s attitude
Of course though, Agumon gets along better with Deuce’s partner better than the Braincell Duo themselves causing him and Gaomon to act a mediators
Ace sometimes teaches Agumon to do card tricks, Agumon isn’t that good at it but he’s trying his best
Other than that Ace and Agumon become good friends, that still doesn’t stop either of them from getting into trouble
Evolution Line
Agumon > Growlmon (Orange) > Rize Greymon > Dukemon
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( Gaomon )
Pronouns: He/Him
The same as in Ace’s situation, he ran into the digimon when getting stuff for an Unbirthday party, tried bringing them to Rahmshackle, didn’t work out, and now they’re in Heartslabyul
Gaomon is actual quite polite in his behavior and tries to keep himself and Deuce in check, however he can’t help himself when it comes to a good fist fight (He’s still smarter than Deuce though)
The two have similar enough personalities that they ended up bonding and growing a strong bond
Also, I like to imagine that Gaomon and Deuce work hard to improve themselves; Deuce trying to become an honors student when he was delinquent in the past and Gaomon trying to work on himself from being a former battle-junkie
Both are determined to strive for their own self-improvement causing a deep bond that may lead to them being the first digivolve before the other twst cast
(I’m sorry if I’m showing favoritism, I just firckin love Deuce.)
Evolution Line
Gaomon > Gaogamon > Mach Gaogamon > Mirage Gaogamon
(Alternative: Replacing Mach Gaogamon with Grap Leomon and Mirage Gaogamon with Bancho Leomon)
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Pronouns: They/Them
How they met (as well as the person who gave me the idea for Shortmon to be Trey’s partner) is detailed in this: > [HYPERLINK] <
TL:DR || Trey adopts a sentient short cake digimon after finding them in the kitchen
But going a bit more into their partnership and Shortmon themselves
Shortmon helps Trey in the kitchen and both of them share cooking/baking tips and advice
Trey and Shortmon are baking/cooking buddies who help each other in the kitchen and any other task Trey has to do
Shortmon is very friendly and generous, often putting themselves before others since they love seeing people happy
They also seem to have a very strange sense of humor just like Trey
Their most common way of expressing this humor is in the form of corny puns revolving around sweets
Shortmon will often make sweets or someone’s favorite food if their not having a good time or in a fowl mood
Evolution Line
Kudamon > Shortmon > Weddinmon > Lord Knightmon
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Pronouns: She/Her
Cater and Palmon met each other a few days after Ace and Deuce, technically
It started when Cater realized that some of the photos he’s been taking for a couple of days now contains a peculiar pink flower
He tried finding out what it was but couldn’t find any answers, until one day at Heartslabyul
Trey: Cater is something wrong?
Cater: Hey Trey, hey Shortmon, nothing much.
Trey: Really, you’ve been staring at your phone more than usual lately.
Cater: Well. ‘Kay here’s the deal. * shows a selfie of himself in the rose gardens before zooming in on a pink flower in the background*
Cater: This plant keeps showing up in all my pics. I’ve been trying to find out out what it is. But no matter how much I search I can’t find anything, #ImpossibleFind.
Trey: *looks closer* Huh, I’ve never seen anything like that.
Shortmon: Wait a minute. Cay-Cay, do you mind if I look at that.
Cater: Sure thing. *shows picture*
Shortmon: Huh. Cay-Cay, I think a digimon keeps photo-bombing your pictures.
Cater: Huh, for real!?
Shortmon then gave advice to Cater to take a selfie alone while he and the other Heartslabyul digimon wait for the digimon to pop up
Said digimon being a helpless Palmon being dog-tackled
Palmon apologized to Cater for photo-bombing his pictures, her reason being that she got curious about him, and tried to talk to him but wasn’t able to due to getting cold roots at the last minute
Cater does forgive Palmon, but he wants to get to know more about her and it seems she has taken a liking to taking pictures as well so they become quick friends/partners
Palmon, or Vi-Vi as Cater calls them sometimes, is a bit soft spoken and kinda nervous with interacting with new people
Once you get to know her though, she’s a total sweet heart who likes gardening and has an interest in social media
She’s also very sensitive to other person’s emotions so she knows when someone needs comfort and tries her best to make them feel better
Another fun fact, she also dislikes sweet foods preferring bitter flavors (Cater is kinda thankful for that)
Evolution Line
Palmon > Sunflowmon > Lilimon > Rosemon
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(That’s all for now. Hope you enjoyed.)
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