#twst reader
hanafubukki · 9 months
The Legend of the Prefect of NRC
Legend has it there was once a Prefect at NRC.
The Prefect appeared one day with chaos at their heels.
Not much is known about them as an individual, but they are known for their achievements.
They stopped great calamities that befell the Island of Sage.
At times, even stopped Twisted Wonderland from unraveling.
Not much is known about what happened to them.
Some say they returned from whence they came.
Some say they chose to stay.
Some say they even found romance or traveled the world.
But there is one aspect everyone agrees on.
They were cherished by all who knew them.
And they, in return, loved them just as much.
It is no wonder the Great Seven became the Great Eight in homage to the Prefect and those who lived in Ramshackle Dorm.
A statue of three ghosts, a chimera, and a hooded figure made of marble commemorates the newly established dorm at the Main Street of NRC.
Now you may wonder, what does this dorm represent?
It is based on the spirit of the Prefect of Legend, the one known to tame even the mightiest.
The Ramshackle Dorm is for those who do not belong. Those who have the potential for greatness beyond any normal means.
Now take the hand before you, for you have been chosen.
The Ramshackle Dorm welcomes you.
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twstowo · 8 months
Kissing Their Foreheads [Twst Third Years]
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗SYNOPSIS: You kiss their foreheads.
♡︎ Includes: Third Years
[First Years]☆[Second years]☆[Here]☆[One final forehead kiss]☆[Extras]
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It took him a moment to realize that you had kissed his forehead, but when the realization fully processed inside his head, he hugged you. He was happy that you kissed him there since he understands the meaning behind kisses. He took a picture of both of you but, for once, didn’t share it. He would like to keep this moment for himself since he felt so content with you showing him affection.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
You can even catch him off guard while he is cooking, and his reaction will be the same. He gives you a sweet smile and caresses your hair. He is accustomed to kissing his younger siblings' foreheads and receiving some in return, so he sees the gesture as something completely normal.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
Leona gives you the biggest side eye ever. "What was that for, Herbivore?" Throw him in the pit! You need to explain that you just wanted to kiss his forehead, as if he didn’t know already. He will probably just go back to sleep. As you start to stand up, ready to leave him alone since he clearly didn’t seem that fazed with the kiss, he just pulls you down. Now you are stuck with a sleeping Leona. If you decide to rest and fall asleep, he gives you a forehead kiss.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
He raises his eyebrow at you, but then laughs it off. He takes hold of your hand and kisses it while staring at you the whole time, making you turn into an embarrassed mess. He just loves that look of yours, so he gets a little bolder and slowly kisses up your arm. Once he is done, he tells you your hair looks dishevelled and suggests you come with him so that he can fix it. Will he really just fix your hair? We will never know.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
Finds it so interesting that you just kissed his forehead. To be fair, he knows that you have been kissing everyone’s forehead, so he was just waiting painfully for his turn. Now that he finally got his kiss, he isn’t completely satisfied. Only one kiss? If you give in and give him another, he will go in for your defenceless neck and give it a kiss. You jump in your spot with the unexpected touch, and you can only watch as he laughs at your embarrassed reaction.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
He had been hiding from you since he overheard your conversation about kissing him with Ortho. Don't get him wrong, he had been dreaming of you kissing him for the longest time ever, but the thought of it actually happening scares him away. So when you found his hiding spot, his room, and just took hold of his blushing face, you gave him a soft forehead kiss. He won't move from his spot no matter what you do, so you just decide to leave him alone. At night, he will be giggling, twirling his hair, waving his legs in the air while thinking about the kiss you gave him.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
Oh my, a forehead kiss? He is so glad for the sweet gesture. However, he is also aware that you have been kissing everyone’s foreheads, and he had been spending all of his time hearing a whining Malleus who had yet to receive one of those kisses from you. So he takes hold of you and just teleports you to Malleus, leaving the two of you alone.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
Literally runs to you as soon as he sees you, with this not suspicious at all look on his face as he tries to start a normal conversation with you. But he keeps on throwing random comments about kisses and foreheads. He keeps showing his forehead to you as if trying to convey what he wants. When you tell him that you can't reach his forehead, his eyes widen as he had never thought of it before. So he leans down, and he finally gets his well-deserved kiss. You can see how happy he is, there is this silly smile plastered on his face, and he can’t get it to go away.
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lk2222 · 4 months
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Trey is a really good friend
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rainyyynightssss · 6 months
Twisted Wonderland
Reacting to you having trouble with other students
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Characters: Trey, Jade, Floyd, Rook
Notes: Some violence
Trey Clover
You sit next to Trey at a library table, shoulders brushing up against each other as you both look at the textbooks splayed across the surface. You had been having trouble some of your classwork and it seemed harder than usual since you come from a world without magic. Trey, noticing your struggles, offered to help you study which was a compromise since you first asked to copy his notes.
You've been trying to focus on the notes and tips he's giving you instead of the lingering touches as he directs your hand to the next page, or the small praises he gives you after getting a question right, or his soft breath on your cheek as he leans close to check your work. No, you've been diligently studying and not feeling any kind of heat in your face.
"And what about this one?" Trey asks as he taps his finger on the open page in the textbook. You look down at the words and think for a moment.
"Um..so sublimation is...turning solids into gas...without having to go through the liquid phase?" You half-guess. Trey smiles and hands you another chocolate covered candy that he had called 'motivation'.
"Right again. You're better at this than you think." He says as he flips the pages over to the next question. You sigh and rest your face on your hand.
"I really should be compensated for all this trouble." You mention.
"The trouble of doing your work?" Trey chuckles, "I can whip something up for you later. Your favorite, of course." He winks.
Just as you're about to launch into a discussion about your favorite dessert, something hard is knocked into the back of your head. You whip around and find a couple of Heartslabyul boys passing behind you. One of them is holding a heavy book and smirking while the other two try to hide their snickers behind their hands.
You have no idea what you could have done to these boys. Sometimes just breathing was enough to piss off students at Night Raven College.
"Whoops. Wasn't paying attention." One of the boys says flippantly as he shifts the book to his other arm, nearly smacking you again. You rub the back of your head, ready to tell them off when one of them eyes the bag of candies on the table.
"Oh, Trey! Can we have some? Please!" The boy begs and his friends follow suit. Trey stares at them with a blank look for a few moments before smiling.
"Sure. Here you go," He hands them a handful of the chocolate candies each, "They taste better if you eat them all at once."
The Heartslabyul boys run off after receiving the candy without a thank you or an apology. You narrow your eyes at Trey.
"Awfully kind of you to give candy to my assailants." You sigh dramatically but Trey shakes his head.
"Something tells me they won't be enjoying this treat." He smiles again.
Suddenly, across the room, you can hear a chorus of "ewwww"'s followed by some coughing and gagging. You gape and turn back towards Trey.
"What did you change the taste to?" You ask in interest but he merely winks at you.
"I have no clue. It's just supposed to be chocolate." He responds innocently. His smile turns into a frown as he gently rubs the back of your head where you were hit.
"I'm sorry I couldn't do more. Though if it's any consolation, Riddle will probably deal with them after he finds out just how severe their lack of manners are." Trey offers.
You think his caresses on your head like you're something that needs care is consolation enough. But you don't say that, instead leaving your head on his shoulder and closing your eyes. Trey closes the textbooks and wraps an arm around your waist, done with studying for today but he didn't need an excuse to want to hang out with you.
Jade Leech
You finish taking a couple's order down on the notepad Azul provided to you and walk back towards the kitchen. You've been taking a couple shifts at the Mostro Lounge in order to pay off some of the damage Grim has caused by being...everywhere. Azul was benevolent enough to take you in and you just managed to slip through signing a contract with him, much to his chagrin.
Jade took on the responsibility of showing you the ropes, a little too eagerly which you found suspicious. He did tell you everything there is to know about serving and walked you through it. He didn't get irritated after you accidentally dropped a dish or forgot to add an appetizer a table ordered. Or at least you assumed he didn't since his smile never changed. Though you did notice that waiters who messed up one too many times were taken to the back by Jade. You hope that'll never happen to you.
You pass by Jade as he carries an abnormal amount of plates on his arms towards a table. He nods at you with his smile, not a hint of strain on his face.
"You have a new group at table 13. They can get a bit unruly so I'll-" Jade starts but you take the plates containing drinks off his hand.
"No, I got it! Thanks, Jade!" You tell him before dashing off to table 13. While you are definitely in this for the money, you also couldn't help but want to impress Jade and show him that his training was not in vain.
As you approach the table, you can already hear the group of boys chatting and laughing. You set the drinks down and give them a smile, readying your notepad.
"Are you guys ready to order or do you need more time?" You ask.
"What does it look like?" A blondie responds dryly. The rest of the boys stare at you like they're wondering if you passed elementary school.
"That you're...ready?" You guess awkwardly. The blondie rolls his eyes and the rest scoff, their assumptions about your schooling seemingly confirmed.
"Obviously we need more time." Another says and you nod, turning around to leave.
"I'll be back soon then-"
"Where are you going? We're ready to order." You turn back around to find the blondie smirking. Your hands tighten on your notepad and you fight to keep your smile. How did Jade do this all the time?
"What can I get for you?" You keep your eyes focused on the notepad, hoping that will lower your irritation.
"Can I get...uh..." You listen to one of them mumbling before a loud yelp is heard. You look over to see Jade gripping the wrist of the blondie who is frozen in fear and wincing. His grip is so tight that the boy's hand is turning white. You also find that the hand being gripped is dangerously close to touching your bottom.
"Harassing waiters in our lounge is strictly against our policy. I'll have to ask you to leave." Jade says, still smiling as ever. Though this time, you could see the strain in him, not from fatigue but something more lethal.
"I-I wasn't-" The boy tries to plead but Jade only tightens his grip.
"Wasn't trying to touch them? Well, security cameras will be the judge of that." Jade responds and the boy breathes a little easier.
"And so will I." Jade adds before snapping the wrist of the blondie, causing him to scream in pain. The boy flies out of the booth and stumbles towards the exit, crying as he holds his flailing wrist. Jade turns back towards the group.
He doesn't have to say a word since the other boys quickly sprint out of the lounge. You look between the exit and Jade in shock.
"Uh, well, thanks, I think. That might've been a bit excessive..." You trail off and Jade merely wipes a spot on your shoulder one of the fleeing boys must have brushed past.
"Are you alright? You can take a break in the back. Azul does time them though." He tells you and you shake your head with a smile.
"I'm alright. I only have half an hour left anyways. Hopefully those guys won't be back." You eye the exit but Jade takes your arm and leads you to you next table.
"They have an incentive not to. And if they do," He leans down close enough so that you could see the sharp edges of his teeth, "You'll tell me, won't you?"
Floyd Leech
You sit at your desk in Professor Trein's class, listening to him drone on as you take down notes. You always tried hard to pay focus in classes, which annoyed a certain eel sitting right behind you. He often pestered you in this class and you wondered why he didn't have anything better to do, like pay attention.
As Trein turns around to write something on the board, something soft and crinkly hits the back of your head. You look behind you to see Floyd grinning and pointing at the floor. You roll your eyes as you see a crumpled up paper on the ground. Curiosity got the best of you and you open up the paper.
Bored??? I am! Let's ditch!
You write a big, fat NO over his words on the paper and throw it back at him. Trein faces the class again to lecture and you can practically feel Floyd's dramatic sigh as he flops back in his chair.
"Can I see your notes?" Your seatmate asks you as he peers over at your notebook. You scoot your notes closer to you. Just last week, your seatmate had 'accidentally' tripped you while you were walking up to the board.
"Haven't you been taking your own?" You mutter.
"Yeah, but I wanna see yours." The boy starts tugging on your notebook and you try to pull it back.
"No, would you let go?" You hiss as you try to keep hold of your notes. The boy grabs your wrist to try and pull your hand off but he freezes as a looming shadow falls behind him.
"Wanna use my notes? I've got plenty." Floyd grins, all teeth.
The boy stammers, unable to say anything. Floyd grabs his hair and yanks his head back, staring straight down at him.
"Can't hear me? Should I talk louder?" Floyd asks with a giggle as he pulls on the boy's hair harder.
"Leech!" Trein reprimands. Floyd huffs and lets the boy's hair go, sending him reeling into his desk. You glance back at Floyd.
"You didn't actually take any notes, did you?" You ask.
"Sure I did." Floyd hands you his notebook. There's a couple of bullet points about a new takoyaki recipe he wants to try. He also added some doodles of an eel and a tiny shrimp.
Rook Hunt
You sigh as you write your woes down into a journal you started keeping a couple months ago. A group of Pomefiore boys have been bothering you for a while. They constantly put down your looks, calling it critique without giving any helpful tips nor was any of it even asked for. Even when you tried to avoid them on your way to see the vice housewarden, they still managed to corner you every now and then.
You finish writing and toss your notebook on your desk that sits right under your window. You think things may be better tomorrow as you rest your head on your pillow.
You head down the path towards the illustrious path that houses the Pomefiore students. Rook had messaged you in the morning, urging you to come by and see a "most beauté activity". You have no idea what this entails but it might be worth checking out.
You find Rook in a grass clearing just behind the dorms. He has his fingers in a square shape as he gazes at something in the distance. He sees you and gasps in surprise, grabbing both of your hands in his.
"Mon lumière! I'm overjoyed that you've accepted my invitation!" Rook spins you around.
"I can tell," You laugh a little, "What's this activity though?"
"I'm glad you asked! You see, I've been wanting to sharpen up my archery skills. The art of the bow and arrow is simply dur mais juste." Rook tells you.
"And you remember I mentioned wanting to watch?" You guess.
"Exactement! I already have the targets set up and all you have to do for now is watch." Rook takes you further down the clearing and your eyes widen in horror. The Pomefiore boys that have been bothering you were tied up to a row of trees, their mouths gagged and a juicy, red apple sits precariously on each of their heads.
"...What is this?" You ask hesitantly.
"Like I said, mon lumière, target practice! Now stand behind me and watch as I pull the drawstring..." Rook's eyes are hyper focused as he points an arrow at one of the boys whose screams are muffled behind the rope.
"Rook, there is something very wrong here!" You shout in concern. He releases the tension in the bow and points the arrow at the ground. He stares at you for a moment before lighting up again.
"You're right! You should be the one pulling the arrow. Such an eye for beauty you have." Rook sighs happily as he stands behind you and places the bow and arrow in your hands. They shake unsteadily as you hold them. There was no way you were going to be able to hit the apples.
"Rook, this isn't-" You gasp as he uses your hands to pull the drawstring and the arrow shoots forward. You squeeze your eyes shut and hear the sound of four consecutive hits.
You slowly open your eyes and see four arrows perfectly shot in the middle of each apple, no doubt due to magical intervention. The group of boys sob in fear, not realizing it wasn't their heads that got hit.
You take a deep breath and look behind you at Rook who seems as pleased as ever.
"Did you know those guys have been bothering me?" You ask with narrowed eyes.
"How would I know that?" Rook responds with a smile.
"So you just happened to pick them out?"
"I needed targets. Who better than those who can't appreciate true beauté?"
You'll be moving your journal to a more secure location.
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random-twst-things · 6 months
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Vil: This meal plan of yours is not giving you the health you need
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: And that hair of yours is not giving Vogue worthy, it's giving turnip
Vil, bewildered: ...
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: hmm, how 'bout that? How 'bout them apples? 🫸🏽
Vil: Epel! Felmier! Enough with the Influencing of the perfect!!
Vil: YET?!
Epel: ...shit
Epel, yanks Mc/Y/N/Yuu to the door and check's non-existent watch:
Epel: Oh my! It would appear me and the perfect are about to be late to our very important tea party! May you excuse us my dear Housewarden!
Vil: EPEL!
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Divider from/by @/cafekitsune
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beaus-museum · 2 months
“Baby, I’m yours
with Leona Kingscholar”
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He’s very protective of what he believes to be his, and luckily for him, you permit this act of desire. How could you not when you are given treatment from him that no other has received. A seat by his side, without judgment.
Of course, you are not easily escaping his teasing as he calls you clingy when you sneak into his bed. But you can make him go a bit quiet in some occasions.
Such as the very day when you were sure he was asleep. You crawled into your side of his bed, designated for you only. And whispered in his ear, playing with his hair. “You’re mine, Leona, and I’m thankful that you can call me yours as well.”
You closed your eyes, drifting to sleep, while he laid awake. Shocked by the sudden knowledge.
He had something all to himself. Someone, who he won’t have to worry about losing.
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kandlewick · 4 months
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Fake dating to get Magicam's most prized dessert is nothing to someone like Cater Diamond! And who else could he ask but his favorite little freshman? gn! reader x cater diamond
"Pleeaaase? Please, please, please~ Just for a a day, one simple visit!! All I need is you, a picture, and some cute and fancy desserts! Just until this fad dies down—"
"No, Cater! I already told you I don't have the funds to pay for expensive snacks this month!" You stopped and turned, nearly causing your upperclassmen to collide with you as you huffed up at him, arms crossed, "Crowley has been extra stingy with what little he gives me and I have to be able to afford Grim's fancy tuna. It's the only way I can manage to keep him from skipping study sessions with Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum."
Cater stifled a laugh at your nickname for his fellow Heartslabyul students but was quick to hide it behind a well manicured hand, his shoulders shaking with amusement. If you weren't so miffed at his constant badgering, you would've almost had found it cute.
"You haven't even told me what I'm agreeing to, Cater." You quickly avoided his eyes, mentally slapping yourself for the momentary weakness as your words made Cater freeze and advert his eyes as well. He hid his mouth behind his phone but you could tell his lips were set in a nervous smile as he at least attempted to look shy. You raised your eyebrow at him "What? Is it like, super embarrassing?"
Cater hummed, twirling a loose strand of hair between his forefinger, "I mean, I guess, yeah? It's nothing like, totes awful or anything but you're literally the only one I could ask to do this. Asking anyone else is a total no go and Cay-Cay needs the engagement. My numbers have been so awful lately and It's driving me absolutely cray-cray."
Cater looked almost cherubic with how he kept batting his eyelashes at you. It was extremely annoying how cute he looked when he was like this, like he knew he could get away with anything as long as he knew how to press the right buttons. With a heavy sigh, you slumped your shoulders and gestured for him to continue. He let out an excited whoop as he smiled, the diamond on his cheek crinkling with delight.
"Aaah~ My favorite freshie to the rescue! I owe you one~!!" Cater grinned, taking your willingness to hear him out as a sign of acceptance. He pulled you close by the shoulder and swiped at his phone with practiced precision, pulling up Magicam within seconds. You glanced up at him as his eyes seemed to gleam in excitement, his eagerness almost infectious, "So there's this fad going viral right now with this local cafe nearby that has a couples special! It's this super cute dessert that's all the rage on Magicam and I neeeed it!"
"Why can't you just get it yourself?" You ask, watching his phone screen as he continued to scroll down his feed. You noticed as well that nearly every other post was about that supposedly super cute couples only dessert and couples sharing it between quick kisses. It was almost voyeuristic with how many couples openly shared their PDA with strangers on the internet. Cater was quick to roll his eyes and tap the screen again with his finger, his nail audibly clicking against the glass.
"I told you, it's couples only! You have to prove you're a couple and act all lovey-dovey for them to even consider handing it over!" He pouted, "Look, you know that I can't stand sweet stuff so when we're there, I'll buy you however much you want in exchange. You can even eat the special dessert! All I want is one little photo~"
You slid a hand down your face and sighed, eyebrows knitted in frustration. Why did you even have a crush on this guy? Normally you'd think anyone would jump for joy at the chance of a fake date with someone as cute as Cater Diamond but the way he words things can be so... flippant. It almost hurt! You glared up at him from between your fingers as he has since returned to his phone screen, entirely unaware of the feelings you kept close to your chest. Letting out a loud breath, you spoke up.
"Ok. I'll do it."
Cater immediately dropped whatever he was doing on his phone and quickly scooped you up in a tight hug, nearly lifting you off your feet with a twirl, "Yesss~ Thank you, Prefect! You're the best!!"
"Yeah, yeah," You mumbled, voice muffled from your spot pressed against his chest. The smell of his cologne tickled your nose. If you had any sense of shame, you'd resist taking a sniff but... You nearly melted in his arms. You mentally screamed at yourself, tearing out your hair. How dare he smell so good and play with your emotions like that even if he did it entirely unawares!!! It was unfair!!!
It was now the weekend. Free from any lessons and duties Crowley could throw at you, you were almost about to tuck yourself back into bed and drift off for a few more hours of sleep but you were quickly interrupted by the dorm's foyer door being thrown open and the cheery voice of your upperclassmen ringing in your ear.
"I'm heerree! And I brought MAKEUP."
You outwardly cringed and slammed your head back into the pillow, willing for it to swallow you whole and suffocate you in its feathery embrace but alas, it was not meant to be as Cater had quickly made his way up the stairs and down the hall, loudly greeting the ghosts. Grim, who slept beside you (he would never admit its because he liked the spot at your hip, he claimed it was simply because it was too dang cold in the dorm at night and shared body heat was great, in his words.) was quick to raise his hackles and growl in annoyance, blearily opening his eyes to glare at Cater as he opened the door and waved.
"Oi, you're interrupting my precious sleep time!" He whined, a puff of fire slipping out from between sharp feline teeth, "Go be loud somewhere else, pretty boy."
"Awhhh, does little Grimmy think I'm pretty? I'm totes flattered~" Cater ignored the obvious jab and instead chose to shake your blanket, lifting the corners up to grin at you, "Wakey wakey, Prefect. We got lots of preparing to do before our big date!"
A loud shuffling came from the couch besides the bed and a foggy eyed Ace erupted out of the covers, his bright orange hair sticking up in all angles while he let out a fierce yawn. He glared over at his upperclassmen in annoyance as a second figure emerged from besides the bed, the tell tale sound of a sleeping bag giving way to the sight of a barely awake Deuce. He had yet to notice Cater in the room and slowly crawled out of his spot.
"We... gotta get ready for class," He yawned again, tears dotting his eyes, "We're gonna be late..."
"We don't have classes today, stupid," Ace kicked at Deuce and sent him rolling back on to his sleeping bag, ignoring his choked whines of surprise, "It's the weekend and we're supposed to be sleeping in!" He glared up at Cater, "It's why we slept at Ramshackle instead of our own dorm!"
Cater giggled and attempted to look apologetic but it only made Ace more visibly annoyed as he huffed, throwing the covers back over himself and stubbornly tried to go back to bed.
"I'll get up, I'll get up," You whined as you slowly pulled yourself out of bed, pushing back your hair from your face. Ramshackle was bitterly cold in the morning and you mentally jotted down that you'd need to ask Sam if he carried any house slippers the next time you were over there. After ensuring you were awake and there was no threat of you passing back out in your bed, Cater made quick work of cleaning up your bathroom and making himself at home, finding spots for all his skin care and makeup. You shuffled in besides him and closed the door. Maybe the thin barrier between you and the others would keep them from getting too mad at whatever noise the two of you would be making.
Settling yourself down on the counter, you kicked your feet as Cater inspected your meager collection of cosmetics. Everything you had was stuff Vil had left you after the competition and while you didn't keep up with it as much as he'd like, you still tried to use some of it occasionally. You felt bad just leaving such an expensive gift unused.
"Do you want me to do your makeup or do you got it taken care of? Oooh, maybe I'll even let you do mine!" He grinned, "And then I can do yours?"
You were taken aback for a moment as you stared up at Cater, his smile never leaving his face as he returned your gaze. Did he really trust you that much that he'd let you do his makeup? You could feel your ears burn as you nodded eagerly, pulling him down by his sleeve so he was level to your face. He followed easily enough and made himself comfortable against your knees. He closed his eyes in anticipation.
"I cant believe you're trusting me with something like this," you breathed out, watching as his eyelids twitched, "What if you don't like it?"
"If I didn't trust you, I wouldn't be asking you for your help with the magicam date~" He giggled, moving his cheek to press against you hand, the soft skin nearly making you drop the brush in your hand. You audibly gulped at the intimate gesture but were quick to hide it behind a scoff.
"Don't blame me then if you end up having to wash it all off and start over then." You warned before reaching over, dabbing the soft bristles into the pallet and, with much trepidation, began working.
It was nerve wracking working on someone else's makeup... especially on the guy you had a crush on. His long lashes fluttered against his cheeks as he patiently waited for each stroke of the brush on his near perfect skin. You were glad for it. You wouldn't have to explain the near atomic levels of red dusting your face from just being so close to him.
"Aaaand there. Done." You finalized that with the click of the eye shadow pallet being closed. Your companion 's eyes flickered open before he abruptly threw himself in front of the mirror. He looked himself up and down, left and right and even reached and dug into his bag to pull our his phone. You nervously shuffled your feet as Cater remained quiet, inspecting himself in front of his frontward camera.
"You hate it." You whined, pretending your sniffling were only just for show.
"No! No - It's..." He was quick to silence your worries but his quiet inspection wasn't doing anything for your nerves, "It's different."
"A good different or a bad different?"
Cater hummed for a moment, "Just different. I look... cool?"
The stark difference to his usual makeup routine was much more anxiety inducing then he initially thought it was going to be and he inwardly cringed at how he must have worried you with something as trivial as his makeup. It took everything in him not to reach forward and douse himself in makeup remover and scrub till his face was pink but he knew that he couldn't. Your skills weren't even bad and he could tell your VDC lessons had bettered your skills but... he didn't know if he could pull this off... this.... cool him.
You reached forward and grasped his shoulder, startling him out of his thoughts with a soft look.
"It's ok if you don't like it, Cater. I won't be mad. Here, we can wash it off and you can start over fresh."
He bit his lip, his eyes darting over to the cleaners tucked safely in the corner of the bathroom counter, but his will eventually won out. He shook his head and offered you a shaky but genuine smile, "No, really, it's alright. This just means I'll have to work super hard to act cool when we're out!"
You inwardly deflated, sighing in relief. An honest Cater was not an easy thing to get,
"Now, enough about me!" Cater broke the stillness of the room with his usual cheery voice, eager to break whatever had just settled between the two of you, "I want to do your makeup!"
"Wow, Cater." You whistled, "You weren't kidding when you said this was all the rage on Magicam." Couples were lined up nearly front to back around the cafe and the start of the line was nearly impossible to see from your spot near the front. Cater was quiet from his spot next to you, obviously eyeing the line with a sense of a challenge.
"Mmm..." He hummed, "Hopefully the cafe will still have the dessert available by the time we reach the front."
As he looked down at his phone and nervously began swiping, you chose to instead be a little daring. You were supposed to pretend to be a couple, right? You nervously looked over at Cater, quietly admiring his profile, before taking a deep breath. With every ounce of your pride, you reached out and slowly wrapped your pinkie around his own. This startled him awake. He blinked, his eyes fluttering, before turning to stare at you with a small smile.
"Ah, right! The couple thing. Here," With the ease only Cater Diamond could pull off, he released your finger and instead intertwined your hand with his. His fingers squeezed your own. You returned his smile with a shaky one of your own but the slight dusting of a blush around his ears was enough to calm your racing heart. At least he was a little embarrassed about this experience too.
It didn't take much longer for the two of you to finally reach the front of the line, a frazzled but cheery employee greeting the two of you with a practiced smile. "Are you both here for the couple special?"
You both nodded, Cater more vigorously then yourself, "You bet!"
The employee raised her phone, "Then I assume you wouldn't mind taking a quick snap for our wall?"
"Of course not," You put on your best lovey-dovey act and leaned your head against Cater's shoulder, batting your eyelashes towards the employee.
"Okay then!" She gestured for you both, "Let's get a little smooch for the camera!"
You and Cater both blinked over at her in barely concealed shock. A kiss? You were supposed to kiss? Cater's eyes darted over at you, a nervous look plastered all over his face. He quickly tried to save the situation while looping his arm around your waist and pulling you close, a tense smile quickly forming on his lips.
"Ah - you see, they're really shy about PDA, you know? I don't think -"
The employee frowned and lowered her phone, giving you both an unconvinced look, "It said on the pamphlet that you needed to show affection to..."
"No, no! It's ok!" You were quick to butt in, nervously trying your best to act past your frayed nerves. You peeked over at Cater from under your lashes, "If it's what we need to do to get the treat..."
"Are you positive?" Cater blinked at you, taken back, before learning closer to you, lowering his voice so only you could hear, "I know I asked you to act like a couple with me but this wasn't in the deal."
You appreciated it, but you couldn't let this ''date'' go to waste. You shook your head, reciprocating his touch.
"Are you both ready then?" The employee asked, visibly tired.
"Yeah," Cater offered her a small smile, turning away from you, "Just..."
He was quickly interrupted by your lips swiftly meeting his own. Cater let out a small noise in surprise as you grabbed him by his jacket lapels, tugging him closer to you to better ease in to his lips. This was insane, you thought, but you weren't going to lose this chance.
He was slow to respond but after a few tense moments, his shaking hands slowly pressed against your waist, following your lead. You could feel a slow smile form on his lips as you pulled away. Rolling back on to the balls of your feet, you gave the shocked employee an expecting smile, "Did you get the shot?" If you had paid attention, you would've noticed the creeping grin on Cater's face as he quickly hid it behind his hand. His ears were burning while he watched you. You were so cute!
"Yeah... the dessert is inside to your left, it's free for the day. Please only take one."
"Thank you!" With a parting wave, you quickly shuffled ahead. You had to leave the two of them as quick as you could or they'd see the glowing flush all over your face. You bit your cheek and rubbed at your goofy smile.
The employee and Cater watched you go. She turned to Cater and blinked up at him, "You seem awfully shocked."
"Uh, mhm..." Cater twirled a strand of hair between his forefinger, "Yeah. I guess they really wanted that dessert... uh... but hey, can you send me that picture you took?"
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lethargic-cremture · 2 years
hes trying his best
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I'm overly exaggerating his typos but ykwim,,
this blog is slowly becoming unintentionally a malleus simp blog and i do not know how to feel about this-
and uh as always rb instead of reposting my art. 🏃‍♀️💨
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captainjacklyn · 1 year
Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quotes #27 :
no one :
absolutely no one :
not a damn soul in the universe :
not even in the multiverse :
Malleus the moment Yuu/Mc shows interests in his hobby :
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faeryarchives · 2 years
Love for a Lifetime
The fate of a fae and mortal falling in love with each other is cruel yet so beautiful - being shackled by the fear of losing his beloved in the battle against time, Malleus have never experience such great fear in his life.
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After a long day of school and running around to assist your friends, you find yourself in the comfort of your beloved at your usual hangout place - the garden behind Ramshackle Dorm that you both come to love.
"How did your day go, darling? You seem to be a little worried but happy at the same time."
"Oh Malleus, you wouldn't believe what happened earlier! So get this, during alchemy class..." Laying on his lap, you began to narrate the events that happened prior to your meeting. Being occupied with sharing your experience, you didn't notice how Malleus seem to space out while massaging your palm with his fingers.
It just feel so surreal, with you lying in his lap, being to talk to you and hold you in a loving way. A small smile appeared on his face as he realize one thing.
So this is what love feels like... A feeling that would once bring a forgotten memory back to life.
"Lilia, how would you define love?"
"Love comes in no form - it will just happen naturally and even if you try running away from it, you will find yourself drawn to it in the end."
"Even if they are of different species? Wouldn't that have such great risks?"
"Hmmm, it is quite complicated to explain it at your age but you will know the answer to your own question in the future."
Memory from the past, never he once imagine that such a silly question can cause him many question shaking him deep to the core. What if there was an instance where he couldn't protect you? What if it's a battle against time?
What if you suddenly left without saying goodbye?
As several more thoughts suddenly rush to his head, you can feel his grip on you tightening until it hurts.
"Mal? Your grip is starting to hurt me..." You tried getting out of his grip, but it only lead to him tightening his grip even more causing you to let out a cry of pain - Malleus finally snapped out of his thoughts and immediately loosen his hold on you. "I am so sorry love are you okay? Did it hurt?"
You sneak a peek on your arm where one can see some redish mark but you shook your head and instead hold his face making him look you in the eyes.
"Malleus what is bothering you? You can tell me everything, you know that right?" At first, he start avoiding your stare, but seeing how persistent you are - Malleus let out a deep sigh before leaning his head onto your shoulder and you can feel him shake in your hold.
"What made you choose me out of all people?"
"... huh? I don't know where you are getting at." You whispered while patting his back trying to ease his feelings.
"You can choose a mortal so you two can grow old together... Why choose a fae like me?" His eyes finally met yours, full of sadness and fear. "What if you will just end up getting hurt? Will it be worth everything?" He closed his eyes - afraid seeing your reaction as he tried to shake it off and change the topic.
"Neverm-" He was caught off guard when he turn around only for you to give him a kiss on the lips. Malleus stood there frozen, while you slowly pulled away blushing up to the tips of your ears.
"So what if we are different from each other?!" You exclaimed as he could see your tears threatening to escape your eyes. "It should be me-" your voice cracked at the end as your tears start flowing down your face.
"Why settle for me when I can only live such a fleeting moment of your life?" You put a hand on his cheek and tried to wipe the tears that he shed without him realizing it.
"Malleus, I choose you and I always will. It maybe selfish for me to spend my whole life with you but me without in your whole life after I am gone."
"...!" Malleus pulled you close to him whispering 'thank you' and 'i am sorry' all over again, you can feel your shoulder getting wet from his tears but you didn't care and he didn't stop letting it all out.
'So this is what Lilia was talking about on how love really feels like despite all the risk... It feels so warm'
"I love you, my beloved."
"I love you too Malleus. I love you very much."
yay new banner for everyone !! i need to spread pain because my phone fell into the water now i cant use it 👹 and this is inspired from millie and luca's interaction on twitter <3
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hanafubukki · 2 years
Figuratively vs Literally
YN/MC/Yuu: Malleus, I know I said I could sleep for a 1000 years but I meant figuratively not literally.
Malleus: I’m sorry, Prefect.
YN/MC/Yuu: Well, I did get a well deserved rest at the very least. 
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twstowo · 8 months
Incorrect Quotes
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Deuce: Can I try Rizzing you Up?
Mc/Yuu/You: Sure, lol.
Deuce: *Straightens his back, clears his throat, and looks you in the eyes*
Deuce: *Falls dramatically to the floor* PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
Malleus: If you were in a room full of men, would you still pick me?
Mc/Yuu/You: If I was in a room full of men I’d jump of a cliff.
*Mc/Yuu/You being in Night Raven College a college only for boys*
Leona: Well, I have bad news.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
Kalim: *Pouring his heart out because he loves you so much*
MC/Yuu/You: *Also pouring their heart out because they love Kalim*
Jamil: *Eye twitching* I'm about to overblot, again.
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lk2222 · 4 months
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Don't look back
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rainyyynightssss · 6 months
Twisted Wonderland
Reacting to you trying to go back home
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Characters: Overblotters
Notes: Yandere/Toxic themes involved
"Crowley thinks he might've found a way for me to get back home!"
Riddle Rosehearts
He looks at your smiling face and something in him breaks. He should be happy for you, he really should. This is what you had wanted from the beginning. To see your family and friends. To be free of magic and almost getting killed by overblots.
But you should've been happy here. He'd order his card soldiers to keep the rose garden in prim condition for you to gaze upon whenever you visited. The birthday parties always included a dish you liked. You got along well with Trey and Cater. Sure, Riddle was strict with his rules, but he grew more lenient with you. Surely, you could see that.
"That's wonderful news. And you're...happy to leave?" He tries not to let his voice crack as he grips one of the legs of the table they had just used to share dinner together. Apparently for the last time.
"Of course, I'll be happy to see everyone back home. It is a bittersweet feeling though. I'll miss you all." He chooses to ignore the 'all' part of your phrasing for a moment. You'd miss him and isn't that enough reason not to go?
"We'd all miss you as well....I, especially,-"
"But I think it'll be good for me to go and be back with my family, you know?" You add and he tenses again. He knows well how important family could be, and he also knows how burdensome they are. His mother forced him to adhere to strict guidelines, and while it shaped him into the respected house warden he is today, it also made him afraid. Terrified, even, that everything would go wrong if the rules were not followed.
Perhaps that's what you needed. A healthy dosage of fear and some rules to keep you in line. You were his perfect rose, blooming and unblemished. You had always managed to drag him away when he got too deep in his studies and talked him down when his face became as red as the flowers in his garden. But now your edges have grown frayed. You're trying to go back to your roots but he'd rip you out of the ground, thorns and all, to keep that from happening.
"Right. Well, it's gotten quite late and it wouldn't be proper for you to walk back to Ramshackle this late at night." He sensed your confusion even before you could voice it. You've taken plenty of late-night walks before and this would hardly be on the top list of most dangerous things you've done at the school.
"I can walk back-"
"I insist. I couldn't let you go...to your dorm! This late." Riddle shakes his head and covers his blushing face with a hand as he stands up from the table. "I have a room for you. If you'll take it?" He offers his hand to you, hoping you will miss the small trembles.
You smile at him again and take his hand, sending warmth even through his gloves.
"Just for tonight." You nod. Riddle gives you a small, though tight at the ends. His rose didn't need to know about the details of their stay, only that it was going to last longer than they thought.
"Of course. Although I must make sure you have an adequate stay. Rules indicate that guests should have the most hospitable experience, no matter how long that takes to fulfill." Riddle answers with ease and you see nothing wrong with it. His rose would blossom even more under his careful watch.
Leona Kingscholar
The notion of you leaving was laughable to him. You had already managed to barge your way into his life, ruining his plans at the Spelldrive competition, ruining his nap routines, and ruining his pride as a prince. And he wouldn't have it any other way. Though the latter is still mostly kept intact.
You look at him, seemingly flabbergasted by his dismissal.
"And...that means I'll likely be leaving soon." You tell him. He sees your small frown. You must think he doesn't care that you're leaving. But it was quite the opposite. As much as he would never admit it to himself, he cares so much that he denies any possibility of it happening. He knows you don't actually want to leave.
Leona watches you sit up from his bed that both of you had been lying in for the past few hours. He grasps your wrist before it can leave the sheets. His grip is tighter than usual. Leona had always been like that. He demanded respect and expected you to follow. You, of course, were not so willingly submissive to him but that made it all the more fun for him to make you.
"Ruggie isn't going to be back 'till later tonight. I've got more sleep to catch up on. Especially after you bothered me last night." Leona tugs your wrist to bring you back closer to him while he rests his other arm under his head.  Last night you had came to him, clearly anxious about something and didn't want to be alone. Anyone else he would have turned away with a scoff, but he's found over time that he has a hard time refusing you. As long as it didn't involve you trying to run away from him.
"Are you even listening to me?" You narrow your eyes at him and he smirks.
"I have and it sounds like a buncha nonsense. Go back to sleep and maybe you'll forget your dumb ideas in the morning." Leona grumbles and pulls you to his chest. He hears you huff but you don't resist, lying back down beside him. He doesn't know exactly why you're having these kinds of thoughts but it doesn't really matter to him. If you want to run, he is glad to give his precious prey a chase.
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul's hands freeze in the air, his fork and knife about to cut into the juicy salmon that had been plated beautifully in front of him. He glances up at you, his smile also frozen on his face, as you were just talking about how much you enjoyed Night Raven College and the Mostro Lounge. All until you abruptly switched to this topic he thought he was doing a good job at evading.
"Ah, isn't that...delightful?" His words would have come off as calm to anyone else, but you notice the slight strain in his voice. You always seem to see right through him.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you-"
"Upset me? No, quite the contrary. I think it's wonderful the headmaster has finally secured your passage back home." Azul muses and goes back to cutting his salmon, though it's obvious that his cuts are a bit more jagged.
"Yes... he said it could be any day now." You respond carefully. You try to offer him a smile as you take another sip of the drink he gave you on the house. He could see the small ounce of hope in your eyes of going back to your world. That wouldn't do.
"Is that so?" Azul takes a bite of his food, swallowing before adding, "It's really too bad you won't be able to go then." He continues eating, ignoring your confused eyes as if he didn't just say the strangest thing.
"Why wouldn't I be able to go?" You ask slowly. "I mean, the transportation might be difficult but-"
"It has been a while so I suppose I shouldn't be surprised you forgot." Azul sighs and dabs his face free of any smudges with his napkin. "You may not step out of the bounds of Night Raven College by any means, including the Dark Mirror."
"According to who?" You let out a disbelieving laugh.
"According to Article 3 Section 5 of the contract you signed." Azul takes another bite of the salmon, not letting himself react when you slam a hand on the table.
"What contract?! I never signed anything!" You snapped. He remains as calm as ever. This time, you couldn't read him, couldn't even see his eyes through the glint in his glasses.
"You must remember when you agreed to work in the Mostro Lounge for a couple months. I had you sign an employment contract. I warned you about reading it through to the end. A suggestion I don't give to most poor, unfortunate souls in this school." Azul answers.
He did indeed give you the small packet to look through and recommended reading it all. It wasn't his fault that Floyd made a commotion in the kitchen just as you started reading the end portion. Azul urged you to sign it while he dealt with the mess that Floyd undoubtedly caused and you did, just missing the statement that required you to be on-call even after your employment ended, and being on-call meant you always had to be within a certain range of the lounge.
"You can't be serious." You utter quietly with wide eyes, realizing exactly what he was talking about.
"I'm afraid I am. But don't fret too much. I think you'll come to like it here." Azul smiles again. A smile that's hardly recognizable.
He watches you jump up from the table and storm out of the lounge, passing confused customers who glance back at him. He takes a drink from his glass. Azul isn't worried about you walking out. You couldn't leave here, leave him, anyway. And if you tried to hide from him, he would just send Jade and Floyd to hunt you down. You have become one of his prized possessions, and he isn't going to let you go that easily.
Jamil Viper
"Really? It's about time." Jamil comments as he starts chopping the vegetables you prepared in a bowl.
He had invited you to try some new recipes with him that he'd then distribute to the Scarabia students. For the past few months, you had been inviting yourself into their kitchen, much to Jamil's annoyance. You always offered to help him and he always declined, especially when it came to Kalim's meals. He was not going to lose his job over a pretty face. You respected his refusals but you still liked to watch him for some odd reason. Today, he finally decided to let you help him.
He appears to be half paying attention to your words while you're stirring the stew. "Haven't you been waiting a while?"
"I have. Crowley's been pushing off researching but I finally made him go through with it!" You look quite proud of yourself and if Jamil wasn't so irritated, he might have thought it was cute.
He simply hums in response and continues swiping his blade through the onion, each cut sharper than the next. He should be fine with you leaving. People come and go, after all. It would make things easier for him as well. He would stop getting distracted so easily, riddling his fingers with knicks from the blade when his thoughts drifted off to you.
"Kalim also promised to help me pack my stuff. He's eager for me to see my family." He sees you smile absentmindedly as you stir. Jamil's hand clenches tighter on the knife.
"Of course he did." He mutters to himself. Kalim got everything we wanted, didn't he? He got the wins, the praise, the Housewarden title. And now he was going to send you off. Jamil bet he was even encouraging you to go and like always, Jamil would just have to accept it. Only this time, he wouldn't. Jamil never got anything he could have to himself, always having to share with Kalim. You would be the one thing he could keep just for him.
"That reminds me, I needed to ask you something," Jamil says and you look back at him. He takes a step closer to you and leans forward, whispering the name of his unique magic. His lips widen into a smirk as he watches your irises fade to red.
"You'll be staying here, won't you?"
Vil Schoenheit
He raises a perfectly trimmed eyebrow as he works to pluck yours with tweezers.
"Hm? That's not the line, darling," Vil says. In your hands is the large packet of paper that contains Vil's script for his upcoming film. He had asked you to practice lines with him. You agreed and in exchange, you asked him to put some makeup on you. It was something he's been wanting to do anyway so he obliged. All was going well until you dropped this bombshell on him.
"I know, I was trying to figure out how to tell you and I accidentally just blurted it out," You sigh.
"Mhm. And Crowley has- Close your eyes, now - provided a way for you to get back home safely?" Vil asks as he moves on to your eyes, brushing an eye shadow across your lids that matches your skin.
"I don't know if anything about that man is safe, per say, but he did seem pretty confident about this." You respond as you keep your eyes closed for him. Vil shakes his head with a small 'tut'. The headmaster didn't exactly have a track record for reliability. He voiced exactly this to you.
"Crowley may just end up sending you on a one-way ride to nowhere. There's no telling where he could send you, why not wait for a few trial runs?" He places a hand under your chin. "And besides, why do you need to go home so badly?" Vil puts the palette back down and takes a tube of lipstick in his hand.
"Well, I want to see my fam-" You're forced to stop talking until he finishes applying the lipstick, "I want to see my family and finish everything I had going on there."
"If that's the case, I don't see what you could do back home that you're unable to here. And if you want to see your family, shouldn't you make sure your travel is safe so you can get back to them in the first place?" Vil questions as he wipes the small smudge of lipstick from the bottom of your lip with his thumb.
"That's...true." You nod reluctantly. Vil smirks a bit as he moves his hand towards the back of your neck, his thumb tilting your head up so you can look at him properly.
"Correct. And if I'm not mistaken, you've built quite the life here, haven't you?" He watches you slowly nod and he soothes the back of your neck with gentle fingers.
"You really want to throw that all away?" Vil looks down at you with questioning eyes even though he already knows the answer. You shake your head.
"No...but I also know that's something I'll have to do if I want to go home." You tell him firmly. Vil lets out a sigh and turns away from you for a moment.
"If you say so, but at least let me leave you with a parting gift." He turns back towards you and presents a small perfume bottle with a fancy font across the lid that you can hardly. It would no doubt cost hundreds in the market.
"My own creation that I've been working on. You're the first to have it." Vil says as he hands it over. You take it with a bright smile.
"Thank you! I'll try it on as soon as I get back to Ramshackle." You respond excitedly as you move to stand up from his makeup chair but he places a gentle hand on your wrist.
"I'd like to hear your critique as soon as possible. You are my perfect model, after all." He says with a glint in his eyes. You didn't seem to have any problem with that and sprayed a few spritz of the perfume on yourself, promptly passing out in the chair. You would get it through your head eventually that you belong here. You just need a little more convincing.
Idia Shroud
"Hold up, what?"
Your sudden words caused him to press the wrong button and his character gets brutally killed by one of the forest monsters in the game. You wince and put down your controller, turning towards him on his remarkably soft couch.
"Yeah...sorry to tell you so late but it looks like it could be soon." You say and Idia tosses his controller to the side, facing you as well.
"So you're gonna go? Just like that?" He asks in shock. You only recently just started playing video games with him in his room. Before, you had to practically beg him just to play a game with you when you were both in different dorms. It took a lot of convincing but he soon gave in after some persuasion from his brother. Once, you showed up to his room to see if you could play in person and he stared at you with wide eyes for about five seconds before slamming the door in your face, apologizing later over text.
He was unbearably anxious around you at first but he got used to the idea that you wouldn't judge him so easily. So he showed you another side, his more competitive and ill-mannered side to see if that would make you go away. And you still didn't. You instead embraced him for it. So why now were you just going to forget about all that?
"I-I mean I have to," You were clearly caught off guard by the intense look in his eyes, "I have a home and a family and friends-"
"Yeah, yeah, sure but what about everything you have here?" Idia insists.
"Everything I have here?" You ask.
"Y-Yeah, those first years, Grim, your dorm, me- many other things!" He stammers out. It would be way too cringe to mention himself deep down he hopes he's one of the things that could keep you here.
"Of course I'll miss everyone, but I miss everyone back home too," You say. Idia sighs deeply as he throws his head back on the couch.
"You're reallly set on this, huh?" Idia asks. You bite your lip and nod.
"But I still-" You try to add but he cuts you off.
"No, I get it. I wouldn't wanna be around me either." Idia sighs again. You look at him with wide eyes and fervently shake your head.
"No, it's not like-"
"You must have better friends back home if you're so desperate to see them again." He adds as he looks away with a frown. You don't notice him peeking back at you. You sigh and tilt your head so you can fully meet his gaze.
"Look, I'll talk to Crowley, see if he can push it back a bit." You tell him. He looks at you curiously.
"Are you sure? I don't wanna pressure you if-"
"No, it's okay. I want to spend more time with you and everyone anyway." You give him a small smile and he smiles back. He could play the pity card all day if it meant you'd stay.
Malleus Draconia
Malleus pauses in his steps, looking at you with a wide, curious gaze.
"You're leaving?" He utters. The two of you had been enjoying your nightly walks together back to Ramshackle. After one too many fights and attacks happening after hours on campus, he thought it best to escort you back home. He could easily teleport you both back to your dorm, but it gave him a good excuse to be around you more.
"Yes, hopefully it'll be soon. I'm excited to go back!" You smile enthusiastically and Malleus can only offer a grimace back.
"I suppose you could say I'm a little surprised. I thought you were happy here. Did I assume wrong?" He asks as he continues walking you to your dorm. Normally you would have never been able to keep up with his pace but he always kept a slower one for you.
"Oh no, I am happy here. My friends have been wonderful and I'm glad I'm friends with you. There's just some things I could do without." You mention offhandedly as you gaze up at the moon. He looks down to see it reflected in your eyes. The moon is wondrous but all he can see are the eyes that pinned a man who could never yield so deeply. You managed to befriend a dragon who is intimidating in every manner. That kind of connection isn't so flimsy that it could be dismissed by thoughts of departure.
"Things such as what?" Malleus perks up at the idea of solving one of your problems. As powerful as he is, there are a number of things he can't help you with. He couldn't do anything about your assignment getting deleted after your internet 'crashed' or about the friendship problems you once had with the Heartslabyul boys, but he's always eager to listen, just as you always do with him.
"It's just some rowdy guys from Savanaclaw who are still mad about the Spelldrive competition. They've been bothering me a bit but it's not a big deal." You tell him and he stops the both of you this time with a hand on your shoulder.
"Bothering you? For how long?" Malleus didn't mean to turn his hard glare on you but he couldn't help the fury building up inside of him. Many of the students already noticed your looming shadow that often followed you around like a lost puppy, which was usually enough to keep them from trying anything. Malleus isn't naive enough to believe that students at this school are always on their best behavior when he has his own business to deal with in the Diasomnia dorm. However, he swiftly and discretely took care of any nuisances that he happened to notice. He didn't think you were keeping anything from him.
"Like I said, it's not-" You try to soothe him but his glare only hardens.
"For how long?" Malleus repeats and he doesn't plan to a third time.
"For about a month now...but I can handle it myself!" You insist but he ignores the latter half of your sentence as his face morphs back into a gentler one.
"So that's what's been burdening you? I wish you'd have told me sooner but it's no matter. I'll take care of it." Malleus assures you.
"I mean that's one thing, but I have other reasons-" He cuts you off with a pat on your head as the two of you stop in front of Ramshackle's doors.
"You don't have to ruminate on it any longer. Do try to tell me about any other troublesome students in the future. I'll handle them and anyone else who tries to ruin your happiness here at Night Raven College." He vanishes in a flurry of lights before you can say a word. Any serious notion of you leaving is unthinkable to him, and if you do come up with more reasons, he'll make sure to take care of those as well.
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random-twst-things · 10 months
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*After watching a horror movie in Mc/Y/N/Yuu's room*
Ace: That had so much gore dude
Deuce: I had no idea so much blood could squirt out from such a small cut
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: well, it probably hit an important vien so
Deuce: true, it was a great movie though
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: Yep, but I don't get how you'd yet nightmares from this movie like the reviews said
The TV: ["based on a true story"]
Ace: ....
Deuce: oh...
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: I can see why now
Ace: well, um *loud ass gulp* th- the killers probably already dead now ya know? Its- its been years already haha hah
The TV: ["The killer was never caught, and it's said he is still on the loose"]
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: Well, for the sake of my peace and mind I'm going to pretend I didn't read that
Grim, sleeping peacefully in Mc/Y/N/Yuu's lap, completely unaware: 😴
Ace: ....uh *Visibly shaking* well i- we should uh- go to our dorm now ...
Deuce: ..I uh- I was thinking maybe we could- we could stay over for uh- a sleepover? 😀 *Shaking Visibly as well*
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: ....Okay, extra protection and bait would be nice 🙂
Ace: BAIT?!
Deuce: don't worry perfect! We'll protect you! *Still shaking*
Mc/Y/N/Yuu, at the light switch, caring Grim: I'm going to sleep, BYEEEEeeee...
Mc/Y/N/Yuu, running down the hall as they turn off the lights:
Ace/Deuce, screeching: WAAAAAAITTT!!!!!
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Dividers from @/cafekitsune
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beaus-museum · 2 months
“And the lawn is dead
with Malleus Draconia”
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“I no longer love you, Malleus.”
Those words lingered in his mind, engraved into his brain like a branding. The man who loved and adored you so dearly, was now left to his own devices. He might have just been a cat left in the freezing rain. That would be less pitiful, less pathetic.
He wanted, so severely, to believe it was a prank. Even going as far as to choke out a bitter and empty laugh. But your face was devoid of the smile that would make his face heart melt.
He had almost snapped at Sebek, as the freshman vowed to make you regret breaking the heart of his retainer. No amount of pleading, begging, anything would make you return to him willingly. He’d come to that cruel realization when Lilia brought it up.
His whole life, he’d been given anything and everything he desired due to his royal status and place of power, except the absence of loneliness . And then you offered company, without any care for such nonsense.
Why did you take away the thing he held so dearly?
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