#Selina's more used to cats than kids
hana-no-seiiki · 7 months
Good news. Did some decent progress on What’s Up Danger so you guys will finally get fed this Wednesday! Bad news, the quality might not be the best since I’m fasting while writing it oTL
Anyways, here are some Batfam w/ Cat Villain! Reader moments/snippets.
Both Jason and Reader’s first words to each other were, “What the fuck.”
Reader referring to Jason being a giant, and violent asf esp in comparison to Dick. While Jason was confused at his heart beating so fast and mildly crushing on you while you were fighting.
Bonus points: You guys did the spiderman point meme.
You have the biggest age gap with Dick. I headcannon the boys to be close in age so there wouldn’t be any not so good implications when it comes to relationships, but it’s almost unavoidable unless Batman switches sidekicks every year or so. (You are younger than Jason but older than Tim)
But that is also another reason why you two didn’t click as well as you did with Jason
You’d often make jokes or use slang and Dick would just be “???” He tried his best though.
On the reverse side of things, and like I mention before Tim and you got along too well as friends. He’s one of the few people you could gush to about literally any fandom and he somehow (through stalking your searches and literally every gadget/appliance you owned) knew everything about it already.
You two have written several theses on fellow vigilantes and villains (mostly ‘dumb’ ones like who has the best cake based on so and so criteria)
Damian is the best when it comes to bantering with you mid-fight. It’s the combined years of sass and assassin training. Went from plain insults to whole ass (not so) subtly being horny when you beat each other down.
He’s also the worst (best?) when it comes to your nicknames. He insists that you two use it on each other. Some exclusive while others he’s usually fine hearing from other mouths.
There was one point in time where you were called Kitten while the boys forced/bribed you to call them Daddy
Tim and Jason have tattoos of you/related to you.
For Jason it’s your name with a few paw prints, and for Tim it’s when he first fought you (and got his ass whooped)
After Jason came back and revealed himself to you, he tattooed the scratch marks you left him on his back after doing the deed.
Damian secretly practices doing henna so he can draw on you during your “wedding” since he doesn’t want anyone touching you. Sort of defeats the purpose, but go off king.
Being the thorough guy he is, he uses lab equipment to make his own blends.
Bruce? Bruce hates your ass. Sometimes it’s in a hatefuckey way but most of the time he blames you for corrupting his kids.
So he corrupted you in turn.
I feel like he gets off to cucking them honestly (blame that one comic) but if Reader is AFAB I wouldn’t be surprised if he impregnated them.
He’s a softie at heart when it comes to you though, courtesy of your similarities with Selina.
Speaking of, Talia adores you.
Like if there was anyone she would want with her son it was you.
She thinks the fact that you haven’t been put behind bars is a testament to your skill, and after getting over your similarity to her “rival in love” she would actively get you to be with her son.
Eventually she realizes she loves you more than Bruce and well, that’s a story for another fic.
You have at least a dozen trackers on you at all times.
Most of them you’ve ingested and pooped out.
It’s mostly Tim of course. But the duty of actually feeding you that stuff usually goes to Dick.
Dick has uh- somnophillia’ed you a fair bit after the break up.
He really, and I mean really likes to watch you sleep.
It reminds him of those ‘catnaps’ you’d take while watching over the Titans.
There would be times where he’d just be in a daze/in autopilot for hours reminiscing about your past together
His favorite memories to go back to were your first fight together, first kiss, and times under the sheets, and a date you guys had before in a festival/circus.
He never takes the antidote for Poison Ivy’s sex pollen and always comes to you for it, regardless of his or your relationship status.
Tim has at least a million typewritten chats with AI you, and around a few hundred hours of voice chats.
You did eventually take his virginity.
He came as soon as he was inside you/you were inside him.
You have been offered to be a part of the bat crew or a vigilante. But,
you massacred many after Jason’s supposed death and feel too guilty to call yourself anything other than a villain.
Chokers with bells. It’s a popular gift to give you. Especially ones that are custom made with expensive ass materials and engraving.
Sometimes Tim just gives you weapons.
Alfred is your best source of blackmail material.
You’ve actively tried cursing him (with immortality). You love the man.
He’s secretly the president of your official fanclub/fansite but you didn’t hear that from me.
You fight a lot with Damian’s pets. Like in a way that you turn into a literal cat and hiss at them.
And last but not least, you’re vv close with every member of the Teen Titans (besties with Rachel and Garfield)
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bruciemilf · 8 months
which do you like for Jaime/Jason better, gunbug or redbeetle? i saw redbeetle’s also used for Jaime/Tim
genuinely I think Jaime would be the golden retriever boyfriend, but like. Cleansed from the tik tok connotation.
He brings Jason beat up, janky books from his local bookstore.
The ones with the wrinkles and the paper cracks and just the softest layer of dust on them. And handmade socks, and cool pens neither of them need, but just really want.
He sends Jay snaps of cats following him around, small videos that always, always, always start with “papi watch this” or “BABE you’re not gonna believe this—“and it’s literally just dogs doing mildly impressive jumps.
Jason loves them so much.
But I’m more interested in the pre relationship. Like.
Imagine you’re Two-Face, infamous Gotham mobster, who’s considered more dangerous for sleeping with Wayne than your actual crimes (we all know Batman likes the rich brat, after all) and Red Hood clears his throat one meeting.
“Dent,” Jason has the same fake, forced deep voice he used as Robin, when he tried intimidating others. Harvey wonders if he knows, and prays he doesn’t. “A word. “
“Listen, kid, I’ve already agreed on the 20% turf cut, which is BULLSHIT, by the way, —“
“It’s NOT bullshit, and you’ll see why, but that’s not why I wanna talk. Just. Uh,” the kid is nervous. You can smell it off him. “You’re, like…Good with romance. And stuff. Right?”
“…Hold on, I’ll be right back.”
Harvey rushes into his car, Bruce in SPEED dial,
“Baby, listen— I— yeah, shitface, I’m aware this is an emergency line, this IS a fuckin’ emergency. NO, I didn’t fist fight Selina again, I ain’t risking my skin for your pair of heels, — LISTEN. Code Cupid. YEAH!”
A beat.
“I didn’t think this day would come either! The kid listened to Nickleback, for fuck’s sake… I don’t know, I didn’t ask! Don’t embarrass him- Bruce, he’s a goddam drug lord, he embarrassed himself plenty. ‘Just for a bit’ — are you hearing yourself—“
Two beats.
“…Yeah. No yeah, — okay. Alright. Alright, babe. Yeah, whatever you want, sorry. I SAID ALRIGHT - okay, yeah. Love you too, fuckface, Huh? Uh, can’t hear. See you home.”
Now he just has to figure out how to drag Jason to the Wayne mansion without revealing they ALL know he’s been red hood since he started.
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rokishimizu4 · 27 days
Harley (Fucken) Quinn’s girls’ night out!
(I love Harley to the moon and back! But I have a special chapter for her when my story comes out, that I refuse to spoil!)
When Selina called her to inform her that Wonder Woman would be joining them, which she then had inform Dinah and Ivy, she was both super excited and nervous. (Since she used to have a big lesbian crush on Wonder Woman)
It took less time for Selina and Diana to show up than it took for Harley to set out more booze and order another batch of junk food. But before she could say something stupid, Ivy stepped in and got everyone settled down
”Pardon the intrusion, but Cat Woman informed me of a party only for the females and I wished to invite myself to partake in the festivities.” Diana explains as she finishes dragging Selina into Harley, and sometimes Ivy’s when they weren’t arguing over Harley being a sometimes hero, and towards the beanbags.
”No problem girly! The more, the merrier!” Harley returns the joy, pleased with herself when she didn’t stutter like a school girl.
”Honestly, I was hoping that Diana would be joining us, Ollie was telling me about the strangest kidnapping attempt just a few days ago. I’m kind of disappointed that I missed it.” Dinah chuckles as she picks up her wine glass and takes a sip of the dark red liquid.
”Oh yeah! Something about an attempted poisoning and a drug dealer getting her shit rocked by a thing of goop!” Harley adds, as she seen the thing on the news and became interested when she learned that the woman was actually attempting to the sell the kids to some couple at the gala, at least according to theories from certain rouges.
”Yes, speaking of that incident, Diana has some questions for you darling.” Selina gets straight to the point as she pours herself a tall glass of red wine and drowns it, knowing that she might as well be tipsy for this.
Harley stuffs a thing of nachos in her mouth, before turning to Diana (who was also devouring a whole box of Meat lovers Pizza and drinking from a can of cheap beer, as if she hasn’t eaten anything all day) and giving a her a look.
”Excuse me, it has been quite a week of searching for any leads to the mysterious child of goop and the warriors that follow it. It also takes a lot of energy to contact the Olympians to seek guidance and wisdom.” She excuses herself as she takes the napkin offered to her, and wipes the grease and crumbs off of her lips and hands.
”I was hoping to seek your wisdom Dr. Quinzel, as a woman trained in the mind.”
Harley blinks, and blinks once more before she realizes that Wonder Woman, The Wonder Woman, was asking for her professional help as a psychiatrist. ‘This is the best night of my life.’
”Hold up, I got to get my professional glasses on! And my notebook!”
Cue Selina, Dinah, Ivy, and a slightly drunk Nora Fries, clinging to the sides of walls, furniture, and other objects to get out of Dr. Quinzel’s way (Not wanting to be ran over or be dragged into a therapy session.)
Ivy and Selina grab and moves the table of food closer to their side of the living room/Kitchen area, as soon as Harley comes back in with her glasses on, her blonde (with some reds and blues dyed in) tied up in a ponytail, comfy pjs on, and a huge notebook in hand.
”Sorry that we can’t do this in a more professional setting, but I know that these girls can keep a secret. Well as long as it doesn’t bring harm to Nora and Selina, or Ivy.”
”Yes, I believe that the women you surround yourself with are trustworthy friends, and the advice I seek might benefit them as well. As I believe it is best to get more opinions into the matter at hand.”
Diana then goes onto to explain the warning her mother gave her and what her and the JL have been experiencing for the past few months: From the strange message on a copper spider to Luther asking the JL for safety for himself and his personal staff.
Cue a mix of fierce determination, fear, and just WTF that sparks a realization in Harley’s PHD brain.
Cue her spending the rest of the night creating a timeline, including the information that Nora gave her in a private session (aka weird people asking about Dr. Fries experiments and his knowledge on Cryogenic technology, and how long someone could last inside a Cryotube), which she made sure to keep private.
It takes a few more rounds of drinks and food before the rest of the ladies pass out (from the alcohol or exhaustion, she didn’t question it) and for Harley to set up a private meeting with the Riddler and Scarecrow (both who were still in Gotham Asylum for….reasons).
Harley checks her notebook one more time, before she carefully puts into her bulletproof, lock breaking proof, explosion proof, safe and locks it up for tomorrow afternoon, before taking a double shot of straight vodka.
’Life was soooo much easier as a supervillain. But, being under John Doe’s thumb was a lot worse.’
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moonlit-imagines · 6 months
Robin and the Stray (Part 2)
Dick Grayson x Kyle!reader
warnings: blood n death ment and urge to puke teehee
part 1
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Joining the Titans wasn’t exactly something you had in mind. The Titans were all kind-hearted heroic-types with these clear cut motives and tragic or powerful backstories that drove them to do good. You were here for two reasons: Dick moved to the other side of the country and you were being “rehabilitated” from your kleptomanic ways while Selina was serving a short sentence.
It felt awkward being in their presence, every glance felt like a glare. They must be thinking how dare y/n stand and fight beside us, theyre nothing but a common criminal, a petty thief, we can’t trust them. Dick had always assured you that they didn’t think less of you, but when anything was misplaced they always seemed to look to you for an answer.
You and Dick had been together for a few years now, and not all of those years were you a cat burglar. Maybe here and there, mostly for kicks or just to prove you still had it in you. Sometimes just to mess with Dick and Bruce. But Dick never stopped trusting you, he found it amusing more than anything and you grew to love each other deeply. Nothing could change that.
You were already sort of a vigilante before you were inducted into the Titans, usually sticking to the lower levels of Gotham and helping women steal their purses back or a kid who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Stuff like that. Unless, you know, Batman and Robin needed a hand.
As far as the Titans went, you were genuinely happy in San Francisco. It was a nice change of scenery after growing up in dark and gloomy Gotham. Dick felt free without Bruce standing by, doing what he could to make you feel comfortable here. Taking you on dates to new restaurants and going to beaches on your days off became a regular thing, something to make you forget you felt like you didn’t belong.
You had your own room, which was a nice change considering you and Selina typically shared or one of you slept on the couch or somewhere else depending on the night. Although, you spent most of your time in Dick’s room, it was hard to sleep alone most nights, he was like home to you. He’d mindlessly play with your hair and rubbed you back to ease your worried mind. He kept you sane.
But missions were different in so many ways. You had each other’s backs, sure, but you knew well enough that the two of you were more than capable of handling yourselves. Years of fighting against each other and beside each other made the team observer you two in awe, your fluid teamwork was incredible. To you, it was just another day.
“You okay?” Dick asked with your cheeks in his hands, looking down at you with a wet washcloth pressed between your cheek and his hand. “Don’t tell me you’re concussed, I’ll have to stay up all night with you.” You both chuckled weakly.
“I’m fine, just wiped from the past few nights.” You sighed as he wiped grime and blood from your face. You winced when he brushed against just below your eyelid where a bruise was budding. “I really got my ass beat tonight, huh?”
“We all did.” Dick wiped stray hairs from your forehead. “You seemed distracted, though. Thinking of me?”
“Gotham. Just homesick.” You told him and he kissed your forehead and continued you clean your wounds. He was pretty banged up, too, but he could tell you needed some TLC. “I love it here, but you know. I miss all that stuff. I miss Selina. I miss my cats. I miss Commissioner Gordon giving me shit for stealing and then helping him. I miss Bruce giving us lectures about staying focused. I miss Alfred trying to give us ‘The Talk.’” You rambled on while Dick nodded along, and your dull laughter caused another wince as you realized you maybhave a bruised or broken rib. “I miss you sometimes.”
“I’m right here.” He told you.
“Will you always be?” You asked.
“If all goes well.” He pulled out some bandages.
“What is that supposed to mean?” You continued to question.
“It means I don’t know the future and I won’t promise something I might not be able to control.” Dick explained in his smart-ass way. “It’s just the job, y/n. You know I love you.”
“I know you love the job.” You said tilting your head down and eyes up before he picked your chin back up.
“I don’t.” He replied.
“Keep telling yourself that.” Your sigh left his stomach slightly drop and you slid down off the table you were perched on. “I have to get a quick shower in, I’ll be back.” You trotted off the the bathroom to do so and left Dick alone with his thoughts, which you might have sparked something in him at this time. Unbeknownst to the two of you and the rest of the team, your lives were about to b me turned upside down in the worst of ways when Deathstroke entered your lives.
Your head was spinning at the time you heard the news of Garth’s passing. You fell into Dick’s arms and he held you so tightly. You felt as if you might puke and the rest of the team was right with you. Any barrier keeping you and them was broken down, there was no more tension or fear that kept you from getting close, the grief brought you all together.
It was Donna who apologized to you first, letting you know your worries were not that far off and there was a lot of distrust in you, but they moved on from it. It was the load off you needed after this tragedy. And Dick felt guilty he put you in that position, started blaming himself for so many things. You’d thought he’d get distant in all this anguish, but he wouldn’t let you go. He held on tight and began to worry for you more than usual, which worried you greatly. And it sucked because after all that happened with the Titans, you two had no choice but to go home.
“It’s what you wanted, right?” He asked you on the plane ride home, sitting across from each other on Bruce’s private jet.
“Not like this,” you stared out the window, picking at the seams of your jeans, “I just started feeling like I belonged. Now I’m leaving a place that felt like paradise. I really did love it there.”
“We can go other places. I’ll take you wherever you want to go.” Dick leaned forward and grabbed your hand. “I hate this, too. I love you, though. Wherever you go, I’ll go. It’s fine.” You closed your eyes and nodded.
“For now we’re going home.”
And you were home and it was dull and lifeless and you felt all the joy you had slip away as you fell back into old habits. Started to realize you stole because you were bored, you roamed the same streets and rooftops over and over because it was just what you did, you laod around all day and played with the cats but nothing was ever different. Not even when there was some huge debacle with a villain that belonged in Arkham Asylum. Not Two-Face or Riddler or Joker or Mr. Freeze or whoever’s weekly turn it was to enact a failure-destined plan to take over Gotham or kill Batman. It was all the same.
You sat on the same ledges and ate the same Pizza with Dick. You had meals at Wayne Manor with Bruce and Dick, a spot reserved for the late Alfred was an unfortunate change and maybe the only one. Bruce was paying your rent, offering you a bigger place or maybe one for you and Dick to share, but for some reason you couldn’t bring yourself to it. It already felt like you were taking advantage of him.
Don’t get me wrong, you loved Dick with all your heart, but he was off, too. It was obvious he fell back into his old ways. And something about it made it obvious he’d grown too fond of his life as a Titan. The independence and emancipation from Batman, where he called the shots and could do nice things with and for you. Maybe the guilt set in after another year or two or three. Because one day you were fine and the next, it was over. You looked back and realized that that promise you wanted him to make was never going to be fulfilled because he never felt secure himself. But that was his problem now, you would have helped if he’d let you.
It was awkward seeing each other in passing. After all, neither of you gave up your vigilantism. But avoidance was key. It was only a matter of time before he decided Gotham was too small for him now. You heard he’d moved to Detroit, good for him. You hoped he’d moved on and was doing well, you sure weren’t getting there anytime soon.
Then one day a few weeks later, you heard your phone ringing. Blocked Caller. You stared at the screen for a few moments grabbing the phone and holding it for a few more before you pressed the answer button. You put the phone to your ear but said nothing.
“Y/N? Y/N, it’s me. I need your help. I just—I need you.”
taglist: @volturi-stuff // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @brutal-out-here // @jinxll11 // @swanimagines // @captainshazamerica // @greek-mythographer // @cipheress-to-k-pop // @summersimmerus // @glxwingrxse // @azazel-nyx // @simsrecs // @xoxobabydolls // @azazel-nyx // @ravenstrueluv // @evilcr0ne // @sydknee624 // @retvenkos // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @elenavampire21 // @deanzboyfriend // @zoeyserpentluck //
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elizabethemerald · 4 months
Summon the Cat: Part 6
Master Post
Danny crouched, looking down at the McMansion from a neighboring roof. The house was ostentatious to a fault. He wasn’t much of an expert on architecture in general but he had studied this building’s design extensively. It had been built to one up its next door neighbor that Danny was currently waiting upon. Due to trying to get the most of the available acreage the mansion pressed up against its neighbors, rather than the extensive topiary gardens the rest of the rich mansions had. 
The house Danny was on had a pool house that once had a beautiful view, except the garage of the McMansion now overshadowed it. He couldn’t help but roll his eyes. All rich people were fruit loops. The continued drama with Bruce just proved him right. 
According to Selina (his new mom!!) Bruce had thrown seven kinds of fits about the Kyle family moving in next door. He had tried to bench Red Robin for selling Drake Manor, but Tim just moved out to his penthouse in Gotham proper and had the occasional sleep over at the Kyle House when he was feeling lonely. 
The kids all seemed happy to have the Kyles and the Sirens so close. Jason and Dick were over every other week, Jason to experiment with his cooking, Dick to train Danny and Jazz in gymnastics. Danny loved Jason’s skill in the kitchen and was paying avid attention so he could learn how to cook, because he certainly didn’t want the Fenton’s terror in the kitchen to infect him. Jazz was content to know that they were both eating nutritious food that they didn’t have to fight. Also, she had apparently always wanted to be in gymnastics but the Fentons considered it less important than ghost hunting and she couldn’t afford the lessons on her own. Danny of course used the lessons during his training with his mom to be a cat burglar. 
Jazz spent a lot of time with Stephanie and Cassandra. Bruce had tried to bench them as well, except Steph had laughed in his face while Cass had stolen any equipment they needed and the pair moved into the Kyle House, more specifically into Jazz’s bedroom. He wasn’t stupid, he knew exactly what the three girls were up to in there, the love bites on Jazz’s shoulders made it obvious, but he didn’t want to think about his sister’s love life, though he was happy that the two girls made her so happy. 
He stuck out his tongue in disgust at the reminder of the one time he had a nightmare and almost walked in on the triad, then groaned quietly as he had licked the inside of his mask. Danny, Selina and the rest of the Sirens worked together to design his new costume. His nose and mouth were covered by a rigid mask and respirator shaped into the rictus grin of the Cheshire Cat. Selina had bemoaned not thinking about covering her face more with her costume. Harley had recommended leaning into his creepy factor, with the grin and slit eyes on his goggles. He could make both glow when he wanted to up the creep factor even more. 
Danny had enjoyed crafting the character he wanted to portray with his mom and his two aunts. He would allow his giggles to get caught on cameras, or the glow of his eyes to be seen. It was fun to be spooky without also getting chased by either his parents or the GIW. He had chosen the name Chesire as his thief name as an homage to his mom’s name of Catwoman. He had heard that there was apparently a villain named Chesire already, but he hoped that considering they were interested in such different crimes she wouldn’t be mad. 
His outfit was equipped with top of the line tools. Some he had made himself, some he had pickpocketed from the bats, including his own father. He made certain that he kept a clear division between when he was out as Chesire and when he was hanging out with the Waynes as Danny Kyle. He didn’t want them to worry about his intentions when he was with them. Harley had sewn his costume and the reinforcements necessary to tangle with the Justice League and the Bats. Ivy had given Danny some toys as well, his respirator could filter out any plant based toxin, and he had some pollens, spores and toxins of his own to knock out guards. 
On top of the mask and goggles he had a loose cowl with cat ears on top that completed his look. The cowl hid his identity without hampering his movement like the stiff ears Batman had would. He loved the spookiness of allowing his eyes to glow through his goggles from the depths of the hood. 
Danny tilted his head as a click sounded in his ear piece. He grinned and jumped across the high fence to their target. Selina was used to working by herself so she kept any conversation to a minimum, relying on small signals to show him when it was time to move. 
He landed lightly on an air conditioning unit, using just a touch of flight to slow his landing and eliminate the sound. He stood on his tiptoes and pulled a screwdriver from his kit. He had rebuilt the small tool himself, making it whisper quiet. Even the small sound of the tool was covered by the whir of the AC unit as he unscrewed the vent above his head. He gently pried the vent cover off, then hooked a cord through the vent itself so it dangled from the opening. 
Danny levered himself up and into the small opening. He couldn’t imagine his mom squeezing through the small gap, even though she had to do that herself when she was younger. Fortunately, he was skinny as a twig and had his ghost strength to lift himself up. Aunt Harley called him wiry. Jason called him a shrimp, though he changed his tune when Danny dead lifted him. 
He crept across the ductwork above the garage, looking down on the cars after he pulled the vent cover back into place with the cord and secured it with a bit of plain Blu tack. Mom insisted that you could have the best tech in the world, but sometimes simple solutions were the best. They had considered stealing the fancy showpiece cars, but cars were much easier to track and they already had Bruce breathing down their necks so they weren’t worth it. That didn’t mean they couldn’t cause some chaos, just for fun. 
Danny hooked his ankle around one of the duct supports and leaned down until he was upside down and took careful aim with a grapple he pickpocketed from Nightwing only this past week. He had been practicing this shot for hours every day for weeks. He took a deep breath, then triggered the grapple. The hook bounced off the concrete under a fake Model T at the perfect angle to hook the top of a storage rack against the wall. The rack was filled with tools and parts so the rich prick who owned the McMansion could pretend he actually worked on the cars himself. 
He reeled in the grapple until the shelf was on the verge of tipping forward, the cable straining against the bottom of the Model T, and he couldn’t help his namesake Cheshire grin. He hooked the grapple gun onto the duct support and playfully tapped the taut line like a piano string. This would make a delightful mess to cover his exit. 
Another click in his ear reminded him that they were on a time clock. Selina had bought them a couple of hours free of the Bat and that time was closing steadily. He finished making his way into the house proper. He found the central control for the house’s security system easily enough. He broke the cover off the panel and quickly bypassed the security. 
Selina had been surprised by his ease with bypassing electronic systems. Danny had learned a lot from Tucker and repeated encounters with Technus, but he had been dealing with the security systems of the Fentons for as long as he could remember. He could rewire and bypass most security systems in his sleep, and they wouldn’t even shoot him if he failed. 
He tapped his ear piece sending a single click and after a few moments he was joined by his mom as she walked in the front door, bold as brass. She smiled at him and rubbed his head, causing Danny to preen and his core to thrum in his chest. 
“Well done, kitten.” She said, practically purring in pride, before she glanced around the ground floor of the McMansion. “Now, Cheshire. You picked this mark, let’s get away with everything we can.” 
The mother-son duo made quick work of the mansion’s valuables. Art pieces and statues were slipped into a bag that Danny had connected to the Infinite Realms. The ectoplasm would short out any electronics or trackers and they wouldn’t have to worry about fleeing while loaded down. He would be able to recover the larger goods later when the heat had all but disappeared. He didn’t have perfect control over his portal abilities, but it was enough to get back and forth from the Realms. Training his powers with Selina and his aunts had really improved his skills. 
The two of them worked in tandem, flawlessly stripping valuables, cracking a safe in the bedroom, and taking everything they could get their claws on. Danny felt flushed with happiness. He was working alongside his mom, stealing from a rich prick who stole from his workers, he felt amazing. 
A click sounded in both of their ears, causing them to pause. Their window of Bat free time just closed. They slung their collection of valuables over their shoulders and began to race back through the house. Selina split off, her whip cracking as she swung off to another building. Danny made his way back into the garage as Robin and Red Robin landed behind him. Danny smiled, and allowed his eyes and mouth to glow for the full Cheshire effect. 
He activated the grapple gun as he passed and with a whir and an almighty crash the storage rack collapsed down onto the vintage vehicles. Red Robin yelped as he tried to follow but was forced to dodge a bouncing tire. Robin was far more nimble making his way through the mess, but he was still delayed enough by the wreckage for Danny to dive through the vent and jump to get back to the roof of the pool house next door. As soon as he was out of range of the cameras he vanished and lifted up into the air, flying silently and invisibly. He carefully moderated his body temperature so he was exactly the same temp as the surrounding night air. He didn’t want to risk showing up on heat sensors used by the Bats. 
Danny followed another crack of his mom’s whip to where she was running just ahead of the Bat himself. He scowled as Bruce threw a pair of Batarangs at her, though he was relieved as she nimbly dodged them. Danny may have had numerous problems with the Fentons, but at least he never had to be afraid of one of them hurting each other. Seeing his mom in danger from the man who should be his dad filled him with a cold anger. He tapped his ear piece to let her know he was free of the mansion and that he was close. 
Selina stopped running and turned, to saucily sashay towards the heavily armored Batman. He had considered making his costume super flirty and evocative like his mom’s but it made him uncomfortable, like ants were on his skin to have people stare at him like that. Jazz had reminded him that he didn’t have to do everything exactly like Selina did, and that it was important for him to carve his own path forward. 
“Catwoman. Enough is enough. I need you to submit to testing. You are being controlled.” Batman growled, and Danny struggled not to growl right back. He wasn’t controlling her! And how dare this jerk growl at his mom!
“Submit? To you? That’s not how our arrangements usually work.” Selina said with a coy smile as she swished her whip across the rooftop, not even acknowledging the rest of his words. Apparently after the past couple of months she had grown bored with trying to argue with him, and she was refusing to be tested for mind control just to antagonize him. 
Also, gross. 
That was another reason he was glad he didn’t copy her flirty persona. His mom was very comfortable with her body and her sexuality and she admitted she got a thrill when she used either to control people around her. Danny, who was still coming to terms with possibly being ace and had all the body issues of a bullied teen, only felt anxious when he tried to flirt. 
He crept through the air towards his mom, pulling strongly on his intangibility and control of his own temperature to make himself completely undetectable. He carefully watched the Bat for any sudden moves. 
“Don’t you ever get tired?” Selina asked, still playfully swishing her whip across the roof. “You’re so certain you’re right, even after months, even in the face of all evidence. Honestly you’re just like the Fentons. I know you’ve looked into them, think about that the next time you want to have me submit to your battery of tests.” 
Bruce tried to keep his emotions locked down, but Danny could see the micro expression even with the heavy cowl. The small twitch would have been a full flinch in a lesser man. Danny’s scowl deepened as he realized just how similar he was to the Fentons. He just hoped this time wouldn’t end with him strapped to a table. 
His voice had softened, but Danny saw his mom move her arm to the side, the signal they had agreed on. He grabbed her, passing his flight and intangibility to her as he allowed his invisibility to roll back enough to reveal his grinning mask. Bruce stiffened, his lips tightening in fury. He reached for some tool from his belt, but Danny wasn’t going to stay around to see what it was. He lifted his mom effortlessly from the roof, and let himself giggle as he rocked his head side to side as his invisibility rolled over him until just his smile was visible, before vanishing completely. 
He flew with his mom in his arms, finding themselves on the other side of Gotham close to Selina’s old penthouse. He set her down and pulled his invisibility back so they both appeared out of thin air. He knew the rictus grin on his mask and the cat’s eyes on his goggles were glowing brightly as his core flared in delight. 
“Amazing job, Chess.” Selina said fondly, pulling him to a hug before she pushed his cowl back so she could kiss his head. Danny held her tightly and let his core purr wildly to show his delight. She pulled back her own cowl, revealing her face and her tight black curls. She looked him over closely to make sure he was uninjured. “Cheshire, you and I are a team made in thief heaven. I look forward to watching your perspective as you went in.”
Danny smiled widely, and pulled his own goggles over his head, and lowered his mask. 
“It was great! I even made that trick shot I was practicing, brought the whole rack down onto his stupid fake vintage cars. Of course if they were real, they would basically shrug it off, but they crumpled! Ruined his whole collection.” 
Danny had started floating as he laughed through his retelling. He transformed with a thought, his ghost form matching his Cheshire costume more and more as the months went by. His tail whipped back and forth through the air as he excitedly paced back and forth above the roof they were on. 
“Danny…” He paused at the solemn tone in his mom’s voice. She had a sad tilt to her eyebrows that he had noticed she had occasionally when she looked at him in his ghost form. 
“Y-yeah?” His voice cracked a little, he was more trepidatious than he wanted to admit. 
“Danny, would you like a grave?” Selina asked. 
He felt like the word thundered through his head, and he found himself landing on the roof next to his mom, his mouth open.
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gilverrwrites · 27 days
★ Daddy's pornstar ★
Black Mask/Wayne!Reader, 4.8K AN: Based on, (but not 1:1) on this ask! It just activated something in my brain and I had to put it into words. I could kiss you anon! FYI, he's (partly) maskless in this one, just because I felt like shaking things up a bit. Warnings: Roman being absolutely foul, he’s a warning all of his own. Swearing, blackmail, dub-con, insults/name-calling, spit, ass to mouth but barely, spanking, choking, verbal degradation, unprotected sex, manipulation, lying, gratuitous daddy kink. DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT. Excerpt: “Don’t look so glum, doll. You’re gorgeous.” Roman's gravelly voice is thick with conceitedness. More than usual. He’s seated just to the side of the camera, smiling at you like he’s the cat and you’re the cream between puffs of a cigarette. His eyes shamelessly rake across your body. “If you ever wanted to get out from your father’s shadow, you could make a killing in the adult industry.” “Please, I don’t want to talk about him right now.” You don’t even want to think about him. Not just because it’s a figurative boner killer, but because he’d be so angry, so disappointed in you and your actions. You stare at the blinking red light of the camera as you try not to recall the destructive series of events that had led you here. The reckless, downright stupid behaviour that had handed Roman the ammunition to bend you to his will. “Alright. I’ll be your daddy tonight.”
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Selina had told you once, after helping your father take down an infamous Gotham-based trafficking ring that the little spiel adult actors give at the beginning of pornos was often complete bullshit. When Cherry Rose or Missy Sin said, “I’m of sound body and mind, and I consent to everything I’m about to do.” they were fucking themselves, metaphorically and literally. That as soon as those words were caught on tape, sketchy cast and crews could use it as a free pass to do whatever they wanted to those performers without repercussions.
That fact, while upsetting, hadn’t really solidified in your head until you were staring down the lens of a Panasonic camcorder, barely faking a smile as you made the very same speech, wondering how many pornstars had been blackmailed or otherwise under duress from the start.
“Don’t look so glum, doll. You’re gorgeous.” Roman's gravelly voice is thick with conceitedness. More than usual. He’s seated just to the side of the camera, smiling at you like he’s the cat and you’re the cream between puffs of a cigarette. His eyes shamelessly rake across your body. It’s not clear if he’s appreciative of you in general or of the sheer, feather-hemmed lingerie he’d picked out for you. It’s exactly the kind of thing you’d expect to find on the body of an heiress gone wild in the pages of an 80s Playboy magazine; cute but still a humiliating mockery of the rich kid archetype the media so loves to sexualise. From the shade of pink that compliments your skin tone perfectly, to the way it tastefully clashes with the bedspread, you're pretty certain Roman has put a lot of thought and planning into this whole production. “If you ever wanted to get out from your father’s shadow, you could make a killing in the adult industry.”
“Please, I don’t want to talk about him right now.” You don’t even want to think about him. Not just because it’s a figurative boner killer, but because he’d be so angry, so disappointed in you and your actions. You stare at the blinking red light of the camera as you try not to recall the destructive series of events that had led you here. The reckless, downright stupid behaviour that had handed Roman the ammunition to bend you to his will.
“Alright.” His smile twists then, into something wicked and you will the heat growing in your stomach to cool. “I’ll be your daddy tonight.”
The suggestion simultaneously makes your skin crawl, and your hair stand on edge. You fight the lurch in your chest by scrunching up your face and glowering at his mask on the bedside table. It’s easier to be repelled by him when he’s Black Mask. He’s not really a person, he’s a symbol, a deity to all that’s wrong with Gotham and its seedy underworld. He laughs aloud, low and throaty, clearly enjoying your visible discomfort. God, you hate him. You hate his laugh. You hate his olive skin. His empty black eyes, his salt and pepper hair, the way he smells so good like sugar and spice and smoke. You hate the way he commands a room simply by being in it. But apparently not all of your body had gotten the memo.
“Agreed?” He says sarcastically, the implication that you don’t really get a choice hangs thick in the air and you nod in reply until he fakes a cough to draw your attention back to him. “Out loud, for the camera.”
“Yes…” He quirks a brow at you, eyes fixated on the shake of your breasts as you attempt to steady your breathing. The name feels wrong on your lips, you haven’t even called your own father Daddy since you were a little girl, but you manage to bite it out. “Daddy.”
“Good girl.” It shouldn’t, but the way he drawls the pet-name makes you feel flushed. “Well, what are you waiting for? We’re rolling.”
For the first time since you’d met him here, you look at him dead on, staring dumbly, hoping for at least a little direction. You’d never done this sort of thing before; you didn’t know where to begin. And you certainly didn’t want to perform so badly that he made it an excuse to have you do it all over again. He stares back at you, head tilted, eyes wide and hungry, watching you expectantly.
“Touch yourself.” He clarifies impatiently. “Play with your tits, finger you pussy, whatever you do when you’re lying in bed alone at night, wishing somebody would fuck you the way you need.”
But you don’t want to be fucked, at least that’s the story you’re feeding yourself. You half gesture to your nether regions as you whisper. “But I’m not wet yet.”
“It’s a good thing you’re pretty, cause you’re not very bright, are you?” He states sharply, straightening his posture and biting his tongue in annoyance as he stubs out his cigarette in a nearby ashtray. His patronising should piss you off, but instead you’re embarrassed. You wish you’d had something to drink before coming here. At least then you could blame your simmering arousal for his mistreatment of you on being tipsy. “Come here.”
He grabs onto your wrist, standing to tower over you as his gloved hands tug you across the bed. Much to your shock, he spit down onto your open palm, amusement palpable as he watches your shocked face.
“What’s the matter? Think you’re too good for my spit?”          
“No.” You do. You are. However, ‘no’ instinctively felt like the right thing to say.
“No? Good.” The grin on Roman’s face is pure malice, it makes your heart drop and your knees weak. “Open your mouth for me.”
When you take too long prying your dried lips apart, Roman releases your wrists in favour of gripping the back of your head, yanking you back until your mouth falls open to cry out in pain. Before you know it’s happening you feel a glob of spit hit your tongue, and suddenly your bodies desire for him finally wins. You don’t need lube anymore, your folds growing slicker with each second sat under his burning gaze. The shame of knowing he caught it all up close and personal on film only fuelling the fire in your belly. Your whole body practically boils at your indigent actions as you close your mouth and swallow.
 “Very good girl.” Roman offers his approval as he releases you, falling back to his position beside the camera.
“Thank you, Daddy.” You’re not sure where the sudden bravery comes from, but you reply cutely as you lay back on the bed once more, spreading your legs and showing the camera how your newfound wetness has started to seep through the delicate fabric. 
“Beautiful.” Roman coos, and it’s the most genuine sounding thing he’s ever said to you. The confusing mix of pride and self-loathing has you grunting in annoyance as you push your fingers under your waist band and begin to run your fingers between your folds, collecting moisture from your leaking entrance and rubbing it against your sensitive clit.
You’ve masturbated many times before, but you’ve never been able to cum from your own hands alone. Now seems a bad time to bring this up, so you channel all your energy into it, building as much friction as you can with your hands and focusing your mind on how good you feel right now. Multiple times Roman has to whistle at you, drawing your attention away from the ceiling and back to the camera as you attempt to force your climax. Each time he looks less entertained by your wandering eyes, until eventually you look over at him only to be greeted by the sight of his penis. Immediately you look away once more, gawking down the lens of the camera, no doubt looking flustered and debauched.
“It’s okay baby, you can look at it.” It’s not really a suggestion, so much as an order. Even when he’s speaking softly, he sounds dangerous, so you angle your head to the side. Watching as he idly pumps away, matching your own strokes with a now ungloved hand. “Like what you see?”
A part of you had been hoping it would be smaller, uglier, something to turn your nose up at, but by all accounts, Roman Sionis has a fucking beautiful cock. Something else you could hate him for. It’s straight, cut, a few shades darker than the rest of his skin, and just big enough to stretch you out in all the right places if you sunk low enough to let him fuck you. A thought that’s becoming more and more appealing with every brush to you heated core.
“Yes.” You strain to form words, joints twitching as you continue to play with your oversensitive, under-climaxed cunt. “Your dick is… nice.”
He chuckles at you, again. While admittedly it was not a good word choice, his constant amusement really makes it difficult to ignore the fact that this is all fun and games to him. You’re a joke, a pawn in his agenda. Damn if the sight of him, leaning back, nonchalantly jerking off over your display doesn’t make your toes curl. But it’s still not enough.
“If you hurry up and cream those pretty panties, I‘ll let you play with it.” You surprise him, and yourself by dramatically kicking your feet against the mattress.
“I can’t!” It comes out petulant and needy. “I’m sorry, I can’t. I’ve never been able to do it myself.”
His eyes narrow, head rolling from side to side as he processes your predicament and considers his next move.
“Sit up and look into the camera.” He eventually instructs, standing up himself to get a good look at you through the viewfinder. “Ask daddy real nicely to help you cum, and I might fuck you with my fingers.”
You can feel his eyes glowering into you through the camera as you hesitate. Deliberating whether you’re really going to beg Black Mask to get you off as you follow his command. The moment your fingers seize movement you feel lost. Yes. If it’s the only way to sooth your desires, then yes, you’re going to swallow your pride and beg him.
“Please daddy.” His eyes don’t leave the screen as he bites down on the tip of his remaining glove to remove it, nor when he loosens his tie and undoes the top button of his shirt. “I need you, please make me cum.”
“I think you can do better.” His hard-on would disagree, but you’re in no position to point that out. “Roll over, put your ass up for the camera and keep begging for me baby.”
Somehow, having your entire sex front and centre for the camera, hardly concealed by your see-through panties feels a thousand times more exposing than anything you’ve done do far.
“Please.” Your voice grows smaller, but Roman is having none of it.
“Please fill me with your finger, Daddy.” You start again, willing yourself to speak as loudly as possible. Calling him daddy feels less and less forced each time it rolls off your tongue. “Please, please, please. I’ll do anything.”
Even in your current state, the irony of your last statement isn’t lost on you. Regardless, it has the desired effect. You wait with bated breath, listening to each footfall as Roman deliberately drags his feet across the carpet until he’s stood behind you, completely out of the cameras view you presume but for his hands which come up to cup your ass. You can’t help but moan as he digs his nails into the fat of your cheeks and makes of show of jiggling them.
“Barely even touched you and you’re already cryin’ out like you’re in heat.” He comments, smug as he hooks his fingers in your underwear and works them down your thighs. He teases you by running his pointer finger lightly across your slit, void of any pressure, before delivering an unexpected slap to your cheek. Your legs flinch, another pathetic whine escaping you in reaction, but ultimately it only adds to your pent-up frustration. Only makes you want him more. “You act so prim and proper, but I always knew what you were.”
“What- ” Your question is silenced as Roman finally sinks two fingers between your pussylips, lazily brushing them against your clit in circular motions. It already feels so much better than you’d accomplished alone. You’re so caught up in the feeling that you no longer care about your rapidly deteriorating dignity when he uses his thumbs to pull apart your lips, showing off your dripping entrance, wolf-whistling as he gives the camera the money shot.
“So fuckin’ wet.” Despite his statement, Roman hawks another bead of spit onto it before sliding two more fingers in without resistance. “D’you know what this is?”
“It’s my pussy, daddy.” You answer earnestly, eyes rolling back at the feel of him plunging inside you.
“That’s right baby.” He purrs. “Your pussy. The pussy of a cock hungry slut.”
“Or maybe it’s mine.” He continues, unapologetically shoving his long fingers in and out of your cunt at a demanding pace. All the while his other hand strokes your clit. The wet squelch that emanates with every touch makes you feel so lewd. You squeeze your eyes shut, holding back hot tears of humiliation and desperation as Roman easily brings you closer and closer to the edge. “Maybe I’ll claim it. Maybe I’ll put my nice dick in there and pump you full of daddy’s cum.”
“Fuck!” You can’t think straight, the only thing on your mind is how fucking good this feels. How much better it would feel to have Roman’s cock pulsing inside you. A damp slapping sound begins to ring throughout the room. You realise quickly that it’s your slit, smacking against Romans hands as you subconsciously rock back onto them, matching his rhythm.
“Is that what you want baby? D’you want to give daddy your pussy?” He growls, perfectly in time with the eruption of your orgasm.
“Yes, it’s your pussy, Daddy. Take it, take my pussy.” The words roll off your tongue completely uninhibited. You’ve no capacity to censor yourself, to think for yourself as shockwaves roll through every vein and nerve of your body. “I want your cock, Roman. I want your cum. Please ruin me.”
Roman lets you ride it out, holding still while you grind against him until you come to a complete stop, quietly panting into the comforter until he’s satisfied that you’re done. Then before you know what’s happening, he rips his hands back and delivers a series of rapid strikes to your ass. Harder than the previous one, sure to leave a mark.
“What’s. My. Name. Bitch?” He bites between each hit. “Whose. Your. Fuckin’. Daddy?”
The sudden change in pace has you reeling and scrambling to pull away, but Roman follows until you surrender. “Daddy! You’re my daddy!”
“And don’t you fuckin forget it.” It’s absolutely an order, bitter and laced with scathing levels supressed rage. A reminder of who he is and that he’s calling the shots right now. “Get up here.”
As soon as you’re in range to be gripped without roaming too far into frame, Roman locks his hands around you, manhandling you until your back is to his chest. His hand is around your throat, squeezing just tight enough to restrict but not stop your breathing as he threads a finger between your ass cheeks, poking at the rim of your hole. For a second, he cinches his grip on your neck, causing another tear to roll down your face, adding another streak of mascara to the dried marks from your finger fucking.
“Call my name one more time baby, and I won’t just ruin your pussy.” To emphasis his point, he bullies the tip of his finger inside, grinning when you whinge at the dry, hot pain. “And trust me, no amount of spit is gonna help you then. Got it?”
“Yes, Daddy. I’m sorry.” He pulls his fingers back from your ass, your sigh of relief cut off by his stiffening grip on your windpipe once more. Instead, you let out a pathetic mix of sputtering and moaning. You deliberately try to stay limp for him, obedient, but when he brings the fingers he’d been fucking you with to your mouth your muscles automatically tense. His warm digits pass your lips, and he brushes his musty fingers on your tongue, forcing you to taste the bittersweetness of both holes. You instinctively try to protest but all that comes out again is weak gasp and strings of drool.
“You like how you taste?” He mocks. “Like being choked?”
If you say yes, he might do it more. If you say no, he’ll definitely do it more, so you hedge your bets and nod for him, coughing out a sad little “yes” around his finger.
“Fuckin’ whore.” That infuriating laugh, again. This time more to himself than to you as he releases your neck and steps away from the bed. He surveys you for a moment, examining your position on the bed as you gasp for air before grabbing the tripod and moving it further down the bed.
“Get on your hands and knee, facing the camera this time.” Once you’ve caught your breath, you reposition yourself as instructed. Weary eyes watching as Roman retrieves his mask from the nightstand. The cosmetic red eyes stare you down as he crosses the room to stand behind you. The bed dips under his weight and your hazy brain finally clicks why he’d been so pissed at you for using his name. It’s not just a humiliation thing. He intended from the beginning to remain anonymous, even if the video was solely for himself.  Everybody knew Roman was Black Mask, but nobody could irrefutably prove it, a technicality that kept him out of prison.
The train of thought however is lost when Roman barks out his next instruction. “Take the bra off.”
You're way passed modesty at this point. Frankly, you're relieved to be rid of the plasticky faux feathers digging into your cleavage.
If your bare and open core had been the money shot, this would be the clickbait. A Wayne Scion stripped naked and practically presenting herself for one of Gotham's most notorious crime lords. Sure, nobody could confirm it was him, but between the voice, the suit, and the mask, it was obvious.
You’re grateful when Roman doesn’t spend much time admiring or groping at your breasts, but that gratitude is quickly swallowed by torment when he starts repeatedly thrusts his shaft into your slit, denying your cunt in favour of teasing your clit. The sensation causes you to clench around nothing. Having barely come down from your previous orgasm, your body greedily wants more.
“You should know by now what I want to hear.” Roman croons, securing a hand on your waist to keep you still as he drags the tip of his cock between your folds. He wants you to plead, and at this point you'd do anything to finally feel him inside you. “Don’t make me ask you for it.”
“Please, Daddy.” Clearly also feeling eager, Roman is quick to line himself up with your entrance, pushing in just deep enough to part your labia, but withholding any satisfaction. You let out a salacious moan, nonetheless. “Please fuck my cock hungry pussy!”
“Oh, I’m not just gonna fuck it, baby.” His cock plunges into you without resistance. He’s not overtly thick, but your walls immediately start spasming and stretching around him, hugging him tightly in all the right places. Mouth and pussy drooling for him in an instant as he begins ramming in and out of you, allowing you no time to adjust. It hurts like hell for a few moments, but the pain is so worth the pleasure. “I’m gonna ruin it. That’s what you wanted, right? Want me to pound this filthy fuckin’ cunt like nobody else ever has. You're not gonna want anyone else by the time I’m done with you.”
Every nasty word out of his mouth feels like a threat, it only adds to the sex drunk haze that fogs your mind, and he just keeps snarling. For the first time in your tenuous relationship, you hope he never shuts the fuck up.
“You fuckin’ love it.” He snaps, gripping the back of your neck to keep your head up, all the while slamming into you at a painful pace, knocking the wind out of you as you sob for the camera. “Say it. Say you fucking love being a helpless whore, split open on Daddy dick.”
Any words out of your mouth at this point are completely unintelligible at best. Broken, feeble cries at worst. You’re not even sure what you’re trying to say. Eventually you manage to muster a small “Please… please I want…”, relying on Roman’s strength as you reach for your clit. You’re so damn close, you just need that little push. “Want to cum.”
To his credit, Roman knows exactly what you’re asking for, batting your uselessly pawing hands out of the way so he can rub at your tender bud in short teasing motions, making you arch your back into him.
“You’ll cum when I cum.”
“C-cum in me.” Once again, your voice is barely a whisper, strangled by your tensing muscles, shaken with every snap of Romans hips as you selfishly beg for his release so that he’ll give you your own. “Fill my whore pussy, please, daddy.”   
Sick, loud, slapping echoes through the room as Roman hammers into you, using your body to chase his orgasm in bruising, frenzied strokes. His body shudders, breath growing hoarse as he finds it. The combined feel of fingers kneading your clit, and the heat of his seed releasing inside your guts has you tumbling straight after him.
“Take it.” The command isn’t necessary, your walls are milking him for all he’s got as your body trembles beneath him, ecstasy making every aching bone feel like putty as he ladens your sex with his seed. He just loves the sound of his own voice. “Take all of it you greedy little bitch.”
Roman’s breathing is erratic. He stays put, dick growing soft inside you for a long time as he steadies himself. As your high begins to falter you start to process the reality of what you’ve just done. Fortunately, you can find solace in the fact that it’s over.
To nobodies’ surprise, Roman is the first to talk. Finding his voice again as he finally pulls out of you.
“I was serious you know.” A chill runs along your back as he skims a finger between your swollen folds, collecting the excess of his cum. “I've got some live-in cam models over in Tail’s End. You’ve got the potential to make it big, doll.”
“No thanks.” Despite your deadpan, when he guilds your weak body up and shoves his sticky fingers in your face, you open wide, unashamedly cleaning every speck until he retracts them. You watch as he holds them up to the light, inspecting your work. Face now hidden behind his fearsome mask, you’ve no idea what he might be thinking which is probably his intent.
“Suit yourself.” He shrugs, your body falling forward at the sudden weight displacement as he stands. Your legs are still like jelly, so you resolve not to move until they’re steady or he’s gone. Which ever happens first.
“I gotta head out in a minute, you know your way to the door, right?” You only nod. Quickly coming down from your post-orgasm high whilst you watch Roman making himself presentable again. Well, mostly presentable. He re-buttons his shirt, straightens his tie, and redons his gloves. There is however a wet patch on his crotch, cause by you no doubt. Dependant on where he’s going, you wouldn’t put it past him to leave it on display so he can brag about his latest lay. “Oh, some of Penguins boys are trying to move in on The Basin. Be careful if you're passing that way.”
“Why?” He got what he wanted from you. What should he care what happens to you know? Tim is currently building a case on Cobblepot. So, the only part of that statement you care about is how you’re going to feed that intel to him without revealing your source.
“I don’t want that creature puttin’ his hand on what’s mine.” What’s his? He says it so factually it’s almost laughable. Sure, he’d been a good fuck, but that wasn’t enough to keep you coming back to him. Cocky bastard.
Despite your derision, you nod, humouring him. The sooner he leaves, the better. Then you’ll rarely have to see him again. “Right.”
“Don’t clean up.” He rattles off another demands, now focused on the camera. His hands work quickly, turning it off and ejecting the memory card so fast it must be muscle memory. He’s done this sort of thing before. How many others had he extorted like this? When the memory card is tucked safely away in his wallet, Roman scoops the discarded panties from the floor, pressing them to his wooden nose and sniffing before tossing them over to you. “Put those back on. I want you to stink of your own arousal all the way home. Want you to feel all that cum inside you and know who put it there.”
You can’t hold your contempt back any longer at this point. Glaring, you scoff at him. “I’ll pass.”
“I don't think you understand the nature of our arrangement.” He snarls back. You were so close to being rid of him but now he’s doubling back to you. The permanent leer of his masks red eyes staring you down as he leans close to your supine form. “You don't get to pass.”
“My debt to you is paid.” You spit. When you make to sit up his gloved hand latches onto your jaw, muffling your speech as you try to argue with him. “Tonight was me getting straight with you.”
“Thats right.” His faux-soft tone contrasts with the demeaning drip of spit he aims onto your cheek. In retaliation you attempt to pull away, digging your nails into the thick fabric of his suit jacket to no avail. “I’ll make sure nobody in Gotham, especially that bitchboy father of yours ever finds out about your little incident.”
Rubbing in his control over you, Roman begins massaging his saliva into your skin. Seemingly trying to clean up your smudged make-up, no doubt purposefully smearing it further around your face.  
“But unless you want the contents of our little home video on the homepage of every tabloid and gossip site in the country, you'll keep doing as I say.”
The reality of the situation kicks in, and suddenly you do feel like a little girl. Roman Sionis had tricked you, he’s never intended to make things even. From the moment he’d ‘requested’ a meeting, he’d been planning on keeping you under his thumb and like the naïve child you were, and you’d fell for it, every step of the way.  
“You promised nobody would ever see it.” Your voice is small and pitiful, even to you. No doubt Roman is grinning like a fat-cat beneath his veneer.
“And if you make a liar out of me, neither of us is going to be happy.” You’re not proud of the tears the follow, releasing Roman’s arm in favour of dabbing at your eyes. Breathing deeply, you try to stop from blubbering. You’re so angry, but you don’t have the energy to fight. “Now you're getting it.”
You sit stiffly as Roman’s leather clad hand wander your face. Patting and pinching your cheeks in mock affection.
“This is a cute look. Bet your brother's fawn all over it. Personally, I just wanna stick my dick between those pouty lips.”  His words sting, they make your stomach nauseous. Your brothers would fly of the handle if they could see you know. Jason in particular would probably be more pissed than your father.
Eventually Roman releases you, and you hastily stand to start redressing yourself, but as you do his cum begins to trickle out from your still gaping cunt, and you almost retch at the feeling.
“This must be hard for you. Tell you what, why don't you stay here? Avoid the family until you've come to terms.” Continuing to parody genuine tenderness, Roman catches your wavering body and brings you close, gently wrapping you up in his arms. You can’t deny it feels nice, his warmth, his smell. Your fickle centre betrays you, growing wet once more, even as the rest of your body wants to curl up and die from your foolishness. “I've got some business to attend to, but I’ll be back in a few hours. Get some rest, and when you're good and ready we’ll test how much of daddy’s cock you can take down your throat before you start choking?”
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
What kinds of babies would the batkids be if Bruce adopted them from the start?
I did another ask here a while ago talking about what if the batfam were adopted as babies, which I’m using as a frame of reference. While it’s not totally accurate to their canon age differences, I kinda like how it worked out. 
Dick is mobile from the get-go. He crawls as soon as Bruce puts him down, tries to climb out of his crib, and is the reason the high chair has a seatbelt. Things only get worse when he learns to grab and stack things. Bruce walks in on him climbing a teetering tower of toys to reach the cereal box, and he just barely catches him before it topples over. Everyone thinks Jason is the reason for the child leash, but it’s actually Dick after he got lost at the museum. He’s the most outwardly affectionate of all the children, but his Terrible Twos are also the worst when he uses his limited vocabulary to argue with Bruce at every step. He’s also jealous when he’s no longer an only child and makes a big fuss at first before accepting it. 
Although Barbara has her own parents, the Waynes and the Gordons are very familiar with each other, both through Bruce and the Commissioner’s friendship and babysitting each other’s kids. Dick is more active, but Barbara learns to speak first and can even read the alphabet by the time they’re in daycare. Her parents try to limit screen time at home, but at the Manor, she learns to ask Alexa to play Little Einstein. Dick is also personally offended when he offers her his favorite candy and she goes blegh. 
Cass comes 3 years later, and she’s the baby you can’t let out of sight unless you feel like searching the whole house. She’ll hide anywhere, from under the bed to the trunk of the car. Selina suggests a cat bell, but Cass quickly learns to take it off. At first they think it’s because she’s shy, but it turns out she just prefers to watch people from a distance. Playing the Barbie ballerina music draws her out, though, because she loves twirling around. Cass learns sign language from her aunts Harley and Ivy first, and she makes up some of her own gestures to signal what she wants. Her hair was longer until Dick got peanut butter in it and they all agreed it’s easier to keep it short. 
Harper and Cullen are a year apart from each other, with Cullen being Cass’s age. They’re adopted at the same time, though, because it took a while for Bruce to prove that their bio father isn’t fit to be a parent. As a toddler, Harper is pretty independent, including dressing herself and using the bathroom. She likes to take things apart, so Bruce keeps expensive devices out of her reach—not that it works for long (see: Dick). She’s the most vocal baby and the first to learn “bad words” like poo-poo head. She’s the messiest though, often leaving things out and getting upset when people put her things away because she needs them. 
Cullen, on the other hand, is more shy from their previous household and takes some time to warm up to people. Bruce encourages him to ask for what he wants and always reassures him that there’s plenty to go around. The first person he grows close to is Cass, who takes him under her wing in a protective way. Together, they like to play pretend as mythical creatures or flip through picture books together despite not knowing how to read. He has a hard time falling asleep, so Bruce reads him stories until he does. On stormy nights, he goes to either Harper or Dick and will climb into their beds without warning. The first time that happened, Dick thought it was the monster from his closet and screamed so loud he woke everyone else up. Once Cullen learns how to use the remote, getting him away from the TV is a daily struggle. 
Jason is a year younger than Cass, and he’s a bit of a coin flip. Most days, he’s perfectly well-behaved and will quietly play by himself, especially with the pop-up books. Other days, he’ll throw the worst tantrums and break whatever he gets his hands on. He fights with Dick the most because at the time, he’s the youngest and can get away with more. Eventually, things even out a little and he fits perfectly into the fun-and-mischievous role, earning the affectionate title of Papa’s Little Nightmare, which he wears like a badge of pride whenever he licks people’s forks or sticks his finger up Bruce’s nose. He also likes to watch Alfred cook and his birthmark is his white streak. 
A full five years later is Tim, a quiet but observant baby who can learn fast by watching others. He picks up now to climb the banister from Dick, hide in tight spaces from Cass, how to use a hammer from Harper, what shows to watch from Cullen, and how to argue from Jason. He and Jason don’t get along at first because Jason felt like he was being replaced, but they eventually learn to coexist. Tim’s first toy to himself is a plastic camera that shows pictures of cartoon characters. He’s the kid that asks tons of questions, like why Bruce and Selina lock themselves in the bedroom. He also likes to explore and believes any unfamiliar creature is an alien. 
I know canonically Steph and Duke are a few years apart, but as babies I headcanon them as “twins” born on the same day to different parents and are two years younger than Tim because it’s cute and chaotic. Sometimes they share things, like their bedroom and toys. Other times, they get double, like two birthday cakes. At least once a week, they’ll try and confuse people by swapping clothes. Duke makes up stories and Steph scribbles out the scenes—sometimes she even does it on paper. If the house isn’t a mess before, then it definitely is with them when Bruce finds fruit gummies in the couch and shoes in the microwave. Instead of blankies and stuffed animals, Steph falls asleep clutching a box of toaster waffles and Duke with a bear-shaped honey bottle. Duke tells anti-jokes that he finds hilarious (“Knock knock” “Who’s there?” “Me!”) while Steph flat-out roasts people (“Dickie smells like icky”). They have concerts where Steph scream-sings while Duke bangs pots and pans. Steph prefers to be on Bruce’s shoulders while Duke clings to his leg. There’s a big Get Along shirt for when the siblings fight, but Steph and Duke just wear it for funsies. Because Tim sometimes gets overlooked, they follow him around like baby ducklings and think he’s the coolest sibling. 
Carrie, who’s two years after Steph and Duke, is the most imaginative baby and will loop people in as her side characters. Usually her roleplays involve being wilderness adventurers, after she watched Dora The Explorer. She likes to run around, often wearing a towel cape, and isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty or play with things like bugs. She’ll only do baths if she can bring her snorkel and her many pool toys. In the car, no one wants to sit in front of her because she’s a seat-kicker. She’s easily wired even with just a little bit of sugar, so whenever another kid mad at Bruce, they’ll give her a whole bag of candy and set her loose. 
Damian is the last one and is three years younger than Carrie. He’s the smallest baby because he was born preterm, and Bruce is also worried because he rarely cries. But when he does, he won’t stop until he wears himself out. Carrie is the most protective of him and Tim thinks he’s secretly an alien (after seeing him hooked to machines in the hospital). Whenever Talia visits, he’ll systematically show her his toys, including his favorite stuffed cow. Besides Mama and Dada, his first words are animal sounds. He also likes art and will poke his head in whenever he sees his siblings drawing. If he senses someone having a bad day, he’ll sit outside their door and wait for them to come out. 
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
Sparks:Secret Origins(1983-1989)
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An experimental run that got made to try out what it would be like for Clark to adopt a kid and make them his sidekick,which ran for 66 issues
The unlucky lucky kid in question was Summer Kent/'Frankie Garcia' being his birth name given to him by the abusive Mayerlin Garcia and deadbeat Sebastián Garcia.One of his first memory's was seeing him for the first time at 3 years old and exchanging a wave and a smile with him and from that day on,'Frankie' became Superman's number one fan and after realizing his parents didn't actually love him and having no friends at school either thanks to 'her' tomboyishness,mixed afrolatina heritage and multiple undiagnosed neurodivergent disorders,he started dreaming he'd save him from them
On his 10th birthday and our intro to him,Lex killed his parents while on a rampage across the city in a giant Lexcorp robot by slamming them onto the side of a building so hard they died on impact and knocked 'Frankie' out so he could kidnap him to make him half Kryptofang,using the dna of the last surviving one that escaped Krypton just as Clark did and had hidden in Dominican Republic until Lex found it on a trip and had it killed to be used for experimentation.Kryptofangs were the kryptonian equivalent to dragons but with the add on of telepathy and considered culturally equal to regular kryptonians with a long history of allyship and community between them,a metaphor for Summer's biracial identity and Clark's black monoracial one
After three days at a Lexcorp lab,'Frankie's' greatest wish came true as Superman saved him and adopted him after some bonding when he brought him to his,Lois' and a baby Jon's apartment,their old house to collect their belongings and the Fortress of Solitude to gather Kryptofang info.Jimmy and Lana became his honorary uncle and aunt and Lana his homeschool teacher too since Clark and Lois pulled him out of public school to avoid him getting bullied and upon meeting Superman for the first time,'Frankie' turned into 'Summer' when asked for his name as he wanted nothing from his birth parents and choose his new name because that's the season he discovered Clark all that time ago.His sidekick name was 'Sparks',both because of his pyrokinesis and as a reference to his new family being sparks of hope in his life.Lex did a smear campaign against him to cover up what he'd done to him and it made Summer angrier,meaner and more violent than ever and earned the derogatory nickname 'Superpunk'(ofc Clark,Lois and Jimmy still did their best to combat it as reporters)
Sparks' gender was a mystery to the public and nobody dared to ask or make inappropriate speculations since his dad is y'know,Superman.Summer straight up demanded to help raise Jon and refused to give in to his parents nos so they let him have his way and taught him how to care for him.A year into their sidekick careers,Summer met Jason when Bruce and Clark brought them on a Justice League mission on the same day and they instantly butted heads because of having opposite personalities but by the end of the operation,they were best friends and the other's first friend and 'Basket case!''Bird boy!!' turned into 'Basket Case and Bird Boy' as affectionate nicknames and their duo name that kinda caught on.Summer was Jason's reconnection to blackness and latino heritage and he had mixed feelings on it by a complex childhood but he helped him really take pride in it like Clark and Lois did them
They did tons of 'normal' childhood things together in addition to superheroics and Summer flew to Gotham and Jason to Metropolis for hangouts on a regular basis.Clark asked Dick and Kory to mentor him and Summer started crushing on Dick on sight much to [Summer's] mortification because he couldn't hide his feelings in the slightest bit but he was never a pick me about Kory and instead had a healthy intergenerational friendship with her and also with Selina,which is where his love of cats comes from.Eddie was also a part of his friend group and them and Jason dubbed themselves 'The Magic Trio' and the only reason Eddie didn't hang out with them as much as they did eachother is Summer was exhausting himself to dangerous levels by flying to Hollywood regularly too and he had to beg them to stop for their own good.Summer developed more powers as the years went on,including infrared vision that turned his entire eyes hot pink,roaring and more dragonic body features that're retractable and used for gags sometimes.Summer's fear toxin vision is Jason and Clark dying in action and Jason's is Summer and Eddie deciding they never want to be his friend again,fueled by his 'the loser kid' status at Gotham Academy but also previous abandonment issues
Clark and Lois are the best parents Summer ever could and did ask for.Clark trained him throughly but never beyond his limits and always had snacks and a drink for him and Lois taught him to never back down no matter who tried to stop him and they both showered him in literally every love language and a secret sixth one:Chaos privileges.They let him do whatever he wanted as long as it didn't hurt anybody and he ran his mouth to everyone and everything,went anywhere he wanted if he had proper protection(like Jason,Eddie or an adult)and consumed any media he felt like with no judgement.This might've messed up some kids but Summer's 'special'(Read:Autistic with several additional mental shit and a kryptonian dragon hybrid).He calls them 'Papí y Mamí' and their nicknames for him are pretty much everything latino but the unique ones are 'Mi Luz Kryptoniana' from Clark and 'Verana' from Lois and Lois' canon adhd and dyslexia gave them a special connection like the kryptonian one
Summer finally had his bi awakening at 14 via Dick and Kory and called up Jason in panic so he could tell it to someone to face only for Jason to laugh hysterically in his face and Summer to scream pinkfaced at him to shut up and got his vegeance a few weeks later when Eddie turned out to be Jason's.The Magic Trio are autistic4autistic4autistic friendship realness and never got an official diagnosis because they found out by just googling shit together and also t4t4t4t but Jason and Eddie were early birds-Jason dosen't even really remember thinking he was a girl-while Summer was a painfully oblivious transmasc genderfluid and bigender egg with so much gender fuckery going on even two trans boy best friends,a t4t couple for parents AND fuckin' Dickkory for mentors didn't crack him.He was even goth punk!(The Superfam are all comrades /hj)
Jason used to help babysit Jon and had a pretty good relathionship with Clark and Lois too,them calling him 'Argonauta' and 'Curita' for his namesake.Summer'd hospitalized three of Lex's employes at this point but he's getting there /lh.Jason was positive influence on him with his happy go lucky attitude and softness,slowly making him more of an 'ideal' hero
When Jason was 15,he realized he'd fallen in love with Summer because Dick spotted it first and helped him realize it by comparing them to him and Kory and obviously he instantly entered denial mode because that's his best friend since they were 11 but it all adds up too much and denial turns into embarrasment turns into attempts at unspoken rizz.Jason uses the 'Shall i compare thee to a summer's day?' sonnet since Shakespeare is the only classical author Summer likes and he pretends to not be affected by it but internally he's blushing glowing but this is one among many to get him to make the first move and their relathionships grows even cuddlier thanks to it(including Jason diy'ing his own Sparks shirt to impress his anti-capitalist crush and creating a new slushie flavor all on his own that's cotton candy,berryblast and has chocolate and strawberry chips on top for them to share that becomes an official at Dairy Super)but Dick convinces him to ask Summer out to a Gotham Academy dance as a fullblown confession without much coersion needed
We all know what comes next but it's far from the end of Summer or Jason or their story!Here is a Summerverse Clois pic for your troubles♡
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cer-rata · 2 months
"The Kids Are Alright" AU Navigation
These are the fics organized by order of events, anything not marked "Completed" is still subject to change, the list will be updated as new fics are posted and added to the schedule.
"Unknown Brother" Kon-El, Jon Kent, Cassie Sandsmark, Tim Drake, Bart Allen, Lois Lane.
Kon struggles to integrate himself in a new Earth after getting home from Gemworld, and has to deal with the new feelings and relationships that come with it. (Rated T | 18k| Completed)
"Hymn to Zagreus" Diana of Themyscira, Jack Kole, Cassie Sandsmark, Donna Troy, Jon Kent, Lois Lane, Clark Kent
Diana's mostly functional life is interrupted by a summons from the king of the Underworld himself, Lord Hades. He has an offer tailored to be something she can't refuse, and Diana has to for the first time in her long life consider what it means to be a different type of guardian: A parent. (Rated T | Updating 2/3)
"Unnatural History:" Jon Kent, Darla Dudley
Jon gets to go on a 7th Grade field trip to the Fawcett City Museum of natural history. He meets a girl his age who seems to be just as into dinosaurs as he is, and a dinosaur who seems to be waaay too into killing the both of them. (WIP)
"Bury a Friend:" Lor-Zod, Korg|Sinson, Thaal Sinestro, Ursa, Dru-Zod (WIP)
"Lunch:" Maya Ducard, Nika (Flatline), Barbara Gordan
Maya is on an assignment with the Birds of Prey to look into the sudden rise of Lord Death Man's operation in Japan. She manages to score a lunch date with what she thinks is a an informant. Unfortunately for her, there may be more than sushi on the menu. (WIP)
Like a Star:
"Lean on Me" Maya Ducard, Suren Darga
Maya gets summoned by the enigmatic Madam Xanadu to check on a friend of hers that seems to be in a bit of a funk. What use is it to be a super-spy if you're a lousy friend? (Rated T| 5k | Completed)
(Takes place at the same time of the first chapter of "Heart of Gotham")
"Heart of Gotham" Damian Wayne, Conrad Bishop...a lot of other people. Info Post
One particularly terrible valentines day sets Damian and Conrad on the path to friendship and that friendship may end up being the greatest and most terrible thing to have ever happened to either of them. (Rated M | 109k | Completed)
"My Evil Mother Sold Me To The Waynes" A bonus scene for HoG! (Rated M | 4k | Completed)
"The Cat and the Colossus" Selina Kyle, Colin Wilkes
Selina picks up a stray during a trafficking bust, and despite his insistence, refuses to let him stay feral. (WIP)
The Cruel Summer:
"No Return" Jason Todd, Devastation, Talia al Ghul, Selina Kyle, Solomon Grundy +Others (Rated M | Updating 1/3)
Jason is finally starting to feel like he'd gotten control over his life again. Then the Antichrist shows up. Or Devastation, or whatever her name is.
A Trinity, a Triptych:
"Boys Will Be Bugs" Jon Kent, Lor-Zod, Kon-El, Lois Lane, Kara Zor-El + Others (WIP) "Youth Without Youth" Damian Wayne, Maps Mizoguchi, Colin Wilkes, Jason Todd +Others (WIP) "Training Season" Conrad Bishop, Carol Ferris, Yrra Cynril, Miri Riam, + Others (WIP)
"World's Finest" Kara Zor-El, Barbara Gordon
Two old friends with worlds on their shoulders take some time to catch up...on a number of things. (WIP)
"Back in Town" Conrad Bishop, Duke Thomas, Cassandra Cain, Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne
Conrad is back home finally. But something is...different. (WIP)
"Beware my power" Tai Pham, Conrad Bishop, John Stewart, Yrra Cynril, Korg|Sinson, Alexander Griffin
Tai and John are assigned to participate in a diplomatic meeting with a pair of Star Sapphires, hoping to help smooth over relations. Things get...intense. (WIP)
Gods and Monsters:
"...And Meanwhile A Man Was Falling From Space..." Damian Wayne, Conrad Bishop
Damian is pretty sure the fall is going to kill him. Well, at least he has some time to think. (Rated T | 2k | Completed)
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
I was thinking and I got the conclusion that stalker!Tim works as an AU not because Tim is (while not a stalker) canonically a weirdo (he is) but because Bruce is canonically even more of a weirdo.
We know that just like his reaction to the fake uncle shit, after dealing with the shock that this kid figured out his identity and bonding more with his new Robin, Bruce would just compliment Tim stalker abilities and give him new ones.
And that's to say I need more of stalker Bruce creeping people up. We already have him knowing all JLA secret identities without them telling him. But we need more. I want him knowing Hal Jordan's favorite ice cream flavour or Diana's birthday or Dinah's food alergies without no one telling him. He figures Ollies favorite fucking arrow and Zatanna's favorite Barbie movie, he discovered Arthur favorite snack and how exactally Martha Kent made her fried chesse to give a perfect copy to Clark when he was missing Smallvile during a space mission. He discovered Barry's competitive pokemon team! Everyone on the JLA is freaked. They think he has a secret mind reading/guessing superpower he might not even know about but is just stalkish paranoia. The only person he can't figure things out (and it keeps he awake some nights) is Captain Marvel (he is still the first to discover Billy is a kid). Martian Manhunter is the only one that knows Bruce is just weird but he knows he has good intencions so he doesn't care.
And it isn't only with the League. He makes extensive background checks in all his kids friends. The Teen Titans (both Dick's and Damian's) are freaked out by it. The YJ is actually fine 'cause they are used to Tim and it makes sense Bruce would be like that. The Outsiders (both Jason's but also Cass and Duke's) make their personal quest to mislead him. Not to mention the civilian friends. He is less obvious about it but the kids know and it freaks them up. Steph has a serius discussion over bondaries the day Bruce asks about Crystal's dentist visit and Babs is annoyed af when he just knows things about Alysia. And not only the kids all the other batfam members! The Birds of Prey straight up told him to stop multiple times. Helena once asked Sage's help to trick Bruce, Kate just used Alfred to order him to stop. Barbara interceded in name of Montoya as if she wasn't even in the paranoid stalker game with Bruce and Tim (Babs is worse than Bruce actually). Jim Gordon thinks is cool actually. But Lucious Fox is just "kid, I love you, but Alfred needs to teach you bondaries" and "how did you know Tam's baby tooth was starting to fall before me??" (Yes Bruce does this stalker thing since he was a kid/teen)
He also does it with the Rogues. At first they don't notice it because it's normal that their oponent knows things about them but starts to get weird. Selina freaks out when Bruce tells her to say happy birthday for her cat n12 (Dollie, he called it by name) when she hadn't even introduced him to her cats yet. Riddler had a genuine breakdown when Bruce just gave him the exact perfect copy of his glasses prescrition and all to replace his broken ones during an interrogation (he needed Riddler's help against a copycat). Harley punched Bruce in the face after he correctly pointed out she had just started her period and offered heater packs for her cramps, a chocolate ice cream and some snacks while driving her to Arkham, Penguin stopped doing crime for a whole week after he had almost fainted (being a crime lord is hard) for not eating the whole day and having high blood pressure for stress reason and Bruce just gave him a snack, a bottle of water and his meds (except it wasn't his meds, Batman just had a pill of Penguin's prescription in hand and wtf), Scarecrow recomended him therapy when he somehow figure out Jon's favorite candy bar and tried to use it as a bargain for information, Joker felt very flaterred that Bruce not only knew that he made his own dye using two pre existing dye products and a mix of chemicals but had the formula including the recomended brands for everyhing.
The only person who had no reaction was Clark. Clark sees Bruce being a weird stalker as just a fact of life and no one knows how to deal with it. (It's better than Tim "I wanna be like that" and Babs "cool but I'm better " aproaches at least). Talia Al Ghul used to consider it impressive and have a flirty competition to see if Batman could figure details about her. After they stopped being an item they respected each other enough that he just stalks Talia if is related to Ra, crimes, Damian or the League.
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《Catlad/Stray x Reader! HEADCANONS》
[ Mini Au at the end/separate: where Reader is Robin, while Tim Drake is Catlad! Miraculous Ladybug sorta vibe. [Vigilante Name]
Civilian Tim is a rich boy with neglectful parents, who often stalks Batman. But is found out by Catwoman. So, she strikes up a deal with Tim, where he becomes her little helper and he gets to meet Batman. He readily expects, becoming Catlad.
His parents don't die, but are aren't really present in his life. So Selina becomes his parental figure, she even shows off little pictures of them together when she teams up with Harley and Ivy on occasion.
Catlad Tim is cunning and witty. Often making snide remarks and cat-puns when he's confident.
Civilian Tim is shy, but popular, due to his status and smarts.
You smile stupidly as you gaze up at the clouds, lucky enough to make it on the roof of the apartment complex without getting caught. The warmth of the sunset tingling on your skin with the sky being painted in a cotton candy color.
"Well if it isn't Puur-incess! What's got you crawling out from your tower." A cheeky voice calls out, laughing at his own joke.
You roll your eyes, turning your attention to the thief.
"Thinking of my prince charming.." You reply, shoving him playfully.
"Oh..~" He wiggled his arms and made puckered lips. "How can I forgot, you talk about him almost all the time.." Catlad dramatically huffed.
You shrug, "I can't help it. I really like him, he's so-" Before you could rant, the cat themed thief interrupted you.
" "So sweet and nice, he's so handsome and cool! I could gush for hours!" " He mocked, trying to mimic your voice and expressions when you talked about your crush.
"Cut it out!" You yell, managing to put him in a headlock. Messing up his black strands of hair. Your face warm and hot like the sun. Smiling like a idiot.
"I GIVE! I GIVE!" He cried, pushing at your embrace.
You let go as the two of you laugh like lunatics together.
The both of you winding down as you sit together on the stony surface of the apartment building roof.
The sky losing it's pink, becoming a somber lilac..
"He'll be lucky.." Catlad utters out. "To be with someone like you. I m-mean." The sidekick said. Tracing the floor with his claw like gloves, watching you turn to face him. Full of hope, eyes brimming with love.
"You think?" You ask excitedly. Smiling like a fool in love.
"Yeah, your prince charming is probably dreaming to be with someone like you.. I would." He states absent-mindedly.
"Awww, Cat's!" You gush, quickly wrapping your arms around him in a hug. He stiffend at your touch, not used to such positive affection. But he slowly melts in your arms. (He was glad that Catwoman or any other villian wouldn't see him in such a relaxed state.)
"Maybe I should just steal you away.. But then you wouldn't get your happily ever after."
You heard him say, which in turn. Ignore, having gotten used to his flirty remarks. But wince when you felt a sharp pressures on your body.
"Cat's.. Your nails..! There digging into my skin!"
You call to the thief as his claws go deeper into your clothing fabric. He snaps out of it, retracting his claws, but not wanting to fully leave you.
"Sorry! I didn't hurt you, r-right?"
"No! Your good, just, ease up on the grip. Okay?"
"Yeah, yeah.."
The two of you soon depart, watching him jump away from roof to roof.
[If (Y/N) was Robin Mini Au Headcanon]
You would be some kid that Dick and Jason knew. Before Red Hood and beginning Nightwing era.
Bruce wants to adopt you, but you still have a family. So Robin for you, becomes sorta like a part/full time job.
You aren't as smart as Tim, but make up for it with positive traits that has the whole Batfam love you like a little sibling.
Instead of becoming Red Robin, I would see the reader be called [Vigilante Name]/Luckybird. For the saying, 《The Lucky Bird Catches The Worm!》
Tim crushes on your Alter Ego more than the real you. He doesn't know what's your actual identity even though he knows Batmans.
Tim has considered becoming a vigilante for you.
Has often tried to gain your affections while as Catlad in front of Batman.
"Heya Birdy~" Catlad calls out to you, waving the rare artifact him and Catwoman had just stolen.
Batman grunts at the teen, trying to protectively shield you with his large frame. Glaring menacingly at the sidekick from underneath his cowl.
Catwoman smirks at Batman, teasingly talking with her partner in crime. "C'mon kitten, why don't we give the Bats and your Bird a little chase?" She winked at the crime fighting duo.
"On it!" Passing a fake to Selina, the two of the cat themed vilians run off into the night.
[Comments and asks appreciated! Thanks for reading! Maybe I'll do another vigilante villian swap again!]
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kitkatt0430 · 7 months
Now imagine Hartley getting ratsurrected, Selina Kyle-style... (Eowells pushed him out of the window? I don't know thh, just the visuals without any specific idea what exactly happened)
So I'm definitely gonna have to write a full fic for this at some point, but...
Hartley's always had a connection with rats. Since he was a kid and bonded with his third grade class' pet rat and won the right to keep that rat when the school year ended. He's always been kind to the rats on the streets, leaving them cheese or other safe things to eat and whatever soft bedding he could find when he'd happen upon a nest. They weren't bad creatures, they just... were misunderstood.
He gets the whole being misunderstood thing quite well.
When Hartley discovers the flaws in the accelerator, he documents and brings them to Harrison Wells attention. Harrison's response to the initial email is to request an after house meeting and it's not exactly unusual, especially when Hartley's brought this to Harrison's attention so late in the day.
Harrison has them go outside on one of the little terraces set up on the roof 'because if he's going to have such bad news then he needs the aesthetic' or some such nonsense. Hartley's preoccupied with explaining what he's found - of course he hasn't told anyone else, Harrison, don't be ridiculous - and so it comes as a great surprise to him when his most trusted friend and employer neatly shoves him off the roof of his place of employment.
Hartley lands hard, next to the dumpster, and Eobard can see from the top of the building that Hartley's definitely dead. To far of a fall and his neck is at a bad angle. Relieved that's taken care of, Eobard goes down to the security station, wipes the entire building's cameras for three hours backward and deactivates them - all using a brute force hack so it can't be traced back to him - wipes down any prints that might look incriminating and even a bunch that wouldn't just to make it look like someone who obviously didn't belong at STAR Labs killed Hartley and took files from Hartley's office and left.
And then Harrison leaves, heading straight home. And because he never checks on Hartley's body, he never learns what happened to Hartley next.
The Ratsurrection. (I love that so much, that's what Hartley thinks of it in his head.)
Cats, of course, have nine lives. So they have life to spare. Bringing a human back to life is much simpler for them. Still difficult which is why they so rarely do it, even when they do truly like the deceased human in question, but still. Human lives are big compared to rat lives or cat lives - not necessarily fuller, for a rat could live more in their very short lives than some humans did in eighty - but Hartley's kindness had saved the lives of so, so many rats over the years. Rats that survived winters in bedding made warm with the soft scraps Hartley gave them. Rats who didn't starve because of the food he shared. Babies that lived in relative safety because Hartley chose to be kind to such small and often reviled creatures.
There wasn't a single rat in the city who hadn't at least heard of Hartley, the human with the kind heart. And so as the evening passed into true night, rat after rat came scurrying to the dumpsters of STAR Labs to return to Hartley the kindness he had given them. And, little by little, the life taken from Hartley Rathaway was restored.
When he woke up, Hartley was surrounded by the rats and... somehow he knew. Somehow he just... he knew what they'd all done for him. No one had ever cared so much about him as these little rats had and he knew they'd changed him. Permanently. This kind of thing - this ratsurrection - wasn't something he got for free.
But still, he couldn't just stay in the alleyway hair matted from blood, looking like death warmed over. So he invited the most at risk of the rats to join him in his car, and took them home with him. His pet rats were freed from their cage - Hartley could make them understand now where was and wasn't safe to go in the apartment - and then set out plenty of food for his now much larger rat-family. He got something for himself too - a lot more cheese heavy than he'd normally pick - and considered what to do.
Harrison had murdered him. That couldn't be allowed to stand.
Hartley considers his options carefully. And decides to risk going into work the next morning to see what Harrison had done after he left to cover things up.
He arrives at his usual time - a little earlier, actually, but not so early as to be odd for him - and discovers the police already there investigating the 'break in' that led to several hours of internal security footage and data, including badge usage, to be lost. Hartley manages to avoid the worst of the hubub and goes to check his office. He finds a number of files missing - not just from the projects he managed, but also everything he'd compiled on the accelerator's flaws. He logs into his work computer to find every email concerning the accelerator's flaws to be missing too. And the plan he'd formulated in the early hours of the morning, surrounded by the rats who cared for him so much... crystalized.
He heads out of his office and down the hall where he interrupts Harrison talking to the police about finding out who hadn't shown up in the morning.
Now Eobard's already been a bit disturbed that morning to find that not only was Hartley's body not by the dumpsters that morning, but there was no trace of any corpse. Nothing. Not even blood. Like it had been cleaned away. (And it had, by the rats, at Hartley's request.) So when he sees Hartley standing in the doorway to his office, he can't help the way he reacts.
"Hartley, what are you doing here?"
"I think I know what the break in was about," Hartley replies calmly, and then adds, "are you okay Harrison? You look about as bad as I felt yesterday."
"You... I thought you'd stayed late last night," Eobard manages to say.
But Hartley shakes his head. "No, I had a migraine remember? Felt like my head was splitting right open. I barely managed to make it to my usual time to clock out, I'd have never lasted past six. Really... are you sure you're okay? You look like you've seen a ghost."
Of course Dt. Joe West wants to know what Hartley discovered and so Hartley says that while he's not sure how much is missing, some of his project files are gone and his personal notes on the accelerator. His personal notes could have been misplaced, he supposed, but the project files never left his office for any reason. So he's fairly sure they've all been stolen.
Hartley's office thus becomes a crime scene and Eobard wonders if he's finally lost it. So close to his goal and this is what breaks him?
Of course any evidence of Hartley staying late is gone because Eobard over-erased the cameras so he can't say that Hartley didn't leave early, that he didn't just... imagine shoving Hartley off the building, even though his cover up afterward was clearly real. It just doesn't make any sense.
Eobard never had this problem when he could do the vibrating-hand-of-death maneuver.
Meanwhile Hartley is having a blast. He's lost that obsession he used to have with being perfect and has become noticeably a bit scruffier looking. Nothing bad - it's a good look on him - but it's weird. Especially with him being nicer to people. Like Cisco and Caitlin. Ronnie floats the idea that Hartley's unwound because of that cute CSI he spent the day flirting with and apparently scored a date with. Allan something?
And while Hartley is now casually dating Barry Allen - unknowingly contributing to the ways he's now making Harrison Wells' life hell - he's also setting up an abandoned warehouse as a sort of safe haven/paradise for rats who want to live somewhere nicer and safer than the streets and working on his new alter ego, the Pied Piper. He really just doesn't care anymore about the social expectations about not doing good deeds that are technically illegal. So as the Pied Piper, why not do those things anyway? All while having told the police - and Barry - about how his personal notes held information about some odd power fluctuations in the accelerator he'd been investigating.
He lets them think he was further back in the actual investigation than he was and how of course he doesn't know why anyone would want those. Odds were he was just on the trail of bad wiring, worst case scenario is likely that he was on the trail of something that might set back the accelerator a few days. It couldn't possibly be anything serious and of course he'll keep the detectives apprised of his progress on re-investigating the accelerator. He even enlists Cisco, Ronnie, and a few others to make the investigation go faster.
Harrison is politely encouraged to keep his nose out of it, Hartley making it sound like there was a wild theory that the break in was staged by Harrison to keep any flaws in the accelerator from being found. Which was surely a ridiculous idea, but better safe than sorry when it came to safeguarding their beloved employer's reputation.
Planting the seeds of doubt - both in Hartley's fellow employees and the CCPD investigators - in Harrison Wells' innocence when (Eobard utterly helpless to stop the flood now) it turns out there is a big flaw in the accelerator and it's not a few days worth of delay. It's a 'rip it all out and start over' kind of delay.
Eobard continues trying to salvage the situation, but it's rapidly spun out of control. And he still has no idea if he actually murdered Hartley or not. If he murdered Hartley then who the fuck has been walking around in Hartley's dead body??? All while romancing Eobard's personal nemesis!!! In fact, Eobard is so distracted by his jealousy over Hartley dating Barry Allen (utterly seething with rage and how dare the traces of that leaking out cause Hartley - or not!Hartley - to just smile a little wider every time???) that he doesn't see the arrest coming until he's being marched out of STAR Labs in hand cuffs. It's not a murder charge and Eobard's lawyers are confident they'll beat it, but... his reputation is going to suffer.
Meanwhile Hartley? Hartley's getting lauded as a local hero... both as the guy who discovered STAR Lab's fatal flaws and as the Pied Piper who was improving the lives of both Central City's rat population and Central City's homeless human population. Admittedly, the latter identity was also wanted for questioning by the police, but Hartley just... doesn't care about that.
He cares about lives. About improving lives and saving lives and showing his gratitude to those who cared about his life in particular. And about trying every single cheese in the world. If he gets the chance.
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crows-junk-pile · 1 year
PERCY JACKSON AU GO! Ok so this takes place post PJO and during HOO but as I haven't started it TAO aren't cannon to this au .... yet . This au is will be kinda just a collection of story with very little things relating to the plot of HOO. The reason there are a lot more Big Three God kids than one might expect is I can't think of anyone better to make these people their godly parent(and hey now the cannon big three kids won't be as lonely ) . Here's a list of everyone's godly parents(and some notes) edit : thanks to @skylardoesthings almost everybody who needed a godly parent got one! :
Bdubs : Hypnos
False : Athena
Cleo : Hades
Notes : Makes creepily realistic statues out of bones, lots of stitches
Jimmy : Poseidon
Lizzie : Poseidon
Scott : Boreas
Impulse : Poseidon
Zed : Satyr
Alex(Ex) : Zeus
Grian: Hermes
Pearl : Demeter
Notes : Tilly is a Hellhound she made freinds with and Froggy is just a normal cat
Gem : Faun
Note : Is really good at fighting
Shelby : Hecate
Fwip : Hermes
Note : Him and Gem adopted each other as siblings after a week
Sausage : Aphrodite
Notes : He is Fwip's cousin, Him and Joel made a small automaton that they named Hermes he is basically their son.
Pix : Athena
Kathrine : Aphrodite
Note : She reminds some people of Selina a bit too much
Joey : Glaucus
Joel : Zeus
Oli : Apollo
Joe : Apollo
Mumbo : Hephaestus
Stress : Demeter
Tango : Hephaestus
Doc : Saytr
Note : Hags out w/ the Hephaestus cabin most of the time, has made too many weapons of mass destruction
TFC : Hestia
Note : He's a half-bold who made it to adulthood and works to look after the camp w/ Chiron and Mr.D
Xb : Poseidon
BigB : Hestia
Beef : Saytr
Pris : Poseidon
Note : She's more of a minor character but let it be know she is there
Scar : Saytr
Notes : Bad legs uses a cane, Insanely good at archery
Etho : Boreas
Wels : Nike
Ren : Muses(do they have a cabin?)
Iskall : Hermes
Hypno : Hypnos
Xisuma : Bellona
Skizz : Harmonia
Jevin : Hermes
Note : Thanks to a prank w/ some dye his skin is a bit blue tinted
Xornoth : Hecate
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weimitsu · 2 years
In a waiting room so let me share my BATFAM WITH ANIMAL EARS AU:
- In this universe lets just pretend animal hybrids are semi common in vestigial ways, like, hawkgirl is special bc she can actually do lenghty flights instead of gliding and has her thanagarian strenght but she would blend in much better, cheetah is too much cat to the left
- Bruce Wayne is gotham's catboy prince, with soft gradient siamese cat ears and a very fluffy tail, people love thinking he's playful bc he's a cat, if the shoe fits i guess play the part, show-cat vibes
- ON THE OTHER HAND....BATMAN well, people arent sure WHAT he is but they tend to take the Bat part literally in their theories, he doesnt even need to see u to notice ure there!
In reality, batman is a cat hybrid who rolls his ears like a taquito inside the too-tight cowl's hollow bat ears, and rolls his tail on his leg (he's so lucky his tail is fluffy enough to cover fractures)
- Selina, who isnt a hybrid and just rlly likes cats, does find batman interesting and fun to play with in general but when she finds out he's catboy wayne she's like "ah, yea actually makes sense"
- superbat (shippy or platonic doesnt rlly matter) detail is when clark realizes bruce's ears always hurt after using the cowl he takes up the habit of massaging them post league mission, bruce would be more upset if it didnt work, still refuses to go easy on himself by making the cowl ears wider tho
- not all his family is hybrids but notable mentions are:
- Dick grayson who is a bird hybrid, but not a robin bird! Maybe something like a crane? Im open to suggestions but its necessary to disguise his wings while he's out patrolling as robin, as nightwing he wears cosmetic guards that make his wings look black with blue shimmer
- Jason Todd the dog hybrid! Something fluffy and smart like a border collie, he doesnt realize how fluffy he is until he goes live w bruce
As robin he adapts the character to his own style after he becomes frustrated w using fake wings to keep the illusion of flight up, maybe he cant glide but he can still kick ur teeth in
As Red Hood he follows bruce's ear stressant tendencies by wearing his Egg helmet and keeping them flat on his head and his tail hidden so ppl think he's not a hybrid
- Tim Drake the Owl!!! He just looks at u, like's looking at ur soul. He had to be extra crafty as a kid bc his wings are lightly colored and very fluffy so he had to work to not be seen, makes him rlly sneaky, he needs to disguise his wings as robin too ofc
U just know jason was extra ticked off at bruce finding ANOTHER bird robin, since evidently the land-bound one was not enough (his brain is being mean to him and doesnt bother telling him that stephanie isnt even a hybrid)
Red Robin tim probably has the bad habit of plucking feathers when he's thinking and stressed, he still keeps his wings neat enough so he can glide along w kon el, who is extra happy to have someone to share the sky with
- Cass is a black panther hybrid, very beautiful very powerful. She does the cat stare thing @ ppl, and can read bruce's hybrid habits better than any other member in the family
As batgirl and black bat her cowl ears are ACTUALLY wide enough to be comfortable bc 'do as i say not as i do' is the bruce modus operandi
- I cant decide if damian is also a cat hybrid like his dad or if the gene didnt pass to him and he's the second non hybrid robin and it has to do with his sibling hostility, open to suggestions!
- steph, alfred, barbara and duke arent hybrids but duke is still a meta :)
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elizabethemerald · 2 years
Summoning the Cat: Part 3
Selina stared at her kitchen, her mind far flung from her appliances, though she was thinking about her home. She had felt so relieved to have Danny and Jazz safe in her penthouse. Now she was starting to see that having two teenagers in her life would result in some necessary changes. She only had one spare room in the penthouse and two kids who needed beds. 
The penthouse had been more than enough when it had been just her. She had the master bedroom, which she kept mostly clear of any evidence of her evening work so she could bring home partners if she wanted to. Unless her partner of choice was the Bat, then half the fun was stripping out of her catsuit in front of him, not that he would be getting anything like that in a long while, even after he pulls his head from his fantastic ass.
Technically the floor plan of the penthouse stated that there were three bedrooms, including the master, but one of them was now a dedicated “office,” where she kept all her tools for her after hours work.  The last was only a comfortable bedroom because of the frequency that Harley and Ivy stayed over. She had thankfully changed the sheets since the last time they had spent the night. 
Danny and Jazz refused to be separated and had shared the bed together. She wondered how often the two kids had found what comfort and support they could with each other. She hated the Fentons even more for what they had done to her kids, and she hated Bruce for being such an uptight bitch. They would have been much more comfortable sleeping in Wayne Manor. 
Every time she had gone to check on the two kids one of them had been awake, while the other at least pretended to sleep. Danny would sit up, with his eyes shining in the dark, analyzing her for any threat, when he recognized her he would lay back down. Jazz would tense and press herself back against Danny, like she had to shield him with her body. Selina had kept her movements slow and obvious, her hands always visible and while Jazz didn’t visibly relax like Danny did she also didn’t do anything drastic like throw a lamp or roll Danny off the bed like she was expecting gunfire. 
How incredibly defensive the kids were of each other aside, even though Selina wanted nothing more than to sit them down and demand they tell her exactly what they had gone through to have reactions like that, but she didn’t want to make the same mistakes Bruce was making, the penthouse was too small for an adult and two teens. They deserved to have their own rooms even if they didn’t want to use them yet. 
Her kitchen was another shortcoming of the penthouse. Selina could cook and unlike Bruce she could actually cook well. She usually didn’t choose to do so, simply because she could afford to eat at the best restaurants and didn’t feel any need to do things she didn't want to, like dishes. However with two teenagers she would need something in her cupboards other than various fine alcohols. And the homebrew ales that Ivy made. 
Dick had brought numerous snack foods that considering how much had been eaten last night would probably only last a few days more. He had also brought several very sugary breakfast cereals, that Selina wasn’t sure was the healthiest for a vigilante, much less a teenage ghost boy. The man also hadn’t brought any milk? Did he expect them to eat the cereal dry? Or perhaps right out of the bag? How were so many of Bruce’s children such disasters? 
Fortunately there were people in the world who actually knew how to function as adults. Barbara had ordered groceries to be delivered to Selina’s penthouse and Jason had sent along some of his favorite easy recipes that made a lot of food. He had written in additional notes on the recipes that showed his personal experience with the dishes. She would start with a simple breakfast, eggs, pancakes and bacon. A celebratory, special meal then she could figure out what her kids liked and learn to make that. 
As she mixed the pancakes (Jason insisted that pancake mix was for children and bachelors) Selina idly considered her living situation. She could certainly afford a nice house in one of the better neighborhoods in Gotham. If the kids wanted she would even be willing to move out of the city completely, though that wouldn’t be her first choice. She could get a house with a yard, close to Gotham Academy so Danny could continue his school and Jazz could finish hers. Each of the kids could have their own room, and she could certainly afford a house with enough rooms for her, her kids and her equipment. 
She smiled to herself at a fun image of her and the kids watching a movie together, Pam and Harley there as well to keep an eye on the kids. They would also need room for the various bat children to come by, either just to visit or to get away from Bruce’s brooding. Actually that thought gave her pause. Her and the rest of the Sirens could pool their resources and get a larger house. Room for a gymnastics room for Harley, a green house for Pam, spare rooms for any special interests the kids had. That wasn’t a bad idea at all. Selina turned her head slightly at the sound of a door opening down the hall. 
“Good Morning Ms- Are you cooking?” Selina turned to see Jazz watching the stove warily. 
“Yep, I thought we could have some pancakes, bacon and eggs. Once I figure out your favorite breakfasts we can have those.” 
Jazz looked surprised and confused for a moment before taking a seat at the breakfast bar. 
“Do you need any help?” Jazz still watched her warily, actually she wasn’t watching Selina, she was watching the food as if she expected it to explode or attack. 
“No, I’ve got it. Thank you though Jazz.” Selina gave her a warm smile. 
There was a few seconds of silence as Jazz just watched her cook before she seemed to shake herself and focus. 
“Uh, Ms. Kyle, can I talk to you about something?” 
“Of course, Jazz. And you can call me Selina too.”
Jazz processed that for a second before she continued. 
“Selina, Danny is probably going to come out and ask you something when he fully wakes up, and while I kind of think it’s an unhealthy coping mechanism, I still think it might be a good idea.” 
Selina considered that for a moment before plating the eggs and bacon and some of the finished pancakes. She handed one plate to Jazz, made herself a plate, and set some aside to stay warm for Danny. She leaned against the counter opposite where Jazz sat. 
“Could you expand on that?” 
Jazz’s jaw ticked to the side and she looked down at her food. She closely examined the eggs and bacon for a moment before she took a cautious bite. The bite seemed to be satisfactory so she continued eating. She explained in between bites of food. 
“I know we haven’t explained everything about what Danny and I went through, and we haven’t explained everything about what ghosts are or how they function. I'll leave that part of the discussion mostly to Danny since he knows the most, but one of the most important parts of a ghost is their obsession.” 
Selina was a little confused by the sudden change in topic, but she let Jazz continue. It was clear the girl was carefully weighing her words as she spoke. Selina was starting to realize she had a super powered ghost son and a traumatized older sister/therapist daughter. She doubted parenting books covered these kinds of topics. Maybe she would call Alfred or Ma and Pa Kent to see if they had any advice for the situation. 
“Every ghost has their obsession. It’s kind of a personal topic, so Danny probably won’t discuss it too in depth, and I won’t out his obsessions without his permission, but it can be anything from books to music to boxes.” Boxes? Selina didn’t ask, but she was curious. “And that doesn’t translate directly to humans, but it’s how Danny has started to see things in his life, so it’s important to bring up.” 
Jazz had finished eating and was now just moving the remaining food around on her plate. 
“From Danny’s perspective, our parents, or I guess, my parents’ obsession was and is Ghosts. Specifically hunting and exterminating ghosts.” Jazz held her utensils with a white knuckled grip, her eyes still firmly on her plate. “They’ve had that obsession for our entire lives, they would forget our birthdays, or even to feed us if something ghost related came up. They moved us half way across the country to Amity because it was a hotbed of ghost activity.”
“When we were younger we just accepted that our parents were a little crazy and we took care of each other. Danny would always make me the nicest cards for my birthday each year.” Jazz had a tear in her eye at that. Selina moved around the counter so she could sit next to her and rubbed her back gently. “After Danny’s accident, so much of their obsession became about hurting him. They wanted to take him apart, molecule by molecule.” 
Selina kept her emotions off her face as she kept gently rubbing Jazz’s back and shoulders. However, inside she was boiling with rage. 
“I think in Danny’s mind he blames himself for how our parents acted when he became a half-ghost. He thinks if he had fed into Jack and Maddie’s obsessions they wouldn’t want to hurt him. That’s how he helps the ghosts who came to town, he could help them feed their obsessions and redirect them away from harmful avenues. Do you understand so far?” 
 “Yes I do.” Selina nodded. “Ghosts have obsessions. Your parents were unhealthily obsessed with ghosts to the detriment of both of you. Is this related to the unhealthy coping mechanism you mentioned?” 
Jazz nodded and finally looked up at Selina, eyeing her carefully. Whatever she was looking for in her face, Jazz seemed to find, because she continued, now more hesitantly. 
“So, from Danny’s perspective, your obsession is being a master thief, or maybe cats.” Jazz leaned back from her slightly as if she was afraid Selina might react poorly to that statement. However Selina could only smile in return. She could certainly see why Danny might see things that way. When she didn’t react badly Jazz continued. “I think Danny is afraid that if he doesn’t take part in your obsession with you, you’ll reject him just like my parents did.” 
Selina felt like she had been slapped. Danny was afraid she would reject him. He thought he had to be a thief to impress her. Jazz clearly feared or at least considered the same thing. She took a moment to gather herself before she responded, her voice choked. 
“He wants to become a thief like me?” 
Jazz nodded then began speaking very quickly, clearly trying to convince Selina that this was the best course of action. 
“While I don’t think that’s the healthiest way to look at your relationship, I do still think there are benefits. The athleticism you are known to utilize in your work would help keep him healthier as well as give him the skills to dodge attacks when he’s Phantom. It would also give the two of you time together, mother and son, a shared hobby is an excellent conversation starter. And! And-”
“Jasmine.” Selina said her name softly, so she wouldn’t startle the poor girl. “That sounds like a brilliant idea. You and I can work together to set safe limits for Danny, to make sure he has a proper balance between the hero work he’s done in the past, the after hours work he does with me and his “normal” life. How does that sound?” 
Jazz smiled in relief and her whole body seemed to sag in relief. 
“Yeah. That sounds good. Before when we were in Amity, he would have to fight ghosts at all hours of the day or night. He wasn’t getting nearly enough sleep. Balance is good. Especially a balance with his ghost powers. If he uses them too much it can exhaust him and risk attracting ghost hunters, but if he doesn’t use them he can hurt himself.” 
Selina smiled, she was definitely going to have to give the Kents a call. They would have some good advice. 
“What about you, Jazz?” Selina asked, Jazz looked at her confused so Selina explained her question. “Danny and I could have a mother-son activity learning to be a thief together. Would you like to join us?”
“Oh! Oh no. I want to be a therapist, and I don’t think it would look good if I had a criminal record like that.” Jazz didn’t seem disappointed to not be a thief and she had relaxed now that Danny’s mental and physical health had been discussed. 
“Oh, well how about this then? You pick something you like to do, any hobby or activity, could be knitting, yoga, gymnastic, competitive hot dog eating, anything, and you and I can learn about that thing together?” 
Jazz just looked more confused. 
“Competitive hot dog-? Why would you want to do that with me?” 
Concern blossomed in Selina’s chest at the same moment her rage was fanned into an inferno. Jasmine looked genuinely baffled by the idea that Selina would want to spend time with her. If she ever met the people who had raised her she would tear them limb from limb. 
“I want to spend time with you. And with Danny. Individually and all together.” Selina decided for clarity’s sake she would spell out her desires explicitly. “Danny is my son and I would like to make that official again as soon as I can. I would like that for you as well.” 
“But I’m almost eighteen?” 
“Being my child isn’t something that ends when you’re an adult. I wouldn’t kick Danny out when he turned eighteen, and I won’t do it to you either. You don’t have to call me mom, or mother or anything other than Selina. You don’t even have to think of me as your mother. But I do want to be there for you. I want to be able to care for you. I want a relationship with you.”
Jazz’s confusion was slowly morphing into distress. The girl was running her nails up and down her legs almost hard enough to rip the fabric of her pants. She was certain Jazz would have scratches all the way up and down her legs. Selina carefully contained her grimace. She needed to talk to Harley about finding these kids a therapist ASAP. And maybe one for herself wouldn’t go amiss, at least until her murderous impulses subsided. 
“If it’s too hard to think about it like that, for now, how about you think of it as me paying a debt. You took care of my son. Protected him, fed him, practically raised him.” Jazz nodded to confirm her assumption. “I owe you for doing so much for my son. And I would like to pay you back anyway I can. If that means paying for your student loans for an Ivy League school, or if it means learning underwater basket weaving by your side. I’m ok with whatever.” 
Jazz now finally looked relieved and understanding, though there was still a little confusion on her face. 
“That sounds fun. I’ll put together a list for you. Though where do you come with these examples? Hot dog eating? Basket weaving?” 
“I have a lot of weird friends.” Selina said with a laugh. “And various bat children that are flying around Gotham can be even weirder.” 
Jazz laughed now, then she tilted her head to the side, her head cocked as she listened to something Selina couldn’t hear. She mentally filed that information away that apparently Jasmine had some similar ghostly abilities to Danny. 
“Danny’s awake now. He’ll probably be out in a few minutes.” Jazz said. 
Selina nodded and stood before returning to the stove. 
“Well then let’s make sure he has some fresh pancakes. I’ll also reheat the eggs and bacon for him.” 
Jazz smiled at her and only a few minutes later Danny emerged. He obviously wasn’t a morning person and looked only barely functional. 
“Good morning Jazz. Good morning Ms.- Are you cooking?” Danny asked, his sleepiness fading quickly before the apparent threat of someone cooking. 
“Yes I am. Jazz and I already ate breakfast, but I want to make you some as well.” 
“Do you need any help?” Danny was just as earnest as Jazz had been. Selina added, ‘parents were unsafe in the kitchen’ to her mental list of shit the Fentons had done to traumatize her kids. 
“No, I’ve got it, thank you for offering though. You can have a seat. Your pancakes are almost done.” 
Danny took a seat next to Jazz and hugged her before stealing a last bit of bacon off her plate with a grin. 
“Ms. Kyle?”
Selina fought down a grin at how similar the siblings were. She turned to face Danny. 
“You can call me Selina, Danny.” He smiled at her sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. “Was there something you wanted to talk about?”
“Uh, yeah. I was wondering if I could be a super cool cat thief like you?” There were stars shining in Danny’s eyes as he asked, but there was also underneath the excitement a level of trepidation she would have expected of someone disarming a bomb. 
Selina was glad Jazz had warned her that this conversation was coming. She didn’t know if she would have been thrilled or horrified about Danny’s desire to join what he considered the “family business,” but now she had exactly the thing to say. 
“That sounds like a great idea. I’ve always wanted an apprentice.” Selina said warmly. “We can work together to figure out a schedule that allows for a good school, home life and work balance. How does that sound?”
Danny gave a playful groan and shoved Jazz, a large smile on his face. His playfulness hid his relief at her acceptance. 
“What is it with people and trying to get me to balance things!” 
“It’s just what people who care about you do.” Selina said, keeping her voice light even as she sent Jazz a commiserating look. Then she pulled a pad of paper out of one of the drawers and tossed pens to the kids while distributing sheets of paper. “How about this? Each of us right down a list of fun hobbies. Things we really like, things we’ve never been able to try but always wanted to do. And then we can explore some of these things together while I work on putting together your training.” 
“Like yoga, or a hot dog eating contest?” Jazz asked with a smirk. 
“Hot dog eating contest! That sounds like a great idea!” He immediately wrote that down on his list underneath several items that made it look like a trip to the planetarium was in their future. 
“Excellent. Here’s your breakfast, we can work on our lists while we eat, then we can discuss what we want to do next!” Selina said, gazing warmly as her kids filled in their lists. It looked like Jazz had written underwater basket weaving with a question mark next to it on her list along with a few other options. 
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godblooded · 2 years
i don’t give her enough credit and holly doesn’t refer to her as ‘mom’ but selina is a really good mom. like. this is a woman who stole a child half her age when she’d just gotten out of the foster system and she couldn’t stand the idea of leaving holly alone in a place that would only form her into exactly the angry, violent person selina has become.
selina, as a literal child with a history of taking care of the other kids in her foster homes, looked at this other literal child and said ‘i will never let anyone hurt you again’. and made really fucking good on that. is selina’s parenting considerably problematic? yes.
holly knows how to: pick almost any lock, is so good at slight of hand she stole the watch right off bruce’s wrist, has succeeded in stealing from selina, knows how to hotwire a car, parkour!, cry on command, act her way out of several life threatening scenarios, the basics of how to hack using phishing methods, can mcgyver her way out of most scenarios, has the reflexes of a cat TM, and so, so much more. all these skills are things she’s learned from watching and listening to selina. holly, like her mother, is something of an autodidact. what the cat didn’t teach the kitten, the kitten taught herself.
selina is extremely proud of holly, and it shows. anyone who sees her with the girl knows that selina lights up the second holly so much as calls her from the other side of the apartment. she’s nothing but encouraging, and yes, she absolutely enables holly to an unhealthy level, but it’s infinitely better than the way selina’s nurtured her self-loathing into self-hatred. she never wants holly to feel like she does. she never wants to hurt holly the way she was hurt, never wants to cause holly the harm she knows and inflicts so easily on most everyone else. selina needs holly to be safe because no one saved selina.
selina needs holly to grow up safe, loved, happy, because it means maybe she’s not just the monster. it means she can love.
it means selina’s heart is still beating. it means she can believe she’s worth something.
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