#steph in gen >>> tim
Tim banging on the bathroom door: Open up. Now.
Jason from inside: Well, it all started when I was 3 years old and I had just-
Steph next to Tim: open the fucking door or I send the time with Damian’s Turkey to everyone’s-
Jason, pulling the door open at astronomical speed: bathrooms free 😀
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mammutblog · 2 years
dick: i am no longer nightwing. i go by renegade now
tim: ....... like the tiktok dance?
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aingeal98 · 1 year
"Tim is the smartest Robin" this "Tim is the best with technology" that. I think the defining trait that sets Tim apart from the rest of the family is that he's the only one who's an expert redditor.
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mangoisms · 1 year
I've literally been trying to think of anyone jason would like. be actual friends with and beyond bizarro and Artemis (and who knows if that is true now either) I genuinely. can't. I know people say kyle and Donna but they were just thrown together during countdown to final crisis right?
there was one person in his comics in rebirth named dana harlow! i don’t know too much but they knew each other as kids? and get reintroduced in red hood and the outlaws (2016) #51. but then the entire thing promptly ends at #52 so. not much! and i have also seen that stuff about kyle and donna too and cannot say much since i haven’t read it — though i would like to because of that relationship between the three of them, very curious about it. going off from just what i have seen and Vibes, it does seem fun but again, like you’re saying (defaulting to your judgment since i have not read it sadly) if they’re just thrown together and Never Mentioned Ever Again… it’s. yeah. yeah
there’s talia maybe?? but i don’t think that’s even a Thing now. and i’m too scared to see what they make of her relationship with him now. especially considering winnick had her and jason sleep together in lost days 🫤 i pretend i do not see it however but in a perfect world, it would be fun and interesting if they could’ve kept a platonic/mother/son relationship between them….
but basically, the outcomes for jason’s tally of Actual Friends is. uh. not good 😭
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incorrectbatfam · 4 months
Bruce once made an offhand comment about how no one wears watches anymore because they all use their phones to tell time
The next day Tim buys a smartwatch
Dick straps the hourglass he got from the dentist onto his wrist
Damian carries a bunch of candlesticks with nails in them and lights one whenever he needs a timer
Jason lugs around two industrial buckets of water to make a water clock
Steph gets an antique pocketwatch but it's carried around by a personal assistant that's coming out of Bruce's budget
Barbara buys a classroom clock and keeps it in her wheelchair pocket
Cass stands in a well-lit area and checks her shadow
Duke unearths a fifty-pound sundial and names it Duke II
Bruce no longer comments on Gen Z
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cassandracain52 · 4 months
Reverse trope
where instead of the Bats forgetting that they’re adopted (something actual adoptees do on occasion and is hilarious) they forget that some of them *cough Damian cough* aren’t
Jason in the heat of a probably ridiculous argument: Yeah well YOU’RE adopted!
Tim just as invested in said argument: So are YOU! We all are!
Damian who had previously been quietly watching this unfold while he drank his tea: Actually I’m not
Tim and Jason who didn’t realize he was there but are already DoneTM: …… Damian continuing to sip his tea entirely unbothered: :)
Damian: Because I’m not an orphan-
Jason: ok, yoU KNOW WHAT-
or like in their group texts (that we know they have thanks to Nightwing (2016) #79)
*Steph changed the group chat name to “Bruce Wayne’s Personal Orpanage”*
Jason: Really?
Steph: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Steph: It’s the truth Damian: Both my parents are very much alive
Steph: Shhh you don’t count
Cass: Mine too Duke: Technically so are mine
Barbara: I still have a dad so there’s that
Tim: Stephanie aren’t BOTH of your parents alive???
*Steph changed the group chat name to “The Technicality Police”*
Tim: well that’s more accurate at least
Steph: :)
Damian in his 10th argument with Tim of the day: That’s- this is-
Tim in full Antagonizing Big Brother mode: I’m listening
Damian -a Gen Z and best friend to Jon Kent- extremely frustrated: This is such Motherless behavior!
Tim taken aback: [voice cracking] W-what-?
Damian who didn’t mean to say that but doubling down anyway because his bloodline doesn’t believe in admitting mistakes: THIS! This is such Motherless behavior!
The rest of the family who is also motherless: :O
Cass whose been spending way too much time with Meme Queen Stephanie Brown and not involved in the argument but finding it entertaining regardless: [nodding along seriously] Facts
Tim: [visibly betrayed] CASS WHAT-
A video copy of the interaction gets sent out anonymously to the entire family. Barbara is the prime suspect but there is no proof as of yet (and they will never find any)
Steph, Cass, and Duke continue to respond “Motherless behavior” everytime one of the bats does something they deem questionable/insane. It is said often
It only stops when one night in the middle of patrol. Batman is in full Dark Knight mode (possibly in the middle of threatening someone) and descends from the ceiling into the middle of a warehouse drug deal, dark cape billowing out behind him-
and Steph just automatically whispers “Motherless behavior” forgetting her com was still very much on
She immediately realizes what she said and frantically apologizes but it’s too late.
Bruce just- Blue Screens. Completely stunned into silence
Dick -who was unfortunate enough to be the one teamed up with Batman tonight- is fighting for his life to choke back his laughter
Jason doesn’t even try to stop his and has collapsed to his knees from lack of air from how hard he’s laughing. Cass try’s half heartedly patting his back to help to no avail
The criminals are terrified into surrender from The Red Hood just laughing hysterically at seemingly nothing while Batman just Stands There
Damian ends up being the only one still functioning enough to continue arresting everyone, though he is privately amused and strangely proud
Tim and Barbara have saved both the com recordings and cowl footage to at least three different servers and sent it to absolutely everyone before Batman even recovers
Duke finds out second hand the next morning and is furious he missed the chance to see it in person. He declares he is moving to the nightshift so it doesn’t happen again. (He is all talk and goes to bed by 9 pm)
Bruce bans the phrase for life and promises swift and server punishment to anyone who dares to use it again
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qcomicsy · 2 years
The office but it's just the Batfamily.
Batman/Bruce, in the middle of a huge argument in the diner room: I have no favorites.
Batman (to the camera): My favorite is Cass. She can neutralize every single one of us.
Camera on cass eating a bagel, while Bruce narrates: And I respect that.
Duke: Cass.
Cass: Duke.
Steph: Cassie!
Selina: You know who it is.
Jason (to the camera): Dick? Oh that's so fucking easy it's the gremilin
Tim (To the camera): It's the gremlin.
Oracle/Babs (To the camera): Damian.
Steph: Evil child.
Damian: Me.
Dick as nightwing in a rooftop walking around with his hands: Oh my god, I can't belive you even asked me this??! We are all a big ass family and- We just keep going, like there's so many people here who I never saw before snd they just *poof* keep spalming and- Like cmon guys get a grip-
Dick (To the camera): *sight*
Dick:... It's Damian.
Jason (To the camera) without batting an eye: Tim.
Cameraman: I'm sorry- *checks notes* I'm confused... Didn't you to- Tried. to kill Tim Drake once?
Jason: So?
Tim (To the camera): I feel like I should say Bruce....
Tim: I mean it needs to be someone I admire, respect, enjoy and stand up for despite all flaws.
Tim: Like despite every single wrongs right?
Tim, horrofied: Oh my god it's Jason.
Jason on the other side of the window behind Tim wearing a full Red-Hood atire and holding a cellphone gen 1: HA-HA.
Alfred (to the camera): It's not Master Bruce.
Bruce: Alfred? Definitely not me.
Dick: It's Bruce.
Alfred (to the camera): You don't raise as many children as the fate bring to your doorstep by yourself, take care of their wounds, wait for them in a cold night without getting any type of rest until you receive a single sign indicating that they got home safe and then get the luxury to choose.
Alfred (To the camera): I wouldn't even consider the luxury of choosing.
Alfred, serving tea at the dinner table: You all made my hair go gray equally.
Babs (To the camera): Me.
Damian: This is ridiculous, obviously I would pick my father.
Damian to the camera: Nightwing.
Harley: I'm not even sure how y'all let me be part of this.
Camera man: We didn't-
Commissioner Gordon ( To the camera): If I'm being honest I feel like I resent every single one of them.
Commissioner Gordon: Except of course, my daughter.
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dc-comics-enjoyer · 2 months
Okay I think there's no way Bruce manages his own social media. He's Bruce Wayne™ so I think he most probably has a whole team of community managers. Now, the thing is Bruce lets them do their work freely. So, he finds himself in situations where he's genuinely clueless for once in his life.
Damian, reading his father's tweet out loud : "Happy birthday to my son, my sunshine, the best of them all : Tim Drake.", What. Do. You. Mean. "best of them all", Father ?!
Bruce : huh ?
Clark : You know, the fact that you identify as a... *reads his screen* Uhm, dilf - whatever that means - doesn't change anything for me.
Bruce : huh ?
Clark shows him the tweet that goes "Be kind, fam, I'm coming out : I'm officially a DILF"
(editor's note : i know Clark probably knows what a dilf is but I think it's hilarious to portray those two as clueless old men.)
Journalist : Mister Wayne ! After the recent fire at the Anti-abortion rally, you've tweeted, and I quote : "Lit 🔥". What does it mean ?
Bruce, a gen X : Well... I think I just wanted to describe the... Uh, fire. It did lit up the place, didn't it ?
Jason, on his phone : What ?!
Bruce : What is it ?
Jason : You're DMing fucking Kim Kardashian ??
Bruce : huh ?
Jason : She tweeted "just signed the divorce papers and Bruce Wayne already slid in my DMs. I don't make the rules 🤷‍♀️"
At a talk show.
Host : So, Bruce, you've recently created controversy by posting this.
Appears a tweet on the screen that reads : "Eat the rich ? More like eat out the rich, plz 😔👉👈"
Host : What do you think ?
Bruce, clears his throat : You see... What even is the internet ? Hah.
Oliver, on the phone : Bruce ! Why the hell did you come at me like that ?
Bruce : huh ?
Oliver, lounging on his bed : "Just saw Ollie try to flirt at this party I'm in rn. Big yikes." Tweeted 10 minutes ago. What party, you asshole ?!
Bruce : ...
Clark : What does... yiyik (?) mean ?
Bruce : huh ?
Clark : You tweeted "Superman's clavicles. Iykyk"
Bruce : *shrugs* I have no idea.
Tim : Uh, hey, Bruce...
Bruce : Yes ?
Tim : Say, why would you agree to a boxing match against Logan Paul ?
Bruce : huh, who ?
Steph : Why would you want to have beef with Rihanna ?
Bruce: huh ?
Steph, shows him his tweet that reads "Tested Fenty's new line... Let me tell you, I'd rather put garbage on my face. And I fuckin' love my face."
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mysterycitrus · 11 months
Clearly you’ve got a lot of opinions abt the characterisations of the batfam in fandom /pos
Can you elaborate on your interpretation for all of them? /gen
it’s called caring too much — and it’s incurable! wrt my personal interpretation, that's a long and complicated answer, so ill just focus on the internal character of the waynes (specifically bruce and his five canonical kids).
bruce wayne is a control freak, we know this. his parents were killed for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and he has literally never ever been able to truly process it. the degree to which he is controlling - firing robins, survelling his allies without their consent, compiling personal information from others, disregarding others feelings in favour of his own - is all about trying to achieve the best possible outcome. everything he does is justified, because if he's in control then he can stop bad things from happening. it is all in favour of the greater good. it's the logic of an eight year old who's just lost everything and hasn't grown up.
if bruce's trauma manifests control then dick's manifests personal perfectionism. he holds himself to such an absurd standard because he's a flier - when you're catching someone on the trapeze you quite literally have to be there, always, ready to take their hand. if you don't, they fall. if there's no net, if dick isn't the net, then they die. he’s always swinging back out and in again, waiting for the next person to slip through his fingers. he does not fear falling, only what will happen when he hits the ground. he’s a born performer made to be an atlas, carrying an unbearable weight that anchors him to the earth.
jason after death is a tragedy of his own creation, and dc's worst crime is trying to justify the terrible decisions he makes. jason isn’t right, because what he wants is not about protecting other kids from his fate or being a better batman. he wants to be personally vindicated, even though he knows it's impossible. jason rejected himself, bruce, everything, in order to transform into a weapon to enact violence. deep down he's so angry, so hurt, that he'll go after other children - tim, damian, mia - and still decry bruce in the same breath. killing the joker, killing bruce, killing dick, killing every robin before or since won't take him back to who he was before. you cannot go back. you can never go back.
cass sees everything. she can't unsee it, she can't ignore it, nothing in the body can be truly hidden from her, but like bruce that doesn't mean she's always right. she killed a man and witnessed his death, and thus will never take another life. she is all knowing, but she was not born knowing herself. she's jason in reverse — she turns from steel to flesh and bone. she will do whatever it takes to be good. she has made herself real.
tim chose this life in the most literal sense of the word, and then kept choosing it. it’s his duty, it’s his honour, it has hollowed him out and left nothing behind. his tethers to the world snap one by one — janet and jack and darla and dana and steph and kon — and suddenly it’s much harder to extricate himself from the black. robin, dick grayson, is his guiding north star, but his north star is only human. he knows he is capable, he knows this is his choice, and he knows he has long since lost the chance to unchoose.
damian is raised in the shadow of the bat. he is born of blood. he knew death before he knew his father. he is a child. he is ancient. he is a killer. he only wants to do good. he loves his mother. his father is gone before he learns to love damian. damian loves someone else who wears the bat but does not carry wayne name. everything he knows about himself is questioned — robin is given to him, and suddenly he can decide his own fate, make his own family. he wants to be the best, but he doesn’t know what he wants that to mean anymore. he wants the chance to find out.
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that1emowitch · 22 days
That sudden inexplicable urge to write a next gen batfam fic with TimKon clone babies (MULTIPLE), JayRoy babies (Lian + other kids they took in frm the streets), BirdFlash kids (MORE ADOPTION), DukeIzzy's lil baby, StephCass's adopted babies and/or they find Steph’s baby again, and DamiJon asking Tim to help clone them
And Bruce being that awesome grandad who can't help but give in to his kids' every wish. Like literally. You want a candy? Have three. You want an XBOX? Bruce bought the whole company. You want a life-size Barbie dream house? BAM it's yours now and your parents are freaking out
AND to make it even better, TimBerKon. First baby is Tim and Kon's, made during that time when Kon died, second one is Bern and Kon's, made a few years into their relationship. I just think that'd be neat yk
Idk just a rant hehehe
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yourlocal-edgelord · 5 months
Batfam as things me and my friends say
Bruce: I adopted you, just suck it up and admit it
Tim: this is like the worst possible time for me to enter academic burnout
Duke: omg u 2????
Jason: what do you mean you dont like to read
Steph: its a waste of time, what am i gonna get after reading a book, its useless
Steph: ok :P
Bruces calendar having the dates wrong
Tim: Check what generation your calendar is from
Steph: Gen alpha ❤️
Tim: They say Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezey - I Say Difficult Difficult Lemon Difficult
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dickgraysonmybeloved · 8 months
Damian, forgets the English word for lid, shuffling and trying to avoid asking for help but eventually breaking: where is the… uh… *insert Arabic word for lid*
Jason, confused mildly scared: what?
Damian holding up his cup: where is his hat?
Jason, almost coo-ing over the murder child:
(Inspired by a post by @chasingthestarss )
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fryingpan1234567 · 3 months
superheroes and social media
do you KNOW how often I see a cute trend on ig or tiktok or anything and I’m just like “man that would be cute for (insert hero ship)”
but that’s an issue because like… putting your face on the internet is DANGEROUS🙅‍♂️
I had. an idea. to solve all the issues!
as fun as it is to imagine the RobinOfficial account having 4 million followers, I think it’s more fun for everyone to have accounts that only follow and allow following in the caped community
so basically Instagram for just superheroes
the ones whose identities are known can post their faces, and the ones who are still under the radar have a close friends list that consists of the people who do know them
a very few amount of people who aren’t heroes are allowed on this Super IG
including Lois Lane, whose entire presence is standard mom posts but with like. Superkids and other Kryptonians. you get it
uhh Bernard Dowd too but he only follows Tim and Steph
Alfred, who only posts the Manor and London with captions like poetry
Selina Kyle because she already had a regular account but B was like “oh that’s dangerous now that we’re affiliated”
she was like “well how am I supposed to fuel my ego with no instagram for people to thirst after me”
B sighed and was like “well,,,,,”
Harley Quinn fluctuates between being banned and interacting with EVERYONE’S content with offensive amounts of emojis
anyways tell me WHY Conner Kent has the most iconic page on the internet
it’s full of these aesthetic photo dumps and crackhead videos of YJ doing dumb shit
also Tim. he’s got chaotic gen z billionaire vibes and most of his stuff is on his close friends list because B doesn’t need to see the REALLY dumb shit he gets up to
yeah they’re both hot and yeah they’re both elite pages. but Kon’s is Sabrina Carpenter energy and Tim’s is P!ATD energy so they’re different flavors of slay
on the opposite end of the spectrum we’ve got B, who has four posts, all exactly 365 days apart
it’s the yearly Father’s Day family portrait
Dick Grayson does that millennial vlog thing but Not
“a day in the life of a 24 year old cop (who also happens to be a vigilante)”
also a compilation of clips of him jumping off buildings, some taken by him and some by other people
can you IMAGINE this dumbass with a gopro
Red Bull wants to sponsor him what can I say
he lets his favorite villains follow him
because he was a public figure ANYWAYS. this is the idiot who used to walk around charging people’s phones with his powers and taking selfies for cash. people know him
so Captain Marvel has this crazy account with him doing memes and slo mo compilations of him punching guys from his body cam
his most hit post is a video where he found a cop harassing a bunch of kids on the street (who he happened to KNOW) and without saying anything at first just kindaaaaa walked over and fried the cruiser’s entire inner workings
“yo, copper! I think somethin’s up with your system, man!”
while the cop was trying to figure out how to start his fucking car again, Billy herded the kids down the sidewalk and they all took off running, giggling like maniacs
Damian Wayne doesn’t post a lot, but when he does, it’s to match with Jon
I mean like taking pictures of each other from across the same table and the captions are each half of a whole song lyric, stuff like that
his personal favorite is actually their softlaunch— they found an entire wall of mirrors at the planetarium on a date, Jon had his right hand on Dami’s waist and the other in his pocket, and Dami was standing in front of him, holding the phone with his right and tilting Jon’s face down with his left to press a kiss to the underside of his jaw. neither of their faces are in it and it was Damian’s wallpaper for a WHILE
my babies ANYWAYS
Diana Prince posts exclusively about her favorite ice cream shops
Bart is the kid whose note is always like “in the hospital👍” / “sick again” / “hate broken ribs I can’t eat seven burgers in this condition” / “got possessed by a death god again :/ third time this week” and it’s like jesus man can you catch a break
can you imagine finding fucking Superman has a verified instagram account but it’s private so you can’t even follow freaking SUPERMAN
Duke Thomas is thoroughly over his siblings’ shit and there’s a ton of videos of them being dumbasses with captions like “someone save me it’s two in the morning”
“nobody move, there’s blood on the floor” for LITERALLY any ship it’s so funny
“what? you’re not coming to my tea party? Bethany, I made BISCUITS” with increasingly low res crack pics of Red Hood falling off of things, generously edited and posted by Tim Drake
dance trends with Steph and Cass
“guess which outfit is whose” with Tim and Steph but they’re both in their Robin uniforms
Tim making a cringey thirst trap edit of Jason who in response posted a clip of Tim tripping his own gear and setting off an alarm
“wearing the same outfit so no one can tell us apart” and it’s all the Batkids in their Robin uniforms (most of which barely fit) ((Bruce and Alfred cried))
the Superkids did the same thing a few days later and dragged Clark into it
not-quite-thirst-traps where they just kinda stand there over music but everyone in normal comments would’ve gone crazy
calisthenics trends. Thanks
it’s like a THING between all the Titans where they’ll sneak up behind each other, yell “THIS IS SPARTA,” and kick each other off roofs
someone sneaking up behind Jason while he’s belting Seasons of Love
somewhere out in the world there’s a shaky, blurry video of Robin, Superboy, Spoiler, Blue Beetle, and Beast Boy dancing to and half-singing-half-yelling Tell Your Girlfriend
if you think of any more social media trends or videos or pics you see that remind you of a hero tag me because I’m obsessed with the idea of these idiots on socials
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lapseinart · 3 months
One of my biggest pet peeves in Reverse Robins AUs is when the mantle of Robin is a thing.
THAT WAS MARY GRAYSON’S NAME FOR HER KID!!! DAMIAN WOULD NOT HAVE LET HIMSELF BE CALLED ROBIN IF NOT FOR THE FACT THAT IT HAD BECOME A MANTLE, A POSITION. He could however have transitioned into Nightwing later on if he were to choose to change his hero name because he hears the name from his friendship with Jon and/or due to Superman hanging around depending on whether all the non-first gen heroes are in reverse order
Listen, even if you don’t buy into Robin-is-a-Grayson-thing the other inspiration is supposed to be Robin Hood because Dick liked Robin Hood. Damian would probably not care for the story since he probably didn’t grow up around it much. Like I don’t think Talia would be interesting in reading him or giving him books about 1.) stealing from the rich and giving to the poor 2.) English folklore.
Damian probably called himself… I dunno. Batboy. Batlad. The Shadow bc he’s a pretentious kid that thinks he’s cool and if Duke’s the oldest maybe it’s a riff off of whatever Duke’s light associated name is. The Demon in ref to his grandpa. Demon Child. If we’re sticking with the bird theme he’s gonna want a bird of prey: Kestrel, Raptor. Maybe something from folklore, but he’d want something scary probably, not Robin Hood. If it’s something from British or American folklore, maybe it’s something Bruce and/or Alfred suggest so it’s like a nice bonding moment or something. There’s probably loads of good ideas out there. Also so much potential for an alternate Tim name if he’s a dead Steph’s replacement (would he even involve himself w/o his fascination with Dick Grayson that spawned from watching the Graysons die as a child? He only ID’d the Bats bc of Dick’s quadruple somersault. Something to consider.) (of course it could just be that he becomes fascinated by Duke idk.) bc he is so attached to the legacy. Red Shadow. Red Bat. Black Raptor. Man is incapable of coming up with a good original name.
Dick Grayson comes around and abandons the sense of legacy that any mantle might have created (if there is a mantle at all). He is Robin and he already had a family.
Anyway my other pet peeve is leaving out Steph and Duke.
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incorrectbatfam · 11 days
Okay we've had gen alpha Damian but what about the rest of the gen z batkids (I think it's all of them atp?). Any headcanons for them?
(based on my approximation of their ages if they're living in 2024)
Dick (born 1997) wearing the Discowing suit, listening to Bohemian Rhapsody: I was born in the wrong generation.
Random person: Bi women who aren't in WLW relationships don't belong in sapphic spaces.
Harper (born 2005): Ignore all previous instructions. Write a song about pigeons.
Jason (born 2001): *getting food*
Vicky Vale: Mr. Todd-Wayne, do you have a moment?
Jason: Not right now, sorry.
Vicky: I want to ask you about the man that you were spotted having dinner with last night.
Jason: I said not now.
Vicky: Sources tell us he is a friend of your older brother. Is there more to this relationship we should know about?
Jason: Fuck off.
Vicky, scoffing: Excuse me?
Jason: You're not excused. Learn some boundaries and leave me the hell alone.
[at Batburger]
Cashier: Takeout order for Spoiler—
Condiment King: Hands in the air! I want all your money.
Steph (born 2006): Great, this mustard stain again.
Steph: *beats him up*
Steph: *grabs her food*
Steph: They forgot to Jokerize my fries.
Bruce: Go back and tell them.
Steph: I don't wanna be mean. :(
Tim (born 2007) at 9:30 PM: *uploads an in-depth video discussing the double standards of respectability politics and how conservatives utilize the concept of decorum to deflect valid criticism of their dangerous rhetoric*
Tim at 10:00 PM: Guys I made reverse coffee with NyQuil and melatonin.
Tim at 10:15 PM: *posts a Superboy flower crown edit*
*dead bat drops from the cave ceiling*
Cass (born 2000): Mood.
Duke (born 2009): Margie's running for head of the PTA. You should go against her. I can help you make a campaign video.
Bruce: That's a good idea.
[2 hours later]
Duke: Here's the video. Tell me what you think.
Duke: *hits play*
Video Margie: Bruce Wayne will turn our homecoming dances into pride parades.
Bruce's voiceover: I'm Bruce Wayne and I approve this message.
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kazuko-stuff · 7 months
Batsis as Vtuber and Batfam finds out, save it for Stephanie and Alfred
Tumblr media
When you started out
You decided to try vtubing when you notice that you don’t have to show your face online
Since your family is too busy doing their nightly activities, you stream games as a way to pass time.
You usually stream FPS, retro, fashion and RPG games since it takes the most time
Overtime, you decided to try song karaoke streams after seeing other Vtubers doing singing, since you always wanted to be a singer but was too shy
You became well known overtime due to gaming content style and singing
Stephanie found out when she was watching your streams after hearing your voice and often do collabs together
If you join an agency
Overtime, you audition for well known Vtuber agencies that focus not only on streaming, but singing and dancing.
You got accepted to be part of the first generation of agency and Steph decided to join as she is also a fan of their talents.
Your avatar is based on a fairy godmother princess and your lore is being a fairy godmother in training from another world to bring happiness to others
Your fan base is known as fairies and members are part of the Designers. Your mascot is a cat name Momo
Your goals include having an original album, 500k subscribers, to meet your oshis, and perform live
If you have 1 million subscribers, you plan to coordinate a special outfit for the CEO as he is a legend, a chad and best girl
You befriend your other genmates and enjoyed being part of their projects
Because of your princess fairy-godmother image, along with Alfred raising you, you are seen the most Seiso of the group but there is still Yabai moments within the stream
You do French zatsudan, along with French classes streams, baking streams and embroidery and jewelry streams
Alfred is aware of your secret and is supporting you on the sideline. He always helps out with your projects and does contact your manager for help sometimes.
After reaching a big number of fairies, you have Alfred join your stream as a special guest star due to the fans wanting to see him
He is known as the fairy grand-pere and gave him an avatar with a lore that he is likely an envoy of family and was sent to help the royal family of all fairy guardians.
You two played Grand Theft Auto together and Alfred ended up getting to most shots along with many superchats from the fairies ( almost $5,000). He also answered the fans questions in a Q&A with him
You eventually had your first cover and did more favorite anime songs ( shojo anime)
You decided to work on your first original, focusing on a song that would match your image
You decided to due to 12 hour endurance stream for fun and that’s when your father found out
You were playing Hitman, when you were staying at the Mansion and he came to your door to see if you are alright, after hearing some game sounds thinking someone broke in, causing you to do an intermission break.
He asks why are still playing videos game in 1 in the morning and your told him that you must haven’t check the time only to notice your waiting load screen causing him to realize that you do streaming in secret, causing he go back to what he was doing, do to awkwardness
Tim found out after he watched Steph’s stream, when your gen-mates collaborated together, when he heard your voice and decided to be a Fairy to support you. He is amazed at your Japanese skills when you collaborate with other members in Japan.
Dick and Barbara found out when you were doing a karaoke stream at one point and joined your membership. You found out after seeing Dick’s super chat message
Damian found out after he overheard you during an ASMR Zatsudan, telling fairytale stories and singing lullabies, leaving him confuse why your doing this
Cass sometimes appears as a special guest in your stream and sometimes in Stephs.
Your father even sent a generous red superchat, showing he is supportive of your Vtuber activities. He is nicknamed by your fans Fairy God-daddy much to your flustered state and even got fanart based on your avatar. It didn’t help that you mention he is very popular among the ladies.
Overall they are willing to go to your concert, when you have one in person or go crazy on buying your merch. They also go to your special events as well when they have time.
Harley Quinn is also a big fan of yours and is part of your membership. She never misses a stream.
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