#Self-help guides
theambitiouswoman · 10 months
How To Become A Brand New Person ✨✨
Self Reflect:
Journal daily.
Think about past decisions and how they impacted your life.
Meditate regularly.
Create a vision board to visualize your goals.
Review your strengths and weaknesses.
Identify your core values and beliefs.
Figure out your passions and interests.
Think about your childhood dreams and aspirations.
Evaluate your current state of happiness and fulfillment.
Set Clear Goals:
Define specific career goals, like "Get promoted within two years."
Set health goals, like "Lose 20 pounds in six months."
Create financial goals such as "Save $10,000 for a vacation."
Establish personal development goals, like "Read 24 books in a year."
Set relationship goals, such as "Improve communication with my partner."
Define education goals, like "Complete a master's degree in three years."
Set travel goals, like "Visit five new countries in the next two years."
Create hobbies and interests goals, such as "Learn to play a musical instrument."
Set community or volunteer goals, like "Volunteer 100 hours this year."
Establish mindfulness or self-care goals, such as "Practice meditation daily."
Self Care:
Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.
Follow a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables.
Prioritize getting 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night.
Practice in relaxation techniques like deep breathing or yoga.
Take regular breaks at work to avoid burnout.
Schedule "me time" for activities you enjoy.
Limit exposure to stressors and toxic people.
Practice regular skincare and grooming routines.
Seek regular medical check-ups and screenings.
Stay hydrated by drinking enough water daily.
Personal Development:
Read a book every month from various genres.
Attend workshops or seminars on topics of interest.
Learn a new language or musical instrument.
Take online courses to acquire new skills.
Set aside time for daily reflection and self improvement.
Seek a mentor in your field for guidance.
Attend conferences and networking events.
Start a side project or hobby to expand your abilities.
Practice public speaking or communication skills.
Do creative activities like painting, writing, or photography.
Create a Support System:
Build a close knit group of friends who uplift and inspire you.
Join clubs or organizations aligned with your interests.
Connect with a mentor or life coach.
Attend family gatherings to maintain bonds.
Be open and honest in your communication with loved ones.
Seek advice from trusted colleagues or supervisors.
Attend support groups for specific challenges (e.g., addiction recovery).
Cultivate online connections through social media.
Find a therapist or counselor for emotional support.
Participate in community or volunteer activities to meet like minded people.
Change Habits:
Cut back on sugary or processed foods.
Reduce screen time and increase physical activity.
Practice gratitude by keeping a daily journal.
Manage stress through mindfulness meditation.
Limit procrastination by setting specific deadlines.
Reduce negative self-talk by practicing self-compassion.
Establish a regular exercise routine.
Create a budget and stick to it.
Develop a morning and evening routine for consistency.
Overcome Fear and Self Doubt:
Face a specific fear head-on (example: public speaking).
Challenge your negative thoughts with positive affirmations.
Seek therapy to address underlying fears or traumas.
Take small, calculated risks to build confidence.
Visualize success in challenging situations.
Surround yourself with supportive and encouraging people.
Journal about your fears and doubts to gain clarity.
Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small.
Focus on your strengths and accomplishments.
Embrace failure as a valuable learning experience.
Embrace Change:
Relocate to a new city or country.
Switch careers or industries to pursue your passion.
Take on leadership roles in your workplace.
Volunteer for projects outside your comfort zone.
Embrace new technologies and digital tools.
Travel to unfamiliar destinations.
Start a new hobby or creative endeavor.
Change your daily routine to add variety.
Adjust your mindset to see change as an opportunity.
Seek out diverse perspectives and viewpoints.
Practice Gratitude:
Write down three things you're grateful for each day.
Express gratitude to loved ones regularly.
Create a gratitude jar and add notes of appreciation.
Reflect on the positive aspects of challenging situations.
Show gratitude by volunteering or helping others in need.
Send thank-you notes or messages to people who've helped you.
Keep a gratitude journal and review it regularly.
Share your gratitude openly during family meals or gatherings.
Focus on the present moment and appreciate the little things.
Practice gratitude even in times of adversity.
Be Patient:
Set realistic expectations for your progress.
Accept that personal growth takes time.
Focus on the journey rather than the destination.
Learn from setbacks and view them as opportunities to improve.
Celebrate small milestones along the way.
Practice self-compassion during challenging times.
Stay committed to your goals, even when progress is slow.
Keep a journal to track your personal growth.
Recognize that patience is a valuable skill in personal transformation.
Celebrate Small Wins:
Treat yourself to your favorite meal or dessert.
Reward yourself with a spa day or self-care activity.
Share your achievements with friends and loved ones.
Create a vision board to visualize your successes.
Acknowledge and congratulate yourself in a journal.
Give yourself permission to take a break and relax.
Display reminders of your accomplishments in your workspace.
Take a day off to celebrate a major milestone.
Host a small gathering to mark your achievements.
Set aside time to reflect on how far you've come.
Maintain Balance:
Set clear boundaries in your personal and work life.
Prioritize self care activities in your daily routine.
Schedule regular breaks and downtime.
Learn to say "no" when necessary to avoid overcommitment.
Evaluate your work life balance regularly.
Seek support from friends and family to avoid burnout.
Be kind to yourself and accept imperfections.
Practice mindfulness to stay present and grounded.
Revisit your priorities and adjust them as needed.
Embrace self love and self acceptance as part of your daily life.
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infopoint786 · 1 year
Top Health and Wellness Deals on Amazon: Enhance Your Wellbeing
Introduction: In today's fast-paced world, taking care of our health and wellness has become more crucial than ever. Thankfully, Amazon offers a wide range of products that can help us achieve our wellness goals. From fitness equipment to nutritional supplements, there are incredible deals available that can positively impact your wellbeing. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the top health and wellness deals on Amazon right now. So, let's dive in and discover how you can enhance your overall wellness!
Fitness Equipment: Staying active is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Amazon provides great deals on fitness equipment, making it easier to create a home gym or add to your existing one. Look for discounted prices on treadmills, exercise bikes, resistance bands, dumbbells, and yoga mats. Investing in quality fitness equipment will help you stay fit and motivated.
Nutritional Supplements: Supplements can complement your diet and provide the necessary nutrients for optimal health. Amazon offers a vast selection of discounted nutritional supplements, including vitamins, minerals, protein powders, and omega-3 fatty acids. Take advantage of these deals to support your immune system, boost energy levels, and promote overall wellness.
Wellness Books: Expand your knowledge about health and wellness with discounted wellness books available on Amazon. From cookbooks with healthy recipes to self-help guides for mental wellbeing, there are plenty of deals on books that can inspire and educate you on your wellness journey. Learn new strategies for stress management, mindfulness, and personal growth.
Yoga and Meditation Accessories: Find tranquility and inner peace with discounted yoga and meditation accessories. Amazon offers deals on yoga mats, meditation cushions, essential oils, and calming music. Creating a serene space at home can help you establish a regular yoga or meditation practice, leading to improved mental and physical wellbeing.
Healthy Kitchen Gadgets: Eating well is a vital aspect of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Amazon features excellent deals on kitchen gadgets that can make healthy cooking easier and more enjoyable. Look for discounts on blenders, juicers, air fryers, and meal prep containers. These gadgets will help you whip up nutritious meals and encourage healthier eating habits.
Conclusion: Prioritizing your health and wellness has never been more accessible with the fantastic deals available on Amazon. From fitness equipment and nutritional supplements to wellness books and kitchen gadgets, you can find a wide range of products to support your wellbeing. Take advantage of these top deals and embark on a journey towards a healthier and happier you. Remember, investing in your health is a long-term investment that will bring lifelong benefits. Happy shopping and here's to your improved health and wellness!
Disclaimer: Prices and availability of deals may vary. Please check the Amazon website for the most up-to-date information.
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 2 months
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-Plan your day , be organized - daily planner .
-enhance your vocabulary.
-Summarizes books
-Motivational quotes
-Inspirational quotes , success stories , gratitude , affirmations.
- Track your menstruation cycle.
- Track your sleep cycle.
- Affirmations
- Create routines and track your daily habits
- Meditation
- Gratitude journal, vision boards , affirmations
- enhance your vocabulary
- Learn new language
- Facial yoga
- Workout
-Study timer
- Track your water intake
- Journal , habit tracker
-Pomodoro timer , focus for productivity
- Planner
- Flashcards , memorize words easily
- Horoscope
- Meditation
- Learn new facts , build knowledge
- Meditation
- Learn new facts
- Pomodoro timer
- Boost your self-esteem
- For art and museum lovers
- Inspirational talks
- Meditation , develop mindfulness
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months
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Happy Valentine's Day! (and this blog's first post anniversary!)
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thelailasblog · 2 months
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nenelonomh · 4 months
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nene's ultimate girl guide❤️
hello, loves! there are eighteen sections planned for this series- each with multiple posts. it is what i wish someone made me,, and so i'm giving it to myself (and to you).
the first few sections are like a base, the standard. because how can you evolve to be the best version of yourself, if you can't take care of yourself on a basic level.
everything in this guide is researched and carefully chosen. trigger warnings will be included at the top of relevant posts.
by no means am i going to churn out these posts, they come from the heart. i'm well aware that this guide will take close to a year to finish, but i'm here for that journey.
section one - hygiene habits
oral hygiene
hand hygiene
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camillecorrigan · 6 months
guide to living tip i.
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how to have a sweet little treat
a simple pleasure for some, a difficult delight for others.
i dedicate this tip to all you darlings who battle with nutritional "noise."
<3 rack your brain. are you actually hungry? or are other emotions clouding your natural signals? if the latter, decide whether said emotions are negative (ie. stress) or neutral (ie. a small desire for something delicious).
<3 eating a sweet treat will not ease your stress, and perhaps only amplify your restless emotional state. if you are anxious, take a rest. listen to music, read a book, watch a video, take a walk. remove yourself from the kitchen. find a treat in the form of self-care.
<3 eating a sweet treat will satisfy a craving, if you are in the correct state of mind. before exploring the pantry, mentally evaluate your yearning -- what do you actually want to eat? avoid overstimulation through intentional preparation.
<3 have you decided on your desire? calmly select and plate your treat. enjoy your snack outside of the kitchen. sit down. relax. sip a large glass of water.
<3 stay in place for a few minutes after you have finished eating. breathe. return your plate to the kitchen. exit. continue about your day.
you deserve all that is good in this world. and good things are best enjoyed in small doses. you have the power.
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bebx · 1 year
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True sexiness is found in the subtlety of eye contact and the grace of slow, sensual movements. It's the way a gaze lingers just a moment longer, conveying depth and desire without a single word. It's in the fluid, deliberate gestures that exude confidence and allure, drawing attention without demanding it.
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How To Support People
Sometimes, when someone is struggling, we default to giving or offering what support we would want in that specific situation. We don’t mean to, but it can cause harm to someone who we are trying to help.
So what can we do instead? I would ask people: “How can I support you?” But it was often too open-ended. My loved ones didn’t know what they needed.
Mental, emotional, and physical are support types that can be used to give personalized offers for support! Sometimes, people need specific offers of support, usually a mix of types.
Mental support could be:
Constructive feedback
Pros and cons
Logical steps
Some examples can look like: - “I complied resources for you” - “Let’s make a support plan together” - “When I was in a similar situation, I did…”
Emotional support could be:
Some examples can look like: - “Tell me what’s bothering you” - “I think it’s reasonable that you feel this way” - “You got this!” - “Do you need space?”
Physical support could be:
Physical touch
Mutual aid funds
Body doubling
Acts of service
Some examples can look like: - “I finished your to-do list for you” - “I made you your favorite dinner” - “Let’s do this together” - “Can I make a fundraiser for this?”
We all have various needs and capacities, but I hope we can all find creative solutions to help support each other. Keep caring.
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
Emotionally healthy people are quitters ✨
Emotionally healthy people are quitters. They make choices that align with their well being. Quitting a relationship, partnership or job that makes you unhappy is a sign of self awareness. If someone stays in something bad for too long, it's not because they're strong, but because they're afraid or have low self esteem. Being emotionally healthy means having awareness, setting boundaries, and knowing when it's time to move on from situations that no longer serve you. It's about prioritizing your mental and emotional health over sticking with something that's causing you harm or making you unhappy.
Emotionally healthy people also tend to have good communication skills. They express their feelings and needs calmly, openly and honestly. They also look for guidance and enlightenment because they understand that seeking help is a sign of strength not weakness.
They make decisions out of self love rather than attachment or fear. When you prioritize loving yourself, you make choices that align with your happiness and growth, rather than staying in situations out of comfort or insecurity.
Recognizing when you have an unhealthy attachment or that your feelings may not be conducive to your well being is important. It allows you to take a step back, evaluate the situation objectively, and make choices that are in line with your best interests.
Sometimes holding on can lead to more pain and struggle than necessary. It's a sign of emotional maturity to recognize when a situation is no longer good for you and to have the strength to let it go.
Things that are genuinely right for you should not cause you harm or emotional pain. Choosing pain is a sign of a lack of self love. Recognizing the need for change, prioritizing self love, and making healthier choices is how you begin to change your life.
Reframe your mindset from “this is hurting me because I love it” to “this is hurting me because I do not love me.”
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nobodymitskigabriel · 2 months
Don't know how I feel about the way some people point to Jack's powers to refute the existence of abusive parent/child power dynamics in which he is the victim since canonically, Jack having powers that he doesn't understand and doesn't know how to control, combined with his naivete, is like...one of the main things that makes him susceptible to abuse in the first place.
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rawliverandgoronspice · 6 months
Beyond surface appeal, what makes Ganon a compelling antagonist
I think cruising my blog would provide a good number of possible answers, but I guess my tl:dr would be (otherwise I could probably make a full 24h conference about it at this point): because he does reveal (if one is willing to look) the brutality of a world in which gods uphold a natural order through a given kingdom that will not budge on its god-given right to rule, and him as both a rebellious disorder to that status quo which also ends up devoured by said status quo as just one natural part of a cycle of creation and destruction that ultimately always kind of stays the same.
Also, I find the setup of a man born to a tribe of outcast women, considered exceptional by birth while also having to figure himself out + the role he needs to play in that kind of structure and in a very difficult context, someone who both is being granted a lot of natural power while also still being sneered at and considered lesser and/or inherently evil by those blessed by the gods (while also carrying a lot of unexamined baggage of their own), is just so juicy and interesting and brimming with potential psychologically speaking (especially when applied to his motivations of: why does he want power, why does he always alter his own body, his uncanny resilience, etc). It does come with a lot of baggage, as "the evil man from the desert" is far from being a neutral concept coming from a neutral historical place --but examining what kind of world would come to such conclusions is also deeply revealing of said world.
And then, Wind Waker gives him even more of a window to reflect on his own rage while also never apologizing for the horrors he commited, mourning what he wanted and what he became while also being the only one calling the gods of Hyrule out for being terrifyingly cold entities --far more than he could ever hope to become.
Yeah, I think Nintendo has been sleeping on Ganondorf ever since (even if I defend his TP appearance). But he has a fascinating cross-game story(ies), and I find him to be a deeply tragic --if horrendously flawed-- figure, which is partially why TotK was so disappointing to me, because TotK saw nothing but the surface level + the fact that putting him in a game sells and makes people horny.
(you'll notice I didn't mention Demise, because I think that, while the whole cycle thing wasn't bad or not that interesting, fans really overly simplify this concept in a way that has contributed to make Ganondorf extremely flat, which I am not here for.)
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thelailasblog · 5 days
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ask-the-prose · 1 year
The Self-Doubt Battle
Hi all, this week's guide is about imposter syndrome and self-doubt! This is a pretty personal subject for me because I struggle with this all the time, so I thought I'd write up a little guide for those of you who do too.
What is Imposter Syndrome?
Imposter Syndrome is a pattern of self-doubt that people (especially high achievers) feel. This pattern of self-doubt usually presents as a feeling that one is an imposter or that their achievements are due to falsehoods or faking competency. It is important to understand that Imposter Syndrome is not a clinical term and does not constitute an actual mental health condition. This is a phenomenon that occurs when people doubt themselves so thoroughly that they fear that others will view them as a fraud.
As previously stated, Imposter Syndrome is not a mental health condition that one suffers from, but instead, it is a pattern of thinking that can be overcome. If you find that this feeling is familiar to you, don't lose hope. This is not a permanent feeling, and it is not indicative of any moral or personal failing.
How do I rebuild my confidence?
This portion of the guide may sound familiar! Some of the things that work for burnout will also help rebuild your confidence and battle those persistent feelings of self-doubt. In fact, I find that self-doubt and burnout can very often go hand in hand. If you're feeling like an imposter or that you can't achieve what you want to, look really closely, talk it out with a friend, family member, or therapist, and see if maybe you're feeling burnt out instead. You might find that your self-doubt is actually exhaustion.
Let's start with self-care! It's hard to feel good about yourself when you just plain don't feel good. Self-care can help with that. It's easy to get lost among the scented candles and bubble baths, but self-care is actually much simpler than that. Have you eaten recently and regularly? Are you thirsty? Are you tired and need some sleep? Be sure to take care of your basic needs before making any judgments about yourself and your capabilities. You may find that once you feel physically better, you will feel more equipped to handle external challenges.
Is self-care not working? I consulted a couple of mental health professionals on how to combat feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy. Some of their tips included finding a source of validation or confidence boosting. It may seem like a bad thing, like fishing for compliments, but we, as human beings, crave and need validation from our peers. We're social animals! There is nothing wrong with wanting someone to say "good job" every now and then. A list of things that might help you get those moments of validation:
Is there something you know you're good at? Do a little of that! If that means drawing or dancing or sorting crayons, it doesn't matter as long as you feel good doing it.
Chat with a friend about your feelings, and you might find they feel the same way! If all of us feel that self-doubt, then maybe we're all wrong. We can't all be imposters, so look for that support and take comfort in knowing that you are not the odd one out.
Self-affirmation. This seems silly, and it's a common therapy tool, but it does work. Say to yourself what you want to believe about yourself, and eventually, you will. One self-affirmation that helps me with Imposter Syndrome and self-doubt: my achievements are real achievements. It's important to remind yourself that not only did you achieve something cool but that you did so because you are capable and not because you are fake. I'll let you in on a little secret; you can't fake success.
My final trick that may seem controversial: just ask. Everyone has felt self-doubt at one point or another. Find someone you trust and simply ask for validation. Your request can sound something like this: "I've been feeling down about my own capabilities recently. I trust you and your opinion and I was hoping you could give me some encouragement to keep going." I've found that writeblr is actually a GREAT place to find encouragement.
Rebuilding your confidence is a very personal task, and what works for one person won't always work for the next. For some people, the self-doubt goes away with a little work. For others, self-doubt can be persistent. Persistent, extreme feelings of self-doubt that result in depressive episodes or anxiety attacks may be symptoms of a larger mental health issue, and if these tips and tricks consistently fail, consider reaching out to a professional who can help you with the underlying cause of these negative feelings.
What about "fake it until you make it?"
"Fake it until you make it" is a common phrase used to encourage others with confidence issues, especially those of us who are younger or newer to an industry, craft, or hobby. In my personal experience, the usefulness of this phrase ebbs and flows with my own sense of self and my attitude toward my writing. This phrase can easily become misconstrued when a writer feels self-doubt. The purpose of this phrase is not to say that we are all imposters but that we can project confidence to others that we may not necessarily feel inside. That doesn't make you a phony. It helps you build yourself up.
Sometimes, this phrase is not so helpful. It's important to recognize that what we are faking is confidence, not competence. It is next to impossible to fake your own capabilities, but you can certainly fake a positive attitude. "Faking it" does not refer to faking success. It refers to faking unerring confidence and belief in oneself. "Making it" is about genuinely believing in yourself. You can "make it" to self-assured confidence by "faking" that confidence you want to have. In some ways, it's like a positive self-affirmation.
I'll repeat it here: you cannot fake success. Your achievements are real, your successes are real, and though sometimes it feels like luck, it was your skills that helped you reach your goals. Whether you believe in your skills or not, luck can only get you so far, you got yourself the rest of the way. Take pride in yourself, and remember, this feeling will pass.
– Indy
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