#anti hero Wally
minnowtime · 6 months
this was heavly inspired! anti hero Wally: belongs to me streamer Wally: belongs to my friend @someartist-me homebucks Wally: my best friend who doesn't have a tumblr
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staghunting · 8 days
it is a cool choice to write regulus as being permanently in sirius' shadow and would grate against that. i understand that some writers make this the basis for the j/egulus dynamic of "i am deeply in love with my brother's best friend but It Cannot Be because my brother and i have a weird relationship", but it's hard to write that without changing a lot of their personalities. while i can see how good writers would take a mile if you gave them an inch of inspiration, i never got on the j/egulus train simply because i was rotted by a more compelling ship route to take
namely, that regulus would get with snape in order to get back at sirius.
your baby brother falling in love with your amazing best friend? ew, but also, you can't fault his taste. your baby brother doing the nasty the worst supremacist scum in the british isles, on the other hand? vile! disgusting! treacherous! sirius would absolutely go nuts if his baby brother debased himself in such a way– which is exactly why i think regulus would go for it. it is the sort of slytherin-flavored vengeance that befits regulus more than softly angsting under dramatic light in a corner
and the reason why sirius would freak is for a multitude of reasons! regulus is a black– pureblooded, high-class, honor above all. sirius' value system of honor would not accept that his own blood would associate with hypocrite supremacists such as snape (though sirius himself is a hypocrite through regulus' eyes because he loudly goes against their traditions but wants to effectively manage and control someone within the institution he left)
perhaps, years later, sirius might still wash out some of regulus' blame— his idiot brother, too soft to know when his lover (shudder) was joining a supremacist organization
but snape is an effective knife for regulus to hold against his brother simply because snape is the sirius-that-never-will-be
because snape is accepted by the same family that callously disowned sirius! he breaks bread with the black cousins! joined the same after-school traditionalist club! quite possibly (i don't remember if it was canon) also named draco's godfather! sirius hated that this greasy git fit better into his family than he ever would
(and had he lived longer, he would be simmering with envy of how effortlessly snape still swans in their circle despite being proved a LITERAL SPY. he is stuck and tied in his house but snape, of all people, gets to have afternoon tea with bella and cissa)
and snape hates sirius because he is effortlessly powerful and cool– even by muggle standards!! it is hard to be cool by muggle standards when there's so much going on in that world but somehow, this posh bloke steps in london and immediately becomes a café racer. he transfigures his robes to mimic muggle clothing and still looks fashionably rockstar handsome instead of looking like he came from a multicolored freakshow circus like every wizard trying to fit in the muggle world
sirius bought a nice flat in the richer side of london right after graduating, without looking for a job. he knows what the current movies are, has paid for all of his friends to watch it together, and is in tune with muggle life the way he would never be
(the day snape found out that sirius, who was raised on enchanted concertos and magical singing kitchenware, bought a pregnant lily potter VIP seats to an artist's concert— the artist who they both first heard on a rickety radio player in his mother's house— he flipped his shit and applied for his second masters)
they are soooo deeply jealous of each other's ability to fit in. and it would make for a really good dynamic. all three of them are playing each other like fiddles
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were-wolverine · 7 months
Birdflash Week (Day 4)
Villain AU
Wally watched as Batman pulled up a profile on the screen at the front of the Watchtower’s conference room. According to the Bat’s reports, there was a new Rogue on the loose that knew the Justice League’s secret identities. So far they hadn’t gone to the media, luckily, but in the meantime they had built up quite the reputation in Gotham (along with a pile of bodies).
The profile showed a masked man, likely about Wally’s age, in a black and blue suit. There was a symbol on his chest, and two stripes of color down his arms and gloves. That was all he could tell from the extremely blurry photo, though. Apparently he went by the alias ‘Shadow’ and had been traveling the world quite a bit before settling in Gotham.
“Do we know how he find out our identities?” Superman asked, tone grave.
To any normal person it would look like Batman replied with a simple “No,” but with his superspeed Wally was able to catch the briefest hint of hesitation before the man responded. Which was… unsettling. Batman never hesitated, ever. Something was definitely up with this Rogue.
Batman continued to brief them all on the situation, but seemed fairly confident the masked man wouldn’t reveal their identities to the public. That, at least, was comforting. The rest, not so much. It seemed like this Rogue was taking more of an anti-hero approach at least, only killing criminals that were repeat offenders or the worst of the worst. Of course, killing was always bad, but at least this guy wasn’t harming civilians or heroes.
As the meeting dispersed and Wally zeta’d back to Keystone, he couldn’t help but wonder about the new Rogue, and how exactly he knew the League’s identities- which was one of the most carefully kept secrets in the entire world- and why he (however thankfully) hadn’t just released them to the media.
His thoughts about the man kept him distracted enough that he didn’t notice someone else was in his apartment until he was already in it with them. And, because he had shit luck, it was the Rogue he had just been wondering about. Eh, he was never one for subtlety anyway.
“Hey, why didn’t you release our identities to the public?” he asked the man, who cocked his head and studied him before replying.
“I don’t actually want villains to hurt you or your loved ones. I was just proving a point to B, telling him something only I would know,” he explained, much to Wally’s surprise.
“…Oh. Um. What?” Wally asked, beyond confused.
“Plus I wanted to mess with the League a bit I suppose. Not you though, Wally,” he smiled warmly at the speedster and Wally felt a rush of familiarity at the sight.
“Have we… met? Before?” the redhead asked somewhat desperately. There was something about the man before him that Wally just recognized on a bone-deep level. The man’s kind smile turned into a delighted grin and he pulled a stunned Wally into a hug.
“I knew you would remember me! I told Dami but he didn’t believe me. We were best friends for almost a decade, of course you’d remember me,” he rambled excitedly. The speedster froze in his arms and sucked in a sharp breath, pulling away to face the man once more.
“…‘Wing?” he asked, voice breaking at the end.
Nightwing nodded enthusiastically and was pulled back into a crushing hug.
“I thought… everyone assumed you were dead but I refused to believe it, but then so many years passed and Batman never said anything… I’m so sorry,” Wally whispered.
“Hey, hey no it’s not your fault. I should have told you all that I was leaving after Jay died, I’m sorry. I wasn’t in a good headspace and it only got worse and then… after everything I’ve done… I didn’t think you would want me back,” Dick admitted softly.
“Of course we would, dumbass. Of course I would,” he emphasized, leaning his forehead against the shorter man’s.
“I’m sorry I left,” Dick replied, holding him tighter.
“It doesn’t matter. You’re back now, and nothing is going to come between us again,” Wally promised, and leaned down to press a kiss to the other man’s lips, which was eagerly returned.
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annaberunoyume · 1 year
My Lullaby- The Lion King II (lyrics)
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mikeluciraphgabe · 2 years
A certain Batman fic I desperately want written is so heartbreaking I don’t even know if I should tell y’all…
I’m going to anyway but still
Some anti-hero needs to kill Bruce in order to save the world in X days
Bruce, obviously, is all “ya sure”
His only condition? He gets a week or so to say goodbye to his children
Bruce isn’t Batman at all for this - wanting the birds to remember him as Bruce
Bruce takes Dick out to the first diner they ate at together when Dick was like 8. Bruce, before taking him back home to Wally, goes on this teary rant about how much he loves him/how proud he is.
Dick gets “wtf, are you ok??”
Bruce tells him he just had a bad dream (bc it’s the only excuse he could think of) and invites him over to the manor over the weekend for a family movie
He does this with all his children - something different for each
All of them are a bit off footed by it, but don’t ask too many questions bc Bruce is just Weird sometimes
(Bruce wanted his kid’s last memory with him a happy one)
With the movie started, all of Bruce’s kids in one spot, genuinely happy, Bruce settles a bit - ready
He dies during the night - the anti-hero was nice about it
The birds find out what happened - of course they do - and the gut twisting cries that leave their mouths cause anyone with super hearing to pause, listen, and panic once they recognize who was crying
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a1307s · 10 months
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So Pretty
(Wally West Smut)
[Art is not mine. Credit to unknown]
Requested by: dogma0325
Y/N - Your Name
N/N - Nick Name
Word Count: 3110
Warning and/or Pre-notes:
Pervert/Slight Assault
Name Calling: Desperate, Bitch, Bimbo, Slut, Good Girl
Face Slapping
Rough Domination/Submission
Hair Pulling
"Mmhmm," I hum around my wine glass, keeping my eyes locked on the man in front of me. He's older - probably old enough to be Oliver's father - but he's one of the 'power houses' Ollie wants to partner with to further Queen Industries.
The grandpa continues on about the new what-cha-ma-call-it as his hand slides onto my knee. It might be anti-feminist of me to flirt and "show off" my body to gain partnerships but it's so much easier than pretending to care about what he's talking about. "I think Mr. Queen would be interested in it, don't you Miss Harper?" He asks, inching his hand further up the split of my dress.
"I think Ollie would be very interested. Would you like me to call him over?" I ask, sending not so secretive bedroom eyes over his way.
It doesn't take a genius to notice the way the man squirms in his seat before deciding standing would be an easier way to hide his arousal. "No, no, no. I shall walk you back over to Mr. Queen. What kind of man would I be having you beckon him over?" He asks, gently picking up my hand and kissing my knuckles.
Shivers run through me, followed by a wave of nauseousness. I quickly shove the feelings down and replace them with a smile. "How sweet," I offer up, trying to loosen my jaw, "Queen Industrials definitely could use more honorable men like you".
This brings a smile to the creeps face which is quickly hidden away with more kisses laid up my hand and across my wrist. When my nervous can't take anymore I stand up and turn to head toward the group of people surrounding Oliver. Creepy McCreep follows, placing a hand on my back that quickly descends down to grab a hand full of my ass as we walk across the ballroom.
"Y/N!" Wally - one of my older brother's friends - chirps out as we near the group. His eyes are a dark green - partly cause of the booze in his system and partly not. "I've been meaning to sneak over and say hi," He continues, making swift moves to place himself between McCreep and me.
Wally's arm wraps around my waist as he leans over to kiss my cheek. As he's pulling away, he stops for a beat to whisper in my ear, "Pretty pathetic of you to open your legs for a man like that".
My eyes glance over at Roy to see if he noticed but he - and Oliver - are too occupied with McCreep to notice Wally's words.
The speedster's arm stays on my waist, his finger tips digging into my hip as his mouth stays put by my ear. "I know I've been preoccupied with the whole hero gig but I didn't think you'd go pimping yourself out. Are you that desperate?"
"I'm not desperate," I bite back, keeping my voice low as well. For the past couple months Wally and me have been.... Friends with benefits, which has really gone to his head, especially in the bedroom.
"Seems like you are," Wally murmurs, softly sliding his fingertips just far enough under my dress to dig them into my inner thigh. "I thought we had an understanding N/N. I thought I made it clear that you - that your body, belongs to me".
"And I thought I made it clear that I'm not your girlfriend, Wally," I shoot back, still keeping my tone hushed.
"Get your ass upstairs. Now," Wally growls in my ear before letting go of me and standing up straight again.
"And if I don't?" I breathe out, tilting my head back to look up at Wally.
He tilts his head back down, his lips making butterfly touches to my ear as he talks. "If you don't, I'll bend you over the bar and let big brother dearest and Mr. Perv watch as I bruise you inside and out,".
I'm left to register Wally's words as he slips out from the group of high class Starr City citizens and walks out of the ballroom.
"Where's Wally going?" Roy asks, shimming into his friend's previous spot.
"Uh... Dick called?" I push out, making it more of a question than a statement. "I don't know, I couldn't really hear him,".
Roy thinks it over for a moment before shrugging it off and turning back towards the conversation. "Roy?" I ask, getting a hum as an answer. "I think I'm going to head to bed for the night".
"Okay, goodnight Y/N," Roy says back, giving me a side hug before I walk out of the group as well, quick to follow Wally's previous exit route.
My heart rate picks up as I climb up the stairs, heading towards my room where a very upset Wally awaits me. I slowly walk down the hallway, my heels echoing along the narrow space.
"Wally?" I call softly, pushing my bedroom door open before walking in. My nightstand light is on, eliminating Wally and making his red hair stand out against the green fabrics of the room. The air is thick with all of the speedster's emotions: Jealousy, anger, and arousal.
"Come here," Wally demands, his voice low, almost a growl as the words come out.
"No," I whisper, pushing my back to the door, causing it to latch close. Wally snaps up to his feet and takes quick paces toward me.
Before I can think, his body is pressed against mine, trapping me against the door. His hand is rough and heavy against my throat as he forces my head back to look at him. Wally's eyes are dark, almost black instead of his normal green color.
"I've had enough of you today. You've been prancing around pretty much naked making blow job eyes at every rich man that walks in. Do you know what that makes you look like? It makes you look like a desperate little bitch. Are you a desperate bitch? Are you Y/N?" Wally continually repeats the last two sentences, getting more and more in my face each time. As he repeats himself, he tightens his grasp on my neck so I can't answer him back.
"Aww, is the poor baby Harper struggling to answer me? Maybe if you weren't blowing every one of daddy's partners your throat would work, hmm?" Wally taunts, using his free hand to hoist up the skirt of my dress. His fingertips ghost over my clothed pussy before settling on the waist band of my panties.
Tears start to prickle my eyes as I gasp for air. My hands wrap around Wally's wrist, digging my nails into his arm to try and get him to loosen his grip. "P... ple... please?" I manage to get out between gasps.
Wally's eyes are hard, filled to the brim with jealousy as he looks at me. "Fine," He mumbles, releasing me. From the lack of oxygen, my balance is off when he lets go, causing me to fall to my knees at his feet. "Good, that's where spoiled bimbos like you belong," Wally adds, leaning down to grab my face with one of his hands.
My breath is heavy and tears continue to trickle down, rolling over his fingers as he squishes my cheeks. "You look so pretty," Wally says gently, his eyes softening just for a moment. "But that isn't an excuse for you to act like a free use slut at the gala." The words come out sharp, adding to the pool that's been forming between my thighs since I entered the room. "Is that what you want? To be treated like a free use slut? To be used where ever and whenever men want? Without you getting a say?"
"No," I whimper, grabbing at Wally's dress shirt. The material feels smooth and warm under my finger tips. "I don't want other men to use me. I only want you to use me," The words come out in a rush, sounding more like pleas than an answer.
This seems to satisfy Wally, getting me a rewarding soft kiss to my lips. "Don't worry N/N, I'll use you. By the time I'm done with you the only thing that'll be left in this empty little head of yours will be my name," He says, softly shaking my head through the last half of his sentence.
Wally releases my face, leaving me a mess on the floor as he walks back over to my bed. He plants himself on the edge of it, eyes locked on me as I stay kneeled on the floor, unable to stop tears from falling. "Come on baby, I haven't even been that mean to you," Wally says, patting his thigh to beckon me forward, adding a soft smile to his face to encourage me to obey.
I listen, crawling across the room to kneel between his legs. "You are so pretty baby," He says again, wrapping his fingers around my neck and leaning down to lick the tears off my cheeks. "So, so pretty,".
Soon the licks turn to soft kisses that end in a gentle kiss to my lips. When he parts from me, he continues littering butterfly kisses across my cheeks. His fingers are light this time, not the tight, oxygen stopping hold from before. "It makes me so sad when I have to correct your bad behavior,".
"It doesn't seem like it," I whisper out, closing my eyes to soak in the gentleness I'm receiving from the speedster.
In a split second the soft kisses are replaced by a slap across my face. My cheek stings as tears start to prickle at my eyes again. "You just can't stop while you're ahead can you?" Wally asks, forcibly turning my head so I'm looking at him again. "What am I gonna do with you little Harper?" He asks, rubbing his thumb across my cheek, causing the stinging to continue.
"Is it really that hard for you to keep your legs closed? Is it so hard for you to be grateful that I'm willing to correct your behaviors? Maybe I'm wasting my time," Wally mumbles the last part, letting go of my face and standing up.
"Please stay," I whine, wrapping my fingers around Wally's belt. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," I continue, burying my head in Wally's stomach.
"You're sorry for what?" He asks, fisting my hair in his hand to tilt my head back.
Wally looking down on me makes more shock waves ripple through me. I rub my thighs together, wiggling my fingers closer to the latch of his belt. "I'm sorry... for... for acting... desperate. I'm sorry for acting... like... like a spoiled bimbo," my voice weavers and my hands shake as I undo his belt.
In approval, Wally loosens his grasp on my hair but doesn't completely let go. His eyes stay locked on mine as I undo his pants and slowly pull his penis out of his boxers. I rest my hands on his thighs before leaning down, my hair pulling as I wrap my mouth around Wally's tip. I bob my head a couple times but can't get further down because of the grasp he still holds on my hair. "Nope," Wally says, using my hair to yank me back from his erection.
"No?" I whine, snaking my hands from his legs towards his cock.
"No," He repeats, using my hair to pull me to my feet before I can touch him again. He takes a second to admire me. My head pulled back by my hair, my legs shaking and covered in my own juices. "Strip," Wally says, letting go of my hair and sitting back down on the edge of my bed.
I obey, kicking off my heels before slowly peeling my dress off of myself. His eyes pierce into me, watching me shimmy out of my panties and unclasping my bra. I stand there, waiting for Wally's next command as his eyes rake over my body. "Can you please take your shirt off?" I whine, taking a cautious stop forward and sliding my hands under his suit jacket.
Wally fulfills my request, shrugging off his jacket before unbuttoning and sliding out of his dress shirt. "Thank you," I say, resting my hands on his shoulders.
He ignores me, grabbing my thighs and spreading my legs apart. "You really are a desperate little thing, aren't you?" He asks, bending his head down to lick the mess off my thighs.
"For you, yes" I breathe out, tangling my fingers in his hair. His tongue feels teasing, running over my thighs and getting close but not close enough to my pussy. "Please?" I beg as my legs continue to shake.
"Why should I?" Wally asks, removing his head from my thighs, replacing it with ghostly finger tips just barely grazing my folds. "You don't deserve it".
I don't answer him, and instead whine and tug on the ends of his hair. Wally planting a kiss on my stomach before pulling me on his lap. His dick is hard and warm pressed up against my thigh, causing me to be even needier. His eyes are softer now, some of the green coming back to them. "You are a needy little thing. Are you needy baby?" Wally asks before sinking his teeth into my shoulder.
His teeth hurt as he bites down, pulling out whines and mews from me. "Please?" I ask, tugging at his pants.
"Please what?" He asks, running his tongue over the bite mark, causing extra stinging sensations.
"Please fuck me. Please fuck my pussy. Please?" I beg, dragging out the last word.
"If it's your pussy, you can fuck it," Wally tells me, moving his hips so the head of his penis is pressed against my clit. He slowly moves his hips, giving me the minimum friction possible.
     I cling to his shoulders, digging my nails into his skin and burying my head in his neck. "It's your pussy, Wally. Please just touch me. Please?"
     A gentle hum comes from Wally, followed by his hand back in my hair and new vibrations being sent from his dick to my clit. "Are you sure it's mine? Seems like you were prancing it around and offering it up to everyone a little while ago".
     "It's... it's yours," I wheeze out, slightly dragging my nails down his shoulder from the new added friction.
     Wally doesn't reply. Instead he teases me by constantly changing the pace of the vibrations between my legs. His eyes stay lock on me, constantly raking across my body. My head pulled by back him, strands of loss hair clinging to the forming sweat on me. My arms wrapped around his shoulders with my fingernails constantly moving across his back and leaving my own marks on him. My legs trembling as juices spill out and coat my thighs along with Wally's pants.
     The tightness in my groin is seconds away from snapping when Wally stops and lets go of me. I whine at the sudden loss of my orgasm and tight my grip, causing myself to get closed to him. The head of his penis pokes teasingly at the rim of my opening.
     Wally's hand meets my bare waist before his lips met my collar bone. He sucks on it, sure to leave a bruise to form. "Are you going to be good? Are you going to behave and spread yourself out for me?"
     "Yes," I answer back, trying to scoot forward but unable to from the strong hold on my waist. "Please?" I whimper, sliding my hands from Wally's back to gentle tug on the ends of his hair.
Wally lifts me up as he stands. He's gentle when he lays me in the bed. When my back makes contact with my sheets, I let my legs fall open and put myself on display. A pleased hum comes from my partner as he drops his remaining clothes.
"So pretty," Wally purrs as he climbs between my legs. His hands are soft and slow as he rubs my inner thighs, kisses chasing after his finger tips. Wally weavers for a second at the end of my thighs before placing a teasing kiss to my clit. The kisses trail up my stomach towards my chest as he realigns himself with my hole. As the kisses climb up my chest towards my neck, Wally painfully slowly inches himself in me.
I whimper, wrapping my arms around his back again. "Wally," I whine, trying to push him further in me.
"Be patient," He whispers against my skin as his hands secure themselves to my hips. His pace stays slow as he continues littering kisses over my body.
"You're being so good for me," Wally says, starting to pick up his pace. My nails dig into his shoulder blades again as I slide my legs around his torso. His hands slide down to my thighs to hold me in place. "Whose pussy is this?" Wally asks, locking his eyes with me as he pounds into me.
I whine, sliding my hands to the nape of his neck and grasp the whiskers of hair that are laid there. "You", I peep out, squeezing my legs around him.
"Yes I am," He replies cockily with a big grin on his face. "Only I can make you feel this needy,". One of Wally's hands slides down from my thigh to start rubbing circles on my nerve bud. "Is my pussy going to cum for me? Is it? I bet it is with how desperate you've been," He taunts, his circles getting faster and his thrusts getting sloppy.
I opened my mouth to answer but the only thing that comes out is a moan. The knot in my stomach continues to tighten from Wally's actions. "Wally," I moan as the knot starts to unravel.
     "Good girl," He groans, "Just a couple more and then you can rest". His hands are heavy against me and my hips ache from the pace but I keep my whines of pain to myself.
As Wally said, it only takes a few more thrust before he comes undone. “Pull out,” I whine, trying to push him off of me.
“If I did I wouldn’t be able to mark you as mine.”
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nelkcats · 2 years
Food Fight
Dick, Wally, Jason and Roy were looking for ways to have fun and get distracted from the hero/anti-hero life, so they end up participating in eating contests around the country. What they didn't expect is that they couldn't beat a single person from Illinois.
If it was a spicy food contest, a blue eyed boy would appear who would eat as if he did not feel anything on his tongue; if it were a contest for quantity of food, what they were sure would appear was a hacker with nothing in his stomach, because they didn't know how it was possible for him to eat more than a member of the Flash Family.
Damn, they couldn't even beat the goth girl in the pumpkin growing contest! This had gotten personal and they weren't going to ignore it, they would bring the Outlaws and Titans into this for sure.
Sam, Tucker and Danny for their part were extremely amused with these outsiders, at some point they tried to test if they were metas and it was all a trap (immediately dismissed by Sam and Tucker), they wondered if they would come back next year, well Illinois was their territory so they wished them luck.
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Duke Canonically ( I think ) kick green lentern ass when he enter the bat cave, cause Batman say that no one allowed to enter it when he gone. So to Duke it mean kick anyone ass who enter it ( he not wrong tho )
In my opinion, this shows that he is a person who obeys the rules, no matter what other people's reasons are for breaking them, he will still do what he is told to do.
So I thought it would be funny if Duke would kick the ass of anyone who came to Gotham during the day without permission, anyone who was a meta, hero, anti-hero, vigilante, villain, who wasn't a bat or have permision would be kicked by him.
You know typical ' no meta in gotham rule '
Superman: *just come to ask Batman for help during another end of the world weekly
Signal: *Appears out of nowhere carrying a kryptonite sword and Flashlight
Superman: oh hey can you put that down
Signal: only if you leave, Batman is busy now so you better leave Gotham or I'll make you
Superman: I think you misunderstand My arrival here
Signal: Nuh uh I don't care just leave
Signal: *kick his the shit out of Superman and throw him to Zeta tub
After that Superman Make sure he asked Batman's permission before coming
Green Arrow: this gonna be fine I'm not meta I'm not meta *Convincing himself it would be okay
Signal: no the rule is outdated to much at this point
Green Arrow: I- I just here to
Signal: leave before become like your friend
Green Arrow: okay okay okay
In the end he still get kicked cause not leave under 5 minute
Flash (barry): this just short trip I swear,I'll leave after some extra minute please *just want to search Wally who Disappear
Signal: leave now before I leak your email address, group chat, Home address, photos from your emo phase, photos of you drunk, and videos of you failing your driver's license test to every Hero in the world
Flash: you can't-
Signal: I can and I will
He finally leave cause scared, and Duke actually blackmail cause he not sure he can take down a speedster. Wally really hang out with dick lmao
Martian manHunter: I'll leave just give me-
Signal: no *Holding a lighter and gasoline to scare him
Martian manHunter: uhhmm
Signal: leave
He ultimately left because he had to, even though his initial intention was only to give Batman an invitation to the league party
Aquaman: I'm promise I just here for
Signal: *already hold everything that can us as blackmail
He get kicked in the end lmao, And also humiliated at the next league meeting
JL: bats your kids is
Batman: yeah he doing good job I proud of him, this is the first time one of my child really obey the rule and not break
Batman: *proud dad noise
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pigeon3gg · 4 months
i will never understand the amount of "justice league meets the batfamily" and "justice league gets mad at batman for having child soldiers" fics out there like guys you have to know that scenario makes absolutely no goddamn sense at all right. you HAVE to understand that it makes no fucking sense for SUPERMAN to have no idea that NIGHTWING is associated with batman and was the first robin right. like if the justice league isnt aware of the batfamily at all, dick never becomes nightwing. that name is based on a kryptonian legend clark told him, if he isnt close with clark as a kid, he isnt and will never be nightwing. also these scenarios completely ignore the existence of the teen titans which is literally all the sidekicks/child soldiers teaming up. why the fuck would barry get mad at bruce for robin being a child when wally is right there. wonder woman, aquaman, the flash, and green arrow are all major members of the league how can you write this scenario and not awknowledge the perspective they have on this from also having child sidekicks. if youre writing a scenario where they are anti batman having child soldiers, you have written a scenario where donna troy, wally west, garth, and roy harper DO NOT EXIST. you see how this is problematic for that worlds storyline? above also applies to every team a bat has ever been on btw like if the justice league have never met tim drake before and dont know hes associated with batman then you have written a world where young justice never happened. you are writing a world where the bats have stayed only in gotham their entire hero careers and never been on a team before.
you see how this doesnt make any sense right? right? right?
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celaenaeiln · 1 year
can i know your thoughts on the “typical” nightwing ships (him with wally, roy, slade, kory, babs, apollo/midnighter, etc etc)?
ofc! <333
As a multishipper I literally love almost all of these
The softest ship ever! Reading about them is so cute. All cuddles and snuggles, and full on comfort.
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It's the best friends to lovers trope
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Haven't read about them in a really long while but they used to be my comfort ship. Like these two are so soft each other that they just make me feel warm inside.
Roydick is my spicy birdflash ship. Their chemistry was more heated with them constantly getting into arguements but falling together again. Going back to the comics I realize that Roy hero-worships Dick and that's why they get into so many fights. Roy literally thinks Dick is too perfect
There's this post about them which provides comic panels about Roy constantly comparing himself to Dick
But mostly Roy wants all of Dick. He wants Dick's 100% attention of them and he hates-HATES-that Dick gives everything to Batman. It drives him so mad because he thinks Batman doesn't deserve any of Dick's attention.
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Literally tells Batman- you ain't shit. I feel bad Dick had to deal with you. He doesn't deserve it for all the greatness he is.
Roy wants all of Dick and that's where I ship them including their complicated issues. What makes their relationship so great is their problems. Neither of them will compromise (Dick won't let go of Bruce and Roy won't let go of that issue), but after all the screaming and fighting they still fall back together.
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It's Dick that Roy goes to every time he has to deal with Cheshire.
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>:> hehe
Ollie has the biggest grin on his face XD
Bruh I am so into them.
My post on why they were made for each other
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Slade literally used the steam of Dick's shower to write a message in his bathroom mirror.
I am obsessed with Slade's obsession with Dick.
I love how in one comic Dick is literally just listing everything that's wrong with his life and Deathstroke is just standing there actively listening with his arms crossed.
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He's never gonna give up that apprentice agenda.
When I think of love, they are the epitome of it. I didn't know it was possible to feel love through paper until I saw them. One look at the chemistry is overwhelming.
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"Questions about what's right and what's not, I'll always have them. Questions about my loving you? No! I do. Very much."
Dickkory love is stronger than Dick's moral ethics and Dick's moral ethics?
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I've never seen Dick love anyone as much as he did Kory. There are issues that came up ofcourse. I'm pretty sure there was an anti-alien sentiment among the general public (real life?) that affected them and on top of that the Batman office wanting Dick back so they just ripped him away from the titans and rewrote a whole new love story for them while trashing Kory for it but when the public's reaction and Dick's "he's so perfect everyone wants him so let's play around with love interests for him" aside, they were the king and queen of love.
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What I love about their relationship is Dick loved Kori for who she was, not how she looked. And Kori loved Dick for who he was and not how he looked. On both sides, sometimes all people see of them are their beauty not their personality or strengths or being.
Barbara. The reason I held off on writing this.
My feelings about Barbara are complicated.
She and Dick used to be my OTP. I loved them so much I actually hated Kori for a bit, thinking that Barbara was so much better-when I was solely in the fandom. But oh how the table have turned. Very recently the feather broke the camel's back so my feelings about the two of them have changed.
Long story short, they're better off friends. But my favorite moments come from mostly short haired Barbara comics.
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This Barbara was AWESOME. She was so chill and cool and funny. She would be smart but not in a demeaning way to others.
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Also Batgirl 2000 comic Dickbabs was so sweet (below)
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love them!
I think Midnighter would totally seduce Dick into a frenemies with benefits arrangement. I mean he's halfway there.
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But aside from the usual flirting, Midnighter really, really, REALLY respects Dick's fight skills. I'm sure you've seen the panels of that already but since posts have a 30 image limit I'mma skip over that to the other reason: his greater-that-meta-human tenacity. Things and circumstances that take out metahumans, Dick surpasses through sheer will power and dedication.
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So I mostly ship Dick/Midnighter but Apollo would probably join in too at some point.
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Never getting over how John-I don't do things I don't have to-Constantine saved someone because their body was hot and and their butt looked good. But later on in the comic he talks about how cool he was and what he describes Dick as is when asked about him is:
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His relationship with Tiger is AWESOME!!
It reminds me of his batman Dick relationship with Damian. Snarky and affectionate.
I ran out of image space :'0
But Dick basically gets Tiger-Spyral's number 1 and most loyal spy-to abandon the agency they work for, turn coat, and hunt them down to burn the oragnization into the ground instead. They're literally so funny. I loved Dick and Damian's cute banter and Tiger is just Damian aged up but meaner lol.
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prismuffin · 1 year
Masterlist 2:
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Full Fanfic Masterlist
How Peter Parker and Steve Rogers react to their crush asking to play with their hair
Hobie Brown helping trans!male!Reader with dysphoria Hobie Brown reminding ftm!Reader not to overbind Hobie Brown turning into a cat and causing chaos in the SpiderSociety
How Miles Morales acts on a rooftop date with another hero Miles Morales reacting to grieving reader Miles Morales being caught wearing his guy crushes hoodie Miles Morales reacting to his crush suddenly asking him out in the middle of a normal conversation Miles Morales with a younger!sister!reader
Platonic!Miguel O'Hara comforting transmale reader after a breakdown Miguel O'Hara reacting to reader coming out as trans (ftm)
Miles Morales and Hobie Brown (separate) reacting to male!Reader with brain issues Miles Morales and Hobie Brown (separate) reacting to male!Reader getting a good grade on an exam
Pavitr Prabhakar and german!male!Reader bonding by learning about each other's cultures
SpiderTeens reacting to gn reader adopting them all
Stranger Things:
Nothing yet!
The Umbrella Academy:
Nothing yet!
Criminal Minds:
Nothing yet!
Hitman Trilogy:
Nothing yet!
Mission: Impossible:
Ethan Hunt reacting to his son being a part of the syndicate
FarCry 5:
Nothing yet!
Nothing yet!
Detroit Become Human:
Connor helping male!trans!reader with testosterone shots Connor helping gn!Reader calm down from a panic attack Connor with a s/o who's a maladaptive daydreamer Connor with an insomniac s/o Connor with a s/o who's a wild/active sleeper
Our Life Beginnings & Always:
Nothing yet!
Error 143:
Nothing yet!
Sally Face:
Nothing yet!
WatchDogs Trilogy:
Nothing yet!
COD: Modern Warfare2:
John Price dealing with being a sleep talker
Konig reacting to short!male!Reader climbing him like a tree to see something Konig reacting to short!male!Reader being on his shoulders^^Part 2
Ghost, Konig, and Price (separate) reacting to male!Reader with dermatillomania Ghost and Konig (separate) reacting to having to cuddle up to male!Reader for warmth Ghost and Konig waking up to cuddling male!Reader ^^Part 2 Ghost and Konig (separate) having M!Reader be their gay awakening
The Imperfects:
Nothing yet!
Nothing yet!
Girl From Nowhere:
Nothing yet!
Metal Lords:
Nothing yet!
Dc Universe:
Batfam being jealous of the readers pet/animal Batboys reacting to Tim Drake's "bad-boy" boyfriend Taking care of Batboys (seperately) after they got their wisdom teeth removed Batboys reacting to boyfriend!Reader smacking their ass and running away Batboys + Conner & Wally being caught wearing masc!Readers hoodie Batfam reacting to Tim Drakes boyfriend who is the Jokers son ^^Batfam reacting to Tim Drakes boyfriend who is the Jokers son pt2^^ Batboys reacting to getting hard during training with M!Reader Anthro!Batboys having their ears and tail expose their romantic feelings for male!reader Batfam reacting to Tim Drake making a contract with a demon!male!reader BatBoys reacting to them thinking male!reader called them a goodboy
Sugar Daddy!Bruce Wayne accidentally falling for male!sugar-baby!reader Bruce Wayne with an energetic anti-hero husband
Conner Kent accidentally using X-ray vision on trans!male reader
Male!Justice League members reacting to rogue!reader moving out of Gotham and into their city
Jason Todd reacting to male reader falling asleep on him Jason Todd reacting to a gn reader who can't swim Injured!Jason Todd waking up to Reader in his hospital room
Damian Wayne with a child!brother!Reader Damian Wayne being caught wearing his guy crushes hoodie
Dick Grayson reacting to a very cuddly male reader Dick Grayson waking up his cuddly guy crush Dick Grayson reacting to a sad!male!Reader needing cuddles
Hal Jordan's (Green Lantern) reaction to reader having a lot of lantern rings Hal Jordan (Green Lantern) x recovering!male!Readers Hal Jordan reacting to being bitten by masc!alien!Reader
John Constantine reacting to a food-pusher Reader John Constantine with a werewolf s/o (gn reader) Hungover!John Constantine waking up in a caring Readers bed John Constantine reacting to a male!Reader that reminds him of his younger self ^part 2. John Constantine reacting to similar!male!Reader reading his soul John Constantine being bullied by a cat in a pub John Constantine reacting to a Reader that smokes John Constantine having a demon!Reader be attached to him John Constantine reacting to reader being turned into a baby John Constantine reacting to male!Rader lighting his cigarette with John's
Kid Flash (Wally West) reacting to accidentally courting alien!reader Kid Flash (Wally West) with a night owl boyfriend Kid Flash (Wally West) accidentally petting one of winged!male!Readers arousal zones Kid Flash (Wally West) and winged!male!Reader finally getting together Kid Flash (Wally West) cudding male!naga!Reader Kid Flash (Wally West) with a partner who's part of the BatFamily
Tim Drake reacting to guy crush reader accidentally cuddling him Tim Drake reacting to Rogue!Reader flustering him Tim Drake with a caring and patient boyfriend Tim Drake with a boyfriend who's very physically affectionate
How Superman, Batman, Hal Jordan, The Flash, and John Constantine react to someone handing them the unconscious reader out of the blue How Batman and Superman reacting to their long-term partner being their worst enemy
How Wally West, John Constantine, Hal Jordan, Dick Grayson, and Conner Kent react to falling asleep on their crush (male reader) How Wally West, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, and Conner Kent taking care of their drunk guy crush How Dick Grayson, Wally West, Tim Drake and Conner Kent react to playing seven minutes in heaven with their guy crush How Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, and John Constantine react to their crush asking to play with their hair How Tim Drake and Damian Wayne react to their crush randomly asking them out in the middle of a conversation (seperate) How Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Wally West and Conner Kent (sperately) react to Alien!Panther!Male!Reader cuddling up to them randomly
How Justice League boys react to empathic color!alien reader turning pink around them How Justice League boys react to male!Reader being turned into a cat How the Young Justice League reacts to a male!Reader with an Eating Disorder
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httpsobi · 1 year
BURNIN' UP... “an anti-hero oc/reader-ish x kaldur"
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WARNINGS/TAGS + sfw, female reader (no body types, height, skin color described but is described to have dark eyes), ________ is where the name of your choice can be inserted, smoking, light implication of suicidal thoughts.
A/N + the lack of kaldur x reader work is criminal and i decided to be a law abiding citizen cause have you seen that man. also an apology for the lack of work because the brain juices are not flowing and my writing right now makes me want to scream.
if you’re interested, here’s the original post that started this !!
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"Why do you smoke?"
She glances at him, burning cigarette hanging on her lips as she struggles with the metal lighter in her hands.
Her response is barely legible, muffled by her multitasking on keeping the cig off the floor and getting the rusty thing in her hands to work.
Kaldur watches as the lighter finally offers enough of a spark to start a flame, and she brings it up to the end of her cigarette.
She takes in a deep puff, facing away to watch the smoke disappear into the air before she turns to grin at Kaldur, leaning to bump her head against his shoulder playfully.
"Just cus'."
As she leans away to take another puff, staring off into the horizon, where the sea meets the setting sunset, Kaldur's staring at her. 
"I hear smoking is harmful to humans."
She hums in response.
"So why do you smoke despite knowing that?" He asks curiously.
________ takes another puff, holding the smoking cig off her lips between her index and middle finger as she turns to Kaldur.
"Hm..." She sighs deeply, lips settling into a small smile as she thinks, before she's back to staring off in the distance.
"Don't know. All the oldies I know did when they got stressed- so maybe that's why."
She glances at him. "Is that the answer you wanted?"
"You understand the possibility of disease or death, yet continue to smoke." Kaldur sighs, looking at the sea for a brief moment before his eyes are back on her.
"Do you not fear the possibility of dying that may come from it?"
She blinks at him, dark eyes flitting over his face before her smile returns and her head's tilted at him once again.
"That's just a bonus." She chuckles, nudging his shoulder with hers before she's shuffling her way off the floor. "You worry too much."
Kaldur sighs as he mirrors her, standing up to watch her take another puff.
"I worry because you are a friend."
Before she can respond, the cave door opens, Robin's laughter and Wally's whines drawing closer has her quickly chucking the cigarette to the floor and smashing it into the floor with her boot quickly before she's grabbing it off the floor.
Kaldur raises his eyebrow at her.
"I thought you don't mind people knowing you smoke." He asks in a whisper.
"I don't." She clarifies in a whisper of her own. "But I don't need any of the idiots on this team tryna' look cool and copy me."
Green eyes widen at her face for a moment, before a playful smile settles on Kaldur's face.
"So, you do like us."
She glances at his slightly smug expression before she lets out a laugh, tilting her head at him with a grin.
"I like you guys enough to not become the reason one of you dies of lung cancer or somethin' stupid."
An gloved hand reaches up to pat his cheek as she takes a step closer to him, and Kaldur's face heats up under her watchful eyes.
"Especially you, shark boy- can't have a pretty face like you die too young." She teases. 
With one final pat leaving an flustered Kaldur and nearing Robin and Kid Flash, she's walking away with a smile.
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all work n' writing is work of @httpsobi. i ask you please do not copy, rewrite, translate or post on other platforms without my consent.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
If the batkids had never become a bat what superhero would they sidekick as instead, in your opinion?
I don't think all of them would've automatically become another hero's sidekick. Think about it: of the nearly 2 billion kids on Earth, only an atomic fraction of them get to witness superheroes firsthand, and even fewer go on to become sidekicks or heroes themselves.
Without Batman taking him on, I don't think Dick would've stuck around Gotham for very long after his parents' deaths. Canonically, he spent some time in the foster system, but I can easily see him ending up someplace else. My headcanon, because I'm a sucker for friends finding each other across timelines: he ends up in Central City and becomes best friends with Wally. They grow up together, but without the burden of superhero responsibilities. Instead of hanging out in Barry's lab, Wally is with Dick that day, so he never gains powers. Dick becomes an honorary West-Allen and instead of being a vigilante or cop, he pursues justice another way by becoming a journalist like Iris. But even with the West-Allens' company, he still goes home to his solo apartment and stays up at night wondering what it'd be like to come home to something different.
Jason still grows up in Crime Alley and tries to steal the Batmobile's tires. Bruce is still sympathetic and takes Jason in. But without Dick, there's no Robin and no mantle to inherit, so Jason becomes Bruce's son and his son only. He goes to school, has his friends and hobbies, and he knows about Batman but Bruce is adamant about keeping him out of danger. He never dies, so that's a plus. Without Dick or Wally as founding members of the Teen Titans, the only times he interacts with Roy are a small handful of corporate trips or galas in Star City. He grows up as an only child, which isn't special in itself. But every time he's greeted with an empty house, he can't help but wonder if things should be different. It's something he can't put to words himself, let alone talk to Bruce or Alfred, so he keeps to himself the pervading feeling that something—somethings—is missing.
Since Batman exists though, so would little Tim's determination to deduce Batman's identity. But as brilliant as he is, it's much more difficult when he can't match the butts Robin's acrobatic moves with the Flying Graysons. He narrows down the possibilities, but there are still a number of people who could fit Batman's profile. And when he finally figures it out... there's nothing else to do. There's no Robin opening for him to blackmail his way into. What I can see him doing is trying to become a new sidekick, but after Bruce turns him down, he just goes and creates his own justice-seeking persona anyway. But there's a different air to it. He doesn't have Robin—a fellow kid—to model himself after. Plus, he's on his own. There is no batfamily or Young Justice. And it's likely his parents would be still alive, so I think that would shape him into a more jaded vigilante—perhaps even an anti-hero. He's got a more different MO, and he's both a valuable ally and formidable opponent. But he still feels like he's not where he should be.
Damian would still be raised by the League of Assassins, but without the Robin precedent, Talia really wouldn't have a reason to send him to Gotham and train with Bruce. I want to be a little optimistic though, so I think instead of growing up to be the League's heir, he starts to see how messed up everything is and makes his getaway, similar to Cass. I headcanon that he crosses paths with Cass and, with their shared background and understanding of each other, they take on the world together. Instead of being assassins or vigilantes, they work together to unlearn their fighting instinct. I see one of two outcomes: their past catches up to them and they have to make a stand, or they're never caught and they open a cat café together instead. I like the latter better. Cass makes the drinks and Damian tends the cats. Despite the tranquility, there's an unspoken agreement between them that what they have isn't the full picture.
Barbara still becomes Batgirl, because that's what Bette was before her, and she works in tandem with Batman and Batwoman. But without Dick, her relationship with the bats is purely business. She still gets shot, becomes disabled, and continues her career as Oracle as well as her relationship with the Birds of Prey. I think eventually, Steph, who starts out as Spoiler as per canon, becomes Babs's mentee as Batgirl, but not Bruce's (again, no Robin). They don't have any connections to Dick or Tim, so instead, they use that time to build a sisterly type of relationship. Rather than dying and then coming back as Spoiler, Steph carries on being Batgirl. But when patrols are done and she hangs up the cowl to work on the latest cases with Babs, she can't help but notice that HQ is too cold and quiet. But she can't explain why.
Harper and Cullen get away from their abusive dad and Harper tries her hand at college before dropping out. Batman still saves them and Harper becomes Bluebird, but because vigilantes aren't as normalized, she's met with more skepticism from her brother. Nonetheless, she pushes on. But it's a lonelier pursuit. There's no one she can call for backup, no one who understands her problems, and the only person to patch her up is an inexperienced Cullen. Without Batman at the center, she turns out a little like Tim—she develops her own moral compass which might not necessarily agree with the other heroes. The victories are bittersweet as every decision is second-guessed, but the silver lining is that the siblings still got each other. Still, sometimes they wish they weren't all that they have.
Duke would never have been part of We Are Robin nor become Bruce's protegé after that. Again, I'm going with the good timeline, so Duke's parents are okay and he grows up normally. He develops his powers, but doesn't get much guidance besides the secondhand information he gleans from reading about other metahumans. He probably wouldn't take to the streets, but instead, uses his powers to trace back evidence and provide the vigilantes help in a behind-the-scenes way. Maybe he incidentally comes across a shard of Nth metal while surveying a crime scene. And since Nth metal allows him to see into other dimensions, that's actually what happens when he takes it home.
But he can't make heads or tails of what he sees. A traffic light uniform, then a blue uniform gracefully flipping from a skyscraper. Teenage heroes gathered with pizza. A crowbar, an explosion, and a red helmet. Cameras and clones and wingsuits. A child getting dropped off by his mother and being mentored by a Batman that looks different from this one. Busier commlinks, Batgirl using sign language, a hero-themed restaurant. Himself, wearing red and green, surrounded by kids he's never seen.
And then it gets weird. All those strangers out of uniform. A kitchen table with a blonde girl and a guy with a white streak arm wrestling for the last slice of pie. A spiky-haired kid switching the salt and sugar, then an older teen putting the wrong one in his coffee. The Waynes' butler feeding two dogs, a cat, a cow, and a turkey. A young woman in a wheelchair trying on new scarves with a blue-haired girl and her brother. A red-headed woman and a woman in a fuzzy cat sweater debating something. The oldest kid and an Asian girl sharing their playlists. And in the middle of it all is Duke himself, sitting in a living room with CEO Bruce Wayne, sipping hot apple cider while making fun of a bad movie.
Then Duke puts the shard down and covers it. He doesn't know what it all means. Should he should go downstairs and tell his parents, or wait to tell one of the vigilantes?
In the end, he does neither. Some missing pieces are better kept secret.
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fastestmanalive333 · 5 months
Rundown on my AU Earth-1987
Heavily based around New Earth.. a continuation in a sense accept for a few changes
-Bart Allen is the big resurrection instead of Barry, Conners resurrection in Legion of 3 Worlds stays intact Bart continues as the flash and gets the title but keeps his impulse and old personality unlike fastest man alive, Wally gives him a made up oath and goes goes to retire to be a dad and raise the twins, Bart is unsure of his New position.. he reconnects with Carol Bucklen..
-Roy Harper continues as Red Arrow Cry of Justice simply does not happen and Lian is still alive, he will even go on to join the Justice League
-The Justice League will be very much led by Dick Grayson the line up will consist of
-Nightwing, Superman, Martian Manhunter, Troia, Red Arrow, Jade, Obsidian, The Atom (Ryan Choi), The Flash (Bart Allen), and a New Green Lantern (Terry Berg) more on him later, Firestorm (Ronnie/Jason), Kendra Saunders(Hawkgirl) and Cyborg(Victor Stone)
-Titans will mostly consist of the YJ characters except Bart the line up will consist of Red Robin, Sentinel (Kon-El) he will now move on from the superboy moniker and become his own hero, Fury(Cassie Sandsmark) will be trained by Lyta Trevor the Fury of the newly reformed Earth Two and the daughter of Wonder Woman and Steve trevor her and Conner will be dating once again, Ravager (Rose Wilson), Red Devil(Eddie Bloomberg), Blue Beetle(Jaime Reyes), Static (Virgil Hawkins), Aquawoman(Lorena Marquez)
-Gar and Raven will join JL Dark along with Zatanna and others
-Batman: Batman will run batman incorporated Duke Thomas will be in this canon and will have met batman during no man's land as opposed to Zero Year, he will be Cass' best friend and will become The Signal, Gothams day protector unlike main continuity he will not be in the Batfamily, he will be his own unique hero, Jason Todd will have his pre crisis origin and hair color.. controversial ik.. but for the sake of preference that will be so, he will be an anti-villain crime boss controlling the drug trade, him and Bruce won't be at odds with each other, he simply does not approve of the path Jay has taken and it saddens him, Jay cares about Bruce too.. but he has chosen this life he will still be with Scarlet, Stephanie Brown will still be Batgirl, Barbara will still act as Oracle, Joker will have the doll maker remove his face and the court of owls will be introduced as Justice League villains instead of batman villains, they will very much be a worldwide illuminati type organization Damian will still act as Robin the bat fam will just be smaller and have Bruce, Dick, Damian, and Steph
-Green Lantern: Hal Jordan will marry Carol and Kyle Rayner will lead the corps, the mythos will be explored more, Terry Berg will be given kyles ring after kyle becomes a white lantern, Terry is Kyle Rayners assistant in Winicks run he will become The fifth earth lantern, kyle and Terry will get more bonding moments.. Kyle and Jade will get back together and marry for real this time, Terry's character will be explored more
-Superman: Kal will lead the Supermen of America a new team, Chris will be living with Clark and Lois again, he will be attending college classes with Thara and will be best friends with Duke Thomas, their dynamic will be like a swapped version of batman and superman.. Chris being the more serious super and Duke being the lighthearted bat, Chris will be able to control shadows and darkness, Duke controls light, him and Thara will be members of the JL Dark, Thara will assume the civillian identity, Claire Connor Lang acting as Karas sister, Kara Zor El/Linda Lang will still be living with lana and be on her last year of high school she will meet and team up with Linda Danvers her predecessor and they will quickly become friends, Conner will still be in Smallville now going to school at Kansas State.. the same college Chris goes too Kon will see him as a brother/Cousin, and they will be a duo in themselves they will all deal with the repercussions of zods war on earth
-The JSA: It will very much feature mostly the children and grandchildren of the jsa.. the remaining founding members will pass on.. except Jay and Carter Jay will act as mayor of NYC quitting the team giving guidance when needed, the JSA Hawkman will continue on with the JSA
Flash: Bart Allen will now be the main flash.. he will not be so sure he can do it again.. he failed.. he died.. and failed.. he will reconnect with his old friends in Manchester now all adults, him and Carol's relationship will spark, now working for Star Labs, Bart will get a job as a reporter at Picture News with Iris and we will see their relationship more Rival will return still possessing Max's body he will be the first big bad and it will give Bart and Max the closure they deserve, him and Bart will speak in the speed force where he will call him son before passing on, we will establish his rogues, the old rogues will still be on, barts old villains will hoin in too including White Lightning, Irey will become Barts Kid Flash
Wonder Woman: Diana will be working for the government and working to rebuild themysciras connection to earth, the amazons tactics have changed no visitors are welcome, Cassie will unleash her Olympian abilities more, she will cross over to earth two and meet Hippolyta Trevor the Daughter of Earth Two Wonder Woman, she will take on the name Fury, while Donna has uncovered a prophecy.. depicting the rise of an old God long defeated known as Typhon the Enemy of the Gods
Green Arrow: Ollie will still be married to Dinah, Robert Queen II will join the arrow family, Roy will gain a bigger role, Olivia Queen will be born
Aquaman: Arthur will retire with Mera, Garth will now be the king of atlantis, but he will not be the Aquaman.. Koryak will be the new Aquaman, a more brutal aquaman, although meaning well, it will feel like a tale of two brothers, Garth and Koryak will constantly butt heads.. Dolphin and Cerdian will be revealed to have not died but survived the destruction of atlantis in infinite crisis having been taken by atlan, Cerdian will have aged to 10 having been in the pocket dimension with atlan so long... the family will be reunited at last.. Cerdian will become Aqualad
Captain Marvel: Billy and Mary go on a quest to get their powers back which they do successfully, Freddy and Kit Freeman reunite the long lost freeman Brothers together at last they go on a journey through hell together
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 3 months
The Spider of Gotham
by butteredfloorboard Peter park finds himself in Gotham city and meets none other than his favourite comic book anti-hero, Red Hood. Peter decides to stick with him whether Jason likes it or not. Peter knows his best way to survive Gotham is Jason so why would he leave? It totally doesn’t have anything to do with the fact the fictional red hood from his original universe was his bisexual awakening, nooo nothing to do with that. Jason Todd is back in Gotham under the alias Red Hood, he has plans to kill the joker and make Batman pay for not giving a shit about him. Well that was the plan until a spider themed vigilante almost makes him go pit man, Then decides to out stay his welcome, but Jason realizes that maybe this guys isn’t all that bad. This fic contains: Batfamily antic, Damian being Damian, an awkward Peter, funny interactions between Peter and the bats, and much much more. Words: 1063, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: DCU, DCU (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Peter Parker, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Wally West, Kon-El | Conner Kent Relationships: Dick Grayson/Wally West, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Peter Parker & Jason Todd, Peter Parker & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Damian Wayne, Tim Drake & Peter Parker, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Batfamily Members & Jason Todd, Batfamily Members & Peter Parker, Peter Parker/Jason Todd Additional Tags: Tim Drake & Peter Parker Friendship, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Tim Drake is Red Robin, Tim drake is awesome, Peter Parker is a Little Shit, Bisexual Peter Parker, Bisexual Jason Todd, Peter Parker is Spider-Man, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, My First Fanfic, Other Additional Tags to Be Added via https://ift.tt/9shy2Hi
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zeroducks-2 · 6 months
I've just finished Gotham Knights and I get that people aren't happy with the fucked ass haircuts but like, I do believe this is the most progressive and well written Jason Todd we've ever gotten in recent times. Even in recent comics. Like damn, bro goes to therapy, picked up his interests and hobbies again (e.g. the cooking and the reading and the shit talking) from his "Robin makes me Magic" days. Like yeah, he's still edgy, but he was murdered by a fucking Clown, he's allowed to be edgy. We got a Jason Todd that isn't diluted to "the angry black sheep character" archetype. He's healing, working on himself, his relationship with his family, and he's fighting his way (brutal and all strength and tact) to do what he stands for and what he believes is right. And his heart is just so big and full of compassion, but it doesnt blind him and make him wishful or naive. He's so well balanced in Gotham Knights. I hope this version of his character is written in future comics. I'm sick of DC writers making him this angry anti-hero who's only reasoning and purpose in life is to get back at Batman for failing him and so many others. Jason is allowed to be more than his trauma. Thank you Gotham Knights for seeing that.
I'm glad you enjoyed the game anon. I personally am not a fan, not because of Jason but because of the game itself. The dialogues felt stale, more reminiscent of tumblr "incorrect Batfam quotes" than the source material, and the NPCs felt dull compared to how full of life they were in the Arkham series (so much so I would hide in random spots just to hear them talking about the current game events, especially in AK). The most unforgivable bit to me was Tim not having ever fought the rogues because he's "young" - I've never seen anything more insulting and infantilizing for a character which already heavily suffers for being treated as the useless one, never allowed to participate in the game changing dynamics or to have meaningful arcs, and is relegated to being the cute little bisexual twink.
That being said it's a matter of taste, and Gotham Knights is surely a good game for those who prefer a wholesome loving family approach to these characters. Jason working on himself and going to therapy and having a good relationship with his "family" is surely what lots of people (especially in here) want to see. Me, I don't think any amount of therapy would help since therapy is based on shared human experiences and repetition of patterns, and Jason died and dug himself out of his own grave. That's not a trauma any therapist would have the means to help with. They indeed "diluted" the event in the game, changed the fact that Jason dug himself out of his own grave and was functionally braindead and homeless for two years, and made it so UTRH never happened in order for therapy to make any sense, because there is no reconciliation possible with a parent that slit your neck to save the person who broke all your bones with a crowbar and then murdered you.
It's kinda like when Wally went to therapy (canonically) after Barry's death. The therapist was a good one and he tried! But ultimately he didn't manage to make a real difference because Wally is the Flash, a super-powered creature with time bending powers who does things on the scale of absurdity, and who also happens to have had an extremely traumatic childhood and to have just lost the only person who ever loved him unconditionally. His problems have roots in reality but are out of the scope of any therapy method currently known to man.
And Jason is more than his trauma, but pretending his trauma doesn't inform his actions and can be solved with him "working on himself" is not an approach I hope they take in comics. I'd rather they went back to Jason doing things his way and protecting the people of Gotham in the only manner he finds helpful, because he experienced on his own skin (twice!) that Batman's methods don't work. I'd rather they allowed him to stop clashing with Bruce as main theme of his stories, and have his own plotlines in which he's in between a vigilante and a mafia lord (which they were doing with Dick by the way, before chickening out and have Slade bomb Bludhaven) with Bruce only as a cameo sometimes.
We have a high number of morally irrepressible characters who always do the right thing more or less. I'd like Jason to be something different, something darker, because there is a dramatic lack of grey characters and anti-heroes which were sanded down to either 100% bad guys or 100% good guys. I hate that, why can't we have nuanced choices and people struggling with the darkness they carry, why does everyone need to be a perfect "unproblematic" paragon of goodness who would never do anything wrong. We have A LOT of characters like that and I love them, I really do! But if everyone and their families are like that then it's really frickin boring!
Plus, I'd like the characters to actually struggle with their past traumas in a meaningful way, otherwise why even giving them those traumas to begin with. Give me Tim still grappling with how he couldn't save his father, give me Dick haunted by all the times he slipped and let go of the no killing rule in a way or another, give me Jason haunted by the tragedy of being abandoned by every person who was supposed to protect him and working from there to being the protector of everyone else.
That's what I hope DC would pick up and write about. I was never much for fluff and wholesome things unless it's in small amounts, I always preferred strife and complexity. But hey, I'm glad you enjoyed the game, at least one of us did!
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