inkpotsprite · 2 days
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Ra's (talking about Tim): he is a master strategist, always ten steps ahead, poised, calculating and collected–
Tim: *feral racoon mode activated*
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dragonpyre · 18 hours
Young Justice au where post canon, Ra's decides to finally just dump Jason in the pit for whatever reason and now he has a screaming teen/adult on his hands that he kind of didn't prepare himself to deal with it
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zeynyukine3011 · 3 days
Scrolling in the Ra's al Ghul tag is a jumpscare that you were expecting but still got jumpscared.
The amount of Tim related things I see.... I want to see just Ra's, Talia, Damian,Bruce and other Al Ghul members. I'm so sick of seeing "Ra's al Ghul cherishes Tim's spleen 🤗 and he wants Tim's babies 🤪 Tim knows everything about Ra's al Ghul and the League of Assassins 🥴"
Can Tim stans leave Ra's alone??? Let the man be the family guy he is. Let him love and care his daughter, son and grandson. Let him care for animals, plants, the whole planet! Stop making everything related to Ra's about Tim. Stop making him a creepy pedo.
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June of Doom Day One - "Help Me."
Characters: Bruce Wayne/Batman, Clark Kent/Superman, Alfred Pennyworth, Ra's Al-Ghul (mentioned), Tim Drake/Red Robin, Damian Wayne/Robin, Stephanie Brown/Spoiler, Dick Grayson/Nightwing
Summary: Bruce has always been stubborn, much to the dismay of those around him. It's only when he has no other option that he actually decides to ask for assistance.
Word count: 1603
Tags: Light angst, light gore, injuries, depictions/recountance of injuries and violence, medicine/medical terminology.
Author's Note: In comparison to other angst fics I've written, this one is incredibly tame. Call it the calm before the storm for this challenge lol. Enjoy! As always, feel free to like, comment, and reblog. It helps me out a bunch.
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The Dark Knight is revered across the world as being untouchable. Unbeatable. The stuff of legend that you tell your kids about so they will behave. “You better be good, or the Batman will come and get you in the night!” It works a treat. There are some people in the world who don’t even think He exists. They believe it’s clever CGI or paid trauma actors or a talented cosplayer (as to what they’re cosplaying is up for debate, for obvious reasons). Like on of those fake movies where people on social media work together in their thousands to gaslight people into thinking they exist when they don’t. It’s not true, of course. Batman is as human as any other person on Earth (except for the large variety of aliens that also call Earth home, but that’s another thing to ignore). He is human. He has skin and lungs and teeth and a tongue; and with such things comes vulnerability. The Dark Knight is not untouchable, and he certainly isn’t unbeatable. 
Especially considering the state he is currently in. 
It is well-known throughout the hero community that Ra’s Al-Ghul is not a man to be messed with. Whenever his name pops up on mission briefs it is always given to the more capable heroes in the Watchtower. Usually the Big Three: Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman, and today was no different. When the small-time hero of somewhere unimportant came shuffling over to his office to timidly poke his head through the door, Batman was surprisingly quite understanding. 
“That must have been a formatting error. I’ll handle it, don’t worry. Ra’s Al-Ghul isn’t a villain for the regular hero. Thank you for bringing this to me, Jerry.” 
How on earth he knew the man’s name was between him and the gods. He scampered off and out of Batman’s office before he got the chance to ask, his own fear getting the best of him. How heroic. 
Now, while Bruce is clutching his side and using his cape as an impromptu bandage across his torso, he wishes that Clark and Diana were not on their respective breaks. 
“The kids are on school break. I’m going to take them to visit Ma and Pa for the weekend. Shout if you need me, Bruce.” 
“My sisters in Themyscira have requested my presence for a ceremony of some kind. It is apparently important, so I will be back in about a week.” 
He can’t blame them, of course. Superhero work is tough, and everyone is in need of a break now and again. Jon and Kon are important to Clark, as are his own children to Bruce, so he understands. And the surprise birthday party for Diana has been in the works for months. Being the only naturally born Themysciran, it is a ceremony worth celebrating for the Amazons, so Bruce can’t fault them either. He just wishes their departures could have been spaced out a little more so he wouldn’t have to deal with Ra’s alone. 
Now, in the middle of god-knows-where in some North African country, he is alone. Crippled by some sort of Lazarus Pit magic that was blasted across his thigh and various sword-related wounds dotted around his torso and legs. He’s been in worse situations, but he’s also certainly been in better as well. With Alfred piloting the Batwing from the safety of the Batcave, he’s got about four hours until it arrives, and he can be brought back to his own domain. Back to safety. He hesitates at the idea of calling for help from Clark. The man has his own priorities, and it’s been an incessantly long time since he’s had time alone with his family without the stress of hero work. 
However, some priorities overrule others. 
“Clark, help me,” he whispers, voice cracking and hoarse after hours of fighting and sustaining injuries. As he treks away from the arena where Ra’s and Bruce fought (some secluded spot in the middle of a dessert - Bruce would personally guess Ethiopia due to the landmarks surrounding him, but he has been wrong before and wouldn’t be surprised if he was at this moment as well) and with the fact that Ra’s has been defeated in mind and handed into the local authority, he pushes forward. Every step through sand dunes feels as if he’s walking through treacle, and he can’t help but struggle with his own body as he reaches the crest of a particularly large mountain of sand. In the distance, the sparkling lights of a large city twinkle at him with the promise of assistance, but he highly doubts he’ll get there before he collapses to dehydration or his injuries. He’s already exhausted the little water he had in his utility belt and the bandages in it have already been used to patch up wounds of the highest severity. The strange green magic that Ra’s used on him made the material of his trousers stick to his left leg painfully, so he had to cut the cotton-Kevlar material off.  
So, there he is: trudging in the middle of some desert in the middle of nowhere in the dead of night - dehydrated, injured, and miserable with his incoming support not available for another several hours and half of his costume in disrepair. He can’t help feeling a little irritable towards his comrades for this, even if he is completely aware that it isn’t their fault. He was the one who deemed it too dangerous for his children to come with him to combat the Demon’s Head and made the incredibly intelligent decision to go alone. Even Alfred had urged him to go with one of his more mature children, but his fear of losing them after what happened to Jason put the rational part of his brain on autopilot in favour of the worried parent in him to disagree with every alternative. He can just hope that either his family or Clark finds him before it’s too late. 
That’s the last thought he has before he collapses, face first, into the sand. 
He’s in and out of consciousness for a long time. When he’s got half a mind to take in his surroundings, Bruce notices that he is travelling. Rapidly. When he blinks, he’s in a vehicle, then lying down on something, then surrounded by darkness. He hears voices too, but they’re often mixed and warped together until he can’t discern whose is whose. Eventually, the soft timbre of Alfred reaches him, followed by the worried voice of his eldest son. It’s then when he realises he’s back in the Batcave and safe, so he closes his eyes again and stays like that for a while; not particularly in the mood for waking up. 
When he properly regains consciousness, he’s met with a pounding headache and a sharp ache overwhelming his legs and chest. Bruce opens his eyes and is immediately blinded by the bright LED of a medical light glaring down on him. He squints into it and brings his arm up to cover his eyes with a groan, and the room, which he didn’t realise was occupied by others, suddenly went silent.  
“Bruce? You’re awake!” That was the voice of his third son. 
“It was about time, Father. How was Grandfather?” That was his youngest. 
“Stop pestering him! Let him get his bearings before you overwhelm him with questions.” His eldest daughter. 
“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t overwhelm me with questions at all. At least, not yet,” Bruce grumbles, attempting to sit up without triggering a massive headache and failing miserably. He slumps back on the hospital cot, closing his eyes. He feels a cool and damp fabric being placed on his forehead, realising that Alfred is busy doing his medical ministrations as he always does. 
“You gave us quite the scare, Master Bruce. I hope this acts as a lesson to not fight the League of Assassins without correct backup,” the butler states. Bruce sighs, the act causing pain to shoot through his ribcage. Ah, so he broke them.  
“I won, didn’t I?” he states, attempting humour. The joke falls flat in the now silent room and the man represses the urge to sigh a second time. 
“We all know that’s not the point here, Bruce.” His eldest son, Dick, steps forward and stands next to the cot where his father lies. “You gave Clark quite the scare.” 
That’s what gets Bruce to open his eyes. 
“He’s here?” 
“He’s upstairs in the Manor. He wanted to give you space.” 
He can’t suppress the sigh this time and it turns into a wince. 
“Damn it. Can you bring him down here? I want to apologise for keeping him from his family.” 
“Visiting hours are closed for a few hours,” Alfred states bluntly and shoots a poignant glare behind him at the several others in the room. They all look away, shuffling around awkwardly. “Unfortunately, your stubbornness is apparently hereditary.” He turns to face them all. “Children, Master Bruce is awake. You can come back later when he���s in a better state of mind and body.” As if on cue, Bruce groans in pain after a failed attempt to move his legs into a more comfortable position. 
“Right- yeah. Sorry, Alf. We’ll go.” Dick begins to turn away but stops himself halfway to the door. Once the others have left, he gives a meaningful look to his father.  
“Stop thinking you have to do everything alone, Bruce. You have friends. Act like it.” 
With that, he leaves, leaving the Dark Knight in the care of his butler and his own thoughts.
Will be posted on Ao3 later on :)
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thealexanderfiles · 1 month
Jason, to himself: If I can catch Tim off guard when he comes back from patrol he'll confess about breaking my favourite Wonder Woman's mug
Jason, as Tim wanders in: Got anything to confess??
Tim, very very high off Gotham Harbor fumes: Ra's pickled my spleen.
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vodrae · 4 months
AU where Jason, Cass and Damian meet in the League and cause so much chaos that a burnt out Ra's just dropped them with a note
"Two of them are yours the third one is free"
And Bruce rolls with it
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arrowheadedbitch · 7 months
Concept: Ra's al ghul and Tim see eachother but tim wants nothing to do with Ra's so he just ignores him, won't even fight him, until Ra's starts talking shit about his grandson and Tim almost kills that old ass whore.
Ra's: Hello, Detective
Tim: Immediately turns around and leaves
Ra's: Oh, come on!
Tim: Nope.
Ra's: But you would be such a better heir than my stupid grandson!
Tim, stops walking:
Tim: What the fuck did you just say
And then he kills him.
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Just a little idea
What if when Tim went off to look for Batman when he was lost in time he bumped into Phantom.
They made a Deal
Phantom knowing CW helped him find Bruce and how to get him back safely, Phantom in return for reasons (hurt badly & recovering, or evolving in power) needed someone very ecto-contaminated (Ra's fault) like Tim, to be contained in.
From a magic user point of view, knowing very little of the GZ and how they work, Tim made a very powerful Deal with a powerful death being (High Ghost King Phantom: Hello!) and is now somehow pregnant (not really but they don't know that)
Danny while inside Tim inside his core can still hear the world outside normally and can share his emotions with Tim to communicate. Which looks a lot like Tim is speaking to his belly just like expecting parents do.
This could be angst or crack
my personal favourite, different genres for different pov's
Tim's would be happy, just regular getting his life back together being a total BAMF, coming of age type of vibe
The rest of the Batfam and other heroes pov would be angst, paranormal, psychological horror.
Misunderstandings galore
Dick regretting heavily his decisions which caused Tim to run away because he did not believe him and he has many Regrets.
Bruce feeling guilty that Tim felt the need to make such a decision as to make a Deal and end up pregnant just to bring him back.
Meanwhile the magic users have told the other heroes about Tim's situation and now think that he's going to give birth to the child of a very powerful death being and if something happens to Tim to risk the baby it would cause all of their worlds destruction.
so pretty much-
Tim-Girl Boss, Gatekeep, Gaslight
Batfam- Much Angst
Others- *panicked chicken noises*
Just an Idea
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Dick: so you're Damian's other cousin, Mara's older brother, right?
Danny Fenton: yup, that's me.
Tim: not to be rude or anything but how come Damian's the heir and you're not? You're like a whole five years older than him.
Danny: kinda the same reason my father, Dasun, isn't the heir. I was born with a defect.
Dick: may we ask what defect?
Danny: oh I'm trans, grandfather immediately accepted that I'm a guy now, but he called it a defect that I was born in the wrong body so I'm not the heir.
Jason: that is oddly supportive of him, but still awful of him to say that you're defective of it.
Danny: yeah Grandfather is weird like that, he once said that me being in one of friends' band was foolish but still showed up to one of our bigger concerts.
Dick: why is he a more supportive grandfather to you than he ever was to your sister and Damian?
Danny: oh that's because when Aunt Taila was pregnant with Damian I decided I didn't want to be an assassin and because I'm the child of his least favorite kid I was allowed to go as long as I sent letters every now and then to show that I'm still alive.
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Wayne and Al Ghul family interaction that DC **thinks** I want: fight until the dead; something something bullshit; something something evil arab propaganda
Wayne and Al Ghul family interaction I **really** want:
Damian decided to sell some of his paintings to help the orphanage in Gotham, Tim and Barbara voluntarily themselves to help him organize the event and all the other siblings went together into the process.
Now, on the big night, Bruce is ready to buy everything! Damian was never open about his paint and finally Bruce was an excuse to put it in the manor wall.
The problem? Damian also invited his mother, Talia, personally and sent an invitation to Ra's. And now those three "functional" adults are fighting to buy the boy art.
Tim: We should evacuate the place, these three together in the same room is not a good idea
Dick: I bet at the end of the night Bruce and Ra's will take off their shirts and start a sword fight, they do this every time they see each other
Jason: 20 bucks that they did this on the roof
the orphanage raised enough funds that night and Talia was able to buy most of Damian's paintings. "As your mother, I support you in your artistic field"
Also Duke won the bet because they fought in the parking lot
bonus: Selina and Damian
Selina: this one is what I found most beautiful
Damian: I appreciate the compliment, I just ask you to wait for my father to buy it, so the money goes to the orphanage and you are free to steal his painting later
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thelibrarian1895 · 1 month
What to do when you leave the League of Assassins?
You go to Red Robin.
So let's say that Ra's lost a significant portion of his organization not just because Tim blew up his bases, but also because quite a few of those survivors decided to defect and follow Tim instead.
Tim is initially unsure about what to do with several hundred escapees from a cult but eventually figures things out.
His first step? He sends his ninja to be recruited by Jason.
Does Jason know that a significant portion of his goons are defects from the LOA? No, not for sure. He's absolutely suspicious but he cannot confirm.
Does Jason know that Tim sent the ninja? Not at all. He suspects they're from Talia and the ninja do nothing to disabuse him of that belief. Their loyalty is towards Tim after all.
Does Jason send them away? No, he's not about to let a bunch of sketchy ninja run loose in Gotham. Plus, the more skilled help he has, the more of a pain in the side he can be towards the Black Mask and the more territory he can hold.
Is Tim going to tell Jason? No, no he is not.
Tim, in the meantime, is busy making them new IDs since all of them are undocumented, ensuring they have regular paychecks on top of what Jason pays them, PTO, and health insurance. The PTO earns Tim their undying loyalty. He also recommends that they look into more sedate hobbies when they have the time and continue or begin their schooling. A significant number of them take up knitting and crocheting.
As a result, Tim knows what's going on in Jason's organization at any given time. The ninja are getting appropriate exercise and being acclimated to a relatively normal life. And when they're ready for something slower than Jason's reinvention of the mafia/mob, Tim is ready to help them on their next stage in reclaiming their life.
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frankencanon · 1 month
AU where the real reason Ra's al Ghul has lived so long is because he's a Vampire and they were just lying about the Lazarus Pits this whole time
Ra's is a Vampire, Talia's a Vampire, Damian's a Vampire — Talia never actually dunked Jason in the Pit, she bit him.
They're all lying liars who lie and the League of Assassins is full of their thralls
Why lie? Because everyone knows about Vampires and their weakenesses and this way no one will ever think to to use silver or wooden stakes against any of the al Ghuls
Also, please consider: Jason and Damian trying to hide the fact that they're Vampires from the Bats (and being really bad at it)
Or, worse: Damian not bothering to hide it because he thinks "Batman" is a Vampire, too (and accidentally causing a hilarious amount of misunderstandings in the process)
Angstier alternative is the Bats unknowingly starving Damian who thinks they know when they most certainly don't, only for fellow Vamp Jason to eventually come to his rescue
Damian: Father, I am bloodthirsty
Bruce, weary: Yes, I know Damian
Damian: Father, I yearn for blood
Bruce (oblivious): No blood, Damian
Damian: *hisses*
Damian: Why do you forsake me, Father?
Bruce: *sighs*
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rayghosts · 1 year
underrated comedy that i dont think english only speakers get is when dc comics gives one of their characters a name in a foreign language that sounds cool when spoken in full (ra's al ghul = head of the demon) but then they treat it like it's the character's legal full name (first name ra's last name al ghul) and you end up with batman villains with the legal first name Head. like, oooh it's my feared enemy, fucking Cranium
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incorrectbatfam · 8 months
[after Jason returns from the League of Assassins]
Damian: Did you lose your job because of me?
Jason: Nah, the manager’s a vampire and he wanted me to join his legion of the undead.
Damian, quietly: I knew it.
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satoshy12 · 19 days
Jazz looked at the tiny child swinging his katana at her. Oh! She found a playmate for Ellie! Damian wasn't sure how to feel about it. First he attacked that woman, then she just kidnapped him to play with her sister. He looked at his grandfather, who had a talk with the brother of the woman who just took him. Ra's:" How are you doing, child?" Danny:" Pretty well, old men. Mom is asking if you plan to visit. She and Dad missed you." Ra's:" Tell them I will visit next week. I saw Jasmine taking Damian." Danny:" Yeah, I think he would be a nice playmate for Ellie." Ra nodded his head. " I pick him up next week then; don't let him become addicted to Fudge." Danny:" Yeah, I know." 
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onlycleverinmyhead · 4 months
In a world where Ra's al ghul is a better grandfather, Damian visits his bases sometimes. And one day he posts a video of him hanging out in the pool.
Dami: hello followers, Grayson suggested to me I'd post about details from my personal life that do not partain to my pets, I am now relaxing in my grandfathers' pool as part of our 'bonding time' grandfather, say hello
*The camera moves to show Ra's lounging on a pool chair in swimtrunks*
Ra's: to who?
Damian, from off camera:my followers
Ra's: already ammassing a base of followers? I am impressed, grandson.
The internet goes NUTS
Ra's deep voice, his standoffish attitude, his salt and pepper hair, his physique
They immidiately brand him a GILF
The batkids make it their mission to not let Damian know (while still making fun of him ofc)
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