#justice for the batkids
mostlikelyshutup · 4 months
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these came to me in a dream
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bats-and-the-birds · 5 months
Batman being aggressively secretive towards the Justice League is one of my favorite tropes, but it gets INFINITELY funnier when you take the younger generations of heroes into consideration.
Barry Allen? He doesn't know shit about Batman, still partially convinced he's not human, still a little bit scared to talk to him. But Wally West? That's Nightwing's best friend. He's been around Dick since both of them were kids. He's had sleepovers at the manor since he was thirteen.
I just think it would be hilarious if all of the younger generations 100% know that Batman is Bruce Wayne. They've slept at the manor, some of them have taken various Batkids to school dances, they've been offered Alfred's cooking. And all because they've gotten close to at least one Batkid and said Batkid wore Bruce down until he let them reveal their identity. But all of them manage to keep this information from their mentors. Either purposefully or completely on accident.
Then you end up with a situation where the younger generations grow up and join the League and the older members Very Quickly realize that they seem a lot more comfortable with Batman than they should be.
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therandomfandomme · 9 months
why do i imagine the batfam finally meeting the league and then one of them going 'how the fuck do you have so many kids?' and little shit Jason goes 'well, when two people love each other very much...' and because Bruce doesn't wanna listen to this, he tiredly reminds Jason: 'you're adopted' which naturally means that Jason is going to dramatically pretend that this is the first time he's heard that and how could Bruce keep this from him, much to the horror of the league and the exasperation of Bruce
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psychokatrixxxy · 4 months
Love when the Justice League thinks Batman is a cryptid. This believe is only further enhanced by the face his sidekick, Robin, is clearly a shapeshifter, what with changing their height, hair style, skin tone, and even gender.
Batman clearly thinks that by having Robin look different every couple of years, it will show that they aren't cryptids like it would if Robin didn't age.
But the Justice League is too smart for that. They figured it out! But they are good friends (colleagues) and won't spill Batman's secret, but they will drop hints to him that they know, to show that they are smarter than he gives them credit for (they aren't.)
When the batkids learn that the league thinks this, they start periodically going to the Watchtower with Bruce, taking turns dressed up as Robin.
The League is surprised as Robin seems to prefer taking the form of a child, perhaps to have villains underestimate them? But they just assume Robin is trying out something new.
The batkids definitely tell eachother about what was said/happened as to further sell the act of Robin being a shapeshifter, because clearly it has to be the same person, Robin knows what happened, so it couldn't of been someone else dressed as Robin.
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ravenlilyrose · 26 days
Yet another JL learns about Batfam post
Featuring: everybody loves Nightwing
So, Nightwing isn’t technically a member of the JL, but everyone knows him and adores him. Even Batman seems to tolerate him fine.
They’re on a mission. Let’s say alien invasion. Or killer robots. Something large scale and dramatic.
Everyone’s fighting in the same general vicinity. Nightwing and Batman just happen (read: either very carefully planned, unconscious habit, or a combination of the two) to be fairly close together.
Suddenly, an explosion happens. Everyone is knocked down. Including the aliens/robots. Conveniently, they stop being an issue now, so we can focus on The Reveal.
Anyway, everyone knocked down. They start to get up and look around, checking to see that everyone is fine. And it looks like everyone is well and accounted for, except…
Where’s Nightwing? They all start to panic (except Batman). Is Nightwing okay? Where did he go? Is he hurt?
And then Nightwing ducks out from under Batman’s cape, with a grin on his face, sunny and cheerful as ever.
“Well it looks like that instinct is fully intact. Explosion? Duck under the cape.”
He laughs at himself and Batman’s face twitches in what his family would read as a smile and most of the JL thinks they’re hallucinating.
“Do you two know each other?” They want to ask. And it’s been long enough that it would probably be awkward to ask. But they’re confused/curious enough that they might ask anyway.
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yjcorefourenjoyer · 8 months
AU that the batkids are all serious and bat-like ONLY WHEN BATMAN ISN’T AROUND
Like when they’re on their own team/out of Gotham? Most respected, calm and serious person there. They have a plan and it will work. “Oh yeah I memorized all the exits and people here the second I entered, you didn’t?” That’s them.
But in Gotham w/ Batman? Pranks galore and singing on patrol, they forget to sleep and forget to eat. When Batman tells them their gonna have a longer patrol they all sigh and complain while trying to give other siblings their work in exchange for doing that sibling’s chore.
But nobody knows that they act like that!! Batman would say something like
“Gosh my kids blew something up I have to go,”
and Batman would respond
“Oh yeah you know them, always doing something their not supposed to”
JL: “NO?!”
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incorrectbatfam · 4 months
When Tim hid the secret Batmobile in the batarang budget, I like to think he wrote an itemized list of every. Single. Batarang. So Bruce would skip over it and just give him the money
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firerose18991 · 11 months
Literally anyone meeting bruce and his family for the first time: So how did you get so many kids by 30?
Jason: *shouting over him* HE LEFT MY MOTHER AT THE ALTAR
*tim is sitting, just happy to be included*
Bruce: BE-quiet.  They're ADOPTED!
Jason: *not a beat missed* Because he’s never known the touch of a woman.
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fanaticalthings · 4 months
Jason Todd fans come get your daily dose of scrunkly Jason (ft. Damian)
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+ Jason being a protective older brother
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and them fighting (because obviously)
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he's just a little guy here
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look at them!! brothers!!
From The Boy Wonder #2 By Juni Ba
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ryemiffie · 4 months
I love imagining the scenario where one of Bruce's kids is getting married but no one knows Bruce's identity and it creates shenanigans. Like for example, Dick is marrying Starfire and she doesn't know Bruce's identity.
And they of course want Bruce at the wedding since he's Dick's dad, but they also want a hero as security due to the nature of the wedding, not only as a wedding between two heroes but also a Wayne wedding (not to mention holding a wedding like that in gotham is never easy) which is a pretty big deal in both respects and garners a lot of attention to be the perfect opportunity for a villian attack. So Starfire and Dick decide to request a justice league member there as security. Some heroes are eliminated due to them already being meant to attend as guests who are meant to be able to enjoy the wedding and some already have missions that need their attention, like Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and the Martian Manhunter are busy off-world, Shazam and HawkGirl are busy with a villian who's been on the run, and Superman is supposed to be doing press for the wedding as Clark, so they decide to give the task to Batman seeing as he's more than qualified and is already accustomed to the area (gotham), he can't figure out a way to decline the mission without risking his identity being leaked since he really has no reason to not be able to do it, except of course saying he has civilian business, on the day of the wedding, at the exact time of the wedding.. yeah hell no, Batman is way to paranoid to say something like that! So he agrees to do security as Batman for the wedding while also agreeing to attend the wedding as Bruce, ya' know, so people don't suspect anything about his identity due to the situation.
And before you ask yes Dick has realised the situation but no he is not helping Bruce out of it because its fucking funny to him, and none of the other batkids agree to where the suit for the day since they're also guests and they also find the situation funny as hell. So cue Bruce trying to constantly switch between making appearances as Bruce and doing security as Batman, like the classic sitcom episode where the person has to constantly switch between one date to the next, but it's Batman just trying to enjoy his kid's wedding.
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dio-niisio · 6 months
I love the idea that Batman has a Dad Instinct™. Like he just knows when one of his kids is in trouble! Whatever it is, it can be because of a villain or because they are causing mischief he just knows!
It can obviously be infuriating for the batkids, like he's in the middle of an important meeting with the Justice League and suddenly he just stops talking and goes in his personal comms and starts to bicker with Nightwing saying "No, you can't go bust that cartel alone. I don't care that you and Jason are fighting you are going to take him with you-" and you can hear a distinct "But daaaad!!" from Nightwing.
Or he just says "Don't you dare." when one of his kids is in the Watchtower with him and starts looking at Flash with mischievous eyes.
Or even better he starts to treat some of League members just like he treats his kids! Like "Don't touch that." when Green Lenten takes a step too close to one of the buttons near the windows (he was going to open the windows when the sun is directly hitting on said windows, probably temporarily blinding some people). Or "57 boxes of Oreos is too much even for you, my friend." when Martian Manhunter looks at the kitchen again (he eats too much of the stuff and is starting to become a problem).
Or when he looks at our baby Billy Batson and he has a feeling that he needs to take care of him but that's Marvel! And he's clearly a grown man! Right? (It doesn't help that he just can't find anything on him)
He cares too much for his on good
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theaceofarrows · 24 days
The Justice League meeting Jason for the first time
Robin Jason: Come on, you egg sucking piece of gutter trash! You like pushing people around who are smaller than you? Well, I'm smaller. Try pushing me!
Lex Luthor: What did you just call me?! Egg sucking-
Robin Jason: [launches all 4ft of his feral self at Lex]
Superman: Uhh, should we help him?
Batman: [shakes his head]
[Jason running circles around Lex while mocking him]
Wonder Woman: Are you certain we shouldn't assist him?
Nightwing: Nah, don't worry he's fine. He just has a case of crime fighting zoomies to work out
[Jason, knocks Lex down after throwing as many smokebombs and batarangs as he can]
Jason: Learn your place you Mr. Clean looking B-lister lump of trash!
Everyone other than Batman and Nightwing: ...
Green Lantern: I really like this little dude! Let's keep him!
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dc-and-damirae · 1 year
random hero: aren't you embarrassed about being related to the villain red hood?
Dick: honestly, I'm more embarrassed about being related to Tim
*Tim walks in covered in glitter and offers no explanation*
Jason watching on the monitors at his safe house: lol
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gothamundernightlight · 2 months
Incorrect Batfam Quotes
Bruce: Tim, do you want to explain what happened today?
Tim: I picked Damian up from school.
Bruce: And you gave a statement to the press?
Tim: No, a reporter just questioned me as I was leaving.
Bruce: And you said, quote “He’s my brother, I’m not stealing him.”
Bruce: And you followed it up with “If I was going to take one, it wouldn’t be this a**hole.”
Tim: I believe I did say that, yes.
Bruce: …I’m never asking you to do school pickup again.
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I think Duke Thomas should get to give off eldritch horror vibes to all JL-associated magic users. As a treat.
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beauxjangles · 3 months
why is batman in a parasocial relationship with the entire justice league except he doesnt know it. with the entirety of arkham asylum too. the batkids can't take him anywhere lest he start forming parasocial relationships
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