#there is a tim drake one i can't remember the name of but if I find it I will add it
incorrectbatfam · 7 months
How do you think the Batkids would react to Bruce pulling the classic 'calls every name before the kid he meant to yell at/for?'
Bruce: Cass?
Duke: *keeps using his phone*
Bruce: *waves his hand in front*
Bruce: Cass, I told you to pick up your laundry an hour ago.
Duke, confused: ???
Steph: Here's the Croc file.
Bruce: Thanks, Carrie.
Steph: Still not my name but better than Jason.
Bruce: Tim, your classmate is calling.
Damian: *scoffs*
Damian, going downstairs: *scoffs*
Damian, taking the phone: *scoffs*
Damian, venting: And then he called me by Drake's name! I have never felt more hurt and insulted by a family member in my life.
Steph: There, there. It's gonna be alright.
Duke: We're here for you. You're not alone and we'll get through this together.
Bruce: Barbara, can you put this away please?
Bruce: *hands Cass a batarang*
Cass: ...
Bruce: I emailed you the witness report.
Barbara: No you didn't.
Bruce: Yes, I did. Try refreshing your page.
Barbara: I don't see anything.
Bruce: Check your spambox.
Barbara: Still nothing.
Bruce: Damnit, we must have been intercepted by the Court of Owls. I had my suspicions they were tracking me this past month but now there's proof.
Harper: *clears her throat and holds up her phone*
Barbara: *glares at Bruce*
Bruce: Thanks for collecting the evidence, Damian.
Harper: Okay, you're not even remotely close.
Bruce: Don't forget to take the meat out the freezer, Steph.
Jason: That's it! I'm becoming a villain and it's all gonna be your fault!
Bruce: Huh?
Jason: You clearly can't even be bothered to remember me after I died! It's like the Big Bad Bat has better things to think of instead of all the friggin' kids he keeps adopting. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna do many crimes and then watch Titanic while eating a jar of pickles.
Jason: *storms out the room*
Jason: And scene.
Bruce: Duke?
Cullen, the only one in the room: *sighs*
Bruce: Dick, I need you to stay back at the harbor and look out for any stragglers.
Carrie, imitating Dick: Sure thing! I'll just cancel all my fancy dinner plans, drive all the way from Bludhaven, and pick up a shift I had requested to have off weeks ago. Anything for my amazing and precious batdad.
Bruce: Message received.
Tim: Night, Dad.
Bruce: Goodnight, Cullen.
Tim, to himself: You matched the butts. You donned the mask. You chose this.
Bruce: Hey, Jaylad—
Dick: ExCUSE ME?!?
Bruce: Sorry, Dick. Can you—
Dick: Sorry's not good enough anymore. Time to square up, old man.
Bruce: Here we go again.
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pinkcowzz · 6 months
dick had bruce as a partner. there was a mentorship there yes, but at the end of the day dick & bruce were a team.
jason had bruce as a father. bruce took him and made the extra effort. he actually adopted jay and stayed home when jason was sick.
tim had bruce as a liability.
tim went to bruce- bruce never found him. i just really love the idea that because of the difference in dynamic, tim is one of the few people who can shame bruce into compliance so easily.
dick and bruce will get into shouting matches that neither one of them walk away from being satisfied, bruce is an unmovable object and dick is an unstoppable force. when they meet, its not pretty and there is almost always collateral damage.
jason and bruce are like setting off two firecrackers next to each other when they fight. it's loud, it's bright, but it burns off fast. the anger and righteous fury is there one moment but then gone the next.
tim and bruce fight differently, because a lot of the time, tim understands where bruce is coming from. he saw bruce start on his path to self destruction and managed to get him to switch tracks. bruce was never the same after jason's death (what parent is after seeing their child die) but batman was able to correct himself. after stepping into the role of robin, tim understood. he too lost so many people he cared about because of the weight of the cape he wore.
and i think the first time that damian and bruce go head to head, dick may be the one who comforts damian and assures him of his place in the family, but tim is the one who goes to bruce. it's the first time bruce has ever seen tim this angry. tim is seething with a fury that would put the devil himself to shame. he is so angry that he is shaking and bruce can the restraint that tim is using to keep the discussion from becoming physical. tim tells bruce, or rather lectures him, in all the ways that he has fucked up with dick ('kicking him out, never officially adopting him, forcing him to go through with the spyral mission- you treat him as your partner when its convenient but the moment it's not he is your soldier again. its unfair bruce. he's more of a man, more of a father than you have ever been'), with jason ('do i even need to say it? actually, let me address it. you cannot see the forest past the trees. jason isn't who he was before he died. he never will be. same as you. he lost a lot more than his life when the joker blew him up. he lost his innocence, he lost his faith in you. i'm starting to think he may have been right') and with himself ('i love you bruce. i have always cared so deeply about you and your mission. it's why i came to dick in the first place. but this isn't about me.').
and bruce remembers why his relationship with tim is so different. tim trained overseas, tim got to patrol on his own as robin so much sooner than his other boys did. tim was largely unsupervised during his run with the young justice. tim had made up an entire fake uncle to keep his indepence. tim would never argue with bruce about himself in this way, but he would argue about- ('this is about damian. and i swear to god bruce. if you can't pull that stick out of your ass and find a way to apologize to damian that leaves him feeling properly taken care of. superman himself wouldn't be enough to save you from my wrath.')
and it's only later, after bruce does apologize to damian in a way that leaves dick speechless. when barbra happened upon the cave's security footage that she shares with dick who shares with steph who shares with jason that his family figures out just how fitting of a last name that drake is for tim.
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hypewinter · 1 year
At first he'd been overjoyed that the cloning had worked. Then, as the weeks went by, he realized just how messed up of a thing he had done. Tim still remembered the faces of everyone after he told them. There were mixes of shock, horror and disappointment. He'd been unable to face both Bruce and Clark for a while after that.
Now Tim sat in a rocking chair within the newly decorated nursery. He looked down at the baby in his lap, who returned his gaze with a blank one of his own.
He sighed as he turned to peer out the window. It was a full moon tonight. "They're mad at me, I know," he finally spoke. "I can't really blame them either. It wasn't fair to Conner. To his memory."
Tim turned to look at the baby once more. He stared into the baby's eyes. Those painfully familiar eyes that were at the same time new and foreign.
"It wasn't fair to you either."
Tim reached down and brushed a bang out of the baby's eyes. "But I swear I'm going to make it up," he continued. "Starting by giving you your own proper name."
Until now, that baby had been referred to as just that. Baby. If not that it was the clone, the child or Conner's clone. But now that Tim had firmly decided he was raising the baby, the kid needed a proper name.
"Hmm," Tim pondered. "What about.... Kevin?"
He received yet another blank look.
"Okay... how about Alex, Wes, Kyle? Timothy Jr?"
Blank stare.
"You could be Douglas. Doug for short."
At that the baby seemed to almost quirk up his eyebrow. As if to say, "Are you serious?" Though that was probably Tim's mind playing tricks on him.
"Yeah," he said with a soft chuckle. "I wasn't really feeling that one either."
Tim closed his eyes and tilted his head to the side. "Mark, Luke, Ezekiel, Thomas, Elijah..." Great, now he was just listing off Bible names.
"Daniel..." he muttered absently.
Suddenly, Tim heard a giggle. He looked back down at the baby to see him cooing softly.
"Wait, you like that? Daniel?"
The baby giggled again. This time reaching up towards Tim. Hesitantly, he raised his hand towards the child. He couldn't help the soft gasp that escaped him as the child grabbed onto his pointer finger.
"Ok, Daniel it is."
Except for something still didn't feel right. Tim leaned back and stared at the ceiling as his tried to pinpoint the feeling of wrongness. Then it hit him. He hated whenever people used his full name. It always felt stuffy and formal. It reminded him too much of disappointed looks. Of hands gripping his shoulders or pulling at his ears, telling him to behave.
"Say," he murmured. "Mind if I give you a nickname buddy? How about Dan?"
Daniel scrunched up his eyebrows. "Ok ok, you don't like that one. I get it. Then how about Danny?"
Daniel seemed to appreciate that nickname a whole lot more as him went back to cooing contently. Tim couldn't help as a smile of his own crept onto his face. "It's settled then," he grinned, holding his child up in the air. "Welcome to the family Danny Drake-Wayne!"
He then pulled Danny close into an embrace, closing his eyes as he took in the scent of baby powder and formula. "I promise, you'll have a better childhood than either I or Kon did. I'll make sure of it."
Edit: original prompt for anyone interested
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hyperblue · 11 months
okay listen
i need tim to be the softest dad possible
i need him to call his kid every pet name that's out there. i need tim to call his kid sunshine and darling and sweetheart and DUCKLING because you get it right?? because he's a drake and that's his little baby duck can't you see???
i need him to kiss his kid's forehead before bedtime without missing a single night. like no matter how tired he is, he might be only-running-on-his-fifth-cup-of-coffee-and-pure-spite type of exhausted but he WON'T leave his baby's side until he's completely sure they're fast asleep so he can tuck them safely and warm under the blanket that he bought for them IMMEDIATELY after they pointed at it ONCE at the store (it's a quilt blanket; it's blue; it has little golden stars on it)
i need him to work from home with his kid on his lap, talking to them softly, playing with their hair mindlessly. i need him to scoop them up in his arms every chance he gets 'cause they're growing so fast and they won't always be this tiny and one day he won't be able to hold them like this anymore; to hide them from the world on his chest
i need him to cry at his child's first steps, word. i need him to cry about being called "dad"
i need him to tell his kid that he loves them to the moon and back. to tell them that he won't let anything or anyone ever hurt them
i need him to say, "i will always be by your side"
"you can always rely on me"
"i will never leave you alone"
"are you okay, sweetheart? we can always leave if you want"
"you can't eat that, duckling, I'm sorry. you're allergic to peanuts remember?"
"just because I wasn't expecting you to be born does not mean that i love you any less, can you hear me?"
i just. i need him to be a soft dad. i know that he wouldn't be exactly like that realistically but a girl can have self-indulgent dreams sometimes
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Headcanon tiiiiime! In the comics it's confirmed he knows. In my Batfamily fanfic Bernard knows that Tim is Red Robin. Tim is happy to not keep this secret, but this is what would happen if one of his brothers discovered this. God I hope batman Wayne family adventures keeps them together. 💜
Nightwing (Dick Grayson) and Red Robin (Tim Drake) are stranded on the side of a deserted road, bruised and without their bikes.
Nightwing (frustrated): I can't believe they took our bikes! Damn it! The museum is 15 miles away and it's freezing cold!
Nightwing shivers, visibly aggravated. Red Robin looks around, appearing to wait for something.
Red Robin (calmly): Let's not panic. We just have to wait for a car to come.
Nightwing (skeptical): Be for real, it's midnight. No one sane is driving through here at this time of night.
Nightwing winces, readjusting his popped shoulder.
Nightwing: If we run—
Red Robin: Oh, he's here!
Nightwing: Who?
They spot headlights in the distance. Red Robin holds up his phone with the backlight on to signal the driver.
Nightwing: What are you doing?
Red Robin: Flagging him down so he can stop.
Nightwing pulls Red Robin’s arm down.
Nightwing: The guy could be a serial killer or something! We can walk.
Red Robin (confident): I think this guy is safe.
He holds his phone, waving it in the car's direction.
Nightwing: How do you know they’re a guy?
Red Robin shifts his eyes nervously.
Red Robin (faltering): Lucky guess.
A red lexus pulls up and stops beside them.
Nightwing (squints): Isn't this Bernard’s car?
Red Robin (lying): Oh my God, is it? I couldn't tell!
The front passenger window rolls down. Bernard Dowd, Tim's boyfriend, leans forward to see them.
Bernard: You need a ride?
Red Robin (enthusiastically): Yes! We do! Oh my gosh, what a coincidence! Can you drive us to the Gotham Museum, please?
Bernard: Uh, sure. I was headed in that direction anyway.
Red Robin: Wow! Nightwing, can you believe this?
Nightwing gives Red Robin a suspicious look.
Nightwing: I cannot. I'm doubtful you just happened to be driving around town at night, but that’s great. Thanks, stranger.
Nightwing gets into the backseat as Red Robin sits in the front with Bernard. Bernard turns on the heat and drives toward the Gotham Museum.
Red Robin nervously stares out the front window, while Nightwing watches his brother, having figured out what his brother was nervous about.
Nightwing (smirking): Thanks, stranger, for picking us up, but you sure are trusting to let two people you’ve never met into your car.
Red Robin: Actually, Bear and I have met before. A couple of times, actually.
Bernard's eyes shift to him, worried.
Bernard: Yup, that’s how he learned my name is Bernard and that I go by Bear.
Red Robin (frazzled): Yes! That’s why I said his name! I remembered his face, so he’s trustworthy.
Bernard (leaning to RR side): Yeah, and I can tell this is the real Robin. He still looks good in his suit. Been working out?
Red Robin (flustered): Well—I—you—thanks… stranger!
Nightwing (unamused): Mm-hm. Sure.
Nightwing leans back in his seat.
Nightwing: Well, thanks for conveniently being out at night and taking us to the museum.
Bernard, tense, nods.
Bernard: No problem.
Twenty-one minutes later, the red Lexus arrives at the Gotham Museum, where the Riddler plans to strike next.
Bernard: Well, this is your spot. Glad I could help you two heroes out.
Red Robin: We’re thankful too, especially that you were awake and out for a nightly drive.
Bernard (yawning): What can I say? I'm big on nighttime driving.
Nightwing (impatient): Yup, yup, yup. Get out of the car, Robin.
Nightwing steps out and closes the door. Red Robin hesitates.
Red Robin to Bernard: I just need a moment with him.
Nightwing opens the front door and yanks Red Robin out of the car.
Nightwing: Thanks, Bernard! Bye!
Bernard: Bye!
Bernard drives off, leaving Nightwing and Red Robin alone. Robin fidgets with his hands, while Nightwing taps his foot, arms crossed.
Nightwing: How long has he known?
Red Robin (relenting): He figured it out himself! Give me a break!
Nightwing shakes his head, rolling his eyes upset.
Nightwing: I'll keep this secret, but we are talking about this later.
Nightwing slaps Robin on the back of his head then walks toward the museum steps as Red Robin sighs.
Red Robin: Was it that obvious?
Nightwing: Yes! Mr. “I-can-tell-you're-Nightwing-because-of-your-eye-mask!”
Red Robin(frustrated): Oh man… let’s just get into the freaking museum already!
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- masterlist
disclaimer: these are collections of scenes that happen with one couple within their story / verse, not traditional chaptered fics. you can read them standalone or in whatever order you please. they're organized in chronological order here
and I will do the best I can, with the little that I know tim drake x reader x conner kent - please just stay with me tonight (and please don't let tomorrow come) - this shadow is not my shape anymore (and I fear it will swallow me whole)
bloody nose and a crooked tongue (I always wanted to be someone) tim drake x reader - my life does not belong to me (but these secrets are my own) - these hands may be bloody (but they're still mine and I'm still yours) - have I trapped you in this web of mine? (will you let me pull you out?) - I've let this wolf into my home (I feed it even when it bites) - like a watchdog at your door (like a veil over your heart) - there has never been enough of me (and I have nothing left to give) - this devotion of yours is misplaced (but this love, perhaps, is not)
carry me slowly, my sunlight (these colours, they fade for you only) damian wayne x reader - like a lamb led to slaughter (my heart held in your hands) - ask me about my sins (and I'll tell you about my love) - reach for me in the dark (and I will always take your hand) - coming soon - is this my soul, still? (is this my ghost, again?) - this goodness hurts (and I'm drowning in it)
comfort came against my will dick grayson x reader - there's nothing here for you (and there's nothing left of me) - I'll find you always (but I'd rather go alone) - nothing in my life is as easy as you (and nothing in my life is as hard) - you've been holding out on me (but I can't find a way to hold onto you) - it isn't always easy (but how lucky I am to be known) - remember me as small (I fear I've swallowed the sun whole)
damn your love, damn your lies roy harper x reader - we're strangers these days (but that has to be enough) - will you come when I call? (will you answer when I beg?) - is there a home here for me, still? (is it the heart inside your chest?)
hope here needs a humble hand platonic bruce wayne x reader, platonic batfamily x reader - it comes and it goes (but it always comes back) - the past is not dead (you buried it while it still breathed) - there's an anger in me (I think I learned it from you)
love is not designed for the cynical jason todd x reader - there is no home for me there (and no solace for me here) - I'm not me anymore (and maybe you're not you) - this pain is inevitable (it sleeps with me while you're elsewhere) - remember me, please (don't let me die a second time) - this may be my grief (but it's you who's made a mess of it) - do you know that I love you? (do you know that that you shouldn't?) - my love has no direction (and my anger is a vice)
let me wrap my teeth around the world poly marauders x reader - I don't know you anymore (maybe I never really did) - please forgive this fear of mine (it used to keep me safe) - there is love in me, I swear (tell me there's something in you, too) - Is there hope in us, still? (is there something worth believing in?) - you are not poison here (and you never really were)
absinthe makes the heart grow fonder rockstar au // poly marauders x reader - you said you'd stay with us (you swore you'd still be you)
this is how it feels to take a fall takami keigo x reader - are we human, still? (have we become something more?) - this sweet plague that follows me (this violence that I call my one)
you will know me, though I have no name kuroo tetsurou x reader x kozume kenma - may I build myself a home here? (may I please call you mine?)
your small hands in the palm of mine gojo satoru x reader x geto suguru - please save me from this light of mine (please stay with me in the dark)
but isn't bite also touch? simon riley x reader - I need an altar to pray to (I need a hand on my shoulder)
this lust is a burden that we both share din djarin x reader - this fear is a part of me (please don't take my hope away)
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two-sibyls-tall · 10 months
two-sibyls-tall official (dc) fic rec list:
these fics are all ones I have reread many times- therefore each fic rec has a short summary afterwards that I wrote based on which scenes I randomly remember and want to reread so future me can find it easier.
miss me? - Jason came back to Gotham and attempted to torment his old family with his presence. Three of them have been mourning him so much that they don't even realize he's not a hallucination.
successor - Tim finds out who the Red Hood is early, and accidentally solves the whole problem.
Obedience - When captured by the Mad Hatter, Tim is chipped and forced to comply with any order that he's given. The batfamily doesn't notice for over a month.
The Waynes, Damsels in Distress - Oh no. The Waynes keep getting kidnapped. Hopefully the Justice League will help, since Batman is an urban myth and all.
problem solver - Tim's been stuck in a time loop that resets at 1 am, so he's not particularly worried when he kills Damian at 12:59. Then the clock hits 1:01.
one step forward - Jason has slowly been reintegrating himself with the Bats. Unfortunately, Dick doesn't seem eager to forgive OR forget. Dick thinks that maybe his hallucinations of Jason are getting out of control.
In This or Any Other Universe - Dick Grayson travels to the Batman (2022) universe with just enough time to pull Bruce's reputation out of the dirt and catch a circus performance.
Baby Birds and Bat Caves - Tim Drake has found a way to the Batcave! The other tunnels that he passes with lazarus pits, forgotten gods, and concerning mushrooms are a fantastic backdrop for his new haunted radio show.
Call and Response - The Bird Call is a series of identifying whistles used by the Batfamily to check in without needing comms. The Bird Call is later used to bring a wayward Robin home.
Asimov’s Integral - Robot!Tim is NOT family- he’s only allowed in the Manor for as long as he helps fix Robot!Jason. Bruce keeps forgetting to tell him that’s no longer the case.
The Second Son - All the Waynes have been kidnapped in civvies. Oracle contacts the only vigilante in the city, Red Hood, to help them.
!! Shameless Self-Promotion Time !!
i've watched you so long, screamed your name - Timothy Jackson Drake was shot and killed at 8 years old. Six years later, he becomes Robin.
^^ This fic is one I wrote! From this fic you can go down two roads: The series 'my mind turns your life into folklore' focuses on Young Justice (yj98 from the comics, to be clear) and how they find family with a few supernatural perks. The series 'can't turn back now, i'm haunted' focuses on the Batfamily and their path to discovering that Tim is a ghost.
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strawbuddy-luv · 3 months
I think we need to pay more attention to BTAS!Tim.
Personally, Batman the animated series was my first legit introduction to batman, and by proxy the batfamily and Tim Drake. For me, BTAS Tim will always be my version of Tim, even though he was really just Jason in everything but name, sort of. However, I have come up with a solution, since main Canon Tim is also still my favorite batfam member.
I have mashed the two together
No hear me out ya'll-
Tim is like 4 or 5 when his parents get a divorce. His dad is broke as fuck without his suger mommy, and over the course of two-three years he ends up moving into Crime Alley. Meanwhile Janet Drake is still rich, living the high society Gotham life. This leaves Tim in the weirdest place possible. One week he's living up with the best of the best, eating high end meals and walking around in a suit more expensive than the average persons yearly cost of living, staying in an empty house cleaned top to bottom spot less. The next week he's crawling around in a garbage bin outside, looking for something half way edible, wearing a dubiously thrifted shirt and ripped up pants with more patches and holes in them that Gotham has rouges, sitting in a rat infested apartment with non-stop noise outside his window, dirt and grime practically melted into every surface imaginable.
Neither one of his parents cares enough about him to really fight for custody or even remember to trade Tim off consistently. People barley even know there was a divorce to begin with and neither wants to draw more attention to themselves. So Tim continues living like this, back and fourth, until one day when he's 10 and his mom just. Never picks him up again. Never gets seen in Gotham again. Disappears off the face of the earth. His dad tries to drop him off at the empty mansion his mom tried to pass off as a home a few times, but there's no food or water or anything and Tim can't live like that, alone, at the age of 10. Like Crime Alley was any better, but at least there he had his dad.
He dies
Robin dies
Tim's Robin
Nothing makes a lot of sense anymore
This AU is very important to me and has in fact become my go to version of Tim when writing anything for the batfamily. There's just so much potential
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novelizt · 11 months
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tim drake, draco malfoy, peter parker, gojo satoru, percy jackson, anthony lockwood
❗Unfinished prompts are subject to change. Fics with no hyperlinks are coming soon!
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📷 TRACK 1 : Welcome To New York
you start life at the big apple and unexpectedly meet a fortune teller who informs you of the name of your future husband. you try not to think too hard about it, but it's difficult. considering your boss has the same name as your future husband.
📷 TRACK 2 : Blank Space
you act like a devil to get your husband to divorce you. only to discover that pushing him away only makes him hold on tighter.
📷 TRACK 3 : Style
wayne enterprise heir x stark industries heiress
rivals in public, lovers in secret ; two heirs have an explicit arrangement because they can't risk their public image with anyone else.
📷 TRACK 4 : Out Of The Woods
you think you're hard to love, but he loves you like it's breathing.
📷 TRACK 5 : All You Had To Do Was Stay
you and draco meet again after he had ignored you years before. he wants to tell you why he'd left but he doesn't know how you'd react to him being a criminal.
📷 TRACK 6 : Shake It Off
it's embarrassing to know that the rumors about you reach other schools. one faithful day, gojo satoru gives you unsolicited advice about doing the shit you want because you'd get hate whether or not you'd do it anyway. a bottle of wine later, and you begin to think he's right.
📷 TRACK 7 : I Wish You Would
your long-time friendship with peter had gone sour. after years of trying to put you behind bars, peter tries to save you from kraven, but you're not sure if you can trust him anymore.
📷 TRACK 8 : Bad Blood
turning from childhood friends to enemies, and then learning to tolerate each other after the war is a storm waiting to happen. especially when he had tried to kill you and failed.
📷 TRACK 9 : Wildest Dreams
you and percy agree to only see each other for the summer but as august draws to a close, it gets harder and harder to untangle your fingers from his.
📷 TRACK 10 : How You Get The Girl
hitman! percy
percy is hired to kill an important man in singapore, not expecting to meet and fall for his target's daughter.
📷 TRACK 11 : This Love
you're back in town. as promised, lockwood welcomes you with open arms. the only difficulty was the fact that you kissed the last time you saw each other.
📷 TRACK 12 : I Know Places
marvel x pjo crossover ; daughter of athena! reader
peter's only trying to protect you but you're more scared of him than you are of the monsters coming after you.
📷 TRACK 13 : Clean
lockwood was cursed to be alone. you prove that your love can break curses.
📷 TRACK 14 : Wonderland
you and tim are thrown into wonderland by mad mod. the line between fantasy and reality blur; now, tim stares at you like he wishes you weren't enemies.
fantasy au!
you were a princess and you liked to dress in gold. one day, you're snatched by a dragon. come to find out that the dragon is a shape-shifting boy who thought you were a statue.
📷 TRACK 15 : You Are In Love
it's hard to find the right words to explain why you love tim.
📷 TRACK 16 : New Romantics
you recruit the daring anthony lockwood to stage a relationship that will rile up the press.
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📷 TRACK 17 : "SLUT!"
a publication comes out, announcing that your hero selves are dating. now, you and peter have to distance yourselves because one, mary jane watson—renowned journalist, has been suspecting you of having an alter ego.
lockwood is tasked with the important task of protecting a foreign princess, you. you discovered that you liked his boyish charms more than expected.
📷 TRACK 18 : Now That We Don't Talk
how bad can it be, to sleep with the enemy?
📷 TRACK 19 : Say Don't Go
fantasy au!
you are the heir to the throne, soon to be coronated. he is your loyal guard. when repressed feelings come bubbling to the surface, it's hard to keep away. except, he has to, because a prince should be standing next to you, not him.
📷 TRACK 20 : Suburban Legends
you became strangers when you thought you'd spend your whole lives together. one faithful day, peter gets sucked into an old polaroid picture, returning to the day it was taken; your 18th birthday.
📷 TRACK 21 : Is It Over Now?
you and peter agreed to stop whatever was happening between you two for his sake. it wasn't good to date your employer's daughter, after all. the task wasn't easy when you work at the same place.
📷 HIDDEN TRACK : Sweeter Than Fiction
a lot of people had a lot to say about peter when his identity was revealed. he revered how you stuck by his side through all of that, even if all you did was run a fan account.
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Feel free to message me if you want to be tagged in a certain fic 😊 I'm open to just squealing about our boys and/or Taylor Swift !!
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🦋 — @novelizt 2023
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snakeredbirdbatkatana · 7 months
How Tim Drake stole the show and lost millions for a good cause....... aka getting laid
Part 2
Kon didn't really expect this, to feel so powerful he's fucking Superboy after all but being with Tim watching the envy and just the pure power his boyfriend walks with it's hot and addictive.
The entire gala is practically watching. Tim's arm which is decorated by a Rolex that they picked up today which cost more than Kon has ever seen. It feels good like he deserves it and for now he feels like kryptonite couldn't even touch him.
"How you feeling baby, you look a little flustered." Tim's whispers in his ear voice dripping with sex.
"I'm good but I have to ask is this like you, I don't know how to explain but is this a show?" He feels a little ashamed asking like he is questioning how much Tim loves him but this doesn't seem like Rob.
"Kon, everytime I see you it takes every bit of training I have from bending you over. Right now I want to show all of Gotham who you belong to." He looks straight into his eyes licking his lips.
"I was a Drake before a Wayne this will always be where I belong I want you to know every bit of me. I don't know the cost of a bannana but I know that the woman standing across from us is wearing ten thousand dollar heels that are out of season. This is me and I'm proud of who I am, who you are." He can't help the smile that slips onto his face.
"I didn't mean anything by that I just needed to know this feels like a dream I feel like a queen and I just I love you sunshine I just needed to know." He shoots forward kissing Tim falling into his arms were he belongs.
It's feels like it last forever and not enough when Tim pulls away.
"Now as much as this is my gala and I would love to pull you into a closet and have my way with you My Air we need to go greet Bruce and my siblings so let's go."
Tim directs him over to where the entire batfamily stands looking like gods who are being disturbed by the lesser he especially sees Batman looking him up and down with what seems like disgust.
He wants to hide but he remembers he's on Tim's arm and nothing can happen to him when he's with Tim.
"It's amazing gala don't you think Bruce I decided to come a bit later than expected I was distracted had to pick a couple things up." Tim's voice drips with something he can't name.
He sees Jason and Damian also looking at him something in their eyes that makes Kon want to cry beg for his place as if they are kings and he's just the pathetic peasant asking for scraps. It sends a rush of anger and he does something that he hopes doesn't cause Sunshine to kill him.
"Daddy, You think we could go grab something I'm starving, we barley ate this morning you wouldn't let me out of bed." Giggling as he kisses the side of Tim's neck.
He looks straight at Bruce his face frozen the other bats not much better but Rob catches his attention eyes burning his voice comes out commanding.
"Of course Bruce I have more important matters to attend to good night see you at home." The arm that he somehow forgot for a moment wraps tightly around him leading over to the food and far away from judgemently Bats who seem to hate him.
Bruce thinks he should have just never gotten up today not only is his child causing him a migraine. He just heard said sons boyfriend call him a word that he can never hear again. Nevermind the recount of a sex act that he wishes he could bleach from his brain. Luckily his second oldest is always willing to distract him in his own twisted way.
"Am I the only one who feels like they are missing something, I know I tend to piss of Baby Bird but he seemed more high strung than usual." Jason mutters eyes calculating.
Dick doesn't hesitant to also insert himself of course giggling like a school girl.
"Oh you sweet summer children you at a Gala with Tim Drake and I love my baby brother but he's much like his name sake. He has a fair maiden and a love of precious gems this is Tim." Tone changing to an almost growl.
"You all looked at Kon like he wasn't worth anything and to Tim that's the one thing he loves more than anything you pissed off the dragon now I will be going to make my amends for not being more welcoming have fun." He throws over his shoulder making a beeline to Tim.
Bruce really wants a god damn drink.
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second-arcas · 3 months
Looking for this one fic that I read a while back and can't find anymore :')
It's a batman/young justice fic where tim, kon, cassie, and bart start a band after tim went to therapy and they suggested he try to express his emotions through music? They used really bad disguises (I remember kon literally just wearing sunglasses lmao) and they got really famous? Tim went by Drake or Dragon or smth like that? Also Jason got really into the band and got so annoyed when he found it it was tim all along and he never told him lol
If anyone knows the name of the fic lmk!!!! I'll keep searching and let y'all know if its found
Update: it's been found! The Dragon's Keep(ing Us Sane) by Itslivybear
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stillebesat · 2 years
You know how Tim made up an Uncle and hired an actor to play Him to prevent Bruce from adopting Tim?
Like...what if he just went to a Rest Home/Assisted Living/Home Care place instead and found a Grandparent aged adult to be his Grandma/pa? Especially if said person has Alizhmers and so doesn't realize that Tim isn't their actual family member. He just wanders around until someone calls out to him like they know who he is. Where they think he's their son or grandson and after a few test runs of them constantly thinking he's related to them, he just runs with it.
It's not like the courts will care. If he can fake an Uncle he can definitely fake a relationship to Grandma Edna, (married 6 and a half times so she tells the staff with pride) and Tim's like "Oh yes she's the first wife of Grandpa Drake but we don't talk about their explosive marriage." (Grandma Edna ran with the mob after all. Did those nasty heists) and Grandpa Drake divorced her lickety split once he found out (hence why no one remembers she was a Drake -because she never was-) because she wasn't on the up and up and Grandpa Drake married Grandma Drake soon after for the status and Grandma Drake was the mother of Jack Drake, his father. But Edna's still family you know and Tim can visit without reprecussions now since he's the last Drake. Which is great. Tim is happy. Grandma Edna is happy to see (name changes every time she sees him) and it's all going great!
.... Until Jason catches on.
Until Jason visits the facility where Grandma Edna is while Tim is there.
Until Grandma Edna is like "Oh Mitchy! Look your father is here. Preston dear. You need to bond with your son! Here's some money *pulls out a wad of cash and a switch blade from behind her oxygen tank* He's been missing you something fierce. Go to a ball game okay? Oh! And Stab the umpire for me. He still owes me for the 86th. You tell him that. He'll know what I mean. And buy a chilli dog! Alex is far too skinny! You need to feed him more Victor." And Tim just....has to go along with it.
Because he can't be exposed. He's had Grandma Edna for a year and a half year now and doesn't want to lose her too.
Now if only he can convince Jason that Tim pretending to be Edna's grandson is much better than Bruce having to adopt him out of obligation. He's not Bruce's son after all. Not family. That's for Jason. "See Jason it's fine. I'm not replacing you like this. I have my own family. It's well...it's fake. But she doesn't realize and that's fine. You don't even have to take me anywhere! She won't remember once you leave, just leave. I'll be fine. It's all fi--why in the world are you buying me a chilli dog!?"
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aingeal98 · 30 days
"She should be 23 now in canon" wasnt she aged down at the start of the reboot to about 15,16? Has it been that many years in universe?
Yeah during the new 52 she was aged down but during that period Tim was a guy who's real name wasn't actually Tim Drake and during rebirth they kind of... Got rid of that and softly rebooted him back to being actual Tim Drake. So technically even though there was no in universe explanation for it that I can remember, if he's the real Tim again I see no reason why Steph and Cass can't be the same. Especially with that one event that made everyone remember their past selves which was DCs excuse to make the old continuity canon again.
Tldr I'm going by the pre boot timeline where she's 9 years older than Damian, who's 14 now. DC says everything is canon so whether she's two years older than Tim or one year younger than him (🤢) is up to fans. And even if she is a year younger, she should still be 20 now given the 7 year age gap between Tim and Damian. We can even push her down to 18 seeing how Damian aged during N52 but Tim stayed the same. Either way she's definitely an adult.
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damianwayne0 · 9 months
Minecraft || (5)
(part 5)
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 |part 6
Dick : can we eat before going? My hunger is at 2 . *Stomach growling*
Jason, rolling his eyes: yeah sure I guess. Come with me .
Damian: is there any vegetarian option?
Tim: seriously ?
Damian: no one asked you anything, idiot.
After eating:
Dick, burping while holding his stomach: I don't think I can move now.
Damian: And it's already night. Also Grayson stop burping near my face *disgusted*
Jason: yeah- *gets hit* what the- *looks down to see a baby zombie* *screams like a girl*
Dick , gets scared hearing Jason scream: What happened? * Sees Jason running away*
Tim : Can't you see the zombie running behind Jason?
Damian, who ran behind the zombie with his diamond sharpness 5 enchanted sword: Todd stop running! If you stop he will stop too!
Jason : mother fucker I can't risk it!!
Dick : Jason just fucking stoppp!
Tim, mutters underneath his breath : I hate this.*sigh*
One zombie baby dieing later :
Jason, panting : what the fuck just happened?
Dick : i also don't know.
Tim : wow Jason I can't believe you got scared because of a baby zombie * laughing*
Jason: Shut up replacement!
Tim : 🙄
Damian: why don't you give us a tour Todd?
Dick , agreeing: yeah, he is right.
Tim: I am also curious.
Jason: yeah , fine come with me .* Sighs*
The three boys then follow their brother. As Jason takes them to show his farm first . When they reach the farm. They see 10 traders captive and 10 lamas.
Dick , goes closer to see the tags on the lamas: who , are, you *name of the first three lamas*
Damian : Joe MaMa ? * reads the last two lamas.
At that point Tim was rolling on the floor while holding his stomach.
Jason: ..... .... .... Let's go somewhere else!.
Damian : yeah whats so ever.
After getting the tour, they sleep. The next day:
Dick , gaging: Eww little wing your morning breath smells ew
Damian , remembering last night : you probably didn't smell drakes fart than if you think todds breath is bad.
Tim, rolling his eyes : shut up gremlin!
Jason: enough! Let's just go ! You guys are making me want to die again. *sighs*
After reaching Y/n s house:
Jason : is that her house?
Damian: yeah.
Dick: woah so big!
Tim : did she made it herself?
Damian: yeah. I made the first floor only but she made the rest .
Jason, pointing : look there is a notice broad.
Tim: go then what are you waiting for? *Steps forward* * falls into a cave*
Jason, feed up: you deserve to be there .
Tim, from the cave : heyyyy! Get me out! I don't have any tools!!
Damian,face palming: * throws him a wooden piaxe*
Jason, to Tim : we are going forward replacement come fast!
Dick : I won't be available here . I am going to Tim's house. * Reading the broad*
Tim, who came from the cave with like 7 arrows says : what? Seriously? All that hard work for nothing!?
Jason , laughing: even Minecraft doesn't want you to be happy.
Damian, regretting his life decisions: why did I even come with y'all ? I better off mining my ass off .
Dick , tired : let's go to Tim's house again I guess?
Jason: 😂👍
Tim :🥹👍
Notes • I hope you liked this and English isn't my first language so please ignore the mistakes and don't forget to like ^⁠_⁠^✨ .part 6 (last part) will come soon .
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bluejaysandblackbats · 6 months
Phantom Grin
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: Bruce Wayne visits his son's grave on the night of his resurrection. Will it change Jason's fate, or is it all simply inevitable?
Chapters: 2/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth, Barbara Gordon, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain
Relationship(s): Jason Todd/Original Character
Additional Tags: Canon Divergent AU, Jason Todd Has Chronic Pain, Jason Todd is Disabled, Barbara Gordon is Oracle, Resurrected Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Communicating, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne Get Along
Chapter Two: Tresses
Jason struggled wordlessly as the hospital's nurses tried to restrain him. He felt weak and dizzy, but he had to escape. "Let him go! Let him go! I've got him!" Bruce hollered, "It's okay." He grabbed Jason by the shoulders, and Jason sat still, hyperventilating as tears fell from his eyes. "Look at me. It's alright. I know this is scary, and I know you don't know where you are, but I need you to stop fighting them." Jason couldn't remember anything or anyone, but he knew that Bruce was safe. Jason lay back down and let the nurses put the soft restraints on. Dick stood a ways back, watching. Bruce let Jason hold onto his fingers. "Bruce," Dick whispered. Bruce pushed Jason's curls out of his face. "Bruce," Dick raised his voice. "What?" Bruce snapped. "He's awake? He's really awake," Dick whispered. Jason looked around the room and back at Bruce. "It's gonna be alright," Bruce whispered while a nurse gave Jason a sedative. "You're gonna go to sleep, but I'll be here when you wake up... I'm not going anywhere." Jason sank into the bed and relaxed. Bruce pulled Jason's blankets back up, and he took a deep breath. Bruce waited until the nurses were gone to speak to Dick. "Why don't I feel at ease?" Bruce asked. "Because it's real... He's really awake," Dick mumbled, "I'm gonna try to find him something to wear. I don't think he's gonna fit any of his old stuff." Bruce grabbed Dick's wrist. "Can you bring me something from Jason's room?" Bruce asked. Dick nodded, and Bruce whispered the words in his ear.
Dick nodded, and he was gone. Jason lay fast asleep for hours, and Bruce sat up, keeping watch. Tim came in through the window in his Robin costume. "He woke up... Jason woke up?" Tim asked. Bruce nodded. "You shouldn't—." "I know, I'm just here to drop off a gift. I've been carrying it around with me just in case Jason woke up... And he did. You gonna tell him?" Tim asked as he sat in the window. "I don't even know how much he understands... But I'll tell him when the time comes," Bruce whispered. Tim looked at Jason and cocked his head. "What?" "His hair... You can't even tell he's got a scar anymore," Tim whispered. Bruce tensed. "Sorry... I'll go—." "No, it's alright... I didn't want his hair cut while he was still-. I mean, I'll probably have it cut if that's what he wants," Bruce mumbled, "You know, I'm not gonna take this from you." "It's not up to you, B, but thanks," Tim replied before leaving out the window. Bruce frowned. Bruce sat with Jason in silence until the sun came up, and Jason woke up again. He tried to move his arms in the restraints, and he whimpered. "No, no, it's okay. It's alright," Bruce reassured him, "Here, you want me to let you loose?" Jason's breathing was quick and shallow as he started to cry. Jason looked at Bruce, and he wanted to speak, but he couldn't find words. He couldn't remember names or how he got there, but Jason could remember one thing, he hated being restrained. Bruce unbound one of Jason's hands, and as soon as his hand was free, he reached for his IV, and Bruce grabbed his hand. "No," Bruce whispered. Jason made a noise before seeing the stern look on Bruce's face. "No... I'm gonna let you out of the other one, and I'm gonna ask you a few questions. I know you're confused, so you can nod, yes or shake your head, no," Bruce explained. Jason lay back and closed his eyes while Bruce let his other arm loose. Silence fell between the two, and Jason stared at Bruce. "Do you know my name?" Jason shook his head. "Do you wanna see if the doctor will let me take you out for a little walk today when Dick gets back with your clothes?" Bruce asked. Jason didn't answer. "Do you remember your name?" Jason shook his head, and he reached for Bruce's hand. Bruce took it in his. Dick knocked on the door and entered the room. "Hey, good morning, Jason," Dick smiled. It was strange seeing Jason sitting up and looking around. Even stranger seeing his long wild curls and his big blue eyes curiously searching around the room. It was as if Jason was lost. Dick pulled a sweater out of a plastic bag. "See, I got you a few things to wear." Jason let go of Bruce's hand before he pointed to his IV. Dick nodded. "I'll wait and see if the doctors take them out... But if you're okay today, they should let you..." Bruce whispered Dick's name to Jason, and Jason nodded. Jason touched Dick's hand, and Dick let go of the sweater and shook Jason's hand. Jason didn't let go. Dick smiled uncomfortably, and Jason let go. "Do you want to see yourself?" Dick asked as he pulled out a mirror, and Jason caught a glimpse of himself. He pulled at his curls. They bounced back when he let go. "Yeah, your hair's gotten pretty long. You want it cut?" Jason shook his head. One of the nurses came in to check Jason's vitals, and he kept his eyes trained on Bruce, who had since grabbed his hand again. "Hi, Jason... I'm Nurse Mallory," she introduced herself. Jason wouldn't look at her. "Jason, can you say my name." Jason made the sound for the first letter of her name, but he couldn't push himself farther than that. Jason frowned. "That's okay." Bruce squeezed Jason's hand, and Dick made a soft noise. She asked a few other questions and gave a few commands. Jason grew agitated and shut his eyes. He wanted to tell her to stop asking him to do things. Jason just wanted to be with his people, Bruce and Dick. He didn't know them, but he knew Dick was kind and that Bruce was... safe.
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bruciemilf · 2 years
oh that's ok but batkids reacting to bruce getting hurt in general?
It's such a bizarre feeling for all of them; They all bear marks. Not one bat is without scars; You'd be more of an anomaly if you weren't hurting than if you were.
Jason has his autopsy scars. Dick has calloused hands from all those years of jumping, or deeper memories carved deep in him from his Robin days. Damian carries traces of training where someone his age shouldn't.
They all know; No one with the Wayne name is a stranger to pain.
But Bruce; Bruce has more than all of them. They know, because mending and healing wounds is a family tradition, just as tracing them when snuggling up on a huge bed is.
But they can't conjure a moment in time when Bruce's were fresh. They're all healed and pink and more memory than guests. And it's not as often as them.
It's Tim who figures it out. Those eyes were designed for detail. " You didn't think he took all those vacations to actually relax, right?"
" Bruce's idea of relaxation would send someone in a psych word, so no. So all this time, he went away to...Heal?"
" Something like that. I don't think he'll be successful with this one, thought."
Not even Bruce can walk off a coma.
It wasn't supposed to be that explosive. Bane's twisted little bombs had 5 minutes left on them when Barb checked, and they were supposed to get the hostage to safety on time, and Tim wasn't supposed to miscalculate--
" Your self-employed guilt is no help to anyone, Drake." In Damian language, this passes as It wasn't your fault, so Tim knows him, and knows better, than to put it to heart.
Dick wants the graveyard and sunrise shift, but Jason shuts that down, set in his way. Either they all look after Bruce, or none of them do.
They take turns.
Jason sits by Bruce's bed side with his feet planted deep in the carpet. Shoulders squared, posture ready and stiff for any incoming danger, gun safety off and bullets still hot in their holder. A hell hound made man.
" You're not doing it right."
Tim shoots a dagger of annoyance with his eyes alone, because he hasn't slept in hours, because he's trying to track Bane down, because he needs to send that bastard packing straight to Arkham's smallest cell.
All while maintaining some degree of calm as he tries to change Bruce's bandages, " I'm a genius, not a nurse."
" Maybe if you actually watched Grey's Anatomy like the rest of us normal people, --"
" Just because it helped Bruce get through med school--"
" If you're a selective genius, just say that."
" I'd rather be a part time genius than a full time idiot--"
" Dick!" Jason calls, but, Tim privately thinks he's hoping Bruce would answer, " Timberly's mean to me again!"
" Am not!"
" If you guys don't stop I'll tell B!"
Because he will wake up; He has to. Before Batman, there was Bruce Wayne, and if there's one dog to bet on in Gotham City, it's him.
Cass makes sure Bruce has clean sheets. That his burns are medicated and tamed and watches very closely for any sign of discomfort. Bruce winces at the small cotton ball of alcohol and there's a collective breath of relief.
Alfred makes sure they have sleep. That Jason won't wayward his way into a battle he'll regret and take Damian with him. That Dick actually has some sleep. That Duke and Cass are updated on patrol.
They're fearful. Every breath they take are like small stones stacked up on top, waiting to drop to the core of their bellies as a week passes and there's no sign of Bruce even flinching anymore.
Of course, when he does, -- because he always does, -- it's when they bicker. Tim can't remember who started it. He said something, and then Damian tossed a snarky comment because he's mean when he's scared, and --
" Can you be nice to eachother for 10 minutes?"
They all jump on him; He hisses, every numb nerve in his muscles buzzing back to life, but he's being squeezed and embraced and hugged in the ground by his kids, so it's not the worst fate in the world.
" Did I miss something?"
" Jason crushed the Batmobile."
" TIM!"
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